changeset 8 3f74d0d4af4c
parent 4 3b1da2848fc7
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:dee5afe5301f 8:3f74d0d4af4c
     1 QT = core
     2 TEMPLATE = subdirs
     1 TEMPLATE = subdirs
     4 # These tests use host tools and therefore can't work for cross-compiled Qt.
     3 SUBDIRS += \
     5 !cross_compile:SUBDIRS += \
     4     corelib.pro \
     6            headers \
     5     gui.pro \
     7            bic \
     6     network.pro \
     8            compiler \
     7     sql.pro \
     9            compilerwarnings \
     8     xml.pro \
    10            linguist \
     9     other.pro
    11            maketestselftest \
    12            moc \
    13            uic \
    14            uic3 \
    15            guiapplauncher \
    16            #atwrapper \     # These tests need significant updating,
    17            #uiloader \      # they have hardcoded machine names etc.
    19 Q3SUBDIRS += \
    11 !cross_compile:                             SUBDIRS += host.pro
    20            q3accel \
    12 contains(QT_CONFIG, qt3support):!wince*:    SUBDIRS += qt3support.pro
    21            q3action \
    13 contains(QT_CONFIG, opengl):                SUBDIRS += opengl.pro
    22            q3actiongroup \
    14 contains(QT_CONFIG, xmlpatterns):           SUBDIRS += xmlpatterns.pro
    23            q3buttongroup \
    15 unix:!embedded:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):   SUBDIRS += dbus.pro
    24            q3canvas \
    16 contains(QT_CONFIG, script):                SUBDIRS += script.pro
    25            q3checklistitem \
    17 contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit):                SUBDIRS += webkit.pro
    26            q3cstring \
    18 contains(QT_CONFIG, multimedia):            SUBDIRS += multimedia.pro
    27            q3databrowser \
    19 contains(QT_CONFIG, phonon):                SUBDIRS += phonon.pro
    28            q3dateedit \
    20 contains(QT_CONFIG, svg):                   SUBDIRS += svg.pro
    29            q3datetimeedit \
    30            q3deepcopy \
    31            q3dict \
    32            q3dns \
    33            q3dockwindow \
    34            q3filedialog \
    35            q3groupbox \
    36            q3hbox \
    37            q3header \
    38            q3iconview \
    39            q3listbox \
    40            q3listview \
    41            q3listviewitemiterator \
    42            q3mainwindow \
    43            q3popupmenu \
    44            q3process \
    45            q3progressbar \
    46            q3progressdialog \
    47            q3ptrlist \
    48            q3richtext \
    49            q3scrollview \
    50            q3semaphore \
    51            q3serversocket \
    52            q3socket \
    53            q3socketdevice \
    54            q3sqlcursor \
    55            q3sqlselectcursor \
    56            q3stylesheet \
    57            q3tabdialog \
    58            q3table \
    59            q3textbrowser \
    60            q3textedit \
    61            q3textstream \
    62            q3timeedit \
    63            q3toolbar \
    64            q3urloperator \
    65            q3valuelist \
    66            q3valuevector \
    67            q3combobox \
    68            q3frame \
    69            q3uridrag \
    70            q3widgetstack
    72 SUBDIRS += \
    73 #           exceptionsafety_objects \ shouldn't enable it
    74            languagechange \
    75            collections \
    76            exceptionsafety \
    77            mediaobject \
    78 #           mediaobject_wince_ds9 \   This is Windows CE only (we test the second phonon backend ds9 here)
    79            modeltest \
    80            networkselftest \
    81            qabstractbutton \
    82            qabstractitemmodel \
    83            qabstractitemview \
    84            qabstractprintdialog \
    85            qabstractscrollarea \
    86            qabstractslider \
    87            qabstractsocket \
    88            qabstractspinbox \
    89            qabstracttextdocumentlayout \
    90            qabstractvideobuffer \
    91            qabstractvideosurface \
    92            qaccessibility \
    93            qaction \
    94            qactiongroup \
    95            qalgorithms \
    96            qanimationgroup \
    97            qapplication \
    98            qatomicint \
    99            qatomicpointer \
   100            qbitarray \
   101            qboxlayout \
   102            qbrush \
   103            qbuffer \
   104            qbuttongroup \
   105            qbytearray \
   106            qcache \
   107            qchar \
   108            qcheckbox \
   109            qclipboard \
   110            qcolor \
   111            qcolordialog \
   112            qcombobox \
   113            qcompleter \
   114            qcomplextext \
   115            qcoreapplication \
   116            qcryptographichash \
   117            qcssparser \
   118            qdatastream \
   119            qdatawidgetmapper \
   120            qdate \
   121            qdatetime \
   122            qdatetimeedit \
   123            qdebug \
   124            qdesktopservices \
   125            qdesktopwidget \
   126            qdial \
   127            qdialog \
   128            qdialogbuttonbox \
   129            qdir \
   130            qdirmodel \
   131            qdockwidget \
   132            qdom \
   133            qdoublespinbox \
   134            qdoublevalidator \
   135            qdrag \
   136            qerrormessage \
   137            qevent \
   138            qeventloop \
   139            qexplicitlyshareddatapointer \
   140            qfile \
   141            qfiledialog \
