changeset 37 758a864f9613
equal deleted inserted replaced
36:ef0373b55136 37:758a864f9613
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!DOCTYPE TS>
     3 <TS version="2.0" language="sl">
     4     <extra-po-header-po_revision_date>2010-08-28 13:32+0200</extra-po-header-po_revision_date>
     5     <extra-po-headers>MIME-Version,Content-Type,Content-Transfer-Encoding,Plural-Forms,X-Language,X-Qt-Contexts,Last-Translator,PO-Revision-Date,Project-Id-Version,Language-Team,X-Generator</extra-po-headers>
     6     <extra-po-header-x_generator>Lokalize 1.1</extra-po-header-x_generator>
     7     <extra-po-header-language_team>Slovenian &lt;;</extra-po-header-language_team>
     8     <extra-po-header-project_id_version></extra-po-header-project_id_version>
     9     <extra-po-header_comment># Jure Repinc &lt;;, 2010.</extra-po-header_comment>
    10     <extra-po-header-last_translator>Jure Repinc &lt;;</extra-po-header-last_translator>
    11 <context>
    12     <name>QCLuceneResultWidget</name>
    13     <message>
    14         <source>Search Results</source>
    15         <translation>Rezultati iskanja</translation>
    16     </message>
    17     <message>
    18         <source>Note:</source>
    19         <translation>Opomba:</translation>
    20     </message>
    21     <message>
    22         <source>The search results may not be complete since the documentation is still being indexed!</source>
    23         <translation>Rezultati iskanja morda niso popolni, saj se dokumentacijo še vedno indeksira.</translation>
    24     </message>
    25     <message>
    26         <source>Your search did not match any documents.</source>
    27         <translation>Vašemu iskanju ne ustreza noben dokument.</translation>
    28     </message>
    29     <message>
    30         <source>(The reason for this might be that the documentation is still being indexed.)</source>
    31         <translation>(Razlog je morda to, da se dokumentacijo še vedno indeksira.)</translation>
    32     </message>
    33 </context>
    34 <context>
    35     <name>QHelp</name>
    36     <message>
    37         <source>Untitled</source>
    38         <translation>Brez naslova</translation>
    39     </message>
    40 </context>
    41 <context>
    42     <name>QHelpCollectionHandler</name>
    43     <message>
    44         <source>The collection file &apos;%1&apos; is not set up yet!</source>
    45         <translation>Datoteka zbirke »%1« še ni nastavljena.</translation>
    46     </message>
    47     <message>
    48         <source>Cannot load sqlite database driver!</source>
    49         <translation>Ni moč naložiti gonilnika za podatkovno zbirko SQLite.</translation>
    50     </message>
    51     <message>
    52         <source>Cannot open collection file: %1</source>
    53         <translation>Datoteke zbirke ni moč odpreti: %1</translation>
    54     </message>
    55     <message>
    56         <source>Cannot create tables in file %1!</source>
    57         <translation>V datoteki %1 ni moč ustvariti tabel.</translation>
    58     </message>
    59     <message>
    60         <source>The collection file &apos;%1&apos; already exists!</source>
    61         <translation>Datoteka zbirke »%1« že obstaja.</translation>
    62     </message>
    63     <message>
    64         <source>Cannot create directory: %1</source>
    65         <translation>Ni moč ustvariti mape: %1</translation>
    66     </message>
    67     <message>
    68         <source>Cannot copy collection file: %1</source>
    69         <translation>Ni moč skopirati datoteke zbirke: %1</translation>
    70     </message>
    71     <message>
    72         <source>Unknown filter &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
    73         <translation>Neznan filter »%1«.</translation>
    74     </message>
    75     <message>
    76         <source>Cannot register filter %1!</source>
    77         <translation>Filtra %1 ni moč registrirati.</translation>
    78     </message>
    79     <message>
    80         <source>Cannot open documentation file %1!</source>
    81         <translation>Ni moč odpreti datoteke z dokumentacijo %1.</translation>
    82     </message>
    83     <message>
    84         <source>Invalid documentation file &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
    85         <translation>Neveljavna datoteka z dokumentacijo »%1«.</translation>
    86     </message>
    87     <message>
    88         <source>The namespace %1 was not registered!</source>
    89         <translation>Imenski prostor %1 ni bil registriran.</translation>
    90     </message>
    91     <message>
    92         <source>Namespace %1 already exists!</source>
    93         <translation>Imenski prostor %1 že obstaja.</translation>
    94     </message>
    95     <message>
    96         <source>Cannot register namespace &apos;%1&apos;!</source>
    97         <translation>Imenskega prostora »%1« ni moč registrirati.</translation>
    98     </message>
    99     <message>
   100         <source>Cannot open database &apos;%1&apos; to optimize!</source>
