changeset 0 1918ee327afb
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 ********* Start testing of tst_Subtest *********
     2 Config: Using QTest library 4.4.0, Qt 4.4.0
     3 initTestCase initTestCase (null)
     4 PASS   : tst_Subtest::initTestCase()
     5 init test1 (null)
     6 test1 test1 (null)
     7 cleanup test1 (null)
     8 PASS   : tst_Subtest::test1()
     9 test2_data test2 (null)
    10 test2_data end
    11 init test2 data0
    12 test2 test2 data0
    13 test2 end
    14 cleanup test2 data0
    15 init test2 data1
    16 test2 test2 data1
    17 test2 end
    18 cleanup test2 data1
    19 init test2 data2
    20 test2 test2 data2
    21 test2 end
    22 cleanup test2 data2
    23 PASS   : tst_Subtest::test2()
    24 test3_data test3 (null)
    25 test3_data end
    26 init test3 data0
    27 test2 test3 data0
    28 test2 end
    29 cleanup test3 data0
    30 init test3 data1
    31 test2 test3 data1
    32 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::test3(data1) Compared values are not the same
    33    Actual (str): hello1
    34    Expected (QString("hello0")): hello0
    35    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(124)]
    36 cleanup test3 data1
    37 init test3 data2
    38 test2 test3 data2
    39 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::test3(data2) Compared values are not the same
    40    Actual (str): hello2
    41    Expected (QString("hello0")): hello0
    42    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(124)]
    43 cleanup test3 data2
    44 init floatComparisons should SUCCEED
    45 cleanup floatComparisons should SUCCEED
    46 init floatComparisons should FAIL
    47 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::floatComparisons(should FAIL) Compared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)
    48    Actual (operandLeft): 1
    49    Expected (operandRight): 3
    50    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(134)]
    51 cleanup floatComparisons should FAIL
    52 init floatComparisons should FAIL
    53 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::floatComparisons(should FAIL) Compared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)
    54    Actual (operandLeft): 1e-07
    55    Expected (operandRight): 3e-07
    56    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(134)]
    57 cleanup floatComparisons should FAIL
    58 init floatComparisons should FAIL
    59 cleanup floatComparisons should FAIL
    60 init compareFloatTests 1e0
    61 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::compareFloatTests(1e0) Compared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)
    62    Actual (t1): 1
    63    Expected (t3): 3
    64    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(173)]
    65 cleanup compareFloatTests 1e0
    66 init compareFloatTests 1e-7
    67 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::compareFloatTests(1e-7) Compared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)
    68    Actual (t1): 1e-07
    69    Expected (t3): 3e-07
    70    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(173)]
    71 cleanup compareFloatTests 1e-7
    72 init compareFloatTests 1e+7
    73 FAIL!  : tst_Subtest::compareFloatTests(1e+7) Compared floats are not the same (fuzzy compare)
    74    Actual (t1): 1e+07
    75    Expected (t3): 3e+07
    76    Loc: [/home/fenglich/dev/qt-4.4/tests/auto/selftests/subtest/tst_subtest.cpp(173)]
    77 cleanup compareFloatTests 1e+7
    78 cleanupTestCase cleanupTestCase (null)
    79 PASS   : tst_Subtest::cleanupTestCase()
    80 Totals: 4 passed, 7 failed, 0 skipped
    81 ********* Finished testing of tst_Subtest *********