// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Purpose: Definition of CUrl class - Url processor based on RFC2396.
// CUrl encapsulates a url and provides access to its components. On creation, the contents of
// the url is in unescaped mode - excluded characters (as defined by RFC2396) have not been coded into their
// escape triples. Two NewL() functions are provided. The first takes any descriptor and encapsulates it into
// the CUrl object, and leaves if the the url begins with a ':' (EWapErrCorruptUrl) or if the scheme is
// corrupted (EWapErrCorruptScheme). The second NewL() creates a url with a file scheme (file://) from a
// TParseBase argument, and will leave if the url is invalid (EWapErrCorruptUrl). Two static functions have
// been provided that each take a descriptor argument which is then escape encoded/decoded.
// NOTE - maintainer needs detailed knowledge of url parsing (RFC2396)
// System includes
#include <Utf.h>
// CUrl class signature
#include "urlbase.h"
// Static data used in this class
const TInt KCUrlInvalidCharPos = -1;
const TInt KUrlConversionBufferSize = 50;
// Constants
_LIT(KHexDigit, "0123456789ABCDEF");
_LIT(KUnwiseData, "{}|\\^[]\'");
_LIT(KDelimsData, "<>#%\"");
_LIT(KReservedData, ";/?:@&=+$,");
_LIT(KReservedDataForPath, ";?@&=+$,");
// Delimiters and scheme identifiers for urls
// Implementation of CUrl
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::NewL(const TDesC& aUrl)
// Static factory c'tor.
CUrl* url = new(ELeave) CUrl();
return url;
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::NewL(const TParseBase& aFileName)
// Static factory c'tor. Used for creating CUrl object for a file on local file system
CUrl* url = new(ELeave) CUrl();
return url;
// Default c'tor
EXPORT_C CUrl::~CUrl()
// D'tor
delete iUrlDes;
void CUrl::ConstructL(const TDesC& aUrl)
// Non-trivial c'tor - can be used for all general urls
// Stripe any leading whitespace
TPtrC url = aUrl;
while( url.Locate(' ') == 0 )
// Remove the leading whitespace -> set pointer to second character
iUrlDes = url.AllocL();
// Check to see if there's ':' at start of aUrl
TInt colonPos = aUrl.Locate(':');
if (colonPos == 0)
TPtrC scheme(Component(EUrlScheme));
void CUrl::CheckSchemeValidL(const TDesC& aScheme) const
{ // Check the scheme, leave if corrupt
for (TInt i=0; i < aScheme.Length(); i++)
TChar c = aScheme[i];
TBool ok = (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c <='Z');
if (!ok && i > 0)
ok = (c>='0' && c<='9') || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.';
if (!ok)
void CUrl::ConstructL(const TParseBase& aFileName)
// Non-trivial c'tor - used to create Urls for local file space only. NO scheme in aFileName
if( aFileName.IsWild() )
// Convert Unicode file name into UTF8 format
HBufC8* utf8 = ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(aFileName.FullName());
// Convert to 16-bit format
HBufC* escapedFullPath = HBufC::NewLC(utf8->Length());
// Need to escape encode all the components - start with filename, then path and last the drive
TPtr fullPath = escapedFullPath->Des();
if ( fullPath.Compare(KNullDesC) )
// Convert '\' to '/' then escape encode with EUrlPath - this doesn't encode '/' and ':'
for (TInt i=0; i<fullPath.Length(); ++i)
if (fullPath[i] == KPathDelimiter)
fullPath[i] = '/';
escapedFullPath = EscapeEncodeL(fullPath, EUrlPath);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // escapedFullPath (old version)
CleanupStack::PushL(escapedFullPath); // new version
// Replace ':' with '|'
TInt colonPos = fullPath.Locate(KDriveDelimiter);
if( colonPos != KErrNotFound )
fullPath[colonPos] = '|';
// Form the url
