author William Roberts <>
Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:11:59 +0000
changeset 6 76e20e0cfdc7
parent 0 ff3b6d0fd310
permissions -rw-r--r--
Automatic merge from PDK_3.0.h

* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  This module contains the implementation of CCbsTopicMessages class 
*                member functions. 


#include <e32svr.h>
#include "CbsCommon.h"
#include "CbsServerPanic.h"
#include "CCbsTopicMessages.h"
#include "CCbsSession.h"
#include "CbsServerConstants.h"
#include "CCbsDbImpTopicMessages.h"
#include "CCbsServer.h"
#include "CbsLogger.h"

// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::CCbsTopicMessages
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    CCbsSession& aSession, 
    CCbsDbImpTopicMessages& aMessages,
    CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
    : CCbsObject( aSession ), 
    iMessages( aMessages ),     
    iLocked( 0 ),
    iReceiver( aReceiver )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCbsTopicMessages* CCbsTopicMessages::NewL( 
    CCbsSession& aSession, 
    CCbsDbImpTopicMessages& aMessages,
    CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
    // Normal two phase construction
    CCbsTopicMessages* self = 
            new ( ELeave ) CCbsTopicMessages( aSession, aMessages, aReceiver );
    return self;

// Destructor
    CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: >>> CCbsTopicMessages::~CCbsTopicMessages()");
    CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: <<< CCbsTopicMessages::~CCbsTopicMessages()");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::HandleRequestsL
// Handle the requests for the object.
// Passes requests to proper functions
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCbsTopicMessages::HandleRequestsL( 
    const RMessage2& aMessage )
    CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: >>> CCbsTopicMessages::HandleRequestsL()");
    TBool requestHandled ( ETrue );
    // Handle the requests that are for the subsession.
    switch ( aMessage.Function() )
        case ECbsCloseTopicMessagesSubsession:                
            aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
        case ECbsGetMessageCount:                

        case ECbsGetMessage:

        case ECbsFindMessageByHandle:                               

        case ECbsGetMessageIndexByHandle:                

        case ECbsGetNextAndPrevMsgHandle:                
        case ECbsDeleteMessage:                
            DeleteMessageL( iReceiver );            

        case ECbsSaveMessage:                
            SaveMessageL( iReceiver );            

        case ECbsLockMessage:            

        case ECbsReadMessage:                
            ReadMessageL( iReceiver );            

        case ECbsGetMessageContents:                

            requestHandled = EFalse;
    CBSLOGSTRING2("CBSSERVER: <<< CCbsTopicMessages::HandleRequestsL(), returning requestHandled: %d", requestHandled );   
    return requestHandled;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::CloseTopicMessages
// Closes the subsession.  
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::CloseTopicMessages()
    // Removes the object.
    Session().Server().DeleteObjectByHandle( Message().Int3() );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageCountL
// Returns the total amount of messages to the client.   
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageCountL()
    // First, get the handle from the client    
    TInt topicNumber( 0 );
    topicNumber = Message().Int0();

    // Then, get the message count from the database.
    TInt count( 0 );
    iMessages.GetMessageCountL( static_cast<TUint16> ( topicNumber ), count );
    // Write the message count to the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TInt > pckgCount( count );
    Message().WriteL( 1, pckgCount );

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageL
// Returns the requested message to the client. 
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageL()
    // Read the parameters from the client side
    TInt topicNumber( 0 );
    TInt index( 0 );
    topicNumber = Message().Int0();
    index = Message().Int1();
    // Then get the message from database.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsDbMessage > pckgMessage;
    iMessages.GetMessageL( static_cast<TUint16> ( topicNumber ), index, pckgMessage() );

    // And finally write the message information to the client side
    Message().WriteL( 2, pckgMessage );

    // And complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::FindMessageByHandleL
// Finds a message by its handle. 
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::FindMessageByHandleL()
    // Read the parameters from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    // Find the message.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessage > pckgMessage;
    iMessages.FindMessageByHandleL( pckgHandle(), pckgMessage() );

    // Write the result to the client side.
    Message().WriteL( 1, pckgMessage );

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageIndexByHandleL
// Returns message index in topic by message handle.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageIndexByHandleL()
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    TInt index( iMessages.FindMessagePositionByHandleL( pckgHandle() ) );

    TPckgBuf< TInt > pckgIndex( index );
    Message().WriteL( 1, pckgIndex );

    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::DeleteMessageL
// Deletes a message.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::DeleteMessageL( const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
    // Read the handle from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    // And then try to delete the message.
    iMessages.DeleteMessageL( pckgHandle(), aReceiver );

    // Finally, complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::SaveMessageL
// Saves a message.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::SaveMessageL( const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
    // Read the parameter from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    // Save the message.
    iMessages.SaveMessageL( pckgHandle(), aReceiver );

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::LockMessageL
// Locks a message.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::LockMessageL()
    // Read the parameter from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    TCbsDbMessageHandle handle( pckgHandle() );

    if ( handle != iLocked )
        iMessages.LockMessageL( iLocked, handle );
        iLocked = handle;

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::ReadMessageL
// Reads a message.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::ReadMessageL( const CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
    // Read parameter from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    // Perform the operation.
    iMessages.ReadMessageL( pckgHandle(), aReceiver );

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageContentsL
// Returns the content of the message to the client.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::GetMessageContentsL()
    // Read the parameters from the client side.
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgHandle( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgHandle );

    TInt bufSize( 0 );
    bufSize = Message().Int1();

    TCbsDbMessage message;
    iMessages.FindMessageByHandleL( pckgHandle(), message );
    if ( message.iLength != 0 )
        // Message is not empty. 
        // First allocate memory and then get the contents.
        // Finally write data to client side.
        TInt size ( ( message.iLength < bufSize ) ? 
            message.iLength : bufSize );

        // guaranteed to allocate n bytes, n >= size
        HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewLC( size );    // on CS

        TPtr16 pointer( buffer->Des() );

        // Note: parameter 'size' required, since MaxLength 
        // may be > bufSize
        iMessages.GetMessageContentsL( pckgHandle(), pointer, size );

#ifndef _DEBUG
        Message().WriteL( 2, pointer );
        TRAPD( result, Message().WriteL( 2, pointer ) );
        if ( result != KErrNone )
            RDebug::Print(_L("Server buffer length: %d, max: %d"), 
                pointer.Length(), pointer.MaxLength());
            User::Leave( result );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // buffer

    // Complete the request.
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsTopicMessages::GetNextAndPrevMsgHandleL
// Retrieves and returns the handles of messages that
// precede and succeed the given message in topic.
// Also returns two flags indicating whether the
// given message is the first and/or the last message in topic.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsTopicMessages::GetNextAndPrevMsgHandleL()
    // Retrieve the requested topic number
    TPckgBuf< TCbsMessageHandle > pckgCurrentMsg( 0 );
    Message().ReadL( 0, pckgCurrentMsg );

    // Determine requested information
    TCbsMessageHandle nextMsg(0);
    TCbsMessageHandle prevMsg(0);
    TInt position(0);
        pckgCurrentMsg(), nextMsg, prevMsg, position);

    // Write results back
    TPckgBuf< TCbsNextPrevMsgAndPosition > pckgResults;
    pckgResults().iPrevMsg = prevMsg;
    pckgResults().iNextMsg = nextMsg;
    pckgResults().iPosition = position;

    Message().WriteL( 1, pckgResults );

    // Complete request
    Message().Complete( KErrNone );

// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
//  End of File