changeset 12 ae8abd0db65c
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ff3b6d0fd310 12:ae8abd0db65c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *    Interface for cbs client.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef MCBS_H
    21 #define MCBS_H
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include <CbsCommon.h>
    26 /**
    27 * Interface MCbs is used to change real client server
    28 * connection to some test stub implementation.
    29 */
    30 class MCbs
    31     {
    32     public:
    34         /**
    35         * Destructor.
    36         */
    37         virtual ~MCbs() {}
    39         /**
    40         *   Creates connection to the server.
    41         *
    42         *   Note that the method must be called before calling any other 
    43         *   methods. The method returns an error code and, therefore, 
    44         *   the caller is responsible of checking that everything went just 
    45         *   fine.
    46         *
    47         *   @return                 Error code.
    48         */
    49         virtual TInt Connect() = 0;
    51         /**
    52         *   Closes the session to the server.
    53         */
    54         virtual void Close() = 0;
    56         /**
    57         *   Returns the version of CbsClient.
    58         *
    59         *   CbsServer and CbsClient must be of same version.
    60         *
    61         *   @return                 Returns the version of CbsClient.
    62         */
    63         virtual TVersion Version() const = 0;
    65         // === Settings-related methods
    67         /**
    68         *   Returns the reception status in aStatus, which is ETrue if the reception is
    69         *   on. Otherwise it is EFalse.
    70         *
    71         *   @param  aStatus     The method returns the reception status in this parameter.
    72         */
    73         virtual void GetReceptionStatus( TBool& aStatus ) = 0;
    75         /**
    76         *   Changes the reception status to aStatus.
    77         *
    78         *   @param  aStatus     It contains the new reception status.
    79         *   @return             Error code.
    80         */
    81         virtual TInt SetReceptionStatus( TBool aStatus ) = 0;
    83         /**
    84         *   Returns the topic detection status in aStatus, which is ETrue if the detection
    85         *   is on. Otherwise it is EFalse.
    86         *
    87         *   @param  aStatus     The method returns the topic detection status in this parameter.
    88         */
    89         virtual void GetTopicDetectionStatus( TBool& aStatus ) = 0;
    91         /**
    92         *   Changes the topic detection status to aStatus.
    93         *
    94         *   @param  aStatus     It contains the new topic detection status.
    95         *   @return             Error code.
    96         */
    97         virtual TInt SetTopicDetectionStatus( TBool aStatus ) = 0;
    99         /**
   100         *   Returns the preferred languages in aLanguages.
   101         *
   102         *   @param aLanguages   The method returns the languages in this parameter.
   103         */
   104         virtual void GetLanguages( TCbsSettingsLanguages& aLanguages ) = 0;
   106         /**
   107         *   Changes the preferred languages to aLanguages.
   108         *
   109         *   @param aLanguages   It contains the new preferred languages.
   110         *   @return             Error code.
   111         */
   112         virtual TInt SetLanguages( const TCbsSettingsLanguages& aLanguages ) = 0;
   114         /**
   115         *   Requests the server to notify the client whenever any settings will be 
   116         *   changed.
   117         *
   118         *   Note that for each subsession only one this kind of request can be pending. Each
   119         *   client is responsible of assuring this.
   120         *
   121         *   @param  aStatus     It is the variable that the server will modify whenever an event occurs.
   122         *   @param  aEvent      The server will store the type of occurred event to this variable.
   123         */
   124         virtual void NotifySettingsChanged( TRequestStatus& aStatus, TCbsSettingsEvent& aEvent ) = 0;
   126         /**
   127         *   Cancels the request to notify the client.
   128         */
   129         virtual void NotifySettingsChangedCancel() = 0;
   131         //  === Topic Collection-related methods
   133         /**
   134         *   Resets the iterator. Must be called prior any call to HasNextTopic() 
   135         *   or NextTopic()!
