1 ********* Start testing of tst_BadXml ********* |
2 Config: Using QTest library 4.6.3, Qt 4.6.3 |
3 PASS : tst_BadXml::initTestCase() |
4 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(end cdata ]]> text ]]> more text) a message |
5 FAIL! : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(end cdata ]]> text ]]> more text) a failure |
6 Loc: [/local/rmcgover_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/badxml/tst_badxml.cpp(109)] |
7 RESULT : tst_BadXml::badDataTag():"end cdata ]]> text ]]> more text": |
8 0 events per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1) |
9 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(quotes " text" more text) a message |
10 FAIL! : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(quotes " text" more text) a failure |
11 Loc: [/local/rmcgover_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/badxml/tst_badxml.cpp(109)] |
12 RESULT : tst_BadXml::badDataTag():"quotes " text" more text": |
13 0 events per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1) |
14 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(xml close > open < tags < text) a message |
15 FAIL! : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(xml close > open < tags < text) a failure |
16 Loc: [/local/rmcgover_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/badxml/tst_badxml.cpp(109)] |
17 RESULT : tst_BadXml::badDataTag():"xml close > open < tags < text": |
18 0 events per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1) |
19 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(all > " mixed ]]> up > " in < the ]]> hopes < of triggering "< ]]> bugs) a message |
20 FAIL! : tst_BadXml::badDataTag(all > " mixed ]]> up > " in < the ]]> hopes < of triggering "< ]]> bugs) a failure |
21 Loc: [/local/rmcgover_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/badxml/tst_badxml.cpp(109)] |
22 RESULT : tst_BadXml::badDataTag():"all > " mixed ]]> up > " in < the ]]> hopes < of triggering "< ]]> bugs": |
23 0 events per iteration (total: 0, iterations: 1) |
24 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badMessage(string 0) end cdata ]]> text ]]> more text |
25 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badMessage(string 1) quotes " text" more text |
26 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badMessage(string 2) xml close > open < tags < text |
27 QDEBUG : tst_BadXml::badMessage(string 3) all > " mixed ]]> up > " in < the ]]> hopes < of triggering "< ]]> bugs |
28 PASS : tst_BadXml::badMessage() |
29 FAIL! : tst_BadXml::failWithNoFile() failure message |
30 PASS : tst_BadXml::cleanupTestCase() |
31 Totals: 3 passed, 5 failed, 0 skipped |
32 ********* Finished testing of tst_BadXml ********* |