changeset 8 3f74d0d4af4c
parent 4 3b1da2848fc7
child 25 e24348a560a6
equal deleted inserted replaced
6:dee5afe5301f 8:3f74d0d4af4c
   216     void exposeRegion();
   216     void exposeRegion();
   217     void update_data();
   217     void update_data();
   218     void update();
   218     void update();
   219     void inputMethodSensitivity();
   219     void inputMethodSensitivity();
   220     void inputContextReset();
   220     void inputContextReset();
   221     void indirectPainting();
   222     void compositionModeInDrawBackground();
   222     // task specific tests below me
   224     // task specific tests below me
   223     void task172231_untransformableItems();
   225     void task172231_untransformableItems();
   224     void task180429_mouseReleaseDragMode();
   226     void task180429_mouseReleaseDragMode();
   225     void task187791_setSceneCausesUpdate();
   227     void task187791_setSceneCausesUpdate();
  3797     inputContext.resets = 0;
  3799     inputContext.resets = 0;
  3798     scene.setFocusItem(item1);
  3800     scene.setFocusItem(item1);
  3799     QCOMPARE(inputContext.resets, 0);
  3801     QCOMPARE(inputContext.resets, 0);
  3800 }
  3802 }
  3804 void tst_QGraphicsView::indirectPainting()
  3805 {
  3806     class MyScene : public QGraphicsScene
  3807     { public:
  3808         MyScene() : QGraphicsScene(), drawCount(0) {}
  3809         void drawItems(QPainter *, int, QGraphicsItem **, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
  3810         { ++drawCount; }
  3811         int drawCount;
  3812     };
  3814     MyScene scene;
  3815     QGraphicsItem *item = scene.addRect(0, 0, 50, 50);
  3817     QGraphicsView view(&scene);
  3818     view.setOptimizationFlag(QGraphicsView::IndirectPainting);
  3819     view.show();
  3820     QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&view);
  3821     QTest::qWait(100);
  3823     scene.drawCount = 0;
  3824     item->setPos(20, 20);
  3825     QApplication::processEvents();
  3826     QTRY_VERIFY(scene.drawCount > 0);
  3827 }
  3829 void tst_QGraphicsView::compositionModeInDrawBackground()
  3830 {
  3831     class MyView : public QGraphicsView
  3832     { public:
  3833         MyView(QGraphicsScene *scene) : QGraphicsView(scene),
  3834         painted(false), compositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver) {}
  3835         bool painted;
  3836         QPainter::CompositionMode compositionMode;
  3837         void drawBackground(QPainter *painter, const QRectF &)
  3838         {
  3839             compositionMode = painter->compositionMode();
  3840             painted = true;
  3841         }
  3842     };
  3844     QGraphicsScene dummy;
  3845     MyView view(&dummy);
  3846     view.show();
  3847     QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&view);
  3849     // Make sure the painter's composition mode is SourceOver in drawBackground.
  3850     QTRY_VERIFY(view.painted);
  3851     QCOMPARE(view.compositionMode, QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
  3853     view.painted = false;
  3854     view.setCacheMode(QGraphicsView::CacheBackground);
  3855     view.viewport()->update();
  3857     // Make sure the painter's composition mode is SourceOver in drawBackground
  3858     // with background cache enabled.
  3859     QTRY_VERIFY(view.painted);
  3860     QCOMPARE(view.compositionMode, QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver);
  3861 }
  3802 void tst_QGraphicsView::task253415_reconnectUpdateSceneOnSceneChanged()
  3862 void tst_QGraphicsView::task253415_reconnectUpdateSceneOnSceneChanged()
  3803 {
  3863 {
  3804     QGraphicsView view;
  3864     QGraphicsView view;
  3805     QGraphicsView dummyView;
  3865     QGraphicsView dummyView;
  3806     view.setWindowFlags(view.windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);
  3866     view.setWindowFlags(view.windowFlags() | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint);