changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qabstractitemmodel.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3362 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qabstractitemmodel.h"
+#include <private/qabstractitemmodel_p.h>
+#include <qdatastream.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qsize.h>
+#include <qmimedata.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qvector.h>
+#include <qstack.h>
+#include <qbitarray.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+QPersistentModelIndexData *QPersistentModelIndexData::create(const QModelIndex &index)
+    Q_ASSERT(index.isValid()); // we will _never_ insert an invalid index in the list
+    QPersistentModelIndexData *d = 0;
+    QAbstractItemModel *model = const_cast<QAbstractItemModel *>(index.model());
+    QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *> &indexes = model->d_func()->persistent.indexes;
+    const QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::iterator it = indexes.find(index);
+    if (it != indexes.end()) {
+        d = (*it);
+    } else {
+        d = new QPersistentModelIndexData(index);
+        indexes.insert(index, d);
+    }
+    Q_ASSERT(d);
+    return d;
+void QPersistentModelIndexData::destroy(QPersistentModelIndexData *data)
+    Q_ASSERT(data);
+    Q_ASSERT(data->ref == 0);
+    QAbstractItemModel *model = const_cast<QAbstractItemModel *>(data->model);
+    // a valid persistent model index with a null model pointer can only happen if the model was destroyed
+    if (model) {
+        QAbstractItemModelPrivate *p = model->d_func();
+        Q_ASSERT(p);
+        p->removePersistentIndexData(data);
+    }
+    delete data;
+  \class QPersistentModelIndex
+  \brief The QPersistentModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model.
+  \ingroup model-view
+  A QPersistentModelIndex is a model index that can be stored by an
+  application, and later used to access information in a model.
+  Unlike the QModelIndex class, it is safe to store a
+  QPersistentModelIndex since the model will ensure that references
+  to items will continue to be valid as long as they can be accessed
+  by the model.
+  It is good practice to check that persistent model indexes are valid
+  before using them.
+  \sa {Model/View Programming}, QModelIndex, QAbstractItemModel
+  \fn QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex()
+  \internal
+    : d(0)
+  \fn QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex(const QPersistentModelIndex &other)
+  Creates a new QPersistentModelIndex that is a copy of the \a other persistent
+  model index.
+QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex(const QPersistentModelIndex &other)
+    : d(other.d)
+    if (d) d->ref.ref();
+    Creates a new QPersistentModelIndex that is a copy of the model \a index.
+QPersistentModelIndex::QPersistentModelIndex(const QModelIndex &index)
+    : d(0)
+    if (index.isValid()) {
+        d = QPersistentModelIndexData::create(index);
+        d->ref.ref();
+    }
+    \fn QPersistentModelIndex::~QPersistentModelIndex()
+    \internal
+    if (d && !d->ref.deref()) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData::destroy(d);
+        d = 0;
+    }
+  Returns true if this persistent model index is equal to the \a other
+  persistent model index; otherwise returns false.
+  All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing
+  with another persistent model index.
+bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator==(const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
+    if (d && other.d)
+        return d->index == other.d->index;
+    return d == other.d;
+    \since 4.1
+    Returns true if this persistent model index is smaller than the \a other
+    persistent model index; otherwise returns false.
+    All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing
+    with another persistent model index.
+bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator<(const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
+    if (d && other.d)
+        return d->index < other.d->index;
+    return d < other.d;
+    \fn bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator!=(const QPersistentModelIndex &other) const
+    \since 4.2
+    Returns true if this persistent model index is not equal to the \a
+    other persistent model index; otherwise returns false.
+    Sets the persistent model index to refer to the same item in a model
+    as the \a other persistent model index.
+QPersistentModelIndex &QPersistentModelIndex::operator=(const QPersistentModelIndex &other)
+    if (d == other.d)
+        return *this;
+    if (d && !d->ref.deref())
+        QPersistentModelIndexData::destroy(d);
+    d = other.d;
+    if (d) d->ref.ref();
+    return *this;
+    Sets the persistent model index to refer to the same item in a model
+    as the \a other model index.
