changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ff3b6d0fd310
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Utility class for BIP
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <es_sock.h>
    20 #include <etelqos.h>
    21 #include "SatLog.h"
    22 #include "CSatBIPUtils.h"
    23 #include "CSatBIPGPRSDataChannel.h"
    24 #include "csatbipconnectionobserver.h"
    25 #include "MSatBIPDataChannel.h"
    26 #include "MSatBIPChannelStatusObserver.h"
    27 #include "MSatBIPDataAvailableObserver.h"
    28 //lint -e766 Used inside TRAP macro, lint misfunction.
    29 #include "EnginePanic.h"
    30 #include "TSatChannelIDInfo.h"
    31 #include "MSatUtils.h"
    32 #include "CSatApnHandler.h"
    33 #include "csatsactivewrapper.h"
    34 #include "msatmultimodeapi.h"
    36 const TInt KPDPContextPos( 7 );
    37 const TInt KMaxAvailChannels( 7 );
    38 const TInt8 KProposeQoSParametersPop( 2 );
    40 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    42 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 // Two-phased constructor.
    44 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    45 //
    46 CSatBIPUtils* CSatBIPUtils::NewL( MSatUtils& aUtils )
    47     {
    48     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::NewL calling" )
    50     CSatBIPUtils* self = new ( ELeave ) CSatBIPUtils( aUtils );
    51     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    52     self->ConstructL();
    53     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    55     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::NewL exiting" )
    56     return self;
    57     }
    59 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 // Destructor
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 //
    63 CSatBIPUtils::~CSatBIPUtils()
    64     {
    65     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::~CSatBIPUtils calling" )
    67     // Close all data channels
    68     if ( iDataChannels )
    69         {
    70         iDataChannels->ResetAndDestroy();
    71         }
    72     delete iDataChannels;
    74     if ( iChannelIds )
    75         {
    76         iChannelIds->ResetAndDestroy();
    77         }
    78     delete iChannelIds;
    80     delete iChannelId;
    82     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::~CSatBIPUtils\
    83             Close connection and subconnection" )
    84     iSubConnection.Close();
    85     iConnection.Close();
    86     iSocketServer.Close();
    87     iPacketService.Close();
    89     delete iApnHandler;
    91     if ( iWrapper )
    92         {
    93         iWrapper->CancelWrapper();
    94         delete iWrapper;
    95         iWrapper = NULL;
    96         }
    98     if ( iConnObserver )
    99         {
   100         iConnObserver->Cancel();
   101         delete iConnObserver;
   102         iConnObserver = NULL;
   103         }
   105     iDataAvailableObserver = NULL;
   106     iChannelStatusObserver = NULL;
   108     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::~CSatBIPUtils exiting" )
   109     }
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // Handles event
   113 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 //
   115 void CSatBIPUtils::Event( TInt aEvent )
   116     {
   117     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::Event calling" )
   119     // Check event
   120     if ( MSatUtils::ECommandCancelled == aEvent ||
   121          MSatUtils::ECancelledUsingEndKey == aEvent )
   122         {
   123         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::Event check event" )
   124         if ( iDataChannels )
   125             {
   126             const TInt channelCount( iDataChannels->Count() );
   127             LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::Event channelCount: %d",
   128                   channelCount )
   129             // Cancel all channels
   130             for ( TInt index = 0; index < channelCount; index++ )
   131                 {
   132                 MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = iDataChannels->At( index );
   133                 __ASSERT_ALWAYS( channel,
   134                     PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   135                 channel->CancelAll();
   136                 }
   137             }
   138         }
   140     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::Event exiting" )
   141     }
   143 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // Creates new data channel
   145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   146 //
   147 MSatBIPDataChannel* CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL(
   148     const TSatBearerType aBearerType, TInt& aErrCode )
   149     {
   150     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL calling" )
   152     TInt errCode( MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPNoChannelAvail );
   153     MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = NULL;
   155     // Get available channel ID
   156     TSatChannelIdInfo* channelId( AvailableChannelID() );
   158     // Check is the channel available
   159     if ( channelId )
   160         {
   161         // Create the right type of data channel
   162         if ( MSatBIPUtils::ESatGPRS == aBearerType )
   163             {
   164             LOG( NORMAL, 
