changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/satengine/SatServer/Engine/src/CSatEventMonitorContainer.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:11:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Container of event monitor classes
+#include    <f32file.h>
+#include    <syslangutil.h>
+#include    "MSatEventMonitor.h"
+#include    "MSatUtils.h"
+#include    "MSatBIPUtils.h"
+#include    "MSatSystemState.h"
+#include    "TSatEventMonitorFactory.h"
+#include    "CSatEventMonitorContainer.h"
+//lint -e766 Used inside TRAP macro, lint misfunction.
+#include    "EnginePanic.h"
+#include    "TUSatAPI.h"
+#include    "SatSOpcodes.h"
+#include    "SatLog.h"
+const TUint KLangTextSize( 2 );
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSatEventMonitorContainer* CSatEventMonitorContainer::NewL(
+    TUSatAPI& aUsatAPI,
+    MSatUtils& aSatUtils )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::NewL calling" )
+    CSatEventMonitorContainer* self =
+        new( ELeave )CSatEventMonitorContainer( aUsatAPI, aSatUtils );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( /* self */ );
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::NewL exiting" )
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        ~CSatEventMonitorContainer calling" )
+    iEventMonitors = NULL;
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        ~CSatEventMonitorContainer exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::Event
+// From MSatEventObserver
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::Event( TInt aEvent )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::Event calling" )
+    //lint -e{961} else block meaningless, event handled elsewhere.
+    if ( MSatUtils::EBipCommandExecuting == aEvent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "EventMonitor: BIP Command Executing" )
+        iBipExecuting = ETrue;
+        }
+    else if ( MSatUtils::EBipCommandDoneExecuting == aEvent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "EventMonitor: BIP Command NOT executing" )
+        iBipExecuting = EFalse;
+        if ( iEventPending )
+            {
+            iEventPending = EFalse;
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "EventMonitor: Executing pending envelope" )
+            EventDownload( iPendingEvent, iPendingFirstArg, iPendingSecondArg );
+            }
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::Event exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::SetUpEventMonitors
+// Updates all event monitors in list.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSatEventMonitorContainer::SetUpEventMonitors( TUint aEvents )
+    {
+    LOG2( SIMPLE,
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::SetUpEventMonitors calling %d",
+        aEvents )
+    const TInt monitorCount( iEventMonitors->Count() );
+    TInt errCode = KErrNotSupported;
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::SetUpEventMonitors \
+          monitorCount: %i", monitorCount )
+    // Check is events supported
+    if ( EventsSupported( aEvents ) )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        SetUpEventMonitors events supported" )
+        // Update all monitors from list
+        for ( TInt index = 0; index < monitorCount; index++ )
+            {
+            MSatEventMonitor* monitor = iEventMonitors->At( index );
+            __ASSERT_ALWAYS( monitor, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
+            // Update monitor
+            errCode = monitor->UpdateMonitor( aEvents );
+            if ( KErrNone != errCode )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+                SetUpEventMonitors KErrNone != errCode" )
+                // Error, cancel all monitors and end this loop
+                CancelAllMonitors();
+                index = monitorCount;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    LOG2( SIMPLE,
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::SetUpEventMonitors exiting %d",
+        errCode )
+    return errCode;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::CancelAllMonitors
+// Cancels all monitors in list.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSatEventMonitorContainer::CancelAllMonitors()
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::CancelAllMonitors calling" )
+    const TInt monitorCount( iEventMonitors->Count() );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::CancelAllMonitors \
+          monitorCount: %i", monitorCount )
+    // Cancel all monitors from list
+    for ( TInt index = 0; index < monitorCount; index++ )
+        {
+        MSatEventMonitor* monitor = iEventMonitors->At( index );
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( monitor, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
+        // Cancel monitor
+        monitor->CancelMonitor();
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::CancelAllMonitors exiting" )
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSettingL
+// Resolves language ID
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSettingL( TInt& aLanguage )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSettingL calling" )
+    // Automatic Language setting is detected as 0.
+    // There is no header file for this. This is only needed here.
+    const TInt KAutomaticLanguageSetting( 0 );
+    // Special treatment for automatic language setting.
+    if ( KAutomaticLanguageSetting == aLanguage )
+        {
+        // Automatic language setting - Tries to take preferred
+        // language from SIM card.
+        // The following operations need a file server session.
+        RFs fileServerSession;
+        User::LeaveIfError( fileServerSession.Connect() );
+        CleanupClosePushL( fileServerSession );
+        // Automatic language setting
+        // 1) look for SIM Preferred Language
+        // 2) look if language is supported in phone
+        //
+        // Preferred language from SIM (Symbian coding).