+QPersistentModelIndex &QPersistentModelIndex::operator=(const QModelIndex &other)
+    if (d && !d->ref.deref())
+        QPersistentModelIndexData::destroy(d);
+    if (other.isValid()) {
+        d = QPersistentModelIndexData::create(other);
+        if (d) d->ref.ref();
+    } else {
+        d = 0;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  \fn QPersistentModelIndex::operator const QModelIndex&() const
+  Cast operator that returns a const QModelIndex&.
+QPersistentModelIndex::operator const QModelIndex&() const
+    static const QModelIndex invalid;
+    if (d)
+        return d->index;
+    return invalid;
+    \fn bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator==(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    Returns true if this persistent model index refers to the same location as
+    the \a other model index; otherwise returns false.
+    All values in the persistent model index are used when comparing with
+    another model index.
+bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator==(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index == other;
+    return !other.isValid();
+    \fn bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator!=(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    Returns true if this persistent model index does not refer to the same
+    location as the \a other model index; otherwise returns false.
+bool QPersistentModelIndex::operator!=(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index != other;
+    return other.isValid();
+    \fn int QPersistentModelIndex::row() const
+    Returns the row this persistent model index refers to.
+int QPersistentModelIndex::row() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.row();
+    return -1;
+    \fn int QPersistentModelIndex::column() const
+    Returns the column this persistent model index refers to.
+int QPersistentModelIndex::column() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.column();
+    return -1;
+    \fn void *QPersistentModelIndex::internalPointer() const
+    \internal
+    Returns a \c{void} \c{*} pointer used by the model to associate the index with
+    the internal data structure.
+void *QPersistentModelIndex::internalPointer() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.internalPointer();
+    return 0;
+    \fn void *QPersistentModelIndex::internalId() const
+    \internal
+    Returns a \c{qint64} used by the model to associate the index with
+    the internal data structure.
+qint64 QPersistentModelIndex::internalId() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.internalId();
+    return 0;
+    Returns the parent QModelIndex for this persistent index, or an invalid
+    QModelIndex if it has no parent.
+    \sa child() sibling() model()
+QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::parent() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.parent();
+    return QModelIndex();
+    Returns the sibling at \a row and \a column or an invalid QModelIndex if
+    there is no sibling at this position.
+    \sa parent() child()
+QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::sibling(int row, int column) const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.sibling(row, column);
+    return QModelIndex();
+    Returns the child of the model index that is stored in the given \a row
+    and \a column.
+    \sa parent() sibling()
+QModelIndex QPersistentModelIndex::child(int row, int column) const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.child(row, column);
+    return QModelIndex();
+    Returns the data for the given \a role for the item referred to by the
+    index.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, QAbstractItemModel::setData()
+QVariant QPersistentModelIndex::data(int role) const
+    if (d)
+        return d->;
+    return QVariant();
+    \since 4.2
+    Returns the flags for the item referred to by the index.
+Qt::ItemFlags QPersistentModelIndex::flags() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.flags();
+    return 0;
+    Returns the model that the index belongs to.
+const QAbstractItemModel *QPersistentModelIndex::model() const
+    if (d)
+        return d->index.model();
+    return 0;
+    \fn bool QPersistentModelIndex::isValid() const
+    Returns true if this persistent model index is valid; otherwise returns
+    false.
+    A valid index belongs to a model, and has non-negative row and column
+    numbers.