TInt size = KUrlFileSchemeSignature().Length() + KUrlPathDelimiter().Length() + fullPath.Length();
iUrlDes = HBufC::NewL(size);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // escapedFullPath, utf8
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::ResolveL(CUrl& aBaseUrl, CUrl& aRelativeUrl)
// Based on the relative parsing algorithm in RFC2396
// Return copy of aRelativeUrl if aBaseUrl is empty
if (aBaseUrl.UrlDes().Compare(KNullDesC)==0)
return aRelativeUrl.AllocL();
TPtrC relativeUrl(aRelativeUrl.UrlDes());
TPtrC relPath(aRelativeUrl.Component(EUrlPath));
TPtrC relAuth(aRelativeUrl.Component(EUrlAuthority));
TPtrC relScheme(aRelativeUrl.Component(EUrlScheme));
TPtrC relQuery(aRelativeUrl.Component(EUrlQuery));
TPtrC relFragment(aRelativeUrl.Component(EUrlFragment));
if (relScheme.Length() > 0)
// LOOPHOLE in RFC 1630 if schemes match then remove the scheme from the relative url
if (aBaseUrl.UrlDes().FindF(relScheme) == 0)
relativeUrl.Set(relativeUrl.Mid(relScheme.Length() + 1)); // remove the ':' as well
else // the relative url is absolute
return NewL(relativeUrl);
TBool useBaseAuth = ETrue;
TBool useRelQuery = ETrue;
TPtrC basePath(aBaseUrl.Component(EUrlPath));
HBufC* resolvedPath = NULL;
if (relPath.Compare(KNullDesC)==0 && relAuth.Compare(KNullDesC)==0
&& relScheme.Compare(KNullDesC)==0 && relQuery.Compare(KNullDesC)==0) // relative URL could just be a fragment
// Use current document url (assume that it is aBaseUrl), including query, then add relative URL fragment
useRelQuery = EFalse;
resolvedPath = basePath.AllocLC();
else if (relativeUrl.Find(KUrlLoc) == 0) // relative url is a network path
// Set resolved path to be the relative path
useBaseAuth = EFalse;
resolvedPath = relPath.AllocLC();
else if (relPath.Locate('/') == 0) // relative url is an absolute path
resolvedPath = relPath.AllocLC();
// Do path resolution, merge the base path and relative path
if (relPath.Length() != 0)
// if the relative path is a query or fragment then shouldn't strip the document from the basePath
TInt endBasePath = basePath.LocateReverse('/');
if (endBasePath != KErrNotFound)
basePath.Set(basePath.Left(endBasePath + 1)); // keep the '/'
basePath.Set(_L("/")); // Create path of just '/'
// Resolve relative path against base path
resolvedPath = HBufC::NewLC(relPath.Length() + basePath.Length());
TRelativePaths relativePaths(basePath, relPath, resolvedPath->Des());
// put the url together
TPtrC baseScheme(aBaseUrl.Component(EUrlScheme));
TPtrC baseAuth(aBaseUrl.Component(EUrlAuthority));
TPtrC baseQuery(aBaseUrl.Component(EUrlQuery));
HBufC* resolvedUrl = HBufC::NewLC(aBaseUrl.UrlDes().Length()
+ relativeUrl.Length()
+ KUrlColon().Length()
+ KUrlLoc().Length()
+ KUrlQMark().Length()
+ KUrlHash().Length()
+ 1); // this will be long enough - extra 1 just in case basePath was empty
TPtr resolvedBuf = resolvedUrl->Des();
if (baseScheme.Length() > 0)
if (useBaseAuth && baseAuth.Length() >0)
else if (relAuth.Length() > 0)
if (useRelQuery && relQuery.Length() >0)
else if (!useRelQuery && baseQuery.Length() >0)
if (relFragment.Length() >0)
CUrl * url = CUrl::NewL(*resolvedUrl);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // resolvedUrl, resolvedPath
return url;
void CUrl::Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode) const
_LIT(KWapCUrl,"Wap - CUrl");
User::Panic(KWapCUrl, aPanicCode);
void CUrl::Part(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aUrl, TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aEndPos) const
// Takes a descriptor as a url and parses it for the start and end positions of a particular component.
// KCUrlInvalidCharPos is used to indicate that component is not in url.
