changeset 12 ae8abd0db65c
child 19 e44a8c097b15
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:ff3b6d0fd310 12:ae8abd0db65c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    19 // qt
    20 #include <QtGui/QtGui>
    21 #include <QString>
    22 #include <QObject>
    24 #include <hbdialog.h>
    25 #include <hblabel.h>
    26 #include <hbaction.h>
    27 #include <hbtextedit.h>
    28 #include <hbmessagebox.h>
    29 #include <hbvalidator.h>
    30 #include <hblineedit.h>
    31 #include <hbinputeditorinterface.h>
    32 #include <hblistwidget.h>
    34 #include "vmbxqtuihandler.h"
    35 #include "voicemailboxdefsinternal.h"
    36 #include "vmbxlogger.h"
    38 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==================================================
    40 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 // VmbxQtUiHandler::VmbxQtUiHandler
    42 // (Constructor).
    43 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 //
    45 VmbxQtUiHandler::VmbxQtUiHandler(QObject* parent): QObject(parent)
    46 {
    47     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::VmbxQtUiHandler")
    48     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::VmbxQtUiHandler Exit")
    49 }
    51 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 // VmbxQtUiHandler::~VmbxQtUiHandler
    53 // (Destructor).
    54 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 //
    56 VmbxQtUiHandler::~VmbxQtUiHandler()
    57 {
    58     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::~VmbxQtUiHandler")
    59     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::~VmbxQtUiHandler Exit")
    60 }
    62 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 // VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowVmbxQueryDialog
    64 // (show query dialog).
    65 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 void VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog(const TVmbxType& aType,
    68                           const TVmbxQueryMode& aMode,
    69                           QString& aNumber, int& aResult)
    70 {
    71     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog")
    73     HbDialog *displayPopup = new HbDialog();
    74     displayPopup->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog ::NoDismiss);
    75     displayPopup->setTimeout(HbDialog ::NoTimeout);
    77     displayPopup->setModal(true);
    78     QString header;
    79     if (EVmbxVoice == aType) {
    80         if (EVmbxDefineMode == aMode) {
    81             header = tr("Define voice mailbox:");
    82         } else {
    83             header = tr("Change voice mailbox:");
    84         }
    85     } else {
    86         // type of EVmbxVideo
    87         if (EVmbxDefineMode == aMode) {
    88             header = tr("Define video mailbox:");
    89         } else {
    90             header = tr("Change video mailbox:");
    91         }
    92     }
    93     // Set the label as heading widget
    94     displayPopup->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(header));
    95     // Set the HbLineEdit as Content widget
    96     // Define parameters for text box
    97     HbLineEdit *lineEdit = new HbLineEdit();
    98     lineEdit->setText( aNumber ); // default text
    99     //lineEdit->setMaximumRows( 3 ); // just a magic number
   100     HbEditorInterface inputMode(lineEdit); // Enables VKB
   101     inputMode.setInputMode( HbInputModeNumeric );
   102     // Limit charachter set
   103     HbValidator *val = new HbValidator;
   104     QRegExp r;
   105     r.setPattern("[0123456789*#+]{0,255}"); // define what characters can be entered
   106     val->setMasterValidator(new QRegExpValidator(r,0));
   107     lineEdit->setValidator( val );
   109     displayPopup->setContentWidget( lineEdit ); // ownership moved
   111     HbAction* okAction = new HbAction(tr("Ok"));
   112     // Sets the "OK"-action/button
   113     displayPopup->setPrimaryAction(okAction);
   114     bool ret = connect(okAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
   115         displayPopup, SLOT(close()));
   116     VMBLOGSTRING2( "VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog:connect ok %d",
   117         ret )
   118     //  Sets the "Back"-action/button
   119     HbAction* cancelAction =  new HbAction(tr("Cancel"));
   120     displayPopup->setSecondaryAction(cancelAction);
   121     ret = connect(okAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),
   122         displayPopup, SLOT(close()));
   123     VMBLOGSTRING2( "VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog:connect cancel %d",
   124         ret )
   125     VMBLOGSTRING( "VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowVmbxQueryDialog to show" )
   126     HbAction* result = displayPopup->exec();
   127     if( okAction == result ) {
   128         VMBLOGSTRING( "VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog select OK" )
   129         // asign OK KEY value
   130         aResult = KErrNone;
   131         aNumber = lineEdit->text();
   132         VMBLOGSTRING2( "VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog number = %s",
   133             aNumber.utf16() )
   134     } else {
   135         aResult = KErrCancel;
   136     }
   137     delete val;
   138     val = 0;
   139     delete displayPopup;
   140     displayPopup = 0;
   141     VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog aResult = %d", aResult)
   142     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::showVmbxQueryDialog Exit")
   143 }
   145 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 // VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog
   147 // (Shoe define list dialog).
