# HG changeset patch # User hgs # Date 1279293905 -19800 # Node ID 099ef125a1a429eeb60f9d5a485f52ba22d6609f # Parent dd1f62411ef88df74a5b28d8e1dd10d465c1adf5 201025_03 diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/Good-R5.key.pem --- a/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/Good-R5.key.pem Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/Good-R5.key.pem Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ ------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIICXQIBAAKBgQDWXaGWWZ8cuD14xTTwwOJ0Mye03mjxqiyb5HERi/BhtSJFmsh9 -gC5rtf8vZM7m3mXsQ4scnGFjLReX7aZIXQJfrrhFKZmQCxTWTVURNllBxsCyOG8i -uHEXppMoNJqWiNQ4+0cpGZQ4tRuvLmT8GKvT9M8NaCzHR6AaV6ClGCl8BQIDAQAB -AoGBAKjKyTWuFA91M1IpVmpMNwPwU8+jYVcI/F80HaQHYJxPGFFec4f+qo69m9Yh -tpkrfW3wMVWx/S0ukGldA5XvRrHHGKr3UF8vFayp7fK4pd3kljetKfrvp/EFU43t -VMMtwt7EVIC7ZQM6CqgA8uhmBuPED1EwKxWR1RRU3BkIW62BAkEA+hbJqPc2KeRi -pANroqNtJIPL4G/d9LMJHXCc8tAW9K/P4dTEkSnkg8lCveHgb0FKvQ30IsYMCr81 -YOPX8X+dXQJBANtusWChSXjJ7A2si9jXgxrTaSyrtRwmglr/AhM0hOyDwW0rfKSk -1Ylq3EyAcT3odBb6PdhXKmBTVyxF3s81xskCQFtTDvkArWrG166FAT026Jg4+K5Q -q4C8EEwL34RbsMZRnVweUlmgLq5hRFoKreZytVQsUEaSg7s478kd6rFppJECQAPY -AItsx9ix0My8hQabX9SMd38s0tNXaVkmtmaXuOxbsnuzE0/fA06Q7KL6bQFknQP6 -BjNP85IUY6aG4sxGaOECQQCLCaGXZpbB1rjA+KDUqZaaeY3tZG7np4il48plEvPr -q7yj4ZctfhpTXFtsg6kMJXSRCSeVsTC12UrgaYX7GEwv ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIICXQIBAAKBgQDWXaGWWZ8cuD14xTTwwOJ0Mye03mjxqiyb5HERi/BhtSJFmsh9 +gC5rtf8vZM7m3mXsQ4scnGFjLReX7aZIXQJfrrhFKZmQCxTWTVURNllBxsCyOG8i +uHEXppMoNJqWiNQ4+0cpGZQ4tRuvLmT8GKvT9M8NaCzHR6AaV6ClGCl8BQIDAQAB +AoGBAKjKyTWuFA91M1IpVmpMNwPwU8+jYVcI/F80HaQHYJxPGFFec4f+qo69m9Yh +tpkrfW3wMVWx/S0ukGldA5XvRrHHGKr3UF8vFayp7fK4pd3kljetKfrvp/EFU43t 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-1,27 +1,27 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i -aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 -MzQ0NVoXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0NVowMTEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy -ZSBMdGQxEDAOBgNVBAMTB0dvb2QtUjUwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ -AoGBANZdoZZZnxy4PXjFNPDA4nQzJ7TeaPGqLJvkcRGL8GG1IkWayH2ALmu1/y9k -zubeZexDixycYWMtF5ftpkhdAl+uuEUpmZALFNZNVRE2WUHGwLI4byK4cRemkyg0 -mpaI1Dj7RykZlDi1G68uZPwYq9P0zw1oLMdHoBpXoKUYKXwFAgMBAAGjLzAtMBMG -A1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMBYGA1UdIAQPMA0wCwYJKoY6AAHt02sBMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBACfm9aZVS9CJKKcIxqmyhnOhNDHhkO/6c0pTM3IUK0QZSSoT -9gD9+MVfx2IX43+k/ePu4xHeSY/7cJXuWgWW7nVKwk/da96hRcTPM1in6vb03a5O -CsnC7W9cI65EC2WvxI7htnicYg3XZCE42JHx0OfKYrUfEmkAT7xqUNvW31b7 ------END CERTIFICATE----- ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIICITCCAYqgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i -aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 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-gC5rtf8vZM7m3mXsQ4scnGFjLReX7aZIXQJfrrhFKZmQCxTWTVURNllBxsCyOG8i -uHEXppMoNJqWiNQ4+0cpGZQ4tRuvLmT8GKvT9M8NaCzHR6AaV6ClGCl8BQIDAQAB -AoGBAKjKyTWuFA91M1IpVmpMNwPwU8+jYVcI/F80HaQHYJxPGFFec4f+qo69m9Yh -tpkrfW3wMVWx/S0ukGldA5XvRrHHGKr3UF8vFayp7fK4pd3kljetKfrvp/EFU43t -VMMtwt7EVIC7ZQM6CqgA8uhmBuPED1EwKxWR1RRU3BkIW62BAkEA+hbJqPc2KeRi -pANroqNtJIPL4G/d9LMJHXCc8tAW9K/P4dTEkSnkg8lCveHgb0FKvQ30IsYMCr81 -YOPX8X+dXQJBANtusWChSXjJ7A2si9jXgxrTaSyrtRwmglr/AhM0hOyDwW0rfKSk -1Ylq3EyAcT3odBb6PdhXKmBTVyxF3s81xskCQFtTDvkArWrG166FAT026Jg4+K5Q -q4C8EEwL34RbsMZRnVweUlmgLq5hRFoKreZytVQsUEaSg7s478kd6rFppJECQAPY -AItsx9ix0My8hQabX9SMd38s0tNXaVkmtmaXuOxbsnuzE0/fA06Q7KL6bQFknQP6 -BjNP85IUY6aG4sxGaOECQQCLCaGXZpbB1rjA+KDUqZaaeY3tZG7np4il48plEvPr -q7yj4ZctfhpTXFtsg6kMJXSRCSeVsTC12UrgaYX7GEwv ------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- +MIICXQIBAAKBgQDWXaGWWZ8cuD14xTTwwOJ0Mye03mjxqiyb5HERi/BhtSJFmsh9 +gC5rtf8vZM7m3mXsQ4scnGFjLReX7aZIXQJfrrhFKZmQCxTWTVURNllBxsCyOG8i 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a/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/duplicate_entries/Good-R5.pem Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/duplicate_entries/Good-R5.pem Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i -aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 -MzQ0NVoXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0NVowMTEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy -ZSBMdGQxEDAOBgNVBAMTB0dvb2QtUjUwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ -AoGBANZdoZZZnxy4PXjFNPDA4nQzJ7TeaPGqLJvkcRGL8GG1IkWayH2ALmu1/y9k -zubeZexDixycYWMtF5ftpkhdAl+uuEUpmZALFNZNVRE2WUHGwLI4byK4cRemkyg0 -mpaI1Dj7RykZlDi1G68uZPwYq9P0zw1oLMdHoBpXoKUYKXwFAgMBAAGjLzAtMBMG -A1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMBYGA1UdIAQPMA0wCwYJKoY6AAHt02sBMA0GCSqG -SIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBACfm9aZVS9CJKKcIxqmyhnOhNDHhkO/6c0pTM3IUK0QZSSoT 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+MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i +aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 +MzQ0NVoXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0NVowMTEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy +ZSBMdGQxEDAOBgNVBAMTB0dvb2QtUjUwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ +AoGBANZdoZZZnxy4PXjFNPDA4nQzJ7TeaPGqLJvkcRGL8GG1IkWayH2ALmu1/y9k +zubeZexDixycYWMtF5ftpkhdAl+uuEUpmZALFNZNVRE2WUHGwLI4byK4cRemkyg0 +mpaI1Dj7RykZlDi1G68uZPwYq9P0zw1oLMdHoBpXoKUYKXwFAgMBAAGjLzAtMBMG +A1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMBYGA1UdIAQPMA0wCwYJKoY6AAHt02sBMA0GCSqG +SIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBACfm9aZVS9CJKKcIxqmyhnOhNDHhkO/6c0pTM3IUK0QZSSoT +9gD9+MVfx2IX43+k/ePu4xHeSY/7cJXuWgWW7nVKwk/da96hRcTPM1in6vb03a5O +CsnC7W9cI65EC2WvxI7htnicYg3XZCE42JHx0OfKYrUfEmkAT7xqUNvW31b7 +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIICITCCAYqgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i +aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 +MzQ0MloXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0MlowMzEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy 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b/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/max_upgradesis/Good-R5.key.pem Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ ------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -MIICXQIBAAKBgQDWXaGWWZ8cuD14xTTwwOJ0Mye03mjxqiyb5HERi/BhtSJFmsh9 -gC5rtf8vZM7m3mXsQ4scnGFjLReX7aZIXQJfrrhFKZmQCxTWTVURNllBxsCyOG8i -uHEXppMoNJqWiNQ4+0cpGZQ4tRuvLmT8GKvT9M8NaCzHR6AaV6ClGCl8BQIDAQAB -AoGBAKjKyTWuFA91M1IpVmpMNwPwU8+jYVcI/F80HaQHYJxPGFFec4f+qo69m9Yh -tpkrfW3wMVWx/S0ukGldA5XvRrHHGKr3UF8vFayp7fK4pd3kljetKfrvp/EFU43t -VMMtwt7EVIC7ZQM6CqgA8uhmBuPED1EwKxWR1RRU3BkIW62BAkEA+hbJqPc2KeRi -pANroqNtJIPL4G/d9LMJHXCc8tAW9K/P4dTEkSnkg8lCveHgb0FKvQ30IsYMCr81 -YOPX8X+dXQJBANtusWChSXjJ7A2si9jXgxrTaSyrtRwmglr/AhM0hOyDwW0rfKSk -1Ylq3EyAcT3odBb6PdhXKmBTVyxF3s81xskCQFtTDvkArWrG166FAT026Jg4+K5Q -q4C8EEwL34RbsMZRnVweUlmgLq5hRFoKreZytVQsUEaSg7s478kd6rFppJECQAPY -AItsx9ix0My8hQabX9SMd38s0tNXaVkmtmaXuOxbsnuzE0/fA06Q7KL6bQFknQP6 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+q7yj4ZctfhpTXFtsg6kMJXSRCSeVsTC12UrgaYX7GEwv +-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/max_upgradesis/Good-R5.pem --- a/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/max_upgradesis/Good-R5.pem Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerpluginsandutils/uripermissionservices/Test/integration/testwhitelistblacklisturisuite/testdata/max_upgradesis/Good-R5.pem Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIICCTCCAXKgAwIBAgIBAjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i -aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 -MzQ0NVoXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0NVowMTEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy -ZSBMdGQxEDAOBgNVBAMTB0dvb2QtUjUwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ -AoGBANZdoZZZnxy4PXjFNPDA4nQzJ7TeaPGqLJvkcRGL8GG1IkWayH2ALmu1/y9k 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+CsnC7W9cI65EC2WvxI7htnicYg3XZCE42JHx0OfKYrUfEmkAT7xqUNvW31b7 +-----END CERTIFICATE----- +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIICITCCAYqgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADAzMR0wGwYDVQQKExRTeW1i +aWFuIFNvZnR3YXJlIEx0ZDESMBAGA1UEAxMJUm9vdDUtUlNBMB4XDTA0MDMwMzE2 +MzQ0MloXDTE0MDMwMTE2MzQ0MlowMzEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYmlhbiBTb2Z0d2Fy +ZSBMdGQxEjAQBgNVBAMTCVJvb3Q1LVJTQTCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAw +gYkCgYEAufV5zRvgR/ohzfb8AizbLePxK7QfBOuTtwy70/ifZCP5aZMri6DgObYM +Jwh4lChQ+UnQgMX9sRP1kWZ6UEbrhm7oUz7keI6wu4m4myYmMjY3nc+7T/std+o/ +Vzt/bSyLNYpAqUW50g46SL1lof8fXKGkqFRH42czeMUwqnEffRsCAwEAAaNFMEMw +DgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgIEMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQUwHQYDVR0OBBYEFHzj +BilRFiByFNQlr/0YW21eSK9vMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBACEv1s039YBNfVn/ +dxZm+1XDLmrm6Of5p3SjBz94osLV+cNsddP5W+jmdtEL2u+x33foGFPOkDyFFnIW +gkFVfAKKCH70K2liJWDS5D+mu32zU8Kc/JF0musvKZ/EbuddJS+x7t7kBl4fFgr1 +0/AO8YOgD1AV55Z9Bjf1lTTHZMcX +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/ftpengine/group/BLD.INF --- a/applayerprotocols/ftpengine/group/BLD.INF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// FTP engine -// -// - -/** - @file -*/ - - - -PRJ_PLATFORMS - -DEFAULT - -PRJ_EXPORTS - -../inc/FTPPROT.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(ftpprot.h) -../inc/FTPSESS.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(ftpsess.h) -../group/ftp_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/ftp_e.iby - -PRJ_TESTEXPORTS -../group/tftp_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/tftp_e.iby - - -PRJ_MMPFILES -FTPPROT.MMP -FTPSESS.MMP -CONSUI.MMP - -PRJ_TESTMMPFILES -FTPTST01.MMP -FTPTST02.MMP - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/ftpengine/group/bld.inf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/ftpengine/group/bld.inf Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// FTP engine +// +// + +/** + @file +*/ + + + +PRJ_PLATFORMS + +DEFAULT + +PRJ_EXPORTS + +../inc/FTPPROT.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(ftpprot.h) +../inc/FTPSESS.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(ftpsess.h) +../group/ftp_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/ftp_e.iby + +PRJ_TESTEXPORTS +../group/tftp_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/tftp_e.iby + + +PRJ_MMPFILES +FTPPROT.MMP +FTPSESS.MMP +CONSUI.MMP + +PRJ_TESTMMPFILES +FTPTST01.MMP +FTPTST02.MMP + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPHSU.DEF --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPHSU.DEF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -EXPORTS - ??0CHeaderCodec@@IAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderCodec::CHeaderCodec(void) - ??0CHeaderReader@@IAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderReader::CHeaderReader(void) - ??0CHeaderWriter@@IAE@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderWriter::CHeaderWriter(void) - ??0CProtTransaction@@IAE@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtTransaction::CProtTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) - ??0CProtocolHandler@@IAE@VRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CProtocolHandler(class RHTTPSession) - ??0CRxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@AAVMRxDataObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(class CProtTransaction &,class MRxDataObserver &) - ??0CRxData@@IAE@XZ @ 7 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(void) - ??0CTxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 8 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(class CProtTransaction &) - ??0CTxData@@IAE@XZ @ 9 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(void) - ??0RHTTPPropertySet@@QAE@XZ @ 10 NONAME ; public: __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RHTTPPropertySet(void) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@H@Z @ 11 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(int) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRString@@@Z @ 12 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RString) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRStringF@@@Z @ 13 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RStringF) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VTDateTime@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class TDateTime) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@XZ @ 15 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(void) - ??1CHTTPFormEncoder@@UAE@XZ @ 16 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::~CHTTPFormEncoder(void) - ??1CHeaderCodec@@UAE@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderCodec::~CHeaderCodec(void) - ??1CHeaderReader@@UAE@XZ @ 18 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderReader::~CHeaderReader(void) - ??1CHeaderWriter@@UAE@XZ @ 19 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderWriter::~CHeaderWriter(void) - ??1CProtTransaction@@UAE@XZ @ 20 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtTransaction::~CProtTransaction(void) - ??1CProtocolHandler@@UAE@XZ @ 21 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtocolHandler::~CProtocolHandler(void) - ??1CRxData@@UAE@XZ @ 22 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CRxData::~CRxData(void) - ??1CTxData@@UAE@XZ @ 23 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CTxData::~CTxData(void) - ??1THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE@XZ @ 24 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::~THTTPHdrFieldIter(void) - ??1THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAE@XZ @ 25 NONAME ABSENT ; public: __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::~THeaderFieldParamIter(void) - ??1THttpLogger@@UAE@XZ @ 26 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THttpLogger::~THttpLogger(void) - ??8THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 27 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator==(class THTTPHdrVal)const - ??9THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 28 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator!=(class THTTPHdrVal)const - ??ETHTTPFilterIterator@@QAEAAV0@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator++(void) - ??ETHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 30 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator++(void) - ??ETHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 31 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator++(void) - ??ETHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 32 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator++(void) - ??RTHTTPFilterIterator@@QBEABVTHTTPFilterRegistration@@XZ @ 33 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterRegistration const & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator()(void)const - ??RTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE?AVRStringTokenF@@XZ @ 34 NONAME ; public: class RStringTokenF __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator()(void) - ??RTHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldParam@@XZ @ 35 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldParam const * __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator()(void) - ??RTHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldPart@@XZ @ 36 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldPart const * __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator()(void) - ?AddFieldL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@0@Z @ 37 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::AddFieldL(class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) - ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@HVRStringF@@@Z @ 38 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,int,class RStringF) - ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@VRStringF@@HH2@Z @ 39 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,class RStringF,int,int,class RStringF) - ?AddParamL@CHeaderFieldPart@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldParam@@@Z @ 40 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::AddParamL(class CHeaderFieldParam *) - ?AtEnd@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 41 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtEnd(void) - ?AtEnd@THTTPFilterIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 42 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::AtEnd(void)const - ?AtEnd@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QBEHXZ @ 43 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::AtEnd(void)const - ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEHXZ @ 44 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::AtEnd(void) - ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEHXZ @ 45 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::AtEnd(void) - ?AtStart@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 46 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtStart(void) - ?BeginRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXH@Z @ 47 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL(int) - ?Body@RHTTPMessage@@QBEPAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@XZ @ 48 NONAME ; public: class MHTTPDataSupplier * __thiscall RHTTPMessage::Body(void)const - ?CanChangeFilters@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 49 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::CanChangeFilters(void)const - ?Cancel@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 50 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Cancel(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Close@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 51 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::Close(void) - ?Close@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 52 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Close(void) - ?Codec@CProtocolHandler@@QBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@XZ @ 53 NONAME ; public: class CHeaderCodec * __thiscall CProtocolHandler::Codec(void)const - ?Collection@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 54 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHeaderField::Collection(void) - ?CommitRawData@RHeaderField@@QAEXXZ @ 55 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::CommitRawData(void) - ?CompleteSelf@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXXZ @ 56 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CompleteSelf(void) - ?ConnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 57 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectL(void) - ?ConnectionInfo@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRHTTPConnectionInfo@@XZ @ 58 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPConnectionInfo __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo(void)const - ?ConstructL@CHeaderCodec@@IAEXXZ @ 59 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CHeaderReader@@IAEXXZ @ 60 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderReader::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CHeaderWriter@@IAEXXZ @ 61 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderWriter::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 62 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::ConstructL(class RHTTPSession) - ?ConstructL@CRxData@@IAEXXZ @ 63 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CRxData::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CTxData@@IAEXXZ @ 64 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CTxData::ConstructL(void) - ?Copy@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AV1@XZ @ 65 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Copy(void)const - ?CreateFlogger@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@HH@Z @ 66 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::CreateFlogger(class TDesC16 const &,int,int) - ?CurrentFilterInformation@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBE?BUTFilterInformation@@XZ @ 67 NONAME ; public: struct TFilterInformation const __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::CurrentFilterInformation(void)const - ?DateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVTDateTime@@XZ @ 68 NONAME ; public: class TDateTime __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::DateTime(void)const - ?DecodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 69 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::DecodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const - ?DisconnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 70 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::DisconnectL(void) - ?DoCancel@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 71 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::DoCancel(void) - ?DumpIt@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 72 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::DumpIt(class TDesC8 const &) - ?EncodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 73 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::EncodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const - ?ExtractIntegerValueL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@AAHH@Z @ 74 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0ABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 75 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0VTChar@@@Z @ 76 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractQuotedStringL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0@Z @ 77 NONAME ABSENT - ?Fail@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 78 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Fail(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?FailSessionEvent@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 79 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::FailSessionEvent(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?FieldPartsL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 80 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::FieldPartsL(class RStringF)const - ?Fields@RHTTPHeaders@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@XZ @ 81 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrFieldIter __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::Fields(void)const - ?FindByDataType@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 82 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::FindByDataType(class TDesC8 const &) - ?FindTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHVRHTTPTransaction@@AAPBVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 83 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::FindTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction,class CProtTransaction const * &)const - ?First@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 84 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::First(void) - ?First@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 85 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::First(void) - ?First@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 86 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::First(void) - ?First@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 87 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::First(void) - ?GetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@HAAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 88 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetField(class RStringF,int,class THTTPHdrVal &)const - ?GetHeaderCollection@RHTTPMessage@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 89 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPMessage::GetHeaderCollection(void) - ?GetParam@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@0AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 90 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetParam(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &,int)const - ?GetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 91 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetRawField(class RStringF,class TPtrC8 &)const - ?GetTable@RHTTPSession@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 92 NONAME ; public: static struct TStringTable const & __cdecl RHTTPSession::GetTable(void) - ?HasBody@RHTTPMessage@@QBEHXZ @ 93 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPMessage::HasBody(void)const - ?Id@RHTTPTransaction@@QBEHXZ @ 94 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Id(void)const - ?InstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 95 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::InstallCurrentFilter(void)const - ?Int@THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHXZ @ 96 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Int(void)const - ?ListAvailableProtocolsL@RHTTPSession@@SAXAAV?$RPointerArray@VHBufC8@@@@@Z @ 97 NONAME ; public: static void __cdecl RHTTPSession::ListAvailableProtocolsL(class RPointerArray &) - ?LogIt@THttpLogger@@QAAXV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 98 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl THttpLogger::LogIt(class TRefByValue,...) - ?MHFLoad@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 99 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFLoad@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 100 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 101 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 102 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 103 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 104 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 105 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 106 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 107 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 108 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFUnload@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 109 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFUnload@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 110 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Method@RHTTPRequest@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 111 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPRequest::Method(void)const - ?Name@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 112 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class RStringF __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Name(void)const - ?Name@RHeaderField@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 113 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHeaderField::Name(void)const - ?NewL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 114 NONAME ; public: static class CHTTPFormEncoder * __cdecl CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL(void) - ?NewL@CHeaderFieldParam@@SAPAV1@VRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 115 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldParam * __cdecl CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?NewL@CHeaderFieldPart@@SAPAV1@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 116 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldPart * __cdecl CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(class THTTPHdrVal) - ?Next@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 117 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::Next(void) - ?NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 118 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?NumActiveTransactions@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHXZ @ 119 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::NumActiveTransactions(void)const - ?NumParameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBEHXZ @ 120 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::NumParameters(void)const - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 121 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &) - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@PAVMHTTPFilterCreationCallback@@@Z @ 122 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &,class MHTTPFilterCreationCallback *) - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 123 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(void) - ?OpenTransactionL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTUriC8@@AAVMHTTPTransactionCallback@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 124 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenTransactionL(class TUriC8 const &,class MHTTPTransactionCallback &,class RStringF) - ?Parameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHeaderFieldParamIter@@XZ @ 125 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THeaderFieldParamIter __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Parameters(void)const - ?PartsL@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVTHeaderFieldPartIter@@XZ @ 126 NONAME ; public: class THeaderFieldPartIter __thiscall RHeaderField::PartsL(void) - ?Property@RHTTPPropertySet@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 127 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::Property(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &)const - ?PropertySet@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransactionPropertySet@@XZ @ 128 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransactionPropertySet __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet(void)const - ?ProtTrans@CRxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 129 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CRxData::ProtTrans(void) - ?ProtTrans@CTxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 130 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CTxData::ProtTrans(void) - ?Query@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAE?AVTHTTPFilterIterator@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 131 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::Query(class RStringF) - ?RawDataL@CHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 132 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) - ?RawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 133 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) - ?RemoveAllFields@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXXZ @ 134 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveAllFields(void) - ?RemoveAllProperties@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXXZ @ 135 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveAllProperties(void) - ?RemoveBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXXZ @ 136 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::RemoveBody(void) - ?RemoveField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 137 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField(class RStringF) - ?RemoveFieldPart@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@H@Z @ 138 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart(class RStringF,int) - ?RemoveFilter@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 139 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::RemoveFilter(class RStringF) - ?RemoveProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 140 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveProperty(class RStringF) - ?Request@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPRequest@@XZ @ 141 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPRequest __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Request(void)const - ?RequestSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 142 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::RequestSessionHeadersL(void) - ?ResetRxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 143 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetRxData(void) - ?ResetTxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 144 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetTxData(void) - ?Response@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPResponse@@XZ @ 145 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPResponse __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Response(void)const - ?ResponseSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 146 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::ResponseSessionHeadersL(void) - ?RunError@CProtocolHandler@@MAEHH@Z @ 147 NONAME ; protected: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunError(int) - ?RunL@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 148 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunL(void) - ?RxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCRxData@@XZ @ 149 NONAME ; public: class CRxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::RxData(void)const - ?SendEventL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 150 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SendEventL(class THTTPEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?SendSessionEventL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPSessionEvent@@W4TDirection@THTTPEvent@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 151 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SendSessionEventL(class THTTPSessionEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 152 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPSession::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 153 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) - ?Session@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPSession@@XZ @ 154 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPSession __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Session(void)const - ?SetBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXAAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@@Z @ 155 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::SetBody(class MHTTPDataSupplier &) - ?SetDateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVTDateTime@@@Z @ 156 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetDateTime(class TDateTime) - ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 157 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 158 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetInt@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXH@Z @ 159 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetInt(int) - ?SetMethod@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 160 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetMethod(class RStringF) - ?SetParamL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@0VTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 161 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetParamL(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,int) - ?SetPartL@RHeaderField@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldPart@@H@Z @ 162 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::SetPartL(class CHeaderFieldPart *,int) - ?SetPropertyL@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 163 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::SetPropertyL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 164 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetRawFieldL(class RStringF,class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) - ?SetSessionEventCallback@RHTTPSession@@QAEXPAVMHTTPSessionEventCallback@@@Z @ 165 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SetSessionEventCallback(class MHTTPSessionEventCallback *) - ?SetStatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXH@Z @ 166 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode(int) - ?SetStatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 167 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusText(class RStringF) - ?SetStr@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRString@@@Z @ 168 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStr(class RString) - ?SetStrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 169 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStrF(class RStringF) - ?SetURIL@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXABVTUriC8@@@Z @ 170 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetURIL(class TUriC8 const &) - ?SetVersion@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVTVersion@@@Z @ 171 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetVersion(class TVersion) - ?StatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QBEHXZ @ 172 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusCode(void)const - ?StatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 173 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusText(void)const - ?Str@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRString@@XZ @ 174 NONAME ; public: class RString __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Str(void)const - ?StrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 175 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::StrF(void)const - ?StringPool@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRStringPool@@XZ @ 176 NONAME ; public: class RStringPool __thiscall RHTTPSession::StringPool(void)const - ?SubmitL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 177 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Transaction@CProtTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@XZ @ 178 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall CProtTransaction::Transaction(void)const - ?TransactionCompletedL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 179 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompletedL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent) - ?TransactionFailed@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 180 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionFailed(class RHTTPTransaction) - ?TrimWsBothEnds@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 181 NONAME ABSENT - ?TrimWsLeft@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 182 NONAME ABSENT - ?TrimWsRight@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 183 NONAME ABSENT - ?TxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCTxData@@XZ @ 184 NONAME ; public: class CTxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::TxData(void)const - ?Type@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AW4THTTPValType@1@XZ @ 185 NONAME ; public: enum THTTPHdrVal::THTTPValType __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Type(void)const - ?URI@RHTTPRequest@@QBEABVTUriC8@@XZ @ 186 NONAME ; public: class TUriC8 const & __thiscall RHTTPRequest::URI(void)const - ?UninstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 187 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::UninstallCurrentFilter(void)const - ?Value@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 188 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Value(void)const - ?Value@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 189 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Value(void)const - ?Version@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVTVersion@@XZ @ 190 NONAME ; public: class TVersion __thiscall RHTTPResponse::Version(void)const - ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 191 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC16 const &) - ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 192 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC8 const &) - ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 193 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TDesC8 const &) - ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXVTChar@@@Z @ 194 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TChar) - ?Overflow@THttpLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 195 NONAME ; private: virtual void __thiscall THttpLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) - ?CipherSuite@RHTTPTransaction@@QAE?AVRString@@XZ @ 196 NONAME ; class RString RHTTPTransaction::CipherSuite(void) - ??1CHeaderCodecPlugin@@UAE@XZ @ 197 NONAME ; CHeaderCodecPlugin::~CHeaderCodecPlugin(void) - ?CreateDelegateCodecL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@MBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 198 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodec * CHeaderCodecPlugin::CreateDelegateCodecL(class RStringPool) const - ?NewL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@SAPAV1@ABVTDesC8@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 199 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodecPlugin * CHeaderCodecPlugin::NewL(class TDesC8 const &, class RStringPool) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 200 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPSession::ServerCert(void) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 201 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(void) - ?SessionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 202 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert(void) - ?TransactionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 203 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert(class RHTTPTransaction) - ?SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 204 NONAME ABSENT ; void RHTTPSession::SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL(void) - ??1TTimerLogger@@QAE@XZ @ 205 NONAME ; TTimerLogger::~TTimerLogger(void) - ?EndTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 206 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::EndTimer(class TDesC16 const &) - ?Overflow@TTimerLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 207 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) - ?StartTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXXZ @ 208 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::StartTimer(void) - ?TestName@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 209 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::TestName(class TDesC16 const &) - ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 210 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPSession::HttpDataOptimiser(void) - ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 211 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPTransaction::HttpDataOptimiser(void) - ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 212 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) - ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 213 NONAME ; void RHTTPTransaction::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) - ?Table@THTTPTable@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 214 NONAME ; struct TStringTable const & THTTPTable::Table(void) - ?GetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEXVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 215 NONAME ; void RHTTPHeaders::GetRawFieldL(class RStringF, class TPtrC8 &) const - ?SendEvent@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 216 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::SendEvent(class THTTPEvent, enum THTTPEvent::TDirection, class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?TransactionCompleted@CProtocolHandler@@IAEHVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 217 NONAME ; int CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompleted(class RHTTPTransaction, class THTTPEvent) - ?FindProtocolTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEPAVCProtTransaction@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 218 NONAME ; class CProtTransaction * CProtocolHandler::FindProtocolTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) const - ?SetProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 219 NONAME ; int RHTTPPropertySet::SetProperty(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 220 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 221 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetRawField(class RStringF, class TDesC8 const &, class TDesC8 const &) - ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 222 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal, class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?Submit@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 223 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::Submit(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?LookupField@CHeaders@@QAEPAVCHeaderField@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 224 NONAME ; class CHeaderField * CHeaders::LookupField(class RStringF) - ?ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat@CHeaders@@QAEHXZ @ 225 NONAME ; int CHeaders::ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat(void) - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPMESSAGEU.DEF --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPMESSAGEU.DEF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -EXPORTS - ?Close@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 1 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Close(void) - ?Close@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 2 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Close(void) - ?GetMessageData@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 3 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::GetMessageData(class TPtrC8 &) - ?MessageInfoAvailable@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 4 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::MessageInfoAvailable(void) - ?OpenL@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXAAVMHttpMessageComposerObserver@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::OpenL(class MHttpMessageComposerObserver &) - ?OpenL@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXAAVMHttpMessageParserObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::OpenL(class MHttpMessageParserObserver &) - ?ReceivedMessageData@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 7 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::ReceivedMessageData(void) - ?ReleaseMessageData@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 8 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::ReleaseMessageData(void) - ?Reserved_RHttpMessageComposer@RHttpMessageComposer@@AAEXXZ @ 9 NONAME ; private: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Reserved_RHttpMessageComposer(void) - ?Reserved_RHttpMessageParser@RHttpMessageParser@@AAEXXZ @ 10 NONAME ; private: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Reserved_RHttpMessageParser(void) - ?Reset@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 11 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Reset(void) - ?Reset@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 12 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Reset(void) - ?CompletedBodyDataL@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 13 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::CompletedBodyDataL(void) - ?CheckMessagePendingComplete@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEHXZ @ 14 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::CheckMessagePendingComplete(void) - ?Flush@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 15 NONAME ; void RHttpMessageParser::Flush(void) - ?CompleteMessage@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 16 NONAME ; int RHttpMessageParser::CompleteMessage(class TDesC8 const &) - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPU.DEF --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/HTTPU.DEF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -EXPORTS - ??0CHeaderCodec@@IAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderCodec::CHeaderCodec(void) - ??0CHeaderReader@@IAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderReader::CHeaderReader(void) - ??0CHeaderWriter@@IAE@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderWriter::CHeaderWriter(void) - ??0CProtTransaction@@IAE@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtTransaction::CProtTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) - ??0CProtocolHandler@@IAE@VRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CProtocolHandler(class RHTTPSession) - ??0CRxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@AAVMRxDataObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(class CProtTransaction &,class MRxDataObserver &) - ??0CRxData@@IAE@XZ @ 7 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(void) - ??0CTxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 8 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(class CProtTransaction &) - ??0CTxData@@IAE@XZ @ 9 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(void) - ??0RHTTPPropertySet@@QAE@XZ @ 10 NONAME ; public: __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RHTTPPropertySet(void) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@H@Z @ 11 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(int) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRString@@@Z @ 12 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RString) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRStringF@@@Z @ 13 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RStringF) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VTDateTime@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class TDateTime) - ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@XZ @ 15 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(void) - ??1CHTTPFormEncoder@@UAE@XZ @ 16 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::~CHTTPFormEncoder(void) - ??1CHeaderCodec@@UAE@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderCodec::~CHeaderCodec(void) - ??1CHeaderReader@@UAE@XZ @ 18 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderReader::~CHeaderReader(void) - ??1CHeaderWriter@@UAE@XZ @ 19 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderWriter::~CHeaderWriter(void) - ??1CProtTransaction@@UAE@XZ @ 20 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtTransaction::~CProtTransaction(void) - ??1CProtocolHandler@@UAE@XZ @ 21 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtocolHandler::~CProtocolHandler(void) - ??1CRxData@@UAE@XZ @ 22 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CRxData::~CRxData(void) - ??1CTxData@@UAE@XZ @ 23 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CTxData::~CTxData(void) - ??1THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE@XZ @ 24 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::~THTTPHdrFieldIter(void) - ??1THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAE@XZ @ 25 NONAME ABSENT ; public: __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::~THeaderFieldParamIter(void) - ??1THttpLogger@@UAE@XZ @ 26 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THttpLogger::~THttpLogger(void) - ??8THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 27 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator==(class THTTPHdrVal)const - ??9THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 28 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator!=(class THTTPHdrVal)const - ??ETHTTPFilterIterator@@QAEAAV0@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator++(void) - ??ETHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 30 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator++(void) - ??ETHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 31 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator++(void) - ??ETHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 32 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator++(void) - ??RTHTTPFilterIterator@@QBEABVTHTTPFilterRegistration@@XZ @ 33 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterRegistration const & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator()(void)const - ??RTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE?AVRStringTokenF@@XZ @ 34 NONAME ; public: class RStringTokenF __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator()(void) - ??RTHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldParam@@XZ @ 35 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldParam const * __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator()(void) - ??RTHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldPart@@XZ @ 36 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldPart const * __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator()(void) - ?AddFieldL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@0@Z @ 37 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::AddFieldL(class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) - ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@HVRStringF@@@Z @ 38 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,int,class RStringF) - ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@VRStringF@@HH2@Z @ 39 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,class RStringF,int,int,class RStringF) - ?AddParamL@CHeaderFieldPart@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldParam@@@Z @ 40 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::AddParamL(class CHeaderFieldParam *) - ?AtEnd@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 41 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtEnd(void) - ?AtEnd@THTTPFilterIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 42 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::AtEnd(void)const - ?AtEnd@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QBEHXZ @ 43 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::AtEnd(void)const - ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEHXZ @ 44 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::AtEnd(void) - ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEHXZ @ 45 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::AtEnd(void) - ?AtStart@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 46 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtStart(void) - ?BeginRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXH@Z @ 47 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL(int) - ?Body@RHTTPMessage@@QBEPAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@XZ @ 48 NONAME ; public: class MHTTPDataSupplier * __thiscall RHTTPMessage::Body(void)const - ?CanChangeFilters@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 49 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::CanChangeFilters(void)const - ?Cancel@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 50 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Cancel(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Close@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 51 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::Close(void) - ?Close@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 52 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Close(void) - ?Codec@CProtocolHandler@@QBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@XZ @ 53 NONAME ; public: class CHeaderCodec * __thiscall CProtocolHandler::Codec(void)const - ?Collection@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 54 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHeaderField::Collection(void) - ?CommitRawData@RHeaderField@@QAEXXZ @ 55 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::CommitRawData(void) - ?CompleteSelf@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXXZ @ 56 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CompleteSelf(void) - ?ConnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 57 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectL(void) - ?ConnectionInfo@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRHTTPConnectionInfo@@XZ @ 58 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPConnectionInfo __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo(void)const - ?ConstructL@CHeaderCodec@@IAEXXZ @ 59 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CHeaderReader@@IAEXXZ @ 60 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderReader::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CHeaderWriter@@IAEXXZ @ 61 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderWriter::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 62 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::ConstructL(class RHTTPSession) - ?ConstructL@CRxData@@IAEXXZ @ 63 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CRxData::ConstructL(void) - ?ConstructL@CTxData@@IAEXXZ @ 64 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CTxData::ConstructL(void) - ?Copy@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AV1@XZ @ 65 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Copy(void)const - ?CreateFlogger@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@HH@Z @ 66 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::CreateFlogger(class TDesC16 const &,int,int) - ?CurrentFilterInformation@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBE?BUTFilterInformation@@XZ @ 67 NONAME ; public: struct TFilterInformation const __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::CurrentFilterInformation(void)const - ?DateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVTDateTime@@XZ @ 68 NONAME ; public: class TDateTime __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::DateTime(void)const - ?DecodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 69 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::DecodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const - ?DisconnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 70 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::DisconnectL(void) - ?DoCancel@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 71 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::DoCancel(void) - ?DumpIt@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 72 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::DumpIt(class TDesC8 const &) - ?EncodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 73 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::EncodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const - ?ExtractIntegerValueL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@AAHH@Z @ 74 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0ABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 75 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0VTChar@@@Z @ 76 NONAME ABSENT - ?ExtractQuotedStringL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0@Z @ 77 NONAME ABSENT - ?Fail@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 78 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Fail(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?FailSessionEvent@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 79 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::FailSessionEvent(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?FieldPartsL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 80 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::FieldPartsL(class RStringF)const - ?Fields@RHTTPHeaders@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@XZ @ 81 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrFieldIter __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::Fields(void)const - ?FindByDataType@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 82 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::FindByDataType(class TDesC8 const &) - ?FindTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHVRHTTPTransaction@@AAPBVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 83 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::FindTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction,class CProtTransaction const * &)const - ?First@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 84 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::First(void) - ?First@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 85 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::First(void) - ?First@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 86 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::First(void) - ?First@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 87 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::First(void) - ?GetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@HAAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 88 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetField(class RStringF,int,class THTTPHdrVal &)const - ?GetHeaderCollection@RHTTPMessage@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 89 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPMessage::GetHeaderCollection(void) - ?GetParam@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@0AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 90 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetParam(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &,int)const - ?GetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 91 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetRawField(class RStringF,class TPtrC8 &)const - ?GetTable@RHTTPSession@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 92 NONAME ; public: static struct TStringTable const & __cdecl RHTTPSession::GetTable(void) - ?HasBody@RHTTPMessage@@QBEHXZ @ 93 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPMessage::HasBody(void)const - ?Id@RHTTPTransaction@@QBEHXZ @ 94 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Id(void)const - ?InstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 95 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::InstallCurrentFilter(void)const - ?Int@THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHXZ @ 96 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Int(void)const - ?ListAvailableProtocolsL@RHTTPSession@@SAXAAV?$RPointerArray@VHBufC8@@@@@Z @ 97 NONAME ; public: static void __cdecl RHTTPSession::ListAvailableProtocolsL(class RPointerArray &) - ?LogIt@THttpLogger@@QAAXV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 98 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl THttpLogger::LogIt(class TRefByValue,...) - ?MHFLoad@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 99 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFLoad@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 100 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 101 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 102 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 103 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 104 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 105 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 106 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 107 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFSessionRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 108 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) - ?MHFUnload@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 109 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?MHFUnload@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 110 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Method@RHTTPRequest@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 111 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPRequest::Method(void)const - ?Name@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 112 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class RStringF __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Name(void)const - ?Name@RHeaderField@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 113 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHeaderField::Name(void)const - ?NewL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 114 NONAME ; public: static class CHTTPFormEncoder * __cdecl CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL(void) - ?NewL@CHeaderFieldParam@@SAPAV1@VRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 115 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldParam * __cdecl CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?NewL@CHeaderFieldPart@@SAPAV1@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 116 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldPart * __cdecl CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(class THTTPHdrVal) - ?Next@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 117 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::Next(void) - ?NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 118 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?NumActiveTransactions@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHXZ @ 119 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::NumActiveTransactions(void)const - ?NumParameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBEHXZ @ 120 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::NumParameters(void)const - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 121 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &) - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@PAVMHTTPFilterCreationCallback@@@Z @ 122 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &,class MHTTPFilterCreationCallback *) - ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 123 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(void) - ?OpenTransactionL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTUriC8@@AAVMHTTPTransactionCallback@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 124 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenTransactionL(class TUriC8 const &,class MHTTPTransactionCallback &,class RStringF) - ?Parameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHeaderFieldParamIter@@XZ @ 125 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THeaderFieldParamIter __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Parameters(void)const - ?PartsL@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVTHeaderFieldPartIter@@XZ @ 126 NONAME ; public: class THeaderFieldPartIter __thiscall RHeaderField::PartsL(void) - ?Property@RHTTPPropertySet@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 127 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::Property(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &)const - ?PropertySet@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransactionPropertySet@@XZ @ 128 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransactionPropertySet __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet(void)const - ?ProtTrans@CRxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 129 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CRxData::ProtTrans(void) - ?ProtTrans@CTxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 130 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CTxData::ProtTrans(void) - ?Query@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAE?AVTHTTPFilterIterator@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 131 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::Query(class RStringF) - ?RawDataL@CHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 132 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) - ?RawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 133 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) - ?RemoveAllFields@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXXZ @ 134 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveAllFields(void) - ?RemoveAllProperties@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXXZ @ 135 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveAllProperties(void) - ?RemoveBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXXZ @ 136 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::RemoveBody(void) - ?RemoveField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 137 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField(class RStringF) - ?RemoveFieldPart@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@H@Z @ 138 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart(class RStringF,int) - ?RemoveFilter@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 139 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::RemoveFilter(class RStringF) - ?RemoveProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 140 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveProperty(class RStringF) - ?Request@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPRequest@@XZ @ 141 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPRequest __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Request(void)const - ?RequestSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 142 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::RequestSessionHeadersL(void) - ?ResetRxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 143 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetRxData(void) - ?ResetTxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 144 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetTxData(void) - ?Response@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPResponse@@XZ @ 145 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPResponse __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Response(void)const - ?ResponseSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 146 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::ResponseSessionHeadersL(void) - ?RunError@CProtocolHandler@@MAEHH@Z @ 147 NONAME ; protected: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunError(int) - ?RunL@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 148 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunL(void) - ?RxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCRxData@@XZ @ 149 NONAME ; public: class CRxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::RxData(void)const - ?SendEventL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 150 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SendEventL(class THTTPEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?SendSessionEventL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPSessionEvent@@W4TDirection@THTTPEvent@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 151 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SendSessionEventL(class THTTPSessionEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 152 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPSession::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 153 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) - ?Session@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPSession@@XZ @ 154 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPSession __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Session(void)const - ?SetBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXAAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@@Z @ 155 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::SetBody(class MHTTPDataSupplier &) - ?SetDateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVTDateTime@@@Z @ 156 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetDateTime(class TDateTime) - ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 157 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 158 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetInt@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXH@Z @ 159 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetInt(int) - ?SetMethod@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 160 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetMethod(class RStringF) - ?SetParamL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@0VTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 161 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetParamL(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,int) - ?SetPartL@RHeaderField@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldPart@@H@Z @ 162 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::SetPartL(class CHeaderFieldPart *,int) - ?SetPropertyL@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 163 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::SetPropertyL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 164 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetRawFieldL(class RStringF,class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) - ?SetSessionEventCallback@RHTTPSession@@QAEXPAVMHTTPSessionEventCallback@@@Z @ 165 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SetSessionEventCallback(class MHTTPSessionEventCallback *) - ?SetStatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXH@Z @ 166 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode(int) - ?SetStatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 167 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusText(class RStringF) - ?SetStr@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRString@@@Z @ 168 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStr(class RString) - ?SetStrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 169 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStrF(class RStringF) - ?SetURIL@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXABVTUriC8@@@Z @ 170 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetURIL(class TUriC8 const &) - ?SetVersion@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVTVersion@@@Z @ 171 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetVersion(class TVersion) - ?StatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QBEHXZ @ 172 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusCode(void)const - ?StatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 173 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusText(void)const - ?Str@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRString@@XZ @ 174 NONAME ; public: class RString __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Str(void)const - ?StrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 175 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::StrF(void)const - ?StringPool@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRStringPool@@XZ @ 176 NONAME ; public: class RStringPool __thiscall RHTTPSession::StringPool(void)const - ?SubmitL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 177 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL(class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?Transaction@CProtTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@XZ @ 178 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall CProtTransaction::Transaction(void)const - ?TransactionCompletedL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 179 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompletedL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent) - ?TransactionFailed@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 180 