   136         */
   137         virtual void StartCollectionBrowsing() = 0;
   139         /**
   140         *   Returns ETrue, if there is a topic not accessed with NextTopic()
   141         *    
   142         *   @return     ETrue, if there is a topic. EFalse if the end of the collection
   143         *               has been reached.
   144         */
   145         virtual TBool HasNextCollectionTopic() = 0;                            
   147         /**
   148         *   Returns the next topic in the topic collection skipping all topics with 
   149         *   a topic number matching a topic already listed in the current topic list.
   150         *   This function will return KErrNotFound if the collection is tried to 
   151         *   access beyond the end of the list. Otherwise the error code will be 
   152         *   the same returned by GetTopicInfo().
   153         *
   154         *   @param aInfo        The topic information will be stored here.
   155         *   @return             The error code. KErrNotFound if there are no topics left.
   156         */
   157         virtual TInt NextCollectionTopic( TCbsTopicInfo& aInfo ) = 0;
   159         //  === Topic list-related methods
   161         /**
   162         *   Returns the total amount of topics the topic list contains.
   163         *
   164         *   @param aCount       It will contain the total amount of topics.
   165         */
   166         virtual void GetTopicCount( TInt& aCount ) = 0;
   168         /**
   169         *   Returns information about a topic from the topic list.
   170         *
   171         *   Return values:
   172         *   KErrArgument        Topic was not found.
   173         *    
   174         *   Rest of return values indicate a file error.
   175         *
   176         *   @param aIndex       It is the index to the topic.
   177         *   @param aTopic       It will contain the topic information.
   178         *   @return             Error code.
   179         */
   180         virtual TInt GetTopic( const TInt aIndex, TCbsTopic& aTopic ) = 0;
   182         /**
   183         *   Finds the topic by the given number.
   184         *
   185         *   Return values:
   186         *   KErrNone            Topic returned in parameter aTopic.
   187         *   KErrNotFound        Topic was not found.
   188         *
   189         *   @param aNumber      Number of the topic
   190         *   @param aTopic       Return: contains the topic information
   191         *   @return             Error code
   192         */
   193         virtual TInt FindTopicByNumber( TCbsTopicNumber aNumber,
   194             TCbsTopic& aTopic ) = 0;
   196             /** 
   197             *   Deletes an existing topic.
   198             *
   199             *   @param  aNumber         Number of the topic to be deleted
   200             *   @return                 Error code
   201         */
   202         virtual TInt DeleteTopic( TCbsTopicNumber aNumber ) = 0;
   204         /**
   205         *   Delete all topics.
   206         *
   207         *   @return             Error code.
   208         */
   209         virtual TInt DeleteAllTopics() = 0;
   211         /**
   212         *   Adds a new topic. The handle assigned to the topic will be returned
   213         *   in aTopic.
   214         *
   215         *   Return values:
   216         *   KErrNone            Topic was successfully added.
   217         *   KErrAlreadyExists   A topic of the same number already exists in DB
   218         *   KErrArgument        Topic number given was not in a proper range.
   219         *   KErrDiskFull        Topic not added - FFS out of space
   220         *
   221         *   Note that the number of the new topic must be unused.
   222         *
   223         *   @param aTopic       Contains the information of the new topic.
   224         *                       On return, aTopic also contains the topic 
   225         *                       handle.
   226         *   @return             Error code.
   227         */
   228         virtual TInt AddTopic( TCbsTopic& aTopic ) = 0;
   230         /**
   231         *   Changes the name and number of the existing topic.
   232         *
   233         *   Note that the changing fails in case there is another topic with
   234         *   the new topic number. It also fails if the topic is protected.
   235         *
   236         *   Return values:
   237         *   KErrNone            Topic name and number successfully changed.
   238         *   KErrDiskFull        Topic information not changed - FFS out of space
   239         *
   240         *   @param  aOldNumber      Number of the topic to be changed
   241         *   @param  aNewNumber      Number to be given for the topic
   242         *   @param  aName           Name to be given for the topic
   243         *   @return                 Error code
   244         */  
   245         virtual TInt ChangeTopicNameAndNumber( 
   246             TCbsTopicNumber aOldNumber,
   247             TCbsTopicNumber aNewNumber, 
   248             const TCbsTopicName& aName ) = 0;
   250         /**
   251         *   Changes topic subscription status.
