--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cbs/cbsserver/ServerInc/CCbsMessage.h Wed Jul 21 18:26:52 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This file contains the header file of the CCbsMessage class.
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include "CbsReceiverTypes.h"
+#include "CbsCommon.h"
+#include <cbsmcncommon.h>
+// If this constant is set to iPLMN.iMCC, iPLMN does not contain network info
+_LIT( KRecMessageNoNetworkInfo, "-1" );
+/// Defines association element (ISO639-code, language)
+struct TCbsIso639ToLangMapElement
+ {
+ const TLitC< 3 > iCode;
+ const TCbsDbLanguage iLang;
+ TCbsIso639ToLangMapElement::TCbsIso639ToLangMapElement(
+ const TLitC< 3 > aCode,
+ TCbsDbLanguage aLang )
+ :iCode( aCode ),
+ iLang( aLang ) { }
+ };
+// ISO639 codes defining recognized languages
+_LIT( KIso639Danish, "DA" );
+_LIT( KIso639German, "DE" );
+_LIT( KIso639Greek, "EL" );
+_LIT( KIso639English, "EN" );
+_LIT( KIso639Spanish, "ES" );
+_LIT( KIso639Finnish, "FI" );
+_LIT( KIso639French, "FR" );
+_LIT( KIso639Italian, "IT" );
+_LIT( KIso639Dutch, "NL" );
+_LIT( KIso639Norwegian, "NO" );
+_LIT( KIso639Portuguese, "PT" );
+_LIT( KIso639Swedish, "SV" );
+_LIT( KIso639Turkish, "TR" );
+_LIT( KIso639Hungarian, "HU" );
+_LIT( KIso639Polish, "PL" );
+_LIT( KIso639Czech, "CS" );
+_LIT( KIso639Hebrew, "HE" );
+_LIT( KIso639Arabic, "AR" );
+_LIT( KIso639Russian, "RU" );
+_LIT( KIso639Icelandic, "IS" );
+// Amount of languages that are mapped to ISO639 codes.
+const TInt KNumberOfLanguageMappings = 20;
+// CB message header size in bytes.
+const TInt KHeaderLength = 6;
+// Offset in CB message to index header in characters.
+const TInt KIndexHeaderPosition = 0;
+// Index header length in characters (e.g., "EI1<cr><lf>")
+const TInt KIndexHeaderLength = 5; // including trailing <cr><lf>
+// Offset to language indication, if applicable
+const TInt KLanguageIndicationPosition = 0;
+// Fixed length of language indication preceding message body
+const TInt KLanguageIndicationLength = 3;
+// Fixed length of language indication without trailing CR.
+const TInt KLanguageIndicationLengthWithoutCR = 2;
+// Geographical scope of CB message: cell wide / immediate display
+const TInt KGeographicalScopeCellImmediate = 0x00;
+// Geographical scope of CB message: operator wide / normal display
+const TInt KGeographicalScopePLMNNormal = 0x01;
+// Geographical scope of CB message: location area wide / normal display
+const TInt KGeographicalScopeLACNormal = 0x02;
+// Geographical scope of CB message: cell wide / normal display
+const TInt KGeographicalScopeCellNormal = 0x03;
+// Message code of an index message.
+const TUint16 KIndexMessageCode = 0x02AA; // 1010101010b
+const TUint8 KPageParameterSingle = 0x11; // this page: 1, total pages: 1
+// ETSI DCS specification
+const TUint8 DCS_GDCI_8BIT = 0x44;
+const TUint8 DCS_GDCI_UCS2 = 0x48;
+const TUint8 DCS_DCMH_8BIT = 0xf4;
+const TUint8 DCS_MPLI_UCS2 = 0x11;
+const TUint16 KMessageCodeMask = 0x3FF0;
+const TUint8 DCS_MASK_UDH = 0x9c;
+const TUint8 DCS_UDH_8BIT = 0x94;
+const TUint8 DCS_MASK_CLASS0 = 0xd3;
+const TUint8 DCS_CLASS0 = 0x50;
+// Message identifier value indicating that the message contains
+// a base station identity.
+const TUint16 KCbsBaseStationId = 50;
+// Information on Data Coding Scheme values.