// Based on RFC2396
aStartPos = aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
TPtrC url = aUrl;
// search for first of ':' | '/' | '?' | '#'
TInt stripped =0;
TInt colonPos = aUrl.Locate(':');
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(colonPos != 0,Panic(EInvalidUrl)); // if ':' is first character then it is invalid
TInt hashPos = aUrl.Locate('#');
TInt slashPos = aUrl.Locate('/');
TInt queryPos = aUrl.Locate('?');
colonPos = colonPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : colonPos;
hashPos = hashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : hashPos;
slashPos = slashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : slashPos;
queryPos = queryPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : queryPos;
// if ':' is before others then there is a scheme so extract it
if (colonPos < hashPos && colonPos < slashPos && colonPos < queryPos)
if (aComponent == EUrlScheme)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = colonPos -1;
if (url.Length() == colonPos + 1) // reached the end of the url
stripped += colonPos+1;
hashPos -= colonPos+1;
slashPos -= colonPos+1;
queryPos -= colonPos+1;
// if first 2 characters are '//' then a host exists,
if (url.Find(KUrlLoc) == 0)
TInt urlLocLength = KUrlLoc().Length();
if (url.Length() == urlLocLength) // reached the end of the url
// extract '//' and rescan for '/'
stripped += urlLocLength;
hashPos -= urlLocLength;
queryPos -= urlLocLength;
slashPos = url.Locate('/');
slashPos = slashPos == KErrNotFound ? KMaxTInt : slashPos;
// host is ended by first of '#' | '?' | '/' | end of url
TInt hostEndCharPos = slashPos;
hostEndCharPos = hashPos < hostEndCharPos ? hashPos : hostEndCharPos;
hostEndCharPos = queryPos < hostEndCharPos ? queryPos : hostEndCharPos;
hostEndCharPos = url.Length() < hostEndCharPos ? url.Length() : hostEndCharPos;
if (aComponent == EUrlAuthority)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = hostEndCharPos+stripped-1;
if (aComponent == EUrlLocation ||
aComponent == EUrlUsername ||
aComponent == EUrlPassword)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = hostEndCharPos+stripped-1;
// We need part of the authority. Extract it
PartOfAuthority(aComponent, aUrl, aStartPos, aEndPos);
// Have we reached the end of the url
if (url.Length() == hostEndCharPos)
// extract host
stripped += hostEndCharPos;
slashPos -= hostEndCharPos;
hashPos -= hostEndCharPos;
queryPos -= hostEndCharPos;
// If first character is '/' | this is the start of a relative url | there is no authority then path exists
// as long as it isn't just a query or fragment
if ((slashPos == 0 || stripped == 0 || stripped == colonPos +1 ) && hashPos != 0 && queryPos !=0)
TInt pathEndCharPos = queryPos;
pathEndCharPos = hashPos < pathEndCharPos ? hashPos : pathEndCharPos;
pathEndCharPos = url.Length() < pathEndCharPos ? url.Length() : pathEndCharPos;
if (aComponent == EUrlPath)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = pathEndCharPos+stripped-1;
if (url.Length() == pathEndCharPos) // reached the end of the url
// extractPath
stripped += pathEndCharPos ;
queryPos -= pathEndCharPos ;
hashPos -= pathEndCharPos ;
// if first is '?' then query exists
if (queryPos == 0)
// extract ?, query is ended by '#' | end of url
if (url.Length() == 1) // reached the end of the url
stripped += 1;
hashPos -= 1;
// extract query
TInt queryEndCharPos = hashPos;
queryEndCharPos = url.Length() < queryEndCharPos ? url.Length() : queryEndCharPos;
if (aComponent == EUrlQuery)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = queryEndCharPos+stripped-1;
if (url.Length() == queryEndCharPos) // reached the end of the url
stripped += queryEndCharPos;
hashPos -= queryEndCharPos;
if (hashPos == 0)
if (url.Length() == 1) // reached the end of the url
// extract hash
stripped += 1;
// fragment left
if (aComponent == EUrlFragment)
aStartPos = stripped;
aEndPos = stripped + url.Length() -1;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aStartPos == aEndPos && aEndPos == KCUrlInvalidCharPos, Panic(EInvalidUrl));
void CUrl::PartOfAuthority(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aUrl, TInt& aStartPos, TInt& aEndPos) const
if (aEndPos < aStartPos)
// We don't have what the user asked for
aStartPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
TPtrC authority = aUrl.Mid(aStartPos, aEndPos - aStartPos);
TInt endPos = aEndPos - aStartPos;
TInt colonPos = authority.Locate(':');
TInt atPos = authority.Locate('@');
if (atPos == KErrNotFound)
// There isn't a username or password.
