Fixed "extra qualification" syntax errors.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Header file for the CCbsUiTopicView class.
#include <aknview.h>
#include <CbsCommon.h>
#include <AknNaviDecoratorObserver.h>
#include "MCbsUiTopicMonitorObserver.h"
#include "MSaveMessageController.h"
#include "CbsUiDebug.h"
class CCbsUiTopicViewContainer;
class MCbs;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
* For showing message in one topic.
class CCbsUiTopicView : public CAknView,
public MCbsUiTopicMonitorObserver,
public MSaveMessageController,
public MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
private: // Data declaration
enum TTopicViewFocusState
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Creates instance of the class.
* @param aServer reference to the server
* @return It is the created instance.
static CCbsUiTopicView* NewL( MCbs& aServer );
* Destructor.
public: // New functions
* Marks the current handle. This should be called only when
* the Options menu is created and when the Ok (selection) key
* has been pressed.
void MarkCurrentlyFocusedHandle();
* Handle changes in container when rect changes.
void HandleRectChangeInContainer();
public: // From MCbsUiTopicMonitorObserver
* Topic list or topic messages are changed.
* @param aEvent reason for event
* @param aTopicNumber Topic number, which caused the event
void TopicListChangedL(
TCbsTopicListEvent aEvent, TCbsTopicNumber aTopicNumber );
public: // From MSaveMessageController
* Saves a message (the saved message won't be deleted to make
* room for new messages).
* Return codes:
* KErrNone Message is saved.
* KErrGeneral Message not saved -- total maximum of saved
* messages reached.
* KErrNotFound Message not saved -- no message associated
* with the given handle.
* KErrDiskFull Message not saved -- FFS out of space.
* @param aHandle Handle to the message to be saved.
* @return Return code.
TInt SaveMessage( const TCbsMessageHandle& aHandle );
private: // from MEikMenuObserver
* Sets the options menu according to the current message.
* @param aResouceId Id of the resouce.
* @param aMenuPane Pointer to the menu pane.
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* Overrides MEikMenuObserver function SetEmphasis. Default
* implementation has been copied here.
* Checks if the menu pane is showing. If the menu pane is not
* showing, message is unlocked, because it has been locked when
* the menu pane was created.
* @param aMenuControl pointer to the menu control
* @param aEmphasis ETrue if menu is showing; otherwise EFalse
void SetEmphasis( CCoeControl* aMenuControl,TBool aEmphasis );
public: // from CAknView
* Returns the view id.
TUid Id() const;
* To catch which command is selected before menu pane is closed.
* @param aCommand command to be processed
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* Processes the command.
* @param aCommand It is the command to be processed.
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
protected: // from CAknView
* Activates the view.
* @param aPrevViewId previous view id
* @param aCustomMessageId id of the custom message
* @param aCustomMessage message data
void DoActivateL(
const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId, const TDesC8& aCustomMessage );
* Deactivates the view.
void DoDeactivate();
private: // New functions
* Sets focus to message, according to aIndex.
* @param aIndex Index of the focused message.
void SetFocusToMessage( TInt aIndex );
* Reloads the messages.
void ReloadMessagesL();
* Return the total amount of messages. ("loaded").
* @return total amount of messages
TInt TotalMessages() const;
* Locks the message in the server. Only one message can locked
* at same time. When new message is locked, old message is unlocked.
* @param aHandle Message handle to be locked.
TInt LockMessage( TCbsMessageHandle aHandle );
* Unlocks the message from the server.
void UnLockMessage();
* Updates the status pane.
void UpdateTitlePaneL( const TCbsTopic& aTopic ) const;
* Updates the title pane.
void UpdateNaviPaneL( const TCbsTopic& aTopic );
* Shows the message in a dialog.
void ShowMessageL();
* Finds message index by handle.
* @param aIndex it will contain the topic index
* @param aMessageHandle handle to the message
* @return KErrNone if handle exists
TInt FindMessageIndexByHandle(
TInt& aIndex,
const TCbsMessageHandle& aMessageHandle );
* Loads all message titles from the server in one topic and offers
* those to the container.
* @param aTopicNumber Message headers will be loaded from this topic.
void LoadAllMessageTitlesL( TCbsTopicNumber aTopicNumber );
* Prepares container for reloading.
void PrepareReloading();
* Sets focus in the list box according to current topic number.
* It also set the focus according to the view focus state.
* @param aFocusState indicates where to put the focus
void SetFocusAfterReloading( TTopicViewFocusState aFocusState );
* Sets a new current handle according to aDeletedHandle.
* @param aDeletedHandle A handle to message which has been deleted.
void SetNewCurrentHandle( TCbsMessageHandle aDeletedHandle );
* Sets current topic number according to aToPrev
* @param aToPrev Sets current topic number to previous if ETrue
void SetCurrentTopicNumber( TBool aToPrev );
* Sets current topic number to aTopicNumberDes. It is used in
* view activation.
* @param aTopicNumberDes new current topic number
void SetCurrentTopicNumberAndMessageHandle( const TDesC8& aTopicNumberDes );
* Activates message view with the aMsgHandle.
* @param aMsgHandle A message handle to be activeted.
void ActivateMsgViewL( TCbsMessageHandle aMsgHandle ) const;
* Activates topic list view with topic number.
* @param aTopicNumber sets the topic number in topic list view.
void ActivateTopicListViewL( TCbsTopicNumber aTopicNumber ) const;
* Checks if it is possible to move to previous, next
* or both directions.
* @param aToPrevious ETrue if it is possible to move to previous topic
* @param aToNext ETrue if it is possible to move to next topic
* @param error code
TInt CheckIfCanMove( TBool& aToPrevious, TBool& aToNext );
* Activates the list box after changes. List box is owned by
* the container.
void ActivateListBoxL();
* Set the middle soft key text.
* @param aResourceId Resource to be read (text label)
* @param aCommandId Command ID for MSK command
void SetMiddleSoftKeyLabelL( const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aCommandId );
* Removes MSK command mappings.
void RemoveCommandFromMSK();
* It defines the type for message handle lists.
typedef CArrayFixFlat< TCbsMessageHandle > TCbsUiMessageHandleList;
* Constructor.
* @param aServer reference to the server
* @param aApplication reference to the application
CCbsUiTopicView( MCbs& aServer );
* Finalizes the construction.
void ConstructL();
private: // From MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
* Method for handling touch events on navigator (navi pane)
* @param aEventID Id of the event.
void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL( TInt aEventID );
private: // Data
// container to the CCbsUiTopicView
CCbsUiTopicViewContainer* iContainer;
// navi pane variables
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviContainer;
// navi pane
CAknNavigationDecorator* iDecoratedLabel;
// navi pane
CAknNavigationDecorator* iPreviousDecoratedLabel;
// reference to server
MCbs& iServer;
// array for message handles
TCbsUiMessageHandleList* iHandles;
// handle to a message, which is focused on.
TCbsMessageHandle iCurrentHandle;
// Topic number, which this view is currently handling.
TCbsTopicNumber iCurrentTopicNumber;
// If this is ETrue, message can be unlocked and there fore
// deleted. It is set EFalse in ProcessCommandL, ETrue
// in DoActivateL and in HandleCommandL.
TBool iCanUnlock;
// End of File