Merge docml changeset with recent Nokia delivery.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Server.
#include "mphsrvphoneinterface.h"
#include "phcltclientserver.h"
#include <rphcltserver.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <f32file.h>
class CPhSrvSession;
class CPhSrvUssdManager;
class CPhSrvPhoneController;
class CPhSrvResourceManager;
class CPhSrvCallRequestManager;
class CPhSrvEmergencyRequestManager;
class CPhSrvEmergencyNumberManager;
class MPhSrvNegotiatorCall;
class MPhSrvEmergencyNumberManager;
class MPhSrvComHandNegotiator;
class CPhSrvComHandRequestManager;
class CPhSrvMessengerRequestManager;
class MPhSrvMessengerNegotiator;
class MPhSrvEmergencyNegotiatorCall;
* It is the server class for Phone Server.
* @since 1.0
class CPhSrvServer :
public CServer2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
* Creates a new server and starts it.
static CPhSrvServer* NewL();
* Destructor.
public: // New functions
* Connects to Font and bitmap server.
* @return Symbian error code
TInt ConnectFBS();
* Disconnects Font and bitmap server.
* @param aForce do we force disconnect
void DisconnectFBS( TBool aForce = EFalse );
* Creates all managers.
* @param aSession The session for subsessions.
void CreateAllL( CPhSrvSession& aSession );
* Cancels create all.
* @param aSession The session for subsessions.
void CancelCreateAll( CPhSrvSession& aSession );
* Creates a new object container.
* @return Returns the created instance.
CObjectCon* NewContainerL() const;
* Removes an object container.
* @param aCon object container
void RemoveContainer( CObjectCon* aCon );
* Access to the call negotiator
* @return The call negotiator
MPhSrvNegotiatorCall& CallNegotiatorL();
* Access to the call negotiator
* NOTE: This is not safe call if IsCallNegotiator() return False
* @return The call negotiator
MPhSrvNegotiatorCall& CallNegotiator() const;
* Access to the USSD manager
* @return The USSD manager
CPhSrvUssdManager& UssdManagerL();
* Access to the call negotiator
* @return The call negotiator
MPhSrvEmergencyNegotiatorCall& EmergencyCallNegotiatorL();
* Access to the call negotiator
* NOTE: This is not safe call if IsEmergencyCallNegotiator() return
* false.
* @return The call negotiator
MPhSrvEmergencyNegotiatorCall& EmergencyCallNegotiator() const;
* Ask if there is a emergency call negotiator.
* @return ETrue if there is emergency call negotiator.
TBool IsEmergencyCallNegotiator() const;
* Access to the phone
* @return The phone interface
MPhSrvPhoneInterface& PhoneInterfaceL();
* Access to the emergency number manager
* @return The emergency number manager
MPhSrvEmergencyNumberManager& EmergencyNumberManagerL();
* Ask if there is a call negotiator.
* @return ETrue if there is call negotiator.
TBool IsCallNegotiator() const;
* Ask if there is a ussd manager
* @return ETrue if there is ussd manager.
TBool IsUssdManager() const;
* Access to the command handler negotiator.
* @since 2.6
* @return The command handler negotiator
MPhSrvComHandNegotiator& ComHandNegotiatorL();
* Access to the command handler negotiator.
* NOTE: This is not a safe call if
* IsComHandNegotiator() return false.
MPhSrvComHandNegotiator& ComHandNegotiator() const;
* Ask if there is a command handler negotiator.
* @since 2.6
* @return ETrue if there is command handler negotiator.
TBool IsComHandNegotiator() const;
* Access to the messenger negotiator.
* @since 2.6
* @return The messenger negotiator
MPhSrvMessengerNegotiator& MessengerNegotiatorL();
* Access to the messenger negotiator.
* NOTE: This is not a safe call if IsMessengerNegotiator()
* return false.
* @since 5.0
* @return The messenger negotiator
MPhSrvMessengerNegotiator& MessengerNegotiator() const;
* Ask if there is a messenger negotiator.
* @since 2.6
* @return ETrue if there is messenger negotiator.
TBool IsMessengerNegotiator() const;
public: // Functions from base classes
* From CServer, create a new session.
* @param aVersion It is the version of the client api.
* @param aMessage Connect message from Client.
* @return Returns a new session.
CSession2* NewSessionL(
const TVersion &aVersion,
const RMessage2& aMessage ) const;
private: // New functions
* C++ constructor.
CPhSrvServer( TInt aPriority );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
* @since 2.8
void ConstructL();
* Returns file server session.
RFs& FsSessionL();
* Returns resource manager.
CPhSrvResourceManager& ResourceManagerL();
* Performs step in create all.
TInt CreateAllStepL();
* Performs an step.
void PerformNextStepL();
* Complete create all.
void CompleteCreateAll( TInt aError );
* Create all step.
static TInt DoCreateAllStepL( TAny* aAny );
private: // Data
// The file server session for the whole server.
RFs iFsSession;
// The object responsible for controlling the server resource file.
CPhSrvResourceManager* iResourceFileManager;
// The object responsible for controlling the interface to the phone.
CPhSrvPhoneController* iPhoneController;
// The object container indexer which owns and manages the CObjectCon
// instances ensuring that each container has a unique handle spanning
// all sub-sessions.
// As well as owning the object containers, it also is responsible
// for creating new ones.
mutable CObjectConIx* iObjectConIx;
// The object responsible for acting as the bridge between an external
// call client, and the phone app engine notifier client.
CPhSrvCallRequestManager* iCallRequestManager;
// The object responsible for acting as the bridge between an external
// call client, and the phone app engine notifier client.
CPhSrvEmergencyRequestManager* iEmergencyRequestManager;
// Responsible for all USSD related server functionality.
CPhSrvUssdManager* iUssdManager;
// Responsible for all emergency number related functionality.
CPhSrvEmergencyNumberManager* iEmergencyNumberManager;
// The object responsible for acting as the bridge between an external
// command handler client, and the phone app engine notifier client.
CPhSrvComHandRequestManager* iComHandRequestManager;
// The object responsible for handling messenger requests.
CPhSrvMessengerRequestManager* iMessengerRequestManager;
// Idle object for create all.
CIdle* iCreateAll;
// Step index.
TInt iCreateAllStep;
// Error.
TInt iCreateAllError;
// Array of sessions.
RPointerArray< CPhSrvSession > iCreateAllArray;
// Reference count for font and bitmap server connections.
TInt iFBSConnections;
// End of File