changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/3rdparty/webkit/JavaScriptCore/jit/JIT.h	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,913 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef JIT_h
+#define JIT_h
+#include <wtf/Platform.h>
+// We've run into some problems where changing the size of the class JIT leads to
+// performance fluctuations.  Try forcing alignment in an attempt to stabalize this.
+#define JIT_CLASS_ALIGNMENT __attribute__ ((aligned (32)))
+#include "CodeBlock.h"
+#include "Interpreter.h"
+#include "JITCode.h"
+#include "JITStubs.h"
+#include "Opcode.h"
+#include "RegisterFile.h"
+#include "MacroAssembler.h"
+#include "Profiler.h"
+#include <bytecode/SamplingTool.h>
+#include <wtf/AlwaysInline.h>
+#include <wtf/Vector.h>
+namespace JSC {
+    class CodeBlock;
+    class JIT;
+    class JSPropertyNameIterator;
+    class Interpreter;
+    class Register;
+    class RegisterFile;
+    class ScopeChainNode;
+    class StructureChain;
+    struct CallLinkInfo;
+    struct Instruction;
+    struct OperandTypes;
+    struct PolymorphicAccessStructureList;
+    struct SimpleJumpTable;
+    struct StringJumpTable;
+    struct StructureStubInfo;
+    struct CallRecord {
+        MacroAssembler::Call from;
+        unsigned bytecodeIndex;
+        void* to;
+        CallRecord()
+        {
+        }
+        CallRecord(MacroAssembler::Call from, unsigned bytecodeIndex, void* to = 0)
+            : from(from)
+            , bytecodeIndex(bytecodeIndex)
+            , to(to)
+        {
+        }
+    };
+    struct JumpTable {
+        MacroAssembler::Jump from;
+        unsigned toBytecodeIndex;
+        JumpTable(MacroAssembler::Jump f, unsigned t)
+            : from(f)
+            , toBytecodeIndex(t)
+        {
+        }
+    };
+    struct SlowCaseEntry {
+        MacroAssembler::Jump from;
+        unsigned to;
+        unsigned hint;
+        SlowCaseEntry(MacroAssembler::Jump f, unsigned t, unsigned h = 0)
+            : from(f)
+            , to(t)
+            , hint(h)
+        {
+        }
+    };
+    struct SwitchRecord {
+        enum Type {
+            Immediate,
+            Character,
+            String
+        };
+        Type type;
+        union {
+            SimpleJumpTable* simpleJumpTable;
+            StringJumpTable* stringJumpTable;
+        } jumpTable;
+        unsigned bytecodeIndex;
+        unsigned defaultOffset;
+        SwitchRecord(SimpleJumpTable* jumpTable, unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned defaultOffset, Type type)
+            : type(type)
+            , bytecodeIndex(bytecodeIndex)
+            , defaultOffset(defaultOffset)
+        {
+            this->jumpTable.simpleJumpTable = jumpTable;
+        }
+        SwitchRecord(StringJumpTable* jumpTable, unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned defaultOffset)
+            : type(String)
+            , bytecodeIndex(bytecodeIndex)
+            , defaultOffset(defaultOffset)
+        {
+            this->jumpTable.stringJumpTable = jumpTable;
+        }
+    };
+    struct PropertyStubCompilationInfo {
+        MacroAssembler::Call callReturnLocation;
+        MacroAssembler::Label hotPathBegin;
+    };
+    struct StructureStubCompilationInfo {
+        MacroAssembler::DataLabelPtr hotPathBegin;
+        MacroAssembler::Call hotPathOther;
+        MacroAssembler::Call callReturnLocation;
+    };
+    struct MethodCallCompilationInfo {
+        MethodCallCompilationInfo(unsigned propertyAccessIndex)
+            : propertyAccessIndex(propertyAccessIndex)
+        {
+        }
+        MacroAssembler::DataLabelPtr structureToCompare;
+        unsigned propertyAccessIndex;
+    };
+    // Near calls can only be patched to other JIT code, regular calls can be patched to JIT code or relinked to stub functions.
