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    52                           <h1>The Apache Software Foundation<br />
    53   <span class="alt"><small>Meritocracy in Action.</small></span></h1><p class="blurb">The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache 				community of open-source software projects.  The <a href="http://projects.apache.org/">Apache projects</a> are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field.</p><p class="highlight">We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a <em>community of developers and users</em>.</p>
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    76 <p><em>If you would like to keep up with news and announcements from the
    77 foundation and all its projects, you can subscribe to the
    78 <a href="foundation/mailinglists.html#foundation-announce">Apache
    79 Announcements List</a></em>.</p>
    81 <h4 id="apachecon-eu">
    82    Free Video Streams from ApacheCon Europe 2008
    83 </h4>
    84 <div class="section-content">
    85 <a href="http://www.eu.apachecon.com/"><img src="images/eu_2008_logo.jpg" alt="ApacheCon Europe 2008" title="ApacheCon Europe 2008" border="0" align="right" /></a>
    86 <p>
    87 ApacheCon Europe 2008 held in Amsterdam was a great success, and attracted higher
    88 than ever attendance figures, with about 500 registered attendees. This
    89 figure represents an increase of more than 40% over the previous year,
    90 demonstrating the rapidly growing interest in Apache and Open Source software
    91 amongst European businesses.
    93 If you have not been able to attend ApacheCon Europe, you can still watch
    94 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm">videos of all keynotes and select talks online</a>. Keynote sessions
    95 and the opening plenary are available <b>free of charge</b>:</p>
    96 <ul>
    97 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/jjagielski/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">State of the Feather</a>
    98    by Jim Jagielski, Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation</li>
    99 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/cschmidt/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Using Audio Technology and Open Content to Reduce Global Illiteracy, Poverty and Disease</a>
   100    by Cliff Schmidt, Executive Director of Literacy Bridge</li>
   101 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/rghosh/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Apache and Steam Engines: the Magic of Collaborative Innovation</a>
   102    by Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Open Source Initiative Board Member</li>
   103 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/rfielding/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Apache 3.0 (a Tall Tale)</a>
   104    by Roy Fielding, Co-founder of The Apache Software Foundation,
   105    and Vice President, Apache HTTP Server</li>
   106 </ul>
   107 <p>The talks of the following select ApacheCon Europe tracks are
   108 available for just 49 Euro:
   109 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#wednesday">System Administration</a>, 
   110 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#thursday">Web Security</a>,
   111 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#friday">Web Services and Web 2.0</a>.
   112 </p>
   113 <hr />
   114 </div>
   116 <h4 id="apachecon-us">
   117    ApacheCon US 2008 in New Orleans!
   118 </h4>
   119 <div class="section-content">
   120 <p>
   121     ApacheCon US 2008 will be held 3 November through 7 November in
   122     New Orleans, Louisiana.
   123     The Call for Papers has already closed and the program and further
   124     information will be made available soon on the ApacheCon US 2008
   125     Web site <a href="http://www.us.apachecon.com/us2008/"><strong>www.us.apachecon.com</strong></a>.
   126     If you would like to receive information about ApacheCon US 2008, please
   127     <a href="mailto:announce-subscribe@apachecon.com">subscribe to
   128     the ApacheCon announcement mailing list</a>.
   129   </p>
   130 <hr />
   131 </div>
   133 <h4 id="sun_jck_letter">
   134    Notice regarding open letter to Sun Microsystems
   135 </h4>
   136 <div class="section-content">
   137 <p>
   138          The Apache Software Foundation has written an <a href="jcp/sunopenletter.html">open letter</a>
   139          to Sun Microsystems regarding our inabillity to acquire an acceptable license for the test kit
   140          for Java SE needed by <a href="http://harmony.apache.org">Apache Harmony</a>.  For futher information
   141          please see the <a href="jcp/sunopenletterfaq.html">FAQ</a> and direct all questions to Apache's VP
   142          for JCP issues,  geirm at apache dot org, or our regular press inquiry address, press at apache dot org.
