/** Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Implements the MPsetDivertObserver observer.**/#ifndef CSATSENDSSDIVERTNOUIOBS_H#define CSATSENDSSDIVERTNOUIOBS_H#include <mpsetdivertobs.h>/*** Implements MPsetDivertObserver and gets notifications of* the diverting process** @lib SendSsCmd* @since S60 v3.1*/class CSatSendSsDivertNoUiObs : public CBase, public MPsetDivertObserver {public: /** * C++ default constructor. */ CSatSendSsDivertNoUiObs(); /** * Destructor. */ ~CSatSendSsDivertNoUiObs(); /** * From MPsetDivertObserver, handles diverting changed. * @param aSetting identifies the cf setting. * @param aPlural indicates that operation affected several bscs. */ void HandleDivertingChangedL( const TCallDivertSetting& aSetting, TBool aPlural ); /** * From MPsetDivertObserver, handles diverting status. * @param aBsc array of Bscs * @param aSetting identifies the cf setting. * @param aPlural indicates that operation affects several bscs. */ void HandleDivertingStatusL( CMobilePhoneCFList& aSetting, TBool aPlural ); /** * From MPsetDivertObserver, handles diverting error. * @param aReason identifies the reason for error. */ void HandleDivertingErrorL( TInt aReason ); /** * HandleCFRequestingL-function handles requesting notes. * @param aOngoing defines whether or not there is a request going on. * @param aInterrupted if ETrue, means that notemaster should be * immediately deleted. */ void HandleCFRequestingL( TBool aOngoing, TBool aInterrupted ); /** * SetEngineContact-function sets engine contact for observer * @param aDivertEngine is the contact. */ void SetEngineContact( MPsetCallDiverting* aDivertEngine ); };#endif //CSATSENDSSDIVERTNOUIOBS_H