1 |
2 xmlpatterns -- A tool for running XQuery queries. |
3 |
4 - When appearing, any following options are not |
5 interpreted as switches. |
6 -help Displays this help. |
7 -initial-template <string> The name of the initial template to call as a |
8 Clark Name. |
9 -is-uri If specified, all filenames on the command line |
10 are interpreted as URIs instead of a local |
11 filenames. |
12 -no-format By default output is formatted for readability. |
13 When specified, strict serialization is |
14 performed. |
15 -output <local file> A local file to which the output should be |
16 written. The file is overwritten, or if not |
17 exist, created. If absent, stdout is used. |
18 -param <name=value> Binds an external variable. The value is |
19 directly available using the variable |
20 reference: $name. |
21 -version Displays version information. |
22 focus <string> The document to use as focus. Mandatory in case |
23 a stylesheet is used. This option is also |
24 affected by the is-uris option. |
25 query/stylesheet <string> A local filename pointing to the query to run. |
26 If the name ends with .xsl it's assumed to be |
27 an XSL-T stylesheet. If it ends with .xq, it's |
28 assumed to be an XQuery query. (In other cases |
29 it's also assumed to be an XQuery query, but |
30 that interpretation may change in a future |
31 release of Qt.) |