changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
child 8 1b9ee3c7442d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ff3b6d0fd310
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *    Implements the application UI and the methods derived from 
    16 *    MSatUiActionImplementer i.e. showing messages and asking input. 
    17 *
    18 *
    19 */
    23 #include    <barsread.h>
    24 #include    <badesca.h> // for descriptor arrays
    25 #include    <e32std.h>
    26 #include    <eikenv.h>
    27 #include    <eikapp.h>
    28 #include    <StringLoader.h>
    29 #include    <aknview.h>
    30 #include    <aknnotedialog.h>
    31 #include    <aknstaticnotedialog.h>
    32 #include    <AknGlobalNote.h>
    33 #include    <AknQueryDialog.h>
    34 #include    <aknmessagequerydialog.h>
    35 #include    <AudioPreference.h>
    36 #include    <mdaaudiotoneplayer.h>
    37 #include    <activitymanager.h>
    38 #include    <AknIconArray.h>
    39 #include    <AknPopupform.h>                //DisplayText icon popupform
    40 #include    <eikcapc.h>                     //CEikCaptionedControl
    41 #include    <txtrich.h>                     //CRichText
    42 #include    <eikrted.h>                     //CEikRichTextEditor
    43 #include    <hlplch.h>
    44 #include    <aknsoundsystem.h>
    45 #include    <AknWaitDialog.h>
    46 #include    <akntitle.h>
    47 #include    <AknUtils.h>
    48 #include    <AknIconUtils.h>
    49 #include    <aknconsts.h>
    50 #include    <avkon.hrh>
    51 #include    <SatUi.rsg>
    52 #include    <msatuiadapter.h>
    53 #include    <aknkeylock.h>
    55 #include    "satui.hrh"
    56 #include    "CSatUiApplication.h"
    57 #include    "CSatUiViewAppUi.h"
    58 #include    "CSatUiView.h"
    59 #include    "CSatUiTextQueryDialog.h"
    60 #include    "CSatUiMessageQueryIcon.h" 
    61 #include    "CSatUiWaitDialog.h"
    62 #include    "tflogger.h"
    64 #include    <MProfile.h>
    65 #include    <MProfileEngine.h>
    66 #include    <MProfileTones.h>
    67 #include    <TProfileToneSettings.h>
    68 #include    <MProfileName.h>
    69 #include    <MProfileExtraTones.h>
    70 #include    <featmgr.h>                     // Used for FeatureManager
    71 #include    <BTSapDomainPSKeys.h>           // For BT SAP connection state keys.
    72 #include    <e32property.h>                 // Used for RProperty
    73 #include    <aknnotewrappers.h>
    75 #include    <aknlayout.cdl.h> 
    76 #include    <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    77 #include    <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
    78 #include    <mda/common/resource.h>
    80 #include    <ProfileEngineSDKCRKeys.h>
    81 #include    <centralrepository.h>
    84 // CONSTANTS
    85 const TInt KSatActiveProfileOffline = 5; // value from ProfileEngine
    86 const TInt K32TIntMaxValue = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    87 // From UI spec 60 sec delay user response.
    88 const TInt KNoResponseFromUserDelay = 60; 
    89 const TInt KMicroSecondsInSecond = 1000000;
    90 const TInt KClearScreenDelay = 3;
    91 const TInt KMicroSecondsInTenthOfSecond = 100000;
    92 const TInt K3Seconds = 3000000;
    94 // Maximum length for sound file. 
    95 const TInt KMaxSoundFileLength = 256;
    96 // Audio sample is repeated indefinitely.
    97 const TInt KSoundPlayerRepeatForever = KMdaRepeatForever;
    98 // Used when dividing some values. Used only for preventing the use of magic 
    99 // numbers
   100 const TInt KDivideByEight = 8;
   102 const TUint8 KGetInputStringMaxSize = 0xEF;
   104 _LIT( K3Spaces, "   " );                    // Used for empty title.
   105 const TInt KEmptyTitleLength( 3 );          // Length of empty title.                      
   106 _LIT( KSatEmptySpace, " " );                // Used for empty item.
   107 _LIT( KSatEmptyDes, "" );
   109 const TUint8 KKeyZero = 0x30;
   110 const TUint8 KKeyNine = 0x39;
   111 const TUint8 KHwAsterisk = 0x2a;    // In hw scan code value for asterisk
   113 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
   115 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   116 // might leave.
   117 //
   118 CSatUiViewAppUi::CSatUiViewAppUi():
   119     iHelp( EFalse ),
   120     iSetUpMenuFirst( ETrue ),
   121     iSelectItemFirst( ETrue ),
   122     iPreviousForeground( EFalse ),
   123     iViewLoopCounter( 0 ),
   124     iDuration( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) ),
   125     iReqWSBufferID( KErrNone )
   126     {
   127     }
   129 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
   130 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ConstructL()
   131     {
   132     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConstructL() called" )
   133     BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin | EAknEnableMSK | EAknSingleClickCompatible );
   135     // Requests Window Server client buffer used by the application to
   136     // be of at least the given size.
   137     iReqWSBufferID = CAknEnv::Static()->RequestWsBuffer( KAknMaxWsBufferSize );
   138     TFLOGSTRING2( "iReqWSBufferID is %d", iReqWSBufferID )
   140     if ( BTSAPActivatedL() )
   141         {
   142         HBufC* sapText = 
   143             iCoeEnv->AllocReadResourceLC( R_QTN_OFFLINE_NOT_POSSIBLE_SAP );
   144         CAknInformationNote* note = new ( ELeave ) CAknInformationNote( ETrue );
   145         iForegroundControl = note;
   146         note->ExecuteLD( *sapText );
   147         iForegroundControl = NULL;
   148         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sapText );
   149         Exit();
   150         }
   152     if ( ProfileState() == KSatActiveProfileOffline )
   153         {
   154         ShowNotAvailableNoteL();
   155         Exit();        
   156         }
   159     if ( StatusPane()->PaneCapabilities( TUid::Uid(
   160         EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ).IsPresent() )
   161         {
   162         CAknTitlePane* titlePane = STATIC_CAST( CAknTitlePane*,
   163             StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
   164         titlePane->SetTextL( KNullDesC );
   165         titlePane->DrawNow();
   166         }
   168     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConstructL() exit" )
   169     }
   171 // Destructor.
   172 CSatUiViewAppUi::~CSatUiViewAppUi()
   173     {
   174     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::~CSatUiViewAppUi() called" )
   175     this->StopShowWaitNote();
   177     delete iTitle;
   178     delete iAppName;
   179     delete iPlayer;
   180     delete iTimer;    
   182     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::~CSatUiViewAppUi() exit" )
   183     }
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateEmptyMenuL
   187 // Creates empty menu. This is used in SIM originated commands.
   188 // (other items were commented in a header).
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   190 //
   191 void CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateEmptyMenuL()
   192     {
   193     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateEmptyMenuL() called" )
   195     // Create the menu item array with no content.
   196     CDesCArrayFlat* menuItems = new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
   197     CleanupStack::PushL( menuItems );
   198     menuItems->Reset();
   199     menuItems->AppendL( KSatEmptySpace );
   201     // Create the empty next action indicator array.
   202     CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* menuActions =
   203         new( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>( 1 );
   204     CleanupStack::PushL( menuActions );
   205     menuActions->Reset();
   207     // Create empty title pane.
   208     HBufC* satTitle = HBufC::NewLC( KEmptyTitleLength );
   209     satTitle->Des().Append( K3Spaces );
   211     iSetUpMenuFirst = EFalse;
   212     iSetUpMenuView = CSatUiView::NewL( ETrue, this, ETrue );
   213     iSetUpMenuView->SetItemsL( satTitle, 
   214         *menuItems, 
   215         menuActions, 
   216         EFalse );
   218     // Hide list box.
   219     iSetUpMenuView->MakeListBoxVisible( EFalse );
   221     // Transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi.
   222     AddViewL( iSetUpMenuView );
   224     iSetUpMenuView->SetAdapter( iAdapter );
   225     iActiveView = KSetUpMenuViewId; 
   227     // satTitle, menuActions, menuItems  
   228     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( satTitle );
   229     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( menuActions );
   230     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( menuItems );
   231     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateEmptyMenuL() exit" )
   232     }
   234 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   235 // CSatUiViewAppUi::SetAdapter
   236 // Sets the pointer to MSatUiAdapter object.
   237 // (other items were commented in a header).
   238 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   239 //
   240 void CSatUiViewAppUi::SetAdapter(
   241     MSatUiAdapter* aAdapter )
   242     {
   243     iAdapter = aAdapter;
   244     }
   246 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   247 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteL
   248 // Displays the wait note.
   249 // (other items were commented in a header).
   250 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   251 //
   252 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteL()
   253     {
   254     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteL() called" )
   255     if ( !iWaitNote )
   256         {
   257         iWaitNote = new(ELeave)CAknWaitDialog(
   258             (REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&iWaitNote)));
   259         iForegroundControl = iWaitNote;
   260         iWaitNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_WAIT_NOTE );
   261         // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the wait dialog
   262         // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
   263         // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
   264         // happened.
   265         }
   266     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteL() exit" )
   267     }
   269 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   270 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteWithoutDelayL
   271 // Displays the wait note without delay
   272 // (other items were commented in a header).
   273 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   274 //
   275 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteWithoutDelayL()
   276     {
   277     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteWithoutDelayL() called" )
   278     if ( !iWaitNote )
   279         {
   280         iWaitNote = new(ELeave)CAknWaitDialog(
   281             (REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&iWaitNote)), ETrue );
   282         iForegroundControl = iWaitNote;
   283         iWaitNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_WAIT_NOTE );
   284         // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the wait dialog
   285         // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
   286         // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
   287         // happened.
   288         }
   289     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowWaitNoteWithoutDelayL() exit" )
   290     }
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   293 // CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote
   294 // Removes the wait note from the screen.
   295 // (other items were commented in a header).
   296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   297 //
   298 void CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote()
   299     {
   300     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() called" )
   302     if ( iNoteDialog )
   303         {
   304         iForegroundControl = NULL;
   306         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() Closing \
   307             NoteDialog" )
   308         delete iNoteDialog;
   309         iNoteDialog = NULL;
   310         }
   312     if ( iWaitNote )
   313         {
   314         iForegroundControl = NULL;
   316         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() Closing WaitNote" )
   317         // Process finished. The function was either ExecuteLD or RunLD.
   318         // This function call stops the execution of these function and 
   319         // causes the deletion of object
   320         TInt err(0);
   321         TRAP( err, iWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL() )
   322         TFLOGSTRING2(" 2nd: iWaitNote: %x ", iWaitNote )
   323         TFLOGSTRING2( "TRAP: %d", err )
   324         // Delete the object just in case. Seems that above method does not 
   325         // delete the object in some cases. e.g in very fast execution
   326         delete iWaitNote;
   327         iWaitNote = NULL;
   328         }
   329     if ( iBipWaitNote )
   330         {
   331         iForegroundControl = NULL;
   333         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() Closing BIP note" )
   334         delete iBipWaitNote;
   335         iBipWaitNote = NULL;
   336         }
   338     if ( iPermanentNote )
   339         {
   340         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() \
   341                iPermanentNote cleared" )
   342         // If iPermanentNote exists until wait note is stopped,
   343         // then dialog has been already removed.
   344         iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
   345         delete iPermanentNote;
   346         iPermanentNote = NULL;
   347         }
   349     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopShowWaitNote() exit" )
   350     }
   352 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   353 // CSatUiViewAppUi::BTSAPActivatedL
   354 // Check that if BT SAP connection activated.
   355 // (other items were commented in a header).
   356 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   357 //
   358 TBool CSatUiViewAppUi::BTSAPActivatedL()
   359     {
   361     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::BTSAPActivated() called" )
   363     TBool isActive( EFalse );
   364     FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
   365     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdBtSap ) )
   366         {
   367         TFLOGSTRING( "BTSAP is supported by ME" )
   368         TInt status( EBTSapNotConnected );
   369         TInt err = RProperty::Get( KPSUidBluetoothSapConnectionState, 
   370                                    KBTSapConnectionState, 
   371                                    status );
   373         if ( EBTSapNotConnected != status && !err )
   374             {
   375             TFLOGSTRING( "BTSAP is connected" )
   376             isActive = ETrue;
   377             }
   378         else
   379             {
   380             TFLOGSTRING3( "BTSAP status %d and error %d", status, err )
   381             }
   382         }
   383     else
   384         {
   385         TFLOGSTRING( "BTSAP is not supported by ME" )
   386         }
   388     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   389     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::BTSAPActivated() exit" )
   390     return isActive;
   392     }
   394 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   395 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CoeEnv
   396 // Returns CoeEnv.
   397 // (other items were commented in a header).
   398 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   399 //
   400 CCoeEnv* CSatUiViewAppUi::CoeEnv()
   401     {
   402     return iCoeEnv;
   403     }
   405 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL
   407 // Displays the text in a note. 
   408 // (other items were commented in a header).
   409 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   410 //
   411 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL(
   412     const TDesC& aText,
   413     const TDesC& aSimApplicationName,
   414     CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmapDisplayText,
   415     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryIcon,
   416     const TBool aSustainedText,
   417     const TTimeIntervalSeconds aDuration,
   418     const TBool aWaitUserToClear )
   419     {
   420     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL called" )
   421     StopShowWaitNote();
   423     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
   424     iHighPriorityEvent = EFalse;
   426     // Indication immediate response TLV for Display Text during MT call,
   427     // if it is immediate response, close dialog, otherwise leave it alone.