   165             "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL ESatGPRS" )
   166             // New GPRS data channel
   167             channel = CSatBIPGPRSDataChannel::NewLC( *this, iSocketServer,
   168                 *channelId, iConnection, iSubConnection );
   169             // Reserve channel ID
   170             channelId->ReserveChannel();
   171             // Add data channel to list
   172             iDataChannels->AppendL( channel );
   173             // Remove from CleanupStack
   174             CleanupStack::Pop( /* channel */ );
   175             // Return code
   176             errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPSuccess;
   178 #ifndef SAT_USE_DUMMY_TSY
   179             // Start connection observer
   180             if ( !iConnObserver )
   181                 {
   182                 LOG( NORMAL, " Starting connection observer" )
   183                 iConnObserver = 
   184                     new ( ELeave ) CSatBIPConnectionObserver( *this );
   185                 iConnObserver->StartObserver();
   186                 }
   187 #endif
   188             }
   189         else
   190             {
   191             // Others that GPRS are not yet supported
   192             LOG( NORMAL, 
   193                 "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL Not supported" )
   194             errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPNoChannelAvail;
   195             }
   196         }
   197     else
   198         {
   199         // Channel IDs not available
   200         LOG( NORMAL, 
   201             "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL Not available" )
   202         errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPNoChannelAvail;
   203         }
   205     // Assign completion code
   206     aErrCode = errCode;
   208     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CreateChannelL exiting" )
   209     return channel;
   210     }
   212 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   213 // Closes the data channel
   214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //
   216 TInt CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel( const TInt aChannelId )
   217     {
   218     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel calling" )
   220     TInt errCode( MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPChannelIdNotValid );
   222     TInt index( 0 );
   223     TBool channelClosed( EFalse );
   225     // Loop the list of data channels and close the correct one.
   226     while ( index < iDataChannels->Count() && !channelClosed )
   227         {
   228         MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = iDataChannels->At( index );
   229         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( channel, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   231         if ( channel->ChannelId() == aChannelId )
   232             {
   233             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel \
   234             channel->ChannelId() == aChannelId" )
   235              // Makes next data channel creation possible
   236             iDataChannelActivated = EFalse;
   237             // Channel found, close it and return Success.
   238             channel->CloseChannel();
   239             // Delete data channel
   240             iDataChannels->Delete( index );
   241             delete channel;
   242             errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPSuccess;
   243             channelClosed = ETrue;
   244             }
   245         // Goto next channel
   246         index++;
   247         }
   248     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel index: %d", index )
   250     // Free the space left in possible Delete call.
   251     iDataChannels->Compress();
   253     // Close connections if there're no active channels
   254     if ( !IsContextActive() )
   255         {
   256         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel\
   257             Close connection and subconnection" )
   258         iSubConnection.Close();
   259         SetSubConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   260         iConnection.Close();
   261         SetConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   263         if ( iConnObserver )
   264             {
   265             iConnObserver->Cancel();
   266             delete iConnObserver;
   267             iConnObserver = NULL;
   268             }
   269         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel\
   270             Close iPacketService" )
   271         iPacketService.Close();
   272         iPacketServiceActive = EFalse;
   273         }
   275     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseChannel exiting" )
   276     return errCode;
   277     }
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 // Closes all data channels
   281 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   282 //
   283 void CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels()
   284     {
   285     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels calling" )
   286     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels \
   287           channelcount: %d", iChannelIds->Count() )
   288     // Loop the list of data channels and close the correct one.
