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41 <li><a href="http://people.apache.org" title="Apache People">People</a></li> |
42 <li><a href="./foundation/getinvolved.html" title="Get involved in Apache">Get Involved</a></li> |
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52 <h1>The Apache Software Foundation<br /> |
53 <span class="alt"><small>Meritocracy in Action.</small></span></h1><p class="blurb">The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. The <a href="http://projects.apache.org/">Apache projects</a> are characterized by a collaborative, consensus based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field.</p><p class="highlight">We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a <em>community of developers and users</em>.</p> |
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57 <hr/> |
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59 <div class="column span-15 first append-1"> |
60 <h3> |
61 Latest News |
62 </h3> |
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76 <p><em>If you would like to keep up with news and announcements from the |
77 foundation and all its projects, you can subscribe to the |
78 <a href="foundation/mailinglists.html#foundation-announce">Apache |
79 Announcements List</a></em>.</p> |
80 |
81 <h4 id="apachecon-eu"> |
82 Free Video Streams from ApacheCon Europe 2008 |
83 </h4> |
84 <div class="section-content"> |
85 <a href="http://www.eu.apachecon.com/"><img src="images/eu_2008_logo.jpg" alt="ApacheCon Europe 2008" title="ApacheCon Europe 2008" border="0" align="right" /></a> |
86 <p> |
87 ApacheCon Europe 2008 held in Amsterdam was a great success, and attracted higher |
88 than ever attendance figures, with about 500 registered attendees. This |
89 figure represents an increase of more than 40% over the previous year, |
90 demonstrating the rapidly growing interest in Apache and Open Source software |
91 amongst European businesses. |
92 |
93 If you have not been able to attend ApacheCon Europe, you can still watch |
94 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm">videos of all keynotes and select talks online</a>. Keynote sessions |
95 and the opening plenary are available <b>free of charge</b>:</p> |
96 <ul> |
97 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/jjagielski/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">State of the Feather</a> |
98 by Jim Jagielski, Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation</li> |
99 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/cschmidt/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Using Audio Technology and Open Content to Reduce Global Illiteracy, Poverty and Disease</a> |
100 by Cliff Schmidt, Executive Director of Literacy Bridge</li> |
101 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/rghosh/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Apache and Steam Engines: the Magic of Collaborative Innovation</a> |
102 by Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, Open Source Initiative Board Member</li> |
103 <li><a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/events/apacheconfree/archive/rfielding/frames-java.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href, '_blank', 'width=1024, height=768'); return false;">Apache 3.0 (a Tall Tale)</a> |
104 by Roy Fielding, Co-founder of The Apache Software Foundation, |
105 and Vice President, Apache HTTP Server</li> |
106 </ul> |
107 <p>The talks of the following select ApacheCon Europe tracks are |
108 available for just 49 Euro: |
109 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#wednesday">System Administration</a>, |
110 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#thursday">Web Security</a>, |
111 <a href="http://streaming.linux-magazin.de/en/archive_apachecon08eu.htm#friday">Web Services and Web 2.0</a>. |
112 </p> |
113 <hr /> |
114 </div> |
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116 <h4 id="apachecon-us"> |
117 ApacheCon US 2008 in New Orleans! |
118 </h4> |
119 <div class="section-content"> |
120 <p> |
121 ApacheCon US 2008 will be held 3 November through 7 November in |
122 New Orleans, Louisiana. |
123 The Call for Papers has already closed and the program and further |
124 information will be made available soon on the ApacheCon US 2008 |
125 Web site <a href="http://www.us.apachecon.com/us2008/"><strong>www.us.apachecon.com</strong></a>. |
126 If you would like to receive information about ApacheCon US 2008, please |
127 <a href="mailto:announce-subscribe@apachecon.com">subscribe to |
128 the ApacheCon announcement mailing list</a>. |
129 </p> |
130 <hr /> |
131 </div> |
132 |
133 <h4 id="sun_jck_letter"> |
134 Notice regarding open letter to Sun Microsystems |
135 </h4> |
136 <div class="section-content"> |
137 <p> |
138 The Apache Software Foundation has written an <a href="jcp/sunopenletter.html">open letter</a> |
139 to Sun Microsystems regarding our inabillity to acquire an acceptable license for the test kit |
140 for Java SE needed by <a href="http://harmony.apache.org">Apache Harmony</a>. For futher information |
