* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <QObject>
#include <hbdocumentloader.h>
#include <hbdialog.h>
#include <QEventLoop>
#include <msatuiobserver.h>
#include "satappcommonconstant.h"
class HbMainWindow;
class SatAppEventProvider; // Call back from SatServer
class SatAppView; // SetupMenu and SelectItem
class HbMessageBox; // DisplayText
class SatAppGetInkeyNote; // GetInKey
class HbInputDialog; // GetInKey
class HbDialog; // GetInput
class HbProgressNote; // For wait note
class QTimer; // For SMS/DTMF
// Here we create custom document loader to be able to use own classes in XML.
class SatAppDocumentLoader : public HbDocumentLoader
virtual QObject *createObject(const QString &type, const QString &name);
class SatAppUiProvider : public QObject
* Constructor
* @param window reference of HbMainWindow
* @param event reference of SatAppEventProvider
* @param parent default value
SatAppUiProvider(HbMainWindow &window,
SatAppEventProvider &event,
QObject *parent = 0);
* Destructor
* return the document loader, not transfer the ownership.
SatAppDocumentLoader* docmlLoader();
* Set active view.
void activeView(const QString &view);
* Show SetUpMenuView
* @param aRes TSatAppUserResponse the response
* @param aText The string need to be shown in heading widget
* @param aMenuItems The string need to be shown in list widget
* @param aSelfExplanatoryItems
* @param aHelpIsAvailable
void showSetUpMenuView(
TSatUiResponse &aRes,
const QString &aText,
const QStringList &aMenuItems,
//const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
//const HbIcon &aIcon,
//const CAknIconArray* aItemIconsArray,
const bool aSelfExplanatoryItems,
const bool aHelpIsAvailable);
* Show SelectItemView
* @param aRes TSatAppUserResponse the response
* @param aText The string need to be shown in heading widget
* @param aMenuItems The string need to be shown in list widget
* @param aDefaultItem the default item
* param aSelection The string need to be shown in list widget
* @param aSelfExplanatoryItems
* @param aHelpIsAvailable
void showSelectItemView(
TSatUiResponse &aRes,
const QString &aText,
const QStringList &aMenuItems,
//const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
const int aDefaultItem,
unsigned char&aSelection,
//const HbIcon &aIcon,
//const CAknIconArray* aItemsIconArray,
const bool aSelfExplanatoryItems,
const bool aHelpIsAvailable);
* Show the Display dialog
* @param aText The string need to be shown in content widget
* @param aHeader The string need to be shown in heading widget
* @param aDuration the duration of dialog shown if user do nothing
* @return TSatAppUserResponse the response
TSatAppUserResponse showDisplayTextPopup(
const QString &aHeading,
const QString &aContent,
const int aDuration);
* Show GetInkeyQuer
* @param aHeader The string need to be shown in heading widget
* @param aContent The string need to be shown in content widget
* @param characterSet input mode is digtal or char
* @param aDuration the duration of dialog shown if user do nothing
* @return TSatAppUserResponse the response
TSatAppUserResponse showGetInkeyQuery(
const QString &aHeading,
QString &aContent,
const TSatCharacterSet aCharacterSet,
unsigned int &aDuration);
* Show GetYesNoQuery
* @param aText The string shown in content
* @param characterSet input mode is digtal or char
* @param aDuration the duration of dialog shown if user do nothing
* @param aImmediateDigitResponse
* @return int the response
int showGetYesNoQuery(
const QString &aText,
const TSatCharacterSet aCharacterSet,
unsigned int &aDuration,
const bool aImmediateDigitResponse);
* Show GetInput Query
* @param heading The string shown in heading widget
* @param content The string what user enters. May contain default text
* @param characterSet input mode is digtal or char
* @param minLength min lenght for user input
* @param maxLength max lenght for user input
* @param aHideInput user input should hide or not
TSatAppUserResponse showGetInputQuery(
const QString &heading,
QString &content,
const TSatCharacterSet characterSet,
const int minLength,
const int maxLength,
const bool aHideInput);
* show confirm send query
* @param aText The string shown in heading widget
* @param aActionAccepted
void showConfirmSendQuery(
const QString &aText,
bool &aActionAccepted);
* Show Sms wait note
* @param aText The string shown in heading widget
void showSmsWaitNote(const QString &aText);
* Show Dtmf wait note
* @param aRes
* @param aText The string shown in heading widget
void showDtmfWaitNote(TSatUiResponse &aRes,
const QString &aText);
* Stop show wait note
void stopShowWaitNote();
* Comfirm setupcall
* @param aText
* @param aSimAppName
* @param aActionAccepted
void showConfirmSetUpCallQuery(
const QString &aText,
const QString &aSimAppName,
bool &aActionAccepted);
* User cancel Dtmf response
void userCancelDtmfResponse();
public slots:
* Clear Screen
void clearScreen();
* Close Ui
void closeUi();
* Digital response
void digitalResponse(const int aKey);
* The response of user selected the Primary action
void userPrimaryResponse();
* The response of user selected the secondary action
void userSecondaryResponse();
* Update Query Action
* @param text
void updateQueryAction(QString text);
* User cancel Dtmf response
void cancelDtmfResponse();
* Reset the data member mUserRsp value
void resetUserResponse();
* Compose Dialog
* @param type
* @param aModal
* @param aDismissPolicy
void composeDialog(HbDialog *dlg, int aDuration,
TSatAppDialogActionType type, bool aModal = true,
HbDialog::DismissPolicy aDismissPolicy = HbDialog::NoDismiss);
* Extend the note shown time
void extendNoteShowtime();
* Not own
HbMainWindow &mMainWindow;
* Own,objects load from XML. Needs to be deleted once application exits
QList<QObject *> mObjects;
* Own. For application xml
SatAppDocumentLoader *mLoader;
* Own. from application xml
SatAppView *mSetupMenuView;
* Own. from application xml
SatAppView *mSelectItemView;
* Own. DisplayPopup
HbMessageBox *mDisplayPopup;
* Own. GetInkeyQuery
HbInputDialog *mGetInkeyQuery;
* Own. YesNoPopup
SatAppGetInkeyNote *mYesNoPopup;
* Own. GetInputQuery
HbInputDialog *mGetInputQuery;
* Own. Confirm SendQuery
HbMessageBox *mConfirmSendQuery;
* Own. SmsWaitNote
HbProgressNote *mSmsWaitNote;
* Own. DtmfWaitNote
HbProgressNote *mDtmfWaitNote;
* Own. SetUpCall Query
HbMessageBox *mSetUpCallQuery;
* General user response
TSatAppUserResponse mUserRsp;
* GetInkey immediate digital response
int mDigitalRsp;
* GetInput min legnth, en/dis able ok buttion
int mMinLength;
* Own. DTMF
QTimer *mTimer;
* Own.
QEventLoop *mLoop;
// End of file