if (aComponent != EUrlLocation)
// We don't have what the user asked for
aStartPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
// Else all we've got is the location, so we can return
// without doing anything
// We have an @.
if (aComponent == EUrlLocation)
if (atPos != endPos - 1)
// We have a location of non-zero length
aStartPos += atPos + 1;
aStartPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
// Either username or password
if (aComponent == EUrlUsername)
if (colonPos == KErrNotFound || colonPos > atPos)
// No password
aEndPos = aStartPos + atPos - 1;
aEndPos = aStartPos + colonPos - 1;
// They want the password
if (colonPos == KErrNotFound || colonPos > atPos)
// There isn't a password
aStartPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
aEndPos = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
aEndPos = aStartPos + atPos - 1;
aStartPos += colonPos + 1;
EXPORT_C const TPtrC CUrl::Component(TComponent aType) const
TInt start = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
TInt end = KCUrlInvalidCharPos;
TComponent type(aType);
if (aType == EUrlFileName)
type = EUrlPath;
Part(type, *iUrlDes, start,end);
if (start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos || end == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
return KNullDesC();
TInt length = end - start +1;
if (end == (*iUrlDes).Length())
TPtrC component((*iUrlDes).Mid(start, length));
if (aType == EUrlFileName)
TInt slashPos = component.LocateReverse('/');
if (slashPos == KErrNotFound)
return KNullDesC();
component.Set(component.Right(component.Length() - (slashPos +1)));
return component;
EXPORT_C void CUrl::SetComponentL(TComponent aComponent, const TDesC& aValue)
TInt start, end;
// As a crude first step, we always resize the URL descriptor to
// be longer than it currently is by 4 characters longer than the
// value. Then at the end, we'll resize it to be the right length.
// 4 allows :// to be inserted if a scheme is set when none is present
iUrlDes=iUrlDes->ReAllocL(iUrlDes->Length() + aValue.Length() + 4);
Part(aComponent, *iUrlDes, start, end);
if (aComponent == EUrlScheme && start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos && end == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
{ // We're trying to add a scheme, but there isn't one already. Check if scheme valid
// There could already be a // at the start, but there can't be a : at the start
// insert location if required
TPtr wptr(iUrlDes->Des());
// insert // at the start
// insert scheme and a colon
else if ((aComponent == EUrlUsername || aComponent == EUrlPassword) &&
(start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos || end == KCUrlInvalidCharPos))
// We're trying to add a username or password, but there isn't
// one already, so the surrounding punctuation won't be there.
if (aComponent == EUrlUsername)
Part(EUrlAuthority, *iUrlDes, start, end);
// If there isn't an authority, this is too complex.
if (start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
// We've now found the correct start position. Check if
// the password exists
TInt scratch;
Part(EUrlPassword, *iUrlDes, end, scratch);
if (end == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
// No username or password. This means we need to add the @
iUrlDes->Des().Insert(start, _L("@"));
end = start;
// There is a password, so end currently points after
// the colon.
// aComponent == EUrlPassword
TInt scratch;
Part(EUrlUsername, *iUrlDes, scratch, start);
if (start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
// No username. We need to find the start of the
// location, and add :@ after it and insert the
// password between them.