+// Refer to ETSI GSM 03.38 for details.
+ {
+ // Bits 4-7 0000: Language specified with bits 0-3, default alphabet.
+ ECbsRecLanguageGerman = 0,
+ ECbsRecLanguageEnglish = 1,
+ ECbsRecLanguageItalian = 2,
+ ECbsRecLanguageFrench = 3,
+ ECbsRecLanguageSpanish = 4,
+ ECbsRecLanguageDutch = 5,
+ ECbsRecLanguageSwedish = 6,
+ ECbsRecLanguageDanish = 7,
+ ECbsRecLanguagePortuguese = 8,
+ ECbsRecLanguageFinnish = 9,
+ ECbsRecLanguageNorwegian = 10,
+ ECbsRecLanguageGreek = 11,
+ ECbsRecLanguageTurkish = 12,
+ ECbsRecLanguageHungarian = 13,
+ ECbsRecLanguagePolish = 14,
+ ECbsRecLanguageUnspecified = 15,
+ // Bits 4-7 0001: Message preceded by language indication,
+ // default or UCS2 alphabet.
+ ECbsRecDCSDefaultMsgPrecededByLanguage = 16,
+ ECbsRecDCSUCS2MsgPrecededByLanguage = 17,
+ // Bits 4-7 0010: Czech language, reservations for European languages
+ // using the default alphabet.
+ ECbsRecLanguageCzech = 32,
+ ECbsRecLanguageHebrew = 33,
+ ECbsRecLanguageArabic = 34,
+ ECbsRecLanguageRussian = 35,
+ ECbsRecLanguageIcelandic = 36,
+ // Bits 4-7 0011: Reserved for European languages using the default
+ // alphabet, with unspecified handling at the MS.
+ // Max value of language enum, this MUST remain as last
+ ECbsRecLanguageMax = 100
+ };
+// Message types, GSM, WCDMA, Livecast
+enum TCbsMessageType
+ {
+ ECbsMessageGsm,
+ ECbsMessageWcdma,
+ ECbsMessageLivecast,
+ ECbsMessageTypeUnspecified
+ };
+* CCbsMessage is the base class for GSM anf WCDMA message classes.
+class CCbsMessage : public CBase
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Virtual destructor
+ */
+ virtual ~CCbsMessage();
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Returns the type of the message (only in WCDMA)
+ *
+ * @return Type of this message
+ */
+ virtual TInt MessageType() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns ETrue, if this message is a child subindex message.
+ *
+ * Child subindex messages have message code 1010101010b and
+ * message identifier other than 0.
+ *
+ * @return ETrue, if the message is child subindex
+ */
+ virtual TBool IsChildSubindex() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns ETrue, if this message is a livecast message.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return ETrue, if the message is livecast message
+ */
+ TBool IsLivecastMessage() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the message code of the message.
+ *
+ * @return Message Code.
+ */
+ TCbsRecMessageCode MessageCode() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the update number of the message.
+ *
+ * @return Update Number.
+ */
+ TCbsRecUpdateNumber UpdateNumber() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the alphabet set of this message.
+ *
+ * Possible values are:
+ *
+ * ECbsRecAlphabetDefault 7-bit GSM encoding
+ * ECbsRecAlphabet8bit 8-bit data, unknown encoding
+ * ECbsRecAlphabetUCS2 16-bit, UCS-2 encoding
+ * ECbsRecAlphabetUnspecified Unknown encoding
+ *
+ * @return Alphabet
+ */
+ TCbsRecAlphabet Alphabet() const;
+ /**
+ * Appends another message's content to this message's content.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg Message that is appended
+ * to this msg.
+ */
+ void AppendContent( const TDesC& aMsg );
+ /**
+ * Appends another 8-bit message's content to this message's content.
+ *
+ * @param aMsg Message that is appended
+ * to this msg.
+ */
+ void AppendContent8( const TDesC8& aMsg );
+ /**
+ * Returns identifier of the cell in which the phone was when this
+ * message was received.
+ *
+ * @return Cell identifier
+ */
+ TUint CellId() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer descriptor to the Unicode contents of the
+ * message.
+ *
+ * Panics if 16-bit presentation is not prepared.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer descriptor to the contents of
+ * the message.