+    void ctiPatchNearCallByReturnAddress(CodeBlock* codeblock, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress, MacroAssemblerCodePtr newCalleeFunction);
+    void ctiPatchCallByReturnAddress(CodeBlock* codeblock, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress, MacroAssemblerCodePtr newCalleeFunction);
+    void ctiPatchCallByReturnAddress(CodeBlock* codeblock, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress, FunctionPtr newCalleeFunction);
+    class JIT : private MacroAssembler {
+        friend class JITStubCall;
+        using MacroAssembler::Jump;
+        using MacroAssembler::JumpList;
+        using MacroAssembler::Label;
+        // NOTES:
+        //
+        // regT0 has two special meanings.  The return value from a stub
+        // call will always be in regT0, and by default (unless
+        // a register is specified) emitPutVirtualRegister() will store
+        // the value from regT0.
+        //
+        // regT3 is required to be callee-preserved.
+        //
+        // tempRegister2 is has no such dependencies.  It is important that
+        // on x86/x86-64 it is ecx for performance reasons, since the
+        // MacroAssembler will need to plant register swaps if it is not -
+        // however the code will still function correctly.
+#if PLATFORM(X86_64)
+        static const RegisterID returnValueRegister = X86Registers::eax;
+        static const RegisterID cachedResultRegister = X86Registers::eax;
+        static const RegisterID firstArgumentRegister = X86Registers::edi;
+        static const RegisterID timeoutCheckRegister = X86Registers::r12;
+        static const RegisterID callFrameRegister = X86Registers::r13;
+        static const RegisterID tagTypeNumberRegister = X86Registers::r14;
+        static const RegisterID tagMaskRegister = X86Registers::r15;
+        static const RegisterID regT0 = X86Registers::eax;
+        static const RegisterID regT1 = X86Registers::edx;
+        static const RegisterID regT2 = X86Registers::ecx;
+        static const RegisterID regT3 = X86Registers::ebx;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT0 = X86Registers::xmm0;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT1 = X86Registers::xmm1;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT2 = X86Registers::xmm2;
+#elif PLATFORM(X86)
+        static const RegisterID returnValueRegister = X86Registers::eax;
+        static const RegisterID cachedResultRegister = X86Registers::eax;
+        // On x86 we always use fastcall conventions = but on
+        // OS X if might make more sense to just use regparm.
+        static const RegisterID firstArgumentRegister = X86Registers::ecx;
+        static const RegisterID timeoutCheckRegister = X86Registers::esi;
+        static const RegisterID callFrameRegister = X86Registers::edi;
+        static const RegisterID regT0 = X86Registers::eax;
+        static const RegisterID regT1 = X86Registers::edx;
+        static const RegisterID regT2 = X86Registers::ecx;
+        static const RegisterID regT3 = X86Registers::ebx;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT0 = X86Registers::xmm0;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT1 = X86Registers::xmm1;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT2 = X86Registers::xmm2;
+        static const RegisterID returnValueRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID cachedResultRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID firstArgumentRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID regT0 = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID regT1 = ARMRegisters::r1;
+        static const RegisterID regT2 = ARMRegisters::r2;
+        static const RegisterID regT3 = ARMRegisters::r4;
+        static const RegisterID callFrameRegister = ARMRegisters::r5;
+        static const RegisterID timeoutCheckRegister = ARMRegisters::r6;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT0 = ARMRegisters::d0;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT1 = ARMRegisters::d1;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT2 = ARMRegisters::d2;
+        static const RegisterID returnValueRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID cachedResultRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID firstArgumentRegister = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID timeoutCheckRegister = ARMRegisters::r5;
+        static const RegisterID callFrameRegister = ARMRegisters::r4;
+        static const RegisterID ctiReturnRegister = ARMRegisters::r6;
+        static const RegisterID regT0 = ARMRegisters::r0;
+        static const RegisterID regT1 = ARMRegisters::r1;
+        static const RegisterID regT2 = ARMRegisters::r2;
+        // Callee preserved
+        static const RegisterID regT3 = ARMRegisters::r7;
+        static const RegisterID regS0 = ARMRegisters::S0;
+        // Callee preserved
+        static const RegisterID regS1 = ARMRegisters::S1;
+        static const RegisterID regStackPtr = ARMRegisters::sp;
+        static const RegisterID regLink = ARMRegisters::lr;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT0 = ARMRegisters::d0;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT1 = ARMRegisters::d1;
+        static const FPRegisterID fpRegT2 = ARMRegisters::d2;
+    #error "JIT not supported on this platform."