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionFailed(class RHTTPTransaction) - ?TrimWsBothEnds@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 181 NONAME ABSENT - ?TrimWsLeft@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 182 NONAME ABSENT - ?TrimWsRight@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 183 NONAME ABSENT - ?TxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCTxData@@XZ @ 184 NONAME ; public: class CTxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::TxData(void)const - ?Type@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AW4THTTPValType@1@XZ @ 185 NONAME ; public: enum THTTPHdrVal::THTTPValType __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Type(void)const - ?URI@RHTTPRequest@@QBEABVTUriC8@@XZ @ 186 NONAME ; public: class TUriC8 const & __thiscall RHTTPRequest::URI(void)const - ?UninstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 187 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::UninstallCurrentFilter(void)const - ?Value@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 188 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Value(void)const - ?Value@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 189 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Value(void)const - ?Version@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVTVersion@@XZ @ 190 NONAME ; public: class TVersion __thiscall RHTTPResponse::Version(void)const - ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 191 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC16 const &) - ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 192 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC8 const &) - ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 193 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TDesC8 const &) - ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXVTChar@@@Z @ 194 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TChar) - ?Overflow@THttpLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 195 NONAME ; private: virtual void __thiscall THttpLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) - ?CipherSuite@RHTTPTransaction@@QAE?AVRString@@XZ @ 196 NONAME ; class RString RHTTPTransaction::CipherSuite(void) - ??1CHeaderCodecPlugin@@UAE@XZ @ 197 NONAME ; CHeaderCodecPlugin::~CHeaderCodecPlugin(void) - ?CreateDelegateCodecL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@MBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 198 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodec * CHeaderCodecPlugin::CreateDelegateCodecL(class RStringPool) const - ?NewL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@SAPAV1@ABVTDesC8@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 199 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodecPlugin * CHeaderCodecPlugin::NewL(class TDesC8 const &, class RStringPool) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 200 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPSession::ServerCert(void) - ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 201 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(void) - ?SessionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 202 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert(void) - ?TransactionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 203 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert(class RHTTPTransaction) - ?SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 204 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL(void) - ??1TTimerLogger@@QAE@XZ @ 205 NONAME ; TTimerLogger::~TTimerLogger(void) - ?EndTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 206 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::EndTimer(class TDesC16 const &) - ?Overflow@TTimerLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 207 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) - ?StartTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXXZ @ 208 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::StartTimer(void) - ?TestName@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 209 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::TestName(class TDesC16 const &) - ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 210 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPSession::HttpDataOptimiser(void) - ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 211 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPTransaction::HttpDataOptimiser(void) - ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 212 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) - ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 213 NONAME ; void RHTTPTransaction::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) - ?Table@THTTPTable@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 214 NONAME ; struct TStringTable const & THTTPTable::Table(void) - ?FindProtocolTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEPAVCProtTransaction@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 215 NONAME ; class CProtTransaction * CProtocolHandler::FindProtocolTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) const - ?GetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEXVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 216 NONAME ; void RHTTPHeaders::GetRawFieldL(class RStringF, class TPtrC8 &) const - ?SendEvent@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 217 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::SendEvent(class THTTPEvent, enum THTTPEvent::TDirection, class THTTPFilterHandle) - ?SetProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 218 NONAME ; int RHTTPPropertySet::SetProperty(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?TransactionCompleted@CProtocolHandler@@IAEHVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 219 NONAME ; int CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompleted(class RHTTPTransaction, class THTTPEvent) - ?ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat@CHeaders@@QAEHXZ @ 220 NONAME ; int CHeaders::ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat(void) - ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 221 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?SetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 222 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetRawField(class RStringF, class TDesC8 const &, class TDesC8 const &) - ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 223 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal, class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) - ?LookupField@CHeaders@@QAEPAVCHeaderField@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 224 NONAME ; class CHeaderField * CHeaders::LookupField(class RStringF) - ?Submit@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 225 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::Submit(class THTTPFilterHandle) - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httphsu.def --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httphsu.def Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +EXPORTS + ??0CHeaderCodec@@IAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderCodec::CHeaderCodec(void) + ??0CHeaderReader@@IAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderReader::CHeaderReader(void) + ??0CHeaderWriter@@IAE@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderWriter::CHeaderWriter(void) + ??0CProtTransaction@@IAE@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtTransaction::CProtTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) + ??0CProtocolHandler@@IAE@VRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CProtocolHandler(class RHTTPSession) + ??0CRxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@AAVMRxDataObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(class CProtTransaction &,class MRxDataObserver &) + ??0CRxData@@IAE@XZ @ 7 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(void) + ??0CTxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 8 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(class CProtTransaction &) + ??0CTxData@@IAE@XZ @ 9 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(void) + ??0RHTTPPropertySet@@QAE@XZ @ 10 NONAME ; public: __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RHTTPPropertySet(void) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@H@Z @ 11 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(int) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRString@@@Z @ 12 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RString) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRStringF@@@Z @ 13 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RStringF) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VTDateTime@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class TDateTime) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@XZ @ 15 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(void) + ??1CHTTPFormEncoder@@UAE@XZ @ 16 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::~CHTTPFormEncoder(void) + ??1CHeaderCodec@@UAE@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderCodec::~CHeaderCodec(void) + ??1CHeaderReader@@UAE@XZ @ 18 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderReader::~CHeaderReader(void) + ??1CHeaderWriter@@UAE@XZ @ 19 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderWriter::~CHeaderWriter(void) + ??1CProtTransaction@@UAE@XZ @ 20 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtTransaction::~CProtTransaction(void) + ??1CProtocolHandler@@UAE@XZ @ 21 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtocolHandler::~CProtocolHandler(void) + ??1CRxData@@UAE@XZ @ 22 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CRxData::~CRxData(void) + ??1CTxData@@UAE@XZ @ 23 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CTxData::~CTxData(void) + ??1THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE@XZ @ 24 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::~THTTPHdrFieldIter(void) + ??1THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAE@XZ @ 25 NONAME ABSENT ; public: __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::~THeaderFieldParamIter(void) + ??1THttpLogger@@UAE@XZ @ 26 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THttpLogger::~THttpLogger(void) + ??8THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 27 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator==(class THTTPHdrVal)const + ??9THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 28 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator!=(class THTTPHdrVal)const + ??ETHTTPFilterIterator@@QAEAAV0@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator++(void) + ??ETHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 30 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator++(void) + ??ETHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 31 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator++(void) + ??ETHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 32 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator++(void) + ??RTHTTPFilterIterator@@QBEABVTHTTPFilterRegistration@@XZ @ 33 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterRegistration const & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator()(void)const + ??RTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE?AVRStringTokenF@@XZ @ 34 NONAME ; public: class RStringTokenF __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator()(void) + ??RTHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldParam@@XZ @ 35 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldParam const * __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator()(void) + ??RTHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldPart@@XZ @ 36 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldPart const * __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator()(void) + ?AddFieldL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@0@Z @ 37 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::AddFieldL(class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) + ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@HVRStringF@@@Z @ 38 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,int,class RStringF) + ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@VRStringF@@HH2@Z @ 39 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,class RStringF,int,int,class RStringF) + ?AddParamL@CHeaderFieldPart@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldParam@@@Z @ 40 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::AddParamL(class CHeaderFieldParam *) + ?AtEnd@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 41 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtEnd(void) + ?AtEnd@THTTPFilterIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 42 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::AtEnd(void)const + ?AtEnd@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QBEHXZ @ 43 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::AtEnd(void)const + ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEHXZ @ 44 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::AtEnd(void) + ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEHXZ @ 45 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::AtEnd(void) + ?AtStart@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 46 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtStart(void) + ?BeginRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXH@Z @ 47 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL(int) + ?Body@RHTTPMessage@@QBEPAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@XZ @ 48 NONAME ; public: class MHTTPDataSupplier * __thiscall RHTTPMessage::Body(void)const + ?CanChangeFilters@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 49 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::CanChangeFilters(void)const + ?Cancel@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 50 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Cancel(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Close@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 51 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::Close(void) + ?Close@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 52 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Close(void) + ?Codec@CProtocolHandler@@QBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@XZ @ 53 NONAME ; public: class CHeaderCodec * __thiscall CProtocolHandler::Codec(void)const + ?Collection@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 54 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHeaderField::Collection(void) + ?CommitRawData@RHeaderField@@QAEXXZ @ 55 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::CommitRawData(void) + ?CompleteSelf@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXXZ @ 56 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CompleteSelf(void) + ?ConnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 57 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectL(void) + ?ConnectionInfo@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRHTTPConnectionInfo@@XZ @ 58 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPConnectionInfo __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo(void)const + ?ConstructL@CHeaderCodec@@IAEXXZ @ 59 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CHeaderReader@@IAEXXZ @ 60 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderReader::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CHeaderWriter@@IAEXXZ @ 61 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderWriter::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 62 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::ConstructL(class RHTTPSession) + ?ConstructL@CRxData@@IAEXXZ @ 63 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CRxData::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CTxData@@IAEXXZ @ 64 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CTxData::ConstructL(void) + ?Copy@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AV1@XZ @ 65 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Copy(void)const + ?CreateFlogger@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@HH@Z @ 66 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::CreateFlogger(class TDesC16 const &,int,int) + ?CurrentFilterInformation@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBE?BUTFilterInformation@@XZ @ 67 NONAME ; public: struct TFilterInformation const __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::CurrentFilterInformation(void)const + ?DateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVTDateTime@@XZ @ 68 NONAME ; public: class TDateTime __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::DateTime(void)const + ?DecodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 69 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::DecodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const + ?DisconnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 70 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::DisconnectL(void) + ?DoCancel@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 71 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::DoCancel(void) + ?DumpIt@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 72 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::DumpIt(class TDesC8 const &) + ?EncodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 73 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::EncodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const + ?ExtractIntegerValueL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@AAHH@Z @ 74 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0ABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 75 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0VTChar@@@Z @ 76 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractQuotedStringL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0@Z @ 77 NONAME ABSENT + ?Fail@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 78 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Fail(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?FailSessionEvent@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 79 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::FailSessionEvent(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?FieldPartsL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 80 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::FieldPartsL(class RStringF)const + ?Fields@RHTTPHeaders@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@XZ @ 81 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrFieldIter __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::Fields(void)const + ?FindByDataType@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 82 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::FindByDataType(class TDesC8 const &) + ?FindTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHVRHTTPTransaction@@AAPBVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 83 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::FindTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction,class CProtTransaction const * &)const + ?First@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 84 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::First(void) + ?First@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 85 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::First(void) + ?First@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 86 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::First(void) + ?First@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 87 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::First(void) + ?GetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@HAAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 88 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetField(class RStringF,int,class THTTPHdrVal &)const + ?GetHeaderCollection@RHTTPMessage@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 89 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPMessage::GetHeaderCollection(void) + ?GetParam@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@0AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 90 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetParam(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &,int)const + ?GetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 91 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetRawField(class RStringF,class TPtrC8 &)const + ?GetTable@RHTTPSession@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 92 NONAME ; public: static struct TStringTable const & __cdecl RHTTPSession::GetTable(void) + ?HasBody@RHTTPMessage@@QBEHXZ @ 93 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPMessage::HasBody(void)const + ?Id@RHTTPTransaction@@QBEHXZ @ 94 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Id(void)const + ?InstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 95 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::InstallCurrentFilter(void)const + ?Int@THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHXZ @ 96 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Int(void)const + ?ListAvailableProtocolsL@RHTTPSession@@SAXAAV?$RPointerArray@VHBufC8@@@@@Z @ 97 NONAME ; public: static void __cdecl RHTTPSession::ListAvailableProtocolsL(class RPointerArray &) + ?LogIt@THttpLogger@@QAAXV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 98 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl THttpLogger::LogIt(class TRefByValue,...) + ?MHFLoad@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 99 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFLoad@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 100 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 101 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 102 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 103 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 104 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 105 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 106 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 107 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 108 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFUnload@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 109 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFUnload@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 110 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Method@RHTTPRequest@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 111 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPRequest::Method(void)const + ?Name@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 112 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class RStringF __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Name(void)const + ?Name@RHeaderField@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 113 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHeaderField::Name(void)const + ?NewL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 114 NONAME ; public: static class CHTTPFormEncoder * __cdecl CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL(void) + ?NewL@CHeaderFieldParam@@SAPAV1@VRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 115 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldParam * __cdecl CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?NewL@CHeaderFieldPart@@SAPAV1@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 116 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldPart * __cdecl CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(class THTTPHdrVal) + ?Next@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 117 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::Next(void) + ?NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 118 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?NumActiveTransactions@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHXZ @ 119 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::NumActiveTransactions(void)const + ?NumParameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBEHXZ @ 120 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::NumParameters(void)const + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 121 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &) + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@PAVMHTTPFilterCreationCallback@@@Z @ 122 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &,class MHTTPFilterCreationCallback *) + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 123 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(void) + ?OpenTransactionL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTUriC8@@AAVMHTTPTransactionCallback@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 124 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenTransactionL(class TUriC8 const &,class MHTTPTransactionCallback &,class RStringF) + ?Parameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHeaderFieldParamIter@@XZ @ 125 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THeaderFieldParamIter __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Parameters(void)const + ?PartsL@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVTHeaderFieldPartIter@@XZ @ 126 NONAME ; public: class THeaderFieldPartIter __thiscall RHeaderField::PartsL(void) + ?Property@RHTTPPropertySet@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 127 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::Property(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &)const + ?PropertySet@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransactionPropertySet@@XZ @ 128 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransactionPropertySet __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet(void)const + ?ProtTrans@CRxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 129 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CRxData::ProtTrans(void) + ?ProtTrans@CTxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 130 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CTxData::ProtTrans(void) + ?Query@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAE?AVTHTTPFilterIterator@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 131 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::Query(class RStringF) + ?RawDataL@CHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 132 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) + ?RawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 133 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) + ?RemoveAllFields@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXXZ @ 134 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveAllFields(void) + ?RemoveAllProperties@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXXZ @ 135 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveAllProperties(void) + ?RemoveBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXXZ @ 136 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::RemoveBody(void) + ?RemoveField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 137 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField(class RStringF) + ?RemoveFieldPart@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@H@Z @ 138 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart(class RStringF,int) + ?RemoveFilter@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 139 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::RemoveFilter(class RStringF) + ?RemoveProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 140 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveProperty(class RStringF) + ?Request@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPRequest@@XZ @ 141 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPRequest __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Request(void)const + ?RequestSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 142 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::RequestSessionHeadersL(void) + ?ResetRxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 143 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetRxData(void) + ?ResetTxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 144 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetTxData(void) + ?Response@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPResponse@@XZ @ 145 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPResponse __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Response(void)const + ?ResponseSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 146 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::ResponseSessionHeadersL(void) + ?RunError@CProtocolHandler@@MAEHH@Z @ 147 NONAME ; protected: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunError(int) + ?RunL@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 148 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunL(void) + ?RxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCRxData@@XZ @ 149 NONAME ; public: class CRxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::RxData(void)const + ?SendEventL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 150 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SendEventL(class THTTPEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?SendSessionEventL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPSessionEvent@@W4TDirection@THTTPEvent@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 151 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SendSessionEventL(class THTTPSessionEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 152 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPSession::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 153 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) + ?Session@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPSession@@XZ @ 154 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPSession __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Session(void)const + ?SetBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXAAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@@Z @ 155 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::SetBody(class MHTTPDataSupplier &) + ?SetDateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVTDateTime@@@Z @ 156 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetDateTime(class TDateTime) + ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 157 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 158 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetInt@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXH@Z @ 159 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetInt(int) + ?SetMethod@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 160 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetMethod(class RStringF) + ?SetParamL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@0VTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 161 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetParamL(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,int) + ?SetPartL@RHeaderField@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldPart@@H@Z @ 162 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::SetPartL(class CHeaderFieldPart *,int) + ?SetPropertyL@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 163 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::SetPropertyL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 164 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetRawFieldL(class RStringF,class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) + ?SetSessionEventCallback@RHTTPSession@@QAEXPAVMHTTPSessionEventCallback@@@Z @ 165 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SetSessionEventCallback(class MHTTPSessionEventCallback *) + ?SetStatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXH@Z @ 166 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode(int) + ?SetStatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 167 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusText(class RStringF) + ?SetStr@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRString@@@Z @ 168 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStr(class RString) + ?SetStrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 169 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStrF(class RStringF) + ?SetURIL@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXABVTUriC8@@@Z @ 170 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetURIL(class TUriC8 const &) + ?SetVersion@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVTVersion@@@Z @ 171 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetVersion(class TVersion) + ?StatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QBEHXZ @ 172 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusCode(void)const + ?StatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 173 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusText(void)const + ?Str@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRString@@XZ @ 174 NONAME ; public: class RString __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Str(void)const + ?StrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 175 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::StrF(void)const + ?StringPool@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRStringPool@@XZ @ 176 NONAME ; public: class RStringPool __thiscall RHTTPSession::StringPool(void)const + ?SubmitL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 177 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Transaction@CProtTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@XZ @ 178 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall CProtTransaction::Transaction(void)const + ?TransactionCompletedL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 179 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompletedL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent) + ?TransactionFailed@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 180 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionFailed(class RHTTPTransaction) + ?TrimWsBothEnds@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 181 NONAME ABSENT + ?TrimWsLeft@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 182 NONAME ABSENT + ?TrimWsRight@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 183 NONAME ABSENT + ?TxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCTxData@@XZ @ 184 NONAME ; public: class CTxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::TxData(void)const + ?Type@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AW4THTTPValType@1@XZ @ 185 NONAME ; public: enum THTTPHdrVal::THTTPValType __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Type(void)const + ?URI@RHTTPRequest@@QBEABVTUriC8@@XZ @ 186 NONAME ; public: class TUriC8 const & __thiscall RHTTPRequest::URI(void)const + ?UninstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 187 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::UninstallCurrentFilter(void)const + ?Value@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 188 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Value(void)const + ?Value@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 189 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Value(void)const + ?Version@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVTVersion@@XZ @ 190 NONAME ; public: class TVersion __thiscall RHTTPResponse::Version(void)const + ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 191 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC16 const &) + ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 192 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC8 const &) + ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 193 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TDesC8 const &) + ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXVTChar@@@Z @ 194 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TChar) + ?Overflow@THttpLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 195 NONAME ; private: virtual void __thiscall THttpLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) + ?CipherSuite@RHTTPTransaction@@QAE?AVRString@@XZ @ 196 NONAME ; class RString RHTTPTransaction::CipherSuite(void) + ??1CHeaderCodecPlugin@@UAE@XZ @ 197 NONAME ; CHeaderCodecPlugin::~CHeaderCodecPlugin(void) + ?CreateDelegateCodecL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@MBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 198 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodec * CHeaderCodecPlugin::CreateDelegateCodecL(class RStringPool) const + ?NewL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@SAPAV1@ABVTDesC8@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 199 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodecPlugin * CHeaderCodecPlugin::NewL(class TDesC8 const &, class RStringPool) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 200 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPSession::ServerCert(void) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 201 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(void) + ?SessionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 202 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert(void) + ?TransactionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 203 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert(class RHTTPTransaction) + ?SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 204 NONAME ABSENT ; void RHTTPSession::SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL(void) + ??1TTimerLogger@@QAE@XZ @ 205 NONAME ; TTimerLogger::~TTimerLogger(void) + ?EndTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 206 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::EndTimer(class TDesC16 const &) + ?Overflow@TTimerLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 207 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) + ?StartTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXXZ @ 208 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::StartTimer(void) + ?TestName@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 209 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::TestName(class TDesC16 const &) + ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 210 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPSession::HttpDataOptimiser(void) + ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 211 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPTransaction::HttpDataOptimiser(void) + ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 212 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) + ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 213 NONAME ; void RHTTPTransaction::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) + ?Table@THTTPTable@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 214 NONAME ; struct TStringTable const & THTTPTable::Table(void) + ?GetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEXVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 215 NONAME ; void RHTTPHeaders::GetRawFieldL(class RStringF, class TPtrC8 &) const + ?SendEvent@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 216 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::SendEvent(class THTTPEvent, enum THTTPEvent::TDirection, class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?TransactionCompleted@CProtocolHandler@@IAEHVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 217 NONAME ; int CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompleted(class RHTTPTransaction, class THTTPEvent) + ?FindProtocolTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEPAVCProtTransaction@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 218 NONAME ; class CProtTransaction * CProtocolHandler::FindProtocolTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) const + ?SetProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 219 NONAME ; int RHTTPPropertySet::SetProperty(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 220 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 221 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetRawField(class RStringF, class TDesC8 const &, class TDesC8 const &) + ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 222 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal, class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?Submit@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 223 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::Submit(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?LookupField@CHeaders@@QAEPAVCHeaderField@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 224 NONAME ; class CHeaderField * CHeaders::LookupField(class RStringF) + ?ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat@CHeaders@@QAEHXZ @ 225 NONAME ; int CHeaders::ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat(void) + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httpmessageu.def --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httpmessageu.def Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +EXPORTS + ?Close@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 1 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Close(void) + ?Close@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 2 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Close(void) + ?GetMessageData@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 3 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::GetMessageData(class TPtrC8 &) + ?MessageInfoAvailable@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 4 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::MessageInfoAvailable(void) + ?OpenL@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXAAVMHttpMessageComposerObserver@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::OpenL(class MHttpMessageComposerObserver &) + ?OpenL@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXAAVMHttpMessageParserObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::OpenL(class MHttpMessageParserObserver &) + ?ReceivedMessageData@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 7 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::ReceivedMessageData(void) + ?ReleaseMessageData@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 8 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::ReleaseMessageData(void) + ?Reserved_RHttpMessageComposer@RHttpMessageComposer@@AAEXXZ @ 9 NONAME ; private: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Reserved_RHttpMessageComposer(void) + ?Reserved_RHttpMessageParser@RHttpMessageParser@@AAEXXZ @ 10 NONAME ; private: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Reserved_RHttpMessageParser(void) + ?Reset@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEXXZ @ 11 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::Reset(void) + ?Reset@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 12 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::Reset(void) + ?CompletedBodyDataL@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 13 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHttpMessageParser::CompletedBodyDataL(void) + ?CheckMessagePendingComplete@RHttpMessageComposer@@QAEHXZ @ 14 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHttpMessageComposer::CheckMessagePendingComplete(void) + ?Flush@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEXXZ @ 15 NONAME ; void RHttpMessageParser::Flush(void) + ?CompleteMessage@RHttpMessageParser@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 16 NONAME ; int RHttpMessageParser::CompleteMessage(class TDesC8 const &) + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httpu.def --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/BWINS/httpu.def Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ +EXPORTS + ??0CHeaderCodec@@IAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderCodec::CHeaderCodec(void) + ??0CHeaderReader@@IAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderReader::CHeaderReader(void) + ??0CHeaderWriter@@IAE@XZ @ 3 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CHeaderWriter::CHeaderWriter(void) + ??0CProtTransaction@@IAE@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 4 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtTransaction::CProtTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) + ??0CProtocolHandler@@IAE@VRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CProtocolHandler(class RHTTPSession) + ??0CRxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@AAVMRxDataObserver@@@Z @ 6 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(class CProtTransaction &,class MRxDataObserver &) + ??0CRxData@@IAE@XZ @ 7 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CRxData::CRxData(void) + ??0CTxData@@IAE@AAVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 8 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(class CProtTransaction &) + ??0CTxData@@IAE@XZ @ 9 NONAME ; protected: __thiscall CTxData::CTxData(void) + ??0RHTTPPropertySet@@QAE@XZ @ 10 NONAME ; public: __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RHTTPPropertySet(void) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@H@Z @ 11 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(int) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRString@@@Z @ 12 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RString) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VRStringF@@@Z @ 13 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class RStringF) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@VTDateTime@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(class TDateTime) + ??0THTTPHdrVal@@QAE@XZ @ 15 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::THTTPHdrVal(void) + ??1CHTTPFormEncoder@@UAE@XZ @ 16 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::~CHTTPFormEncoder(void) + ??1CHeaderCodec@@UAE@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderCodec::~CHeaderCodec(void) + ??1CHeaderReader@@UAE@XZ @ 18 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderReader::~CHeaderReader(void) + ??1CHeaderWriter@@UAE@XZ @ 19 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CHeaderWriter::~CHeaderWriter(void) + ??1CProtTransaction@@UAE@XZ @ 20 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtTransaction::~CProtTransaction(void) + ??1CProtocolHandler@@UAE@XZ @ 21 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CProtocolHandler::~CProtocolHandler(void) + ??1CRxData@@UAE@XZ @ 22 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CRxData::~CRxData(void) + ??1CTxData@@UAE@XZ @ 23 NONAME ; public: virtual __thiscall CTxData::~CTxData(void) + ??1THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE@XZ @ 24 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::~THTTPHdrFieldIter(void) + ??1THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAE@XZ @ 25 NONAME ABSENT ; public: __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::~THeaderFieldParamIter(void) + ??1THttpLogger@@UAE@XZ @ 26 NONAME ; public: __thiscall THttpLogger::~THttpLogger(void) + ??8THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 27 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator==(class THTTPHdrVal)const + ??9THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHV0@@Z @ 28 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::operator!=(class THTTPHdrVal)const + ??ETHTTPFilterIterator@@QAEAAV0@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator++(void) + ??ETHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 30 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator++(void) + ??ETHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 31 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator++(void) + ??ETHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 32 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator++(void) + ??RTHTTPFilterIterator@@QBEABVTHTTPFilterRegistration@@XZ @ 33 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterRegistration const & __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::operator()(void)const + ??RTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAE?AVRStringTokenF@@XZ @ 34 NONAME ; public: class RStringTokenF __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::operator()(void) + ??RTHeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldParam@@XZ @ 35 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldParam const * __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::operator()(void) + ??RTHeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEPBVCHeaderFieldPart@@XZ @ 36 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class CHeaderFieldPart const * __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::operator()(void) + ?AddFieldL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@0@Z @ 37 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHTTPFormEncoder::AddFieldL(class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) + ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@HVRStringF@@@Z @ 38 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,int,class RStringF) + ?AddFilterL@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXAAVMHTTPFilter@@VTHTTPEvent@@VRStringF@@HH2@Z @ 39 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::AddFilterL(class MHTTPFilter &,class THTTPEvent,class RStringF,int,int,class RStringF) + ?AddParamL@CHeaderFieldPart@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldParam@@@Z @ 40 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::AddParamL(class CHeaderFieldParam *) + ?AtEnd@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 41 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtEnd(void) + ?AtEnd@THTTPFilterIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 42 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPFilterIterator::AtEnd(void)const + ?AtEnd@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QBEHXZ @ 43 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::AtEnd(void)const + ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEHXZ @ 44 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::AtEnd(void) + ?AtEnd@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEHXZ @ 45 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::AtEnd(void) + ?AtStart@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 46 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::AtStart(void) + ?BeginRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXH@Z @ 47 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::BeginRawDataL(int) + ?Body@RHTTPMessage@@QBEPAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@XZ @ 48 NONAME ; public: class MHTTPDataSupplier * __thiscall RHTTPMessage::Body(void)const + ?CanChangeFilters@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QBEHXZ @ 49 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::CanChangeFilters(void)const + ?Cancel@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 50 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Cancel(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Close@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 51 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::Close(void) + ?Close@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 52 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Close(void) + ?Codec@CProtocolHandler@@QBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@XZ @ 53 NONAME ; public: class CHeaderCodec * __thiscall CProtocolHandler::Codec(void)const + ?Collection@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 54 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHeaderField::Collection(void) + ?CommitRawData@RHeaderField@@QAEXXZ @ 55 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::CommitRawData(void) + ?CompleteSelf@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXXZ @ 56 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::CompleteSelf(void) + ?ConnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 57 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectL(void) + ?ConnectionInfo@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRHTTPConnectionInfo@@XZ @ 58 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPConnectionInfo __thiscall RHTTPSession::ConnectionInfo(void)const + ?ConstructL@CHeaderCodec@@IAEXXZ @ 59 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CHeaderReader@@IAEXXZ @ 60 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderReader::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CHeaderWriter@@IAEXXZ @ 61 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CHeaderWriter::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPSession@@@Z @ 62 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::ConstructL(class RHTTPSession) + ?ConstructL@CRxData@@IAEXXZ @ 63 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CRxData::ConstructL(void) + ?ConstructL@CTxData@@IAEXXZ @ 64 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CTxData::ConstructL(void) + ?Copy@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AV1@XZ @ 65 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Copy(void)const + ?CreateFlogger@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@HH@Z @ 66 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::CreateFlogger(class TDesC16 const &,int,int) + ?CurrentFilterInformation@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBE?BUTFilterInformation@@XZ @ 67 NONAME ; public: struct TFilterInformation const __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::CurrentFilterInformation(void)const + ?DateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVTDateTime@@XZ @ 68 NONAME ; public: class TDateTime __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::DateTime(void)const + ?DecodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 69 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::DecodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const + ?DisconnectL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 70 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::DisconnectL(void) + ?DoCancel@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 71 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::DoCancel(void) + ?DumpIt@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 72 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::DumpIt(class TDesC8 const &) + ?EncodeHeaderL@CHeaderCodec@@QBEXAAVRHeaderField@@@Z @ 73 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderCodec::EncodeHeaderL(class RHeaderField &)const + ?ExtractIntegerValueL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@AAHH@Z @ 74 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0ABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 75 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractNextTokenFromList@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0VTChar@@@Z @ 76 NONAME ABSENT + ?ExtractQuotedStringL@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAHAAVTPtrC8@@0@Z @ 77 NONAME ABSENT + ?Fail@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 78 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Fail(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?FailSessionEvent@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 79 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::FailSessionEvent(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?FieldPartsL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 80 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::FieldPartsL(class RStringF)const + ?Fields@RHTTPHeaders@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrFieldIter@@XZ @ 81 NONAME ; public: class THTTPHdrFieldIter __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::Fields(void)const + ?FindByDataType@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 82 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::FindByDataType(class TDesC8 const &) + ?FindTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHVRHTTPTransaction@@AAPBVCProtTransaction@@@Z @ 83 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::FindTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction,class CProtTransaction const * &)const + ?First@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 84 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::First(void) + ?First@THTTPHdrFieldIter@@QAEXXZ @ 85 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrFieldIter::First(void) + ?First@THeaderFieldParamIter@@QAEXXZ @ 86 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldParamIter::First(void) + ?First@THeaderFieldPartIter@@QAEXXZ @ 87 NONAME ABSENT ; public: void __thiscall THeaderFieldPartIter::First(void) + ?GetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@HAAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 88 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetField(class RStringF,int,class THTTPHdrVal &)const + ?GetHeaderCollection@RHTTPMessage@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 89 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPMessage::GetHeaderCollection(void) + ?GetParam@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@0AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 90 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetParam(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &,int)const + ?GetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 91 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::GetRawField(class RStringF,class TPtrC8 &)const + ?GetTable@RHTTPSession@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 92 NONAME ; public: static struct TStringTable const & __cdecl RHTTPSession::GetTable(void) + ?HasBody@RHTTPMessage@@QBEHXZ @ 93 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPMessage::HasBody(void)const + ?Id@RHTTPTransaction@@QBEHXZ @ 94 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Id(void)const + ?InstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 95 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::InstallCurrentFilter(void)const + ?Int@THTTPHdrVal@@QBEHXZ @ 96 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Int(void)const + ?ListAvailableProtocolsL@RHTTPSession@@SAXAAV?$RPointerArray@VHBufC8@@@@@Z @ 97 NONAME ; public: static void __cdecl RHTTPSession::ListAvailableProtocolsL(class RPointerArray &) + ?LogIt@THttpLogger@@QAAXV?$TRefByValue@$$CBVTDesC16@@@@ZZ @ 98 NONAME ; public: void __cdecl THttpLogger::LogIt(class TRefByValue,...) + ?MHFLoad@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 99 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFLoad@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 100 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFLoad(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 101 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 102 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunError(int,class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 103 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 104 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFRunL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunError@CProtocolHandler@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 105 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunError@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEHHABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 106 NONAME ; public: virtual int __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunError(int,class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunL@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 107 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFSessionRunL@MHTTPFilterBase@@UAEXABVTHTTPSessionEvent@@@Z @ 108 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilterBase::MHFSessionRunL(class THTTPSessionEvent const &) + ?MHFUnload@CProtocolHandler@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 109 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?MHFUnload@MHTTPFilter@@UAEXVRHTTPSession@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 110 NONAME ; public: virtual void __thiscall MHTTPFilter::MHFUnload(class RHTTPSession,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Method@RHTTPRequest@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 111 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPRequest::Method(void)const + ?Name@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 112 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class RStringF __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Name(void)const + ?Name@RHeaderField@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 113 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHeaderField::Name(void)const + ?NewL@CHTTPFormEncoder@@SAPAV1@XZ @ 114 NONAME ; public: static class CHTTPFormEncoder * __cdecl CHTTPFormEncoder::NewL(void) + ?NewL@CHeaderFieldParam@@SAPAV1@VRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 115 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldParam * __cdecl CHeaderFieldParam::NewL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?NewL@CHeaderFieldPart@@SAPAV1@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 116 NONAME ABSENT ; public: static class CHeaderFieldPart * __cdecl CHeaderFieldPart::NewL(class THTTPHdrVal) + ?Next@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QAEHXZ @ 117 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::Next(void) + ?NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 118 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::NotifyNewRequestBodyPartL(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?NumActiveTransactions@CProtocolHandler@@IBEHXZ @ 119 NONAME ; protected: int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::NumActiveTransactions(void)const + ?NumParameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBEHXZ @ 120 NONAME ABSENT ; public: int __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::NumParameters(void)const + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 121 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &) + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@PAVMHTTPFilterCreationCallback@@@Z @ 122 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(class TDesC8 const &,class MHTTPFilterCreationCallback *) + ?OpenL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 123 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenL(void) + ?OpenTransactionL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@ABVTUriC8@@AAVMHTTPTransactionCallback@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 124 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall RHTTPSession::OpenTransactionL(class TUriC8 const &,class MHTTPTransactionCallback &,class RStringF) + ?Parameters@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHeaderFieldParamIter@@XZ @ 125 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THeaderFieldParamIter __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Parameters(void)const + ?PartsL@RHeaderField@@QAE?AVTHeaderFieldPartIter@@XZ @ 126 NONAME ; public: class THeaderFieldPartIter __thiscall RHeaderField::PartsL(void) + ?Property@RHTTPPropertySet@@QBEHVRStringF@@AAVTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 127 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::Property(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal &)const + ?PropertySet@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransactionPropertySet@@XZ @ 128 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransactionPropertySet __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::PropertySet(void)const + ?ProtTrans@CRxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 129 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CRxData::ProtTrans(void) + ?ProtTrans@CTxData@@QAEAAVCProtTransaction@@XZ @ 130 NONAME ; public: class CProtTransaction & __thiscall CTxData::ProtTrans(void) + ?Query@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAE?AVTHTTPFilterIterator@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 131 NONAME ; public: class THTTPFilterIterator __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::Query(class RStringF) + ?RawDataL@CHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 132 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) + ?RawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 133 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::RawDataL(class TPtrC8 &) + ?RemoveAllFields@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXXZ @ 134 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveAllFields(void) + ?RemoveAllProperties@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXXZ @ 135 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveAllProperties(void) + ?RemoveBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXXZ @ 136 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::RemoveBody(void) + ?RemoveField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@@Z @ 137 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveField(class RStringF) + ?RemoveFieldPart@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@H@Z @ 138 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::RemoveFieldPart(class RStringF,int) + ?RemoveFilter@RHTTPFilterCollection@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 139 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPFilterCollection::RemoveFilter(class RStringF) + ?RemoveProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 140 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::RemoveProperty(class RStringF) + ?Request@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPRequest@@XZ @ 141 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPRequest __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Request(void)const + ?RequestSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 142 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::RequestSessionHeadersL(void) + ?ResetRxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 143 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetRxData(void) + ?ResetTxData@CProtTransaction@@QAEXXZ @ 144 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall CProtTransaction::ResetTxData(void) + ?Response@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPResponse@@XZ @ 145 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPResponse __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Response(void)const + ?ResponseSessionHeadersL@RHTTPSession@@QAE?AVRHTTPHeaders@@XZ @ 146 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPHeaders __thiscall RHTTPSession::ResponseSessionHeadersL(void) + ?RunError@CProtocolHandler@@MAEHH@Z @ 147 NONAME ; protected: virtual int __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunError(int) + ?RunL@CProtocolHandler@@MAEXXZ @ 148 NONAME ; protected: virtual void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::RunL(void) + ?RxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCRxData@@XZ @ 149 NONAME ; public: class CRxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::RxData(void)const + ?SendEventL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 150 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SendEventL(class THTTPEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?SendSessionEventL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXVTHTTPSessionEvent@@W4TDirection@THTTPEvent@@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 151 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SendSessionEventL(class THTTPSessionEvent,enum THTTPEvent::TDirection,class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 152 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPSession::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHAAVTCertInfo@@@Z @ 153 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(class TCertInfo &) + ?Session@RHTTPTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPSession@@XZ @ 154 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPSession __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::Session(void)const + ?SetBody@RHTTPMessage@@QAEXAAVMHTTPDataSupplier@@@Z @ 155 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPMessage::SetBody(class MHTTPDataSupplier &) + ?SetDateTime@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVTDateTime@@@Z @ 156 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetDateTime(class TDateTime) + ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 157 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 158 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetFieldL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetInt@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXH@Z @ 159 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetInt(int) + ?SetMethod@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 160 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetMethod(class RStringF) + ?SetParamL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@0VTHTTPHdrVal@@H@Z @ 161 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetParamL(class RStringF,class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal,int) + ?SetPartL@RHeaderField@@QAEXPAVCHeaderFieldPart@@H@Z @ 162 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::SetPartL(class CHeaderFieldPart *,int) + ?SetPropertyL@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEXVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 163 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPPropertySet::SetPropertyL(class RStringF,class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEXVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 164 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPHeaders::SetRawFieldL(class RStringF,class TDesC8 const &,class TDesC8 const &) + ?SetSessionEventCallback@RHTTPSession@@QAEXPAVMHTTPSessionEventCallback@@@Z @ 165 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPSession::SetSessionEventCallback(class MHTTPSessionEventCallback *) + ?SetStatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXH@Z @ 166 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusCode(int) + ?SetStatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 167 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetStatusText(class RStringF) + ?SetStr@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRString@@@Z @ 168 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStr(class RString) + ?SetStrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QAEXVRStringF@@@Z @ 169 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::SetStrF(class RStringF) + ?SetURIL@RHTTPRequest@@QAEXABVTUriC8@@@Z @ 170 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPRequest::SetURIL(class TUriC8 const &) + ?SetVersion@RHTTPResponse@@QAEXVTVersion@@@Z @ 171 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPResponse::SetVersion(class TVersion) + ?StatusCode@RHTTPResponse@@QBEHXZ @ 172 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusCode(void)const + ?StatusText@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 173 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall RHTTPResponse::StatusText(void)const + ?Str@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRString@@XZ @ 174 NONAME ; public: class RString __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Str(void)const + ?StrF@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AVRStringF@@XZ @ 175 NONAME ; public: class RStringF __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::StrF(void)const + ?StringPool@RHTTPSession@@QBE?AVRStringPool@@XZ @ 176 NONAME ; public: class RStringPool __thiscall RHTTPSession::StringPool(void)const + ?SubmitL@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 177 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHTTPTransaction::SubmitL(class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?Transaction@CProtTransaction@@QBE?AVRHTTPTransaction@@XZ @ 178 NONAME ; public: class RHTTPTransaction __thiscall CProtTransaction::Transaction(void)const + ?TransactionCompletedL@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 179 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompletedL(class RHTTPTransaction,class THTTPEvent) + ?TransactionFailed@CProtocolHandler@@IAEXVRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 180 NONAME ; protected: void __thiscall CProtocolHandler::TransactionFailed(class RHTTPTransaction) + ?TrimWsBothEnds@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 181 NONAME ABSENT + ?TrimWsLeft@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 182 NONAME ABSENT + ?TrimWsRight@TTextHeaderUtils@@SAXAAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 183 NONAME ABSENT + ?TxData@CProtTransaction@@QBEAAVCTxData@@XZ @ 184 NONAME ; public: class CTxData & __thiscall CProtTransaction::TxData(void)const + ?Type@THTTPHdrVal@@QBE?AW4THTTPValType@1@XZ @ 185 NONAME ; public: enum THTTPHdrVal::THTTPValType __thiscall THTTPHdrVal::Type(void)const + ?URI@RHTTPRequest@@QBEABVTUriC8@@XZ @ 186 NONAME ; public: class TUriC8 const & __thiscall RHTTPRequest::URI(void)const + ?UninstallCurrentFilter@TFilterConfigurationIterator@@QBEHXZ @ 187 NONAME ; public: int __thiscall TFilterConfigurationIterator::UninstallCurrentFilter(void)const + ?Value@CHeaderFieldParam@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 188 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldParam::Value(void)const + ?Value@CHeaderFieldPart@@QBE?AVTHTTPHdrVal@@XZ @ 189 NONAME ABSENT ; public: class THTTPHdrVal __thiscall CHeaderFieldPart::Value(void)const + ?Version@RHTTPResponse@@QBE?AVTVersion@@XZ @ 190 NONAME ; public: class TVersion __thiscall RHTTPResponse::Version(void)const + ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 191 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC16 const &) + ?WriteComment@THttpLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 192 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall THttpLogger::WriteComment(class TDesC8 const &) + ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 193 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TDesC8 const &) + ?WriteRawDataL@RHeaderField@@QAEXVTChar@@@Z @ 194 NONAME ; public: void __thiscall RHeaderField::WriteRawDataL(class TChar) + ?Overflow@THttpLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 195 NONAME ; private: virtual void __thiscall THttpLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) + ?CipherSuite@RHTTPTransaction@@QAE?AVRString@@XZ @ 196 NONAME ; class RString RHTTPTransaction::CipherSuite(void) + ??1CHeaderCodecPlugin@@UAE@XZ @ 197 NONAME ; CHeaderCodecPlugin::~CHeaderCodecPlugin(void) + ?CreateDelegateCodecL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@MBEPAVCHeaderCodec@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 198 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodec * CHeaderCodecPlugin::CreateDelegateCodecL(class RStringPool) const + ?NewL@CHeaderCodecPlugin@@SAPAV1@ABVTDesC8@@VRStringPool@@@Z @ 199 NONAME ; class CHeaderCodecPlugin * CHeaderCodecPlugin::NewL(class TDesC8 const &, class RStringPool) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPSession@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 200 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPSession::ServerCert(void) + ?ServerCert@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 201 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * RHTTPTransaction::ServerCert(void) + ?SessionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@XZ @ 202 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::SessionServerCert(void) + ?TransactionServerCert@CProtocolHandler@@QAEPBVCCertificate@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 203 NONAME ; class CCertificate const * CProtocolHandler::TransactionServerCert(class RHTTPTransaction) + ?SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL@RHTTPSession@@QAEXXZ @ 204 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatL(void) + ??1TTimerLogger@@QAE@XZ @ 205 NONAME ; TTimerLogger::~TTimerLogger(void) + ?EndTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 206 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::EndTimer(class TDesC16 const &) + ?Overflow@TTimerLogger@@EAEXAAVTDes16@@@Z @ 207 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::Overflow(class TDes16 &) + ?StartTimer@TTimerLogger@@QAEXXZ @ 208 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::StartTimer(void) + ?TestName@TTimerLogger@@QAEXABVTDesC16@@@Z @ 209 NONAME ; void TTimerLogger::TestName(class TDesC16 const &) + ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 210 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPSession::HttpDataOptimiser(void) + ?HttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEPAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@XZ @ 211 NONAME ; class MHttpDataOptimiser * RHTTPTransaction::HttpDataOptimiser(void) + ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPSession@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 212 NONAME ; void RHTTPSession::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) + ?SetupHttpDataOptimiser@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEXAAVMHttpDataOptimiser@@@Z @ 213 NONAME ; void RHTTPTransaction::SetupHttpDataOptimiser(class MHttpDataOptimiser &) + ?Table@THTTPTable@@SAABUTStringTable@@XZ @ 214 NONAME ; struct TStringTable const & THTTPTable::Table(void) + ?FindProtocolTransaction@CProtocolHandler@@IBEPAVCProtTransaction@@VRHTTPTransaction@@@Z @ 215 NONAME ; class CProtTransaction * CProtocolHandler::FindProtocolTransaction(class RHTTPTransaction) const + ?GetRawFieldL@RHTTPHeaders@@QBEXVRStringF@@AAVTPtrC8@@@Z @ 216 NONAME ; void RHTTPHeaders::GetRawFieldL(class RStringF, class TPtrC8 &) const + ?SendEvent@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPEvent@@W4TDirection@2@VTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 217 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::SendEvent(class THTTPEvent, enum THTTPEvent::TDirection, class THTTPFilterHandle) + ?SetProperty@RHTTPPropertySet@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 218 NONAME ; int RHTTPPropertySet::SetProperty(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?TransactionCompleted@CProtocolHandler@@IAEHVRHTTPTransaction@@VTHTTPEvent@@@Z @ 219 NONAME ; int CProtocolHandler::TransactionCompleted(class RHTTPTransaction, class THTTPEvent) + ?ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat@CHeaders@@QAEHXZ @ 220 NONAME ; int CHeaders::ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormat(void) + ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@@Z @ 221 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?SetRawField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@ABVTDesC8@@1@Z @ 222 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetRawField(class RStringF, class TDesC8 const &, class TDesC8 const &) + ?SetField@RHTTPHeaders@@QAEHVRStringF@@VTHTTPHdrVal@@01@Z @ 223 NONAME ; int RHTTPHeaders::SetField(class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal, class RStringF, class THTTPHdrVal) + ?LookupField@CHeaders@@QAEPAVCHeaderField@@VRStringF@@@Z @ 224 NONAME ; class CHeaderField * CHeaders::LookupField(class RStringF) + ?Submit@RHTTPTransaction@@QAEHVTHTTPFilterHandle@@@Z @ 225 NONAME ; int RHTTPTransaction::Submit(class THTTPFilterHandle) + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/EABI/httpU.def --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/EABI/httpU.def Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,310 +0,0 @@ -EXPORTS - _ZN11MHTTPFilter7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 1 NONAME - _ZN11MHTTPFilter9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 2 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrVal11SetDateTimeE9TDateTime @ 3 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrVal6SetIntEi @ 4 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrVal6SetStrE7RString @ 5 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrVal7SetStrFE8RStringF @ 6 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E7RString @ 7 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E8RStringF @ 8 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E9TDateTime @ 9 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1Ei @ 10 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1Ev @ 11 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E7RString @ 12 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E8RStringF @ 13 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E9TDateTime @ 14 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2Ei @ 15 NONAME - _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2Ev @ 16 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger12WriteCommentERK6TDesC8 @ 17 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger12WriteCommentERK7TDesC16 @ 18 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger13CreateFloggerERK7TDesC16ii @ 19 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger5LogItE11TRefByValueIK7TDesC16Ez @ 20 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger6DumpItERK6TDesC8 @ 21 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLogger8OverflowER6TDes16 @ 22 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLoggerD0Ev @ 23 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLoggerD1Ev @ 24 NONAME - _ZN11THttpLoggerD2Ev @ 25 NONAME - _ZN12CHeaderCodec10ConstructLEv @ 26 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 27 NONAME ; ## - _ZN12CHeaderCodecC2Ev @ 28 NONAME - _ZN12CHeaderCodecD0Ev @ 29 NONAME - _ZN12CHeaderCodecD1Ev @ 30 NONAME - _ZN12CHeaderCodecD2Ev @ 31 NONAME - _ZN12CHeaderField8RawDataLER6TPtrC8 @ 32 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders11RemoveFieldE8RStringF @ 33 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders12SetRawFieldLE8RStringFRK6TDesC8S3_ @ 34 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders15RemoveAllFieldsEv @ 35 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders15RemoveFieldPartE8RStringFi @ 36 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetFieldLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 37 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetFieldLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrValS0_S1_ @ 38 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetParamLE8RStringFS0_11THTTPHdrVali @ 39 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPMessage10RemoveBodyEv @ 40 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPMessage19GetHeaderCollectionEv @ 41 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPMessage7SetBodyER17MHTTPDataSupplier @ 42 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPRequest7SetURILERK6TUriC8 @ 43 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPRequest9SetMethodE8RStringF @ 44 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession10ServerCertER9TCertInfo @ 45 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession11DisconnectLEv @ 46 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession16FailSessionEventE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 47 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession16OpenTransactionLERK6TUriC8R24MHTTPTransactionCallback8RStringF @ 48 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession17SendSessionEventLE17THTTPSessionEventN10THTTPEvent10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 49 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession22RequestSessionHeadersLEv @ 50 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession23ListAvailableProtocolsLER13RPointerArrayI6HBufC8E @ 51 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession23ResponseSessionHeadersLEv @ 52 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession23SetSessionEventCallbackEP25MHTTPSessionEventCallback @ 53 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession5CloseEv @ 54 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLERK6TDesC8 @ 55 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLERK6TDesC8P27MHTTPFilterCreationCallback @ 56 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLEv @ 57 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession8ConnectLEv @ 58 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession8GetTableEv @ 59 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField10CollectionEv @ 60 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField13BeginRawDataLEi @ 61 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField13CommitRawDataEv @ 62 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField13WriteRawDataLE5TChar @ 63 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField13WriteRawDataLERK6TDesC8 @ 64 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField6PartsLEv @ 65 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField8RawDataLER6TPtrC8 @ 66 NONAME - _ZN12RHeaderField8SetPartLEP16CHeaderFieldParti @ 67 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderReader10ConstructLEv @ 68 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 69 NONAME ; ## - _ZN13CHeaderReaderC2Ev @ 70 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderReaderD0Ev @ 71 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderReaderD1Ev @ 72 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderReaderD2Ev @ 73 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderWriter10ConstructLEv @ 74 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 75 NONAME ; ## - _ZN13CHeaderWriterC2Ev @ 76 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderWriterD0Ev @ 77 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderWriterD1Ev @ 78 NONAME - _ZN13CHeaderWriterD2Ev @ 79 NONAME - _ZN13RHTTPResponse10SetVersionE8TVersion @ 80 NONAME - _ZN13RHTTPResponse13SetStatusCodeEi @ 81 NONAME - _ZN13RHTTPResponse13SetStatusTextE8RStringF @ 82 NONAME - _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 83 NONAME - _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 84 NONAME - _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 85 NONAME - _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 86 NONAME - _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoder4NewLEv @ 87 NONAME - _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoder9AddFieldLERK6TDesC8S2_ @ 88 NONAME - _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD0Ev @ 89 NONAME - _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD1Ev @ 90 NONAME - _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD2Ev @ 91 NONAME - _ZN16CHeaderFieldPart4NewLE11THTTPHdrVal @ 92 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16CHeaderFieldPart9AddParamLEP17CHeaderFieldParam @ 93 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16CProtTransaction11ResetRxDataEv @ 94 NONAME - _ZN16CProtTransaction11ResetTxDataEv @ 95 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 96 NONAME ; ## - _ZN16CProtTransactionC2E16RHTTPTransaction @ 97 NONAME - _ZN16CProtTransactionD0Ev @ 98 NONAME - _ZN16CProtTransactionD1Ev @ 99 NONAME - _ZN16CProtTransactionD2Ev @ 100 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler10ConstructLE12RHTTPSession @ 101 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 102 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler12CompleteSelfEv @ 103 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 104 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler17TransactionFailedE16RHTTPTransaction @ 105 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 106 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler21TransactionCompletedLE16RHTTPTransaction10THTTPEvent @ 107 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler4RunLEv @ 108 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 109 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 110 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler8DoCancelEv @ 111 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler8RunErrorEi @ 112 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 113 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 114 NONAME ; ## - _ZN16CProtocolHandlerC2E12RHTTPSession @ 115 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD0Ev @ 116 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD1Ev @ 117 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD2Ev @ 118 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet12SetPropertyLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 119 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet14RemovePropertyE8RStringF @ 120 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet19RemoveAllPropertiesEv @ 121 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySetC1Ev @ 122 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySetC2Ev @ 123 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10SendEventLE10THTTPEventNS0_10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 124 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10ServerCertER9TCertInfo @ 125 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction11CipherSuiteEv @ 126 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction25NotifyNewRequestBodyPartLE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 127 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction4FailE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 128 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction5CloseEv @ 129 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction6CancelE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 130 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction7SubmitLE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 131 NONAME - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils10TrimWsLeftER6TPtrC8 @ 132 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils11TrimWsRightER6TPtrC8 @ 133 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils14TrimWsBothEndsER6TPtrC8 @ 134 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils20ExtractIntegerValueLER6TPtrC8Rii @ 135 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils20ExtractQuotedStringLER6TPtrC8S1_ @ 136 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils24ExtractNextTokenFromListER6TPtrC8S1_5TChar @ 137 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils24ExtractNextTokenFromListER6TPtrC8S1_RK6TDesC8 @ 138 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN17CHeaderFieldParam4NewLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 139 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIter5FirstEv @ 140 NONAME - _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterD1Ev @ 141 NONAME - _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterD2Ev @ 142 NONAME - _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterclEv @ 143 NONAME - _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterppEv @ 144 NONAME - _ZN19THTTPFilterIteratorppEv @ 145 NONAME - _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIter5AtEndEv @ 146 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIter5FirstEv @ 147 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIterclEv @ 148 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIterppEv @ 149 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection10AddFilterLER11MHTTPFilter10THTTPEvent8RStringFiiS3_ @ 150 NONAME - _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection10AddFilterLER11MHTTPFilter10THTTPEventi8RStringF @ 151 NONAME - _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection12RemoveFilterE8RStringF @ 152 NONAME - _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection5QueryE8RStringF @ 153 NONAME - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIter5AtEndEv @ 154 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIter5FirstEv @ 155 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterD1Ev @ 156 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterD2Ev @ 157 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterclEv @ 158 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterppEv @ 159 NONAME ABSENT - _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator14FindByDataTypeERK6TDesC8 @ 160 NONAME - _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator4NextEv @ 161 NONAME - _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator5AtEndEv @ 162 NONAME - _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator5FirstEv @ 163 NONAME - _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator7AtStartEv @ 164 NONAME - _ZN7CRxData10ConstructLEv @ 165 NONAME - _ZN7CRxData9ProtTransEv @ 166 NONAME - _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 167 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV7CTxData @ 168 NONAME ; ## - _ZN7CRxDataC2ER16CProtTransactionR15MRxDataObserver @ 169 NONAME - _ZN7CRxDataC2Ev @ 170 NONAME - _ZN7CRxDataD0Ev @ 171 NONAME - _ZN7CRxDataD1Ev @ 172 NONAME - _ZN7CRxDataD2Ev @ 173 NONAME - _ZN7CTxData10ConstructLEv @ 174 NONAME - _ZN7CTxData9ProtTransEv @ 175 NONAME - _ZTV7CRxData @ 176 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV16CProtocolHandler @ 177 NONAME ; ## - _ZN7CTxDataC2ER16CProtTransaction @ 178 NONAME - _ZN7CTxDataC2Ev @ 179 NONAME - _ZN7CTxDataD0Ev @ 180 NONAME - _ZN7CTxDataD1Ev @ 181 NONAME - _ZN7CTxDataD2Ev @ 182 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal3IntEv @ 183 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal3StrEv @ 184 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4CopyEv @ 185 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4StrFEv @ 186 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4TypeEv @ 187 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal8DateTimeEv @ 188 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrValeqES_ @ 189 NONAME - _ZNK11THTTPHdrValneES_ @ 190 NONAME - _ZNK12CHeaderCodec13DecodeHeaderLER12RHeaderField @ 191 NONAME - _ZNK12CHeaderCodec13EncodeHeaderLER12RHeaderField @ 192 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders11FieldPartsLE8RStringF @ 193 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders11GetRawFieldE8RStringFR6TPtrC8 @ 194 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders6FieldsEv @ 195 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders8GetFieldE8RStringFiR11THTTPHdrVal @ 196 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders8GetParamE8RStringFS0_R11THTTPHdrVali @ 197 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPMessage4BodyEv @ 198 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPMessage7HasBodyEv @ 199 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPRequest3URIEv @ 200 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPRequest6MethodEv @ 201 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPSession10StringPoolEv @ 202 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPSession14ConnectionInfoEv @ 203 NONAME - _ZNK12RHeaderField4NameEv @ 204 NONAME - _ZNK13RHTTPResponse10StatusCodeEv @ 205 NONAME - _ZNK13RHTTPResponse10StatusTextEv @ 206 NONAME - _ZNK13RHTTPResponse7VersionEv @ 207 NONAME - _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart10ParametersEv @ 208 NONAME ABSENT - _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart13NumParametersEv @ 209 NONAME ABSENT - _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart5ValueEv @ 210 NONAME ABSENT - _ZNK16CProtTransaction11TransactionEv @ 211 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtTransaction6RxDataEv @ 212 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtTransaction6TxDataEv @ 213 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtocolHandler15FindTransactionE16RHTTPTransactionRPK16CProtTransaction @ 214 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtocolHandler21NumActiveTransactionsEv @ 215 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtocolHandler5CodecEv @ 216 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPPropertySet8PropertyE8RStringFR11THTTPHdrVal @ 217 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction11PropertySetEv @ 218 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction2IdEv @ 219 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction7RequestEv @ 220 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction7SessionEv @ 221 NONAME - _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction8ResponseEv @ 222 NONAME - _ZNK17CHeaderFieldParam4NameEv @ 223 NONAME ABSENT - _ZNK17CHeaderFieldParam5ValueEv @ 224 NONAME ABSENT - _ZNK17THTTPHdrFieldIter5AtEndEv @ 225 NONAME - _ZNK19THTTPFilterIterator5AtEndEv @ 226 NONAME - _ZNK19THTTPFilterIteratorclEv @ 227 NONAME - _ZNK21RHTTPFilterCollection16CanChangeFiltersEv @ 228 NONAME - _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator20InstallCurrentFilterEv @ 229 NONAME - _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator22UninstallCurrentFilterEv @ 230 NONAME - _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator24CurrentFilterInformationEv @ 231 NONAME - _ZTI11MHTTPFilter @ 232 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI11THttpLogger @ 233 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI12CHeaderCodec @ 234 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI13CHeaderReader @ 235 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI13CHeaderWriter @ 236 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI15MHTTPFilterBase @ 237 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI16CProtTransaction @ 238 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI16CProtocolHandler @ 239 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI7CRxData @ 240 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI7CTxData @ 241 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV11MHTTPFilter @ 242 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV11THttpLogger @ 243 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV12CHeaderCodec @ 244 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV13CHeaderReader @ 245 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV13CHeaderWriter @ 246 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV15MHTTPFilterBase @ 247 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV16CProtTransaction @ 248 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI12CHTTPManager @ 249 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI12CHTTPSession @ 250 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI12CHeaderField @ 251 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI12CTransaction @ 252 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI13TClientFilter @ 253 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI16CHTTPFormEncoder @ 254 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI16CHeaderFieldPart @ 255 NONAME ABSENT ; ## - _ZTI17CHeaderFieldParam @ 256 NONAME ABSENT ; ## - _ZTI25TDummyTransactionCallback @ 257 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI8CHeaders @ 258 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI8CRequest @ 259 NONAME ; ## - _ZTI9CResponse @ 260 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV12CHTTPManager @ 261 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV12CHTTPSession @ 262 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV12CHeaderField @ 263 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV12CTransaction @ 264 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV13TClientFilter @ 265 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV16CHTTPFormEncoder @ 266 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV16CHeaderFieldPart @ 267 NONAME ABSENT ; ## - _ZTV17CHeaderFieldParam @ 268 NONAME ABSENT ; ## - _ZTV25TDummyTransactionCallback @ 269 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV8CHeaders @ 270 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV8CRequest @ 271 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV9CResponse @ 272 NONAME ; ## - _ZN18CHeaderCodecPlugin4NewLERK6TDesC811RStringPool @ 273 NONAME - _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD0Ev @ 274 NONAME - _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD1Ev @ 275 NONAME - _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD2Ev @ 276 NONAME - _ZNK18CHeaderCodecPlugin20CreateDelegateCodecLE11RStringPool @ 277 NONAME - _ZTI18CHeaderCodecPlugin @ 278 NONAME ; ## - _ZTV18CHeaderCodecPlugin @ 279 NONAME ; ## - _ZN12RHTTPSession10ServerCertEv @ 280 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler17SessionServerCertEv @ 281 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler21TransactionServerCertE16RHTTPTransaction @ 282 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10ServerCertEv @ 283 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession30SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatLEv @ 284 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLogger10StartTimerEv @ 285 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLogger8EndTimerERK7TDesC16 @ 286 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLogger8OverflowER6TDes16 @ 287 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLogger8TestNameERK7TDesC16 @ 288 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLoggerD1Ev @ 289 NONAME - _ZN12TTimerLoggerD2Ev @ 290 NONAME - _ZTI12TTimerLogger @ 291 NONAME - _ZTV12TTimerLogger @ 292 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession17HttpDataOptimiserEv @ 293 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPSession22SetupHttpDataOptimiserER18MHttpDataOptimiser @ 294 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction17HttpDataOptimiserEv @ 295 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction22SetupHttpDataOptimiserER18MHttpDataOptimiser @ 296 NONAME - _ZN10THTTPTable5TableEv @ 297 NONAME - _ZN16CProtocolHandler20TransactionCompletedE16RHTTPTransaction10THTTPEvent @ 298 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet11SetPropertyE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 299 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction9SendEventE10THTTPEventNS0_10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 300 NONAME - _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders12GetRawFieldLE8RStringFR6TPtrC8 @ 301 NONAME - _ZNK16CProtocolHandler23FindProtocolTransactionE16RHTTPTransaction @ 302 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders11SetRawFieldE8RStringFRK6TDesC8S3_ @ 303 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders8SetFieldE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 304 NONAME - _ZN12RHTTPHeaders8SetFieldE8RStringF11THTTPHdrValS0_S1_ @ 305 NONAME - _ZN16RHTTPTransaction6SubmitE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 306 NONAME - _ZN8CHeaders11LookupFieldE8RStringF @ 307 NONAME - _ZN8CHeaders31ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormatEv @ 308 NONAME - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/EABI/httpu.def --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/EABI/httpu.def Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +EXPORTS + _ZN11MHTTPFilter7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 1 NONAME + _ZN11MHTTPFilter9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 2 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrVal11SetDateTimeE9TDateTime @ 3 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrVal6SetIntEi @ 4 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrVal6SetStrE7RString @ 5 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrVal7SetStrFE8RStringF @ 6 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E7RString @ 7 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E8RStringF @ 8 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1E9TDateTime @ 9 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1Ei @ 10 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC1Ev @ 11 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E7RString @ 12 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E8RStringF @ 13 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2E9TDateTime @ 14 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2Ei @ 15 NONAME + _ZN11THTTPHdrValC2Ev @ 16 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger12WriteCommentERK6TDesC8 @ 17 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger12WriteCommentERK7TDesC16 @ 18 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger13CreateFloggerERK7TDesC16ii @ 19 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger5LogItE11TRefByValueIK7TDesC16Ez @ 20 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger6DumpItERK6TDesC8 @ 21 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLogger8OverflowER6TDes16 @ 22 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLoggerD0Ev @ 23 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLoggerD1Ev @ 24 NONAME + _ZN11THttpLoggerD2Ev @ 25 NONAME + _ZN12CHeaderCodec10ConstructLEv @ 26 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 27 NONAME ; ## + _ZN12CHeaderCodecC2Ev @ 28 NONAME + _ZN12CHeaderCodecD0Ev @ 29 NONAME + _ZN12CHeaderCodecD1Ev @ 30 NONAME + _ZN12CHeaderCodecD2Ev @ 31 NONAME + _ZN12CHeaderField8RawDataLER6TPtrC8 @ 32 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders11RemoveFieldE8RStringF @ 33 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders12SetRawFieldLE8RStringFRK6TDesC8S3_ @ 34 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders15RemoveAllFieldsEv @ 35 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders15RemoveFieldPartE8RStringFi @ 36 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetFieldLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 37 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetFieldLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrValS0_S1_ @ 38 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders9SetParamLE8RStringFS0_11THTTPHdrVali @ 39 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPMessage10RemoveBodyEv @ 40 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPMessage19GetHeaderCollectionEv @ 41 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPMessage7SetBodyER17MHTTPDataSupplier @ 42 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPRequest7SetURILERK6TUriC8 @ 43 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPRequest9SetMethodE8RStringF @ 44 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession10ServerCertER9TCertInfo @ 45 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession11DisconnectLEv @ 46 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession16FailSessionEventE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 47 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession16OpenTransactionLERK6TUriC8R24MHTTPTransactionCallback8RStringF @ 48 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession17SendSessionEventLE17THTTPSessionEventN10THTTPEvent10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 49 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession22RequestSessionHeadersLEv @ 50 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession23ListAvailableProtocolsLER13RPointerArrayI6HBufC8E @ 51 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession23ResponseSessionHeadersLEv @ 52 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession23SetSessionEventCallbackEP25MHTTPSessionEventCallback @ 53 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession5CloseEv @ 54 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLERK6TDesC8 @ 55 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLERK6TDesC8P27MHTTPFilterCreationCallback @ 56 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession5OpenLEv @ 57 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession8ConnectLEv @ 58 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession8GetTableEv @ 59 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField10CollectionEv @ 60 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField13BeginRawDataLEi @ 61 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField13CommitRawDataEv @ 62 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField13WriteRawDataLE5TChar @ 63 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField13WriteRawDataLERK6TDesC8 @ 64 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField6PartsLEv @ 65 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField8RawDataLER6TPtrC8 @ 66 NONAME + _ZN12RHeaderField8SetPartLEP16CHeaderFieldParti @ 67 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderReader10ConstructLEv @ 68 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 69 NONAME ; ## + _ZN13CHeaderReaderC2Ev @ 70 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderReaderD0Ev @ 71 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderReaderD1Ev @ 72 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderReaderD2Ev @ 73 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderWriter10ConstructLEv @ 74 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 75 NONAME ; ## + _ZN13CHeaderWriterC2Ev @ 76 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderWriterD0Ev @ 77 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderWriterD1Ev @ 78 NONAME + _ZN13CHeaderWriterD2Ev @ 79 NONAME + _ZN13RHTTPResponse10SetVersionE8TVersion @ 80 NONAME + _ZN13RHTTPResponse13SetStatusCodeEi @ 81 NONAME + _ZN13RHTTPResponse13SetStatusTextE8RStringF @ 82 NONAME + _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 83 NONAME + _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 84 NONAME + _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 85 NONAME + _ZN15MHTTPFilterBase7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 86 NONAME + _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoder4NewLEv @ 87 NONAME + _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoder9AddFieldLERK6TDesC8S2_ @ 88 NONAME + _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD0Ev @ 89 NONAME + _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD1Ev @ 90 NONAME + _ZN16CHTTPFormEncoderD2Ev @ 91 NONAME + _ZN16CHeaderFieldPart4NewLE11THTTPHdrVal @ 92 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16CHeaderFieldPart9AddParamLEP17CHeaderFieldParam @ 93 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16CProtTransaction11ResetRxDataEv @ 94 NONAME + _ZN16CProtTransaction11ResetTxDataEv @ 95 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 96 NONAME ; ## + _ZN16CProtTransactionC2E16RHTTPTransaction @ 97 NONAME + _ZN16CProtTransactionD0Ev @ 98 NONAME + _ZN16CProtTransactionD1Ev @ 99 NONAME + _ZN16CProtTransactionD2Ev @ 100 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler10ConstructLE12RHTTPSession @ 101 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 102 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler12CompleteSelfEv @ 103 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 104 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler17TransactionFailedE16RHTTPTransaction @ 105 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler18MHFSessionRunErrorEiRK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 106 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler21TransactionCompletedLE16RHTTPTransaction10THTTPEvent @ 107 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler4RunLEv @ 108 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler7MHFLoadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 109 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler7MHFRunLE16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 110 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler8DoCancelEv @ 111 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler8RunErrorEi @ 112 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler9MHFUnloadE12RHTTPSession17THTTPFilterHandle @ 113 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler14MHFSessionRunLERK17THTTPSessionEvent @ 114 NONAME ; ## + _ZN16CProtocolHandlerC2E12RHTTPSession @ 115 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD0Ev @ 116 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD1Ev @ 117 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandlerD2Ev @ 118 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet12SetPropertyLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 119 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet14RemovePropertyE8RStringF @ 120 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet19RemoveAllPropertiesEv @ 121 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySetC1Ev @ 122 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySetC2Ev @ 123 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10SendEventLE10THTTPEventNS0_10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 124 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10ServerCertER9TCertInfo @ 125 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction11CipherSuiteEv @ 126 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction25NotifyNewRequestBodyPartLE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 127 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction4FailE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 128 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction5CloseEv @ 129 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction6CancelE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 130 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction7SubmitLE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 131 NONAME + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils10TrimWsLeftER6TPtrC8 @ 132 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils11TrimWsRightER6TPtrC8 @ 133 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils14TrimWsBothEndsER6TPtrC8 @ 134 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils20ExtractIntegerValueLER6TPtrC8Rii @ 135 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils20ExtractQuotedStringLER6TPtrC8S1_ @ 136 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils24ExtractNextTokenFromListER6TPtrC8S1_5TChar @ 137 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN16TTextHeaderUtils24ExtractNextTokenFromListER6TPtrC8S1_RK6TDesC8 @ 138 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN17CHeaderFieldParam4NewLE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 139 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIter5FirstEv @ 140 NONAME + _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterD1Ev @ 141 NONAME + _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterD2Ev @ 142 NONAME + _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterclEv @ 143 NONAME + _ZN17THTTPHdrFieldIterppEv @ 144 NONAME + _ZN19THTTPFilterIteratorppEv @ 145 NONAME + _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIter5AtEndEv @ 146 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIter5FirstEv @ 147 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIterclEv @ 148 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN20THeaderFieldPartIterppEv @ 149 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection10AddFilterLER11MHTTPFilter10THTTPEvent8RStringFiiS3_ @ 150 NONAME + _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection10AddFilterLER11MHTTPFilter10THTTPEventi8RStringF @ 151 NONAME + _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection12RemoveFilterE8RStringF @ 152 NONAME + _ZN21RHTTPFilterCollection5QueryE8RStringF @ 153 NONAME + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIter5AtEndEv @ 154 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIter5FirstEv @ 155 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterD1Ev @ 156 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterD2Ev @ 157 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterclEv @ 158 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN21THeaderFieldParamIterppEv @ 159 NONAME ABSENT + _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator14FindByDataTypeERK6TDesC8 @ 160 NONAME + _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator4NextEv @ 161 NONAME + _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator5AtEndEv @ 162 NONAME + _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator5FirstEv @ 163 NONAME + _ZN28TFilterConfigurationIterator7AtStartEv @ 164 NONAME + _ZN7CRxData10ConstructLEv @ 165 NONAME + _ZN7CRxData9ProtTransEv @ 166 NONAME + _ZThn28_N16CProtocolHandler11MHFRunErrorEi16RHTTPTransactionRK10THTTPEvent @ 167 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV7CTxData @ 168 NONAME ; ## + _ZN7CRxDataC2ER16CProtTransactionR15MRxDataObserver @ 169 NONAME + _ZN7CRxDataC2Ev @ 170 NONAME + _ZN7CRxDataD0Ev @ 171 NONAME + _ZN7CRxDataD1Ev @ 172 NONAME + _ZN7CRxDataD2Ev @ 173 NONAME + _ZN7CTxData10ConstructLEv @ 174 NONAME + _ZN7CTxData9ProtTransEv @ 175 NONAME + _ZTV7CRxData @ 176 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV16CProtocolHandler @ 177 NONAME ; ## + _ZN7CTxDataC2ER16CProtTransaction @ 178 NONAME + _ZN7CTxDataC2Ev @ 179 NONAME + _ZN7CTxDataD0Ev @ 180 NONAME + _ZN7CTxDataD1Ev @ 181 NONAME + _ZN7CTxDataD2Ev @ 182 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal3IntEv @ 183 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal3StrEv @ 184 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4CopyEv @ 185 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4StrFEv @ 186 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal4TypeEv @ 187 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrVal8DateTimeEv @ 188 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrValeqES_ @ 189 NONAME + _ZNK11THTTPHdrValneES_ @ 190 NONAME + _ZNK12CHeaderCodec13DecodeHeaderLER12RHeaderField @ 191 NONAME + _ZNK12CHeaderCodec13EncodeHeaderLER12RHeaderField @ 192 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders11FieldPartsLE8RStringF @ 193 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders11GetRawFieldE8RStringFR6TPtrC8 @ 194 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders6FieldsEv @ 195 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders8GetFieldE8RStringFiR11THTTPHdrVal @ 196 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders8GetParamE8RStringFS0_R11THTTPHdrVali @ 197 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPMessage4BodyEv @ 198 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPMessage7HasBodyEv @ 199 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPRequest3URIEv @ 200 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPRequest6MethodEv @ 201 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPSession10StringPoolEv @ 202 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPSession14ConnectionInfoEv @ 203 NONAME + _ZNK12RHeaderField4NameEv @ 204 NONAME + _ZNK13RHTTPResponse10StatusCodeEv @ 205 NONAME + _ZNK13RHTTPResponse10StatusTextEv @ 206 NONAME + _ZNK13RHTTPResponse7VersionEv @ 207 NONAME + _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart10ParametersEv @ 208 NONAME ABSENT + _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart13NumParametersEv @ 209 NONAME ABSENT + _ZNK16CHeaderFieldPart5ValueEv @ 210 NONAME ABSENT + _ZNK16CProtTransaction11TransactionEv @ 211 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtTransaction6RxDataEv @ 212 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtTransaction6TxDataEv @ 213 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtocolHandler15FindTransactionE16RHTTPTransactionRPK16CProtTransaction @ 214 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtocolHandler21NumActiveTransactionsEv @ 215 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtocolHandler5CodecEv @ 216 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPPropertySet8PropertyE8RStringFR11THTTPHdrVal @ 217 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction11PropertySetEv @ 218 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction2IdEv @ 219 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction7RequestEv @ 220 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction7SessionEv @ 221 NONAME + _ZNK16RHTTPTransaction8ResponseEv @ 222 NONAME + _ZNK17CHeaderFieldParam4NameEv @ 223 NONAME ABSENT + _ZNK17CHeaderFieldParam5ValueEv @ 224 NONAME ABSENT + _ZNK17THTTPHdrFieldIter5AtEndEv @ 225 NONAME + _ZNK19THTTPFilterIterator5AtEndEv @ 226 NONAME + _ZNK19THTTPFilterIteratorclEv @ 227 NONAME + _ZNK21RHTTPFilterCollection16CanChangeFiltersEv @ 228 NONAME + _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator20InstallCurrentFilterEv @ 229 NONAME + _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator22UninstallCurrentFilterEv @ 230 NONAME + _ZNK28TFilterConfigurationIterator24CurrentFilterInformationEv @ 231 NONAME + _ZTI11MHTTPFilter @ 232 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI11THttpLogger @ 233 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI12CHeaderCodec @ 234 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI13CHeaderReader @ 235 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI13CHeaderWriter @ 236 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI15MHTTPFilterBase @ 237 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI16CProtTransaction @ 238 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI16CProtocolHandler @ 239 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI7CRxData @ 240 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI7CTxData @ 241 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV11MHTTPFilter @ 242 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV11THttpLogger @ 243 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV12CHeaderCodec @ 244 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV13CHeaderReader @ 245 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV13CHeaderWriter @ 246 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV15MHTTPFilterBase @ 247 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV16CProtTransaction @ 248 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI12CHTTPManager @ 249 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI12CHTTPSession @ 250 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI12CHeaderField @ 251 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI12CTransaction @ 252 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI13TClientFilter @ 253 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI16CHTTPFormEncoder @ 254 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI16CHeaderFieldPart @ 255 NONAME ABSENT ; ## + _ZTI17CHeaderFieldParam @ 256 NONAME ABSENT ; ## + _ZTI25TDummyTransactionCallback @ 257 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI8CHeaders @ 258 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI8CRequest @ 259 NONAME ; ## + _ZTI9CResponse @ 260 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV12CHTTPManager @ 261 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV12CHTTPSession @ 262 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV12CHeaderField @ 263 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV12CTransaction @ 264 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV13TClientFilter @ 265 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV16CHTTPFormEncoder @ 266 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV16CHeaderFieldPart @ 267 NONAME ABSENT ; ## + _ZTV17CHeaderFieldParam @ 268 NONAME ABSENT ; ## + _ZTV25TDummyTransactionCallback @ 269 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV8CHeaders @ 270 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV8CRequest @ 271 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV9CResponse @ 272 NONAME ; ## + _ZN18CHeaderCodecPlugin4NewLERK6TDesC811RStringPool @ 273 NONAME + _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD0Ev @ 274 NONAME + _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD1Ev @ 275 NONAME + _ZN18CHeaderCodecPluginD2Ev @ 276 NONAME + _ZNK18CHeaderCodecPlugin20CreateDelegateCodecLE11RStringPool @ 277 NONAME + _ZTI18CHeaderCodecPlugin @ 278 NONAME ; ## + _ZTV18CHeaderCodecPlugin @ 279 NONAME ; ## + _ZN12RHTTPSession10ServerCertEv @ 280 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler17SessionServerCertEv @ 281 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler21TransactionServerCertE16RHTTPTransaction @ 282 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction10ServerCertEv @ 283 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession30SetupDefaultProxyFromCommsDatLEv @ 284 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLogger10StartTimerEv @ 285 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLogger8EndTimerERK7TDesC16 @ 286 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLogger8OverflowER6TDes16 @ 287 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLogger8TestNameERK7TDesC16 @ 288 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLoggerD1Ev @ 289 NONAME + _ZN12TTimerLoggerD2Ev @ 290 NONAME + _ZTI12TTimerLogger @ 291 NONAME + _ZTV12TTimerLogger @ 292 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession17HttpDataOptimiserEv @ 293 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPSession22SetupHttpDataOptimiserER18MHttpDataOptimiser @ 294 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction17HttpDataOptimiserEv @ 295 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction22SetupHttpDataOptimiserER18MHttpDataOptimiser @ 296 NONAME + _ZN10THTTPTable5TableEv @ 297 NONAME + _ZN16CProtocolHandler20TransactionCompletedE16RHTTPTransaction10THTTPEvent @ 298 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPPropertySet11SetPropertyE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 299 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction9SendEventE10THTTPEventNS0_10TDirectionE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 300 NONAME + _ZNK12RHTTPHeaders12GetRawFieldLE8RStringFR6TPtrC8 @ 301 NONAME + _ZNK16CProtocolHandler23FindProtocolTransactionE16RHTTPTransaction @ 302 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders11SetRawFieldE8RStringFRK6TDesC8S3_ @ 303 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders8SetFieldE8RStringF11THTTPHdrVal @ 304 NONAME + _ZN12RHTTPHeaders8SetFieldE8RStringF11THTTPHdrValS0_S1_ @ 305 NONAME + _ZN16RHTTPTransaction6SubmitE17THTTPFilterHandle @ 306 NONAME + _ZN8CHeaders11LookupFieldE8RStringF @ 307 NONAME + _ZN8CHeaders31ConvertAllHeadersToParsedFormatEv @ 308 NONAME + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/Data/certs/how-to add security certificate.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/Data/certs/how-to add security certificate.txt Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +Title : how-to add security certificate for TLS clients +Owner : Subramanian RS +Date : 25-10-2005 +Copyright (C) Symbian Limited 2005 - 2006. All rights reserved. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +The following procedure need to be followed when the security certificate expires. + +1. If u are going to add 91 certificate then Download code from //EPOC/release/9.1/common/generic/security/ and if u are going to add 92 Certificate then download the code from //EPOC/master/common/generic/security/ ( download whole folder ) + +2. Build the code in the following order. + 1. Build security\testframework ( build only for test ) + 2. Build security\filetokens + 3. Build secuirty\swi ( During build, it might show mspdb60.dll is missing. Add the folder path which contains this file in PATH environment variable. Normally, it will be available in :\apps\MSVC6\Common\MSDev98\Bin ) + 4. Build security\certman + +3. The secure server page need to be opened with https://lon-cn-lxwaptest2.closedtest.intra ( The SecureServerName can be found in http\test\data\ini\settings.ini file. At the moment it is lon-cn-lxwaptest2.closedtest.intra ). Open the page in Internete Explorer. Click the "lock" icon found in the status bar. Go to "Details" tab. Click "Copy to File". Export the certificate information into a file. Save the file in winscw\c folder. Name the file as wapca2005.cer or ... + +4. Copy the file http\test\Data\certs\httptestcert.txt into winscw\c\tcertstore\scripts. Modify the file as follows. + 1. Set the trust for HTTP test cert + ... + ( Change the label name. In this case, it is wapca2005 ) + ... + 2. Get applications for HTTP test cert + ... + ( Change the label name. In this case, it is wapca2005 ) + ... + 3. Get applications for HTTP test cert + ... + ( Change the label name. In this case, it is wapca2005 ) + ... + +5. Copy the http\test\data\certs\addcert.txt into winscw\c\. Modify the file as follows + + 1. Add the certificate wapca2005 ( Change the actionname description accordingly. ) + ... + c:\wapca2005.cer ( Change the file path accordingly if the wapca2005.cer is saved in a different location ) + ... + 2. Set applications for wapca2005 ( Change the actionname description accordingly. ) + ... + ( Change the label name. ) + ... + +6. Run the test - t_certstore c:\addcert.txt c:\addcert.log. Check the log file for success/failure. This will generate cacerts.dat file in c\private\101f72a6. + +7. Run the test - t_certstore c:\tcertstore\scripts\httptestcert.txt c:\addclient.log. This will generate certclients.dat file in c\private\101f72a6. + +8. Copy cacerts.dat & certclients.dat into http\test\data\certs\. Modify the bld.inf, automated_httptest.iby, t_httponline.iby files accordingly and build the http component. + +For more information refer: +1. //EPOC/master/common/generic/security/certman/documentation/Building a certificate store.rtf +2. //EPOC/master/common/generic/security/certman/documentation/building-certstore.txt + + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/CPDEF143929.cpp --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/CPDEF143929.cpp Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// defines test class: CPDEF143929 +// +// + +#include "CPDEF143929.h" +#include "examplecookiemanager.h" +#include + +// User include +#include "csrvaddrval.h" + +// Literals used in the file + +// URL whose response status code is 200 +_LIT8(KHttpUrl, "http://www.pubblica.istruzione.it"); + +/** + This function is called to create a new instance of the class + CPDEF143929 + + @param aTestNumber The test number that has to be executed + @param aIniSettingsFile The script file that holds the sections + from which the value has to be retrieved + @leave Leaves with a standard error +*/ +CPDEF143929* CPDEF143929::NewL(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile) + { + CPDEF143929* self = new(ELeave)CPDEF143929(aTestNumber, aIniSettingsFile); + CleanupStack::PushL(self); + CleanupStack::Pop(self); + return self; + } + +/** + Destructor +*/ +CPDEF143929::~CPDEF143929() + { + iTransArray.Close(); + } + +/** + This C++ constructor is called in the NewL function and is used to + instantiate iTestNumber and iIniSettingsFile + + @param aTestNumber - The test number that has to be executed + @param aIniSettingsFile - The script file that holds the sections + from which the value has to be retrieved +*/ +CPDEF143929::CPDEF143929(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile) : + iIniSettingsFile(aIniSettingsFile), + iTestNumber(aTestNumber) + { + // does nothing + } + +/** + This function is called to initiate the tests. + + @leave Leaves with a standard error. +*/ +void CPDEF143929::DoRunL() + { + // Open the HTTP session + iSession.OpenL(); + CleanupClosePushL(iSession); + RStringPool strP = iSession.StringPool(); + + TUriParser8 up; + up.Parse(KHttpUrl); + RHTTPTransaction trans1 = iSession.OpenTransactionL(up, *this, strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable())); + CleanupClosePushL(trans1); + iTransArray.Append(trans1); + CleanupStack::Pop(&trans1); + + for(TInt i=0; iUtils().LogIt(_L("\nTest failed with error code %d\n"), aErr); + return KErrNone; + } + +void CPDEF143929::DoCancel() + { + } + +const TDesC& CPDEF143929::TestName() + { + _LIT(KHeaderTestName,"CPDEF143929"); + return KHeaderTestName; + } + +TInt CPDEF143929::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& /*aEvent*/) + { + _LIT(KLogDescription, "\nTest failed with error code %d on transaction ID=%d\n"); + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription, aError, aTransaction.Id()); + iFailureError = aError; + CActiveScheduler::Stop(); + return KErrNone; + } + +void CPDEF143929::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent) + { + switch (aEvent.iStatus) + { + case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders: + { + // HTTP response headers have been received + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); + MHTTPDataSupplier* body = aTransaction.Response().Body (); + if ( body ) + { + body->ReleaseData (); + } + } break; + case THTTPEvent::ESubmit: + { + } break; + case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData: + { + // Some (more) body data has been received (in the HTTP response) + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); + // Get the body data supplier + MHTTPDataSupplier* iRespBody = aTransaction.Response().Body(); + // Append to the output file. + TPtrC8 bodyData; + TBool lastChunk = iRespBody->GetNextDataPart( bodyData ); + iRespBody->ReleaseData(); + } break; + case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete: + { + // The transaction's response is complete + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); + } break; + case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded: + { + // The transaction succeeded + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); + aTransaction.Close(); + if(--iOpenTransCount == 0) + { + CActiveScheduler::Stop(); + } + } + break; + case THTTPEvent::EFailed: + { + // The transaction failed so fail the test + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); + aTransaction.Close(); + if(--iOpenTransCount == 0) + { + CActiveScheduler::Stop(); + } + } break; + default: + { + _LIT(KLogDescription, " %d"); + iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription,aEvent.iStatus); + if (aEvent.iStatus < 0) + { + iFailureError = aEvent.iStatus; + CActiveScheduler::Stop(); + } + } + break; + } + + return; + } + + +void CPDEF143929::ConfigureSessionFiltersL(TFilterConfigurationIterator* /*aFilterConfigIter*/) + { + if (iTestNumber == 11) + { + User::Leave(KErrNone); + } + + iCookieManager = CExampleCookieManager::NewL(iSession.StringPool()); + + CCookieFilterInterface::InstallFilterL(iSession, iCookieManager); + } + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/CPDEF143929.h --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/CPDEF143929.h Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// + +#ifndef __T_CPDEF143929_H__ +#define __T_CPDEF143929_H__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "HttpTestCore.h" + +// User Include +#include "TestScripts.h" + +class CExampleCookieManager; + +/** + Derived test case class : test cookies +*/ +class CPDEF143929: public CHttpTestTransBase, + public MHTTPTransactionCallback, + public MHTTPFilterCreationCallback + + { +public: + static CPDEF143929* NewL(TInt aTestNumber, + CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile); + virtual ~CPDEF143929(); + // to implement in this class' member function definitions +public: + virtual void MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, + const THTTPEvent& aEvent) ; + virtual TInt MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, + const THTTPEvent& aEvent) ; + +protected: + CPDEF143929(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile); + const TDesC& TestName(); + virtual void DoRunL(); + virtual TInt RunError(TInt aErr); + virtual void DoCancel(); + void ConfigureSessionFiltersL(TFilterConfigurationIterator* aFilterConfigIter); + + + +private: + /** This has the instance of the settings.ini file. This instance is passed + to ReplaceHostNameL() function which uses this instance to retrieve the + data from settings.ini file. + */ + CScriptFile* iIniSettingsFile; + +protected: + TInt iOpenTransactionCount; + TInt iFailureError; + CExampleCookieManager* iCookieManager; + TInt iTestNumber; + RArray iTransArray; + TInt iOpenTransCount; + }; + +#endif // __T_CPDEF143929_H__ diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/cpdef143929.cpp --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/cpdef143929.cpp Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// defines test class: CPDEF143929 -// -// - -#include "CPDEF143929.h" -#include "examplecookiemanager.h" -#include - -// User include -#include "csrvaddrval.h" - -// Literals used in the file - -// URL whose response status code is 200 -_LIT8(KHttpUrl, "http://www.pubblica.istruzione.it"); - -/** - This function is called to create a new instance of the class - CPDEF143929 - - @param aTestNumber The test number that has to be executed - @param aIniSettingsFile The script file that holds the sections - from which the value has to be retrieved - @leave Leaves with a standard error -*/ -CPDEF143929* CPDEF143929::NewL(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile) - { - CPDEF143929* self = new(ELeave)CPDEF143929(aTestNumber, aIniSettingsFile); - CleanupStack::PushL(self); - CleanupStack::Pop(self); - return self; - } - -/** - Destructor -*/ -CPDEF143929::~CPDEF143929() - { - iTransArray.Close(); - } - -/** - This C++ constructor is called in the NewL function and is used to - instantiate iTestNumber and iIniSettingsFile - - @param aTestNumber - The test number that has to be executed - @param aIniSettingsFile - The script file that holds the sections - from which the value has to be retrieved -*/ -CPDEF143929::CPDEF143929(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile) : - iIniSettingsFile(aIniSettingsFile), - iTestNumber(aTestNumber) - { - // does nothing - } - -/** - This function is called to initiate the tests. - - @leave Leaves with a standard error. -*/ -void CPDEF143929::DoRunL() - { - // Open the HTTP session - iSession.OpenL(); - CleanupClosePushL(iSession); - RStringPool strP = iSession.StringPool(); - - TUriParser8 up; - up.Parse(KHttpUrl); - RHTTPTransaction trans1 = iSession.OpenTransactionL(up, *this, strP.StringF(HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable())); - CleanupClosePushL(trans1); - iTransArray.Append(trans1); - CleanupStack::Pop(&trans1); - - for(TInt i=0; iUtils().LogIt(_L("\nTest failed with error code %d\n"), aErr); - return KErrNone; - } - -void CPDEF143929::DoCancel() - { - } - -const TDesC& CPDEF143929::TestName() - { - _LIT(KHeaderTestName,"CPDEF143929"); - return KHeaderTestName; - } - -TInt CPDEF143929::MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& /*aEvent*/) - { - _LIT(KLogDescription, "\nTest failed with error code %d on transaction ID=%d\n"); - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription, aError, aTransaction.Id()); - iFailureError = aError; - CActiveScheduler::Stop(); - return KErrNone; - } - -void CPDEF143929::MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent) - { - switch (aEvent.iStatus) - { - case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders: - { - // HTTP response headers have been received - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); - MHTTPDataSupplier* body = aTransaction.Response().Body (); - if ( body ) - { - body->ReleaseData (); - } - } break; - case THTTPEvent::ESubmit: - { - } break; - case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData: - { - // Some (more) body data has been received (in the HTTP response) - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); - // Get the body data supplier - MHTTPDataSupplier* iRespBody = aTransaction.Response().Body(); - // Append to the output file. - TPtrC8 bodyData; - TBool lastChunk = iRespBody->GetNextDataPart( bodyData ); - iRespBody->ReleaseData(); - } break; - case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete: - { - // The transaction's response is complete - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); - } break; - case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded: - { - // The transaction succeeded - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); - aTransaction.Close(); - if(--iOpenTransCount == 0) - { - CActiveScheduler::Stop(); - } - } - break; - case THTTPEvent::EFailed: - { - // The transaction failed so fail the test - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(_L("")); - aTransaction.Close(); - if(--iOpenTransCount == 0) - { - CActiveScheduler::Stop(); - } - } break; - default: - { - _LIT(KLogDescription, " %d"); - iEngine->Utils().LogIt(KLogDescription,aEvent.iStatus); - if (aEvent.iStatus < 0) - { - iFailureError = aEvent.iStatus; - CActiveScheduler::Stop(); - } - } - break; - } - - return; - } - - -void CPDEF143929::ConfigureSessionFiltersL(TFilterConfigurationIterator* /*aFilterConfigIter*/) - { - if (iTestNumber == 11) - { - User::Leave(KErrNone); - } - - iCookieManager = CExampleCookieManager::NewL(iSession.StringPool()); - - CCookieFilterInterface::InstallFilterL(iSession, iCookieManager); - } - - diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/cpdef143929.h --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/Test/T_HttpOnline/cpdef143929.h Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// - -#ifndef __T_CPDEF143929_H__ -#define __T_CPDEF143929_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include "HttpTestCore.h" - -// User Include -#include "TestScripts.h" - -class CExampleCookieManager; - -/** - Derived test case class : test cookies -*/ -class CPDEF143929: public CHttpTestTransBase, - public MHTTPTransactionCallback, - public MHTTPFilterCreationCallback - - { -public: - static CPDEF143929* NewL(TInt aTestNumber, - CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile); - virtual ~CPDEF143929(); - // to implement in this class' member function definitions -public: - virtual void MHFRunL(RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, - const THTTPEvent& aEvent) ; - virtual TInt MHFRunError(TInt aError, RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, - const THTTPEvent& aEvent) ; - -protected: - CPDEF143929(TInt aTestNumber, CScriptFile* aIniSettingsFile); - const TDesC& TestName(); - virtual void DoRunL(); - virtual TInt RunError(TInt aErr); - virtual void DoCancel(); - void ConfigureSessionFiltersL(TFilterConfigurationIterator* aFilterConfigIter); - - - -private: - /** This has the instance of the settings.ini file. This instance is passed - to ReplaceHostNameL() function which uses this instance to retrieve the - data from settings.ini file. - */ - CScriptFile* iIniSettingsFile; - -protected: - TInt iOpenTransactionCount; - TInt iFailureError; - CExampleCookieManager* iCookieManager; - TInt iTestNumber; - RArray iTransArray; - TInt iOpenTransCount; - }; - -#endif // __T_CPDEF143929_H__ diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/HttpClientErr.ra --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/HttpClientErr.ra Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/HttpClientErr.ra Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,367 +1,367 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_encode_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_default; //-7200 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_accept; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_accept_charset; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_qvalue; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_authorization; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_basic_auth; //-7205 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_digest_auth; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_connection; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_content_length; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_content_type; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_host; //-7210 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text= r_http_error_encode_host_port; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text= r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_user_agent; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_date; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_cookie; // -7215 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_cache_control; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_pragma; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_if_match; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_if_none_match; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since; // -7220 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_encode_cookie2; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_decode_basic_val_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_date; //-7260 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_year; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_month; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_day; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text= r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday; //-7265 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_decode_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_accept; //-7270 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_connection; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_content_length; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_content_type; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate; //-7275 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_basic_auth; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_digest_auth; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_decode_cookie; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_response_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit; //-7300 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy ; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_unknown_parse_state; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_request_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text= r_http_error_request_has_body; //-7330 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text= r_http_error_request_body_missing; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_request_missing_header_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type; // -7360 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_general_header_missing_host; - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_protocolhandler_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised; - } - }; - } - -// Errors -7200 to -7222 (Codec encoding errors for HTTP headers) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_default { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_default; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_accept{ buf=STRING_No_Label1; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_accept_charset { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_accept_charset; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_qvalue { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_qvalue; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_authorization { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_authorization; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_basic_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_basic_auth; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_digest_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_digest_auth; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_connection { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_connection; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_content_length { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_content_length; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_content_type; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_host { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_host; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_host_port { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_host_port; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_user_agent { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_user_agent; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_date { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_date; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cookie { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cookie; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cache_control { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cache_control; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_pragma { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_pragma; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_match { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_match; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_none_match { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_none_match; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cookie2 { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cookie2; } - - - -// Errors -7260 to -7267 (Codec decoding errors for values found in HTTP headers) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_date { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_date; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_year { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_year; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_month { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_month; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_day { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_day; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr; } - - - -// Errors -7270 to -7279 (Codec decoding errors for HTTP headers) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_accept{ buf=STRING_No_Label2; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_connection{ buf=STRING_No_Label3; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_content_length { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_content_length; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_content_type; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_basic_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_basic_auth; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_digest_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_digest_auth; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_cookie { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_cookie; } - - - -// Errors -7300 to -7304 (Response errors. These represent specific failure cases) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_unknown_parse_state { buf=STRING_r_http_error_unknown_parse_state; } - - - -// Errors -7330 to -7334 (Request building errors: cause the Validation Filter to make a transaction fail and terminate) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_request_has_body { buf=STRING_r_http_error_request_has_body; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_request_body_missing { buf=STRING_r_http_error_request_body_missing; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header { buf=STRING_r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10 { buf=STRING_r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request { buf=STRING_r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request; } - - - -// Errors -7360 to -7361 (Request building errors: Missing but required header errors) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_general_header_missing_host { buf=STRING_r_http_error_general_header_missing_host; } - - - -// Errors -7370 to -7371 (Protocol Handler Errors) -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body { buf=STRING_r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised { buf=STRING_r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised; } - - - +// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_encode_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_default; //-7200 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_accept; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_accept_charset; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_qvalue; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_authorization; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_basic_auth; //-7205 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_digest_auth; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_connection; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_content_length; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_content_type; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_host; //-7210 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text= r_http_error_encode_host_port; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text= r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_user_agent; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_date; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_cookie; // -7215 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_cache_control; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_pragma; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_if_match; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_if_none_match; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since; // -7220 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_encode_cookie2; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_decode_basic_val_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_date; //-7260 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_year; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_month; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_day; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text= r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday; //-7265 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_text_header_decode_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_accept; //-7270 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_connection; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_content_length; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_content_type; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate; //-7275 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_basic_auth; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_digest_auth; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_decode_cookie; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_response_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit; //-7300 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy ; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_unknown_parse_state; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_request_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text= r_http_error_request_has_body; //-7330 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text= r_http_error_request_body_missing; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_request_missing_header_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type; // -7360 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_general_header_missing_host; + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_http_protocolhandler_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised; + } + }; + } + +// Errors -7200 to -7222 (Codec encoding errors for HTTP headers) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_default { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_default; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_accept{ buf=STRING_No_Label1; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_accept_charset { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_accept_charset; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_qvalue { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_qvalue; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_authorization { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_authorization; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_basic_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_basic_auth; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_digest_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_digest_auth; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_connection { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_connection; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_content_length { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_content_length; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_content_type; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_host { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_host; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_host_port { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_host_port; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_transfer_encoding; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_user_agent { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_user_agent; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_date { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_date; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cookie { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cookie; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cache_control { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cache_control; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_pragma { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_pragma; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_match { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_match; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_none_match { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_none_match; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_modified_since; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_if_unmodified_since; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_encode_cookie2 { buf=STRING_r_http_error_encode_cookie2; } + + + +// Errors -7260 to -7267 (Codec decoding errors for values found in HTTP headers) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_date { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_date; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_year { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_year; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_month { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_month; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_day { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_day; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_wkday; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_weekday; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_integer; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_malformed_quotedstr; } + + + +// Errors -7270 to -7279 (Codec decoding errors for HTTP headers) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_accept{ buf=STRING_No_Label2; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_connection{ buf=STRING_No_Label3; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_content_length { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_content_length; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_content_type; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_transfer_encoding; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_www_authenticate; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_unknown_auth_scheme; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_basic_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_basic_auth; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_digest_auth { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_digest_auth; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_decode_cookie { buf=STRING_r_http_error_decode_cookie; } + + + +// Errors -7300 to -7304 (Response errors. These represent specific failure cases) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_exceeded_limit; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_use_proxy; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field { buf=STRING_r_http_error_redirect_no_location_field; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_unknown_parse_state { buf=STRING_r_http_error_unknown_parse_state; } + + + +// Errors -7330 to -7334 (Request building errors: cause the Validation Filter to make a transaction fail and terminate) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_request_has_body { buf=STRING_r_http_error_request_has_body; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_request_body_missing { buf=STRING_r_http_error_request_body_missing; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header { buf=STRING_r_http_error_trace_req_without_max_forward_header; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10 { buf=STRING_r_http_error_post_req_body_without_size_on_http10; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request { buf=STRING_r_http_error_invalid_header_in_request; } + + + +// Errors -7360 to -7361 (Request building errors: Missing but required header errors) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type { buf=STRING_r_http_error_entity_header_missing_content_type; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_general_header_missing_host { buf=STRING_r_http_error_general_header_missing_host; } + + + +// Errors -7370 to -7371 (Protocol Handler Errors) +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body { buf=STRING_r_http_error_cant_reset_request_body; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised { buf=STRING_r_http_error_transaction_not_initalised; } + + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/WspErr.ra --- a/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/WspErr.ra Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/httptransportfw/group/WspErr.ra Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,124 +1,124 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wsp_protocol_handler_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_service_mumber_not_defined; // -7380 ( -7200 -180) - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_access_point_not_set_up; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_bad_redirected_address_data; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_bearer_not_supported; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_request_too_big; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_streamed_request_data_not_supported; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_unsupported_send_primitive; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_session_closing_o_suspending; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_expecting_body_data; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_trailer_headers_not_expected; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_missing_header; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_sms_bearer_not_in_commsdb; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_could_not_create_transport_handler; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_required_services_not_supported; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_configuration_failed; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_phase_1_handshake_failed; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_phase_2_handshake_failed; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_invalid_server_cert; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_untrusted_server_cert; - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_wsp_error_negotiated_config_rejected; - } - }; - } - - -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_service_mumber_not_defined { buf="The service number needed for SMS is not defined"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_access_point_not_set_up { buf="The Wap access point has not been set up"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_bad_redirected_address_data { buf="The redirection address is not correct"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_bearer_not_supported { buf="The bearer is not suported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_request_too_big { buf="The request is too big"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_streamed_request_data_not_supported { buf="Streamed request data is not supported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_unsupported_send_primitive { buf="This send primitive is not supported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_session_closing_o_suspending { buf="The session is closing or suspending"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_expecting_body_data { buf="Expecting body data"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_trailer_headers_not_expected { buf="Trailer headers are not expected"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_missing_header { buf="A header is missing"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_sms_bearer_not_in_commsdb { buf="The SMS bearer is not in the comm db"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_could_not_create_transport_handler { buf="Could not create Transport handler"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_required_services_not_supported { buf="The required service is not supported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_configuration_failed { buf="The configuration has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_phase_1_handshake_failed { buf="Phase 1 handshake has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_phase_2_handshake_failed { buf="Phase 2 handshake has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_invalid_server_cert { buf="Invalid server certificate"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_untrusted_server_cert { buf="Untrusted server certificate"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_negotiated_config_rejected { buf="The negotiated configuration has been rejected"; } - +// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wsp_protocol_handler_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_service_mumber_not_defined; // -7380 ( -7200 -180) + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_access_point_not_set_up; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_bad_redirected_address_data; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_bearer_not_supported; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_request_too_big; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_streamed_request_data_not_supported; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_unsupported_send_primitive; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_session_closing_o_suspending; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_expecting_body_data; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_trailer_headers_not_expected; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_missing_header; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_sms_bearer_not_in_commsdb; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_could_not_create_transport_handler; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_required_services_not_supported; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_configuration_failed; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_phase_1_handshake_failed; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_phase_2_handshake_failed; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_invalid_server_cert; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_untrusted_server_cert; + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_wsp_error_negotiated_config_rejected; + } + }; + } + + +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_service_mumber_not_defined { buf="The service number needed for SMS is not defined"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_access_point_not_set_up { buf="The Wap access point has not been set up"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_bad_redirected_address_data { buf="The redirection address is not correct"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_bearer_not_supported { buf="The bearer is not suported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_request_too_big { buf="The request is too big"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_streamed_request_data_not_supported { buf="Streamed request data is not supported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_unsupported_send_primitive { buf="This send primitive is not supported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_session_closing_o_suspending { buf="The session is closing or suspending"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_expecting_body_data { buf="Expecting body data"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_trailer_headers_not_expected { buf="Trailer headers are not expected"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_missing_header { buf="A header is missing"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_sms_bearer_not_in_commsdb { buf="The SMS bearer is not in the comm db"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_could_not_create_transport_handler { buf="Could not create Transport handler"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_required_services_not_supported { buf="The required service is not supported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_configuration_failed { buf="The configuration has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_phase_1_handshake_failed { buf="Phase 1 handshake has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_phase_2_handshake_failed { buf="Phase 2 handshake has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_invalid_server_cert { buf="Invalid server certificate"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_untrusted_server_cert { buf="Untrusted server certificate"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_wsp_error_negotiated_config_rejected { buf="The negotiated configuration has been rejected"; } + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/telnetengine/group/BLD.INF --- a/applayerprotocols/telnetengine/group/BLD.INF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// Telnet engine -// -// - -/** - @file -*/ - - - -PRJ_EXPORTS - -../INC/TELSESS.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(telsess.h) -../group/telnet_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/telnet_e.iby - - -PRJ_MMPFILES - -../group/TELSESS.MMP - -PRJ_TESTMMPFILES - -../TTELNET/TTELNET.MMP -../TUIEDIT/TUIEDIT.MMP diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/telnetengine/group/bld.inf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/telnetengine/group/bld.inf Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// Telnet engine +// +// + +/** + @file +*/ + + + +PRJ_EXPORTS + +../INC/TELSESS.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(telsess.h) +../group/telnet_e.iby /epoc32/rom/include/telnet_e.iby + + +PRJ_MMPFILES + +../group/TELSESS.MMP + +PRJ_TESTMMPFILES + +../TTELNET/TTELNET.MMP +../TUIEDIT/TUIEDIT.MMP diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Group/BLD.INF --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Group/BLD.INF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// Wap engine parsers and utilities -// This file basically provides the information required for building the whole of a component -// C & C++ style comments are allowed in this file because it's passed through the C++ preprocessor -// Examples are provided below of the kind of things we're expecting -// -// - -/** - @file -*/ - - -PRJ_PLATFORMS -// specify the platforms your component needs to be built for here -// defaults to WINS MARM so you can ignore this if you just build these - -PRJ_EXPORTS -// specify the source file followed by its destination here -// copy will be used to copy the source file to its destination -// If there's no destination then the source file will be copied -// to the same name in \epoc32\include - -../inc/attrlut.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(attrlut.h) -../inc/CBNFParser.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cbnfparser.h) -../inc/CBNFNode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cbnfnode.h) -../inc/CDTDModel.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cdtdmodel.h) -../inc/cnode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cnode.h) -../inc/cnode.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cnode.inl) -../inc/dtdnode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(dtdnode.h) -../inc/dtdnode.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(dtdnode.inl) -../inc/estatus.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(estatus.h) -../inc/mdptx.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mdptx.h) -../inc/wapattrdf.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wapattrdf.h) -../bnf/CStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cstack.h) -../bnf/CStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cstack.inl) -../bnf/CMarkedStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cmarkedstack.h) -../bnf/CFragmentedString.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cfragmentedstring.h) -../bnf/CRuleMarkedStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(crulemarkedstack.h) -../bnf/CRuleMarkedStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(crulemarkedstack.inl) -../bnf/CMarkedStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cmarkedstack.inl) -../bnf/CNoDeleteAttribute.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cnodeleteattribute.h) -../inc/Wapengstd.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wapengstd.h) -../inc/WapTestUtils.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(waptestutils.h) -../inc/WapTestUtils.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(waptestutils.inl) -../inc/PragmaMessage.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(pragmamessage.h) - - -PRJ_MMPFILES -// specify the .mmp files required for building the important component releasables -// note that you should specify any .mmp files for test programs further down the file. -// -// It's best if the .MMP files are specified in the order in which the components are -// built, but that eventually shouldn't matter -// -// Use C++ style #defines to denote that a component is only built for a particular platform -// -// specify "tidy" if the component you need to build doesn't need to be released to -// the rest of the company -// specify "ignore" if the MMP file exists but should be ignored - William wants this! - -../mmpfiles/bnf.mmp -../mmpfiles/dtdmdl.mmp -../mmpfiles/wnode.mmp -../mmpfiles/wutil.mmp - -PRJ_TESTMMPFILES -// specify the .mmp files required for building any test programs here -// -// you can specify "manual" to denote that a test should be listed in a generated -// batch file for running a group of tests which require user input during testing. -// you can specify "support" to denote that a file is a test support file and shouldn't -// be listed in a batch file for running a group of tests -// By default, each test will be listed in a batch file for running a group of tests -// which can be left to run without requiring watching over by the person running the tests, -// i.e. tests where no user input is required. The default will apply if neither "manual" -// or "support" is specified. diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Group/bld.inf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Group/bld.inf Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// Wap engine parsers and utilities +// This file basically provides the information required for building the whole of a component +// C & C++ style comments are allowed in this file because it's passed through the C++ preprocessor +// Examples are provided below of the kind of things we're expecting +// +// + +/** + @file +*/ + + +PRJ_PLATFORMS +// specify the platforms your component needs to be built for here +// defaults to WINS MARM so you can ignore this if you just build these + +PRJ_EXPORTS +// specify the source file followed by its destination here +// copy will be used to copy the source file to its destination +// If there's no destination then the source file will be copied +// to the same name in \epoc32\include + +../inc/attrlut.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(attrlut.h) +../inc/CBNFParser.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cbnfparser.h) +../inc/CBNFNode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cbnfnode.h) +../inc/CDTDModel.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cdtdmodel.h) +../inc/cnode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cnode.h) +../inc/cnode.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cnode.inl) +../inc/dtdnode.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(dtdnode.h) +../inc/dtdnode.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(dtdnode.inl) +../inc/estatus.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(estatus.h) +../inc/mdptx.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mdptx.h) +../inc/wapattrdf.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wapattrdf.h) +../bnf/CStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cstack.h) +../bnf/CStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cstack.inl) +../bnf/CMarkedStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cmarkedstack.h) +../bnf/CFragmentedString.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cfragmentedstring.h) +../bnf/CRuleMarkedStack.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(crulemarkedstack.h) +../bnf/CRuleMarkedStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(crulemarkedstack.inl) +../bnf/CMarkedStack.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(cmarkedstack.inl) +../bnf/CNoDeleteAttribute.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(cnodeleteattribute.h) +../inc/Wapengstd.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wapengstd.h) +../inc/WapTestUtils.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(waptestutils.h) +../inc/WapTestUtils.inl SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(waptestutils.inl) +../inc/PragmaMessage.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(pragmamessage.h) + + +PRJ_MMPFILES +// specify the .mmp files required for building the important component releasables +// note that you should specify any .mmp files for test programs further down the file. +// +// It's best if the .MMP files are specified in the order in which the components are +// built, but that eventually shouldn't matter +// +// Use C++ style #defines to denote that a component is only built for a particular platform +// +// specify "tidy" if the component you need to build doesn't need to be released to +// the rest of the company +// specify "ignore" if the MMP file exists but should be ignored - William wants this! + +../mmpfiles/bnf.mmp +../mmpfiles/dtdmdl.mmp +../mmpfiles/wnode.mmp +../mmpfiles/wutil.mmp + +PRJ_TESTMMPFILES +// specify the .mmp files required for building any test programs here +// +// you can specify "manual" to denote that a test should be listed in a generated +// batch file for running a group of tests which require user input during testing. +// you can specify "support" to denote that a file is a test support file and shouldn't +// be listed in a batch file for running a group of tests +// By default, each test will be listed in a batch file for running a group of tests +// which can be left to run without requiring watching over by the person running the tests, +// i.e. tests where no user input is required. The default will apply if neither "manual" +// or "support" is specified. diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/pap_1_0.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/pap_1_0.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/pap_1_0.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,217 +1,217 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/si.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/si.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/si.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/sl.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/sl.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/sl.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,232 +1,232 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml12.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml12.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml12.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,299 +1,299 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml13.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml13.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml13.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - - \ No newline at end of file + \ No newline at end of file diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml_1_1.dtd --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml_1_1.dtd Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/Tdtd/DTDs/wml_1_1.dtd Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,353 +1,353 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/neterr.ra --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/neterr.ra Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/neterr.ra Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,65 +1,65 @@ -// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_network_errors - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_no_modem; // -3001 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_modem_error; // -3002 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_login_fail; // -3003 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_script_timeout; // -3004 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_script_error; // -3005 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3006 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3007 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3008 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_hscsd_not_supported; // -3009 - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_no_modem { buf="No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_modem_error { buf="Problem communicating with Internet service's modem"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_login_fail { buf="Internet username or password is incorrect. (See \"Internet\" Control panel)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_script_timeout { buf="Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect. (See \"Internet\" Control panel)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_script_error { buf="Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect. (See \"Internet\" in Control panel)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_no_iap { buf="No Internet Access Points are defined. (See \"Internet\" in Control panel)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_hscsd_not_supported { buf="High speed (HSCSD) is not supported by the network."; } +// Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_network_errors + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_no_modem; // -3001 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_modem_error; // -3002 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_login_fail; // -3003 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_script_timeout; // -3004 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_script_error; // -3005 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3006 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3007 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_net_no_iap; // -3008 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_hscsd_not_supported; // -3009 + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_no_modem { buf="No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_modem_error { buf="Problem communicating with Internet service's modem"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_login_fail { buf="Internet username or password is incorrect. (See \"Internet\" Control panel)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_script_timeout { buf="Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect. (See \"Internet\" Control panel)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_script_error { buf="Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect. (See \"Internet\" in Control panel)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_net_no_iap { buf="No Internet Access Points are defined. (See \"Internet\" in Control panel)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_hscsd_not_supported { buf="High speed (HSCSD) is not supported by the network."; } diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/waperr.ra --- a/applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/waperr.ra Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wapbase/inc/waperr.ra Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -1,346 +1,346 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_errors_engine - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_general_error; // -10000 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_doc_not_found; // -10001 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_doc_corrupt; // -10002 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_access_violation; // -10003 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_data_call_dropped; // -10004 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_data_call_unavail; // -10005 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_script_not_found; // -10006 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_script_error; // -10007 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_script_corrupt; // -10008 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_script_illegal_action; // -10009 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_script_obscure_call; // -10010 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_auth_failed; // -10011 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_protocol_not_supported; // -10012 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup; // -10013 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_ussd; // -10014 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_sms; // -10015 