+    \sa model(), row(), column()
+bool QPersistentModelIndex::isValid() const
+    return d && d->index.isValid();
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QModelIndex &idx)
+    dbg.nospace() << "QModelIndex(" << idx.row() << ',' << idx.column()
+                  << ',' << idx.internalPointer() << ',' << idx.model() << ')';
+    return;
+    qWarning("This compiler doesn't support streaming QModelIndex to QDebug");
+    return dbg;
+    Q_UNUSED(idx);
+QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QPersistentModelIndex &idx)
+    if (idx.d)
+        dbg << idx.d->index;
+    else
+        dbg << QModelIndex();
+    return dbg;
+class QEmptyItemModel : public QAbstractItemModel
+    explicit QEmptyItemModel(QObject *parent = 0) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) {}
+    QModelIndex index(int, int, const QModelIndex &) const { return QModelIndex(); }
+    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &) const { return QModelIndex(); }
+    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 0; }
+    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 0; }
+    bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &) const { return false; }
+    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &, int) const { return QVariant(); }
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(QEmptyItemModel, qEmptyModel)
+QAbstractItemModel *QAbstractItemModelPrivate::staticEmptyModel()
+    return qEmptyModel();
+namespace {
+    struct DefaultRoleNames : public QHash<int, QByteArray>
+    {
+        DefaultRoleNames() {
+            (*this)[Qt::DisplayRole] = "display";
+            (*this)[Qt::DecorationRole] = "decoration";
+            (*this)[Qt::EditRole] = "edit";
+            (*this)[Qt::ToolTipRole] = "toolTip";
+            (*this)[Qt::StatusTipRole] = "statusTip";
+            (*this)[Qt::WhatsThisRole] = "whatsThis";
+        }
+    };
+Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(DefaultRoleNames, qDefaultRoleNames)
+const QHash<int,QByteArray> &QAbstractItemModelPrivate::defaultRoleNames()
+    return *qDefaultRoleNames();
+static uint typeOfVariant(const QVariant &value)
+    //return 0 for integer, 1 for floating point and 2 for other
+    switch (value.userType()) {
+        case QVariant::Bool:
+        case QVariant::Int:
+        case QVariant::UInt:
+        case QVariant::LongLong:
+        case QVariant::ULongLong:
+        case QVariant::Char:
+        case QMetaType::Short:
+        case QMetaType::UShort:
+        case QMetaType::UChar:
+        case QMetaType::ULong:
+        case QMetaType::Long:
+            return 0;
+        case QVariant::Double:
+        case QMetaType::Float:
+            return 1;
+        default:
+            return 2;
+    }
+    \internal
+    return true if \a value contains a numerical type
+    This function is used by our Q{Tree,Widget,Table}WidgetModel classes to sort.
+bool QAbstractItemModelPrivate::variantLessThan(const QVariant &v1, const QVariant &v2)
+    switch(qMax(typeOfVariant(v1), typeOfVariant(v2)))
+    {
+    case 0: //integer type
+        return v1.toLongLong() < v2.toLongLong();
+    case 1: //floating point
+        return v1.toReal() < v2.toReal();
+    default:
+        return v1.toString() < v2.toString();
+    }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::removePersistentIndexData(QPersistentModelIndexData *data)
+    if (data->index.isValid()) {
+        int removed = persistent.indexes.remove(data->index);
+        Q_ASSERT_X(removed == 1, "QPersistentModelIndex::~QPersistentModelIndex",
+                   "persistent model indexes corrupted"); //maybe the index was somewhat invalid?
+        // This assert may happen if the model use changePersistentIndex in a way that could result on two
+        // QPersistentModelIndex pointing to the same index.
+        Q_UNUSED(removed);
+    }
+    // make sure our optimization still works
+    for (int i = persistent.moved.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        int idx = persistent.moved[i].indexOf(data);
+        if (idx >= 0)
+            persistent.moved[i].remove(idx);
+    }
+    // update the references to invalidated persistent indexes
+    for (int i = persistent.invalidated.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+        int idx = persistent.invalidated[i].indexOf(data);
+        if (idx >= 0)
+            persistent.invalidated[i].remove(idx);
+    }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                                      int first, int last)
+    Q_Q(QAbstractItemModel);
+    Q_UNUSED(last);
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved;
+    if (first < q->rowCount(parent)) {
+        for (QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+             it != persistent.indexes.constEnd(); ++it) {
+            QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+            const QModelIndex &index = data->index;
+            if (index.row() >= first && index.isValid() && index.parent() == parent) {
+                persistent_moved.append(data);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved);
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                             int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved = persistent.moved.pop();
+    int count = (last - first) + 1; // it is important to only use the delta, because the change could be nested
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_moved.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_moved.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        QModelIndex old = data->index;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(old));
+        data->index = q_func()->index(old.row() + count, old.column(), parent);
+        if (data->index.isValid()) {
+            persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+        } else {
+            qWarning() << "QAbstractItemModel::endInsertRows:  Invalid index (" << old.row() + count << ',' << old.column() << ") in model" << q_func();
+        }
+    }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::itemsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &srcParent, int srcFirst, int srcLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild, Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved_explicitly;
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved_in_source;
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved_in_destination;
+    QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it;
+    const QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator begin = persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+    const QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator end = persistent.indexes.constEnd();
+    const bool sameParent = (srcParent == destinationParent);
+    const bool movingUp = (srcFirst > destinationChild);
+    for ( it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        const QModelIndex &index = data->index;
+        const QModelIndex &parent = index.parent();
+        const bool isSourceIndex = (parent == srcParent);
+        const bool isDestinationIndex = (parent == destinationParent);
+        int childPosition;
+        if (orientation == Qt::Vertical)
+            childPosition = index.row();
+        else
+            childPosition = index.column();
+        if (!index.isValid() || !(isSourceIndex || isDestinationIndex ) )
+            continue;
+        if (!sameParent && isDestinationIndex) {
+            if (childPosition >= destinationChild)
+                persistent_moved_in_destination.append(data);
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (sameParent && movingUp && childPosition < destinationChild)
+            continue;
+        if (sameParent && !movingUp && childPosition < srcFirst )
+            continue;
+        if (!sameParent && childPosition < srcFirst)
+            continue;
+        if (sameParent && (childPosition > srcLast) && (childPosition >= destinationChild ))
+            continue;
+        if ((childPosition <= srcLast) && (childPosition >= srcFirst)) {
+            persistent_moved_explicitly.append(data);
+        } else {
+            persistent_moved_in_source.append(data);
+        }
+    }
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved_explicitly);
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved_in_source);
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved_in_destination);
+  \internal
+  Moves persistent indexes \a indexes by amount \a change. The change will be either a change in row value or a change in
+  column value depending on the value of \a orientation. The indexes may also be moved to a different parent if \a parent
+  differs from the existing parent for the index.
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::movePersistentIndexes(QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> indexes, int change, const QModelIndex &parent, Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it;
+    const QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator begin = indexes.constBegin();
+    const QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator end = indexes.constEnd();
+    for (it = begin; it != end; ++it)
+    {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        int row = data->index.row();
+        int column = data->index.column();
+        if (Qt::Vertical == orientation)
+            row += change;
+        else
+            column += change;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(data->index));
+        data->index = q_func()->index(row, column, parent);
+        if (data->index.isValid()) {
+            persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+        } else {
+            qWarning() << "QAbstractItemModel::endMoveRows:  Invalid index (" << row << "," << column << ") in model" << q_func();
+        }
+    }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::itemsMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild, Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> moved_in_destination = persistent.moved.pop();
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> moved_in_source = persistent.moved.pop();
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> moved_explicitly = persistent.moved.pop();
+    const bool sameParent = (sourceParent == destinationParent);
+    const bool movingUp = (sourceFirst > destinationChild);
+    const int explicit_change = (!sameParent || movingUp) ? destinationChild - sourceFirst : destinationChild - sourceLast - 1 ;
+    const int source_change = (!sameParent || !movingUp) ? -1*(sourceLast - sourceFirst + 1) : sourceLast - sourceFirst + 1 ;
+    const int destination_change = sourceLast - sourceFirst + 1;
+    movePersistentIndexes(moved_explicitly, explicit_change, destinationParent, orientation);
+    movePersistentIndexes(moved_in_source, source_change, sourceParent, orientation);
+    movePersistentIndexes(moved_in_destination, destination_change, destinationParent, orientation);
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                                     int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>  persistent_moved;
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>  persistent_invalidated;
+    // find the persistent indexes that are affected by the change, either by being in the removed subtree
+    // or by being on the same level and below the removed rows
+    for (QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+         it != persistent.indexes.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        bool level_changed = false;
+        QModelIndex current = data->index;
+        while (current.isValid()) {
+            QModelIndex current_parent = current.parent();
+            if (current_parent == parent) { // on the same level as the change
+                if (!level_changed && current.row() > last) // below the removed rows
+                    persistent_moved.append(data);
+                else if (current.row() <= last && current.row() >= first) // in the removed subtree
+                    persistent_invalidated.append(data);
+                break;
+            }
+            current = current_parent;
+            level_changed = true;
+        }
+    }
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved);
+    persistent.invalidated.push(persistent_invalidated);
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                            int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved = persistent.moved.pop();
+    int count = (last - first) + 1; // it is important to only use the delta, because the change could be nested
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_moved.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_moved.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        QModelIndex old = data->index;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(old));
+        data->index = q_func()->index(old.row() - count, old.column(), parent);
+        if (data->index.isValid()) {