Part(EUrlLocation, *iUrlDes, start, scratch);
iUrlDes->Des().Insert(start, _L(":@"));
// There is a username but no password. Add a colon at
// the end of it and then add the password afterwards.
iUrlDes->Des().Insert(++start, KUrlColon);
end = start;
else if (start == KCUrlInvalidCharPos || end == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
// A complex case we can't deal with
// The easy case; end currently points at the last character;
// we want it to point one after.
if (start != KCUrlInvalidCharPos && end != KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
{ // this check is necessary to catch the case where
// we set a scheme and there wasn't one already
iUrlDes->Des().Replace(start, end - start, aValue);
EXPORT_C TBool CUrl::operator==(CUrl& aUrl) const
return !Compare(aUrl,EUrlGenericCompare);
EXPORT_C TInt CUrl::Compare(CUrl& aUrl, TInt aCompareComps) const
// Scheme is case insensitive, rest of url is case sensitive
TInt result =0;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlScheme)
result += Component(EUrlScheme).CompareF(aUrl.Component(EUrlScheme));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlLocation)
result += Component(EUrlLocation).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlLocation));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlUsername)
result += Component(EUrlUsername).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlUsername));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlPassword)
result += Component(EUrlPassword).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlPassword));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlPath)
result += Component(EUrlPath).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlPath));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlQuery)
result += Component(EUrlQuery).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlQuery));
if (result !=0)
return result;
if (aCompareComps & EUrlFragment)
result += Component(EUrlFragment).Compare(aUrl.Component(EUrlFragment));
if (result !=0)
return result;
return result;
EXPORT_C void CUrl::SetL(CUrl& aUrl)
HBufC* url = aUrl.UrlDes().AllocL();
delete iUrlDes;
iUrlDes = url;
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::AllocL() const
return CUrl::NewL(*iUrlDes);
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::AllocL(TComponent aComponent) const
if (aComponent == EUrlGenericCompare)
return AllocL();
else if (aComponent == EUrlNoCredentials)
TInt usernameStart;
TInt locationStart;
TInt scratch;
Part(EUrlUsername, *iUrlDes, usernameStart, scratch);
Part(EUrlLocation, *iUrlDes, locationStart, scratch);
// If there isn't a location and a username, we can just
// return the current URL.
if (locationStart == KCUrlInvalidCharPos ||
usernameStart == KCUrlInvalidCharPos)
return AllocL();
// Make a CUrl of the right length and then copy the correct
// data into it.
TInt lengthOfReturnedUrl = iUrlDes->Length() - locationStart +
CUrl* result = CUrl::NewL(iUrlDes->Left(lengthOfReturnedUrl));
lengthOfReturnedUrl - usernameStart,
iUrlDes->Right(lengthOfReturnedUrl -
return result;
else return CUrl::NewL(Component(aComponent));
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::UrlEscapedL() const
// Create and return an escaped version of the current unescaped url
User::Panic(_L("Function Not Used"), KErrNotSupported);
return NULL;
EXPORT_C CUrl* CUrl::UrlUnescapedL() const
// Create and return an unescaper version of the current escaped url
User::Panic(_L("Function Not Used"), KErrNotSupported);
return NULL;
EXPORT_C HBufC* CUrl::EscapeEncodeL(const TDesC& aString)
// Deprecated function - should use overload function.
return EscapeEncodeL(aString, EUrlGenericCompare);
EXPORT_C HBufC* CUrl::EscapeEncodeL(const TDesC& aString, TInt aEscapeMode)
// Encodes any excluded characters in aString as escape triples - excluded characters set by aEscapeMode
// Need to create an HBufC with our excluded characters
HBufC* excludedBuf = NULL;
switch (aEscapeMode)
case EUrlGenericCompare:
// This is normal operation - escape all sets of data other than KReservedData
excludedBuf = HBufC::NewLC(KUnwiseData().Length() + KDelimsData().Length());
TPtr excluded = excludedBuf->Des();
} break;
case EUrlScheme:
// Escaping data in scheme - reserved chars have no special meaning so escape as well.