+        TInt simPreferredLanguageSymbianCoding;
+        // Fetch SIM preferred language (Symbian coding) and see if it is
+        // supported
+        if ( KErrNone == SysLangUtil::RestoreSIMLanguage
+                ( simPreferredLanguageSymbianCoding, &fileServerSession )
+             && SysLangUtil::IsValidLanguage
+                ( simPreferredLanguageSymbianCoding, &fileServerSession ) )
+            {
+            aLanguage = simPreferredLanguageSymbianCoding;
+            LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+                LanguageSettingL SIM preferred language is supported %d",
+                aLanguage )
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Either there is no SIM preferred language, or the SIM preferred
+            // language is not supported. Then default language is used.
+            SysLangUtil::GetDefaultLanguage( aLanguage, &fileServerSession );
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+                LanguageSettingL No SIM preferred language" )
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // fileServerSession
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSettingL exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventDownload
+// Called when an event occurs. Handles that event and possibly sends
+// event download to SIM.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventDownload(
+    RSat::TEventList aSingleEvent, TInt aFirstArg, TInt aSecArg )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventDownload calling" )
+    //lint -e{961} Else block meaningless
+    if ( ( iBipExecuting || IsActive() ) && !iEventPending )
+        {
+        LOG( NORMAL, "EventMonitor: EventDownload BIP Command Executing" )
+        // If there is event download currently active, we cannot send next
+        // event download, so we have to store this event.
+        iPendingEvent = aSingleEvent;
+        iPendingFirstArg = aFirstArg;
+        iPendingSecondArg = aSecArg;
+        iEventPending = ETrue;
+        }
+    else if ( !iEventPending )
+        {
+        // No pending events, we can execute
+        switch ( aSingleEvent )
+            {
+            case RSat::KLanguageSelection:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   Event LanguageSelection" )
+                LanguageSelectionEvent( aFirstArg );
+                break;
+                }
+            case RSat::KBrowserTermination:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   Event BrowserTermination" )
+                BrowserTerminationEvent( aFirstArg );
+                break;
+                }
+            case RSat::KDataAvailable:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   Event DataAvailable" )
+                DataAvailableEvent( aFirstArg, aSecArg );
+                break;
+                }
+            case RSat::KChannelStatus:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   Event ChannelStatus" )
+                ChannelStatusEvent( aFirstArg, aSecArg );
+                break;
+                }
+            // These events does not have any data to be sent
+            // to SIM
+            case RSat::KUserActivity:
+            case RSat::KIdleScreenAvailable:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   Event UserActivity/IdleScreen" )
+                RSat::TEventDownloadBaseV2 eventDownload;
+                RSat::TEventDownloadBaseV2Pckg eventDownloadPckg(
+                    eventDownload );
+                eventDownload.iDataAvailable = EFalse;
+                iSat.EventDownload( iStatus, aSingleEvent, eventDownloadPckg );
+                iRemovableSingleEvent = aSingleEvent;
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                LOG( NORMAL, "SATENGINE:   BadRequest" )
+                __ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, PanicSatEngine( ESatSBadRequest ) );
+                }
+            }
+        SetActive();
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventDownload exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::BipUtils
+// Returns the interface for BIP Utils
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MSatBIPEventNotifier& CSatEventMonitorContainer::BipNotifier()
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::BipUtils calling-exiting" )
+    return iSatUtils.BipEventNotifier();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::SimRemoved
+// Updates event monitor list
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::SimRemoved()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::SimRemoved calling" )
+    // If SIM is removed, all monitors must be cancelled.
+    CancelAllMonitors();
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::SimRemoved exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString
+// Gets the ISO639 language code.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString( const TInt aId, TDes& aText )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString calling" )
+    aText = KNullDesC;
+    TBuf<KLangTextSize> lanText;
+    lanText.Copy( KNullDesC );
+    // Number of Symbian languages.
+    TInt count( KNUMLANGSTRINGS );
+    // Index for searching loop.
+    TInt i( 0 );
+    // Language structure for searching loop.
+    SLangString language( KLangStrings[i] );
+    // Loop languages until one is found
+    do  {
+        language = KLangStrings[i];
+        // Finds the appropriate language and gives a code for that.
+        if ( language.iId == aId )
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+            GetLanguageString language.iId == aId" )
+            // Current language code in the loop is appended to reference.