   289     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iChannelIds->Count(); i++ )
   290         {
   291         TSatChannelIdInfo* id = iChannelIds->At( i );
   292         // If channel is reserved -> Close it
   293         if ( id->IsReserved() )
   294             {
   295             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels \
   296             id->IsReserved()" )
   297             CloseChannel( id->ChannelId() );
   298             }
   299         }
   301     // Close subsession to socket server
   302     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels\
   303             Close connection and subconnection" )
   304     iSubConnection.Close();
   305     SetSubConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   306     iConnection.Close();
   307     SetConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   309     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CloseAllChannels exiting" )
   310     }
   312 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   313 // Returns the correct data channel
   314 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 //
   316 MSatBIPDataChannel* CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel( const TInt aChannelId,
   317             TInt& aErrCode )
   318     {
   319     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel calling" )
   321     // If the channel cannot be found, returns channel not valid error code
   322     TInt errCode( MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPChannelIdNotValid );
   323     MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = NULL;
   324     TBool found( EFalse );
   325     TInt index( 0 );
   327     // Loop the list of data channels and return the correct one.
   328     while ( index < iDataChannels->Count() && !found )
   329         {
   330         channel = iDataChannels->At( index );
   331         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( channel, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   332         // Compare channel ID's
   333         if ( channel->ChannelId() == aChannelId )
   334             {
   335             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel \
   336             channel->ChannelId() == aChannelId" )
   337             // Channel found
   338             found = ETrue;
   339             if ( channel->IsContextActive() )
   340                 {
   341                 LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel \
   342                 IsContextActive" )
   343                 // Channel found and it is active
   344                 errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPSuccess;
   345                 }
   346             else
   347                 {
   348                 // Channel found but it is closed
   349                 errCode = MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPChannelClosed;
   350                 }
   351             }
   352         index++;
   353         }
   354     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel \
   355           index: %d", index )
   356     // Assign completion code to param
   357     aErrCode = errCode;
   359     LOG2( SIMPLE,
   360         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannel exiting with return code %d",
   361         errCode )
   362     return channel;
   363     }
   365 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   366 // Generates TChannelStatus object
   367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 //
   369 RSat::TChannelStatus CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL(
   370     const TInt aChannelId, TInt aStatus )
   371     {
   372     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL calling" )
   374     // ChannelStatus's first byte contains channel ID and pdp context status,
   375     // second byte contains information. values can be '00' or '05'
   376     RSat::TChannelStatus channelStatus;
   377     TInt err( MSatBIPUtils::ESatBIPNoChannelAvail );
   379     // Used to check the PDP context state
   380     MSatBIPDataChannel* dataChannel = DataChannel( aChannelId, err );
   382     // If channel is not active, status is still needed
   383     if ( ESatBIPSuccess == err || ESatBIPChannelClosed == err )
   384         {
   385         // Generate the first byte
   386         TUint8 channelId( 0 );   // last 3 bits.
   387         TUint8 pdpContext( 0 );  // first bit
   388         TUint8 firstByte( 0 );    // First byte
   390         // Channel ID. Bits 6 to 8.