excludedBuf = HBufC::NewLC(KUnwiseData().Length() + KDelimsData().Length() + KReservedData().Length());
TPtr excluded = excludedBuf->Des();
} break;
case EUrlPath:
// Escaping data in a local file path - same as EUrlScheme but don't escape '/' and ':'
excludedBuf = HBufC::NewLC(KUnwiseData().Length() + KDelimsData().Length() + KReservedDataForPath().Length());
TPtr excluded = excludedBuf->Des();
} break;
// Not supported return NULL
return NULL;
// Descriptor to hex digits
const TDesC& HexDigit = KHexDigit;
// Allocate space to build escaped url - consider worse case, where all characters are excluded => length x 3
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(aString.Length()*3); // CS
TPtr escapedBuf = buf->Des();
for (TInt i=0; i<aString.Length(); ++i)
// Check if current character must be escaped, will leave if non 8-bit character
TChar currentChar = aString[i];
if (currentChar > 0xff)
// Check if aChar is a member of DelimsData or UnwiseData or a control character
if (excludedBuf->Locate(currentChar)!=KErrNotFound || (currentChar>=0x00 && currentChar<=0x1F) || currentChar==' ' || currentChar > 0x7E )
// Escaped character will be 8-bit
TInt msNibble = (currentChar & 0xf0) >> 4; // Get msNibble by masking against 11110000 and dividing by 16 (>>4)
TInt lsNibble = (currentChar & 0x0f); // Get lsNibble by masking against 00001111
// Create new HBufC object
HBufC* encodedString = escapedBuf.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // buf, excludedBuf
return encodedString;
EXPORT_C HBufC* CUrl::EscapeDecodeL(const TDesC& aString)
// Decodes any escape triples in aString back into excluded characters
// Descriptor to hex digits
const TDesC& HexDigit = KHexDigit;
// Allocate space for to build unescaped url
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(aString.Length()); // CS
TPtr unescapedBuf = buf->Des();
// Go through url
for (TInt i=0; i<aString.Length(); ++i)
// See if at start of an escape triple
TChar currentChar = aString[i];
if (currentChar == '%')
// Check that next two characters are valid
TChar msNibble = aString[i+1];
if (msNibble.IsAlpha())
TChar lsNibble = aString[i+2];
if (lsNibble.IsAlpha())
TInt msNibbleValue = HexDigit.Locate(msNibble);
TInt lsNibbleValue = HexDigit.Locate(lsNibble);
if (msNibbleValue == KErrNotFound || lsNibbleValue == KErrNotFound)
// Convert characters into hex value
TInt hex = 0x10*msNibbleValue + 0x01*lsNibbleValue;
// Move index to get next character
// Create new HBufC object
HBufC* encodedString = unescapedBuf.AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buf
return encodedString;
EXPORT_C HBufC8* CUrl::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(const TDesC& aString)
// Converts input string from unicode to UTF8 format - converted string is returned in 8-bit format
// Return an empty buffer straight-away
if( aString.Compare(KNullDesC) == 0 )
return KNullDesC8().AllocL();
// Convert from Unicode to UTF8
TPtrC unicode = aString;
TBuf8<KUrlConversionBufferSize> buf;
HBufC8* utf8Buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(unicode.Length());
TPtr8 utf8 = utf8Buffer->Des();
// Loop until all of the filename is converted
const TInt returnValue = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(buf, unicode);
if( returnValue == CnvUtfConverter::EErrorIllFormedInput || returnValue < 0)
// Is escapedFullPath too small?
if( utf8.Length() + buf.Length() > utf8.MaxLength() )
utf8Buffer = utf8Buffer->ReAllocL(utf8.Length() + buf.Length());
CleanupStack::Pop(); // utf8Buffer (old version)
CleanupStack::PushL(utf8Buffer); // new version
// Copy converted characters
if( returnValue==0 )
break; // All of aUnicodeText has been converted and handled
// Set input descriptor to remaining characters
CleanupStack::Pop(); // utf8Buffer
return utf8Buffer; // Ownership transfered to caller
EXPORT_C HBufC* CUrl::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(const TDesC8& aString)
// Converts input string from UTF8 to Unicode format - converted string is returned in 16-bit format
// Return an empty buffer straight-away
if( aString.Compare(KNullDesC8) == 0 )
return KNullDesC().AllocL();
// Convert from Unicode to UTF8
TPtrC8 utf8 = aString;
TBuf<KUrlConversionBufferSize> buf;
HBufC* unicodeBuffer = HBufC::NewLC(utf8.Length());
TPtr unicode = unicodeBuffer->Des();
// Loop until all of the filename is converted
const TInt returnValue = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(buf, utf8);
if( returnValue == CnvUtfConverter::EErrorIllFormedInput || returnValue < 0)
// Is escapedFullPath too small?