   148 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 //
   150 void VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog(
   151     TVmbxType& aType, int& aResult)
   152 {
   153     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog")
   154     HbDialog* defineListDialog = new HbDialog();
   155     defineListDialog->setDismissPolicy(HbDialog::NoDismiss);
   156     defineListDialog->setTimeout(HbDialog::NoTimeout);
   158     defineListDialog->setModal(true);
   159     // Set heading widget
   160     defineListDialog->setHeadingWidget(new HbLabel(tr("Define number:")));
   161     // Create a define list 
   162     HbListWidget *list = new HbListWidget();
   163     list->addItem(tr("Voice Mailbox"));
   164     list->addItem(tr("Video Mailbox"));
   165     // Set content widget
   166     defineListDialog->setContentWidget(list);
   168     HbAction* okAction = new HbAction(tr("Ok"));
   169     // Sets the "OK"-action/button
   170     defineListDialog->setPrimaryAction(okAction);
   171     //  Sets the "Back"-action/button
   172     HbAction* cancelAction =  new HbAction(tr("Cancel"));
   173     defineListDialog->setSecondaryAction(cancelAction);
   175     connect(list, SIGNAL(activated(HbListWidgetItem*)), 
   176         defineListDialog, SLOT(close()));
   177     HbAction* result = defineListDialog->exec();
   179     if (cancelAction == result){
   180         aType = EVmbxNone;
   181         aResult = KErrCancel;
   182     } else {
   183     // OK or single click items
   184         aResult = KErrNone;
   185         int currentItem = list->row(list->currentItem());
   186         VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog:\
   187             currentItem %d", currentItem)
   188         if (0 == currentItem) {
   189             aType = EVmbxVoice;
   190         } else {
   191             aType = EVmbxVideo;
   192         }
   193     }
   194     VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog: aType%d", aType)
   195     VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog: aResult%d", \
   196         aResult)
   197     delete defineListDialog;
   198     defineListDialog = 0;
   199     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::showDefineSelectionDialog Exit")
   200 }
   201 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 // VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowInformationNote
   203 // (show information note).
   204 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 //
   206 void VmbxQtUiHandler::showInformationNote(int aNoteType)
   207 {
   208     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::showInformationNote")
   209     QString noteText;
   210     QString iconName;
   211     VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::~showInformationNote type =%d", aNoteType)
   212     switch (aNoteType) {
   213     case EInvalidNumber:
   214         noteText = tr("Invalid phone number.");
   215         iconName = "note_error";
   216         break;
   217     case ESavedToPhoneMemory:
   218         noteText = tr("Voice mailbox number saved to Phone memory.");
   219         iconName = "note_info";
   220         break;
   221     case ESavedToSimMemory:
   222         noteText = tr("Voice mailbox number saved to Sim card.");
   223         iconName = "note_info";
   224         break;
   225     case EVideoNumberSaved:
   226         noteText = tr("Video call mailbox saved.");
   227         iconName = "note_info";
   228         break;
   229     default:
   230         VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowInformationNote default")
   231         break;
   232     }
   234     HbMessageBox *msgBox = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
   235     msgBox->setText(noteText);
   236     msgBox->setIcon(HbIcon(iconName));
   237     msgBox->exec();
   238     delete msgBox;
   239     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::~ShowInformationNote Exit")
   241 }
   243 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   244 // VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowSaveEmptyNote
   245 // (show information note).
   246 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   247 //
   248 void VmbxQtUiHandler::showSaveEmptyNote(const TVmbxType& aType)
   249 {
   250     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::~showSaveEmptyNote")
   251     QString noteText;
   252     VMBLOGSTRING2("VmbxQtUiHandler::~showSaveEmptyNote type = %d", aType)
   253     switch (aType) {
   254     case EVmbxVoice:
   255         noteText = tr("Voice mailbox number not defined.");
   256         break;
   257     case EVmbxVideo:
   258         noteText = tr("Video mailbox number not defined.");
   259         break;
   260     default:
   261         VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::ShowSaveEmptyNote default")
   262         break;
   263     }
   264     HbMessageBox *msgBox = new HbMessageBox(HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation);
   265     msgBox->setText(noteText);
   266     msgBox->setIcon(HbIcon("note_error"));
   267     msgBox->exec();
   268     delete msgBox;
   269     VMBLOGSTRING("VmbxQtUiHandler::~ShowSaveEmptyNote Exit")
   270 }
   272 //End of file