+        static const int patchGetByIdDefaultStructure = -1;
+        // Magic number - initial offset cannot be representable as a signed 8bit value, or the X86Assembler
+        // will compress the displacement, and we may not be able to fit a patched offset.
+        static const int patchGetByIdDefaultOffset = 256;
+    public:
+        static JITCode compile(JSGlobalData* globalData, CodeBlock* codeBlock)
+        {
+            return JIT(globalData, codeBlock).privateCompile();
+        }
+        static void compileGetByIdProto(JSGlobalData* globalData, CallFrame* callFrame, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* structure, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompileGetByIdProto(stubInfo, structure, prototypeStructure, cachedOffset, returnAddress, callFrame);
+        }
+        static void compileGetByIdSelfList(JSGlobalData* globalData, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, PolymorphicAccessStructureList* polymorphicStructures, int currentIndex, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompileGetByIdSelfList(stubInfo, polymorphicStructures, currentIndex, structure, cachedOffset);
+        }
+        static void compileGetByIdProtoList(JSGlobalData* globalData, CallFrame* callFrame, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, PolymorphicAccessStructureList* prototypeStructureList, int currentIndex, Structure* structure, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompileGetByIdProtoList(stubInfo, prototypeStructureList, currentIndex, structure, prototypeStructure, cachedOffset, callFrame);
+        }
+        static void compileGetByIdChainList(JSGlobalData* globalData, CallFrame* callFrame, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, PolymorphicAccessStructureList* prototypeStructureList, int currentIndex, Structure* structure, StructureChain* chain, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompileGetByIdChainList(stubInfo, prototypeStructureList, currentIndex, structure, chain, count, cachedOffset, callFrame);
+        }
+        static void compileGetByIdChain(JSGlobalData* globalData, CallFrame* callFrame, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* structure, StructureChain* chain, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompileGetByIdChain(stubInfo, structure, chain, count, cachedOffset, returnAddress, callFrame);
+        }
+        static void compilePutByIdTransition(JSGlobalData* globalData, CodeBlock* codeBlock, StructureStubInfo* stubInfo, Structure* oldStructure, Structure* newStructure, size_t cachedOffset, StructureChain* chain, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            jit.privateCompilePutByIdTransition(stubInfo, oldStructure, newStructure, cachedOffset, chain, returnAddress);
+        }
+        static void compileCTIMachineTrampolines(JSGlobalData* globalData, RefPtr<ExecutablePool>* executablePool, CodePtr* ctiStringLengthTrampoline, CodePtr* ctiVirtualCallLink, CodePtr* ctiVirtualCall, CodePtr* ctiNativeCallThunk)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData);
+            jit.privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines(executablePool, globalData, ctiStringLengthTrampoline, ctiVirtualCallLink, ctiVirtualCall, ctiNativeCallThunk);
+        }
+        static void patchGetByIdSelf(CodeBlock* codeblock, StructureStubInfo*, Structure*, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress);
+        static void patchPutByIdReplace(CodeBlock* codeblock, StructureStubInfo*, Structure*, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress);
+        static void patchMethodCallProto(CodeBlock* codeblock, MethodCallLinkInfo&, JSFunction*, Structure*, JSObject*, ReturnAddressPtr);
+        static void compilePatchGetArrayLength(JSGlobalData* globalData, CodeBlock* codeBlock, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress)
+        {
+            JIT jit(globalData, codeBlock);
+            return jit.privateCompilePatchGetArrayLength(returnAddress);
+        }
+        static void linkCall(JSFunction* callee, CodeBlock* callerCodeBlock, CodeBlock* calleeCodeBlock, JITCode&, CallLinkInfo*, int callerArgCount, JSGlobalData*);
+        static void unlinkCall(CallLinkInfo*);
+    private:
+        struct JSRInfo {
+            DataLabelPtr storeLocation;
+            Label target;
+            JSRInfo(DataLabelPtr storeLocation, Label targetLocation)
+                : storeLocation(storeLocation)
+                , target(targetLocation)
+            {
+            }
+        };
+        JIT(JSGlobalData*, CodeBlock* = 0);
+        void privateCompileMainPass();
+        void privateCompileLinkPass();
+        void privateCompileSlowCases();
+        JITCode privateCompile();
+        void privateCompileGetByIdProto(StructureStubInfo*, Structure*, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress, CallFrame* callFrame);
+        void privateCompileGetByIdSelfList(StructureStubInfo*, PolymorphicAccessStructureList*, int, Structure*, size_t cachedOffset);
+        void privateCompileGetByIdProtoList(StructureStubInfo*, PolymorphicAccessStructureList*, int, Structure*, Structure* prototypeStructure, size_t cachedOffset, CallFrame* callFrame);
+        void privateCompileGetByIdChainList(StructureStubInfo*, PolymorphicAccessStructureList*, int, Structure*, StructureChain* chain, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset, CallFrame* callFrame);
+        void privateCompileGetByIdChain(StructureStubInfo*, Structure*, StructureChain*, size_t count, size_t cachedOffset, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress, CallFrame* callFrame);
+        void privateCompilePutByIdTransition(StructureStubInfo*, Structure*, Structure*, size_t cachedOffset, StructureChain*, ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress);
+        void privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines(RefPtr<ExecutablePool>* executablePool, JSGlobalData* data, CodePtr* ctiStringLengthTrampoline, CodePtr* ctiVirtualCallLink, CodePtr* ctiVirtualCall, CodePtr* ctiNativeCallThunk);
+        void privateCompilePatchGetArrayLength(ReturnAddressPtr returnAddress);
+        void addSlowCase(Jump);
+        void addSlowCase(JumpList);
+        void addJump(Jump, int);
+        void emitJumpSlowToHot(Jump, int);
+        void compileOpCall(OpcodeID, Instruction* instruction, unsigned callLinkInfoIndex);
+        void compileOpCallVarargs(Instruction* instruction);
+        void compileOpCallInitializeCallFrame();
+        void compileOpCallSetupArgs(Instruction*);
+        void compileOpCallVarargsSetupArgs(Instruction*);
+        void compileOpCallSlowCase(Instruction* instruction, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter, unsigned callLinkInfoIndex, OpcodeID opcodeID);
+        void compileOpCallVarargsSlowCase(Instruction* instruction, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter);
+        void compileOpConstructSetupArgs(Instruction*);
+        enum CompileOpStrictEqType { OpStrictEq, OpNStrictEq };
+        void compileOpStrictEq(Instruction* instruction, CompileOpStrictEqType type);
+        bool isOperandConstantImmediateDouble(unsigned src);
+        void emitLoadDouble(unsigned index, FPRegisterID value);
+        void emitLoadInt32ToDouble(unsigned index, FPRegisterID value);
+        Address addressFor(unsigned index, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        void testPrototype(Structure*, JumpList& failureCases);
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+        Address tagFor(unsigned index, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        Address payloadFor(unsigned index, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        bool getOperandConstantImmediateInt(unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned& op, int32_t& constant);
+        void emitLoadTag(unsigned index, RegisterID tag);
+        void emitLoadPayload(unsigned index, RegisterID payload);
+        void emitLoad(const JSValue& v, RegisterID tag, RegisterID payload);
