Add missing docml files.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation for emergency call object
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mccpcallobserver.h>
#include <mccpemergencycall.h>
#include "ccpdefs.h" // TCCPError defs
#include "mccecall.h"
#include "mccecallobserver.h"
#include "cccepluginmanager.h"
#include "cccecallobserverasynchroniser.h"
#include "mccecallinfo.h"
#include "ccecallenums.h"
const TInt KMaxEmergencyNumberLenght = 16;
class CCCEDurationTimer;
* Internal emergency call object
* This object contains logic for emergency call
* @lib cce.dll
* @since S60 v3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCCEEmergencyCall) : public CActive,
public MCCECall,
public MCCPCallObserver,
public MCCECallInfo
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aCallContainer Reference callcontainer
* @param aPluginManager Reference to plugin managerl
static CCCEEmergencyCall* NewL(CCCECallContainer& aCallContainer,
CCCEPluginManager& aPluginManager );
* Two-phased constructor.
* @param aCallContainer Reference callcontainer
* @param aPluginManager Reference to plugin managerl
static CCCEEmergencyCall* NewLC(CCCECallContainer& aCallContainer,
CCCEPluginManager& aPluginManager );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCCEEmergencyCall();
* Returnd ETrue if emergency call is in progress
TBool IsInProgress();
// from class CActive
/** @see CActive::RunL */
void RunL();
/** @see CActive::RunError */
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
/** @see CActive::DoCancel */
void DoCancel();
// from class MCCECall
/** @see MCCECall::Dial */
void SetObserver( const MCCECallObserver& aObserver );
/** @see MCCECall::DialEmergencyCall */
void DialEmergencyCall( const TDesC16& aNumber );
/** @see MCCECall::HangUp */
TInt HangUp();
/** @see MCCECall::Answer */
TInt Answer();
/** @see MCCECall::IsEmergency and MCCECallInfo::IsEmergency */
TBool IsEmergency() const;
/** @see MCCECall::GetMobileCallInfo */
void GetMobileCallInfo( TDes8& aCallInfo ) const;
/** @see MCCECall::Parameters */
const CCCECallParameters& Parameters() const;
/** @see MCCECall::State */
CCPCall::TCallState State() const;
// from class MCCPCallObserver
/** @see MCCPCallObserver::ErrorOccurred */
void ErrorOccurred( TCCPError aError, MCCPCall* aCall );
/** @see MCCPCallObserver::CallStateChanged */
void CallStateChanged( TCCPCallState aState, MCCPCall* aCall );
/** @see MCCPCallObserver::CallEventOccurred */
void CallEventOccurred( TCCPCallEvent aEvent, MCCPCall* aCall );
/** @see MCCPCallObserver::CallCapsChanged */
void CallCapsChanged( TUint32 aCapsFlags, MCCPCall* aCall );
/** @see MCCPCallObserver::CallStateChangedWithInband */
void CallStateChangedWithInband( TCCPCallState aState, MCCPCall* aCall );
// from class MCCECallInfo
/** @see MCCECallInfo::ImplementationUid */
const TUid ImplementationUid() const;
/** @see MCCECallInfo::Direction */
CCPCall::TCallDirection Direction() const;
/** @see MCCECallInfo::CallType */
CCPCall::TCallType CallType() const;
/** @see MCCECallInfo::CallIndex, MCCECall::CallIndex */
TInt CallIndex() const;
enum TEmergencyCallRequest
ECCENone = 0x00000000, // 0 must be set to 0
ECCEDial, // 1
ECCEReleaseActive // 2
enum TCCEEmergencyState
EPrimary = 1,
class TStateTransition
iState = CCPCall::EStateIdle;
iInband = EFalse;
CCPCall::TCallState iState;
TBool iInband;
* Constructor.
CCCEEmergencyCall(CCCECallContainer& aCallContainer, CCCEPluginManager& aPluginManager );
* leaving parts of constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Next available plugin.
void NextPluginL();
* Removes used plugin if was other than primary.
void ReleasePlugin();
* State event handler iplementation.
void NotifyCallStatusChange(
CCPCall::TCallState aCallStatus,
TBool aInband,
CCECallEnums::TNotifyType aNotify );
* State event handler iplementation.
