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     1 Qt is supplied with a number of example applications and demonstrations that
     2 have been written to provide developers with examples of the Qt API in use,
     3 highlight good programming practice, and showcase features found in each of
     4 Qt's core technologies.
     6 The example and demo launcher can be used to explore the different categories
     7 available. It provides an overview of each example, lets you view the
     8 documentation in Qt Assistant, and is able to launch examples and demos.
    10 Documentation for examples can be found in the Tutorial and Examples section
    11 of the Qt documentation.
    14 Finding the Qt Examples and Demos launcher
    15 ==========================================
    17 On Windows:
    19 The launcher can be accessed via the Windows Start menu. Select the menu
    20 entry entitled "Qt Examples and Demos" entry in the submenu containing
    21 the Qt tools.
    23 On Mac OS X:
    25 For the binary distribution, the qtdemo executable is installed in the
    26 /Developer/Applications/Qt directory. For the source distribution, it is
    27 installed alongside the other Qt tools on the path specified when Qt is
    28 configured.
    30 On Unix/Linux:
    32 The qtdemo executable is installed alongside the other Qt tools on the path
    33 specified when Qt is configured.
    35 On all platforms:
    37 The source code for the launcher can be found in the demos/qtdemo directory
    38 in the Qt package. This example is built at the same time as the Qt libraries,
    39 tools, examples, and demonstrations.