+        void emitLoad(unsigned index, RegisterID tag, RegisterID payload, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        void emitLoad2(unsigned index1, RegisterID tag1, RegisterID payload1, unsigned index2, RegisterID tag2, RegisterID payload2);
+        void emitStore(unsigned index, RegisterID tag, RegisterID payload, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        void emitStore(unsigned index, const JSValue constant, RegisterID base = callFrameRegister);
+        void emitStoreInt32(unsigned index, RegisterID payload, bool indexIsInt32 = false);
+        void emitStoreInt32(unsigned index, Imm32 payload, bool indexIsInt32 = false);
+        void emitStoreCell(unsigned index, RegisterID payload, bool indexIsCell = false);
+        void emitStoreBool(unsigned index, RegisterID tag, bool indexIsBool = false);
+        void emitStoreDouble(unsigned index, FPRegisterID value);
+        bool isLabeled(unsigned bytecodeIndex);
+        void map(unsigned bytecodeIndex, unsigned virtualRegisterIndex, RegisterID tag, RegisterID payload);
+        void unmap(RegisterID);
+        void unmap();
+        bool isMapped(unsigned virtualRegisterIndex);
+        bool getMappedPayload(unsigned virtualRegisterIndex, RegisterID& payload);
+        bool getMappedTag(unsigned virtualRegisterIndex, RegisterID& tag);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(unsigned virtualRegisterIndex);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(unsigned virtualRegisterIndex, RegisterID tag);
+        void linkSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&, unsigned virtualRegisterIndex);
+        void compileGetByIdHotPath();
+        void compileGetByIdSlowCase(int resultVReg, int baseVReg, Identifier* ident, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter, bool isMethodCheck = false);
+        void compileGetDirectOffset(RegisterID base, RegisterID resultTag, RegisterID resultPayload, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset);
+        void compileGetDirectOffset(JSObject* base, RegisterID temp, RegisterID resultTag, RegisterID resultPayload, size_t cachedOffset);
+        void compilePutDirectOffset(RegisterID base, RegisterID valueTag, RegisterID valuePayload, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset);
+        // Arithmetic opcode helpers
+        void emitAdd32Constant(unsigned dst, unsigned op, int32_t constant, ResultType opType);
+        void emitSub32Constant(unsigned dst, unsigned op, int32_t constant, ResultType opType);
+        void emitBinaryDoubleOp(OpcodeID, unsigned dst, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, OperandTypes, JumpList& notInt32Op1, JumpList& notInt32Op2, bool op1IsInRegisters = true, bool op2IsInRegisters = true);
+#if PLATFORM(X86)
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_put_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdStructure = 7;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdExternalLoad = 13;
+        static const int patchLengthPutByIdExternalLoad = 3;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset1 = 22;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset2 = 28;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_get_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdStructure = 7;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase = 13;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdExternalLoad = 13;
+        static const int patchLengthGetByIdExternalLoad = 3;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset1 = 22;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset2 = 28;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPutResult = 28;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 35;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 37;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 25;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 27;
+        static const int patchOffsetOpCallCompareToJump = 6;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoObj = 11;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoStruct = 18;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckPutFunction = 29;
+#error "JSVALUE32_64 not supported on this platform."