141 please see the <a href="jcp/sunopenletterfaq.html">FAQ</a> and direct all questions to Apache's VP |
142 for JCP issues, geirm at apache dot org, or our regular press inquiry address, press at apache dot org. |
143 </p> |
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149 <div class="nav column span-11"> |
150 <div> |
151 <div class="menuheader"><a |
152 href="http://projects.apache.org/">Apache Projects</a></div> |
153 <ul> |
154 <li><a href="http://httpd.apache.org/" title="Apache Web Server (httpd)">HTTP Server</a></li> |
155 <li><a href="http://activemq.apache.org/" title="Distributed Messaging System">ActiveMQ</a></li> |
156 <li><a href="http://ant.apache.org/" title="Java-based build tool">Ant</a></li> |
157 <li><a href="http://apr.apache.org/" title="Apache Portable Runtime libraries">APR</a></li> |
158 <li><a href="http://archiva.apache.org/" title="Build Artifact Repository Manager">Archiva</a></li> |
159 <li><a href="http://beehive.apache.org/" title="Metadata frameworks for enterprise applications">Beehive</a></li> |
160 <li><a href="http://cayenne.apache.org/" title="User-friendly Java ORM with Tools">Cayenne</a></li> |
161 <li><a href="http://cocoon.apache.org/" title="Web development framework: separation of concerns, component-based">Cocoon</a></li> |
162 <li><a href="http://commons.apache.org/" title="Reusable Java components">Commons</a></li> |
163 <li><a href="http://continuum.apache.org/" title="Continuous Integration and Build Server">Continuum</a></li> |
164 <li><a href="http://cxf.apache.org/" title="Service Framework">CXF</a></li> |
165 <li><a href="http://db.apache.org/" title="Database access">DB</a></li> |
166 <li><a href="http://directory.apache.org/" title="Apache Directory Server">Directory</a></li> |
167 <li><a href="http://excalibur.apache.org/" title="Embeddable software libraries related to component and service management access">Excalibur</a></li> |
168 <li><a href="http://felix.apache.org/" title="OSGi Framework and components.">Felix</a></li> |
169 <li><a href="http://forrest.apache.org/" title="Aggregated multi-channel documentation, separation of concerns">Forrest</a></li> |
170 <li><a href="http://geronimo.apache.org/" title="Java2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) container">Geronimo</a></li> |
171 <li><a href="http://gump.apache.org/" title="Continuous integration of open source projects">Gump</a></li> |
172 <li><a href="http://hadoop.apache.org/" title="Distributed computing platform">Hadoop</a></li> |
173 <li><a href="http://harmony.apache.org/" title="Open source implementation of Java SE">Harmony</a></li> |
174 <li><a href="http://hivemind.apache.org/" title="A services and configuration microkernel">HiveMind</a></li> |
175 <li><a href="http://hc.apache.org/" title="Java toolset of low level HTTP components">HttpComponents</a></li> |
176 <li><a href="http://ibatis.apache.org/" title="SQL Data Mapper for Java and .NET">iBATIS</a></li> |
177 <li><a href="http://incubator.apache.org/" title="Shepherd for new projects">Incubator</a></li> |
178 <li><a href="http://jackrabbit.apache.org/" title="Content Repository for Java">Jackrabbit</a></li> |
179 <li><a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/" title="Server-side Java">Jakarta</a></li> |
180 <li><a href="http://james.apache.org/" title="Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server">James</a></li> |
181 <li><a href="http://labs.apache.org/" title="The Innovation Laboratories of the Apache Software Foundation">Labs</a></li> |
182 <li><a href="http://lenya.apache.org/" title="Content Management System">Lenya</a></li> |
183 <li><a href="http://logging.apache.org/" title="Cross-language logging services">Logging</a></li> |
184 <li><a href="http://lucene.apache.org/" title="Search engine library">Lucene</a></li> |
185 <li><a href="http://maven.apache.org/" title="Java project management and comprehension tools">Maven</a></li> |
186 <li><a href="http://mina.apache.org/" title="Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Application">Mina</a></li> |
187 <li><a href="http://myfaces.apache.org/" title="JavaServer(tm) Faces implementation and components">MyFaces</a></li> |
188 <li><a href="http://ode.apache.org/" title="Orchestration Director Engine: Business Process Management (BPM), Process Orchestration and Workflow through service compositioni.">ODE</a></li> |
189 <li><a href="http://ofbiz.apache.org/" title="Open for Business: enterprise automation software">OFBiz</a></li> |
190 <li><a href="http://openejb.apache.org/" title="OpenEJB: a modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and Server">OpenEJB</a></li> |
191 <li><a href="http://openjpa.apache.org/" title="OpenJPA: Object Relational Mapping for Java">OpenJPA</a></li> |
192 <li><a href="http://perl.apache.org/" title="Dynamic websites using Perl">Perl</a></li> |
193 <li><a href="http://poi.apache.org/" title="Java API for OLE 2 Compound Documents">POI</a></li> |
194 <li><a href="http://portals.apache.org/" title="Portal technology">Portals</a></li> |
195 <li><a href="http://roller.apache.org/" title="Java blog server">Roller</a></li> |