   391         channelId = dataChannel->ChannelStatusChannelId();
   393         // If PDP Context is active, first bit is 1
   394         if ( dataChannel->IsContextActive() )
   395             {
   396             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL \
   397             dataChannel IsContextActive" )
   398             pdpContext = 1 << KPDPContextPos;
   399             }
   401         // We don't need data channel anymore
   402         dataChannel = NULL;
   404         // All the information for the first byte is gathered
   405         firstByte = static_cast<TUint8>( pdpContext ^ channelId );
   406         channelStatus.Append( firstByte );
   407         // Second byte should go straigth
   408         channelStatus.Append( aStatus );
   409         // LOG values
   410         LOG2( NORMAL,
   411             "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL First byte: %b",
   412             firstByte )
   413         LOG2( NORMAL,
   414             "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL Second byte: %b",
   415             aStatus )
   416         }
   417     else
   418         {
   419         LOG2( NORMAL, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL \
   420             Data channel not found: %i", err )
   421         User::LeaveIfError( KErrNotFound );
   422         }
   424     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GenerateChannelStatusL exiting" )
   425     return channelStatus;
   426     }
   428 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   429 // Returns the interface reference to APN handler
   430 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 //
   432 MSatApnHandler& CSatBIPUtils::ApnHandler()
   433     {
   434     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ApnHandler calling" )
   436     // Assert, Apn handler cannot be NULL
   437     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iApnHandler, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   439     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ApnHandler exiting" )
   440     return *iApnHandler;
   441     }
   443 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   444 // Returns the state of the PDP Context
   445 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 //
   447 TBool CSatBIPUtils::IsContextActive()
   448     {
   449     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::IsContextActive calling" )
   451     TBool retVal( EFalse );
   452     TInt index( 0 );
   454     // Loop the list of data channels and end if active channel is found
   455     while ( index < iDataChannels->Count() && !retVal )
   456         {
   457         MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = iDataChannels->At( index );
   458         __ASSERT_ALWAYS( channel, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   459         retVal = channel->IsContextActive();
   460         // Goto next channel
   461         index++;
   462         }
   463     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::IsContextActive \
   464           index: %d", index )
   465     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::IsContextActive exiting" )
   466     return retVal;
   467     }
   469 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   470 // Returns the array of data channels
   471 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   472 //
   473 CArrayPtrFlat<MSatBIPDataChannel>* CSatBIPUtils::DataChannels()
   474     {
   475     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataChannels calling - exiting" )
   476     return iDataChannels;
   477     }
   479 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 // Request to notify when data is available
   481 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   482 //
   483 void CSatBIPUtils::NotifyDataAvailable(
   484     MSatBIPDataAvailableObserver* aObserver )
   485     {
   486     LOG( SIMPLE,
   487         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::NotifyDataAvailable calling - exiting" )
   488     iDataAvailableObserver = aObserver;
   489     }
   491 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 // Request to notify when an error occurs in data channel
   493 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 //
   495 void CSatBIPUtils::NotifyChannelStatus(
   496     MSatBIPChannelStatusObserver* aObserver )
   497     {
   498     LOG( SIMPLE,
   499         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::NotifyChannelStatus calling - exiting" )
   500     iChannelStatusObserver = aObserver;
   501     }
   503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 // Cancels the DataAvailable request
   505 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 //
   507 void CSatBIPUtils::CancelDataAvailable()
   508     {
   509     LOG( SIMPLE,
   510         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CancelDataAvailable calling - exiting" )
   511     iDataAvailableObserver = NULL;
   512     }
   514 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   515 // Cancels the ChannelStatus request
   516 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   517 //
   518 void CSatBIPUtils::CancelChannelStatus()
   519     {
   520     LOG( SIMPLE,
   521         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CancelChannelStatus calling - exiting" )
   522     iChannelStatusObserver = NULL;
   523     }
   525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // DataAvailable event. Notifies observer.
   527 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 void CSatBIPUtils::DataAvailable( const TInt aChannelId, const TInt aLength )
   530     {
   531     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataAvailable calling" )
   533     // If there is an active request for this event, notify observer.
   534     if ( iDataAvailableObserver )
   535         {
   536         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataAvailable \
   537         iDataAvailableObserver true" )
   538         iDataAvailableObserver->DataAvailable( aChannelId, aLength );
   539         }
   541     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::DataAvailable exiting" )
   542     }
   544 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   545 // ChannelStatus event. Notifies observer.
   546 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   547 //
   548 void CSatBIPUtils::ChannelStatus( const TInt aChannelId, const TInt aStatus )
   549     {
   550     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ChannelStatus calling" )
   552     // If there is an active request for this event, notify observer.
