Remove files erroneously added in previous changeset that introduced case-folding collisions.
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This file contains the header file of the CCbsRecEtel class
#include "CMcn.h"
#include "MCbsEtelMessaging.h"
* Series 60 Customer / ETel
* Series 60 ETel API
#include <rmmcustomapi.h> // SIM topics
* Series 60 Customer / TSY
* Needs customer TSY implementation
class CCbsEtelFactory;
class CCbsRecEtelMonitor;
class CCbsRecCollector;
class CCbsRecDecoder;
class CCbsRecNetworkListener;
class CCbsRecMessage;
class CCbsReceiverHelper;
class MCbsMcnSubscriptionsProvider;
class CCbsSetFilterSettingHandler;
class CCbsRecWcdmaMessage;
class CCbsMessage;
class CCbsMessageFactory;
class CCbsLivecastHandler;
* CCbsRecEtel sets up the receiver subsystem for receiving CBS messages
* from the ETEL server.
* This class creates instances of CCbsRecEtelMonitor to communicate with
* ETel server, CCbsRecDecoder to decode message pages and
* CCbsRecCollector to combine partial messages together. CCbsRecEtel
* sends completed messages to the database via an interface
* class CCbsReceiverHelper.
* An instance of CCbsRecNetworkListener is created to monitor network
* state changes and report them to CCbsRecEtel instance.
* CCbsRecEtel is also responsible for controlling the CBMI list entries
* in ME defining Message Identifiers and DCSes that are to be received.
* CCbsRecEtel instance does not store information on what topics and
* languages to subscribe. Instead, on call to ApplyStateChangesL(),
* subscriptions and other CB settings are retrieved from the database
* and passed to EPOC Telephony server.
* Thus, after topic subscriptions, languages or reception status have
* been modified, a call to ApplyStateChangesL() has to be made in order
* to actually bring the changes into effect.
* Although EPOC Telephony server can be requested to relay messages of certain topics and
* languages, there is a couple of things to note.
* 1. In order to detect topics broadcasted within the current region, all
* CB messages have to be received. This is done by subscribing all topics
* and languages.
* 2. Since MCN clients may subscribe any number of topics, topic filtering
* has to be made to remove messages not requested by the UI client.
* 3. All languages have to be subscribed at all times. This is because
* TSY limits the number of languages and a single language (e.g., English),
* may be represented by multiple DCS values. In addition, CBS specification
* tells that any message in unspecified language has to be received.
* Thus the only possibility here is to ignore EPOC Telephony server provided facilities
* to filter languages, and implement filtering in CbsServer.
* This is done in CCbsReceiverHelper.
class CCbsRecEtel : public CBase
public: // New functions
* Creates an instance of the class.
* @return A new instance of CCbsRecEtel.
static CCbsRecEtel* NewL();
* Destructor.
* Called by the network listener (instance of CCbsRecEtelMonitor)
* to indicate that a new message has been received and must be
* handled.
* The message page is decoded, cell information (if present) is
* extracted and routed to MCN clients. Pages of multipaged messages
* are then given to the collector. If the message is completed
* (all pages collected) or the message is singlepaged, it is
* given onwards to CCbsReceiverHelper.
* Note that a multipaged message page is routed to MCN clients
* before it is assembled. This is acceptable because maximum
* length of a MCN message is specified to be 20 characters.
* Ownership of aMessage transferred to CCbsRecEtel.
* @param aMessage A pointer to the message page received.
void HandleMessageReceivedL( CCbsMessage* aMessage );
* Augments aMessage with current network information (i.e., PLMN, LAC
* and Cell ID). Does nothing if the network listener iListener
* is unavailable.
* @param aMessage Message page.
TInt AddNetworkInfo( CCbsMessage& aMessage ) const;
* Sets the interface to which all accepted messages are given.
* @param aInterface A pointer to the receiver interface.
void SetInterface( CCbsReceiverHelper* aInterface );
* Returns the current and maximum number of subscribed topics.
* Topic restrictions are imposed by the TSY in use.
* @param aTotal Total amount of subscribed topics.
* @param aMax Maximum amount of subscribed topics.
void GetSubscriptionsLimitsL( TInt& aTotal, TInt& aMax );
* MCN client sessions register to CCbsRecEtel using this function.
* When topic subscriptions are gathered during execution of
* ApplyStateChangesL(), subscriptions of each registered subscription
* provider are added to the CBMI list that determines which
* topics are received.
* @param aProvider Topic subscription providing instance
void AddSubscriptionProviderL(
MCbsMcnSubscriptionsProvider* aProvider );
* Removes a topic subscription provider.
* @param aProvider Topic subscription providing instance
void RemoveSubscriptionProviderL(
const MCbsMcnSubscriptionsProvider* aProvider );
* Retrieves current subscriptions, languages and settings
* from DB. This data is augmented by topic subscription
* information retrieved from MCN client(s). Resulting
* topic subscriptions, languages and settings will then
* be requested from EPOC Telephony server.
void ApplyStateChangesL();
* Returns the current cell information.
* The information is retrieved from the last cell information
* message received.
* Result codes:
* KErrNone Operation successful, aCellInfo
* contains a valid cell info message
* KErrNotFound Cell information hasn't been received
* yet - aCellInfo is invalid.
* @param aInfoMessage Current info message
* @param aTopicNumber Number of the topic that
* the msg belongs to
* @return Result code
TInt GetCurrentMessage( TDes& aInfoMessage, TInt aTopicNumber );
* Loads CB topics from SIM and adds them on the topic list.
