changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Sub-session for SAT services.
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef RSATSERVICE_H
    19 #define RSATSERVICE_H
    21 //  INCLUDES
    22 #include <e32std.h>
    25 class CFbsBitmap;
    26 class RSatSession;
    27 class TSatIconInfo;
    28 class TSatInternalIconInfo;
    29 class CSatPluginMonitor;
    31 // DATA TYPES
    33 /**
    34  * Array containing the icon information
    35  */
    36 typedef RArray<TSatIconInfo> RIconEf;
    41 /**
    42  *  <b>Sub-session for SAT services to SIM</b>
    43  *
    44  *  In order to use SAT Service API, services of an another API is needed:
    45  *  <ul>
    46  *  <li><b>SAT Client API</b>        \n For connecting SAT Session <BR>
    47  *  </ul>
    48  *
    49  *  Idle mode text client needs to monitor for idle mode content 
    50  *  changes and call SetIdleModeTextResponse()
    51  *  if content is updated.
    52  *  Result needs to be reported also if there already is  
    53  *  initial content after startup, when change notification has not been 
    54  *  requested yet.
    55  *  Example sequence for Idle mode client:
    56  *  1. Startup
    57  *  2. Request notification for idle mode content updates from.
    58  *  3. Try to get initial idle mode text.
    59  *  4. Use initial content, if there was some.
    60  *  5. Report result if there was content.
    61  *  Later:
    62  *  6. Idle mode text change notification request is completed.
    63  *  7. Renew notification request.
    64  *  8. Read new content.
    65  *  9. Use new content.
    66  *  10. Report result.
    67  *
    68  *  @code
    69  *  // How to connect to SAT service :
    70  *  // How to request notification on SetupIdleModeText change:
    71  *
    72  *  RSatSession satSession;
    73  *  RSatService satService;
    74  *  // Connect session
    75  *  satSession.ConnectL();
    76  *  satService.OpenL( satSession );
    77  *  // Start observing asynchronously for changes
    78  *  satService.NotifySetupIdleModeTextChange( status );
    79  *  
    80  *  //How to read Idle Mode Text and icon:
    81  *
    82  *  // Read text and icon after startup and when notified about change.
    83  *  TSatIconQualifier iconQualif( ESatIconNoIcon );
    84  *  TUint8 recordId( 0 );
    85  *  TInt error( KErrNone );
    86  *  HBufC* text = NULL;
    87  *  satService.GetSetupIdleModeTextL( 
    88  *    text, iconQualif, recordId );
    89  *  CFbsBitmap* icon = NULL;
    90  *  if ( text )
    91  *      {
    92  *      // Use text, take care of cleanup.
    93  *      }
    94  *  if ( ESatIconNoIcon != iconQualif )
    95  *      {
    96  *      // There's an icon to be displayed.
    97  *      // Get icon records into array.
    98  *      RIconEf iconInfos;
    99  *      CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( 
   100  *          LocalArrayCleanupFunction, iconInfos )
   101  *      satService.GetIconInfoL( recordId, iconInfos );
   102  *
   103  *      // Resolve which icon to use using icon infos.
   104  *      // Then get the icon you selected.
   105  *      icon = satService.GetIconL( iconInfos[ 0 ] );
   106  *      CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // iconInfos
   107  *
   108  *      if ( ESatIconSelfExplanatory == iconQualif )
   109  *          {
   110  *          // Only icon should be displayed.
   111  *          }
   112  *      else if ( ESatIconNotSelfExplanatory == iconQualif )
   113  *          {
   114  *          // Both text and icon should be displayed.
   115  *          }
   116  *      }
   117  *  // else: only text should be displayed
   118  *  
   119  *  // Display text and/or icon, take care of their cleanup.
   120  *
   121  *  @endcode
   122  *
   123  *
   124  *  @lib SatClient.lib
   125  *  @since 5.1
   126  */
   127 class RSatService : public RSubSessionBase
   128     {
   130     public:  // Enumerations
   132         /**
   133          * Result options for idle mode text setup.
   134          */
   135         enum TSATIdleResult
   136             {
   138             /** 
   139              * Text and Icon were set up successfully
   140              */
   141             ESATIdleSuccess = 0x00,
   143             /** 
   144              * Text was set up successfully, but requested icon was not 
   145              * displayed
   146              */
   147             ESATIdleSuccessRequestedIconNotDisplayed = 0x04,
   149             /**
   150              * Text could not be displayed - temporary problem
   151              */
   152             ESATIdleMeUnableToProcessCmd = 0x20,
   154             /**
   155              * Text could not be displayed - permanent problem
   156              */
   157             ESATIdleCmdBeyondMeCapabilities = 0x30
   158             };
   160         /**
   161          * Specifies icon role.
   162          */
   163         enum TSatIconQualifier
   164             {
   166             /** 
   167              * Icon is not available.
   168              */
   169             ESatIconNoIcon = 1,
   171             /**
   172              * Icon is self-explanatory, 
   173              * i.e. if displayed, it replaces the text string.
   174              */
   175             ESatIconSelfExplanatory,
   177             /**
   178              * Icon is not self-explanatory, 
   179              * i.e. if displayed, it shall be displayed together with 
   180              * the text string.
   181              */
   182             ESatIconNotSelfExplanatory
   183             };
   185     public:  // Constructors
   187         /**
   188          * C++ default constructor.
   189          */
   190         IMPORT_C RSatService();
   192     public: // New functions
   194         /**
   195          * Opens the sub-session.
   196          *
   197          * @since 5.1
   198          * @param aSession Sub-session.
   199          * @leave Error value returned by RSubSessionBase::CreateSubSession.
   200          */
   201         IMPORT_C void OpenL( const RSatSession& aSession );
   203         /**
   204          * Closes the sub-session.