+            persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+        } else {
+            qWarning() << "QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows:  Invalid index (" << old.row() - count << ',' << old.column() << ") in model" << q_func();
+        }
+    }
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_invalidated = persistent.invalidated.pop();
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_invalidated.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_invalidated.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(data->index));
+        data->index = QModelIndex();
+        data->model = 0;
+    }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                                         int first, int last)
+    Q_Q(QAbstractItemModel);
+    Q_UNUSED(last);
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved;
+    if (first < q->columnCount(parent)) {
+        for (QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+             it != persistent.indexes.constEnd(); ++it) {
+            QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+            const QModelIndex &index = data->index;
+            if (index.column() >= first && index.isValid() && index.parent() == parent)
+                persistent_moved.append(data);
+        }
+    }
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved);
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                                int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved = persistent.moved.pop();
+    int count = (last - first) + 1; // it is important to only use the delta, because the change could be nested
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_moved.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_moved.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        QModelIndex old = data->index;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(old));
+        data->index = q_func()->index(old.row(), old.column() + count, parent);
+        if (data->index.isValid()) {
+            persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+        } else {
+            qWarning() << "QAbstractItemModel::endInsertColumns:  Invalid index (" << old.row() << ',' << old.column() + count << ") in model" << q_func();
+        }
+     }
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                                        int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved;
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_invalidated;
+    // find the persistent indexes that are affected by the change, either by being in the removed subtree
+    // or by being on the same level and to the right of the removed columns
+    for (QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+         it != persistent.indexes.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        bool level_changed = false;
+        QModelIndex current = data->index;
+        while (current.isValid()) {
+            QModelIndex current_parent = current.parent();
+            if (current_parent == parent) { // on the same level as the change
+                if (!level_changed && current.column() > last) // right of the removed columns
+                    persistent_moved.append(data);
+                else if (current.column() <= last && current.column() >= first) // in the removed subtree
+                    persistent_invalidated.append(data);
+                break;
+            }
+            current = current_parent;
+            level_changed = true;
+        }
+    }
+    persistent.moved.push(persistent_moved);
+    persistent.invalidated.push(persistent_invalidated);
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                               int first, int last)
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_moved = persistent.moved.pop();
+    int count = (last - first) + 1; // it is important to only use the delta, because the change could be nested
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_moved.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_moved.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        QModelIndex old = data->index;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(old));
+        data->index = q_func()->index(old.row(), old.column() - count, parent);
+        if (data->index.isValid()) {
+            persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+        } else {
+            qWarning() << "QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveColumns:  Invalid index (" << old.row() << ',' << old.column() - count << ") in model" << q_func();
+        }
+    }
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> persistent_invalidated = persistent.invalidated.pop();
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = persistent_invalidated.constBegin();
+         it != persistent_invalidated.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        persistent.indexes.erase(persistent.indexes.find(data->index));
+        data->index = QModelIndex();
+        data->model = 0;
+    }
+    \class QModelIndex
+    \brief The QModelIndex class is used to locate data in a data model.
+    \ingroup model-view
+    This class is used as an index into item models derived from
+    QAbstractItemModel. The index is used by item views, delegates, and
+    selection models to locate an item in the model.
+    New QModelIndex objects are created by the model using the
+    QAbstractItemModel::createIndex() function. An \e invalid model index can
+    be constructed with the QModelIndex constructor. Invalid indexes are often
+    used as parent indexes when referring to top-level items in a model.
+    Model indexes refer to items in models, and contain all the information
+    required to specify their locations in those models. Each index is located
+    in a given row and column, and may have a parent index; use row(),
+    column(), and parent() to obtain this information. Each top-level item in a
+    model is represented by a model index that does not have a parent index -
+    in this case, parent() will return an invalid model index, equivalent to an
+    index constructed with the zero argument form of the QModelIndex()
+    constructor.
+    To obtain a model index that refers to an existing item in a model, call
+    QAbstractItemModel::index() with the required row and column values, and
+    the model index of the parent. When referring to top-level items in a
+    model, supply QModelIndex() as the parent index.
