author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 14:53:02 +0300
changeset 32 1f002146abb4
parent 27 7eb70891911c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201025 Kit: 2010127

* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  This file contains the header file of the CNWNetworkViagCbEngine class.


#include "MNWNetworkTimer.h"
#include <nwhandlingengine.h>
#include "CNWGsmMessageHandler.h"
#include "CNWNetworkHZCbCacheHandler.h"
#include "MHZCachesInitialisationObserver.h"
#include <mcbsmcnobserver.h> //For McbsMcnObserver
#include <rmmcustomapi.h>
#include <e32property.h>

//timer values
const TInt KViagTimerSixtySeconds = 6000000;
const TInt KViagTimerSixtySeconds = 60000000;
    //operation values to HomeZone cache accessing
const TInt KAdd = 1;
const TInt KRemove = 2;
const TInt KCompare = 3;
//values for Viag stuff
//Defined in Viag HomeZone spec
const TInt KDynCacheCount = 5;
//The normal length of CB message for Viag HomeZone
const TInt KNWViagHzMsgLength = 12;
const TInt KNWViagHzCoordinateLength = 6;
//The maximun radius for HomeZone
const TInt KNWViagHomeZoneMaxRad = 10000;
//specified in HomeZone Mobile Terminal Service specification spec
const TUint KNWHomeZoneMsgId = 221; 

//Cache start and end values
const TInt KFirstCacheValue = 1;
const TInt KLastCacheValue = 4;
// Cache indexes
const TInt KFirstRecordIndex = 0;
const TInt KLastRecordIndex = 20;

class CNWGsmSessionImplementation;
class CNWNetworkViagTimer;
class CMcn;
class CNWGsmMessageHandler;


*  Monitors current network change event from MMEtel.
*  @lib networkhandling.lib
*  @since Series 60_2.8
class CNWNetworkViagCbEngine : public CBase, 
                             public MCbsMcnObserver,
                             protected MNWNetworkTimer,
                             public MHZCachesInitialisationObserver
        struct TViagZoneInfo
            TUint32 iX;
            TUint32 iY;
            TUint32 iR2;
            TUint iZoneId;
            TBuf<13> iName;
            RMmCustomAPI::TActiveFlag iActiveFlag;
        // Array of TViagZoneInfo struct data.
        typedef CArrayFixFlat< TViagZoneInfo > CViagZoneArray;
    public:  // Constructors and destructor
        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CNWNetworkViagCbEngine* NewL(
                        CNWNetworkViagBaseEngine& aBase,
                        TNWInfo& aNetworkInfo,
                        RMmCustomAPI& aCustomAPI,
                        TNWInterInfo& aInterNetworkInfo,
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CNWNetworkViagCbEngine();

    public: // Functions from MCbsMcnObserver

        *   This method is called when a message of a subscribed topic 
        *   is received from the network.
        *   @param  aMcnMessage         MCN message received from the network.
        *   @return                     Result code
        TInt CellInfoChanged( const TCbsMcnMessage& aMcnMessage );

        * Is called by CNWNetworkCurrentNetworkMonitor in case of 
        * cell re-selection.
        * @param 
        * @return Error code.
        void CellReselection();

        * Is called by CNWNetworkViagBaseEngine in case of Sat refresh to
        * HZ-EF or 
        * @param None.
        * @return
        void SatRefreshCompleteNotification();

        * Is called by CNWNetworkViagBaseEngine in case of Cb algo needed 
        * to stop 
        * @param None.
        * @return
        void StopCbAlgo();
        * Updates Viag HomeZone parameters from SIM.
        * @param 
        * @return Error code.
        TInt UpdateViagHzParams();

        * Initialises caches
        void InitilizeCaches();

    protected:  // Functions from MNWNetworkTimer
        * This method is called when network timer expires.
        * @param
        * @return
        void HandleTimeOut();

    public:  // Functions from MHZCachesInitialisationObserver
        * This method is called when HomeZone caches are read
        * @param    aError
        * @return   None
        void NotifyCachesInitialised( );


        * C++ default constructor.
        CNWNetworkViagCbEngine( CNWNetworkViagBaseEngine& aBase,
                              TNWInfo& aNetworkInfo,
                              RMmCustomAPI& aCustomAPI,
                              TNWInterInfo& aInterNetworkInfo,

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();
     private:  // New functions
        * Checks if there are active Home/CityZone(s).
        * @param 
        * @return Error code.
        void IsActiveZone();