+ */
+ const TDesC& Contents() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer descriptor to 8-bit descriptor representation
+ * of the message body. Panics if 8-bit representation
+ * is not prepared.
+ *
+ * @return Pointer descriptor to the 8-bit
+ * representation of this message's body.
+ */
+ const TDesC8& Contents8() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the Data Coding Scheme of this message page.
+ *
+ * Refer to GSM specification 03.38 for details on DCS.
+ *
+ * @return Data Coding Scheme.
+ */
+ TCbsRecDCS DCS() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the geographical scope of the message.
+ *
+ * @return Geographical scope.
+ */
+ TCbsRecGeographicalScope GeographicalScope() const;
+ /**
+ * On return, aNetworkId contains identity of the network
+ * in which the phone was when this message was received.
+ *
+ * @param aNetworkInfo Returns: Operator information
+ */
+ void GetPLMN( RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1& aNetworkInfo ) const;
+ /**
+ * Returns ETrue, if this message is a Class 0 message according
+ * to ETSI GSM specification 03.38.
+ */
+ TBool IsClass0() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns ETrue, if the message is compressed.
+ *
+ * @return ETrue, if the message is compressed.
+ */
+ TBool IsCompressed() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns boolean value indicating if this is the index message.
+ *
+ * Index messages have message code 1010101010b.
+ *
+ * Refer to GSM specifications to for details.
+ *
+ * @return Boolean value indicating if this is
+ * an index message.
+ */
+ TBool IsIndexMessage() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the key of the message (serial number).
+ *
+ * Refer to GSM specifications for details.
+ *
+ * @return Key of the message.
+ */
+ TCbsDbMessageKey Key() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the LAC (Location Area Code) of the area where the phone
+ * was when this message was received.
+ *
+ * @return Location area code
+ */
+ TUint LAC() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the language in which the message is written.
+ *
+ * Function will panic, if the language has not been resolved
+ * with ResolveLanguage().
+ *
+ * @return The language of the message.
+ */
+ TCbsDbLanguage Language() const;
+ /**
+ * Determines and returns the language of this message
+ * based on first two characters of message content.
+ * Assumes that the message content contains language
+ * indication and that the content has been decoded
+ * into UCS-2 representation.
+ *
+ * @returns Language of the message
+ */
+ TCbsDbLanguage LanguagePrecedingMessage() const;
+ /**
+ * Determines and returns the language of this message
+ * based on DCS value. Assumes that the same DCS value
+ * indicates, that the language can be determined in this
+ * way (and not from message content).
+ *
+ * @returns Language of the message
+ */
+ TCbsDbLanguage LanguageWithDefaultAlphabet() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the 16-bit representation of the message
+ * contents.
+ *
+ * @returns Message contents
+ */
+ HBufC* Message() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the 8-bit representation of the message
+ * contents.
+ *
+ * @returns Message contents
+ */
+ HBufC8* Message8() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the message class of the message.
+ *
+ * @return Message Class.
+ */
+ TInt MessageClass() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns ECbsRecLanguageIndicationBody, if message's content is
+ * preceded by language indication (see GSM 03.38).
+ *
+ * Return values:
+ * ECbsRecLanguageIndicationHeader Language indicated by the message
+ * header DCS value
+ * ECbsRecLanguageIndicationBody Language indicated by
+ * a two-character prefix in message
+ * body.
+ *
+ * @return Indication location.
+ */
+ TCbsRecLanguageIndication MessagePrecededByLanguageIndication() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the network mode (GSM/WCDMA) of this message page.
+ *
+ * @return Network in which this message was
+ * received (GSM/WCDMA).
+ */
+ TCbsNetworkMode NetworkMode() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the page parameter of this message page.
+ *
+ * Total and this page -fields can be accessed with
+ * methods TotalPages() and ThisPage().
+ *
+ * @return Page Parameter.
+ */
+ TCbsRecPageParameter PageParameter() const;
+ /**
+ * Frees the memory allocated for 8-bit representation of message
+ * content.
+ */
+ void ReleaseEightBitRepresentation();
+ /**
+ * Removes any index header prefix from the message body.