   142            qfiledialog2 \
   143            qfileinfo \
   144            qfilesystemwatcher \
   145            qfilesystemmodel \
   146            qflags \
   147            qfocusevent \
   148            qfocusframe \
   149            qfont \
   150            qfontcombobox \
   151            qfontdatabase \
   152            qfontdialog \
   153            qfontmetrics \
   154            qftp \
   155            qgetputenv \
   156            qglobal \
   157            qgraphicseffect \
   158            qgraphicseffectsource \
   159            qgraphicsgridlayout \
   160            qgraphicsitem \
   161            qgraphicsitemanimation \
   162            qgraphicsanchorlayout \
   163            qgraphicsanchorlayout1 \
   164            qgraphicslayout \
   165            qgraphicslayoutitem \
   166            qgraphicslinearlayout \
   167            qgraphicsobject \
   168            qgraphicspixmapitem \
   169            qgraphicspolygonitem \
   170            qgraphicsproxywidget \
   171            qgraphicsscene \
   172            qgraphicssceneindex \
   173            qgraphicstransform \
   174            qgraphicsview \
   175            qgraphicswidget \
   176            qgridlayout \
   177            qgroupbox \
   178            qguivariant \
   179            qhash \
   180            qheaderview \
   181            qhelpcontentmodel \
   182            qhelpenginecore \
   183            qhelpgenerator \
   184            qhelpindexmodel \
   185            qhelpprojectdata \
   186            qhostaddress \
   187            qhostinfo \
   188            qhttp \
   189            qhttpnetworkreply \
   190            qhttpnetworkconnection \
   191            qicon \
   192            qicoimageformat \
   193            qimage \
   194            qimageiohandler \
   195            qimagereader \
   196            qimagewriter \
   197            qinputdialog \
   198            qintvalidator \
   199            qiodevice \
   200            qitemdelegate \
   201            qitemeditorfactory \
   202            qitemmodel \
   203            qitemselectionmodel \
   204            qitemview \
   205            qkeysequence \
   206            qlabel \
   207            qlayout \
   208            qlcdnumber \
   209            qlibrary \
   210            qline \
   211            qlineedit \
   212            qlist \
   213            qlistview \
   214            qlistwidget \
   215            qlocale \
   216            qmainwindow \
   217            qmake \
   218            qmap \
   219            qmath \
   220            qmatrixnxn \
   221            qmdiarea \
   222            qmdisubwindow \
   223            qmenu \
   224            qmenubar \
   225            qmessagebox \
   226            qmetaobject \
   227            qmetatype \
   228            qmouseevent \
   229            qmouseevent_modal \
   230            qmovie \
   231            qmutex \
   232            qmutexlocker \
   233            qnativesocketengine \
   234            qnetworkcookie \
   235            qnetworkcookiejar \
   236            qnetworkinterface \
   237            qnetworkproxy \
   238            qnetworkrequest \
   239            qnetworkreply \
   240            qnetworkaccessmanager_and_qprogressdialog \
   241            qnumeric \
   242            qobject \
   243            qobjectrace \
   244            qcontiguouscache \
   245            qpaintengine \
   246            qpainter \
   247            qpainterpath \
   248            qpalette \
   249            qparallelanimationgroup \
   250            qpauseanimation \
   251            qpathclipper \
   252            qpen \
   253            qpicture \
   254            qpixmap \
   255            qpixmapcache \
   256            qpixmapfilter \
   257            qplaintextedit \
   258            qpoint \
   259            qpointer \
   260            qpolygon \
   261            qprinter \
   262            qprinterinfo \
   263            qprocess \
   264 	   qprocessenvironment \
   265            qprogressbar \
   266            qprogressdialog \
   267            qpropertyanimation \
   268            qpushbutton \
   269            qquaternion \
   270            qqueue \
   271            qradiobutton \
   272            qreadlocker \
   273            qreadwritelock \
   274            qrect \
   275            qregexp \
   276            qregexpvalidator \
   277            qregion \
   278            qresourceengine \
   279            qringbuffer \
   280            qscopedpointer \
   281            qscrollarea \
   282            qsemaphore \
   283            qsharedpointer \
   284            qsharedpointer_and_qwidget \
   285            qsequentialanimationgroup \
   286            qset \
   287            qsettings \
   288            qshortcut \
   289            qsignalmapper \
   290            qsignalspy \
   291            qsize \
   292            qsizef \
   293            qslider \
   294            qsocketnotifier \
   295            qsocks5socketengine \
   296            qsortfilterproxymodel \
   297            qsound \
   298            qaudiodeviceinfo \
   299            qaudioformat \
   300            qaudiooutput \
   301            qaudioinput \
   302            qspinbox \
   303            qsplitter \
   304            qsql \
   305            qsqldatabase \
   306            qsqlerror \
   307            qsqlfield \
   308            qsqlquery \
   309            qsqlquerymodel \
   310            qsqlrecord \
   311            qsqlrelationaltablemodel \
   312            qsqltablemodel \
   313            qsqlthread \
   314            qsslcertificate \
   315            qsslcipher \
   316            qsslerror \
