Merge docml changeset with recent Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: CPsetSAObserver handles all the queries to observer.
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <ctsydomainpskeys.h>
#include <telservicesinternalcrkeys.h> // telephony service local variation keys.
#include <telservicesvariant.hrh>
#include "psetsaobserver.h"
#include "mpsetnetworkinfoobs.h"
#include "mpsetdivertobs.h"
#include "phonesettingslogger.h"
#include "psetutility.h"
#include "psetvariationproxy.h"
const TInt KPsetRequesterUncertain = 0;
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// 1st Phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CPsetSAObserver* CPsetSAObserver::NewL()
CPsetSAObserver* self = new ( ELeave ) CPsetSAObserver;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop(); //self
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: CActive( EPriorityStandard )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DualActvationFeature
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPsetSAObserver::IsDivertDualAffectFeatureEnabledL()
TBool retValue(EFalse);
CPSetVariationProxy* variationProxy =
CPSetVariationProxy::NewL( KCRUidTelSrvVariation, KTelSrvVariationFlags );
CleanupStack::PushL( variationProxy );
retValue = variationProxy->IsFeatureEnabled( KTelephonyLVFlagDivertDualAffect );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( variationProxy );
return retValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Run active object -- should only be used when trying to catch if call
// has been started.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::RunL()
if ( iNetObserver )
if ( iStatus.Int() != KErrCancel )
TInt value = KErrGeneral;
// This to ensure that events are not lost.
iNotifyProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
iNotifyProperty.Get( value );
if ( value != EPSCTsyCallStateNone )
// This is what was wanted, so cancel subscribe and inform
// observer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns current gprs connection state.
// NOTE that this is not actual GPRS connection, even attached is considered
// connected in this method.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CPsetSAObserver::IsGPRSConnected()
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> CPsetSAObserver::IsGPRSConnected" );
TInt connectionStatus = KErrGeneral;
TInt error = RProperty::Get( KUidSystemCategory,
connectionStatus );
if ( connectionStatus == EPSGprsUnattached )
connectionStatus = CPsetSAObserver::EPSetGPRSNotConnected;
else if ( connectionStatus == EPSGprsAttach ||
connectionStatus == EPSGprsContextActive ||
connectionStatus == EPSGprsSuspend )
connectionStatus = CPsetSAObserver::EPSetGPRSConnectionActive;
__PHSLOGSTRING2("[PHS]<-- CPsetSAObserver::IsGPRSConnected P&S error: %d, connectionStatus: %d", error, connectionStatus );
//Else: error situation, return error code (already in connectionStatus).
return connectionStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns current call state
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CPsetSAObserver::IsCallActive()
TInt callStatus = KErrGeneral;
TInt error = RProperty::Get( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation,
callStatus );
if ( error == KErrNone )
switch ( callStatus )
case EPSCTsyCallStateUninitialized:
case EPSCTsyCallStateNone:
callStatus = CPsetSAObserver::EPSetNoCallsActive;
callStatus = CPsetSAObserver::EPSetCallActive;
// Else - error situation, return error code (already in callStatus).
return callStatus;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns current Divert status
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C TInt CPsetSAObserver::GetCurrentDivertStatus(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> CPsetSAObserver::GetCurrentDivertStatus" );
TInt error(KErrNone);
TInt indicator(KCFIndicatorUnknown);
TInt forwadingIndicator( indicator );
TPckg<TInt> indicatorPckg( forwadingIndicator );
error = iRepository->Get( KCtsyUnconditionalCFStatus, indicatorPckg );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aStatus = static_cast <TUnconditionalCFStatus> ( forwadingIndicator );
__PHSLOGSTRING2("[PHS]--> Error: %d, aStatus: %d ", error, aStatus );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]<-- CPsetSAObserver::GetCurrentDivertStatus" );
return error;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets Network observer to member variable
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CPsetSAObserver::SetNetObserver(
MPsetNetworkInfoObserver& aObserver )
if ( !iNetObserver )
iNetObserver = &aObserver;
TRAPD( ignore, NotifyCallStartedL() );
// Line below fixes armv5 warning.