   252         *
   253         *   @param  aNumber         Number of the topic
   254         *   @param  aNewStatus      New subscription status
   255         *   @return                 Error code
   256         */
   257         virtual TInt ChangeTopicSubscriptionStatus( 
   258             TCbsTopicNumber aNumber, TBool aNewStatus ) = 0;
   260         /**
   261         *   Changes topic hotmark status.
   262         *
   263         *   @param  aNumber         Number of the topic
   264         *   @param  aNewStatus      New hotmark status
   265         *   @return                 Error code
   266         */
   267         virtual TInt ChangeTopicHotmarkStatus( TCbsTopicNumber aNumber,
   268             TBool aNewStatus ) = 0;
   270         /**
   271         *   Requests the server to notify the client whenever an event occurs 
   272         *   that changes the information of the topics. 
   273         *   
   274         *   Note that the client may select what kind of events it is 
   275         *   interested in. Note also that there can be at most one pending
   276         *   request per instance of the class.
   277         *
   278         *   @param aStatus      The variable that the server will modify
   279         *                       whenever an event occurs.
   280         *   @param aRequested   Events the client is interested in
   281         *   @param aEvent       Indicates the variable that will contain the
   282         *                       type of event that occured.
   283         *   @param aNumber      Indicates the variable that will contain the
   284         *                       topic number that was changed in event.
   285         */
   286         virtual void NotifyOnTopicListEvent( 
   287             TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
   288             const TInt aRequested, 
   289             TCbsTopicListEvent& aEvent, 
   290             TCbsTopicNumber& aNumber ) = 0;
   292         /**
   293         *   Cancels the pending notify request.
   294         */
   295         virtual void NotifyOnTopicListEventCancel() = 0;
   297         /**
   298         *   Returns the number of topics added since last GetNewTopicsCount()
   299         *   by the topic detection feature.
   300         *
   301         *   @param aCount       It will contain the amount of new topics.
   302         *   @return TInt Result code.
   303         */
   304         virtual TInt GetNewTopicsCount( TInt& aCount ) = 0;
   306         /**
   307         *   Returns the number of the topic which was last added 
   308         *   to topic list.
   309         *
   310         *   Note: if a topic list cache is maintained by the client
   311         *   (as CBS UI application does), this function has to 
   312         *   be called BEFORE calling GetTopicCount() and GetTopic() 
   313         *   to make sure that no topic is added in between 
   314         *   GetTopic() and GetLatestTopicHandle() calls. If this
   315         *   happens, GetLatestTopicHandle() will return a handle
   316         *   to a topic that is not cached client-side.            
   317         *        
   318         *   Return codes:
   319         *   KErrNone        aNumber is a valid topic number.
   320         *   KErrNotFound    No topic added since server start, 
   321         *                   aNumber is not valid.
   322         *
   323         *   @param  aNumber         Returns: number of the topic last added
   324         *   @return                 Result code
   325         */
   326         virtual TInt GetLatestTopicNumber( TCbsTopicNumber& aNumber ) = 0;
   328         /**
   329         *   Returns the total amount of unread messages.
   330         *
   331         *   @param  aCount          Return: number of unread messages
   332         */
   333         virtual void GetUnreadMessageCount( TInt& aCount ) = 0;
   335         /**
   336         *   Returns the handle to the latest hotmarked message that has been
   337         *   received after the system has started up.
   338         *   
   339         *   @param  aMessage        Handle to the message
   340         */
   341         virtual void GetHotmarkedMessageHandle( TCbsMessageHandle& aMessage ) = 0;
   343         /**
   344         *   Returns the number of unread messages in hotmarked topics.
