Add missing docml files.
* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This module contains the implementation of CCbsSettings class
* member functions.
* The server-side CbsClient subsession for modifying settings.
#include "CbsCommon.h"
#include "CbsServerPanic.h"
#include "CbsServerConstants.h"
#include "CCbsSettings.h"
#include "CCbsDbImpSettings.H"
#include "CCbsRecEtel.h"
#include "CCbsServer.h"
#include "CbsLogger.h"
// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::CCbsSettings
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCbsSession& aSession,
CCbsDbImpSettings& aSettings,
CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
: CCbsObject( aSession ),
iSettings( aSettings ),
iReceiver( aReceiver )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::ConstructL()
// Add itself as an observer.
iSettings.AddObserverL( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCbsSettings* CCbsSettings::NewL(
CCbsSession& aSession,
CCbsDbImpSettings& aSettings,
CCbsRecEtel& aReceiver )
CCbsSettings* self =
new ( ELeave ) CCbsSettings( aSession, aSettings, aReceiver );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Destructor
CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: >>> CCbsSettings::~CCbsSettings()");
iSettings.RemoveObserver( this );
CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: <<< CCbsSettings::~CCbsSettings()");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL
// Handles the requests for this subsession.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: >>> CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL()");
TBool requestHandled( ETrue );
// Check needed capabilities
TBool hasCapWrite( EFalse );
hasCapWrite = aMessage.HasCapability( ECapabilityWriteDeviceData );
CBSLOGSTRING2("CBSSERVER: CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL(), caps checked: %d", hasCapWrite );
// Get the request
TInt function = aMessage.Function();
// If caps are not ok, leave
if ( ( function == ECbsSetReceptionStatus ||
function == ECbsSetTopicDetectionStatus ||
function == ECbsSetLanguages ) &&
!hasCapWrite )
CBSLOGSTRING("CBSSERVER: CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL(): Caps NOT OK, leaving with KErrPermissionDenied...");
User::Leave( KErrPermissionDenied );
// Handle the requests for the subsession
switch ( function )
case ECbsCloseSettingsSubsession:
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
case ECbsGetReceptionStatus:
case ECbsSetReceptionStatus:
case ECbsGetTopicDetectionStatus:
case ECbsSetTopicDetectionStatus:
case ECbsGetLanguages:
case ECbsSetLanguages:
case ECbsNotifySettingsChanged:
case ECbsNotifySettingsChangedCancel:
requestHandled = EFalse;
CBSLOGSTRING2("CBSSERVER: <<< CCbsSettings::HandleRequestsL(), returning requestHandled: %d", requestHandled );
return requestHandled;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::TopicDetectionStatusChangedIndL
// Called when the topic detection is changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::TopicDetectionStatusChangedIndL()
// Notify the client in case there is a pending notification request.
NotifyClientL( ECbsModifiedTopicDetectionStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::ReceptionStatusChangedIndL
// Called when reception status is changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::ReceptionStatusChangedIndL()
// Notify the client in case there is a pending notification request.
NotifyClientL( ECbsModifiedReceptionStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::LanguagesChangedIndL
// Called when reception status is changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::LanguagesChangedIndL()
// Notify the client in case there is a pending notification request.
NotifyClientL( ECbsModifiedLanguages );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::LimitedReceptionStatusChangedIndL
// Called when reception status is changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::LimitedReceptionStatusChangedIndL()
// Notify the client in case there is a pending notification request.
NotifyClientL( ECbsModifiedLimitedReceptionStatus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::CleanupTimeChangedIndL
// Called when clean up time of read messages is changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::CleanupTimeChangedIndL()
// Notify the client in case there is a pending notification request.
NotifyClientL( ECbsModifiedCleanupTime );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::CloseSettings
// Close the subsession.
// Note that the method will delete itself, so the object is no
// longer valid after the call.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::CloseSettings()
// Removes the object.
Session().Server().DeleteObjectByHandle( Message().Int3() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::GetReceptionStatusL
// Passes the reception status from the database to the client.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::GetReceptionStatusL()
// First, get the reception status from the database.
TBool receptionStatus( EFalse );
iSettings.GetReceptionStatus( receptionStatus );
// Write the reception status to the client side.
TPckgBuf< TBool > statusPckg( receptionStatus );
Message().WriteL( 0, statusPckg );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::SetReceptionStatusL
// Change the reception status to the requested one.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::SetReceptionStatusL()
// Read the reception status from the client side and then
// change the current status to the requested one.
TPckgBuf< TBool > statusPckg( EFalse );
Message().ReadL( 0, statusPckg );
// Change the status.
TBool status( statusPckg() );
iSettings.SetReceptionStatusL( status );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::GetTopicDetectionStatusL
// Return the current topic detection status to the client.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::GetTopicDetectionStatusL()
// First, get the topic detection status.
TBool topicDetectionStatus( EFalse );
iSettings.GetTopicDetectionStatus( topicDetectionStatus );
// Write the topic detection status to the client side.
TPckgBuf< TBool > statusPckg( topicDetectionStatus );
Message().WriteL( 0, statusPckg );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::SetTopicDetectionStatusL
// Change the topic detection status to the requested one.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::SetTopicDetectionStatusL()
// Read the topic detection status from the client side and then
// change the current status to the requested one.
TPckgBuf< TBool > statusPckg( EFalse );
Message().ReadL( 0, statusPckg );
iSettings.SetTopicDetectionStatusL( statusPckg() );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::GetLanguagesL
// Return the preferred languages to the client.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::GetLanguagesL()
// Get the language settings.
TCbsDbLanguages language;
iSettings.GetLanguages( language );
// Write the preferred languages to the client side.
TPckgBuf< TCbsSettingsLanguages > languagePckg( language );
Message().WriteL( 0, languagePckg );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::SetLanguagesL
// Sets preferred languages.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::SetLanguagesL()
// Read the preferred languages from the client side and then
// change the current languages to the requested.
TPckgBuf< TCbsSettingsLanguages > languagePckg;
Message().ReadL( 0, languagePckg );
// Update db's language settings.
TCbsDbLanguages languages( languagePckg() );
iSettings.SetLanguagesL( languages );
// Complete the request.
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::NotifySettingsChanged
// Make request to notify when settings are changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::NotifySettingsChanged()
// If there is already a pending request, cancel it.
if ( iIsMessage )
// And then save the message.
iMessage = Message();
iIsMessage = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::NotifySettingsChangedCancel
// Cancel the request to notify when settings are changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::NotifySettingsChangedCancel()
if ( iIsMessage )
iMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
iIsMessage = EFalse;
Message().Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCbsSettings::NotifyClientL
// Notifies the client (if there is a pending request).
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCbsSettings::NotifyClientL(
TCbsSettingsEvent aEvent )
// If there is a pending request, then process it.
if ( iIsMessage )
// Make a pointer descriptor
TPckg<TCbsSettingsEvent> eventPckg( aEvent );
iMessage.WriteL( 0, eventPckg );
iMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
iIsMessage = EFalse;
// ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
// End of File