changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     2 %{
     3 /****************************************************************************
     4 **
     5 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     6 ** All rights reserved.
     7 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
     8 **
     9 ** This file is part of the QLALR tool of the Qt Toolkit.
    10 **
    12 ** No Commercial Usage
    13 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    14 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    15 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    16 ** this package.
    17 **
    18 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    19 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    20 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    21 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    22 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    23 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    24 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
    25 **
    26 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    27 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    28 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    29 **
    30 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    31 ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 **
    39 **
    40 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    41 **
    42 ****************************************************************************/
    44 #include <cassert>
    45 #define YY_DECL int GLSLParser::nextToken()
    46 %}
    48 %option noyywrap
    50 hex [0-9a-fA-F]
    51 dec [1-9][0-9]*
    52 oct [0-7]
    53 digit [0-9]
    55 fract {digit}*\.{digit}+|{digit}+\.
    56 exp [eE][+-]?{digit}+
    58 hexfract {hex}*\.{hex}+|{hex}+\.
    59 binexp [pP][+-]?{digit}+
    61 icst ({dec}|0{oct}*|0[xX]{hex}+)
    63 %%
    65 [\n]					{ ++context.line; }
    66 [ \t\r]+				{ /* skip */ }
    68 "+=" { return ADD_ASSIGN; }
    69 "&" { return AMPERSAND; }
    70 "&=" { return AND_ASSIGN; }
    71 "&&" { return AND_OP; }
    72 "attribute" { return ATTRIBUTE; }
    73 "!" { return BANG; }
    74 "bool" { return BOOL; }
    75 "true" { return BOOLCONSTANT; }
    76 "false" { return BOOLCONSTANT; }
    77 "break" { return BREAK; }
    78 "bvec2" { return BVEC2; }
    79 "bvec3" { return BVEC3; }
    80 "bvec4" { return BVEC4; }
    81 ":" { return COLON; }
    82 "," { return COMMA; }
    83 "const" { return CONST; }
    84 "continue" { return CONTINUE; }
    85 "-" { return DASH; }
    86 "--" { return DEC_OP; }
    87 "discard" { return DISCARD; }
    88 "/=" { return DIV_ASSIGN; }
    89 "do" { return DO; }
    90 "." { return DOT; }
    91 "else" { return ELSE; }
    92 "=" { return EQUAL; }
    93 "==" { return EQ_OP; }
    94 "float" { return FLOAT; }
    95 "for" { return FOR; }
    96 ">=" { return GE_OP; }
    97 "if" { return IF; }
    98 "in" { return IN; }
    99 "++" { return INC_OP; }
   100 "inout" { return INOUT; }
   101 "int" { return INT; }
   102 "ivec2" { return IVEC2; }
   103 "ivec3" { return IVEC3; }
   104 "ivec4" { return IVEC4; }
   105 "<" { return LEFT_ANGLE; }
   106 "<<=" { return LEFT_ASSIGN; }
   107 "{" { return LEFT_BRACE; }
   108 "[" { return LEFT_BRACKET; }
   109 "<<" { return LEFT_OP; }
   110 "(" { return LEFT_PAREN; }
   111 "<=" { return LE_OP; }
   112 "mat2" { return MAT2; }