   428     iImmediateRsp = aSustainedText;
   429     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL immediate rsp: %d", 
   430                    iImmediateRsp )    
   432     HBufC* header;
   434     if ( iHelp )
   435         {
   436         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL iHelp ETrue" )
   437         header = StringLoader::LoadLC(
   438             R_QTN_SAT_HELP_HEADER, iCoeEnv );
   439         iHelp = EFalse;
   440         }
   441     else
   442         {
   443         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL iHelp EFalse" )
   444         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL length of \
   445             aSimApplicationName: %d", aSimApplicationName.Length() )
   446         if ( aSimApplicationName.Length() > 0 )
   447             {
   448             header = aSimApplicationName.AllocLC();
   449             }
   450         else
   451             {
   452             //Reads a resource string with memory allocation
   453             header = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SAT_MESSAGE_HEADER, iCoeEnv );
   454             }
   455         }
   457     // Remove NULL characters from title
   458     RemoveNullCharacters( header );
   460     if ( aIconBitmapDisplayText )
   461         {
   462         //icon available use querydialog
   463         iDisplayTextIconDialog = CAknPopupForm::NewL();
   464         }
   466     CUserActivityManager* activityManager = 
   467         CUserActivityManager::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
   469     CleanupStack::PushL( activityManager );
   471     // Duration handling: 
   472     // If duration is given use that value for timeout.
   473     TTimeIntervalSeconds duration ( aDuration );
   475     // If user is expected to clear shown dialog and 
   476     // duration is NOT given use 60s timeout.
   477     if ( aWaitUserToClear && !aDuration.Int() )
   478         {
   479         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL wait user to clear" )
   480         duration = TTimeIntervalSeconds( KNoResponseFromUserDelay );
   481         }
   482     // If user is NOT expected to clear shown dialog and 
   483     // duration is NOT given use 3s timeout.
   484     else if ( !aDuration.Int() )
   485         {
   486         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL don't wait user \
   487             to clear" )
   488         duration = TTimeIntervalSeconds( KClearScreenDelay );
   489         }        
   491     // If not sustained or Clear after delay requested start timer
   492     if ( !aSustainedText || aDuration.Int() || !aWaitUserToClear )
   493         {
   494         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL No sustained text" )
   495         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL duration: %d", 
   496             duration.Int() )
   498         // If duration is given start timer which doesn't 
   499         // care about user activity.        
   500         if ( aDuration.Int() )
   501             {
   502             CreateCallBackTimerL( duration.Int() * KMicroSecondsInSecond,
   503                 DelayCallback );
   504             }
   505         // Otherwise start timer which takes account user activity.
   506         else
   507             {
   508             User::ResetInactivityTime();
   509             activityManager->Start( duration, 
   510                 TCallBack( DispatchUserInactive, this ), 0 );            
   511             }
   512         }
   514     TInt userResponse;
   516     if ( aIconBitmapDisplayText )
   517         {
   518         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL have IconBitmap" )
   519         // Prepare dialog with icon
   520         iDisplayTextIconDialog->SetPopupFormType( EAknQuery );
   521         iDisplayTextIconDialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_MESSAGE_TEXT_ICON );
   522         iDisplayTextIconDialog->SetTitleL( *header );
   524         // Get richtext control
   525         CEikCaptionedControl* capControl = 
   526             iDisplayTextIconDialog->GetControlByControlType
   527             ( EEikCtRichTextEditor );
   528         CCoeControl* coeControl = capControl->iControl;
   529         CEikRichTextEditor* rtxtEditor = 
   530             reinterpret_cast<CEikRichTextEditor*>( coeControl );
   532         if ( !aSelfExplanatoryIcon )
   533             {
   534             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL not \
   535                 SelfExplanatoryIcon" )
   536             // Not selfexplanatory icon, add text
   537             // Get font
   538             const CFont* logicalFont = AknLayoutUtils::FontFromId( 
   539                 EAknLogicalFontSecondaryFont );
   541             // Extract font information
   542             TFontSpec fontspec = logicalFont->FontSpecInTwips();
   543             TCharFormat charFormat( fontspec.iTypeface.iName, 
   544                             fontspec.iHeight );
   546             // Make the font to be anti-aliased
   547             TFontStyle style;
   548             style.SetBitmapType( EAntiAliasedGlyphBitmap );
   549             charFormat.iFontSpec.iFontStyle = style;
   551             // Set mask (which settings are set)
   552             TCharFormatMask charFormatMask;
   553             charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttColor );
   554             charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontTypeface );
   555             charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontHeight );
   557             // Apply settings
   558             rtxtEditor->RichText()->ApplyCharFormatL(
   559                 charFormat, charFormatMask, 0, 0 );
   561             // One space between icon and text
   562             rtxtEditor->RichText()->InsertL( 0, KSatEmptySpace );
   563             rtxtEditor->RichText()->InsertL( 1, aText );
   564             }
   566         // Count icon size in twips 
   567         CWsScreenDevice* device = CCoeEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice();
   568         TInt width = device->HorizontalPixelsToTwips( 
   569             aIconBitmapDisplayText->SizeInPixels().iWidth );
   570         TInt height = device->VerticalPixelsToTwips( 
   571             aIconBitmapDisplayText->SizeInPixels().iHeight );
   572         TSize twipsSize( width, height );
   574         // Create picture
   575         CSatUiMessageQueryIcon* picture = new( ELeave ) 
   576             CSatUiMessageQueryIcon( twipsSize, *aIconBitmapDisplayText );
   577         TPictureHeader pictureHeader;    
   578         pictureHeader.iPicture = TSwizzle<CPicture>( picture );
   579         //Insert picture
   580         rtxtEditor->RichText()->InsertL( 0, pictureHeader );
   581         //Needed to show whole picture
   582         _LIT( KString, "\f\f\f");
   583         rtxtEditor->RichText()->InsertL( rtxtEditor->Text()->DocumentLength(),
   584             KString );
   586         // Set MSK same as LSK without any text causing the icon drawing
   587         iDisplayTextIconDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().SetCommandL(
   588             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyOk,
   589             KSatEmptyDes );
   590         iForegroundControl = iDisplayTextIconDialog;
   591         userResponse = iDisplayTextIconDialog->RunLD();
   592         }
   593     else
   594         {
   595         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL don't have IconBitmap" )
   596         // Dialog without icon
   597         iDisplayTextDialog = new (ELeave) CAknMessageQueryDialog();
   598         iDisplayTextDialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_MESSAGE );
   599         iDisplayTextDialog->SetMessageTextL( aText );
   600         iDisplayTextDialog->QueryHeading()->SetTextL( *header );
   602         // Set MSK same as LSK without any text causing the icon drawing
   603         iDisplayTextDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().SetCommandL(
   604             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyOk,
   605             KSatEmptyDes );
   606         iForegroundControl = iDisplayTextDialog;
   607         userResponse = iDisplayTextDialog->RunLD();
   608         }
   609     iForegroundControl = NULL;
   611     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activityManager );
   612     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( header ); // header,activityManager
   613     // After duration call back timer is destroyed
   614     DestroyCallBackTimer();
   616     // If user is not expected to clear message used response is success
   617     // in timeout case.
   618     if ( userResponse 
   619         || ( iNoteClearedAfterDelay && !aWaitUserToClear ) )
   620         {
   621         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL successful response" )
   622         response = ESatSuccess;
   623         }
   624     else if ( iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay || 
   625         ( aWaitUserToClear && iHighPriorityEvent ) )
   626         {
   627         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL no user response" )
   628         // User did not close the text, closed by the timer or MT call
   629         response = ESatNoResponseFromUser;
   630         }
   631     else
   632         {
   633         if ( IsAppShutterRunning() )
   634             {
   635             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL satsession \
   636                 terminated by user " )
   637             response = ESatSessionTerminatedByUser;
   638             iSessionTerminated = ETrue;
   639             }
   640         else
   641             {
   642             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL backward \
   643                 requested by user " )
   644             response = ESatBackwardModeRequestedByUser;
   645             }
   646         }
   648     if ( iDisplayTextDialog )
   649         {
   650         iDisplayTextDialog = NULL;
   651         }
   652     if ( iDisplayTextIconDialog )
   653         {
   654         iDisplayTextIconDialog = NULL;
   655         }
   657     iNoteClearedAfterDelay = EFalse;
   658     iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = EFalse;
   660     ShowWaitNoteL();
   662     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DisplayTextL exit, return: %d", response )
   663     return response;
   664     }
   666 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   667 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ClearScreen
   668 // Displays yes/no confirmation query.
   669 // (other items were commented in a header).
   670 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   671 //
   672 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ClearScreen()
   673     {
   674     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ClearScreen() called" )
   676     iNoteClearedAfterDelay = ETrue;
   677     CloseDialogs();
   679     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ClearScreen() exit" )
   680     }
   681 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   682 // CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL
   683 // Displays yes/no confirmation query.
   684 // (other items were commented in a header).
   685 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   686 //
   687 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL(
   688     const TDesC& aText,
   689     const TSatCharacterSet aCharacterSet,
   690     TChar& aInkey,
   691     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
   692     const TBool aSelfExplanatory,
   693     TUint& aDuration,
   694     const TBool aImmediateDigitResponse )
   695     {
   696     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL called" )
   697     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
   699     StopShowWaitNote();
   701     CUserActivityManager* activityManager = 
   702         CUserActivityManager::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
   703     CleanupStack::PushL( activityManager );
   705     // Start time for duration
   706     TTime startTime;
   707     iImmediateDigitResponse = aImmediateDigitResponse;
   709     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL duration in 1/10 sec: %d",
   710             aDuration )
   712     // If duration is given use that value for timeout.
   713     // Start timer which doesn't care about user activity.
   714     if ( aDuration )
   715         {
   716         TInt duration ( 0 );
   718         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds max32Bit(
   719             static_cast<TInt64>( K32TIntMaxValue ) );        
   720         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds durationInTenthOfSeconds( 
   721             static_cast<TInt64>( aDuration ) );
   722         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds durationInus( 
   723             durationInTenthOfSeconds.Int64() * KMicroSecondsInTenthOfSecond );
   725         if ( durationInus > max32Bit )
   726             {
   727             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL durationInus bigger \
   728                 than max32Bit" )
   729             // since timers can only handle 32-bit values,
   730             // let's break the aDuration to smaller bits.
   731             // we break it here to 8 bits to fit in 32-bit value
   732             duration = durationInus.Int64() / KDivideByEight;
   733             iTimerRepeatOn = ETrue;
   734             }
   735         else
   736             {
   737             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL durationInus less \
   738                 than max32Bit" )
   739             duration = durationInus.Int64();
   740             }
   742         CreateCallBackTimerL( duration, DelayCallback );
   743         startTime.HomeTime();
   744         }
   745     // Otherwise start timer which takes account user activity.
   746     else
   747         {
   748         User::ResetInactivityTime();
   749         activityManager->Start( 
   750             TTimeIntervalSeconds( KNoResponseFromUserDelay ),
   751             TCallBack( DispatchUserInactive, this ), 0 );            
   752         }
   754     TInt resource( 0 );        
   756     if ( aIconBitmap )
   757         {
   758         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL iGetYesNoIconDialog" )
   760         if ( ESatYesNo == aCharacterSet )
   761             {
   762             resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_YES_NO_QUERY_WITH_ICON;
   763             }
   764         else
   765             {
   766             resource = R_SATUI_IMMEDIATE_DIGIT_NOTE_WITH_ICON;
   767             }
   768         }
   769     else
   770         {
   771         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL iGetYesNoDialog" )
   773         if ( ESatYesNo == aCharacterSet )
   774             {
   775             resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_YES_NO_QUERY;
   776             }
   777         else
   778             {
   779             resource = R_SATUI_IMMEDIATE_DIGIT_QUERY;
   780             }
   781         }
   783     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( resource , aText, aIconBitmap,
   784         aSelfExplanatory, EAknSoftkeyYes );
   786     iImmediateDigitResponse = EFalse;
   788     // set received immediate digit response
   789     aInkey = iKey;
   790     iKey = 0;
   792     if ( aDuration )
   793         {
   794         TTime endTime;
   795         endTime.HomeTime();
   796         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeDifference( 0 );
   797         timeDifference = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom( startTime );
   798         aDuration = timeDifference.Int64() / KMicroSecondsInTenthOfSecond;
   800         // After duration call back timer is destroyed
   801         DestroyCallBackTimer();
   802         }
   804     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activityManager );
   806     // Timeout
   807     if ( iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay )
   808         {
   809         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL no response from user" )
   810         response = ESatNoResponseFromUser;
   811         }
   812     // Cancel is pressed if immediate digit response without Yes/No
   813     else if ( !userResponse &&  ESatYesNo != aCharacterSet && !aInkey )
   814         {
   815         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL backward request by user" )
   816         response = ESatBackwardModeRequestedByUser;
   817         }
   818     // Yes button is used
   819     else if ( userResponse && !aInkey)
   820         {
   821         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL button used" )
   822         aInkey = 1;
   823         }
   824     // No button is used
   825     else if ( !aInkey )
   826         {
   827         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL no button used" )
   828         aInkey = 0;
   829         }
   831     iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = EFalse;
   833     ShowWaitNoteL();
   835     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetYesNoL exit, return: %d", response )
   836     return response;
   837     }
   839 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   840 // CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL
   841 // Displays data query.
   842 // (other items were commented in a header).