   143       </p>
   144 </div>
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   151                <div class="menuheader"><a 
   152 href="http://projects.apache.org/">Apache Projects</a></div> 
   153   <ul>
   154           <li><a href="http://httpd.apache.org/" title="Apache Web Server (httpd)">HTTP Server</a></li> 
   155           <li><a href="http://activemq.apache.org/" title="Distributed Messaging System">ActiveMQ</a></li> 
   156           <li><a href="http://ant.apache.org/" title="Java-based build tool">Ant</a></li> 
   157           <li><a href="http://apr.apache.org/" title="Apache Portable Runtime libraries">APR</a></li> 
   158           <li><a href="http://archiva.apache.org/" title="Build Artifact Repository Manager">Archiva</a></li> 
   159           <li><a href="http://beehive.apache.org/" title="Metadata frameworks for enterprise applications">Beehive</a></li> 
   160           <li><a href="http://cayenne.apache.org/" title="User-friendly Java ORM with Tools">Cayenne</a></li> 
   161           <li><a href="http://cocoon.apache.org/" title="Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based">Cocoon</a></li> 
   162           <li><a href="http://commons.apache.org/" title="Reusable Java components">Commons</a></li> 
   163           <li><a href="http://continuum.apache.org/" title="Continuous Integration and Build Server">Continuum</a></li> 
   164           <li><a href="http://cxf.apache.org/" title="Service Framework">CXF</a></li> 
   165           <li><a href="http://db.apache.org/" title="Database access">DB</a></li> 
   166           <li><a href="http://directory.apache.org/" title="Apache Directory Server">Directory</a></li> 
   167           <li><a href="http://excalibur.apache.org/" title="Embeddable software libraries related to component and service management access">Excalibur</a></li> 
   168           <li><a href="http://felix.apache.org/" title="OSGi Framework and components.">Felix</a></li> 
   169           <li><a href="http://forrest.apache.org/" title="Aggregated multi-channel documentation, separation of concerns">Forrest</a></li> 
   170           <li><a href="http://geronimo.apache.org/" title="Java2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container">Geronimo</a></li> 
   171           <li><a href="http://gump.apache.org/" title="Continuous integration of open source projects">Gump</a></li> 
   172           <li><a href="http://hadoop.apache.org/" title="Distributed computing platform">Hadoop</a></li> 
   173           <li><a href="http://harmony.apache.org/" title="Open source implementation of Java SE">Harmony</a></li> 
   174           <li><a href="http://hivemind.apache.org/" title="A services and configuration microkernel">HiveMind</a></li> 
   175           <li><a href="http://hc.apache.org/" title="Java toolset of low level HTTP components">HttpComponents</a></li> 
   176           <li><a href="http://ibatis.apache.org/" title="SQL Data Mapper for Java and .NET">iBATIS</a></li> 
   177           <li><a href="http://incubator.apache.org/" title="Shepherd for new projects">Incubator</a></li> 
   178           <li><a href="http://jackrabbit.apache.org/" title="Content Repository for Java">Jackrabbit</a></li> 
   179           <li><a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/" title="Server-side Java">Jakarta</a></li> 
   180           <li><a href="http://james.apache.org/" title="Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server">James</a></li> 
   181           <li><a href="http://labs.apache.org/" title="The Innovation Laboratories of the Apache Software Foundation">Labs</a></li> 
   182           <li><a href="http://lenya.apache.org/" title="Content Management System">Lenya</a></li> 
   183           <li><a href="http://logging.apache.org/" title="Cross-language logging services">Logging</a></li> 
   184           <li><a href="http://lucene.apache.org/" title="Search engine library">Lucene</a></li> 
   185           <li><a href="http://maven.apache.org/" title="Java project management and comprehension tools">Maven</a></li> 
   186           <li><a href="http://mina.apache.org/" title="Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Application">Mina</a></li> 
   187           <li><a href="http://myfaces.apache.org/" title="JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation and components">MyFaces</a></li> 
   188           <li><a href="http://ode.apache.org/" title="Orchestration Director Engine: Business Process Management (BPM), Process Orchestration and Workflow through service compositioni.">ODE</a></li> 
   189           <li><a href="http://ofbiz.apache.org/" title="Open for Business: enterprise automation software">OFBiz</a></li> 
   190           <li><a href="http://openejb.apache.org/" title="OpenEJB: a modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and Server">OpenEJB</a></li> 
   191           <li><a href="http://openjpa.apache.org/" title="OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java">OpenJPA</a></li> 
   192           <li><a href="http://perl.apache.org/" title="Dynamic websites using Perl">Perl</a></li> 
   193           <li><a href="http://poi.apache.org/" title="Java API for OLE 2 Compound Documents">POI</a></li> 
   194           <li><a href="http://portals.apache.org/" title="Portal technology">Portals</a></li> 
   195           <li><a href="http://roller.apache.org/" title="Java blog server">Roller</a></li> 
   196           <li><a href="http://santuario.apache.org/" title="XML Security in Java and C++">Santuario</a></li> 