   113 "mat3" { return MAT3; }
   114 "mat4" { return MAT4; }
   115 "%=" { return MOD_ASSIGN; }
   116 "*=" { return MUL_ASSIGN; }
   117 "!=" { return NE_OP; }
   118 "|=" { return OR_ASSIGN; }
   119 "||" { return OR_OP; }
   120 "out" { return OUT; }
   121 "%" { return PERCENT; }
   122 "+" { return PLUS; }
   123 "?" { return QUESTION; }
   124 "return" { return RETURN; }
   125 ">" { return RIGHT_ANGLE; }
   126 ">>=" { return RIGHT_ASSIGN; }
   127 "}" { return RIGHT_BRACE; }
   128 "]" { return RIGHT_BRACKET; }
   129 ">>" { return RIGHT_OP; }
   130 ")" { return RIGHT_PAREN; }
   131 "sampler1D" { return SAMPLER1D; }
   132 "sampler1DShadow" { return SAMPLER1DSHADOW; }
   133 "sampler2D" { return SAMPLER2D; }
   134 "sampler2DShadow" { return SAMPLER2DSHADOW; }
   135 "sampler3D" { return SAMPLER3D; }
   136 "samplerCube" { return SAMPLERCUBE; }
   137 ";" { return SEMICOLON; }
   138 "/" { return SLASH; }
   139 "*" { return STAR; }
   140 "struct" { return STRUCT; }
   141 "-=" { return SUB_ASSIGN; }
   142 "~" { return TILDE; }
   143 "uniform" { return UNIFORM; }
   144 "varying" { return VARYING; }
   145 "vec2" { return VEC2; }
   146 "vec3" { return VEC3; }
   147 "vec4" { return VEC4; }
   148 "|" { return VERTICAL_BAR; }
   149 "void" { return VOID; }
   150 "while" { return WHILE; }
   151 "^=" { return XOR_ASSIGN; }
   152 "^" { return XOR_OP; }
   153 "highp" { return HIGH_PRECISION; }
   154 "mediump" { return MEDIUM_PRECISION; }
   155 "lowp" { return LOW_PRECISION; }
   157 #[ \t]+[0-9]+.* {
   158   char *eptr = 0;
   159   context.line = (int) strtod(&yytext[1], &eptr);
   160   QString fn = QString::fromUtf8(eptr).trimmed();
   161   if (fn.length() > 2)
   162     context.fileName = fn.mid(1, fn.length()-2);
   163 }
   165 #.* {
   166   /* skip */
   167 }
   169 [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* {
   170   yylval.s = intern (yytext);
   172   if (isTypename (yylval.s))
   173     return TYPE_NAME;
   175   return IDENTIFIER;
   176 }
   178 {icst} {
   179   yylval.i = (int) strtol (yytext, 0, 0);
   180   return INTCONSTANT;
   181 }
   183 {icst}[uU] {
   184   yylval.u = (unsigned) strtoul (yytext, 0, 0);
   185   return INTCONSTANT;
   186 }
   188 {icst}[uU][lL] {
   189   yylval.ul = strtoul (yytext, 0, 0);
   190   return INTCONSTANT;
   191 }
   193 {icst}[lL][uU] {
   194   yylval.ul = strtoul (yytext, 0, 0);
   195   return INTCONSTANT;
   196 }
   198 {icst}[lL] {
   199   yylval.l = strtol (yytext, 0, 0);
   200   return INTCONSTANT;
   201 }
   203 {icst}[uU](ll|LL) {
   204   yylval.l = strtoull (yytext, 0, 0);
   205   return INTCONSTANT;
   206 }
   208 {icst}(ll|LL) {
   209   yylval.l = strtoll (yytext, 0, 0);
   210   return INTCONSTANT;
   211 }
   213 {icst}(ll|LL)[uU] {
   214   yylval.l = strtoull (yytext, 0, 0);
   215   return INTCONSTANT;
   216 }
   218 {fract}{exp}?[flFL]? {
   219   yylval.f = strtof (yytext, 0);
   220   return FLOATCONSTANT;
   221 }
   223 {digit}+{exp}[flFL]? {
   224   yylval.f = strtof (yytext, 0);
   225   return FLOATCONSTANT;
   226 }
   228 0[xX]{hexfract}{binexp}[flFL]? {
   229   yylval.f = strtof (yytext, 0);
   230   return FLOATCONSTANT;
   231 }
   233 0[xX]{hex}+{binexp}[flFL]? {
   234   yylval.f = strtof (yytext, 0);
   235   return FLOATCONSTANT;
   236 }
   238 . {
   239   fprintf (stderr, "invalid char: %d\n", yytext [0]);
   240   return ERROR;
   241 }
   244 %%