+    The model() function returns the model that the index references as a
+    QAbstractItemModel. The child() function is used to examine items held
+    under the index in the model. The sibling() function allows you to traverse
+    items in the model on the same level as the index.
+    \note Model indexes should be used immediately and then discarded. You
+    should not rely on indexes to remain valid after calling model functions
+    that change the structure of the model or delete items. If you need to
+    keep a model index over time use a QPersistentModelIndex.
+    \sa {Model/View Programming}, QPersistentModelIndex, QAbstractItemModel
+    \fn QModelIndex::QModelIndex()
+    Creates a new empty model index. This type of model index is used to
+    indicate that the position in the model is invalid.
+    \sa isValid() QAbstractItemModel
+    \fn QModelIndex::QModelIndex(int row, int column, void *data, const QAbstractItemModel *model)
+    \internal
+    Creates a new model index at the given \a row and \a column,
+    pointing to some \a data.
+    \fn QModelIndex::QModelIndex(const QModelIndex &other)
+    Creates a new model index that is a copy of the \a other model
+    index.
+    \fn QModelIndex::~QModelIndex()
+    Destroys the model index.
+    \fn int QModelIndex::row() const
+    Returns the row this model index refers to.
+    \fn int QModelIndex::column() const
+    Returns the column this model index refers to.
+    \fn void *QModelIndex::internalPointer() const
+    Returns a \c{void} \c{*} pointer used by the model to associate
+    the index with the internal data structure.
+    \sa QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()
+    \fn void *QModelIndex::internalId() const
+    Returns a \c{qint64} used by the model to associate
+    the index with the internal data structure.
+    \sa QAbstractItemModel::createIndex()
+    \fn bool QModelIndex::isValid() const
+    Returns true if this model index is valid; otherwise returns false.
+    A valid index belongs to a model, and has non-negative row and column
+    numbers.
+    \sa model(), row(), column()
+    \fn const QAbstractItemModel *QModelIndex::model() const
+    Returns a pointer to the model containing the item that this index
+    refers to.
+    A const pointer to the model is returned because calls to non-const
+    functions of the model might invalidate the model index and possibly
+    crash your application.
+    \fn QModelIndex QModelIndex::sibling(int row, int column) const
+    Returns the sibling at \a row and \a column. If there is no sibling at this
+    position, an invalid QModelIndex is returned.
+    \sa parent(), child()
+    \fn QModelIndex QModelIndex::child(int row, int column) const
+    Returns the child of the model index that is stored in the given \a row and
+    \a column.
+    \sa parent(), sibling()
+    \fn QVariant QModelIndex::data(int role) const
+    Returns the data for the given \a role for the item referred to by the
+    index.
+    \fn Qt::ItemFlags QModelIndex::flags() const
+    \since 4.2
+    Returns the flags for the item referred to by the index.
+    \fn bool QModelIndex::operator==(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    Returns true if this model index refers to the same location as the
+    \a other model index; otherwise returns false.
+    All values in the model index are used when comparing with another model
+    index.
+    \fn bool QModelIndex::operator!=(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    Returns true if this model index does not refer to the same location as
+    the \a other model index; otherwise returns false.
+    \fn QModelIndex QModelIndex::parent() const
+    Returns the parent of the model index, or QModelIndex() if it has no
+    parent.
+    \sa child(), sibling(), model()
+    \class QAbstractItemModel
+    \brief The QAbstractItemModel class provides the abstract interface for
+    item model classes.
+    \ingroup model-view
+    The QAbstractItemModel class defines the standard interface that item
+    models must use to be able to interoperate with other components in the
+    model/view architecture. It is not supposed to be instantiated directly.
+    Instead, you should subclass it to create new models.
+    The QAbstractItemModel class is one of the \l{Model/View Classes}
+    and is part of Qt's \l{Model/View Programming}{model/view framework}.
+    If you need a model to use with a QListView or a QTableView, you should
+    consider subclassing QAbstractListModel or QAbstractTableModel instead of
+    this class.
+    The underlying data model is exposed to views and delegates as a hierarchy
+    of tables. If you do not make use of the hierarchy, then the model is a
+    simple table of rows and columns. Each item has a unique index specified by
+    a QModelIndex.
+    \image modelindex-no-parent.png
+    Every item of data that can be accessed via a model has an associated model
+    index. You can obtain this model index using the index() function. Each
+    index may have a sibling() index; child items have a parent() index.