   317            qsslkey \
   318            qsslsocket \
   319            qstackedlayout \
   320            qstackedwidget \
   321            qstandarditem \
   322            qstandarditemmodel \
   323            qstate \
   324            qstatemachine \
   325            qstatusbar \
   326            qstl \
   327            qstring \
   328            qstringbuilder1 \
   329            qstringbuilder2 \
   330            qstringbuilder3 \
   331            qstringbuilder4 \
   332            qstringmatcher \
   333            qstringlist \
   334            qstringlistmodel \
   335            qstyle \
   336            qstyleoption \
   337            qstylesheetstyle \
   338            qsvgdevice \
   339            qsvggenerator \
   340            qsvgrenderer \
   341            qsyntaxhighlighter \
   342            qsystemtrayicon \
   343            qtabbar \
   344            qtableview \
   345            qtablewidget \
   346            qtabwidget \
   347            qtcpserver \
   348            qtcpsocket \
   349            qtemporaryfile \
   350            qtessellator \
   351            qtextblock \
   352            qtextboundaryfinder \
   353            qtextbrowser \
   354            qtextcodec \
   355            qtextcursor \
   356            qtextdocument \
   357            qtextdocumentfragment \
   358            qtextdocumentlayout \
   359            qtextedit \
   360            qtextformat \
   361            qtextlayout \
   362            qtextlist \
   363            qtextobject \
   364            qtextscriptengine \
   365            qtextstream \
   366            qtexttable \
   367            qthread \
   368            qthreadonce \
   369            qthreadstorage \
   370            qtime \
   371            qtimeline \
   372            qtimer \
   373            qtmd5 \
   374            qtoolbar \
   375            qtoolbox \
   376            qtoolbutton \
   377            qtooltip \
   378            qtranslator \
   379            qtransform \
   380            qtransformedscreen \
   381            qtreeview \
   382            qtreewidget \
   383            qtreewidgetitemiterator \
   384            qtwidgets \
   385            qudpsocket \
   386            qundogroup \
   387            qundostack \
   388            qurl \
   389            quuid \
   390            qvariant \
   391            qvarlengtharray \
   392            qvector \
   393            qvideoframe \
   394            qvideosurfaceformat \
   395            qvectornd \
   396            qwaitcondition \
   397            qwidget \
   398            qwidgetaction \
   399            qwindowsurface \
   400            qwineventnotifier \
   401            qwizard \
   402            qwmatrix \
   403            qworkspace \
   404            qwritelocker \
   405            qwsembedwidget \
   406            qwsinputmethod \
   407            qwswindowsystem \
   408            qx11info \
   409            qxml \
   410            qxmlinputsource \
   411            qxmlsimplereader \
   412            qxmlstream \
   413            selftests \
   414            symbols \
   415            qrand \
   416            utf8 \
   417            gestures \
   418            qabstractnetworkcache \
   419            qabstractproxymodel \
   420            qbytearraymatcher \
   421            qcalendarwidget \
   422            qcolumnview \
   423            qcommandlinkbutton \
   424            qdbuscontext \
   425            qdbusserver \
   426            qdbusservicewatcher \
   427            qdiriterator \
   428            qeasingcurve \
   429            qfileiconprovider \
   430            qformlayout \
   431            q_func_info \
   432            qfuture \
   433            qfuturewatcher \
   434            qguard \
   435            qhttpsocketengine \
   436            qinputcontext \
   437            qlocalsocket \
   438            qmacstyle \
   439            qmargins \
   440            qnetworkaddressentry \
   441            qnetworkcachemetadata \
   442            qnetworkdiskcache \
   443            qobjectperformance \
   444            qpainterpathstroker \
   445            qplugin \
   446            qpluginloader \
   447            qscrollbar \
   448            qsharedmemory \
   449            qsidebar \
   450            qsizegrip \
   451            qsqldriver \
   452            qsystemsemaphore \
   453            qtconcurrentfilter \
   454            qtconcurrentiteratekernel \
   455            qtconcurrentmap \
   456            qtconcurrentrun \
   457            qtconcurrentthreadengine \
   458            qthreadpool \
   459            qtokenautomaton \
   460            qtouchevent \
   461            qwidget_window \
   462            rcc \
   463            windowsmobile
   465 contains(QT_CONFIG,opengl):SUBDIRS += qgl
   467 contains(QT_CONFIG,qt3support):!wince*:SUBDIRS += $$Q3SUBDIRS
   469 contains(QT_CONFIG, OdfWriter):SUBDIRS += qzip qtextodfwriter
   470 mac: {
   471     SUBDIRS += macgui \
   472                macplist \
   473                qaccessibility_mac
   474 }
   476 embedded:!wince* {
   477     SUBDIRS += qcopchannel \
   478                qdirectpainter \
   479                qmultiscreen
   480 }
   481 !win32: {
   482     SUBDIRS += qtextpiecetable
   483 }
   485 symbian {
   486     SUBDIRS += qsoftkeymanager \
   487                qs60mainapplication
   488 }
   490 # Enable the tests specific to QtXmlPatterns. If you add a test, remember to
   491 # update runQtXmlPatternsTests.sh too. Remember that this file, auto.pro, is
   492 # not respected by some test system, they just have a script which loop over
   493 # the folders.