   345         *
   346         *   This function is to used by the client when deciding whether
   347         *   the message or topic list view should be opened to display
   348         *   a hotmarked message(s).
   349         *
   350         *   @return                 Number of unread hotmarked messages
   351         */
   352         virtual TInt NumberOfUnreadHotmarkedMessages() = 0;
   354         /**
   355         *   Returns the numbers of topics that precede and succeed the given 
   356         *   topic in server-side topic list.
   357         *
   358         *   If the given topic is the first topic in list, aPosition has 
   359         *   ECbsHead bit up. If the given topic is the last topic in list,
   360         *   aPosition has ECbsTail bit up.
   361         *    
   362         *   Return code values:
   363         *   KErrNone		aPrevTopicNumber, aNextTopicNumber and aPosition 
   364         *		            contain valid values.
   365         *   KErrNotFound	aCurrentTopicNumber specified a topic that was not
   366         *                   on topic list.
   367         *
   368         *   @param  aCurrentTopicNumber	    Number that specifies the topic 
   369         *                                   whose surroundings are returned
   370         *   @param  aPrevTopicNumber		Returns: number of topic preceding 
   371         *                                   the given topic
   372         *   @param  aNextTopicNumber		Returns: number of topic succeeding
   373         *                                   the given topic
   374         *   @param  aPosition			    Returns: position of current 
   375         *                                   topic in list.
   376         *   @return 				        Result code
   377         */
   378         virtual TInt GetNextAndPrevTopicNumber( 
   379             const TCbsTopicNumber& aCurrentTopicNumber,
   380             TCbsTopicNumber& aPrevTopicNumber,
   381             TCbsTopicNumber& aNextTopicNumber,
   382             TInt& aPosition ) = 0;
   384         // === Topic Messages-related methods
   386         /**
   387         *   Returns the total amount of messages the topic contains.    
   388         *
   389         *   Return codes:
   390         *   KErrNotFound            Invalid handle.
   391         *   KErrNone                aCount contains the number of messages 
   392         *                           in topic
   393         *
   394         *   @param  aNumber         Number of the topic.
   395         *   @param  aCount          Number of messages in given topic.
   396         *   @return                 Result code
   397         */
   398         virtual TInt GetMessageCount( TCbsTopicNumber aNumber,
   399             TInt& aCount ) = 0;
   401         /**
   402         *   Returns message information.
   403         *
   404         *   Return codes:
   405         *   KErrNotFound        Topic or message not found.
   406         *   KErrNone            aMessage contains the message information.
   407         *
   408         *   @param  aNumber     Number of the topic
   409         *   @param  aIndex      Index to the message in topic.
   410         *   @param  aMessage    Returns: the message information
   411         *   @return             Error code
   412         */
   413         virtual TInt GetMessage( TCbsTopicNumber aNumber, TInt aIndex,
   414             TCbsMessage& aMessage ) = 0;
   416         /**
   417         *   Finds a message by given handle.
   418         *
   419         *   @param  aHandle     Handle to the message.
   420         *   @param  aMessage    Return: contains the message information.
   421         *   @return             Error code.
   422         */
   423         virtual TInt FindMessageByHandle( 
   424             const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle, 
   425             TCbsMessage& aMessage ) = 0;
   427         /**
   428         *   Returns the index of a message with given handle in topic.
   429         *
   430         *   Result code KErrNotFound indicates that no message was found with
   431         *   the given handle.
   432         *
   433         *   @param  aHandle     Handle of the message
   434         *   @param  aIndex      Return: index of the message in message topic
   435         *   @return             Result code
   436         */
   437         virtual TInt GetMessageIndexByHandle( 
   438             const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle, TInt& aIndex ) = 0;
   440         /**
   441         *   Deletes an existing message.
   442         *
   443         *   Note that it does not care a lot about the status of the message.
   444         *   
   445         *   Please check also the description of LockMessage().
   446         *
   447         *   @param  aHandle     It is handle to the message.
   448         *   @return             Error code.