+#else // USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+        void emitGetVirtualRegister(int src, RegisterID dst);
+        void emitGetVirtualRegisters(int src1, RegisterID dst1, int src2, RegisterID dst2);
+        void emitPutVirtualRegister(unsigned dst, RegisterID from = regT0);
+        int32_t getConstantOperandImmediateInt(unsigned src);
+        void emitGetVariableObjectRegister(RegisterID variableObject, int index, RegisterID dst);
+        void emitPutVariableObjectRegister(RegisterID src, RegisterID variableObject, int index);
+        void killLastResultRegister();
+        Jump emitJumpIfJSCell(RegisterID);
+        Jump emitJumpIfBothJSCells(RegisterID, RegisterID, RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfJSCell(RegisterID);
+        Jump emitJumpIfNotJSCell(RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(RegisterID, int VReg);
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfImmediateNumber(RegisterID);
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfNotImmediateNumber(RegisterID);
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfImmediateNumber(RegisterID reg)
+        {
+            return emitJumpIfImmediateInteger(reg);
+        }
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfNotImmediateNumber(RegisterID reg)
+        {
+            return emitJumpIfNotImmediateInteger(reg);
+        }
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfImmediateInteger(RegisterID);
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfNotImmediateInteger(RegisterID);
+        JIT::Jump emitJumpIfNotImmediateIntegers(RegisterID, RegisterID, RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateInteger(RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateNumber(RegisterID);
+        void emitJumpSlowCaseIfNotImmediateIntegers(RegisterID, RegisterID, RegisterID);
+#if !USE(JSVALUE64)
+        void emitFastArithDeTagImmediate(RegisterID);
+        Jump emitFastArithDeTagImmediateJumpIfZero(RegisterID);
+        void emitFastArithReTagImmediate(RegisterID src, RegisterID dest);
+        void emitFastArithImmToInt(RegisterID);
+        void emitFastArithIntToImmNoCheck(RegisterID src, RegisterID dest);
+        void emitTagAsBoolImmediate(RegisterID reg);
+        void compileBinaryArithOp(OpcodeID, unsigned dst, unsigned src1, unsigned src2, OperandTypes opi);
+        void compileBinaryArithOpSlowCase(OpcodeID, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&, unsigned dst, unsigned src1, unsigned src2, OperandTypes, bool op1HasImmediateIntFastCase, bool op2HasImmediateIntFastCase);
+        void compileBinaryArithOpSlowCase(OpcodeID, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&, unsigned dst, unsigned src1, unsigned src2, OperandTypes);
+        void compileGetByIdHotPath(int resultVReg, int baseVReg, Identifier* ident, unsigned propertyAccessInstructionIndex);
+        void compileGetByIdSlowCase(int resultVReg, int baseVReg, Identifier* ident, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter, bool isMethodCheck = false);
+        void compileGetDirectOffset(RegisterID base, RegisterID result, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset);
+        void compileGetDirectOffset(JSObject* base, RegisterID temp, RegisterID result, size_t cachedOffset);
+        void compilePutDirectOffset(RegisterID base, RegisterID value, Structure* structure, size_t cachedOffset);
+#if PLATFORM(X86_64)
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_put_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdStructure = 10;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdExternalLoad = 20;
+        static const int patchLengthPutByIdExternalLoad = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset = 31;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_get_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdStructure = 10;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase = 20;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdExternalLoad = 20;
+        static const int patchLengthGetByIdExternalLoad = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset = 31;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPutResult = 31;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 64;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 41;
+        static const int patchOffsetOpCallCompareToJump = 9;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoObj = 20;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoStruct = 30;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckPutFunction = 50;
+#elif PLATFORM(X86)
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_put_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdStructure = 7;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdExternalLoad = 13;
+        static const int patchLengthPutByIdExternalLoad = 3;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset = 22;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_get_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdStructure = 7;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase = 13;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdExternalLoad = 13;
+        static const int patchLengthGetByIdExternalLoad = 3;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset = 22;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPutResult = 22;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 31;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 33;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 21;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 23;
+        static const int patchOffsetOpCallCompareToJump = 6;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoObj = 11;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoStruct = 18;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckPutFunction = 29;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_put_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdStructure = 10;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdExternalLoad = 20;
+        static const int patchLengthPutByIdExternalLoad = 12;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset = 40;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_get_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdStructure = 10;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase = 20;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdExternalLoad = 20;
+        static const int patchLengthGetByIdExternalLoad = 12;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset = 40;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPutResult = 44;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 0; // FIMXE
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 28;
+        static const int patchOffsetOpCallCompareToJump = 10;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoObj = 18;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoStruct = 28;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckPutFunction = 46;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_put_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdStructure = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdExternalLoad = 16;
+        static const int patchLengthPutByIdExternalLoad = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetPutByIdPropertyMapOffset = 20;
+        // These architecture specific value are used to enable patching - see comment on op_get_by_id.
