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29:b72c6db6890b 30:5dc02b23752f
     1 The Qt Declarative module provides the ability to specify and implement
     2 your user interface declaratively, using the Qt Meta-Object Language (QML). This
     3 language is very expressive and human readable, and can be used by
     4 designers to actually implement their UI vision. QML UIs can integrate
     5 with C++ code in many ways, including being loaded as a part of a C++ UI
     6 and loading data models from C++ and interacting with them.
     8 The example launcher provided with Qt can be used to explore each of the
     9 examples in this directory. But most can also be viewed directly with the
    10 QML viewer utility, without requiring compilation.
    12 Documentation for these examples can be found via the Tutorials and Examples
    13 link in the main Qt documentation.
    16 Finding the Qt Examples and Demos launcher
    17 ==========================================
    19 On Windows:
    21 The launcher can be accessed via the Windows Start menu. Select the menu
    22 entry entitled "Qt Examples and Demos" entry in the submenu containing
    23 the Qt tools.
    25 On Mac OS X:
    27 For the binary distribution, the qtdemo executable is installed in the
    28 /Developer/Applications/Qt directory. For the source distribution, it is
    29 installed alongside the other Qt tools on the path specified when Qt is
    30 configured.
    32 On Unix/Linux:
    34 The qtdemo executable is installed alongside the other Qt tools on the path
    35 specified when Qt is configured.
    37 On all platforms:
    39 The source code for the launcher can be found in the demos/qtdemo directory
    40 in the Qt package. This example is built at the same time as the Qt libraries,
    41 tools, examples, and demonstrations.