   843 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   844 //
   845 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL(
   846     const TDesC& aText,
   847     const TSatCharacterSet aCharacterSet,
   848     TDes& aInput,
   849     const TInt aMinLength,
   850     const TInt aMaxLength,
   851     const TBool aHideInput,
   852     const TBool aGetInkey,
   853     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmapGetInput,
   854     const TBool aSelfExplanatory,
   855     TUint& aDuration ) 
   856     {
   857     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL called" )
   858     StopShowWaitNote();
   860     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
   862     TPtrC textPtr( aText );
   864     TInt minLength( 0 );
   865     TInt maxLength( 1 );
   867     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL aMinLength %d", aMinLength )
   868     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL aMaxLength %d", aMaxLength )
   869     //lint -e{961} else block not needed, minLength initialized.
   870     if ( aMinLength <= KGetInputStringMaxSize && aMinLength > 0 )
   871         {
   872         minLength = aMinLength;
   873         }
   874     else if ( aMinLength > KGetInputStringMaxSize )
   875         {
   876         minLength = KGetInputStringMaxSize;
   877         }
   879     //lint -e{961} else block not needed, maxLength initialized.
   880     if ( aMaxLength < minLength )
   881         {
   882         maxLength = minLength;
   883         }
   884     else if ( aMaxLength <= KGetInputStringMaxSize && aMaxLength > 1 )
   885         {
   886         maxLength = aMaxLength;
   887         }
   888     else if ( aMaxLength > KGetInputStringMaxSize )
   889         {
   890         maxLength = KGetInputStringMaxSize;
   891         }
   893     HBufC* input = HBufC::NewLC( KGetInputStringMaxSize );
   894     TPtr inputPtr(input->Des());
   896     HBufC* textHolder = NULL;
   898     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL aInput.Length %d",\
   899         aInput.Length() )
   901     if ( ( aInput.Length() >= minLength )
   902         && ( aInput.Length() <= maxLength ) )
   903         {
   904         inputPtr = aInput;
   905         }
   907     TInt userResponse;
   909     CUserActivityManager* activityManager = 
   910         CUserActivityManager::NewL( EPriorityNormal );
   912     CleanupStack::PushL( activityManager );
   914     // Start time for timer
   915     TTime startTime;
   917     // If duration is given use that value for timeout.
   918     // Start timer which doesn't care about user activity.
   919     if ( aDuration && aGetInkey )
   920         {
   921         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL duration in 1/10 sec: %d",
   922             aDuration )        
   924         TInt duration ( 0 );
   926         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds max32Bit(
   927             static_cast<TInt64>( K32TIntMaxValue ) );        
   928         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds durationInTenthOfSeconds( 
   929             static_cast<TInt64>( aDuration ) );
   930         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds durationInus( 
   931             durationInTenthOfSeconds.Int64() * KMicroSecondsInTenthOfSecond );
   933         if ( durationInus > max32Bit )
   934             {
   935             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL durationInus bigger \
   936                 than max32Bit" )
   937             // since timers can only handle 32-bit values,
   938             // let's break the aDuration to smaller bits.
   939             // we break it here to 8 bits to fit in 32-bit value
   940             duration = durationInus.Int64() / KDivideByEight;
   941             iTimerRepeatOn = ETrue;
   942             }
   943         else
   944             {
   945             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL durationInus less \
   946                 than max32Bit" )
   947             duration = durationInus.Int64();
   948             }
   950         CreateCallBackTimerL( duration, DelayCallback );
   951         startTime.HomeTime();
   952         }
   953     // Otherwise start timer which takes account user activity.
   954     else
   955         {
   956         User::ResetInactivityTime();
   957         activityManager->Start( 
   958             TTimeIntervalSeconds( KNoResponseFromUserDelay ),
   959             TCallBack( DispatchUserInactive, this ), 0 );            
   960         }
   962     CEikImage* image = new(ELeave) CEikImage;
   963     CleanupStack::PushL( image );
   965     if ( aIconBitmapGetInput )
   966         {        
   967         image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmapGetInput );
   969         // Create mask for icon bitmap
   970         CFbsBitmap* mask = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
   972         TSize size = aIconBitmapGetInput->SizeInPixels();
   973         CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
   974         MakeGetInputBitmapMask( mask, size );
   976         image->SetMask( mask );
   977         CleanupStack::Pop( mask ); 
   978         }
   980     TInt resource( 0 );
   981     TInt textResource( 0 );
   982     // Query dialog
   983     iGetInputDialog = new (ELeave) CSatUiTextQueryDialog( inputPtr,
   984                 CAknQueryDialog::ENoTone, minLength, maxLength );
   985     iForegroundControl = iGetInputDialog;
   987     if ( aCharacterSet == ESatDigitOnly ) 
   988         {
   989         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL ESatDigitOnly" )
   990         if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
   991             {
   992             if ( aGetInkey )
   993                 {
   994                 textResource = R_TEXT_SIMATK_ENTER_NBR;
   995                 }
   996             else
   997                 {
   998                 textResource = R_TEXT_SIMATK_ENTER_NBR_STRING;
   999                 }
  1000             }
  1002         // Hidden digit as input
  1003         if ( aHideInput )
  1004             {            
  1005             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL Hidden digit" )            
  1006             if ( aIconBitmapGetInput )
  1007                 {
  1008                 resource = R_SATUI_HIDDEN_NUMBER_QUERY_WITH_LABEL_AND_ICON;
  1009                 }
  1010             else
  1011                 {
  1012                 resource = R_SATUI_HIDDEN_NUMBER_QUERY_WITHOUT_LABEL;
  1013                 }
  1014             }
  1015         // Normal number query
  1016         else
  1017             {
  1018             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL normal digit" ) 
  1019             if ( aIconBitmapGetInput )
  1020                 {
  1021                 resource = R_SATUI_NUMBER_QUERY_WITH_LABEL_AND_ICON;
  1022                 }
  1023             else
  1024                 {
  1025                 resource = R_SATUI_NUMBER_QUERY_WITHOUT_LABEL;
  1026                 }
  1027             }
  1028         }
  1030     else // ESatCharSmsDefaultAlphabet or ESatCharUcs2Alphabet
  1031         {
  1032         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL ESatCharSmsDefaultAlphabet \
  1033             or ESatCharUcs2Alphabet" )
  1034         if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
  1035             {
  1036             if ( aGetInkey )
  1037                 {
  1038                 textResource = R_TEXT_SIMATK_ENTER_CHAR;
  1039                 }
  1040             else
  1041                 {
  1042                 textResource = R_TEXT_SIMATK_ENTER_CHAR_STRING;
  1043                 }
  1044             }
  1046         if ( !aGetInkey )
  1047             {
  1048             iGetInputDialog->SetPredictiveTextInputPermitted( ETrue );
  1049             }
  1051         iGetInputDialog->SetMaxLength( maxLength );
  1053         if ( aIconBitmapGetInput )
  1054             {
  1055             resource = R_SATUI_TEXT_QUERY_WITH_LABEL_AND_ICON;
  1056             }
  1057         else
  1058             {
  1059             resource = R_SATUI_TEXT_QUERY_WITHOUT_LABEL;
  1060             }
  1061         }
  1063     // Read default text if sim doesn't provide text to dialog 
  1064     if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
  1065         {
  1066         // Reads a resource string with memory allocation
  1067         // and pushes the string onto the cleanup stack.
  1068         textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( textResource, iCoeEnv);
  1069         textPtr.Set( *textHolder );       
  1070         }
  1072     // Icon is used and command is get input
  1073     if ( aIconBitmapGetInput )
  1074         {
  1075         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL icon is used" )
  1076         iGetInputDialog->PrepareLC( resource );
  1077         if ( !aSelfExplanatory )
  1078             {
  1079             // Icon is not self-explanatory, show also text
  1080             iGetInputDialog->SetPromptL( textPtr );            
  1081             }
  1082         // Add icon to query
  1083         iGetInputDialog->QueryHeading()->SetHeaderImageL( image );
  1084         // Set MSK same as LSK without any text causing the icon drawing
  1085         iGetInputDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().SetCommandL(
  1086             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyOk,
  1087             KSatEmptyDes );
  1088         userResponse = iGetInputDialog->RunLD();
  1089         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL userResponse is: %d",
  1090             userResponse )                
  1091         }
  1092     // No icon in use
  1093     else
  1094         {
  1095         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL icon isn't used" )
  1096         iGetInputDialog->PrepareLC( resource );
  1097         iGetInputDialog->SetPromptL( textPtr );  
  1098         // Set MSK same as LSK without any text causing the icon drawing
  1099         iGetInputDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().SetCommandL(
  1100             CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, EAknSoftkeyOk,
  1101             KSatEmptyDes );
  1102         userResponse = iGetInputDialog->RunLD();
  1103         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL userResponse is: %d",
  1104             userResponse )                
  1105         }
  1106     iForegroundControl = NULL;
  1108     if ( textHolder )
  1109         {
  1110         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); 
  1111         }
  1113     if ( aDuration && aGetInkey )
  1114         {
  1115         TTime endTime;
  1116         endTime.HomeTime();
  1117         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeDifference( 0 );
  1118         timeDifference = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom( startTime );
  1119         aDuration = timeDifference.Int64() / KMicroSecondsInTenthOfSecond;
  1121         // After duration call back timer is destroyed
  1122         DestroyCallBackTimer();
  1123         }
  1125     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( image );
  1126     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( activityManager ); // image, activityManager
  1127     iGetInputDialog = NULL;
  1129     if ( iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay )
  1130         {
  1131         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL no response from user" )
  1132         response = ESatNoResponseFromUser;
  1133         }
  1134     else if ( userResponse )
  1135         {
  1136         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL successful response" )
  1137         if ( inputPtr.Length() )
  1138             {
  1139             aInput.Copy( inputPtr );
  1140             }
  1141         response = ESatSuccess;
  1142         }
  1143     else
  1144         {
  1145         if ( IsAppShutterRunning() )
  1146             {
  1147             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL satsession \
  1148                 terminated by user " )
  1149             response = ESatSessionTerminatedByUser;
  1150             iSessionTerminated = ETrue;
  1151             }
  1152         else
  1153             {
  1154             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL backward \
  1155                 requested by user " )
  1156             response = ESatBackwardModeRequestedByUser;
  1157             }
  1158         }
  1160     iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = EFalse;
  1162     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( input ); // input
  1164     ShowWaitNoteL();
  1166     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetInputL exit, return: %d", response )
  1167     return response;
  1168     }
  1170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1171 // CSatUiViewAppUi::SetUpMenuL
  1172 // Sets the parameters for SetUpMenu view and calls the method
  1173 // from the CSatUiView class.
  1174 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1175 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1176 //
  1177 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::SetUpMenuL(
  1178     const TDesC& aText,
  1179     const MDesCArray& aMenuItems,
  1180     const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
  1181     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1182     const CAknIconArray* aItemsIconArray,
  1183     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryItems,
  1184     const TBool aHelpIsAvailable )
  1185     {
  1186     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetUpMenuL called" )
  1187     StopShowWaitNote();
  1188     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
  1190     delete iTitle;
  1191     iTitle = NULL;
  1193     delete iAppName;
  1194     iAppName = NULL;
  1196     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetUpMenuL length of aText %d", \
  1197         aText.Length() )
  1198     if ( aText.Length() > 0 )
  1199         {
  1200         iTitle = aText.AllocL();
  1201         iAppName = aText.AllocL();
  1202         } 
  1203     else
  1204         {
  1205         //Reads a resource string with memory allocation
  1206         iTitle = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_SAT_TITLE, iCoeEnv );
  1207         }
  1209     if ( iSetUpMenuFirst )
  1210         {
  1211         iSetUpMenuFirst = EFalse;
  1212         iSetUpMenuView = CSatUiView::NewL( ETrue, this, EFalse );
  1214         // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi:
  1215         AddViewL( iSetUpMenuView );
  1217         iSetUpMenuView->SetAdapter( iAdapter );
  1218         }
  1220     // Make list box visible.
  1221     iSetUpMenuView->MakeListBoxVisible( ETrue );
  1223     //set contextpane icon and item icons
  1224     iSetUpMenuView->SetIconL( aIconBitmap );
  1225     iSetUpMenuView->SetItemsIconL( aItemsIconArray, aSelfExplanatoryItems );    
  1226     iSetUpMenuView->SetTitle( iTitle );
  1228     response = iSetUpMenuView->SetUpMenuL( iTitle, aMenuItems,
  1229         aMenuItemNextActions, aHelpIsAvailable );
  1231     iActiveView = KSetUpMenuViewId;
  1233     // Reset counter for detecting possible loop in HandleForegroundEventL.
  1234     iViewLoopCounter = 0;
  1236     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetUpMenuL exit, return: %d", response )
  1237     return response;
  1238     }
  1240 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1241 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL
  1242 // Called when satui is brought to foreground or put into
  1243 // background
  1244 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1245 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1246 //
  1247 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( TBool aForeground )
  1248     {
  1249     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL called \
  1250         value %d", aForeground )
  1252     iForeground = aForeground;
  1254     // Check whether it is only need to display a dialog. 
  1255     if ( iForeground && ( iForegroundControl || iCcNote ) ) 
  1256         {
  1257         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL \
  1258             need to display a dialog" )
  1259         if ( iForegroundControl )
  1260             {
  1261             iForegroundControl->SetFocus( ETrue, EDrawNow );
  1262             }
  1263         }
  1264     // Check is it allowed to activate local view.
  1265     // Removes possibility of view activation loop for example when
  1266     // launching Browser.
  1267     else if ( ViewActivationAllowed( aForeground, iActiveView ) )
  1268         {
  1269         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL \
  1270             activate local view allowed" )
  1271         TVwsViewId viewId;
  1272         GetActiveViewId( viewId );
  1273         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL called \
  1274             appUid %x", viewId.iAppUid )
  1275         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL called \
  1276             viewUid %x", viewId.iViewUid )
  1278         if( ( KUidSATUI != viewId.iAppUid ) || 
  1279             ( ( KUidSATUI == viewId.iAppUid ) 
  1280                 && ( viewId.iViewUid != iActiveView ) ) )
  1281             {       
  1282             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL \
  1283                 activate local view executing" )
  1284             if ( KSetUpMenuViewId == iActiveView )
  1285                 {
  1286                 ActivateLocalViewL( KSetUpMenuViewId );
  1287                 }
  1288             else
  1289                 {
  1290                 ActivateLocalViewL( KSelectItemViewId );
  1291                 }
  1292             }
  1294         }        
  1295     // Forwards event to the base class.
  1296     CAknViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( aForeground );
  1297     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL exit" )
  1298     }
  1300 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1301 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed
  1302 // Sets the parameters for SelectItem view and calls the method
  1303 // from the CSatUiView class.
  1304 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1305 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1306 //    
  1307 TBool CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed( const TBool aForeground, 
  1308     const TUid  aActiveView )
  1309     {
  1311     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed called" )
  1312     TBool activationAllowed( EFalse );
  1313     // Value for detecting view activation loop. 
  1314     const TInt certainViewLoopCount( 6 );
  1316     // Check for foreground event, background event, 
  1317     // foreground event, background event, ... sequence.
  1318     if ( aForeground ^ iPreviousForeground )
  1319         {
  1320         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed \
  1321             check foreground event" )
  1322         iViewLoopCounter++;
  1323         }
  1324     else
  1325         {
  1326         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed \
  1327             no foreground event" )
  1328         iViewLoopCounter = 0;
  1329         }
  1331     // Store information is application in foreground or
  1332     // in background for next evaluation round.  
  1333     iPreviousForeground = aForeground;
  1335     // Check that there is no loop.
  1336     if ( aForeground && aActiveView.iUid ) 
  1337         {
  1338         if ( iViewLoopCounter < certainViewLoopCount )
  1339             {
  1340             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed \
  1341                 there are loops" )
  1342             activationAllowed = ETrue;    
  1343             }
  1344         else
  1345             {
  1346             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed \
  1347                 no loop" )
  1348             // Counter is reset in case of foreground event
  1349             // because of background event does not draw anything.
  1350             iViewLoopCounter = 0;
  1351             }
  1353         }
  1355     if ( iDisplayTextDialog || iDisplayTextIconDialog )
  1356         {
  1357         activationAllowed = EFalse;
  1358         }
  1360     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ViewActivationAllowed exit, return: %d",\
  1361         activationAllowed )
  1362     return activationAllowed;
  1364     }
  1366 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1367 // CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL
  1368 // Sets the parameters for SelectItem view and calls the method
  1369 // from the CSatUiView class.
  1370 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1371 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1372 //
  1373 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL(
  1374     const TDesC& aText,
  1375     const MDesCArray& aMenuItems,
  1376     const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
  1377     const TInt aDefaultItem,
  1378     TUint8& aSelection,
  1379     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1380     const CAknIconArray* aItemsIconArray,
  1381     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryItems,
  1382     const TBool aHelpIsAvailable )
  1383     {
  1384     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL called" )
  1385     StopShowWaitNote();
  1387     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
  1389     delete iTitle;
  1390     iTitle = NULL;
  1392     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL length of aText %d",
  1393         aText.Length() )
  1394     if ( aText.Length() > 0 )
  1395         {
  1396         iTitle = aText.AllocL();
  1397         } 
  1398     else if ( iAppName )
  1399         {
  1400         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL there is appname" )
  1401         iTitle = iAppName->AllocL();
  1402         }
  1403     else
  1404         {
  1405         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL read appname" )
  1406         //Reads a resource string with memory allocation
  1407         iTitle = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_SAT_TITLE, iCoeEnv );
  1408         } 
  1410     if ( iSelectItemFirst )
  1411         {
  1412         iSelectItemFirst = EFalse;
  1413         iSelectItemView = CSatUiView::NewL( EFalse, this, EFalse );
  1415         // transfer ownership to CAknViewAppUi:
  1416         AddViewL( iSelectItemView );
  1417         }
  1419     iSelectItemPending = ETrue;
  1420     iActiveView = KSelectItemViewId;
  1422     //set contextpane icon and item icons
  1423     iSelectItemView->SetIconL( aIconBitmap );
  1424     iSelectItemView->SetItemsIconL( aItemsIconArray, aSelfExplanatoryItems );
  1425     response = iSelectItemView->SelectItemL( iTitle, aMenuItems,
  1426         aMenuItemNextActions, aDefaultItem, aSelection, aHelpIsAvailable );
  1428     iSelectItemPending = EFalse;
  1430     if ( iEndKeyPressed )
  1431         {
  1432         response = ESatSessionTerminatedByUser;
  1433         }
  1435     if ( response != ESatSessionTerminatedByUser )
  1436         {
  1437         ShowWaitNoteL();
  1438         }
  1440     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SelectItemL exit, return: %d", response )
  1441     return response;
  1442     }
  1444 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1445 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPrepareComplete
  1446 // Indicates success or failure.
  1447 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1448 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1449 //
  1450 void CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPrepareComplete(TInt aError)
  1451     {
  1452     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPrepareComplete called" )
  1453     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPrepareComplete error %i", aError )
  1454     if ( KErrNone == aError )
  1455         {
  1456         iPlayToneError = ESatSuccess;
  1458         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds zero( static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) );
  1460         iPlayer->SetPriority( KAudioPriorityLowLevel,
  1461                STATIC_CAST( TMdaPriorityPreference, KAudioPrefConfirmation ) );
  1463         iPlayer->SetRepeats( KMdaAudioToneRepeatForever, zero );
  1465         iPlayer->Play();
  1466         }
  1467     else
  1468         {
  1469         iPlayToneError = ESatFailure;
  1470         }
  1471     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPrepareComplete exit" )
  1472     }
  1474 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1475 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete
  1476 // Indicates success or failure.
  1477 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1478 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1479 //
  1480 void CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete( TInt aError )
  1481     {
  1482     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete calling" )
  1483     if ( KErrNone == aError && iPlayer )
  1484         {
  1485         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete play" )
  1486         iPlayer->Play();
  1487         }
  1488     else if ( iWait && iWait->IsStarted() )
  1489         {
  1490         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete stop playing" )
  1491         // Stops playing if error.
  1492         iWait->AsyncStop();
  1493         }
  1494     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MatoPlayComplete exit, error %i", aError )
  1495     }
  1497 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1498 // CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL
  1499 // Plays Standard Tone. If needed displays the text in a note
  1500 // while playing.
  1501 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1502 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1503 //
  1504 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL(
  1505     const TDesC& aText,
  1506     const TDesC8& aSequence,
  1507     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aDuration,
  1508     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1509     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  1510     {
  1511     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL called" )
  1512     StopShowWaitNote();
  1513     // Delete timer just in case e.g. if DisplayText was on the screen
  1514     DestroyCallBackTimer();
  1516     iPermanentNote = NULL;
  1517     iTimerRepeatOn = EFalse;
  1519     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL length of aText %i", \
  1520         aText.Length() )
  1521     if (aText.Length() != 0)
  1522         {
  1523         iPermanentNote = new (ELeave) CAknStaticNoteDialog();
  1524         iPermanentNote->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_PERMANENT_NOTE );
  1526         if ( ( !aSelfExplanatory ) || ( !aIconBitmap ) )
  1527             {
  1528             // Set text
  1529             iPermanentNote->SetTextL( aText );
  1530             }
  1532         if ( aIconBitmap )
  1533             {
  1534             //Set image 
  1535             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL SetImage" )
  1536             // Get scalable bitmap if available.
  1537             CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  1538             CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  1539             image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap ); 
  1540             iPermanentNote->SetImageL( image );
  1541             CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  1542             }
  1544         iForegroundControl = iPermanentNote;
  1545         iPermanentNote->RunLD();
  1546         iPermanentNote->DrawNow();
  1547         iCoeEnv->WsSession().Flush();
  1548         }
  1550     iPlayer = CMdaAudioToneUtility::NewL(*this);
  1552     TInt volume( iPlayer->MaxVolume() );
  1553     iPlayer->SetVolume( volume );
  1555     iPlayer->PrepareToPlayDesSequence( aSequence );
  1557     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds max32Bit(
  1558         static_cast<TInt64>( K32TIntMaxValue ) );
  1560     if ( aDuration > max32Bit )
  1561         {
  1562         // since timers can only handle 32-bit values,
  1563         // let's break the aDuration to smaller bits.
  1564         // we break it here to 8 bits to fit in 32-bit value
  1565         aDuration = aDuration.Int64() / KDivideByEight;
  1566         iTimerRepeatOn = ETrue;
  1567         }
  1569     CreateCallBackTimerL( I64INT( aDuration.Int64() ), DelayCallback );
  1571     if ( !iWait->IsStarted() )
  1572         {
  1573         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL starting iWait" )
  1574         iWait->Start();
  1575         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL strarting done" )
  1576         }
  1578     iPlayer->CancelPlay();
  1580     DestroyCallBackTimer();
  1582     delete iPlayer;
  1583     iPlayer = NULL;
  1585     if ( iPermanentNote )
  1586         {
  1587         iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  1588         delete iPermanentNote;
  1589         iPermanentNote = NULL;
  1590         }
  1591     iForegroundControl = NULL;
  1593     if ( !iEndKeyPressed )
  1594         {
  1595         ShowWaitNoteL();
  1596         }
  1598     //get warning and game tones setting from active profile
  1599     GetProfileParamsL();
  1601     if( ( EFalse == iWarningAndPlayTones ) && 
  1602                         ( ESatSuccess == iPlayToneError  ) )
  1603         {
  1604         iPlayToneError = ESatSuccessToneNotPlayed;
  1605         }
  1607     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayStandardToneL exit,return: %d", \
  1608         iPlayToneError )
  1609     return iPlayToneError;
  1610     }
  1612 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1613 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSendL
  1614 // Displays a query to get confirmation for Send SMS,
  1615 // Send SS or Send USSD command.
  1616 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1617 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1618 //
  1619 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSendL(
  1620     const TDesC& /* aText */,
  1621     TBool& aActionAccepted,
  1622     TInt aType)
  1623     {
  1624     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSendL called, aType: %d", \
  1625         aType )
  1626     HBufC* textHolder = NULL;
  1628     switch ( aType )
  1629         {
  1630         case ESatUiConfirmSendSms:
  1631             textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TEXT_SIMATK_SEND_SMS,
  1632                 iCoeEnv );
  1633             break;
  1634         case ESatUiConfirmSendSs:
  1635         case ESatUiConfirmSendUssd: //the same string for SS and USSD
  1636             textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TEXT_SIMATK_SEND_SS,
  1637                 iCoeEnv );
  1638             break;
  1639         default:
  1640             return ESatFailure;
  1641         }
  1643     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( R_SATUI_CONFIRM_SEND_CANCEL_QUERY,
  1644         *textHolder, NULL, EFalse, ESatUiSoftkeySend );
  1646     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSendL userResponse: %d", \
  1647         userResponse )
  1648     if ( userResponse )
  1649         {
  1650         aActionAccepted = ETrue;
  1651         }
  1652     else
  1653         {
  1654         aActionAccepted = EFalse;
  1655         }
  1657     if ( textHolder )
  1658         {
  1659         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); //textHolder
  1660         }
  1662     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSendL return ESatSuccess" )
  1663     return ESatSuccess;
  1664     }
  1666 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1667 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL
  1668 // Displays a wait note to indicate SMS sending.
  1669 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1670 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1671 //
  1672 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL( const TDesC& aText, 
  1673     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmapSendSM,
  1674     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryIcon )
  1675     {
  1677     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL called" )
  1679     iWaitNoteInUse = ETrue;
  1681     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL iWaitNote: %d", \
  1682         iWaitNote )
  1683     if ( NULL == iWaitNote )
  1684         {
  1685         iWaitNote = new(ELeave) CAknWaitDialog(
  1686             ( REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**, &iWaitNote ) ), ETrue );
  1687         iWaitNote->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_SMS_WAIT_NOTE );
  1689         if ( ( aText.Length() > 0 ) && ( !aSelfExplanatoryIcon ||
  1690             !aIconBitmapSendSM ) )
  1691             {
  1692             //Set text
  1693             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL SetText" )
  1694             iWaitNote->SetTextL( aText );
  1695             }
  1697         if ( aIconBitmapSendSM )
  1698             {
  1699             //Set image
  1700             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL SetImage" )
  1701             CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  1702             CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  1703             image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmapSendSM );               
  1704             iWaitNote->SetImageL( image );
  1705             CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  1706             }
  1708         iForegroundControl = iWaitNote;
  1709         iWaitNote->RunLD();
  1710         // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the wait dialog
  1711         // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
  1712         // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
  1713         // happened.
  1714         }
  1716     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSmsWaitNoteL exit" )
  1717     }
  1719 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1720 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL
  1721 // Displays a wait note to indicate SS sending.