        * Registers to listen CBS messages.
        * @param aTopic     Topic id of the CBS messages to listen.
        * @return Error code.
       void RegisterToCBSL( TUint16 aTopic );

        * Handles the zone indicators.
        * @param 
        * @return 
        void StartIndicatorHandlingL( TBool  aRefreshOccured );

        * Handles the CBS messages.
        * @param  aMcnMessage         MCN message received from the network.
        * @return Possible error code
        TInt HandleCBSMessages( const TCbsMcnMessage& aMcnMessage );
        * Checks if current zones coordinates are within some active 
        * Home-/CityZone limits.
        * @param  aX    Current zones X-coordinate. 
        * @param  aY    Current zones Y-coordinate. 
        * @return Possible error code
        TInt CheckCellInHomeZoneArray( TUint32 aX, TUint32 aY );

        * Adds aZone to the HomeZone cache.
        * @param aZone target zone cache
        * @param aCellInfo cell information to be added
        * @return Possible error code
        TInt AddToHomeZoneCache( const THomeZoneCacheId aZone, 
            const RMmCustomAPI::TViagCacheRecordContent aCellInfo );

        * Searches HomeZone caches. Stops in first match.
        * @param aCellInfo      Cell to searched
        * @param aActiveZones   List of zones to be searched
        * @return               Possible error code
        TInt SearchHomeZoneCaches( 
            const RMmCustomAPI::TViagCacheRecordContent aCellInfo,
            const CViagZoneArray * aActiveZones );

        * Resets Viag's and MCN display's TNWInfo values.
        * @param
        * @return
        void ResetIndicatorValues();
        * Writes Viag-values to networkinfo, shared data and system agent.
        * @param aIndicatorType 	Indicates which zone it is.
        * @param aCacheId 	The Id of the cache that text tag must be read from.
        * @return
        void WriteViagValues( TInt aIndicatorType, TInt aCacheId );

        * Clear all HomeZone caches..
        * @param None.
        * @return None.
        void ClearHomeZoneCaches();

        * Validate the content of received HomeZone CBS messag
        * @param aMsgData contains the date to be validate
        * @return ETrue if the aMsgData is valid. EFalse otherwise.
        TBool ValidateHZCBSMessage( const TDesC & aMsgData );

        * Removes a first match cell caches
        * @param aCellInfo      Source cell id
        * @return ETrue if operation was succesfull
        TBool RemoveFromHomeZoneCaches(
            const RMmCustomAPI::TViagCacheRecordContent aCellInfo );

        * This method is called internally for handling cache insert operation
        * in CBS message handling
        * @param aCache         Target cache
        * @param aCellInfo      Source cell id
        * @return ETrue if operation was succesfull
        TInt DoHandleAddToCBSHZCache( 
            const THomeZoneCacheId aCache,
            const RMmCustomAPI::TViagCacheRecordContent aCellInfo );
    private:    // Data

        CViagZoneArray* iActiveZoneArray;

        * The type for array of Viag elements.
        typedef CArrayFixFlat< RMmCustomAPI::TViagElement > TViagElements;

        TViagElements* iElements;
        // Viag parameters
        RMmCustomAPI::TViagParams iParams;

        //Enumeration for currently active zones
        enum TActiveZones
        TActiveZones iIsActiveZones;

        //Indicates if we are listening VIAG messages.
            } iCBSState;

        //Indicates if 60 second timer is on.
            } iState;

        CNWNetworkViagTimer *   iTimer;
        //current cell info
        RMmCustomAPI::TViagCacheRecordContent iCellInfo;
        // Base servers for HomeZone algoritms     
         CNWNetworkViagBaseEngine& iBase;
        // Reference to the network info structure.
        TNWInfo&                iNWNetworkInfo;
        // Reference to the customAPI connection
        RMmCustomAPI&           iCustomAPI;
        // Pointer to MCN object
        CMcn*                   iMcn;
        // Reference to the internal network info structure.
        TNWInterInfo&           iInterNetworkInfo;
        //// Reference to the CNWGsmNetworkCellReselectionHandler
        CNWGsmNetworkCellReselectionHandler& iCellReselectionHandler;
        // Cached HomeZone CBS Message
        TCbsMcnMessage          iCachedHZCBSMessage;
        // Interface to CBS HomeZone/CityZone cache services
        CNWNetworkHZCbCacheHandler * iCacheHandler;

#endif      // CNWNetworkViagCbEngine_H   
// End of File