   553     if ( iChannelStatusObserver )
   554         {
   555         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ChannelStatus \
   556         iChannelStatusObserver true" )
   557         iChannelStatusObserver->ChannelStatus( aChannelId, aStatus );
   558         }
   560     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ChannelStatus exiting" )
   561     }
   563 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   565 // might leave.
   566 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   567 //
   568 CSatBIPUtils::CSatBIPUtils( MSatUtils& aUtils ) :
   569     iChannelId( NULL ),
   570     iUtils( aUtils )
   571     {
   572     LOG( SIMPLE,
   573         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::CSatBIPUtils calling-exiting" )
   574     }
   576 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   577 // Two-phased constructor.
   578 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 //
   580 void CSatBIPUtils::ConstructL()
   581     {
   582     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ConstructL calling" )
   584     // Create array for the data channels.
   585     iDataChannels =
   586         new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<MSatBIPDataChannel>( KMaxAvailChannels );
   588     // Create array for Channel ID infos
   589     iChannelIds =
   590         new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<TSatChannelIdInfo>( KMaxAvailChannels );
   592     TUint8 index = 1;
   594     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel1, index++ );
   595     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   596     iChannelId = NULL;
   598     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel2, index++ );
   599     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   600     iChannelId = NULL;
   602     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel3, index++ );
   603     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   604     iChannelId = NULL;
   606     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel4, index++ );
   607     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   608     iChannelId = NULL;
   610     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel5, index++ );
   611     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   612     iChannelId = NULL;
   614     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel6, index++ );
   615     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   616     iChannelId = NULL;
   618     iChannelId = new ( ELeave ) TSatChannelIdInfo( RSat::KChannel7, index++ );
   619     iChannelIds->AppendL( iChannelId );
   620     iChannelId = NULL;
   622     // Regiseter to listen events
   623     iUtils.RegisterL( this, MSatUtils::ECommandCancelled );
   624     iUtils.RegisterL( this, MSatUtils::ECancelledUsingEndKey );
   626     // Connect to Socket Server
   627     User::LeaveIfError( iSocketServer.Connect() );
   628     iPacketServiceActive = EFalse;
   629     iApnHandler = CSatApnHandler::NewL( iUtils );
   631     iWrapper = new ( ELeave ) CSatSActiveWrapper;
   633     SetConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   634     SetSubConnectionActivated( EFalse );
   636     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ConstructL exiting" )
   637     }
   639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   640 // Returns next available channel ID
   641 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   642 //
   643 TSatChannelIdInfo* CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID()
   644     {
   645     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID calling" )
   647     TSatChannelIdInfo* channelId = NULL;
   649     TInt index( 0 );
   650     TBool idFound( EFalse );
   652     // Loop channel IDs
   653     while ( index < iChannelIds->Count() && !idFound )
   654         {
   655         channelId = iChannelIds->At( index );
   656         // If channel is free, take it
   657         if ( !channelId->IsReserved() )
   658             {
   659             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID \
   660             channel free" )
   661             idFound = ETrue;
   662             }
   663          // goto next channel
   664         index++;
   665         }
   666     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID \
   667           index: %d", index )
   668     if ( !idFound )
   669         {
   670         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID \
   671         idFound false" )
   672         // If not found, return NULL
   673         channelId = NULL;
   674         }
   676     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::AvailableChannelID exiting" )
   677     return channelId;
   678     }
   680 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   681 // Blocks synchronous requests
   682 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   683 //
   684 RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated CSatBIPUtils::ProposeQoSParametersL(