ignore = ignore;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancels active object.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::DoCancel()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C CPsetSAObserver::~CPsetSAObserver()
if ( iNotifyProperty.Handle() )
iNetObserver = NULL;
delete iRepository;
iRepository = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian OS 2-phase constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::ConstructL()
iRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCtsyCallForwardingIndicator );
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Starts to listen to call alerting or call ringing events.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::NotifyCallStartedL()
if ( !IsActive() )
//Ignore any errors here. It is handled in RunL
iNotifyProperty.Attach( KPSUidCtsyCallInformation, KCTsyCallState );
iNotifyProperty.Subscribe( iStatus );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notifies cenrep that diverts have been changed => sets indicator.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPORT_C void CPsetSAObserver::NotifyDivertChange(
TSelectedLine aAlsStatus,
TCallDivertNotifySetting& aDivertNotify,
const TInt& aActivatorUncertain )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> CPsetSAObserver::NotifyDivertChange" );
// we have only one ALS line available
if( aAlsStatus == ENotSupportedLine ||
aAlsStatus == KErrUnknown )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> we have only one ALS line available" );
HandleNoAlsIndicators( aDivertNotify,
aActivatorUncertain );
else if( aAlsStatus == EPrimaryLine )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> HandlePrimaryLineIndicators" );
HandlePrimaryLineIndicators( aDivertNotify );
else if( aAlsStatus == EAuxiliaryLine )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> HandleSecondaryLineIndicators" );
HandleSecondaryLineIndicators( aDivertNotify );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS] NEW DIVERT STATUS:: %d", aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus );
TInt package = aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus;
TPckg<TInt> indicatorPckg( package );
TInt error = iRepository->Set( KCtsyUnconditionalCFStatus, indicatorPckg );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]<-- CPsetSAObserver::NotifyDivertChange" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles indicators when no ALS.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleNoAlsIndicators(
TCallDivertNotifySetting& aDivertNotify,
const TInt& aActivatorUncertain )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> CPsetSAObserver::HandleNoAlsIndicators" );
TUnconditionalCFStatus previousStatus = aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus;
TUnconditionalCFStatus currentStatus = aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus;
TBool voiceMailBox = aDivertNotify.iVmbxDivert;
TInt bsc = aDivertNotify.iBasicServiceCode;
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> Previous CF status: %d ", previousStatus );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> Voice MailBox: %d ", voiceMailBox );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> Basic Service Code: %d ", bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> ActivatorUncertain: %d ", aActivatorUncertain );
if ( aDivertNotify.iCfActivated )
if( voiceMailBox )
HandleVoiceMailBoxDivertActivation( currentStatus, bsc );
HandleDivertActivation( currentStatus, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition" );
HandleDivertDeactivation( currentStatus, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> Current CF status: %d ", currentStatus );
// If aActivatorUncertain is zero and previously divert was acitve to
// Voice mailbox then status is leaved as it was before.
if ( aActivatorUncertain == KPsetRequesterUncertain )
if ( previousStatus != currentStatus )
if ( ( previousStatus == KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox ) ||
( previousStatus == KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox ) ||
( previousStatus == ( KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded
| KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox ) ) )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS] KCtsyUnconditionalCFStatus is NOT changed" );
aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus = previousStatus;
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]RequesterUn-KCtsyUnconditionalCFStatus is going to be changed" );
aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus = currentStatus;
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS] KCtsyUnconditionalCFStatus is going to be changed" );
aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus = currentStatus;
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]<-- CPsetSAObserver::HandleNoAlsIndicators" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles line1 indicators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandlePrimaryLineIndicators(
TCallDivertNotifySetting& aDivertNotify )
__PHSLOGSTRING2("[PHS]--> HandlePrimaryLineIndicators - aPreviousCfStatus: %d, aCfActivated: %d", aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus, aDivertNotify.iCfActivated );
TUnconditionalCFStatus status = aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus;
TInt bsc = aDivertNotify.iBasicServiceCode;
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> status: %d ", status );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> bsc: %d ", bsc );
if ( !IsDivertDualAffectFeatureEnabledL() )
if( aDivertNotify.iCfActivated )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> NOT DUAL Activation - Primary" );
HandlePrimaryLineDivertActivation( status, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> NOT DUAL - Primary" );
HandlePrimaryLineDivertDeactivation( status, bsc );
else // if dualactivation is active.