196 <li><a href="http://santuario.apache.org/" title="XML Security in Java and C++">Santuario</a></li> |
197 <li><a href="http://servicemix.apache.org/" title="Enterprise Service Bus">ServiceMix</a></li> |
198 <li><a href="http://shale.apache.org/" title="Web application framework based on JavaServer(tm) Faces">Shale</a></li> |
199 <li><a href="http://spamassassin.apache.org/" title="Mail filter to identify spam">SpamAssassin</a></li> |
200 <li><a href="http://stdcxx.apache.org/" title="Apache C++ Standard Library">STDCXX</a></li> |
201 <li><a href="http://struts.apache.org/" title="Model 2 framework for building Java web applications">Struts</a></li> |
202 <li><a href="http://synapse.apache.org/" title="Enterprise Service Bus and Mediation Framework">Synapse</a></li> |
203 <li><a href="http://tapestry.apache.org/" title="Component-based Java Web Application Framework">Tapestry</a></li> |
204 <li><a href="http://tcl.apache.org/" title="Dynamic websites using TCL">TCL</a></li> |
205 <li><a href="http://tiles.apache.org/" title="A templating framework for web application user interfaces">Tiles</a></li> |
206 <li><a href="http://tomcat.apache.org/" title="A Java Servlet and JSP Container">Tomcat</a></li> |
207 <li><a href="http://turbine.apache.org/" title="A Java Servlet Web Application Framework and associated component library"> |
208 Turbine</a></li> |
209 <li><a href="http://velocity.apache.org/" title="A Java Templating Engine">Velocity</a></li> |
210 <li><a href="http://wicket.apache.org/" title="Component-based Java Web Application Framework.">Wicket</a></li> |
211 <li><a href="http://ws.apache.org/">Web Services</a></li> |
212 <li><a href="http://xalan.apache.org/" title="XSLT processors in Java and C++">Xalan</a></li> |
213 <li><a href="http://xerces.apache.org/" title="XML parsers in Java, C++ and Perl">Xerces</a></li> |
214 <li><a href="http://xml.apache.org/" title="XML solutions focused on the web">XML</a></li> |
215 <li><a href="http://xmlbeans.apache.org/" title="XML-Java binding tool">XMLBeans</a></li> |
216 <li><a href="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/" title="Conversion from XML to graphical output">XML Graphics</a></li> |
217 </ul> |
218 </div> |
219 </div> |
220 <div class="nav column prepend-1 span-12 last"> |
221 <h6><a |
222 href="/foundation/">Foundation</a></h6> |
223 <ul> |
224 <li><a href="/foundation/faq.html">FAQ</a></li> |
225 <li><a href="/licenses/">Licenses</a></li> |
226 <li><a href="/foundation/news.html">News</a></li> |
227 <li><a href="/foundation/records/">Public Records</a></li> |
228 <li><a href="/foundation/sponsorship.html">Sponsorship</a></li> |
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230 <li><a href="/foundation/thanks.html">Thanks</a></li> |
231 <li><a href="/foundation/contact.html">Contact</a></li> |
232 </ul> |
233 <h6>Foundation Projects</h6> |
234 <ul> |
235 <li><a href="/foundation/conferences.html" title="Meetings of developers and users">Conferences</a></li> |
236 <li><a href="/dev/" title="ASF Infrastructure: Operations and howto documents for PMCs and contributors">Infrastructure</a></li> |
237 <li><a href="/jcp/" title="Apache and the Java Community Process">JCP</a></li> |
238 </ul> |
239 <h6>How it works</h6> |
240 <ul> |
241 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html">Introduction</a></li> |
242 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#meritocracy">Meritocracy</a></li> |
243 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#structure">Structure</a></li> |
244 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#roles">Roles</a></li> |
245 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#management">Collaboration</a></li> |
246 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#infrastructure">Infrastructure</a></li> |
247 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#incubator">Incubator</a></li> |
248 <li><a href="/foundation/how-it-works.html#other">Other entities</a></li> |
249 <li><a href="/foundation/glossary.html">Glossary</a></li> |
250 <li><a href="/foundation/voting.html">Voting</a></li> |
251 </ul> |
252 <h6><a |
253 href="/foundation/getinvolved.html">Get Involved</a></h6> |
254 <ul> |
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256 <li><a href="/dev/version-control.html">Version Control</a></li> |
257 <li><a href="/dev/">Developer Info</a></li> |
258 </ul> |
259 <h6>Download</h6> |
260 <ul> |
261 <li><a href="/dyn/closer.cgi">from a mirror</a></li> |
262 </ul> |
263 <h6>Related Sites</h6> |
264 <ul> |
265 <li><a href="http://apachecon.com/" title="Official Apache Conference">ApacheCon</a></li> |
266 <li><a href="http://apachebookstore.com/" title="Apache Books">Bookstore</a></li> |
267 <li><a href="http://feathercast.org/" title="Apache Podcasts">Feathercast</a></li> |
268 <li><a href="http://planetapache.org/" title="Apache Community Blogs">PlanetApache</a></li> |
269 </ul> |
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275 <p>Copyright © 2008 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.</p> |
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