   685     const RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested& aQoSParams )
   686     {
   687     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ProposeQoSParametersL calling" )
   689     // Number of contexts
   690     TInt count( ContextCount() ); // Get the number of contexts
   691     // QoS profile name
   692     TName profName;
   693     // Handle to the actual context
   694     RPacketContext packetContext;
   695     // QoS session
   696     RPacketQoS qos;
   697     // Context info
   698     RPacketService::TContextInfo info;
   699     // Error value for asynchronous calls
   700     TInt statusError( KErrNone );
   702     if ( count > 0 ) // At least one context found
   703         {
   704         // Get the last contexts info
   705         iPacketService.GetContextInfo( 
   706             iWrapper->RequestStatus(), count - 1, info );
   708         statusError = iWrapper->SetActiveAndWait(); // Wait for completion
   709         LOG2( SIMPLE, "     ContextInfo iActiveStatus: %i", statusError )
   710         LOG2( SIMPLE, "     ContextInfo CntxStatus: %i", info.iStatus )
   711         // Leave point
   712         User::LeaveIfError( statusError );
   713         }
   714     else
   715         {
   716         // Didn't find any contexts
   717         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   718         }
   720     // Get the context by name
   721     LOG( SIMPLE, "     Open existing context" )
   722     User::LeaveIfError(
   723         packetContext.OpenExistingContext( iPacketService, info.iName ) );
   725     CleanupClosePushL( packetContext );
   727     // Get the QoS Profile
   728     LOG( SIMPLE, "     Get QoS Profile name" )
   729     User::LeaveIfError( packetContext.GetProfileName( profName ) );
   731     // Get the instance of the QoS profile
   732     if ( profName.Length() > 0 )
   733         {
   734         LOG( SIMPLE, "     Open existing QoS profile" )
   735         User::LeaveIfError( qos.OpenExistingQoS( packetContext, profName ) );
   736         }
   738     CleanupClosePushL( qos );
   740     TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSRequested> qosPckg( aQoSParams );
   742     qos.SetProfileParameters( iWrapper->RequestStatus(), qosPckg );
   744     User::LeaveIfError( iWrapper->SetActiveAndWait() ); // Wait for completion
   746     // Get negotioted parameters
   747     RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated negParams;
   748     TPckg<RPacketQoS::TQoSGPRSNegotiated> negPckg( negParams );
   749     qos.GetProfileParameters( iWrapper->RequestStatus(), negPckg );
   751     User::LeaveIfError( iWrapper->SetActiveAndWait() ); // Wait for completion
   753     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Status: %i", statusError )
   754     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Reliability: %i", 
   755           negParams.iReliability )
   756     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Precedence: %i", 
   757           negParams.iPrecedence )
   758     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Delay: %i", negParams.iDelay )
   759     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Peak: %i", negParams.iPeakThroughput )
   760     LOG2( SIMPLE, "     GetNegQoSParams Mean: %i", negParams.iMeanThroughput )
   762     // Cleaning and closing: packetContext, qos
   763     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( KProposeQoSParametersPop );
   765     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ProposeQoSParametersL exiting" )
   766     return negParams;
   767     }
   769 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   770 // Opens session to GPRS Service
   771 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   772 //
   773 TInt CSatBIPUtils::GprsService()
   774     {
   775     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GprsService calling" )
   777     TInt ret( KErrNone );
   778     if ( !iPacketServiceActive )
   779         {
   780         LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GprsService \
   781         iPacketServiceActive false" )
   782         ret = iPacketService.Open( *( iUtils.MultiModeApi().Phone() ) );
   783         iPacketServiceActive = ETrue;
   784         }
   786     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::GprsService exiting" )
   787     return ret;
   788     }
   790 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   791 // Gives reference to RPacketService
   792 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 //
   794 RPacketService& CSatBIPUtils::PacketService()
   795     {
   796     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::PacketService calling" )
   798     GprsService();
   800     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::PacketService exiting" )
   801     return iPacketService;
   802     }
   804 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   805 // CSatBIPUtils::ConnectionStatus
   806 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 //
   808 RPacketService::TStatus CSatBIPUtils::ConnectionStatus() const
   809     {