+            lanText.Append(
+                *( language.iString ) << 8 | *( language.iString + 1 ) );
+            }
+        i++;
+        }
+        while ( ( i <= count ) && ( language.iId != aId ) );
+    aText.Copy( lanText );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE,
+    "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString aId: %i", aId )
+    LOG2( SIMPLE,
+    "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString aId: %S",
+    &aText )
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::GetLanguageString exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL
+// From CActive
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL calling" )
+    if ( KErrCancel != iRemovableSingleEvent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL \
+        KErrCancel != iRemovableSingleEvent" )
+        //Remove event from list as these are not continuous events
+        RemoveSingleEvent(
+            static_cast<RSat::TEventList>( iRemovableSingleEvent ) );
+        iRemovableSingleEvent = KErrCancel;
+        }
+    // Check the request status
+    if ( KErrNone != iStatus.Int() )
+        {
+        LOG2( SIMPLE,
+            "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL with value %d",
+            iStatus.Int() )
+        }
+    // If there are events pending, send now
+    if ( iEventPending )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE,
+            "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL Sending pending event" )
+        iEventPending = EFalse;
+        // Send event
+        EventDownload( iPendingEvent, iPendingFirstArg, iPendingSecondArg );
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RunL exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::DoCancel
+// From CActive
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::DoCancel()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::DoCancel calling" )
+    CancelAllMonitors();
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::DoCancel exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::CSatEventMonitorContainer
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSatEventMonitorContainer::CSatEventMonitorContainer( TUSatAPI& aUsatAPI,
+    MSatUtils& aSatUtils ) :
+    CActive ( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
+    iSat( aUsatAPI ),
+    iSatUtils( aSatUtils )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        CSatEventMonitorContainer calling" )
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        CSatEventMonitorContainer exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::ConstructL()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::ConstructL calling" )
+    iEventMonitors = TSatEventMonitorFactory::CreateEventMonitorsL( *this );
+    iRemovableSingleEvent = KErrCancel;
+    iSatUtils.RegisterL( this, MSatUtils::EBipCommandExecuting );
+    iSatUtils.RegisterL( this, MSatUtils::EBipCommandDoneExecuting );
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::ConstructL exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSelectionEvent
+// Handles LanguageSelection event and sends event download
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSelectionEvent( TInt aLanguageId )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSelectionEvent calling" )
+    // Special event download package,
+    // used exclusively for Language Selection events
+    RSat::TLanguageSelectionEventV2 languageDownload;
+    RSat::TLanguageSelectionEventV2Pckg languageDownloadPckg(
+        languageDownload );
+    languageDownload.iDataAvailable = EFalse;
+    // Resolve Language ID
+    TRAPD( err, LanguageSettingL( aLanguageId ) );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+          LanguageSelectionEvent err: %i", err )
+    if ( KErrNone == err )
+        {
+        // Get Language string
+        TBuf<1> languageTxt;
+        GetLanguageString( aLanguageId, languageTxt );
+        // If language is found, put it to event download information
+        if ( languageTxt.Length() != 0 )
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE,
+            "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSelectionEvent \
+            languageTxt.Length() != 0" )
+            // Language selection event does have data.
+            languageDownload.iDataAvailable = ETrue;
+            // Integer argument is interpreted as language code.
+            languageDownload.iLanguage =
+                static_cast<TUint16>( languageTxt[0] );
+            }
+        }
+    // Send EventDownload to SIM
+    iSat.EventDownload(
+        iStatus,
+        RSat::KLanguageSelection,
+        languageDownloadPckg );
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::LanguageSelectionEvent exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::BrowserTerminationEvent
+// Handles browser termination event and sends event download
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::BrowserTerminationEvent( TInt aCause )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        BrowserTerminationEvent calling" )
+    // Special event download package,
+    // used exclusively for Browser termination events.
+    RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2 browserTermination;
+    RSat::TBrowserTerminationEventV2Pckg browserTerminationPckg(
+        browserTermination );
+    // Language selection event does have data.
+    browserTermination.iDataAvailable = ETrue;
+    // Browser termination event does have data.