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdStructure = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdBranchToSlowCase = 16;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdExternalLoad = 16;
+        static const int patchLengthGetByIdExternalLoad = 4;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPropertyMapOffset = 20;
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdPutResult = 28;
+        #error "OPCODE_SAMPLING is not yet supported"
+        static const int patchOffsetGetByIdSlowCaseCall = 36;
+        static const int patchOffsetOpCallCompareToJump = 12;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoObj = 12;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckProtoStruct = 20;
+        static const int patchOffsetMethodCheckPutFunction = 32;
+#endif // USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+        // sequenceOpCall
+        static const int sequenceOpCallInstructionSpace = 12;
+        static const int sequenceOpCallConstantSpace = 2;
+        // sequenceMethodCheck
+        static const int sequenceMethodCheckInstructionSpace = 40;
+        static const int sequenceMethodCheckConstantSpace = 6;
+        // sequenceGetByIdHotPath
+        static const int sequenceGetByIdHotPathInstructionSpace = 28;
+        static const int sequenceGetByIdHotPathConstantSpace = 3;
+        // sequenceGetByIdSlowCase
+        static const int sequenceGetByIdSlowCaseInstructionSpace = 40;
+        static const int sequenceGetByIdSlowCaseConstantSpace = 2;
+        // sequencePutById
+        static const int sequencePutByIdInstructionSpace = 28;
+        static const int sequencePutByIdConstantSpace = 3;
+#define BEGIN_UNINTERRUPTED_SEQUENCE(name) beginUninterruptedSequence(name ## InstructionSpace, name ## ConstantSpace)
+#define END_UNINTERRUPTED_SEQUENCE(name) endUninterruptedSequence(name ## InstructionSpace, name ## ConstantSpace)
+        void beginUninterruptedSequence(int, int);
+        void endUninterruptedSequence(int, int);
+        void emit_op_add(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_bitand(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_bitnot(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_bitor(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_bitxor(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_call(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_call_eval(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_call_varargs(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_catch(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_construct(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_construct_verify(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_convert_this(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_create_arguments(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_debug(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_del_by_id(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_div(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_end(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_enter(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_enter_with_activation(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_eq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_eq_null(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_get_by_id(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_get_by_val(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_get_global_var(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_get_scoped_var(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_init_arguments(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_instanceof(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jeq_null(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jfalse(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jmp(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jmp_scopes(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jneq_null(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jneq_ptr(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jnless(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jnlesseq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jsr(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_jtrue(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_load_varargs(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_loop(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_loop_if_less(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_loop_if_lesseq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_loop_if_true(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_lshift(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_method_check(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_mod(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_mov(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_mul(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_negate(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_neq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_neq_null(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_array(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_error(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_func(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_func_exp(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_object(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_new_regexp(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_get_pnames(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_next_pname(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_not(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_nstricteq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_pop_scope(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_post_dec(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_post_inc(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_pre_dec(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_pre_inc(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_profile_did_call(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_profile_will_call(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_push_new_scope(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_push_scope(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_by_id(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_by_index(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_by_val(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_getter(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_global_var(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_scoped_var(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_put_setter(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_resolve(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_resolve_base(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_resolve_global(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_resolve_skip(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_resolve_with_base(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_ret(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_rshift(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_sret(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_strcat(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_stricteq(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_sub(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_switch_char(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_switch_imm(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_switch_string(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_tear_off_activation(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_tear_off_arguments(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_throw(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_to_jsnumber(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_to_primitive(Instruction*);