if( aDivertNotify.iCfActivated )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary" );
HandlePrimaryLineDualDivertActivation( status, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary" );
HandlePrimaryLineDualDivertDeactivation( status, bsc );
aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus = status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handles line2 indicators.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleSecondaryLineIndicators(
TCallDivertNotifySetting& aDivertNotify )
__PHSLOGSTRING2("[PHS]--> HandleSecondaryLineIndicators - HandleSecondaryLineIndicators: %d, aCfActivated: %d", aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus, aDivertNotify.iCfActivated );
TUnconditionalCFStatus status = aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus;
TInt bsc = aDivertNotify.iBasicServiceCode;
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> status: %d ", status );
__PHSLOGSTRING1("[PHS]--> bsc: %d ", bsc );
if ( !IsDivertDualAffectFeatureEnabledL() )
if( aDivertNotify.iCfActivated )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> NOT DUAL Activation - Secondary" );
HandleSecondaryLineDivertActivation( status, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> NOT DUAL Deactivation - Secondary" );
HandleSecondaryLineDivertDeactivation( status, bsc );
else // if dualactivation is active.
if( aDivertNotify.iCfActivated )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary" );
HandleSecondaryLineDualDivertActivation( status, bsc );
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary" );
HandleSecondaryLineDualDivertDeactivation( status, bsc );
aDivertNotify.iPreviousCfStatus = status;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when divert done to voicemail (no ALS).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleVoiceMailBoxDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 1" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 2" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 3" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
case KCFVoiceForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 4" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 5" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 6" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVideoForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 7" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 8" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 9" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 10" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 11" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 12" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 13" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 14" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 15" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Mailbox - 16" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when divert done to some other number than
// voicemail (no ALS).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 1" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 2" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 3" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 4" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
case KCFVideoForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony ||
aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 5" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
case KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 6" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 7" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 8" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 9" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 10" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 11" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 12" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 13" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 14" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 15" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
//aStatus = EPSAllForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony ||
aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - 16" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when deactivation done(no ALS).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleDivertDeactivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 1" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 2" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 3" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 4" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 5" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 6" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 7" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 9" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 10" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 11" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
case KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 12" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 13" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 14" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 15" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 16" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 17" );
aStatus = KCFVideoForwardedToVoiceMailbox;
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc== ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivition - 18" );
aStatus = KCFVoiceForwarded;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when Primary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandlePrimaryLineDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
case KErrUnknown:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 1" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 2" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 3" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllBearer ||
aBsc == EAllSync || aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 4" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 5" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 6" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 |
KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 7" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
else if( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 8" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 |
KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 9" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when Primary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandlePrimaryLineDualDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
case KErrUnknown:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 1" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 2" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 3" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Primary - 4" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when Primary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandlePrimaryLineDualDivertDeactivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele
|| aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 1" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele
|| aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 2" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele
|| aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 3" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when Primary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandlePrimaryLineDivertDeactivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 1" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 2" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 3");
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 4" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 5" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 6" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 7" );
aStatus = aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 8" );
aStatus = aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData || aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 9" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 10" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 11" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTele || aBsc == ETelephony )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 12" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Primary - 13" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when secondary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleSecondaryLineDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
case KErrUnknown:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 1" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 2" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 3" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 4");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 5");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 |
KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 6");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 7");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 8");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when secondary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleSecondaryLineDualDivertActivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFIndicatorUnknown:
case KCFNoCallsForwarded:
case KErrUnknown:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 1" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 2");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Activation - Secondary - 3");
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when secondary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleSecondaryLineDivertDeactivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == EAltTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 1" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVideoForwarded |KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 2" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 3" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 4" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 5" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 6" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2 );
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 7" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVideoForwarded |KCFVoiceForwarded:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 8" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllBearer || aBsc == EAllSync ||
aBsc == ESyncData )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 9" );
aStatus = KCFForwardedOnLine2;
else if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 10" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVideoForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set correct indicator value when secondary line used.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPsetSAObserver::HandleSecondaryLineDualDivertDeactivation(
TUnconditionalCFStatus& aStatus,
const TInt aBsc )
switch ( aStatus )
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 | KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele ||
aBsc == EAltTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 1" );
aStatus = static_cast<TUnconditionalCFStatus>(
KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1 );
case KCFVoiceForwarded | KCFForwardedOnLine1:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 2" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
case KCFForwardedOnLine2:
if ( aBsc == EAllTeleAndBearer || aBsc == EAltTele ||
aBsc == EAllTele )
__PHSLOGSTRING("[PHS]--> Deactivation - Secondary - 3" );
aStatus = KCFNoCallsForwarded;
// End of File