  1722 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1723 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1724 //
  1725 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL( const TDesC& aText, 
  1726     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1727     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryIcon )
  1728     {
  1729     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL called" )
  1731     iWaitNoteInUse = ETrue;
  1733     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL iWaitNote: %d", \
  1734         iWaitNote )
  1735     if ( !iWaitNote )
  1736         {
  1737         iWaitNote = new ( ELeave ) CSatUiWaitDialog( 
  1738             ( REINTERPRET_CAST ( CEikDialog**,&iWaitNote ) ), 
  1739             *iAdapter, ETrue );
  1740         iForegroundControl = iWaitNote;
  1742         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL length of aText: %d",\
  1743             aText.Length() )
  1744         // if there is an alpha id
  1745         if ( aText.Length() > 0 )
  1746             {
  1747             // if there is not an icon or it's not self explanatory
  1748             if ( ( !aSelfExplanatoryIcon ) || ( !aIconBitmap ) )
  1749                 {
  1750                 iWaitNote->SetTextL( aText );
  1751                 }
  1753             if ( aIconBitmap )
  1754                 {
  1755                 //Set image
  1756                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL SetImage" )
  1757                 CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  1758                 CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  1759                 image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap );
  1760                 iWaitNote->SetImageL( image );
  1761                 CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  1762                 }
  1764             iWaitNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_SS_WAIT_NOTE );
  1765             }
  1766         else
  1767             {
  1768             iWaitNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_REQUESTING_WAIT_NOTE );    
  1769             }
  1770         // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the wait dialog
  1771         // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
  1772         // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
  1773         // happened.
  1774         }
  1775     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsWaitNoteL exit" )
  1776     }
  1778 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1779 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL
  1780 // Shows a wait note while DTMF are being sent.
  1781 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1782 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1783 //
  1784 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL( const TDesC& aText, 
  1785     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1786     const TBool aSelfExplanatoryIcon )
  1787     {
  1788     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL called" )
  1789     TSatUiResponse response(ESatFailure);
  1791     iWaitNoteInUse = ETrue;
  1793     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL iWaitNote: %d", \
  1794         iWaitNote )
  1795     if ( !iWaitNote )
  1796         {
  1797         iWaitNote = new ( ELeave ) CSatUiWaitDialog(
  1798             (REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**,&iWaitNote ) ), *iAdapter, ETrue );
  1800         if ( ( aText.Length() > 0 ) &&
  1801             ( ( !aSelfExplanatoryIcon ) || ( !aIconBitmap ) ) )
  1802             {
  1803             iWaitNote->SetTextL( aText );
  1804             }
  1806         if ( aIconBitmap )
  1807             {
  1808             //Set image
  1809             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL SetImage" )
  1810             CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  1811             CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  1812             image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap ); 
  1813             iWaitNote->SetImageL( image );
  1814             CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  1815             }
  1817         iForegroundControl = iWaitNote;
  1818         iWaitNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_DTMF_WAIT_NOTE );
  1819         // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the wait dialog
  1820         // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
  1821         // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
  1822         // happened.
  1823         response = ESatSuccess;
  1824         }
  1825     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowDtmfWaitNoteL exit, return: %d",\
  1826         response )
  1827     return response;
  1828     }
  1830 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1831 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmRefreshL
  1832 // Displays a query to get confirmation Refresh command.
  1833 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1834 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1835 //
  1836 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmRefreshL(TBool& aActionAccepted)
  1837     {
  1838     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmRefreshL called" )
  1839     StopShowWaitNote();
  1841     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
  1843     HBufC* textHolder = NULL;
  1845     textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SAT_QUERY_ALLOW_RESET,
  1846             iCoeEnv );
  1848     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( R_SATUI_CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL_QUERY,
  1849         *textHolder, NULL, EFalse, EAknSoftkeyOk );
  1851     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmRefreshL userResponse: %d", \
  1852         userResponse )
  1853     if ( userResponse )
  1854         {
  1855         aActionAccepted = ETrue;
  1856         }
  1857     else
  1858         {
  1859         aActionAccepted = EFalse;
  1860         }
  1862     if ( textHolder )
  1863         {
  1864         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); //textHolder
  1865         }
  1867     ShowWaitNoteL();
  1869     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmRefreshL exit, return: %d",\
  1870         response )
  1871     return response;
  1872     }
  1874 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1875 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL
  1876 // Displays info about call control to user
  1877 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1878 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1879 //
  1880 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL(
  1881     const TDesC& aText,
  1882     const TSatAlphaIdStatus aAlphaIdStatus )
  1883     {
  1884     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL called" )
  1886     if ( !iCcNote ) 
  1887         {
  1888         iCcNote = CAknGlobalNote::NewL();
  1889         }
  1890     iCcNote->SetTone( CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone );
  1892     if ( ESatAlphaIdNotNull == aAlphaIdStatus )
  1893         {
  1894         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL AlphaIdNotNull" )
  1896         // The note will be disabled by the phone UI when the call is 
  1897         // in connecting status. But call controll case is an exception, So we
  1898         // use RAknKeyLock to enable soft notifications.
  1899         RAknKeyLock keyLock;
  1900         TInt errorCode = keyLock.Connect();
  1901         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL connect error %d", \
  1902             errorCode )
  1903         if ( KErrNone == errorCode )
  1904             {
  1905             keyLock.EnableSoftNotifications( ETrue );
  1906             }
  1907         keyLock.Close();
  1909         iCcNote->SetSoftkeys( R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY );
  1910         iCcNoteId = iCcNote->ShowNoteL( 
  1911                                        EAknGlobalInformationNote, aText );
  1912         CreateCallBackTimerL( K3Seconds, CloseCallControlNoteL );
  1913         if ( iWait && !iWait->IsStarted() )
  1914             {
  1915             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL iWait starting" )
  1916             iWait->Start();
  1917             }
  1918         DestroyCallBackTimer();
  1919         }
  1920     else
  1921         {
  1922         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL AlphaId Null" )
  1923         iCcNote->ShowNoteL( EAknGlobalInformationNote, aText );
  1924         }
  1926     if ( iCcNote )
  1927         {
  1928         delete iCcNote;
  1929         iCcNote = NULL;
  1930         }
  1931     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CallControlL exit" )
  1933     return ESatSuccess;
  1934     }
  1936 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1937 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL
  1938 // Displays info about Mo SM control to user
  1939 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1940 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1941 //
  1942 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL(
  1943     const TDesC& aText,
  1944     const TSatAlphaIdStatus aAlphaIdStatus )
  1945     {
  1946     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL called" )
  1947     if ( ESatAlphaIdNotNull == aAlphaIdStatus )
  1948         {
  1949         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL AlphaIdNotNull" )
  1950         CAknNoteDialog* dialog = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(
  1951             REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**,&dialog ),
  1952             CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone,
  1953             CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
  1955         dialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_MOSM_CONTROL_NOTE );
  1957         dialog->SetTextL( aText );
  1959         iForegroundControl = dialog;
  1960         dialog->RunLD();
  1961         }
  1962     else
  1963         {
  1964         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL AlphaId Null" )
  1965         CAknNoteDialog* dialog = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(
  1966             REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**,&dialog ),
  1967             CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone,
  1968             CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
  1970         dialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_INFORMATION_NOTE );
  1972         dialog->SetTextL( aText );
  1974         iForegroundControl = dialog;
  1975         dialog->RunLD();
  1976         }
  1977     iForegroundControl = NULL;
  1978     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MoSmControlL exit" )
  1979     return ESatSuccess;
  1980     }
  1982 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1983 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL
  1984 // Displays a query to get confirmation for Launch Browser
  1985 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1986 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1987 //
  1988 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL(
  1989     const TDesC& aText,
  1990     TBool& aActionAccepted,
  1991     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  1992     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  1993     {
  1994     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL called" )
  1996     TInt resource( 0 );
  1998     if ( aIconBitmap )
  1999         {
  2000         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL icon" )
  2001         resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL_QUERY_WITH_ICON;
  2002         }
  2003     else
  2004         {
  2005         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL no icon" )
  2006         resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL_QUERY;
  2007         }
  2009     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( resource, aText, aIconBitmap,
  2010         aSelfExplanatory, EAknSoftkeyOk ); 
  2012     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL userResponse %d",\
  2013         userResponse )
  2014     if ( userResponse )
  2015         {
  2016         aActionAccepted = ETrue;
  2017         }
  2018     else
  2019         {
  2020         aActionAccepted = EFalse;
  2021         }
  2023     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmLaunchBrowserL exit" )
  2024     }
  2026 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2027 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleCommandL
  2028 // Called by CSatUiView::HandleCommandL.
  2029 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2030 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2031 //
  2032 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleCommandL(
  2033     TInt aCommand )
  2034     {
  2035     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleCommandL called, aCommand: %d",\
  2036         aCommand )
  2037     switch ( aCommand )
  2038         {
  2039         case EEikCmdExit:
  2040             {
  2041             HandleExitCommandL();
  2042             break;
  2043             }
  2044         case EAknCmdHelp:
  2045             {
  2046             //Show Series 60 Help
  2047             HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), 
  2048                                                 AppHelpContextL() );
  2049             break;
  2050             }
  2051         default: 
  2052             break;
  2053         }
  2054     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleCommandL exit" )
  2055     }
  2057 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2058 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL
  2059 // Handling of the exit softkey.
  2060 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2061 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2062 //
  2063 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL()
  2064     {
  2065     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL called" )
  2067     if ( iBipWaitNote )
  2068         {
  2069         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL iBipWaitNote" )
  2070         SetCommandPending( EFalse );
  2071         }
  2073     if ( iWait )
  2074         {
  2075         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL iWait " )
  2076         if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
  2077             {
  2078             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL \
  2079                 iWait->AsyncStop()" )
  2080             iWait->AsyncStop();
  2081             }
  2082         }
  2084     CloseDialogs();
  2086     if ( iEndKeyPressed )
  2087         {
  2088         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL endkeypressed" )
  2089         // Inform SAT Server that end key has been pressed
  2090         iAdapter->SessionTerminated( EEndKeyUsed );        
  2091         }
  2093     if ( !iCommandPending )
  2094         {
  2095         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL !iCommandPending" )
  2097         if ( iPlayer && EMdaAudioToneUtilityPlaying == iPlayer->State() )
  2098             {
  2099             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL cancel playtone")
  2100             iPlayer->CancelPlay();
  2101             }
  2103         if ( iAudioPlayer )
  2104             {
  2105             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL cancel \
  2106                 userselected tone" )
  2107             iAudioPlayer->Stop();
  2108             delete iAudioPlayer;
  2109             iAudioPlayer = NULL;
  2110             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL\
  2111                 iAudioPlayer deleted" )
  2112             }
  2113         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL exiting AppUI ")
  2114         Exit();
  2115         }
  2116     if ( iWaitNoteInUse )
  2117         {
  2118         iCommandPending = EFalse;
  2119         }
  2120     if ( iSelectItemPending && !iEndKeyPressed )
  2121         {
  2122         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL SelectItem pending" )
  2123         iSessionTerminated = ETrue;
  2124         iSelectItemView->HandleCommandL( ESatUiCmdExit );
  2125         }
  2127     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleExitCommandL exit" )
  2128     }
  2130 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2131 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL
  2132 // Handling of the window server events.
  2133 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2134 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2135 //
  2136 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL( 
  2137         const TWsEvent& aEvent,
  2138         CCoeControl* aDestination )
  2139     {
  2140     switch ( aEvent.Type() )
  2141         {
  2142         // This is End key closing event. If this window server event is 
  2143         // received, by default application will be closed unless it is 
  2144         // the system application.
  2145         case KAknUidValueEndKeyCloseEvent:
  2146             {            
  2147             // Performs the same behaviour as when Exit softkey is pressed.
  2148             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL End key pressed" )
  2149             iEndKeyPressed = ETrue;
  2150             HandleExitCommandL();
  2151             break;
  2152             }
  2153         case EEventPointer:
  2154             {
  2155             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL EEventPointer" )
  2156             const TPointerEvent& pointer = *( aEvent.Pointer() );
  2157             const TPointerEvent::TType pointerType = pointer.iType;
  2159             if ( ( TPointerEvent::EButton1Down == pointerType ) ||
  2160                  ( TPointerEvent::EButton2Down == pointerType ) ||
  2161                  ( TPointerEvent::EButton3Down == pointerType ) )
  2162                 {
  2163                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL EEventPointer\
  2164                     handle the event" )
  2165                 // Check if we need to end play tone    
  2166                 StopPlayToneL();
  2167                 }
  2168             break;
  2169             }
  2170         case EEventKeyDown:
  2171             {
  2172             // Handles other user key presses
  2173             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL EEventKeyDown" )
  2174             // Check if we need to end play tone
  2175             StopPlayToneL();
  2176             if ( iImmediateDigitResponse )
  2177                 {
  2178                 HandleImmediateDigitResponse( aEvent.Key()->iScanCode );
  2179                 }
  2180             break;
  2181             }
  2183         default:
  2184             break;
  2185         }
  2186     // Forwards event to the base class.
