1 StartDocument( documentVersion="1.0" ) |
2 Comment( text=" Attribute uniqueness: prefixed and unprefixed attributes with same |
3 local name, with default namespace " ) |
4 StartElement( name="foo" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" qualifiedName="foo" |
5 NamespaceDeclaration( prefix="a" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" ) |
6 |
7 NamespaceDeclaration( prefix="b" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~kipper" ) |
8 |
9 NamespaceDeclaration( namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" ) |
10 ) |
11 Characters( whitespace text=" |
12 |
13 " ) |
14 StartElement( name="bar" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~kipper" qualifiedName="b:bar" prefix="b" |
15 Attribute( name="attr" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" qualifiedName="a:attr" prefix="a" value="1" ) |
16 |
17 Attribute( name="attr" qualifiedName="attr" value="2" ) |
18 ) |
19 EndElement( name="bar" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~kipper" qualifiedName="b:bar" ) |
20 Characters( whitespace text=" |
21 |
22 " ) |
23 EndElement( name="foo" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" qualifiedName="foo" ) |
24 EndDocument( ) |