void HandleCallStateChanged( TCCPCallState aState, TBool aInband );
private: // data
* State
TCCEEmergencyState iState;
* Dialled number
TBuf <KMaxEmergencyNumberLenght> iEmergencyNumber;
* Is disconnect allowed
TBool iAllowDisconnect;
* Exit code to sent in mobilecallinfo
TInt iExitCode;
* Emergency call is in progress
TBool iIsInProgress;
* call parameters received from phone
CCCECallParameters* iCallParameters;
* Call observer
* Not own
CCCECallObserverAsynchroniser* iObserver;
* Emergency call object from primary plugin
* Not own
MCCPEmergencyCall* iPrimaryEmergencyCall;
* Available emergency call plugin TUids
RArray<TUid> iAltEmergencyCallPlugins;
* Currently active plugin
TUid iEmergencyProvider;
* Currently active emergency call object
* Not own
MCCPEmergencyCall* iEmergencyCallInUse;
* State
CCPCall::TCallState iCallState;
* Reference to call container
CCCECallContainer& iCallContainer;
* Reference to plugin manager
CCCEPluginManager& iPluginManager;
* Current call state
TEmergencyCallRequest iActiveRequest;
* Counts duration for this call
* Own
CCCEDurationTimer* iCCEDurationTimer;
* Pointer to own iStatus
* NULL when Request is completed
* Should be set when iStatus is activated
TRequestStatus* iInitializing;
* GSM spec call index.
TInt iCallIndex;
// all rest are not used. just stubs.
/** @see MCCECall::Tone
* Not Supported in emergency call
TCCPTone Tone() const;
/** @see MCCECall::IsSecureSpecified
* Not Supported in emergency call
TBool SecureSpecified() const;
/** @see MCCECall::IsSecured
* Not Supported in emergency call
TBool IsSecured() const;
/** @see MCCECall::SetParameters
* Not Supported in emergency call
void SetParameters( const CCCECallParameters& aNewParams );
/** @see MCCECall::Hold
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt Hold();
/** @see MCCECall::Resume
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt Resume();
/** @see MCCECall::Swap
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt Swap();
/** @see MCCECall::Dial
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt Dial( const TDesC8& aCallParams );
/** @see MCCECSCall::NoFDNCheck
* Not Supported in emergency call
void NoFDNCheck();
/** @see MCCECall::Release
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt Release();
/** @see MCCECall::HoldNoNotifyL
* Not Supported in emergency call
void HoldNoNotifyL();
/** @see MCCECall::ResumeNoNotifyL
* Not Supported in emergency call
void ResumeNoNotifyL();
/** @see MCCECall::ForwardToAddressL
* Not Supported in emergency call
void ForwardToAddressL( TInt aIndex );
/** @see MCCECall::CallDuration
* Not Supported in emergency call
TTimeIntervalSeconds CallDuration() const;
/** @see MCCECall::StartTime
* Not Supported in emergency call
TDateTime StartTime() const;
/** @see MCCECall::RemoteParty
* Not Supported in emergency call
const TDesC& RemoteParty() const;
/** @see MCCECall::RemotePartyName
* Not Supported in emergency call
const TDesC& RemotePartyName() const;
/** @see MCCECall::DialledParty
* Not Supported in emergency call
const TDesC& DialledParty() const;
/** @see MCCECall::ServiceId
* Not Supported in emergency call
TUint32 ServiceId() const;
/** @see MCCECall::Caps
* Not Supported in emergency call
MCCECallObserver::TCCECallControlCaps Caps() const;
/** @see MCCECall::GetMobileDataCallCaps
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt GetMobileDataCallCaps( TDes8& aCaps ) const;
/** @see MCCECall::LogDialedNumber
* Not Supported in emergency call
TBool LogDialedNumber() const;
/** @see MCCECall::AttendedTransfer
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt AttendedTransfer( const TDesC& aTransferTarget );
/** @see MCCECall::UnattendedTransfer
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt UnattendedTransfer( const TDesC& aTarget );
/** @see MCCECall::AcceptTransfer
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt AcceptTransfer( TBool aAccept );
/** @see MCCECall::TransferTarget
* Not Supported in emergency call
const TDesC& TransferTarget() const;
/** @see MCCECall::GetForwardAddressChoicesL
* Not Supported in emergency call
const CDesC8Array& GetForwardAddressChoicesL();
/** @see MCCECall::SwitchAlternatingCall
* Not Supported in emergency call
TInt SwitchAlternatingCall();
/** @see MCCECall::Tone
* Not Supported in emergency call
TDateTime iStartTime;
/** @see MCCECall::ReplaceActive
* Not Supported in emergency call
virtual TInt ReplaceActive();