if( unicode.Length() + buf.Length() > unicode.MaxLength() )
unicodeBuffer = unicodeBuffer->ReAllocL(unicode.Length() + buf.Length());
CleanupStack::Pop(); // unicodeBuffer (old version)
CleanupStack::PushL(unicodeBuffer); // new version
// Copy converted characters
if( returnValue==0 )
break; // All of utf8 has been converted and handled
// Set input descriptor to remaining characters
CleanupStack::Pop(); // unicodeBuffer
return unicodeBuffer; // Ownership transfered to caller
// TRelativePaths
CUrl::TRelativePaths::TRelativePaths(TPtrC aBasePath, TPtrC aRelativePath, TPtr aResolvedPath)
: iBasePath(aBasePath), iRelativePath(aRelativePath), iResolvedPath(aResolvedPath)
// Trivial c'tor
void CUrl::TRelativePaths::ResolveRelativePaths()
// Resolves iRelativePath against iBasePath, algorithm based on RFC2396 - result in iResolvedPath
TBool finished = EFalse;
while (!finished && iRelativePath.Length()>0)
// This applies only in cases such as '..\etc'
if (iRelativePath.Locate('/')==0)
TInt relPathLength = iRelativePath.Length();
if (relPathLength>0 && iRelativePath[0] == '.')
// Case 1 - .<end> -> remove '.'
if (relPathLength == 1)
finished = ETrue;
// Length of iRelative MUST be > 1, otherwise would not have got here
// Case 2 - ./ -> remove './' and continue
else if (iRelativePath[1] == '/')
// Case 3 & 4 - ..<end> or ../ -> remove a path from iBasePath
else if (iRelativePath[1] == '.')
if (relPathLength == 2 || (relPathLength>2 && iRelativePath[2] == '/'))
// Try to remove a directory from iBasePath
TInt basePathLength = iBasePath.Length();
// If base path empty or just '/' -> finish
if (basePathLength==0 || (basePathLength==1 && iBasePath[0] == '/'))
finished = ETrue;
TInt endBasePath = iBasePath.LocateReverse('/');
if (endBasePath == basePathLength - 1)
// Have found / on end of path - remove and rescan for '/'
endBasePath = iBasePath.LocateReverse('/');
if (endBasePath > KErrNotFound)
// Remove a directory, keeping the end '/'
iRelativePath.Set(iRelativePath.Mid(2)); // Remove .. at start
// iRelative now of form '..etc'
finished = ETrue;
// iRelative now of form '.etc'
finished = ETrue;
// iRelativePath now of form 'etc'
finished = ETrue;
} // while (!finished && iRelativePath.Length>0)
// Form the resolved path
void CUrl::TRelativePaths::CleanResolvedPath()
// Deal with any /. and /../ in iResolvedPath - produced if the relative url is of the form g/./h or g/../h
TInt pos = 0;
// Deal with /../ by locating the previous / and removing everything between
// Eg /data/.../stuff -> /stuff
while (pos > KErrNotFound)
pos = iResolvedPath.Find(KSlashDotDotSlash);
if (pos > KErrNotFound)
TPtrC leftHandSide(iResolvedPath.Left(pos));
TInt slashPos = leftHandSide.LocateReverse('/');
if (slashPos > KErrNotFound)
iResolvedPath.Delete(slashPos, pos - slashPos +3);
pos = KErrNotFound;
// Remove any /. in iResolvedPath
pos = 0;
while (pos > KErrNotFound)
pos = iResolvedPath.Find(KSlashDot);
TInt resolvedLength = iResolvedPath.Length();
if (pos > KErrNotFound)
if (resolvedLength == pos+2) // just remove the .
else if (resolvedLength > pos +1 && iResolvedPath[pos+2] == '/') // is of the form /./
pos = KErrNotFound;