   101         <translation>Podatkovne zbirke »%1« ni moč odpreti za optimizacijo.</translation>
   102     </message>
   103 </context>
   104 <context>
   105     <name>QHelpDBReader</name>
   106     <message>
   107         <source>Cannot open database &apos;%1&apos; &apos;%2&apos;: %3</source>
   108         <extracomment>The placeholders are: %1 - The name of the database which cannot be opened %2 - The unique id for the connection %3 - The actual error string
   109 </extracomment>
   110         <translation>Podatkovne zbirke »%1« »%2« ni moč odpreti: %3</translation>
   111     </message>
   112 </context>
   113 <context>
   114     <name>QHelpEngineCore</name>
   115     <message>
   116         <source>Cannot open documentation file %1: %2!</source>
   117         <translation>Ni moč odpreti datoteke z dokumentacijo %1: %2.</translation>
   118     </message>
   119     <message>
   120         <source>The specified namespace does not exist!</source>
   121         <translation>Navedeni imenski prostor ne obstaja.</translation>
   122     </message>
   123 </context>
   124 <context>
   125     <name>QHelpGenerator</name>
   126     <message>
   127         <source>Invalid help data!</source>
   128         <translation>Neveljavni podatki s pomočjo.</translation>
   129     </message>
   130     <message>
   131         <source>No output file name specified!</source>
   132         <translation>Navedenega ni nobenega imena izhodne datoteke.</translation>
   133     </message>
   134     <message>
   135         <source>The file %1 cannot be overwritten!</source>
   136         <translation>Datoteke %1 ni moč nadomestiti.</translation>
   137     </message>
   138     <message>
   139         <source>Building up file structure...</source>
   140         <translation>Grajenje datotečne strukture ...</translation>
   141     </message>
   142     <message>
   143         <source>Cannot open data base file %1!</source>
   144         <translation>Datoteke podatkovne zbirke %1 ni moč odpreti.</translation>
   145     </message>
   146     <message>
   147         <source>Cannot register namespace %1!</source>
   148         <translation>Imenskega prostora %1 ni moč registrirati.</translation>
   149     </message>
   150     <message>
   151         <source>Insert custom filters...</source>
   152         <translation>Vstavi filtre po meri ...</translation>
   153     </message>
   154     <message>
   155         <source>Insert help data for filter section (%1 of %2)...</source>
   156         <translation>Vstavljanje podatkov s pomočjo za filtrirni razdelek (%1 od %2) ...</translation>
   157     </message>
   158     <message>
   159         <source>Documentation successfully generated.</source>
   160         <translation>Dokumentacija je bila uspešno ustvarjena.</translation>
   161     </message>
   162     <message>
   163         <source>Some tables already exist!</source>
   164         <translation>Nekatere tabele že obstajajo.</translation>
   165     </message>
   166     <message>
   167         <source>Cannot create tables!</source>
   168         <translation>Tabel ni moč ustvariti.</translation>
   169     </message>
   170     <message>
   171         <source>Cannot register virtual folder!</source>
   172         <translation>Navidezne mape ni moč registrirati.</translation>
   173     </message>
   174     <message>
   175         <source>Insert files...</source>
   176         <translation>Vstavi datoteke ...</translation>
   177     </message>
   178     <message>
   179         <source>The referenced file %1 must be inside or within a subdirectory of (%2). Skipping it.</source>
   180         <translation>Sklicana datoteka %1 se mora nahajti v mapi (%1) ali njeni podmapi. Preskakujem jo.</translation>
   181     </message>
   182     <message>
   183         <source>The file %1 does not exist! Skipping it.</source>
   184         <translation>Datoteka %1 ne obstaja. Preskakujem jo.</translation>
   185     </message>
   186     <message>
   187         <source>Cannot open file %1! Skipping it.</source>
   188         <translation>Datoteke %1 ni moč odpreti. Preskakujem jo.</translation>
   189     </message>
   190     <message>
   191         <source>The filter %1 is already registered!</source>
   192         <translation>Filter %1 je že registriran.</translation>
   193     </message>
   194     <message>
   195         <source>Cannot register filter %1!</source>
   196         <translation>Filtra %1 ni moč registrirati.</translation>
   197     </message>
   198     <message>
   199         <source>Insert indices...</source>
   200         <translation>Vstavi kazala ...</translation>
   201     </message>
   202     <message>
   203         <source>Insert contents...</source>
   204         <translation>Vstavi vsebino ...</translation>
   205     </message>
   206     <message>
   207         <source>Cannot insert contents!</source>
   208         <translation>Vsebine ni moč vstaviti.</translation>
   209     </message>
   210     <message>
   211         <source>Cannot register contents!</source>
