// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Telnet Protocol API
// CTelnetSession implementation
#include "TELDEBUG.H"
#include "TELSESS.H"
#include "TELRESOL.H"
#include "IOBUFFER.H"
#include "TELCTRL.H"
#include "TELFSM.H"
// CTelnetSession implementation
/** Destructor. */
delete iTelnetProtocol;
// DEBUG Close
__FLOG_STATIC(KTelnetLoggingCompnt(),KTelnetLoggingTag(),_L("CTelnetSession D'Tor"));
EXPORT_C CTelnetSession* CTelnetSession::NewL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,const MTelnetNotification* aNotifier)
/** Allocates and constructs a new telnet session object.
* @param aConfig The TTelnetConfig object to use. The client should derive from
* the TTelnetConfig class and pass this pointer into NewL().
* @param aNotifier The MTelnetNotification object to use. The client should derive from
* the MTelnetNotification class and pass this pointer into NewL().
* @return The newly created telnet session.
CTelnetSession* self=new (ELeave) CTelnetSession();
return self;
EXPORT_C void CTelnetSession::ConstructL(const TTelnetConfig& aConfig,const MTelnetNotification* aNotifier)
/** Second-phase protected constructor, called by NewL().
* @see CTelnetSession::NewL()
iNotifier = CONST_CAST(MTelnetNotification*, aNotifier);
iTelnetProtocol = CTelnetControl::NewL(aConfig,iNotifier);
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Connect(const TInetAddr& aNetAddr)
/** Initiates connection to the specified IP address on the standard telnet port (port 23).
* The client is asynchronously notified of successful connection by the MTelnetNotification::Connected() function.
* @param aNetAddr The IP address to which connection is to be made.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrInUse, if already connected or if an attempt to connect is already in progress.
TBuf<20> aBuf;
return (iTelnetProtocol->Connect(aNetAddr, 23));
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Connect(const TInetAddr& aNetAddr, TUint aPort)
/** Initiates connection to the specified IP address and telnet port.
* The client is asynchronously notified of successful connection by the MTelnetNotification::Connected()
* function.
* @param aNetAddr The address to which connection is to be made.
* @param aPort The port through which connection is to be made.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrInUse, if already connected or if an attempt to connect is already in progress.
TBuf<20> aBuf;
return (iTelnetProtocol->Connect(aNetAddr, aPort));
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Connect(const TDesC& aServerName)
/** Connects to the specified server on the standard telnet port (port 23).
* The client is asynchronously notified of successful connection by the
* MTelnetNotification::Connected() function.
* @param aServerName The hostname of the server to which connection is to be made.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrInUse, if already connected or an attempt to connect is already in progress.
return (iTelnetProtocol->Connect(aServerName, 23));
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Connect(const TDesC& aServerName, TUint aPort)
/** Connects to the specified server on the specified port.
* The client is asynchronously notified of successful connection by the MTelnetNotification::Connected()
* function.
* @param aServerName The hostname of the server to which connection is to be made.
* @param aPort The port through which connection is to be made.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrInUse, if already connected or if an attempt to connect is already in progress.
return (iTelnetProtocol->Connect(aServerName, aPort));
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Disconnect()
/** Requests disconnection from the server.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful; this will be followed by a Disconnected() notification
* if the client previously received a Connected() notification
* @li KErrServerBusy, if the socket is in a connecting state; in this case the client will
* not receive a ConnectionClosed() notification
@li KErrDisconnected, if already already disconnecting.
// Send Disconnect request to Server.
return iTelnetProtocol->Disconnect();
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Write(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
/** Writes a byte stream over the open telnet connection to the telnet server.
* The client is notified asynchronously by the:
* @li MTelnetNotification::WriteComplete() function, if the write is successful
* @li MTelnetNotification::Error() function, if the write is not successful.
* @param aBuffer The data to write.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrOverflow, if a write buffer overflow occurred
* @li KErrGeneral, if an invalid control code was issued
* @li KErrDisconnected, if disconnected
* @li KErrNotSupported, when in binary mode.
return (iTelnetProtocol->Write(aBuffer));
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Write(TTelnetUserControl& aControlCode)
/** Writes telnet-defined code over the open telnet connection to the telnet server.
* The client is asynchronously notified by the:
* @li MTelnetNotification::WriteComplete() function, if the write is successful
* @li MTelnetNotification::Error() function, if the write is not successful.
* @param aControlCode The telnet control code to write. See TTelnetUserControl enum.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrOverflow, if a write buffer overflow occurred
* @li KErrGeneral, if an invalid control code was issued
* @li KErrDisconnected, if disconnected
* @li KErrNotSupported, when in binary mode.
// Should return eg KErrNotSupported? when in Binary_Mode
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::Read()
/** Reads the data received over the telnet buffer.
* The client is asynchronously notified by the:*
* @li MTelnetNotification::ReadComplete() function, if the read is successful*
* @li MTelnetNotification::Error() function, if the read is not successful.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrDisconnected, if disconnected.
return (iTelnetProtocol->Read());
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::DoForceLogout()
/** Forces a logout from the server.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrDisconnected, if disconnected.
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::DoModifyConfig(TTelnetConfig& aConfig)
/** Sets the telnet connection configuration.
* If any options change status as a result, the client is notified through an OptionsChanged() call.
* @param aConfig Telnet connection configuration.
* @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise, one of the system wide error codes.
EXPORT_C TInt CTelnetSession::OptionStatus(TOptionStatus& aStatus)
/** Gets the status of the supported RFC-defined options.
* See TOptionStatus for a description of options.
* @param aStatus On return, the status of the RFC-defined options.
* @return @li KErrNone, if successful
* @li KErrDisconnected, if disconnected.
EXPORT_C void ClientStubOrdinal1()
_LIT(KStubPanic, "TelSess.dll Stub");
User::Panic(KStubPanic, KErrNotSupported);