changeset 14 c0432d11811c
parent 5 d3bac044e0f0
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:cc75c76972ee 14:c0432d11811c
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
     1 ********* Start testing of tst_Xunit *********
     2 <testsuite errors="5" failures="3" tests="9" name="tst_Xunit">
     2 Config: Using QTest library 4.6.3, Qt 4.6.3
     3   <properties>
     3 PASS   : tst_Xunit::initTestCase()
     4     <property value="<INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE>" name="QTestVersion"/>
     4 WARNING: tst_Xunit::testFunc1() just a QWARN() !
     5     <property value="<INSERT_QT_VERSION_HERE>" name="QtVersion"/>
     5 PASS   : tst_Xunit::testFunc1()
     6   </properties>
     6 QDEBUG : tst_Xunit::testFunc2() a qDebug() call with comment-ending stuff -->
     7   <testcase result="pass" name="initTestCase"/>
     7 FAIL!  : tst_Xunit::testFunc2() Compared values are not the same
     8   <testcase result="pass" name="testFunc1">
     9     <!-- message="just a QWARN() !" type="warn" -->
    10   </testcase>
    11   <testcase result="fail" name="testFunc2">
    12     <!-- message="a qDebug() call with comment&#x002D;ending stuff &#x002D;&#x002D;&gt;" type="qdebug" -->
    13     <failure message="Compared values are not the same
    14    Actual (2): 2
     8    Actual (2): 2
    15    Expected (3): 3" result="fail"/>
     9    Expected (3): 3
    16   </testcase>
    10    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(74)]
    17   <testcase name="testFunc3">
    11 SKIP   : tst_Xunit::testFunc3() skipping this function!
    18     <!-- message="skipping this function!" type="skip" -->
    12    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(79)]
    19   </testcase>
    13 FAIL!  : tst_Xunit::testFunc4() a forced failure!
    20   <testcase result="fail" name="testFunc4">
    14    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(84)]
    21     <failure message="a forced failure!" result="fail"/>
    15 XFAIL  : tst_Xunit::testFunc5() this failure is expected
    22   </testcase>
    16    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(98)]
    23   <testcase result="xfail" name="testFunc5">
    17 PASS   : tst_Xunit::testFunc5()
    24     <!-- message="this failure is expected" type="info" -->
    18 XFAIL  : tst_Xunit::testFunc6() this failure is also expected
    25   </testcase>
    19    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(104)]
    26   <testcase result="xfail" name="testFunc6">
    20 PASS   : tst_Xunit::testFunc6()
    27     <!-- message="this failure is also expected" type="info" -->
    21 XPASS  : tst_Xunit::testFunc7() 'true' returned FALSE. ()
    28   </testcase>
    22    Loc: [/local/user_builds/qt/4.6/tests/auto/selftests/xunit/tst_xunit.cpp(110)]
    29   <testcase result="xpass" name="testFunc7">
    23 PASS   : tst_Xunit::cleanupTestCase()
    30     <failure message="&apos;true&apos; returned FALSE. ()" result="xpass"/>
    24 Totals: 5 passed, 3 failed, 1 skipped
    31   </testcase>
    25 ********* Finished testing of tst_Xunit *********
    32   <testcase result="pass" name="cleanupTestCase"/>
    33   <system-err>
    34 <![CDATA[just a QWARN() !]]>
    35 <![CDATA[a qDebug() call with comment-ending stuff -->]]>
    36 <![CDATA[skipping this function!]]>
    37 <![CDATA[this failure is expected]]>
    38 <![CDATA[this failure is also expected]]>
    39   </system-err>
    40 </testsuite>