   212         <translation>Vsebine ni moč registrirati.</translation>
   213     </message>
   214     <message>
   215         <source>File &apos;%1&apos; does not exist.</source>
   216         <translation>Filter »%1« ne obstaja.</translation>
   217     </message>
   218     <message>
   219         <source>File &apos;%1&apos; cannot be opened.</source>
   220         <translation>Filtra »%1« ni moč odpreti.</translation>
   221     </message>
   222     <message>
   223         <source>File &apos;%1&apos; contains an invalid link to file &apos;%2&apos;</source>
   224         <translation>Datoteka »%1« vsebuje neveljavno povezavo na datoteko »%2«</translation>
   225     </message>
   226     <message>
   227         <source>Invalid links in HTML files.</source>
   228         <translation>Neveljavne povezave v datotekah HTML.</translation>
   229     </message>
   230 </context>
   231 <context>
   232     <name>QHelpProject</name>
   233     <message>
   234         <source>Unknown token.</source>
   235         <translation>Neznan žeton.</translation>
   236     </message>
   237     <message>
   238         <source>Unknown token. Expected &quot;QtHelpProject&quot;!</source>
   239         <translation>Neznan žeton. Pričakovan je bil »QtHelpProject«.</translation>
   240     </message>
   241     <message>
   242         <source>Error in line %1: %2</source>
   243         <translation>Napaka v vrstici %1: %2</translation>
   244     </message>
   245     <message>
   246         <source>Virtual folder has invalid syntax.</source>
   247         <translation>Navidezna mapa ima neveljavno skladnjo.</translation>
   248     </message>
   249     <message>
   250         <source>Namespace has invalid syntax.</source>
   251         <translation>Imenski prostor ima neveljavno skladnjo.</translation>
   252     </message>
   253     <message>
   254         <source>Missing namespace in QtHelpProject.</source>
   255         <translation>Manjkajoč imenski prostor v QtHelpProject.</translation>
   256     </message>
   257     <message>
   258         <source>Missing virtual folder in QtHelpProject</source>
   259         <translation>Manjkajoča navidezna mapa v QtHelpProject.</translation>
   260     </message>
   261     <message>
   262         <source>Missing attribute in keyword at line %1.</source>
   263         <translation>Manjkajoča lastnost v ključni besedi v vrstici %1.</translation>
   264     </message>
   265     <message>
   266         <source>The input file %1 could not be opened!</source>
   267         <translation>Vhodne datoteke %1 ni bilo moč odpreti.</translation>
   268     </message>
   269 </context>
   270 <context>
   271     <name>QHelpSearchQueryWidget</name>
   272     <message>
   273         <source>Search for:</source>
   274         <translation>Išči:</translation>
   275     </message>
   276     <message>
   277         <source>Previous search</source>
   278         <translation>Predhodno iskanje</translation>
   279     </message>
   280     <message>
   281         <source>Next search</source>
   282         <translation>Naslednje iskanje</translation>
   283     </message>
   284     <message>
   285         <source>Search</source>
   286         <translation>Išči</translation>
   287     </message>
   288     <message>
   289         <source>Advanced search</source>
   290         <translation>Napredno iskanje</translation>
   291     </message>
   292     <message>
   293         <source>words &lt;B&gt;similar&lt;/B&gt; to:</source>
   294         <translation>besede &lt;B&gt;podobne&lt;/B&gt;:</translation>
   295     </message>
   296     <message>
   297         <source>&lt;B&gt;without&lt;/B&gt; the words:</source>
   298         <translation>&lt;B&gt;brez&lt;/B&gt; besed:</translation>
   299     </message>
   300     <message>
   301         <source>with &lt;B&gt;exact phrase&lt;/B&gt;:</source>
   302         <translation>s &lt;B&gt;točnim izrazom&lt;/B&gt;:</translation>
   303     </message>
   304     <message>
   305         <source>with &lt;B&gt;all&lt;/B&gt; of the words:</source>
   306         <translation>z &lt;B&gt;vsemi&lt;/B&gt; besedami:</translation>
   307     </message>
   308     <message>
   309         <source>with &lt;B&gt;at least one&lt;/B&gt; of the words:</source>
   310         <translation>z &lt;B&gt;vsaj eno&lt;/B&gt; izmed besed:</translation>
   311     </message>
   312 </context>
   313 <context>
   314     <name>QHelpSearchResultWidget</name>
   315     <message numerus="yes">
   316         <source>%1 - %2 of %n Hits</source>
   317         <translation>
   318             <numerusform>%1 – %2 od %n zadetka</numerusform>
   319             <numerusform>%1 – %2 od %n zadetkov</numerusform>
   320             <numerusform>%1 – %2 od %n zadetkov</numerusform>
   321             <numerusform>%1 – %2 od %n zadetkov</numerusform>
   322         </translation>
   323     </message>
   324     <message>
   325         <source>0 - 0 of 0 Hits</source>
   326         <translation>0 - 0 od 0 zadetkov</translation>
   327     </message>
   328 </context>
   329 </TS>