+        void emit_op_unexpected_load(Instruction*);
+        void emitSlow_op_add(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_bitand(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_bitnot(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_bitor(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_bitxor(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_call(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_call_eval(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_call_varargs(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_construct(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_construct_verify(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_convert_this(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_div(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_eq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_get_by_id(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_get_by_val(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_instanceof(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_jfalse(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_jnless(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_jnlesseq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_jtrue(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_loop_if_less(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_loop_if_lesseq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_loop_if_true(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_lshift(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_method_check(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_mod(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_mul(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_negate(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_neq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_not(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_nstricteq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_post_dec(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_post_inc(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_pre_dec(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_pre_inc(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_put_by_id(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_put_by_val(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_resolve_global(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_rshift(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_stricteq(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_sub(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_to_jsnumber(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        void emitSlow_op_to_primitive(Instruction*, Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&);
+        /* These functions are deprecated: Please use JITStubCall instead. */
+        void emitPutJITStubArg(RegisterID src, unsigned argumentNumber);
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+        void emitPutJITStubArg(RegisterID tag, RegisterID payload, unsigned argumentNumber);
+        void emitPutJITStubArgFromVirtualRegister(unsigned src, unsigned argumentNumber, RegisterID scratch1, RegisterID scratch2);
+        void emitPutJITStubArgFromVirtualRegister(unsigned src, unsigned argumentNumber, RegisterID scratch);
+        void emitPutJITStubArgConstant(unsigned value, unsigned argumentNumber);
+        void emitPutJITStubArgConstant(void* value, unsigned argumentNumber);
+        void emitGetJITStubArg(unsigned argumentNumber, RegisterID dst);
+        void emitInitRegister(unsigned dst);
+        void emitPutToCallFrameHeader(RegisterID from, RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderEntry entry);
+        void emitPutImmediateToCallFrameHeader(void* value, RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderEntry entry);
+        void emitGetFromCallFrameHeaderPtr(RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderEntry entry, RegisterID to, RegisterID from = callFrameRegister);
+        void emitGetFromCallFrameHeader32(RegisterFile::CallFrameHeaderEntry entry, RegisterID to, RegisterID from = callFrameRegister);
+        JSValue getConstantOperand(unsigned src);
+        bool isOperandConstantImmediateInt(unsigned src);
+        Jump getSlowCase(Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter)
+        {
+            return iter++->from;
+        }
+        void linkSlowCase(Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator& iter)
+        {
+            iter->;
+            ++iter;
+        }
+        void linkSlowCaseIfNotJSCell(Vector<SlowCaseEntry>::iterator&, int vReg);
+        Jump checkStructure(RegisterID reg, Structure* structure);
+        void restoreArgumentReference();
+        void restoreArgumentReferenceForTrampoline();
+        Call emitNakedCall(CodePtr function = CodePtr());
+        void preserveReturnAddressAfterCall(RegisterID);
+        void restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(RegisterID);
+        void restoreReturnAddressBeforeReturn(Address);
+        void emitTimeoutCheck();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        void printBytecodeOperandTypes(unsigned src1, unsigned src2);
+        void setSamplingFlag(int32_t);
+        void clearSamplingFlag(int32_t);
+        void emitCount(AbstractSamplingCounter&, uint32_t = 1);
+        void sampleInstruction(Instruction*, bool = false);
+        void sampleCodeBlock(CodeBlock*);
+        void sampleCodeBlock(CodeBlock*) {}
+        Interpreter* m_interpreter;
+        JSGlobalData* m_globalData;
+        CodeBlock* m_codeBlock;
+        Vector<CallRecord> m_calls;
+        Vector<Label> m_labels;
+        Vector<PropertyStubCompilationInfo> m_propertyAccessCompilationInfo;
+        Vector<StructureStubCompilationInfo> m_callStructureStubCompilationInfo;
+        Vector<MethodCallCompilationInfo> m_methodCallCompilationInfo;
+        Vector<JumpTable> m_jmpTable;
+        unsigned m_bytecodeIndex;
+        Vector<JSRInfo> m_jsrSites;
+        Vector<SlowCaseEntry> m_slowCases;
+        Vector<SwitchRecord> m_switches;
+        unsigned m_propertyAccessInstructionIndex;
+        unsigned m_globalResolveInfoIndex;
+        unsigned m_callLinkInfoIndex;
+#if USE(JSVALUE32_64)
+        unsigned m_jumpTargetIndex;
+        unsigned m_mappedBytecodeIndex;
+        unsigned m_mappedVirtualRegisterIndex;
+        RegisterID m_mappedTag;
+        RegisterID m_mappedPayload;
+        int m_lastResultBytecodeRegister;
+        unsigned m_jumpTargetsPosition;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+        Label m_uninterruptedInstructionSequenceBegin;
+        int m_uninterruptedConstantSequenceBegin;
+} // namespace JSC
+#endif // ENABLE(JIT)
+#endif // JIT_h