1 xs:untypedAtomic("xs:untypedAtomic"), |
2 xs:dateTime("2002-10-10T23:02:11Z"), |
3 xs:date("2002-10-10Z"), |
4 xs:time("23:02:12Z"), |
5 xs:duration("P12M"), |
6 |
7 (: Sub-types of xs:duration :) |
8 xs:dayTimeDuration("PT1S"), |
9 xs:yearMonthDuration("P1M"), |
10 |
11 xs:float("3e3"), |
12 xs:double("4e4"), |
13 xs:decimal("2.0"), |
14 (: Sub-types of xs:decimal :) |
15 xs:integer("16"), |
16 xs:nonPositiveInteger("-6"), |
17 xs:negativeInteger("-4"), |
18 xs:long("5"), |
19 xs:int("6"), |
20 xs:short("7"), |
21 xs:byte("8"), |
22 xs:nonNegativeInteger("9"), |
23 xs:unsignedLong("10"), |
24 xs:unsignedInt("11"), |
25 xs:unsignedShort("12"), |
26 xs:unsignedByte("13"), |
27 xs:positiveInteger("14"), |
28 |
29 xs:gYearMonth("1976-02Z"), |
30 xs:gYear("2005-12:00"), |
31 xs:gMonthDay("--12-25-14:00"), |
32 xs:gDay("---25-14:00"), |
33 xs:gMonth("--12-14:00"), |
34 xs:boolean("true"), |
35 xs:base64Binary("aaaa"), |
36 xs:hexBinary("FFFF"), |
37 xs:anyURI("http://example.com/"), |
38 QName("http://example.com/2", "prefix:localName"), |
39 |
40 xs:string("An xs:string"), |
41 (: Sub-types of xs:string :) |
42 xs:normalizedString("normalizedString"), |
43 xs:token("token"), |
44 xs:language("language"), |
46 xs:Name("Name"), |
47 xs:NCName("NCName"), |
48 xs:ID("ID"), |
49 xs:IDREF("IDREF"), |
50 xs:ENTITY("ENTITY") |