changeset 0 1918ee327afb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
     2 <svg width="10cm" height="10cm" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"
     3      xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny">
     4   <title>Example cubic02 - cubic Bezier commands in path data</title>
     5   <desc>Picture showing examples of "C" and "S" commands,
     6         along with annotations showing the control points
     7         and end points</desc>
     9   <rect fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="1" x="1" y="1" width="998" height="998" />
    11   <!-- Path 1 -->
    12   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="100,200 100,100" />
    13   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="400,100 400,200" />
    14   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M100,200 C100,100 400,100 400,200" />
    15   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="100" cy="200" r="10" />
    16   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="400" cy="200" r="10" />
    17   <circle class="CtlPoint" cx="100" cy="100" r="10" />
    18   <circle class="CtlPoint" cx="400" cy="100" r="10" />
    19   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="250" y="275">M100,200 C100,100 400,100 400,200</text>
    21   <!-- Path 2 -->
    22   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="100,500 25,400" />
    23   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="475,400 400,500" />
    24   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M100,500 C25,400 475,400 400,500" />
    25   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="100" cy="500" r="10" />
    26   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="400" cy="500" r="10" />
    27   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="25" cy="400" r="10" />
    28   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="475" cy="400" r="10" />
    29   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="250" y="575">M100,500 C25,400 475,400 400,500</text>
    31   <!-- Path 3 -->
    32   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="100,800 175,700" />
    33   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="325,700 400,800" />
    34   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M100,800 C175,700 325,700 400,800" />
    35   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="100" cy="800" r="10" />
    36   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="400" cy="800" r="10" />
    37   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="175" cy="700" r="10" />
    38   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="325" cy="700" r="10" />
    39   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="250" y="875">M100,800 C175,700 325,700 400,800</text>
    41   <!-- Path 4 -->
    42   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="600,200 675,100" />
    43   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="975,100 900,200" />
    44   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M600,200 C675,100 975,100 900,200" />
    45   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="600" cy="200" r="10" />
    46   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="900" cy="200" r="10" />
    47   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="675" cy="100" r="10" />
    48   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="975" cy="100" r="10" />
    49   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="750" y="275">M600,200 C675,100 975,100 900,200</text>
    51   <!-- Path 5 -->
    52   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="600,500 600,350" />
    53   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="900,650 900,500" />
    54   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M600,500 C600,350 900,650 900,500" />
    55   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="600" cy="500" r="10" />
    56   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="900" cy="500" r="10" />
    57   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="600" cy="350" r="10" />
    58   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="900" cy="650" r="10" />
    59   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="750" y="575">M600,500 C600,350 900,650 900,500</text>
    61   <!-- Path 6 (C and S command) -->
    62   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="600,800 625,700" />
    63   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="725,700 750,800" />
    64   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="750,800 775,900" />
    65   <polyline fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" points="875,900 900,800" />
    66   <path fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" d="M600,800 C625,700 725,700 750,800
    67                                        S875,900 900,800" />
    68   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="600" cy="800" r="10" />
    69   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="750" cy="800" r="10" />
    70   <circle fill="none" stroke="#888888" stroke-width="2" cx="900" cy="800" r="10" />
    71   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="625" cy="700" r="10" />
    72   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="725" cy="700" r="10" />
    73   <circle fill="#888888" stroke="none" cx="875" cy="900" r="10" />
    74   <circle fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="4" cx="775" cy="900" r="9" />
    75   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="750" y="945">M600,800 C625,700 725,700 750,800</text>
    76   <text text-anchor="middle" font-size="22" font-family="Verdana" x="750" y="975">S875,900 900,800</text>
    77 </svg>