   810     LOG( NORMAL,
   811         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ConnectionStatus calling" )
   813 #ifndef SAT_USE_DUMMY_TSY
   814     RPacketService::TStatus status( RPacketService::EStatusSuspended );
   815 #else
   816     RPacketService::TStatus status( RPacketService::EStatusActive );
   817 #endif
   819     if ( iConnObserver )
   820         {
   821         LOG( NORMAL,
   822         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ConnectionStatus iConnObserver true" )
   823         status = iConnObserver->Status();
   824         }
   826     LOG( NORMAL,
   827         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ConnectionStatus exiting" )
   828     return status;
   829     }
   831 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   832 // CSatBIPUtils::StopUdpLink
   833 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   834 //
   835 void CSatBIPUtils::StopUdpLink()
   836     {
   837     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::StopUdpLink  calling" )
   838     if ( iDataChannels )
   839         {
   840         const TInt channelCount( iDataChannels->Count() );
   841         LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::StopUdpLink \
   842           channelCount: %d", channelCount )
   843         // Cancel all channels
   844         for ( TInt index = 0; index < channelCount; index++ )
   845             {
   846             MSatBIPDataChannel* channel = iDataChannels->At( index );
   847             __ASSERT_ALWAYS( channel,
   848                 PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
   849             channel->StopUdpSocket();
   850             }
   851         }
   852     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::StopUdpLink exiting" )
   853     }
   855 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   856 // Synchronous request complete
   857 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   858 //
   859 TInt CSatBIPUtils::ContextCount()
   860     {
   861     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ContextCount calling" )
   863     // Number of contexts
   864     TInt count( 0 );
   865     TInt maxAllowed( 0 );
   867     // Init PacketService
   868     TInt error( GprsService() );
   870     if ( KErrNone == error )
   871         {
   872         // Enumerate contexts
   873         iPacketService.EnumerateContexts( 
   874             iWrapper->RequestStatus(), count, maxAllowed );
   875         error = iWrapper->SetActiveAndWait(); // Wait for completion
   876         LOG2( SIMPLE, "     EnumContexts Status: %i", error )
   877         LOG2( SIMPLE, "     EnumContexts Count: %i", count )
   878         LOG2( SIMPLE, "     EnumContexts MaxAllowed: %i", maxAllowed )
   879         // Check status
   880         if ( KErrNone != error )
   881             {
   882             LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ContextCount \
   883             KErrNone != error" )
   884             count = 0;
   885             }
   886         }
   888     LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::ContextCount exiting: %i", count )
   889     return count;
   890     }
   892 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   893 // CSatBIPUtils::SetConnectionActivated()
   894 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   895 //
   896 void CSatBIPUtils::SetConnectionActivated( TBool aSet )
   897     {
   898     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::SetConnectionActivated calling" )
   899     iConnectionActivated = aSet;
   900     LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::SetConnectionActivated exiting" )
   901     }
   903 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   904 // CSatBIPUtils::IsConnectionActivated()
   905 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   906 //
   907 TBool CSatBIPUtils::IsConnectionActivated()
   908     {
   909     LOG( SIMPLE, 
   910         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::IsConnectionActivated calling-exiting" )
   911     return iConnectionActivated;
   912     }
   914 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   915 // CSatBIPUtils::SetSubConnectionActivated()
   916 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   917 //
   918 void CSatBIPUtils::SetSubConnectionActivated( TBool aSet )
   919     {
   920     LOG( SIMPLE, 
   921         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::SetSubConnectionActivated calling" )
   922     iSubConnectionActivated = aSet;
   923     LOG( SIMPLE, 
   924         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::SetSubConnectionActivated exiting" )
   925     }
   927 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   928 // CSatBIPUtils::IsSubConnectionActivated()
   929 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   930 //
   931 TBool CSatBIPUtils::IsSubConnectionActivated()
   932     {
   933     LOG( SIMPLE, 
   934         "SATENGINE: CSatBIPUtils::IsSubConnectionActivated calling-exiting" )
   935     return iSubConnectionActivated;
   936     }