/** Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Accessor for system states.**/#ifndef MSATSYSTEMSTATE_H#define MSATSYSTEMSTATE_H// INCLUDES#include <e32std.h>#include <etelmm.h>#include <etelsat.h>#include <PSVariables.h>// CLASS DECLARATION/*** Accessors for system state.** @lib SatSystemState.lib* @since Series 60 3.0*/class MSatSystemState { public: // Constructors and destructor /* * Destructor. */ virtual ~MSatSystemState() {}; public: // New functions /** * Getter for NetworkRegistrationStatus * @return Network registration status. */ virtual RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneRegistrationStatus GetNetworkRegistrationStatus() = 0; /** * Checks is call active. * @return ETrue if call is currently active. */ virtual TBool IsCallActive() = 0; /** * Checks is call incoming. * @return ETrue if call is incoming. */ virtual TBool IsCallIncoming() = 0; /** * Gets the Service Center Address number. * @return SCA number. */ virtual const TDesC& SCANumber() = 0; /** * Checks whether the phone is in silent mode. * @return Silent mode activated state. */ virtual TBool IsSilentMode() = 0; /** * Checks whether the phone is in idle state. * @return ETrue if phone is in idle mode. */ virtual TBool IsPhoneInIdleStateL() = 0; /** * Checks whether the screen saver is actived from idle. * @return ETrue if screen saver is actived from idle. */ virtual TBool IsScreenSaverActivedFromIdle() = 0; /** * Sets time between language selection and reboot. * @param aTime Time before reboot. * @return KErrNone if time is set successfully. */ virtual TInt WriteLanguageSelectionTime( TInt aTime ) = 0; /** * Puts proactive Idle Mode Text command data to shared data * @param aString Idle mode text string * @param aIconId Idle mode text icon ID * @param aIconQualifier Idle mode text icon qualifier * @return KErrNone if setting data is OK */ virtual TInt WriteSetIdleModeText( const TDesC& aString, TInt aIconId, RSat::TIconQualifier aIconQualifier ) = 0; /** * Checks is backup / restore process ongoing. * @return TBool indicating is process ongoing or not. */ virtual TBool IsBackupProcessOngoing() = 0; /** * Checks is ConfirmSatOperations on. * @return TBool indicating is confirmation on or off. */ virtual TBool IsConfirmSatOperationsOn() = 0; /** * Gets the display language from CentRep and returns it. * @return ID indicating the selected language. */ virtual TInt DisplayTextLanguage() = 0; /** * Checks is Bluetooth SIM Access Profile active * @return ETrue if BT SAP is active */ virtual TBool IsBtSapActive() = 0; /** * Checks are phone warnings and game tones on. * @return TBool indicating wether phone are warnings and game tone on. */ virtual TBool IsWarningAndGameTonesOn() = 0; protected: /** * Constructor. */ MSatSystemState() {}; // Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase. MSatSystemState( const MSatSystemState& ); // Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase. MSatSystemState& operator=( const MSatSystemState& ); };#endif // MSATSYSTEMSTATE_H// End of File