  2187     CAknViewAppUi::HandleWsEventL( aEvent, aDestination );
  2188     PriorityVerifyAndClose( aEvent );
  2189     }
  2191 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2192 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HelpStatus
  2193 // Help support status
  2194 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2196 //
  2197 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HelpStatus( TBool aStatus )
  2198     {
  2199     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HelpStatus calling" )
  2200     iHelp = aStatus;
  2201     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HelpStatus exiting" )
  2202     }
  2204 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2205 // CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback
  2206 // Delay Callback function. Completes after predefined 
  2207 // time has passed
  2208 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2209 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2210 //
  2211 TInt CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback( TAny* aPtr )
  2212     {
  2213     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback calling" )
  2214     if ( ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iTimerRepeatOn )
  2215         {
  2216         if ( ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iTimerRepeatCount++ == KDivideByEight )
  2217             {
  2218             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 1" )
  2219             if ( ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iWait->IsStarted() )
  2220                 {
  2221                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 2" )
  2222                 ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iWait->AsyncStop();
  2223                 }
  2224             if ( ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iGetInputDialog ||
  2225                 ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iQueryDialog )
  2226                 {
  2227                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 3" )
  2228                 ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->
  2229                     iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = ETrue;
  2230                 ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->CloseDialogs();
  2231                 }
  2232             }
  2233         else
  2234             {
  2235             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 4" )
  2236             return ( ETrue );
  2237             }
  2238         }
  2239     else
  2240         {
  2241         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 5" )
  2242         if ( ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iWait->IsStarted() )
  2243             {
  2244             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 6" )
  2245             ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iWait->AsyncStop();
  2246             }
  2247         }
  2249     // Close DisplayText dialog if clearing after delay is requested
  2250     if ( ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iDisplayTextDialog ||
  2251         ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iDisplayTextIconDialog )
  2252         {
  2253         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 7" )
  2254         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = ETrue;
  2255         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->ClearScreen();
  2256         }    
  2257     else if ( ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iGetInputDialog ||
  2258         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iQueryDialog )
  2259         {
  2260         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback  -- 8" )
  2261         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = ETrue;
  2262         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->CloseDialogs();
  2263         }
  2265     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DelayCallback exiting" )
  2266     return ( EFalse );
  2267     }
  2269 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2270 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerLC
  2271 // Creates a callback timer
  2272 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2273 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2274 //
  2275 void CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerL( const TInt aDelay, 
  2276     TInt (*aFunction)(TAny* aPtr) )
  2277     {
  2278     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerLC called" )
  2279     iTimerRepeatCount = 0;
  2280     iTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CActive::EPriorityStandard );
  2282     if ( iTimerRepeatOn )
  2283         {
  2284         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerLC repeating" )
  2285         iTimer->Start( aDelay, aDelay,
  2286             TCallBack( aFunction, this  ) );
  2287         }
  2288     else
  2289         {
  2290         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerLC \
  2291             no repeating" )
  2292         iTimer->Start( aDelay, KMicroSecondsInSecond,
  2293             TCallBack( aFunction, this  ) );
  2294         }
  2296     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CreateCallBackTimerLC exit" )
  2297     }
  2299 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2300 // CSatUiViewAppUi::DestroyCallBackTimer
  2301 // Destroys the callback timer
  2302 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2303 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2304 //
  2305 void CSatUiViewAppUi::DestroyCallBackTimer( )
  2306     {
  2307     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DestroyCallBackTimer() called" )
  2308     delete iTimer;
  2309     iTimer = NULL;
  2310     iTimerRepeatOn = EFalse;
  2311     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DestroyCallBackTimer() exit" )
  2312     }
  2314 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2315 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL
  2316 // Takes care of external launching.
  2317 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2318 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2319 //
  2320 TBool CSatUiViewAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL(
  2321     TApaCommand aCommand,
  2322     TFileName& aDocumentName,
  2323     const TDesC8& aTail )
  2324     {
  2325     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL called,\
  2326         aCommand: %d", aCommand )    
  2327     // TApaCommand is 0 for SIM originated opening and 2 for user originated
  2328     // opening. Empty view is only needed for SIM originated opening. 
  2329     if ( EApaCommandOpen == aCommand )
  2330         {
  2331         // Creates empty view for commands without view.
  2332         CreateEmptyMenuL();
  2333         }
  2335     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL exit" )
  2336     return CAknViewAppUi::ProcessCommandParametersL( aCommand, aDocumentName, 
  2337                                                      aTail );
  2338     }
  2340 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2341 // CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive
  2342 // Called when user has been inactive for a pre-defined time period
  2343 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2344 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2345 //
  2346 TInt CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive( TAny* aPtr )
  2347     {
  2348     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive calling" )
  2349     ((CSatUiViewAppUi* )aPtr)->iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay = ETrue;
  2351     //lint -e{961} else block not needed.
  2352     if ( ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iDisplayTextDialog ||
  2353         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iDisplayTextIconDialog )
  2354         {
  2355         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive clear screen" )
  2356         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->ClearScreen();
  2357         }
  2358     else if ( ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iQueryDialog ||
  2359         ( (CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->iGetInputDialog )
  2360         {
  2361         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive close dialog" )
  2362         ( ( CSatUiViewAppUi* ) aPtr )->CloseDialogs();
  2363         }
  2365     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchUserInactive exiting" )
  2366     return (EFalse);
  2367     }
  2369 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2370 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MakeGetInputBitmapMask
  2371 // Make a mask for get input icon
  2372 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2373 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2374 //
  2375 void CSatUiViewAppUi::MakeGetInputBitmapMask( CFbsBitmap* aMask,
  2376         TSize aSize ) const
  2377     {
  2378     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MakeGetInputBitmapMask calling" )
  2379     TInt width = aSize.iWidth;
  2380     TInt height = aSize.iHeight;
  2381     aMask->Create( TSize( width, height ), EColor16M );
  2383     TBitmapUtil bitmap1Util( aMask );
  2384     // Begin manipulation with bitmap1Util, setting initial pixel to 0,0 
  2385     bitmap1Util.Begin( TPoint( 0,0 ) ); 
  2387     // Make mask which covers whole icon
  2388     for ( TInt y = 0; y < height; y++ )
  2389         {
  2390         for ( TInt x = 0; x < width; x++ )
  2391             {
  2392             bitmap1Util.SetPos( TPoint( x, y ) );
  2393             bitmap1Util.SetPixel( 0x0000ff );
  2394             }
  2395         }
  2396     bitmap1Util.End();
  2397     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MakeGetInputBitmapMask exiting" )
  2398     }
  2400 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2401 // CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchTimer
  2402 // Dispatch iWait to action implementer.
  2403 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2404 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2405 // 
  2406 void CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchTimer( CActiveSchedulerWait& aWait )
  2407     {
  2408     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchTimer calling" )
  2409     iWait = &aWait;
  2410     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::DispatchTimer exiting" )
  2411     }
  2413 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2414 // CSatUiViewAppUi::GetEndKey
  2415 // Get a flag which is indicating if end key is pressed.
  2416 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2417 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2418 //
  2419 TBool CSatUiViewAppUi::GetEndKey()
  2420     {
  2421     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetEndKey calling-exiting" )
  2422     return iEndKeyPressed;
  2423     }
  2425 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2426 // CSatUiViewAppUi::SetEndKey
  2427 // Set a flag which is indicating if end key is pressed.
  2428 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2429 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2430 //
  2431 void CSatUiViewAppUi::SetEndKey( TBool aValue )
  2432     {
  2433     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetEndKey calling, aValue:%d", aValue )
  2434     iEndKeyPressed = aValue;
  2435     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetEndKey exiting" )    
  2436     }
  2438 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2439 // CSatUiViewAppUi::SetCommandPending
  2440 // Set a flag which is indicating proactive command is pending.
  2441 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2442 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2443 //
  2444 void CSatUiViewAppUi::SetCommandPending( TBool aValue )
  2445     {
  2446     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetCommandPending calling, aValue:%d", \
  2447         aValue )
  2448     iCommandPending = aValue;
  2449     if ( aValue )
  2450         {
  2451         // Cancels a request to save RAM when higher than normal buffer size is
  2452         // no longer required.
  2453         CAknEnv::Static()->CancelWsBufferRequest( iReqWSBufferID );
  2454         }
  2455     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::SetCommandPending exiting" )  
  2456     }
  2458 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2459 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs
  2460 // Close all existing dialogs.
  2461 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2462 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2463 //
  2464 void CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs()
  2465     {
  2466     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() called" )
  2467     if ( iWaitNote || iBipWaitNote || iNoteDialog ) 
  2468         {
  2469         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() StopShowWaitNote" )
  2470         StopShowWaitNote();
  2471         }
  2472     if ( iDisplayTextDialog )
  2473         {
  2474         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() iDisplayTextDialog" )
  2475         delete iDisplayTextDialog;
  2476         iDisplayTextDialog = NULL;
  2477         iImmediateRsp = EFalse;
  2478         }
  2479     if ( iDisplayTextIconDialog )
  2480         {
  2481         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() iDisplayTextIconDialog" )
  2482         delete iDisplayTextIconDialog;
  2483         iDisplayTextIconDialog = NULL;
  2484         iImmediateRsp = EFalse;
  2485         }
  2486     if ( iGetInputDialog )
  2487         {
  2488         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() iGetInputDialog" )
  2489         TRAP_IGNORE( iGetInputDialog->DismissQueryL() )
  2490         iGetInputDialog = NULL;
  2491         }
  2492     if ( iQueryDialog )
  2493         {
  2494         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() iQueryDialog" )
  2495         delete iQueryDialog;
  2496         iQueryDialog = NULL;
  2497         }
  2498     if ( iPermanentNote )
  2499         {
  2500         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() iPermanentNote" )
  2501         // CAknNoteDialog has already performed deletion when user action.
  2502         iPermanentNote = NULL;
  2503         }
  2504     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseDialogs() exit" )
  2505     }
  2507 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2508 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete
  2509 // Plays the tone.
  2510 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2511 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2512 //
  2513 void CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete( TInt aError, 
  2514     const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& /*aDuration*/ )
  2515     {
  2516     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete called" )
  2517     // Audio player is initialised, so if there is no error, we can start 
  2518     // playing the tone.
  2519     if( KErrNone == aError )
  2520         {
  2521         const TInt volume( Max( 0, Min( iVolume, 
  2522                            iAudioPlayer->MaxVolume() ) ) );
  2523         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::\
  2524             MapcInitComplete SetVolume %i", volume )
  2525         // Set volume according Settings. 
  2526         iAudioPlayer->SetVolume( volume );
  2527         iAudioPlayer->Play();
  2528         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete Play" )
  2529         }
  2530     else
  2531         {
  2532         // Otherwise, we delete the initialised audio player.
  2533         if ( iAudioPlayer )
  2534             {
  2535             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete iAudioPlayer \
  2536                           true" )
  2537             delete iAudioPlayer;
  2538             iAudioPlayer = NULL;
  2539             }
  2541         // Remove also the note for play tone
  2542         if ( iPermanentNote )
  2543             {
  2544             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete iPermanentNote \
  2545                           true" )
  2546             iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  2547             delete iPermanentNote;
  2548             iPermanentNote = NULL;
  2549             }
  2551         // If there was a duration for play tone, stop waiting
  2552         if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
  2553             {
  2554             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete stop iWait" )
  2555             iWait->AsyncStop();
  2556             }
  2558         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete Error %i", aError )
  2559         }
  2561     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcInitComplete exit" )
  2562     }
  2564 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2565 // CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete
  2566 // Deletes audio player after playing is completed.
  2567 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2568 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2569 //
  2570 void CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete( TInt aError )
  2571     {
  2572     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete called" )
  2574     // When playing is completed, deleting the audio player.
  2575     if ( iAudioPlayer )
  2576         {
  2577         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete delete iAudioPlayer" )
  2578         delete iAudioPlayer;
  2579         iAudioPlayer = NULL;
  2580         }
  2581     // Remove note after play has completed.
  2582     if ( iPermanentNote )
  2583         {
  2584         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete ExitSleepingDialog" )
  2585         iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  2586         delete iPermanentNote;
  2587         iPermanentNote = NULL;
  2588         }
  2589     // Show wait note only for samples that have duration, otherwise there is
  2590     // chance that wait note is not stopped.
  2591     if ( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) != iDuration )
  2592         {
  2593         // It does not affect for tone playing if wait note
  2594         // is not able to show.
  2595         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete ShowWaitNoteL" )
  2596         TRAP_IGNORE( ShowWaitNoteL() )
  2597         }
  2599     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::MapcPlayComplete exit, error:%i", aError )
  2600     }
  2602 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2603 // CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL
  2604 // Plays user selected tone from active Profile. 
  2605 // If needed displays the text in a note while playing.
  2606 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2607 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2608 //
  2609 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL(
  2610     const TDesC& aText,
  2611     TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aDuration,
  2612     TSatTone aTone,
  2613     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  2614     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  2615     {
  2616     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL called" )
  2617     StopShowWaitNote();
  2618     // Delete timer just in case e.g. if DisplayText was on the screen
  2619     DestroyCallBackTimer();
  2621     iPermanentNote = NULL;
  2622     iDuration = aDuration;
  2624     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL length of aText \
  2625         %d", aText.Length() )
  2626     if ( 0 != aText.Length() )
  2627         {
  2628         iPermanentNote = new (ELeave) CAknStaticNoteDialog();
  2629         iPermanentNote->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_PERMANENT_NOTE );
  2631         if ( ( !aSelfExplanatory ) || ( !aIconBitmap ) )
  2632             {
  2633             // Set text
  2634             iPermanentNote->SetTextL( aText );
  2635             }
  2637         if ( aIconBitmap )
  2638             {
  2639             //Set image 
  2640             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL SetImage" )
  2641             CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  2642             CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  2643             image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap ); 
  2644             iPermanentNote->SetImageL( image );
  2645             CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  2646             }
  2648         iPermanentNote->SetTimeout( CAknNoteDialog::ENoTimeout );
  2649         iForegroundControl = iPermanentNote;
  2650         iPermanentNote->RunLD();
  2651         }
  2653     // If several messages/calls arrive during a small amount of time and if the
  2654     // message received or incoming call tone is already being played we do not 
  2655     // restart it.