   197           <li><a href="http://servicemix.apache.org/" title="Enterprise Service Bus">ServiceMix</a></li> 
   198           <li><a href="http://shale.apache.org/" title="Web application framework based on JavaServer(tm) Faces">Shale</a></li> 
   199           <li><a href="http://spamassassin.apache.org/" title="Mail filter to identify spam">SpamAssassin</a></li> 
   200           <li><a href="http://stdcxx.apache.org/" title="Apache C++ Standard Library">STDCXX</a></li> 
   201           <li><a href="http://struts.apache.org/" title="Model 2 framework for building Java web applications">Struts</a></li> 
   202           <li><a href="http://synapse.apache.org/" title="Enterprise Service Bus and Mediation Framework">Synapse</a></li> 
   203           <li><a href="http://tapestry.apache.org/" title="Component-based Java Web Application Framework">Tapestry</a></li> 
   204           <li><a href="http://tcl.apache.org/" title="Dynamic websites using TCL">TCL</a></li> 
   205           <li><a href="http://tiles.apache.org/" title="A templating framework for web application user interfaces">Tiles</a></li> 
   206           <li><a href="http://tomcat.apache.org/" title="A Java Servlet and JSP Container">Tomcat</a></li> 
   207           <li><a href="http://turbine.apache.org/" title="A Java Servlet Web Application Framework and associated component library">
   208          Turbine</a></li> 
   209           <li><a href="http://velocity.apache.org/" title="A Java Templating Engine">Velocity</a></li> 
   210           <li><a href="http://wicket.apache.org/" title="Component-based Java Web Application Framework.">Wicket</a></li> 
   211           <li><a href="http://ws.apache.org/">Web Services</a></li> 
   212           <li><a href="http://xalan.apache.org/" title="XSLT processors in Java and C++">Xalan</a></li> 
   213           <li><a href="http://xerces.apache.org/" title="XML parsers in Java, C++ and Perl">Xerces</a></li> 
   214           <li><a href="http://xml.apache.org/" title="XML solutions focused on the web">XML</a></li> 
   215           <li><a href="http://xmlbeans.apache.org/" title="XML-Java binding tool">XMLBeans</a></li> 
   216           <li><a href="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/" title="Conversion from XML to graphical output">XML Graphics</a></li> 
   217       </ul>
   218           </div>
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   221                <h6><a 
   222 href="/foundation/">Foundation</a></h6>
   223   <ul>
   224           <li><a href="/foundation/faq.html">FAQ</a></li> 
   225           <li><a href="/licenses/">Licenses</a></li> 
   226           <li><a href="/foundation/news.html">News</a></li> 
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   229           <li><a href="/foundation/contributing.html">Donations</a></li> 
   230           <li><a href="/foundation/thanks.html">Thanks</a></li> 
   231           <li><a href="/foundation/contact.html">Contact</a></li> 
   232       </ul>
   233       <h6>Foundation Projects</h6>
   234   <ul>
   235           <li><a href="/foundation/conferences.html" title="Meetings of developers and users">Conferences</a></li> 
   236           <li><a href="/dev/" title="ASF Infrastructure: Operations and howto documents for PMCs and contributors">Infrastructure</a></li> 
   237           <li><a href="/jcp/" title="Apache and the Java Community Process">JCP</a></li> 
   238       </ul>
   239       <h6>How it works</h6>
   240   <ul>
   241           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html">Introduction</a></li> 
   242           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#meritocracy">Meritocracy</a></li> 
   243           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#structure">Structure</a></li> 
   244           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#roles">Roles</a></li> 
   245           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#management">Collaboration</a></li> 
   246           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#infrastructure">Infrastructure</a></li> 
   247           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#incubator">Incubator</a></li> 
   248           <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#other">Other entities</a></li> 
   249           <li><a href="/foundation/glossary.html">Glossary</a></li> 
   250           <li><a href="/foundation/voting.html">Voting</a></li> 
   251       </ul>
   252       <h6><a 
   253 href="/foundation/getinvolved.html">Get Involved</a></h6>
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   256           <li><a href="/dev/version-control.html">Version Control</a></li> 
   257           <li><a href="/dev/">Developer Info</a></li> 
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   261           <li><a href="/dyn/closer.cgi">from a mirror</a></li> 
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   263       <h6>Related Sites</h6>
   264   <ul>
   265           <li><a href="http://apachecon.com/" title="Official Apache Conference">ApacheCon</a></li> 
   266           <li><a href="http://apachebookstore.com/" title="Apache Books">Bookstore</a></li> 
   267           <li><a href="http://feathercast.org/" title="Apache Podcasts">Feathercast</a></li> 
   268           <li><a href="http://planetapache.org/" title="Apache Community Blogs">PlanetApache</a></li> 
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   275         <p>Copyright &#169; 2008 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.</p>
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