+    browserTermination.iCause =
+        static_cast<RSat::TBrowserTerminationCause>( aCause );
+    // Send event download
+    iSat.EventDownload(
+        iStatus,
+        RSat::KBrowserTermination,
+        browserTerminationPckg );
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+        BrowserTerminationEvent exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::DataAvailableEvent
+// Handles DataAvailable event and sends event download
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::DataAvailableEvent(
+    const TInt aChannelId, const TInt aLength )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::DataAvailableEvent calling" )
+    RSat::TDataAvailableEventV2 dataAvailable;
+    RSat::TDataAvailableEventV2Pckg dataAvailablePckg( dataAvailable );
+    RSat::TChannelStatus status;
+    // BIP Utils will generate channel status
+    TRAPD( err,
+        status = iSatUtils.BipUtils().GenerateChannelStatusL( aChannelId, 0 ) );
+    // Check error
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+            DataAvailableEvent ChannelStatus failed: %i", err )    
+    if ( KErrNone == err )
+        {
+        // Put the parameters to data package
+        dataAvailable.iDataAvailable = ETrue;
+        // If received more than 0xFF, we return 0xFF, because that iLength can
+        // contain only one byte.
+        TInt8 length( 0 );
+        if ( KSatBIPMoreThanMaxSize < aLength )
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+            DataAvailableEvent KSatBIPMoreThanMaxSize < aLength" )
+            length = static_cast<TInt8>( KSatBIPMoreThanMaxSize );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            length = static_cast<TInt8>( aLength );
+            }
+        dataAvailable.iLength = length;
+        dataAvailable.iStatus = status;
+        // Send EventDownload to SIM
+        iSat.EventDownload(
+            iStatus,
+            RSat::KDataAvailable,
+            dataAvailablePckg );
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::DataAvailableEvent exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::ChannelStatusEvent
+// Handles ChannelStatus event and sends event download
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::ChannelStatusEvent( const TInt aChannelId,
+    const TInt aStatus )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::ChannelStatusEvent calling" )
+    RSat::TChannelStatusEventV2 channelStatus;
+    RSat::TChannelStatusEventV2Pckg channelStatusPckg( channelStatus );
+    RSat::TChannelStatus status;
+    // BIP Utils will generate channel status
+    TRAPD( err, status = iSatUtils.BipUtils().GenerateChannelStatusL(
+        aChannelId, aStatus ) );
+    // Check error
+    LOG2( NORMAL, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::\
+            ChannelStatusEvent ChannelStatus failed: %i", err )    
+    if ( KErrNone == err )
+        {
+        LOG2( SIMPLE, "SatServer, ChannelStatus envelope: %b", status[0] )
+        // Put the parameters to data package
+        channelStatus.iDataAvailable = ETrue;
+        channelStatus.iStatus = status;
+        // Send EventDownload to SIM
+        iSat.EventDownload(
+            iStatus,
+            RSat::KChannelStatus,
+            channelStatusPckg );
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::ChannelStatusEvent exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventsSupported
+// Checks whether aEvents contains supported events only.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventsSupported( TUint aEvents ) const
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventsSupported calling" )
+    // Events supported and handled by this class.
+    const TUint eventsSupported =
+        RSat::KUserActivity | RSat::KIdleScreenAvailable |
+        RSat::KLanguageSelection | RSat::KBrowserTermination |
+        RSat::KDataAvailable | RSat::KChannelStatus;
+    // If aEvents has even one event that is not supported (not found from
+    // eventsSuported), then EventsSupported returns EFalse.
+    // First the eventsSupported is masked and bits are inverted. Then that mask
+    // is compared to aEvents and if there is even one bit that is not supposed
+    // to be there, function returns EFalse.
+    const TBool supported( !( ~( eventsSupported ) & aEvents ) );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE,
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::EventsSupported returning %i",
+        supported )
+    return supported;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::WriteLanguageSelectionTime
+// Sets time delay before reboot.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSatEventMonitorContainer::WriteLanguageSelectionTime( TInt aTime )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::WriteLanguageSelectionTime \
+         calling-exiting" )
+    return iSatUtils.SystemState().WriteLanguageSelectionTime( aTime );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatEventMonitorContainer::RemoveSingleEvent
+// Removes single event from list
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatEventMonitorContainer::RemoveSingleEvent(
+    RSat::TEventList aSingleEvent )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RemoveSingleEvent calling" )
+    const TInt monitorCount( iEventMonitors->Count() );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RemoveSingleEvent \
+          monitorCount: %i", monitorCount )
+    // Cancel all monitors from list
+    for ( TInt index = 0; index < monitorCount; index++ )
+        {
+        MSatEventMonitor* monitor = iEventMonitors->At( index );
+        __ASSERT_ALWAYS( monitor, PanicSatEngine( ESatEngineNullPointer ) );
+        if ( monitor->IsMonitoringEvent( aSingleEvent ) )
+            {
+            // Cancel monitor
+            monitor->CancelMonitor();
+            }
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatEventMonitorContainer::RemoveSingleEvent exiting" )
+    }
+//  End of File