+ *
+ * This method assumes that the index header is contained in the
+ * first line of message body. This line, including trailing <cr><lf>
+ * is removed.
+ *
+ * Index header prefix is assumed to contain "EIn<cr><lf>", where n
+ * specifies the version number this index message claims to
+ * follow and <cr><lf> is a carriage return + line feed.
+ *
+ * It is also assumed that any language indication prefix has
+ * already been removed prior to this operation.
+ *
+ * Message must be in UCS-2 representation.
+ *
+ * Leave reasons:
+ * KErrUnderflow Message is too short to contain index header.
+ */
+ void RemoveIndexHeaderL();
+ /**
+ * Removes language indication field from the message body.
+ *
+ * Presence of an indication is verified with the DCS value
+ * according to ETSI specifications. Message is assumed to
+ * contain valid indication, i.e., three bytes preceding the message
+ * body specifying the language code.
+ *
+ * The correctness of this operation is not checked. If the
+ * indication is invalid, the message body is likely to either have
+ * a couple of characters too many or few.
+ *
+ * Message is assumed to be decoded into UCS-2.
+ *
+ * Leave reasons:
+ * KErrUnderflow Message is too short to contain language indication.
+ */
+ void RemoveLanguageIndicationFromBodyL();
+ /**
+ * Returns ETrue, if this message requires to be displayed
+ * immediately.
+ *
+ * The CB message has to be displayed immediately
+ * if either it is flagged as a Class 0 message (see GSM 03.38)
+ * or has a geographical scope of the type "Immediate"
+ * (see GSM 03.41).
+ *
+ * This function always returns EFalse for Base station ID messages
+ * (message identifier = 50).
+ *
+ * @return Immediate display indication.
+ */
+ TBool RequiresImmediateDisplay() const;
+ /**
+ * Increases the space allocated for message content.
+ *
+ * @param aLength New number of characters in msg
+ * content.
+ */
+ void ReserveContentSizeL( TInt aLength );
+ /**
+ * Increases the space allocated for 8-bit message content.
+ *
+ * @param aLength New number of characters in msg
+ * content.
+ */
+ void ReserveContentSize8L( TInt aLength );
+ /**
+ * Determines language of this message so that calls to Language()
+ * will return the correct value.
+ *
+ * Language information may be determined from Data Coding Scheme
+ * of message header or from the first characters in message body.
+ * For the latter to succeed, the message has to be decoded into
+ * UCS-2.
+ */
+ void ResolveLanguage();
+ /**
+ * Sets the network information of this message.
+ *
+ * @param aNetworkInfo Network information
+ * @param aArea Area information
+ */
+ void SetNetworkInfo(
+ const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1& aNetworkInfo,
+ const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1& aArea );
+ /**
+ * Returns the page number of this page in the message page sequence,
+ *
+ * @return Page number of this page.
+ */
+ virtual TUint ThisPage() const = 0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the topic number to which the message belongs.
+ * (Message Identifier)
+ *
+ * @return The number of the topic
+ */
+ TCbsDbTopicNumber TopicNumber() const;
+ /**
+ * Returns the total number of pages in this page's message.
+ *
+ * @return Total number of pages in this message
+ */
+ virtual TUint TotalPages() const = 0;
+ protected:
+ CCbsMessage();
+ protected:
+ // Data Coding Scheme (language, encoding, compression)
+ TCbsRecDCS iDCS;
+ // Own: contents of the message page in 16-bit representation
+ HBufC* iMessage;
+ // Own: contents of the message page in 8-bit representation
+ HBufC8* iMessage8;
+ // Serial Number (GS, Message Code, Update Number)
+ TUint16 iSerialNumber;
+ // Message Identifier (Topic number)
+ TUint16 iMessageIdentifier;
+ // Page Parameter (this page, total pages)
+ TCbsRecPageParameter iPageParameter;
+ // Total number of pages
+ TInt iTotalNumberOfPages;
+ // Location area information
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1 iLocationArea;
+ // Network information
+ RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 iNetworkInfo;
+ // Language of this message
+ TCbsDbLanguage iLanguage;
+ // Network in which current message was received
+ TCbsNetworkMode iNetworkMode;
+ };
+#endif // CCBSMESSAGE_H
+// End of File