   205          * 
   206          * @since 5.1
   207          */
   208         IMPORT_C void Close();
   210         /**
   211          * Requests notification when idle mode text or image are
   212          * updated.
   213          *
   214          * Idle client needs to monitor for setup idle mode content updates.
   215          * When a request is completed, the Idle client 
   216          * can read new content using GetSetupIdleModeTextL and must 
   217          * report idle mode content displaying result using
   218          * SetIdleModeTextResponse().
   219          *
   220          * @since 5.1
   221          * @param aStatus Request to be completed on update.
   222          * @return KErrNone or a system-wide error code. 
   223          * On an error request is not accepted so don't set requester active.      
   224          */
   225         IMPORT_C TInt NotifySetupIdleModeTextChange( 
   226             TRequestStatus& aStatus );
   228         /**
   229          * Cancels notification request for setup idle mode 
   230          * text or image change.
   231          *        
   232          * @since 5.1
   233          */
   234         IMPORT_C void NotifySetupIdleModeTextChangeCancel();
   236         /**
   237          * Get idle mode text and icon.
   238          *
   239          * Icon and text should be displayed depending on how aIconQualifier
   240          * specifies icon role. Result must be reported using  
   241          * RSatService::SetIdleModeTextResponse().
   242          * Notice: result needs to be reported also if content is available 
   243          * already after startup when client requests notification for the 
   244          * first time.
   245          * If unable to display icon, then only text can be displayed (adjust
   246          * reported result value).
   247          *
   248          * @since 5.1
   249          * @param aText New text, if available. Ownership transferred.
   250          * NULL if no text to display.
   251          * @param aIconQualifier Specifies if icon, text or both are preferred.
   252          * @param aRecordNumber Record id for icon.
   253          * @return Reserved for future use.
   254          * @leave KErrNotFound ESatIconNotSelfExplanatory icon without text.
   255          */
   256         IMPORT_C TBool GetSetupIdleModeTextL( 
   257             HBufC*& aText, 
   258             TSatIconQualifier& aIconQualifier,
   259             TUint8& aRecordNumber );        
   261         /**
   262          * Gets the information of icons from the SIM.
   263          *
   264          * @since 5.1
   265          * @param aRecordNumber Record number from proactive command.
   266          * @param aIconEf Contains the icon information.
   267          * @leave Error value returned by RSubSessionBase::SendReceive.
   268          * @leave KErrCorrupt if the info is invalid.
   269          */
   270         IMPORT_C void GetIconInfoL( TUint8 aRecordNumber, 
   271                                     RIconEf& aIconEf ) const;
   273         /**
   274          * Gets the bitmap of selected icon from SIM. Client should determine
   275          * the suitable icon using GetIconInfoL.
   276          *
   277          * @since 5.1
   278          * @param aIconInfo Information of the selected icon.
   279          * @leave Error value returned by RSubSessionBase::SendReceive.
   280          * @leave Error value returned by CFbsBitmap::Duplicate.
   281          * @leave Error value returned by RSubSessionBase::Send.
   282          * @return Bitmap of the icon. The client is responsible for deleting
   283          * the pointer.
   284          */
   285         IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap* GetIconL( const TSatIconInfo& aIconInfo ) const;
   287         /**
   288          * Sets SetUpIdleModeText response. 
   289          *
   290          * This must be called by the Idle client application after 
   291          * IdleModeText has been modified by SAT, meaning
   292          * when RSatService::NotifySetupIdleModeTextChange() is completed.
   293          * Also needs to be called if GetSetupIdleModeTextL() returned 
   294          * content and RSatService::NotifySetupIdleModeTextChange() 
   295          * notification was not requested yet.
   296          * 
   297          * @since 5.1
   298          * @param aResult Result of displaying idle mode text and icon.
   299          */
   300         IMPORT_C void SetIdleModeTextResponse( 
   301             const TSATIdleResult& aResult ) const;
   304     private: // New functions
   306         /**
   307          * Checks that the data from SIM is valid.
   308          * 
   309          * @since 5.1
   310          * @param aData Icon info to be checked.
   311          * @leave KErrCorrupt if the info is invalid.
   312          */
   313         void CheckInfoValidityL( const TDesC8& aData ) const;
   315         /**
   316          * Set ETSI specified bitmap data to TSatIconInfo.
   317          * 
   318          * @since 5.1
   319          * @param aContainer Client side Icon info.
   320          * @param aIconSatData RSat::TIcon data from server.
   321          */    
   322         void SetIconInfoL( TSatIconInfo& aContainer, 
   323                           const TDesC8& aIconSatData ) const;
   325         /**
   326          * Convert TSatIconinfo to TSatInternalIconInfo.
   327          * 
   328          * @since 5.1
   329          * @param aIconInfo user side icon info.
   330          * @param aInternalIconINfo sat side icon info.
   331          */                           
   332         void FillInternalIconInfo( const TSatIconInfo& aIconInfo, 
   333                  TSatInternalIconInfo& aInternalIconInfo ) const;                          
   335     private: 
   337         /** 
   338          * Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase. 
   339          */
   340         RSatService( const RSatService& );
   342         /**  
   343          * Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase. 
   344          */
   345         RSatService& operator=( const RSatService& );
   347     private: // Data  
   349         /**
   350          * Arguments for asynchronous message.
   351          */
   352         TIpcArgs iArgs;
   354         /**
   355          * Maximum support icon size.
   356          */        
   357         TInt iMaxIconDataSize;
   359         /**
   360          * SetupIdleMode content monitoring.
   361          * Own
   362          */   
   363         CSatPluginMonitor* iSatPluginMonitor;
   365     };
   367 #endif // RSATSERVICE_H
   369 // End of File