  2656     if ( iAudioPlayer )
  2657         {
  2658         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::\
  2659             PlayUserSelectedToneL Error - already played" )
  2660         return ESatFailure;
  2661         }
  2663     // This defines name for the current message alert or incoming call tone. 
  2664     TBuf<KMaxSoundFileLength> soundFileName;
  2665     GetProfileParamsL( aTone, &soundFileName );
  2666     // This defines the behaviour to be adopted by an
  2667     // audio client if a higher priority client takes over the device.
  2668     TInt mdaPriority( KAudioPrefIncomingCall );
  2669     // This is used to resolve conflicts when more than one client tries to 
  2670     // access the same sound output device simultaneously.
  2671     TInt audioPriority( KAudioPriorityPhoneCall );
  2673     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL\
  2674         Volume is %i ", iVolume )
  2676     // Creates the audio player.
  2677     iAudioPlayer = CMdaAudioPlayerUtility::NewFilePlayerL( 
  2678         soundFileName,                                                
  2679         *this,                                              
  2680         audioPriority,                                                  
  2681         ( TMdaPriorityPreference ) mdaPriority );
  2683     if ( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) != aDuration )
  2684         {
  2685         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL duration not 0" )
  2686         TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds max32Bit( 
  2687             static_cast<TInt64>( K32TIntMaxValue ) );
  2688         if ( aDuration > max32Bit )
  2689             {
  2690             // Timers can only handle 32-bit values 
  2691             // and 64-bit value is received.
  2692             // Let's break the aDuration to smaller bits.
  2693             // Divided here by 8 to fit in 32-bit maxvalue.
  2694             // Loops 8 times in DelayCallback to play tone
  2695             // right duration. 
  2696             aDuration = aDuration.Int64() / KDivideByEight;
  2697             iTimerRepeatOn = ETrue;
  2698             }
  2699         iAudioPlayer->SetRepeats( KSoundPlayerRepeatForever, 
  2700                                   TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( 
  2701                                   static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) );
  2702         CreateCallBackTimerL( I64INT( aDuration.Int64() ), DelayCallback );
  2704         if ( !iWait->IsStarted() )
  2705             {
  2706             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL\
  2707                 starting iWait" )
  2708             iWait->Start();
  2709             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL\
  2710                 strarting done" )
  2711             }
  2713         // Sample is played in forever loop for the duration.
  2714         // After duration call back timers are destroyed       
  2715         DestroyCallBackTimer();
  2716         // If player exists, stop playing and delete player. MapcPlayComplete
  2717         // is not called because CallBackTimer stops the playing.
  2718         if ( iAudioPlayer )
  2719             {
  2720             iAudioPlayer->Stop();
  2721             delete iAudioPlayer;
  2722             iAudioPlayer = NULL;
  2723             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL\
  2724                 iAudioPlayer deleted" )
  2725             }
  2726         // Remove note after play has completed.
  2727         if ( iPermanentNote )
  2728             {
  2729             iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  2730             delete iPermanentNote;
  2731             iPermanentNote = NULL;
  2732             }
  2733         iForegroundControl = NULL;
  2735         if ( !iEndKeyPressed )
  2736             {
  2737             ShowWaitNoteL();
  2738             }
  2740         }
  2741     else
  2742         {
  2743         // If duration is zero then tone is played only once.
  2744         // Playing duration is same as duration of the sample.
  2745         iAudioPlayer->SetRepeats(
  2746             0, TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) );
  2747         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL SetRepeats 0" )
  2748         }
  2750     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PlayUserSelectedToneL exit" )
  2751     if( EFalse == iWarningAndPlayTones )
  2752         {
  2753         return ESatSuccessToneNotPlayed;
  2754         }
  2756     return ESatSuccess;
  2757     }
  2760 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2761 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL
  2762 // Displays a query to get confirmation for Open Channel command.
  2763 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2764 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2765 //
  2766 TSatUiResponse CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL(
  2767     const TDesC& aText,
  2768     TBool& aActionAccepted,
  2769     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmapOpenChannel,
  2770     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  2771     {
  2772     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL called" )
  2774     TSatUiResponse response( ESatSuccess );
  2775     TInt resource( 0 );
  2776     TPtrC textPtr( aText );
  2777     HBufC* textHolder = NULL;
  2779     if ( aIconBitmapOpenChannel )
  2780         {
  2781         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL have icon" )
  2782         resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL_QUERY_WITH_ICON;
  2783         }
  2784     else
  2785         {
  2786         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL no icon" )
  2787         resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_OK_CANCEL_QUERY;
  2789         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL length of \
  2790             aText %d", aText.Length() )
  2791         if ( 0 == aText.Length() )
  2792             {
  2793             textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SAT_CONF_OPEN_CHANNEL_BIP,
  2794                 iCoeEnv );    
  2795             textPtr.Set( *textHolder ); 
  2796             }
  2797         }
  2799     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( resource, textPtr,
  2800         aIconBitmapOpenChannel, aSelfExplanatory, EAknSoftkeyOk );
  2802     if ( textHolder )
  2803         {
  2804         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); 
  2805         }
  2807     if ( userResponse )
  2808         {
  2809         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL action accepted" )
  2810         aActionAccepted = ETrue;
  2811         }
  2812     else
  2813         {
  2814         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL action not \
  2815             accepted" )
  2816         aActionAccepted = EFalse;
  2817         }
  2821     ShowWaitNoteL();
  2823     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmOpenChannelL exit,return: %d",\
  2824         response )
  2825     return response;
  2826     }
  2828 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2829 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL
  2830 // Displays the BIP note.
  2831 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2832 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2833 //
  2834 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL( TInt aCommand, const TDesC& aText,
  2835     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  2836     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  2837     {
  2838     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() called" )
  2839     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() aCommand: %d", aCommand )
  2841     iWaitNoteInUse = ETrue;
  2842     TBool showNote( EFalse );
  2843     TInt resourceId( 0 );
  2844     switch ( aCommand )
  2845         {
  2846         case ESendDataIdentier: // fall through
  2847         case EReceiveDataIdentifier:
  2848             {
  2849             resourceId = R_SATUI_BIP_WAIT_NOTE;
  2850             showNote = ETrue;
  2851             break;
  2852             }
  2853         case ECloseChannelIdentifier:
  2854             {
  2855             HBufC* textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC(
  2856                         R_QTN_SAT_CONF_CLOSE_CHANNEL_BIP, iCoeEnv );
  2858             if ( !iNoteDialog )
  2859                 {
  2860                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL no NoteDialog" )
  2861                 iNoteDialog = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(
  2862                     REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**, &iNoteDialog ),
  2863                     CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone,
  2864                     CAknNoteDialog::EShortTimeout );
  2866                 if ( aIconBitmap )
  2867                     {
  2868                     iNoteDialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_CLOSE_CHANNEL_ICON_NOTE );
  2869                     //Set image
  2870                     TFLOGSTRING(
  2871                         "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL SetImage" )
  2872                     CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  2873                     CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  2874                     image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap );
  2875                     iNoteDialog->SetImageL( image );
  2876                     CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  2877                     }
  2878                 else
  2879                     {
  2880                     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL no Icon" )
  2881                     iNoteDialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_CLOSE_CHANNEL_NOTE );
  2882                     }
  2884                 // inform the user using received alpha id
  2885                 if ( ( aText.Length() > 0 ) &&
  2886                     ( !aSelfExplanatory || !aIconBitmap ) )
  2887                     {
  2888                     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL using \
  2889                         received alpha id" )
  2890                     iNoteDialog->SetTextL( aText );
  2891                     }
  2892                 // inform the user using localized text
  2893                 else if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
  2894                     {
  2895                     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL using \
  2896                         localized text" )
  2897                     iNoteDialog->SetTextL( *textHolder );
  2898                     }
  2900                 iForegroundControl = iNoteDialog;
  2901                 iNoteDialog->RunLD();    
  2902                 // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the note dialog
  2903                 // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
  2904                 // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
  2905                 // happened.
  2906                 }
  2908             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); // textHolder
  2910             showNote = EFalse;
  2911             break;
  2912             }
  2913         default:
  2914             {
  2915             showNote = EFalse;
  2916             break;
  2917             }
  2918         }
  2919     if ( showNote )
  2920         {
  2922         // First, stop normal wait note.
  2923         if ( iWaitNote )
  2924             {
  2925             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() Closing WaitNote" )
  2926             TRAP_IGNORE( iWaitNote->ProcessFinishedL() )
  2927             iWaitNote = NULL;
  2928             }
  2930         if ( !iBipWaitNote )
  2931             {
  2932             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() no  BipWaitNote" )
  2933             iBipWaitNote = new ( ELeave ) CSatUiWaitDialog(
  2934                 (REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&iBipWaitNote)),
  2935                 *iAdapter, ETrue );
  2937             if ( ( aText.Length() > 0 ) && ( !aSelfExplanatory ||
  2938                 !aIconBitmap ) )
  2939                 {
  2940                 iBipWaitNote->SetTextL( aText );
  2941                 }
  2943             if ( aIconBitmap )
  2944                 {
  2945                 //Set image
  2946                 TFLOGSTRING(
  2947                     "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL SetImage" )    
  2948                 CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  2949                 CleanupStack::PushL( image );
  2950                 image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap );      
  2951                 iBipWaitNote->SetImageL( image );
  2952                 CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  2953                 }
  2955             iForegroundControl = iBipWaitNote;
  2956             iBipWaitNote->ExecuteLD( resourceId );
  2957             // iForegroundControl won't be clear until the BipWait dialog
  2958             // closed. It will avoid we lose the chance to set focus for
  2959             // the wait dialog when the switch of foreground/background
  2960             // happened.
  2961             }
  2962         else
  2963             {
  2964             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() have BipWaitNote" )
  2965             // BIP note already exists, update text if not with self
  2966             // explanatory icon
  2967             if ( ( aText.Length() > 0 ) &&
  2968                 ( !aSelfExplanatory || !aIconBitmap ) )
  2969                 {
  2970                 iBipWaitNote->SetTextL( aText );
  2971                 }
  2972             else if ( aSelfExplanatory && aIconBitmap )
  2973                 {
  2974                 const TDesC emptyText( KNullDesC );
  2975                 iBipWaitNote->SetTextL( emptyText );
  2976                 }
  2977             // BIP note already exists, update image
  2978             if ( aIconBitmap )
  2979                 {
  2980                 //Set image
  2981                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL SetImage" )   
  2982                 CEikImage* image = new ( ELeave ) CEikImage();
  2983                 CleanupStack::PushL( image ); 
  2984                 image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap );            
  2985                 iBipWaitNote->SetImageL( image );
  2986                 CleanupStack::Pop( image );
  2987                 }
  2988             }
  2989         }
  2990     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowBIPNoteL() exit" )
  2991     }
  2993 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2994 // CSatUiViewAppUi::RemoveNullCharacters
  2995 // Null characters are removed from text
  2996 // (other items were commented in a header).
