// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32std.h>
#include <s32stor.h>
#include <f32file.h>
// forward declarations
class CWbxmlToken;
class MWbxmlConverterObserver;
class CByteList;
class CCnvCharacterSetConverter;
// consts, defines, enums
_LIT8(KWbXmlVersion10,"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdStartWml,"<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdStartSi,"<!DOCTYPE si PUBLIC \"");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdStartSl,"<!DOCTYPE sl PUBLIC \"");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdEnd11,"\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.1.xml\">");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdEnd12,"\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.2.xml\">");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdEndSI10,"\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/si.dtd\">");
_LIT8(KWbPublicIdEndSL10,"\" \"http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/sl.dtd\">");
_LIT8(KWbSpace," ");
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdIndex = 0;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdUnknown = 1;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdWml10 = 2;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdWta10 = 3;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdWml11 = 4;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdSI = 5;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdSL = 6;
const TInt8 KWbxmlIdWml12 = 9;
// Entity translation literals
_LIT8(KEntityNbsp," ");
const TUint16 KWbxmlSkipLiteralEndTagMagicToken = 0xac1d;
// CWbxmlConverter
class RFileReadStream;
class CWbxmlConverter : public CBase
public: // Methods
// NOTE: input data really is 8bit bytecode
IMPORT_C static CWbxmlConverter* NewL(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver);
IMPORT_C static CWbxmlConverter* NewLC(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver);
IMPORT_C static CWbxmlConverter* NewL(RFs& aFs, MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver, const TDesC* aCharacterEncoding);
IMPORT_C void ProcessDataL(HBufC8& aBuffer);
IMPORT_C void CommitL();
private: // Emumerations
enum TGotoState
EGotoStreaming = 1,
enum TConvertState
EConvertError = 1,
private: // Methods
CWbxmlConverter(RFs& aFs);
void ConstructL(MWbxmlConverterObserver* aObserver, const TDesC* aCharacterEncoding);
void HandleDataL();
void SetNextStateL(const TInt aResult, const TConvertState aState);
TInt ConvertWbxmlVersionL();
TInt ConvertPublicIdValueL(); // Extract PublicId
TInt ConvertPublicIdNameL(); // Report PublicId
TInt ConvertCharsetL();
TInt ConvertStringTableL();
TInt ConvertDataL();
TInt ConvertDataStreamingL();
TInt ConvertDataStringL();
TInt ConvertOpaqueDataL();
HBufC16* FormatDateStringL(TDesC8& aData);
TInt OpenTokenFileL(HBufC& aFileName);
void ReadTokenFileL(RFileReadStream& aStream, HBufC8& aBuffer);
TInt LoadTokensL(HBufC* aBuffer);
TInt ExtractMultiByte(TUint32* aMultiByte, TInt aSkipHeader);
void Indent(const TInt aCount) const;
void FinishStringL();
HBufC16* CharsetConvertDataL(TDesC8& aData);
// Gets the full path to wmlc token table. Input aTokenFilePath is the path, without the drive.
// In:
// aTokenFilePath - the path to the token table file.
// Rtn: the full path to the token table file. Ownership is transfered to caller.
HBufC* FindTokenFileL(const TDesC& aTokenFilePath) const;
// Replaces characters originating from chracter entity references with the reference string
// For example chracter '&' will be "decoded" back to "&"
// In:
// aString - The original string containing the undedcoded characters.
// This string can get ReAllocated during the process - DO NOT USE THIS POINTER
// AFTER THE CALL to this method. (use the returned one instead...)
// Return:
// HBufC* - Pointer to the string with replaced stuff
HBufC* ReplaceCharacterEntitiesL(HBufC* aString);
// MWbxmlConverterObserver interface overloads
void OutputL(const TUint32 aSource) const;
TBool OutputCheckQuoteL(HBufC8& aSource) const;
// Helper method to optimise the OutputL oveloads
void BufferAndOutputL(const TDesC8& aSource) const;
// Must exist for Binary Compatibility
IMPORT_C virtual void CWbxmlConverter_Reserved1();
private: // Attributes
// For binary compatibility
TAny* CWbxmlConverter_Reserved;
// Attributes
// Note: conversion table from disk ie. you can change it at runtime
CArrayPtrFlat<CWbxmlToken>* iTagArray;
CArrayPtrFlat<CWbxmlToken>* iAttArray;
MWbxmlConverterObserver* iObserver;
TUint8 iWbxmlVersion;
TUint32 iWbxmlCharset;
TUint32 iPublicId;
TUint32 iPublicIdIndex;
// Note: must handle source as 8bit data even in Unicode compile!
CByteList* iByteList;
HBufC8* iStringTable;
HBufC8* iPublicIdStr;
RFs& iFs;
TInt iState;
TUint32 iContinue;
TUint8 iVariable;
TUint8 hasAttrs;
TUint8 hasContent;
TInt iTagIndex;
CArrayFixFlat<TUint16>* iTagStack;
TBool iRestrictedOutput;
enum TParsing
EParseNot = 0,
TParsing iParsing;
TBool iOpenQuote;
mutable HBufC8* iOutputBuffer; // Buffered output buffer : Optimisation
CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iCharsetConverter;
#ifdef __OUTPUT_WMLC
RFile iWmlcFile; // Debug stuff
RFs iWmlcFs; // Debug stuff
#endif // __WBCONVERTER_H
// End of file