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_csd; // -10016 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_image_conv_failed; // -10017 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_plugin_not_found; // -10018 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_corrupt_url; // -10019 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_corrupt_scheme; // -10020 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_unknown_scheme; // -10021 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_dtd_unavailable; // -10022 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_invalid_dtd; // -10023 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_unknown_document; // -10024 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_wap_mime_type_missing; // -10025 - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_general_error { buf="A general error has occurred"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_doc_not_found { buf="The requested document cannot be found"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_doc_corrupt { buf="This document is corrupt and cannot be read"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_violation { buf="Access to this document has been denied"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_data_call_dropped { buf="The data call has been closed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_data_call_unavail { buf="The data call is being used by another application"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_not_found { buf="The requested script has not been found"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_error { buf="This script has returned a fatal error"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_corrupt { buf="There is an error in this script"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_illegal_action { buf="The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_obscure_call { buf="The script has attempted a function which is unavailable"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_auth_failed { buf="Authorization has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_protocol_not_supported { buf="The current network does not support the requested service"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup { buf="Access point information is missing"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_ussd { buf="Access point information is missing (USSD)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_sms { buf="Access point information is missing (SMS)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_csd { buf="Access point information is missing (CSD)"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_image_conv_failed { buf="Image conversion has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_plugin_not_found { buf="The requested plugin has not been found"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_corrupt_url { buf="Part of the URL contains invalid characters"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_corrupt_scheme { buf="Part of the scheme contains invalid characters"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_unknown_scheme { buf="Unknown scheme"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_dtd_unavailable { buf="Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_invalid_dtd { buf="DTD is invalid"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_unknown_document { buf="The document requested cannot be found"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_mime_type_missing { buf="MIME information is missing"; } - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_errors_http - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_general_error; // -20000 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_cannot_find_server; // -20001 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_cannot_find_plugin; // -20002 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_unsupported_method; // -20003 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_read_failure; // -20004 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_dial_setup_failed; // -20005 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_wtls_config_failed; // -20006 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_wtls_bad_server_cert; // -20007 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_wtls_cert_rejected; // -20008 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_wtls_cipher_rejected; // -20009 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_auth_failed; // -20010 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_auth_aborted; // -20011 - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_general_error { buf="A general error has occurred"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_cannot_find_server { buf="The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_cannot_find_plugin { buf="The plugin name/type was not found on the device"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_unsupported_method { buf="The method requested is not supported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_read_failure { buf="Access point information is missing"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_dial_setup_failed { buf="Net dial setup has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_config_failed { buf="The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_bad_server_cert { buf="The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_cert_rejected { buf="The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_cipher_rejected { buf="The session has been aborted due to low security status"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_auth_failed { buf="Authorization has failed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_auth_aborted { buf="Authorization has been aborted"; } - - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_statuses_http400 - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_400; // -20400 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_401; // -20401 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_402; // -20402 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_403; // -20403 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_404; // -20404 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_405; // -20405 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_406; // -20406 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_407; // -20407 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_408; // -20408 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_409; // -20409 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_410; // -20410 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_411; // -20411 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_412; // -20412 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_413; // -20413 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_414; // -20414 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_415; // -20415 - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_statuses_http500 - { - items= - { - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_500; // -20500 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_501; // -20501 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_502; // -20502 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_503; // -20503 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_504; // -20504 - }, - SINGLE_ERROR - { - text=r_error_res_http_505; // -20505 - } - }; - } - -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_400 { buf="The request sent does not use the correct syntax"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_401 { buf="Unauthorized request, authentication must be used"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_402 { buf="Payment is required for this action to succeed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_403 { buf="The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_404 { buf="The document requested cannot be found on the server"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_405 { buf="The method requested is not currently allowed"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_406 { buf="The header information of the returned resource is incorrect"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_407 { buf="Proxy authentication is required"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_408 { buf="The request has timed out"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_409 { buf="A Conflict has occurred"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_410 { buf="The document requested cannot be found on the server"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_411 { buf="Length is required here"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_412 { buf="A precondition has not been met"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_413 { buf="The request entity is too large"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_414 { buf="The URL requested is too long"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_415 { buf="The media type requested is unsupported"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_500 { buf="An internal server error has occurred"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_501 { buf="An internal server error has occurred"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_502 { buf="An error has occurred within the WAP gateway"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_503 { buf="The service requested is unavailable"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_504 { buf="The connection to the gateway has timed out"; } -RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_505 { buf="This HTTP version is not supported"; } +// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_errors_engine + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_general_error; // -10000 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_doc_not_found; // -10001 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_doc_corrupt; // -10002 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_access_violation; // -10003 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_data_call_dropped; // -10004 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_data_call_unavail; // -10005 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_script_not_found; // -10006 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_script_error; // -10007 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_script_corrupt; // -10008 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_script_illegal_action; // -10009 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_script_obscure_call; // -10010 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_auth_failed; // -10011 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_protocol_not_supported; // -10012 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup; // -10013 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_ussd; // -10014 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_sms; // -10015 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_csd; // -10016 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_image_conv_failed; // -10017 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_plugin_not_found; // -10018 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_corrupt_url; // -10019 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_corrupt_scheme; // -10020 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_unknown_scheme; // -10021 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_dtd_unavailable; // -10022 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_invalid_dtd; // -10023 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_unknown_document; // -10024 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_wap_mime_type_missing; // -10025 + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_general_error { buf="A general error has occurred"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_doc_not_found { buf="The requested document cannot be found"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_doc_corrupt { buf="This document is corrupt and cannot be read"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_violation { buf="Access to this document has been denied"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_data_call_dropped { buf="The data call has been closed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_data_call_unavail { buf="The data call is being used by another application"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_not_found { buf="The requested script has not been found"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_error { buf="This script has returned a fatal error"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_corrupt { buf="There is an error in this script"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_illegal_action { buf="The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_script_obscure_call { buf="The script has attempted a function which is unavailable"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_auth_failed { buf="Authorization has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_protocol_not_supported { buf="The current network does not support the requested service"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup { buf="Access point information is missing"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_ussd { buf="Access point information is missing (USSD)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_sms { buf="Access point information is missing (SMS)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_access_point_not_setup_csd { buf="Access point information is missing (CSD)"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_image_conv_failed { buf="Image conversion has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_plugin_not_found { buf="The requested plugin has not been found"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_corrupt_url { buf="Part of the URL contains invalid characters"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_corrupt_scheme { buf="Part of the scheme contains invalid characters"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_unknown_scheme { buf="Unknown scheme"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_dtd_unavailable { buf="Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_invalid_dtd { buf="DTD is invalid"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_unknown_document { buf="The document requested cannot be found"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_wap_mime_type_missing { buf="MIME information is missing"; } + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_errors_http + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_general_error; // -20000 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_cannot_find_server; // -20001 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_cannot_find_plugin; // -20002 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_unsupported_method; // -20003 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_read_failure; // -20004 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_dial_setup_failed; // -20005 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_wtls_config_failed; // -20006 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_wtls_bad_server_cert; // -20007 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_wtls_cert_rejected; // -20008 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_wtls_cipher_rejected; // -20009 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_auth_failed; // -20010 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_auth_aborted; // -20011 + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_general_error { buf="A general error has occurred"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_cannot_find_server { buf="The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_cannot_find_plugin { buf="The plugin name/type was not found on the device"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_unsupported_method { buf="The method requested is not supported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_read_failure { buf="Access point information is missing"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_dial_setup_failed { buf="Net dial setup has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_config_failed { buf="The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_bad_server_cert { buf="The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_cert_rejected { buf="The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_wtls_cipher_rejected { buf="The session has been aborted due to low security status"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_auth_failed { buf="Authorization has failed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_auth_aborted { buf="Authorization has been aborted"; } + + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_statuses_http400 + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_400; // -20400 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_401; // -20401 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_402; // -20402 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_403; // -20403 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_404; // -20404 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_405; // -20405 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_406; // -20406 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_407; // -20407 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_408; // -20408 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_409; // -20409 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_410; // -20410 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_411; // -20411 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_412; // -20412 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_413; // -20413 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_414; // -20414 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_415; // -20415 + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE ARRAY r_error_res_wap_statuses_http500 + { + items= + { + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_500; // -20500 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_501; // -20501 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_502; // -20502 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_503; // -20503 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_504; // -20504 + }, + SINGLE_ERROR + { + text=r_error_res_http_505; // -20505 + } + }; + } + +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_400 { buf="The request sent does not use the correct syntax"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_401 { buf="Unauthorized request, authentication must be used"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_402 { buf="Payment is required for this action to succeed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_403 { buf="The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_404 { buf="The document requested cannot be found on the server"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_405 { buf="The method requested is not currently allowed"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_406 { buf="The header information of the returned resource is incorrect"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_407 { buf="Proxy authentication is required"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_408 { buf="The request has timed out"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_409 { buf="A Conflict has occurred"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_410 { buf="The document requested cannot be found on the server"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_411 { buf="Length is required here"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_412 { buf="A precondition has not been met"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_413 { buf="The request entity is too large"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_414 { buf="The URL requested is too long"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_415 { buf="The media type requested is unsupported"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_500 { buf="An internal server error has occurred"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_501 { buf="An internal server error has occurred"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_502 { buf="An error has occurred within the WAP gateway"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_503 { buf="The service requested is unavailable"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_504 { buf="The connection to the gateway has timed out"; } +RESOURCE TBUF r_error_res_http_505 { buf="This HTTP version is not supported"; } diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/BLD.INF --- a/applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/BLD.INF Tue Jul 06 14:51:44 2010 +0300 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -// All rights reserved. -// This component and the accompanying materials are made available -// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -// which accompanies this distribution, and is available -// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -// -// Initial Contributors: -// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. -// -// Contributors: -// -// Description: -// This file basically provides the information required for building the whole of a component -// C & C++ style comments are allowed in this file because it's passed through the C++ preprocessor -// Examples are provided below of the kind of things we're expecting -// -// - - -PRJ_PLATFORMS -// specify the platforms your component needs to be built for here -// defaults to WINS MARM so you can ignore this if you just build these - - -PRJ_EXPORTS -// specify the source file followed by its destination here -// copy will be used to copy the source file to its destination -// If there's no destination then the source file will be copied -// to the same name in /epoc32/include - -../Group/WapPushSupport.iby /epoc32/rom/include/wappushsupport.iby -../inc/MWapPluginSP.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mwappluginsp.h) -../inc/MFrameworkSP.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mframeworksp.h) -../inc/MDataProviderObserver.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mdataproviderobserver.h) -../inc/httpstd.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(httpstd.h) -../XmlElement/XMLELEMT.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(xmlelemt.h) -../XmlLib/XmlLib.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(xmllib.h) -../inc/WbConverter.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wbconverter.h) -../inc/MWbxmlConverterObserver.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mwbxmlconverterobserver.h) -../HTTPResponse/CHTTPResponse.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(chttpresponse.h) -../inc/waplog.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(waplog.h) -../inc/logdef.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(logdef.h) -../inc/ansicomp.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(ansicomp.h) - -// Converter token file -../TokenFiles/si10.tok /epoc32/wins/c/system/data/plugins/si10.tok -../TokenFiles/sl10.tok /epoc32/wins/c/system/data/plugins/sl10.tok - -PRJ_MMPFILES -// specify the .mmp files required for building the important component releasables -// note that you should specify any .mmp files for test programs further down the file. -// -// It's best if the .MMP files are specified in the order in which the components are -// built, but that eventually shouldn't matter -// -// Use C++ style #defines to denote that a component is only built for a particular platform -// -// specify "tidy" if the component you need to build doesn't need to be released to -// the rest of the company -// specify "ignore" if the MMP file exists but should be ignored - William wants this! - -../mmpfiles/XmlElement.mmp -../mmpfiles/WbxmlLib.mmp -../mmpfiles/HTTPResponse.mmp -../mmpfiles/XmlLib.mmp -PRJ_TESTMMPFILES diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/Wap6.2 Release Notes.txt --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/Wap6.2 Release Notes.txt Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +WAP6.2 Release 0.8 29-Sep-2003 +============================== +Released into: +Built against: +Released By: Omer Saleem + +Summary +======= +Removed all test code from WapBase. The wapbase test code is never built or run and cannot be built due to missing components and a number of build errors. This code redundant and has been removed as part of work to fix leavescan errors. + + +WAP6.2 Release 0.7 22-Jan-2003 +============================== +Released into: Typhoon Release 2107 +Built against: Typhoon 2106 +Released By: Omer Saleem + +Summary +======= +Fixed defect INC012136 - WAP Push: Framework receiving WP message assumes that content type is always well known + + +WAP6.2 Release 0.6 23-Oct-2001 +============================== +Released into: GT Mainline 536 +Built against: GT Mainline 531 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado + +Summary +======= +Removed all Wap Components except those needed for WAP Push. +The dlls from the WapPlugins Component that are needed are built as part of WapPushSupport component. +All the Wap Code remains in the mainline, so this new component just uses uses the existing code. +This has no new code, just a new bld.inf that uses all existing code. + +WAP6.2 Release 0.5 29-Aug-2001 +============================== +Released into: GT Mainline 497 +Built against: GT Mainline 495 (WINS and ARM4) +Released By: Omer Saleem + +Summary +======= + +1) Fixed iby files for correct rom building +2) Converted wap push plugins to use ECOM plugin architecture +3) Updated Rose models +4) Updated Waptestui to include HTTP & WSP support and canceling functionality + +Issues +====== + +1. Architecture issue + breaks BC to change. +Wap control is giving UI access to top level plugin via API for copy and select all functionality. +Sharing of RFs around Wap GT as its being connected to over 30 times in release code + +2. Trivial code cleanup stuff +Epoc32\include folder is polluted with wap headers and perhaps go into a wap subfolder. +A lot of redundant code and sub-components (eg wbxmltest, turl). + +3. Building issues +Should wappush be in the platform_build because its not at the moment. - Answer is No its really a separate component. + +4. Configuration issues +waprd is removed from gt.txt and so is not build with gt code, it has been moved to quartz - This needs to be fixed with the Quartz team for 6.2 Effectively they have grabbed some GT code. + +5. Known Defects +Defect with wapstack is failing wap mainline build smoke tests - Being looked @ by Chris Trick, and should have been resolved by EOW 35 + +6. Hardware testing +Minimal hardware testing has been carried out on assabet. Problems that exist was that it would not connect using NT Ras and rendered decks had to be forced to redraw by pressing an arrow key to display the deck. + + + +WAP6.2 Release 0.4 08-Aug-2001 +============================== +Released into: GT Mainline 483 +Built against: GT Mainline 481 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: Omer Saleem + +Summary +======= + +1) Fixed all Wap test harnesses +2) Added missing distribution.policy files +3) Implemented ECOM plugin architure and removed the old one +4) Converted all plugins to new ECOM plugins +5) Fixed rendering defects SAM-4Z7HMU, UDN-4YXHHZ, UDN-4YXDPT, SAM-4YGD4M. +6) Changed MMP's to reduce warnings + + +WAP6.2 Release 0.3 13-Jul-2001 (Part III) +======================================== +Released into: GT Mainline 465 +Built against: GT Mainline 462 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado + +Summary +======= + +1. Adding missing export + +WAP6.2 Release 0.3 13-Jul-2001 (Part II) +======================================== +Released into: GT Mainline 465 +Built against: GT Mainline 462 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado + +Summary +======= + +1.Adding WapTestUi App. + +WAP6.2 Release 0.3 13-Jul-2001 (Part I) +======================================= +Released into: GT Mainline 465 +Built against: GT Mainline 462 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado + +Summary +======= + +1. Added CommDb 2-box solutions changes. +2. Removed WapUtils component from build list for development platform_build. +3. Changed TWmlLibMachine and TWapLCtx to use the changed Wap Local context Dll name - now is WapLCtx.lib. Also had other updates. Note - TWmlLibMachine syil has linkage problems (but is test code - fix on next release). +4. Changed MMP files through-out to use INetProtUtil.lib instead of WapUtils.lib. +5. Fixed TEng to build and run - fixed memory leak and bulid problems due to MDialogProvider API changes, +6. Fix for wap rendering for the hotspot mis-alignment - not yet complete. +7. Added unknown content handler - included changes to wmlscriptdatahandler to replace CDefaultDataHandler with CUnknownContentDataHandler. +8. Added distribution policy files wtai + + +WAP6.2 Release 0.2 13-Jun-2001 +============================== +Released into: GT Mainline 443 +Built against: GT Mainline 441 (ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado +Changelist: ??????? + +Summary +======= +Changes to WapEngine.iby to include uaprof and wtai dlls. + +WAP6.2 Release 0.2 11-Jun-2001 +============================== +Released into: GT Mainline 441 +Built against: GT Mainline 435 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: David Cunado +Changelist: ??????? + +Summary +======= +Changes to TEng test code to implement new functions in MDialogProvider class. + +WAP6.2 Release 0.1 04-Jun-2001 +=================================== +Released into: GT Mainline 437 +Built against: GT Mainline 435 (WINS and ARMI) +Released By: Omer Saleem +Uses: EUSER EFSRV ETEL CNTMODEL GSMAVD COMMDB BAFL +Changelist: ?????? + +Summary +======= + +This release contains two new components for the WAP Browser 6.2, these are for WTAI Public and UAProfs, each is detailed below: + +1) This is the first iteration release for the WTAI Public component of the GT 0101 Wap Browser 6.2 project. This release for WTAI Public involves four main changes: +* wtaipublic.dll contains the core functionality required by WTAI +* wtaiplugin.dll provided the URI scheme handler for the wtai scheme +* changes to the WMLScript engine to incorporate the WTAI scripting commands +* changes to the MWapControlObserver (MDialogProvider) interface to provide the new required dialog for WTAI + +2) This is the first iteration release for the UAProf component of the GT 0101 Wap Browser 6.2 project. This release provides the following deliverables: +* uaprof.dll This provides all the functionality required for UAProf using profiles and profile-diffs supplied in the form of files in a specific directory +* Changes made to the HTTP plugin to use the UAProf functionality to sent the header data requires and parse any returned UAProf data + +Use Cases Delivered +=================== + +WTAI Public: +------------ +All the use cases outlined in the document "GT0101 UCM.03 WTAI 6.2 Customer Use Case Analysis.doc" have been delivered in this release. This includes: +* Making a voice call using a URI +* Making a voice call using WMLScript +* Sending DTMF tones using a URI +* Sending DTMF tones using WMLScript +* Adding a phonebook entry using a URI +* Adding a phonebook entry using WMLScript +* Providing a method to cancel dialing a voice call +* Providing a method to cancel sending DTMF tones + +UAProfs: +-------- +All the use cases detailed in the document "GT0101 UCM.04 UAProf 6.2 Customer Use Case Analysis.doc" have been implemented in this release with the exception of the use cases related to the RDF Compiler which is fulfilled in the RDF Compiler component. The use cases include: +* Establish UAProf-aware WSP Session +* Request Content Generate for Device CPI Cached at WAP Gateway +* Form Device CPI +* Add a Profile to the Device CPI +* Remove a Profile from the Device CPI +* Add a User-Preference to the Device CPI +* Remove a User-Preference from the Device CPI + +More Information +================ + +The changes made in this release change the MWapControlObserver interface which is implemented by the WAP UI, therefore the changes made will break the UI. To allow the UI to compile, the WAP UI will also be modified with stub functions to allow it to compile and will later be implemented by the WAP UI team. + +This release of the UAProf component contains the implementation supporting UAProf including dynamic profile data building. However for this release HTTP will not be using the dynamic profiles and profiles will only be required for the establishment of the session only. + +Known Issues +============ + +WTAI Public: +------------ +* When WTAI makes a call, any current active calls (data or voice) are put on hold and the new voice call is made. We need to know how this should be handled, whether we will be using GPRS with an always on feel, or whether we should hang up a data call if one exists. +* When WTAI makes a call, does the phone app pick up the new call or do we need to inform it of the new call +* When returning the result of a WTAI function invoked from a URI, does the variable name after the '!' have to be var_name or $var_name + +UAProfs: +-------- +* The current implementation provides dynamic profiles by changing the number of CPI files in the profile depot directory. This means that profiles can only be changed by adding and removing files, not by modifying existing ones. \ No newline at end of file diff -r dd1f62411ef8 -r 099ef125a1a4 applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/bld.inf --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/applayerprotocols/wappushsupport/Group/bld.inf Fri Jul 16 20:55:05 2010 +0530 @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). +// All rights reserved. +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". +// +// Initial Contributors: +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. +// +// Contributors: +// +// Description: +// This file basically provides the information required for building the whole of a component +// C & C++ style comments are allowed in this file because it's passed through the C++ preprocessor +// Examples are provided below of the kind of things we're expecting +// +// + + +PRJ_PLATFORMS +// specify the platforms your component needs to be built for here +// defaults to WINS MARM so you can ignore this if you just build these + + +PRJ_EXPORTS +// specify the source file followed by its destination here +// copy will be used to copy the source file to its destination +// If there's no destination then the source file will be copied +// to the same name in /epoc32/include + +../Group/WapPushSupport.iby /epoc32/rom/include/wappushsupport.iby +../inc/MWapPluginSP.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mwappluginsp.h) +../inc/MFrameworkSP.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mframeworksp.h) +../inc/MDataProviderObserver.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mdataproviderobserver.h) +../inc/httpstd.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(httpstd.h) +../XmlElement/XMLELEMT.H SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(xmlelemt.h) +../XmlLib/XmlLib.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(xmllib.h) +../inc/WbConverter.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(wbconverter.h) +../inc/MWbxmlConverterObserver.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(mwbxmlconverterobserver.h) +../HTTPResponse/CHTTPResponse.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(chttpresponse.h) +../inc/waplog.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(waplog.h) +../inc/logdef.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(logdef.h) +../inc/ansicomp.h SYMBIAN_MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(ansicomp.h) + +// Converter token file +../TokenFiles/si10.tok /epoc32/wins/c/system/data/plugins/si10.tok +../TokenFiles/sl10.tok /epoc32/wins/c/system/data/plugins/sl10.tok + +PRJ_MMPFILES +// specify the .mmp files required for building the important component releasables +// note that you should specify any .mmp files for test programs further down the file. +// +// It's best if the .MMP files are specified in the order in which the components are +// built, but that eventually shouldn't matter +// +// Use C++ style #defines to denote that a component is only built for a particular platform +// +// specify "tidy" if the component you need to build doesn't need to be released to +// the rest of the company +// specify "ignore" if the MMP file exists but should be ignored - William wants this! + +../mmpfiles/XmlElement.mmp +../mmpfiles/WbxmlLib.mmp +../mmpfiles/HTTPResponse.mmp +../mmpfiles/XmlLib.mmp +PRJ_TESTMMPFILES