   449         */
   450         virtual TInt DeleteMessage( const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle ) = 0;
   452         /**
   453         *   Saves a message (the saved message won't be deleted to make 
   454         *   room for new messages).
   455         *
   456         *   Return codes:
   457         *   KErrNone            Message is saved.
   458         *   KErrGeneral         Message not saved -- total maximum of saved 
   459         *                       messages reached.
   460         *   KErrNotFound        Message not saved -- no message associated
   461         *                       with the given handle.
   462         *   KErrDiskFull        Message not saved -- FFS out of space.
   463         *
   464         *   @param  aHandle     Handle to the message to be saved.
   465         *   @return             Return code.
   466         */
   467         virtual TInt SaveMessage( const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle ) = 0;
   469         /**
   470         *   Locks the message.
   471         *
   472         *   Note that a single topic messages subsession can have at most one locked
   473         *   message. 
   474         *
   475         *   Message can be unlocked by trying to lock a null message. Locked message
   476         *   will also be automatically unlocked when subsession is closed. If a message
   477         *   is locked, then it will not be deleted from the database. Thus, deleting a 
   478         *   message or trying to delete a topic that contains such a message will fail.
   479         *
   480         *   Locking a message does not prevent to save the message nor read the message.
   481         *
   482         *   @param  aHandle     It is handle to the message to be locked.
   483         *   @return             Error code.
   484         */
   485         virtual TInt LockMessage( const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle ) = 0;
   487         /**
   488         *   Sets the message as read.
   489         *
   490         *   @param  aHandle     It is handle to the message to be set read.
   491         */
   492         virtual TInt ReadMessage( const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle ) = 0;
   494         /**
   495         *   Returns the message contents.
   496         *
   497         *   @param  aHandle     It is handle to the message.
   498         *   @param  aBuffer     It will contain the contents (as much as it fits).
   499         *   @return             Error code.
   500         */
   501         virtual TInt GetMessageContents( 
   502             const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle, 
   503             TDes& aBuffer ) = 0;
   505         /**
   506         *   Returns the handles of messages that precede and succeed the 
   507         *   given message in server-side list of topic messages.
   508         *
   509         *   Topic is resolved from the given message handle
   510         *
   511         *   If the given handle specifies the first message in topic,
   512         *   aPosition has ECbsHead bit up. If the given handle specifies 
   513         *   the last message in topic, aPosition has ECbsTail bit up.
   514         *    
   515         *    Return code values:
   516         *    KErrNone       aPrevMsgHandle, aNextMsgHandle and aPosition
   517         *                   contain valid values.
   518         *    KErrNotFound	aCurrentMsgHandle specified a message that was not
   519         *			        found.
   520         *
   521         *    @param  aCurrentMsgHandle		Handle that specifies the message 
   522         *                                   whose surroundings are returned
   523         *    @param  aPrevMsgHandle		    Returns: handle of message 
   524         *                                   preceding the given message
   525         *    @param  aNextMsgHandle		    Returns: handle of message 
   526         *                                   succeeding the given topic
   527         *    @param  aPosition			    Returns: position of current topic 
   528         *                                   in list
   529         *    @return 				        Result code
   530         */
   531         virtual TInt GetNextAndPrevMessageHandle(
   532             const TCbsMessageHandle& aCurrentMsgHandle,
   533             TCbsMessageHandle& aPrevMsgHandle,
   534             TCbsMessageHandle& aNextMsgHandle,
   535             TInt& aPosition ) = 0;
   537         // Other methods
   539         /**
   540         *   Returns ETrue if CbsServer session has been established.
   541         *
   542         *   @return                     ETrue, if session open.
   543         */
   544         virtual TBool Connected() const = 0;
   546         /**
   547         *   Forces the server to shut down.
   548         *
   549         *   NOTE: Shutdown not fully implemented in CbsServer yet.
   550         */
   551         virtual void Shutdown() const = 0;
   553     };
   555 #endif // MCBS_H
   557 // End of file