   494 contains(QT_CONFIG, xmlpatterns) {
   495 SUBDIRS += checkxmlfiles                \
   496            patternistexamplefiletree    \
   497            patternistexamples           \
   498            patternistheaders            \
   499            qabstractmessagehandler      \
   500            qabstracturiresolver         \
   501            qabstractxmlforwarditerator  \
   502            qabstractxmlnodemodel        \
   503            qabstractxmlreceiver         \
   504            qapplicationargumentparser   \
   505            qautoptr                     \
   506            qsimplexmlnodemodel          \
   507            qsourcelocation              \
   508            qxmlformatter                \
   509            qxmlitem                     \
   510            qxmlname                     \
   511            qxmlnamepool                 \
   512            qxmlnodemodelindex           \
   513            qxmlquery                    \
   514            qxmlresultitems              \
   515            qxmlschema                   \
   516            qxmlschemavalidator          \
   517            qxmlserializer               \
   518            xmlpatterns                  \
   519            xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts     \
   520            xmlpatternsschema            \
   521            xmlpatternsschemats          \
   522            xmlpatternsvalidator         \
   523            xmlpatternsview              \
   524            xmlpatternsxqts              \
   525            xmlpatternsxslts
   527 xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
   528 xmlpatternsview.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
   529 xmlpatternsxslts.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
   530 xmlpatternsschemats.depends = xmlpatternsxqts
   531 }
   533 unix:!embedded:contains(QT_CONFIG, dbus):SUBDIRS += \
   534            qdbusabstractadaptor \
   535            qdbusabstractinterface \
   536            qdbusconnection \
   537            qdbusinterface \
   538            qdbuslocalcalls \
   539            qdbusmarshall \
   540            qdbusmetaobject \
   541            qdbusmetatype \
   542            qdbuspendingcall \
   543            qdbuspendingreply \
   544            qdbusperformance \
   545            qdbusreply \
   546            qdbusthreading \
   547            qdbusxmlparser
   549 contains(QT_CONFIG, script): SUBDIRS += \
   550            qscriptable \
   551            qscriptclass \
   552            qscriptcontext \
   553            qscriptcontextinfo \
   554            qscriptengine \
   555            qscriptengineagent \
   556            qscriptextqobject \
   557            qscriptjstestsuite \
   558            qscriptv8testsuite \
   559            qscriptstring \
   560            qscriptvalue \
   561            qscriptvalueiterator \
   562            qscriptenginedebugger
   564 contains(QT_CONFIG, webkit): SUBDIRS += \
   565            qwebframe \
   566            qwebpage \
   567            qwebhistoryinterface \
   568            qwebelement \
   569            qwebhistory
   571 contains(QT_CONFIG, declarative): SUBDIRS += declarative
   573 # Following tests depends on private API
   574 !contains(QT_CONFIG, private_tests): SUBDIRS -= \
   575            qcssparser \
   576            qgraphicssceneindex \
   577            qhttpnetworkconnection \
   578            qhttpnetworkreply \
   579            qnativesocketengine \
   580            qnetworkreply \
   581            qpathclipper \
   582            qsocketnotifier \
   583            qsocks5socketengine \
   584            qstylesheetstyle \
   585            qtextpiecetable \
   586            xmlpatternsdiagnosticsts \
   587            xmlpatternsview \
   588            xmlpatternsxqts \
   589            xmlpatternsxslts