* A topic is not added on the list if the same topic
* already exists on the list. This identification is done
* by the number of the topic only.
* The name of an added topic will be taken from SIM.
* If no name has been associated with the topic, the string
* <qtn_cb_litext_sim_topic> will be given to the topic.
* Result codes:
* KErrNotSupported TSY does not support SIM topics.
* @return Result code.
TInt LoadSimTopicsL();
* Deletes a CB topic matching the given topic number from SIM.
* Leaves if the operation is unsuccessful.
* @param aNumber Number of topic to be deleted from SIM.
* @param aDeleteAll Are we deleting all SIM topics, ETrue/EFalse
void DeleteSimTopicL( const TUint16 aNumber, const TBool aDeleteAll );
* Deletes all topics from the SIM card.
* Leaves if the operation is unsuccessful.
void DeleteAllSimTopicsL();
* Passes the given CB message to each registered subscriptions
* provider (a subscription provider is a MCN client wishing
* CB message routing service).
* @param aMessage CB message
void RouteMessageL( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
* Returns the message collector reference.
* @return Collector reference
CCbsRecCollector& Collector();
* Returns the receiver helper reference.
* @return Receiver helper reference
CCbsReceiverHelper& Interface() const;
* Constructor.
* Finalizes the construction.
void ConstructL();
* Establishes a connection with the EPOC Telephony server.
* Also opens the necessary EPOC Telephony server resources such as RMobilePhone and
* RMobileBroadcastMessaging sessions.
void ConnectToEtelL();
* Sets the given CB reception mode on ME.
* @param aSetting CB receive mode
void SetReceptionStatusL(
RMobileBroadcastMessaging::TMobilePhoneBroadcastFilter aSetting );
* Returns the total number of topic subscriptions made by
* MCN clients registered to the server.
* @return Number of subscriptions by
* MCN clients.
TUint NumberOfMcnSubscriptions() const;
* Copies cell information message body into an internal
* cache. This way MCN clients can be provided the current
* cell information message even without message routing service.
* The given message is assumed to be a valid cell information
* message (CB message of topic 050).
* @param aMessage Cell information message
void ExtractCellInformation( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
* Copies cell information message body into an internal
* cache. This way MCN clients can be provided the current
* HomeZone message even without message routing service.
* The given message is assumed to be a valid HomeZone
* message (CB message of topic 221).
* @param aMessage Cell information message
void ExtractHomeZoneInformation( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
* Checks if the time of the day is such that the user does
* not want to receive any messages.
* @param aMessage CB message
* @return ETrue if the message should
* be recived, otherwise EFalse.
TBool CheckTimeL( const CCbsMessage* aMessage );
private: // Data
// Own: Collector, which is responsible for combining multipaged
// messages.
CCbsRecCollector* iCollector;
// Own: responsible for converting 7-bit and 8-bit representations
// into UCS-2.
CCbsRecDecoder* iDecoder;
// Current reception status. This is a cached version of
// a variable stored in ME/SIM.
RMobileBroadcastMessaging::TMobilePhoneBroadcastFilter iReception;
// Ref: interface to the server.
CCbsReceiverHelper* iInterface;
// Own: SMS messaging object for receiving CBS message pages
// from the EPOC Telephony server.
MCbsEtelMessaging* iMessaging;
// Own: ETel monitor receives the message pages and forwards them to
// CCbsRecEtel.
CCbsRecEtelMonitor* iEtelMonitor;
// Own: Filter setting handler processes asynchronous
// Set Filter Setting command.
CCbsSetFilterSettingHandler* iFilterSettingHandler;
// EPOC Telephony server session.
RTelServer iEtelServer;
// Represents the GSM phone used for messaging and network information
// retrieving.
* Series 60 Customer / ETel
* Series 60 ETel API
RMobilePhone iGsmPhone;
// Custom API is used for SIM Topic handling.
* Series 60 Customer / ETel
* Series 60 ETel API
RMmCustomAPI iCustomPhone;
// Own: active object which listens to changes in network state
// and reports them to CCbsRecEtel instance.
CCbsRecNetworkListener* iNetworkListener;
// Own: set of MCN sessions that provide their topic subscriptions and
// get cell information routing services
CArrayFixFlat< MCbsMcnSubscriptionsProvider* >* iSubscriptionProviders;
// ETrue if a cell information message has been received.
TBool iCellInfoReceived;
// Current reception status. This is a cached version of
// a variable stored in ME.
TBool iReceptionEnabled;
// Current cell information message.
TMcnMessage iCurrentCellInfoMessage;
// Has the user set a time to limit the reception
TBool iLimitedReception;
// The current time
TTime iNow;
TDateTime iDateTimeNow;
// Start and end times of limited reception
TTime iStartTime;
TTime iEndTime;
// Cell info cache variables
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 iCellInfoPLMN;
TUint iCellInfoLAC;
TUint iCellInfoCellId;
// ETrue if HomeZone message has been received
TBool iHomeZoneReceived;
// HomeZone cache variables
RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1 iHomeZonePLMN;
TUint iHomeZoneLAC;
TUint iHomeZoneCellId;
// Current HomeZone message
TMcnMessage iCurrentHomeZoneMessage;
// Message factory
CCbsMessageFactory* iFactory;
// LC message handler
CCbsLivecastHandler* iLivecastHandler;
// Local variation bits, fetched from CenRep
TInt iLVBits;
// Indication of new SIM Topics
TBool iNewSimTopicsAdded;
// End of File