  2997 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2998 //
  2999 void CSatUiViewAppUi::RemoveNullCharacters( HBufC* aText )
  3000     {
  3001     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RemoveNullCharacters calling" )
  3002     TPtr titleptr = aText->Des();
  3003     TInt nullLocation( 0 );
  3004     while ( ( nullLocation = titleptr.Locate( NULL ) ) >= 0 )
  3005         {
  3006         titleptr.Delete( nullLocation, 1 );
  3007         }
  3008     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RemoveNullCharacters exiting" )
  3009     }
  3011 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3012 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL
  3013 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3014 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3015 //
  3016 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL( 
  3017     const TDesC& aText,
  3018     const TDesC& aSimAppName,
  3019     TBool& aActionAccepted,
  3020     const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  3021     const TBool aSelfExplanatory )
  3022     {
  3023     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL calling" )
  3025     aActionAccepted = EFalse;
  3026     TPtrC text( aText );
  3027     HBufC* textHolder = NULL;
  3028     HBufC* titleHolder = NULL;    
  3029     TInt resource( 0 );
  3031     if ( aIconBitmap )
  3032         {
  3033         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL have icon" )
  3036         }
  3037     else
  3038         {
  3039         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL no icon" )
  3040         resource = R_SATUI_CONFIRM_CALL_CANCEL_QUERY;
  3042         TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL length of aText, \
  3043             %d", aText.Length() )
  3044         if ( aText.Length() == 0 )
  3045             {
  3047             if ( aSimAppName.Length() > 0 )
  3048                 {
  3049                 titleHolder = aSimAppName.AllocLC();
  3050                 }
  3051             else
  3052                 {
  3053                 titleHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SAT_QUERY_TITLE, 
  3054                     iCoeEnv );
  3055                 }
  3057             textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_TEXT_CALL_SETUP_BY_SIMATK, 
  3058                 *titleHolder, iCoeEnv );
  3060             RemoveNullCharacters( textHolder );
  3062             text.Set(*textHolder);
  3063             }
  3064         }
  3066     TInt userResponse = RunQueryDialogL( resource, text, aIconBitmap,
  3067         aSelfExplanatory, ESatUiSoftkeyCall );
  3069     if ( textHolder )
  3070         {
  3071         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); //textHolder
  3072         }
  3074     if ( titleHolder )
  3075         {
  3076         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( titleHolder ); //titleHolder
  3077         }
  3079     if ( userResponse )
  3080         {
  3081         aActionAccepted = ETrue;
  3082         }
  3084     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ConfirmSetUpCallL exiting" )
  3085     }
  3087 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3088 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowNotAvailableNoteL
  3089 // Show note indicating SAT is not available
  3090 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3091 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3092 //
  3093 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowNotAvailableNoteL()
  3094     {
  3095     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowNotAvailableNoteL() called" )
  3096     CAknNoteDialog* noteDialog = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(
  3097         REINTERPRET_CAST(CEikDialog**,&noteDialog),
  3098         CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone,
  3099         CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
  3101     HBufC* textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_SAT_SERVICES_NOT_AVAILABLE,
  3102             iCoeEnv );
  3104     noteDialog->PrepareLC( R_SATUI_INFORMATION_NOTE );
  3105     noteDialog->SetTextL( *textHolder );
  3106     iForegroundControl = noteDialog;
  3107     noteDialog->RunLD();
  3108     iForegroundControl = NULL;
  3110     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder );
  3112     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowNotAvailableNoteL() exit" )    
  3113     }
  3115 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3116 // CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryIconDialogL
  3117 // Make and run note dialog with an icon
  3118 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3119 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3120 //
  3121 TInt CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryDialogL(
  3122     TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aText, const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap,
  3123     const TBool aSelfExplanatory, TInt aMskCommand )
  3124     {
  3125     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryDialogL called" )
  3126     CEikImage* image = new(ELeave) CEikImage;
  3127     CleanupStack::PushL( image );     
  3128     iQueryDialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  3129     iQueryDialog->PrepareLC( aResourceId );
  3130     TInt userResponse( 0 );
  3132     if ( aIconBitmap )
  3133         {
  3134         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryDialogL set icon" ) 
  3135         image->SetBitmap( aIconBitmap );
  3137         // Create mask for icon bitmap
  3138         CFbsBitmap* mask = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
  3139         TSize size = aIconBitmap->SizeInPixels();
  3140         MakeGetInputBitmapMask( mask, size );
  3141         image->SetMask( mask );
  3142         // Add icon to query
  3143         iQueryDialog->QueryHeading()->SetHeaderImageL( image );
  3144         }
  3146     if ( !aSelfExplanatory || !aIconBitmap )
  3147         {
  3148         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryDialogL set text" )
  3149         TPtrC textPtr( aText );
  3150         // Icon is not self-explanatory, show also text
  3151         iQueryDialog->SetPromptL( textPtr );            
  3152         }
  3154     // Set MSK same as LSK without any text causing the icon drawing
  3155     iQueryDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().SetCommandL(
  3156         CEikButtonGroupContainer::EMiddleSoftkeyPosition, aMskCommand,
  3157         KSatEmptyDes );
  3158     iForegroundControl = iQueryDialog;
  3159     userResponse = iQueryDialog->RunLD();
  3160     iForegroundControl = NULL;
  3161     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( image ); // image
  3163     iQueryDialog = NULL;
  3165     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::RunQueryDialogL exit,return: %d", \
  3166         userResponse )
  3167     return userResponse;
  3168     }
  3170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3171 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseSatUI
  3172 // Start SatUi closing process
  3173 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3174 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3175 //
  3176 void CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseSatUI()
  3177     {
  3178     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseSatUI called" )
  3180     TRAP_IGNORE( HandleExitCommandL() );
  3182     if ( !IsAppShutterRunning() )
  3183         {
  3184         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseSatUI RunAppShutter" )
  3185         RunAppShutter();
  3186         }    
  3188     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseSatUI exit" )
  3189     }
  3191 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3192 // CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL
  3193 // Get and store settings from current profile 
  3194 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3195 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3196 //
  3197 void CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL( TSatTone aTone /*= ESatToneNotSet*/,
  3198                                          TDes* aToneName /*= NULL*/ )
  3199     {
  3200     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL calling" )
  3202     MProfile* profile = NULL;
  3203     MProfileEngine* engine = NULL;
  3205     engine = CreateProfileEngineL();
  3206     CleanupReleasePushL( *engine );
  3208     profile = engine->ActiveProfileLC();
  3210     const MProfileTones& tones = profile->ProfileTones();
  3212     // Takes a current warning and gametones setting.
  3213     const TProfileToneSettings& ts = tones.ToneSettings();
  3214     iWarningAndPlayTones = ts.iWarningAndGameTones;
  3215     iVolume = ts.iRingingVolume;
  3217     if ( ( ESatUserSelectedToneIncomingSms == aTone ) && ( aToneName ) )
  3218         {
  3219         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL message tone" )
  3220         aToneName->Copy( tones.MessageAlertTone() );
  3221         }
  3222     else if( aToneName )
  3223         {
  3224         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL ring tone" )
  3225         aToneName->Copy( tones.RingingTone1() );
  3226         }
  3228     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // engine, profile
  3230     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::GetProfileParamsL exits" )    
  3231     }
  3233 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3234 // CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse
  3235 // Check received key event.
  3236 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3237 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3238 //
  3239 void CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse( TInt aScanCode )
  3240     {
  3241     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse() code: %d",
  3242         aScanCode )
  3243     TBool closeDialog( ETrue );
  3245     // If number button is pressed
  3246     if ( ( KKeyZero <= aScanCode ) && ( KKeyNine >= aScanCode ) )
  3247         {
  3248         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse press \
  3249             digit 0-9" )
  3250         iKey = aScanCode;
  3251         }
  3252     else if ( EStdKeyNkpAsterisk == aScanCode || KHwAsterisk == aScanCode )
  3253         {
  3254         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse press \
  3255             *" )
  3256         iKey = 0x2A;
  3257         }
  3258     else if ( EStdKeyHash == aScanCode )
  3259         {
  3260         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse press \
  3261             #" )
  3262         iKey = 0x23;
  3263         }
  3264     else 
  3265         {
  3266         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse press \
  3267             others" )
  3268         closeDialog = EFalse;
  3269         iKey = 0x00;
  3270         }
  3272     if( closeDialog )
  3273         {
  3274         CloseDialogs();
  3275         }
  3277     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::HandleImmediateDigitResponse exits" )
  3278     }
  3280 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3281 // CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose
  3282 // Handle closing display text in high priority events
  3283 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3284 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3285 //
  3286 void CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose( const TWsEvent& aEvent )
  3287     {
  3288     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose calling" )
  3290     if ( ( iDisplayTextDialog || iDisplayTextIconDialog ) &&
  3291         ( EEventFocusLost == aEvent.Type() ) )
  3292         {
  3293         // Open the WS server session.
  3294         RWsSession wsSession;
  3295         if ( KErrNone == wsSession.Connect() )
  3296             {
  3297             TInt wgFocus( wsSession.GetFocusWindowGroup() );
  3298             TInt wgPriority(
  3299                 wsSession.GetWindowGroupOrdinalPriority( wgFocus ) );
  3300             TFLOGSTRING2(
  3301                 "CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose priority=%d",
  3302                 wgPriority )
  3304             // For some reason window group priority for call dialogs was 0
  3305             // so those cases must be checked in addition
  3306             TInt callActiveState = EPSCTsyCallStateNone;
  3308             // Get current call status from P&S
  3309             const TInt errCode( RProperty::Get(
  3310                 KPSUidCtsyCallInformation,
  3311                 KCTsyCallState,
  3312                 callActiveState ) );
  3314             // Receiving MT or creating MO call
  3315             const TBool callIncoming(
  3316                 ( EPSCTsyCallStateAlerting == callActiveState ) ||
  3317                 ( EPSCTsyCallStateRinging == callActiveState ) ||
  3318                 ( EPSCTsyCallStateDialling == callActiveState ) ); 
  3319             TFLOGSTRING2(
  3320                 "CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose callActiveState=%d",
  3321                 callActiveState )
  3322             TFLOGSTRING2(
  3323                 "CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose iImmediateRsp=%d",
  3324                 iImmediateRsp )  
  3326             // If the new focus window group has high priority
  3327             // close dialog
  3328             if ( ( wgPriority > 0 && iForeground ) || 
  3329                  ( iImmediateRsp && callIncoming ) )
  3330                 {
  3331                 iHighPriorityEvent = ETrue;
  3332                 CloseDialogs();
  3333                 }
  3335             wsSession.Close();
  3336             }
  3337         }
  3339     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::PriorityVerifyAndClose exiting" )
  3340     }
  3342 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3343 // CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseCallControlNote
  3344 // Call back method, close the note in call control. 
  3345 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3346 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3347 //
  3348 TInt CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseCallControlNoteL( TAny* aPtr )
  3349     {
  3350     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseCallControlNote calling" )
  3352     if ( !aPtr ) 
  3353         {
  3354         return KErrArgument;
  3355         }
  3357     CSatUiViewAppUi* pAppUi = 
  3358         reinterpret_cast<CSatUiViewAppUi*>( aPtr );
  3360     TRAPD( err, pAppUi->iCcNote->CancelNoteL( pAppUi->iCcNoteId ) );
  3361     if( KErrNone != err )
  3362         {
  3363         return err;
  3364         }
  3366     if ( pAppUi->iWait->IsStarted() ) 
  3367         {
  3368         pAppUi->iWait->AsyncStop();
  3369         }
  3370     delete pAppUi->iCcNote;
  3371     pAppUi->iCcNote = NULL;
  3373     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::CloseCallControlNote exiting" )
  3375     return 0;
  3376     }
  3378 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3379 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsErrorNoteL
  3380 // Show a Ss Error note. 
  3381 // (other items were commented in a header).
  3382 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3383 //
  3384 void CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsErrorNoteL()
  3385     {
  3386     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsErrorNoteL calling" )
  3387     CAknNoteDialog* errorNote = new ( ELeave ) CAknNoteDialog( 
  3388                                 REINTERPRET_CAST( CEikDialog**,&errorNote ),
  3389                                 CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone, 
  3390                                 CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout );
  3391     CleanupStack::PushL( errorNote );
  3393     HBufC* textHolder = StringLoader::LoadLC(R_TEXT_NOT_DONE, iCoeEnv );
  3394     errorNote->SetTextL( *textHolder );
  3395     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textHolder ); 
  3396     CleanupStack::Pop( errorNote );
  3397     errorNote->ExecuteLD( R_SATUI_INFORMATION_NOTE );
  3399     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ShowSsErrorNoteL exiting" )
  3400     }
  3402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3403 // CSatUiViewAppUi::ProfileState
  3404 // Return current profile state
  3405 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3406 //
  3407 TInt CSatUiViewAppUi::ProfileState()
  3408     {
  3409     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ProfileState called" )
  3411     TInt profileId( 0 );
  3412     CRepository* cr ( NULL );
  3414     TRAPD( err, cr = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidProfileEngine ) );
  3415     if ( ( KErrNone == err ) && cr )
  3416         {
  3417         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ProfileState no err" )
  3418         // Get the ID of the currently active profile:
  3419         cr->Get( KProEngActiveProfile, profileId );
  3420         delete cr;
  3421         }
  3423     else
  3424         {
  3425         TFLOGSTRING2( "CR failed: %i", err )
  3426         }
  3428     TFLOGSTRING2( "CSatUiViewAppUi::ProfileState exit value: %d",
  3429         profileId )
  3431     return profileId;
  3432     }
  3433 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3434 // CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL
  3435 // Stops playing play tone. Used when user terminates play tone 
  3436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3437 //
  3438 void CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL()
  3439     {
  3440     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL called" )
  3441     if ( iPlayer && iWait->IsStarted() )
  3442         {
  3443         TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL\
  3444             iPlayer exists" )
  3445         iWait->AsyncStop();
  3446         }
  3447     if ( iAudioPlayer )
  3448         {
  3449         TFLOGSTRING( "StopPlayToneL iAudioPlayer exists" )
  3450         if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
  3451             {
  3452             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL\
  3453                 iWait started" )
  3454             // Remove note when play has been interrupted.
  3455             if ( iPermanentNote )
  3456                 {
  3457                 iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  3458                 delete iPermanentNote;
  3459                 iPermanentNote = NULL;
  3460                 }
  3461             iWait->AsyncStop();
  3462             }
  3463         else
  3464             {
  3465             TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL\
  3466                 iWait not started" )
  3467             iAudioPlayer->Stop();
  3468             // When playing is stopped, deleting the audio player.
  3469             // MapcPlayComplete is not called because user stops
  3470             // the playing.
  3471             if ( iAudioPlayer )
  3472                 {
  3473                 delete iAudioPlayer;
  3474                 iAudioPlayer = NULL;
  3475                 TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL\
  3476                     iAudioPlayer deleted" )
  3478                 // Remove note after play has completed.
  3479                 if ( iPermanentNote )
  3480                     {
  3481                     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL\
  3482                                  iPermanentNote true" )
  3483                     iPermanentNote->ExitSleepingDialog();
  3484                     delete iPermanentNote;
  3485                     iPermanentNote = NULL;
  3486                     }
  3488                 // Show wait note only for samples that have 
  3489                 // duration, otherwise there is chance that wait 
  3490                 // note is not stopped.
  3491                 if ( TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds(
  3492                     static_cast<TInt64>( 0 ) ) != iDuration )
  3493                     {
  3494                     ShowWaitNoteL();
  3495                     }
  3496                 }
  3497             }
  3498         }
  3499     TFLOGSTRING( "CSatUiViewAppUi::StopPlayToneL exiting" )
  3500     }
  3502 // End of File