+    Each item has a number of data elements associated with it and they can be
+    retrieved by specifying a role (see \l Qt::ItemDataRole) to the model's
+    data() function. Data for all available roles can be obtained at the same
+    time using the itemData() function.
+    Data for each role is set using a particular \l Qt::ItemDataRole. Data for
+    individual roles are set individually with setData(), or they can be set
+    for all roles with setItemData().
+    Items can be queried with flags() (see \l Qt::ItemFlag) to see if they can
+    be selected, dragged, or manipulated in other ways.
+    If an item has child objects, hasChildren() returns true for the
+    corresponding index.
+    The model has a rowCount() and a columnCount() for each level of the
+    hierarchy. Rows and columns can be inserted and removed with insertRows(),
+    insertColumns(), removeRows(), and removeColumns().
+    The model emits signals to indicate changes. For example, dataChanged() is
+    emitted whenever items of data made available by the model are changed.
+    Changes to the headers supplied by the model cause headerDataChanged() to
+    be emitted. If the structure of the underlying data changes, the model can
+    emit layoutChanged() to indicate to any attached views that they should
+    redisplay any items shown, taking the new structure into account.
+    The items available through the model can be searched for particular data
+    using the match() function.
+    To sort the model, you can use sort().
+    \section1 Subclassing
+    \note Some general guidelines for subclassing models are available in the
+    \l{Model Subclassing Reference}.
+    When subclassing QAbstractItemModel, at the very least you must implement
+    index(), parent(), rowCount(), columnCount(), and data(). These functions
+    are used in all read-only models, and form the basis of editable models.
+    You can also reimplement hasChildren() to provide special behavior for
+    models where the implementation of rowCount() is expensive. This makes it
+    possible for models to restrict the amount of data requested by views, and
+    can be used as a way to implement lazy population of model data.
+    To enable editing in your model, you must also implement setData(), and
+    reimplement flags() to ensure that \c ItemIsEditable is returned.  You can
+    also reimplement headerData() and setHeaderData() to control the way the
+    headers for your model are presented.
+    The dataChanged() and headerDataChanged() signals must be emitted
+    explicitly when reimplementing the setData() and setHeaderData() functions,
+    respectively.
+    Custom models need to create model indexes for other components to use. To
+    do this, call createIndex() with suitable row and column numbers for the
+    item, and an identifier for it, either as a pointer or as an integer value.
+    The combination of these values must be unique for each item. Custom models
+    typically use these unique identifiers in other reimplemented functions to
+    retrieve item data and access information about the item's parents and
+    children. See the \l{Simple Tree Model Example} for more information about
+    unique identifiers.
+    It is not necessary to support every role defined in Qt::ItemDataRole.
+    Depending on the type of data contained within a model, it may only be
+    useful to implement the data() function to return valid information for
+    some of the more common roles. Most models provide at least a textual
+    representation of item data for the Qt::DisplayRole, and well-behaved
+    models should also provide valid information for the Qt::ToolTipRole and
+    Qt::WhatsThisRole. Supporting these roles enables models to be used with
+    standard Qt views. However, for some models that handle highly-specialized
+    data, it may be appropriate to provide data only for user-defined roles.
+    Models that provide interfaces to resizable data structures can provide
+    implementations of insertRows(), removeRows(), insertColumns(),and
+    removeColumns(). When implementing these functions, it is important to
+    notify any connected views about changes to the model's dimensions both
+    \e before and \e after they occur:
+    \list
+        \o An insertRows() implementation must call beginInsertRows() \e before
+           inserting new rows into the data structure, and endInsertRows()
+           \e{immediately afterwards}.
+        \o An insertColumns() implementation must call beginInsertColumns()
+           \e before inserting new columns into the data structure, and
+           endInsertColumns() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+        \o A removeRows() implementation must call beginRemoveRows() \e before
+           the rows are removed from the data structure, and endRemoveRows()
+           \e{immediately afterwards}.
+        \o A removeColumns() implementation must call beginRemoveColumns()
+           \e before the columns are removed from the data structure, and
+           endRemoveColumns() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \endlist
+    The \e private signals that these functions emit give attached components
+    the chance to take action before any data becomes unavailable. The
+    encapsulation of the insert and remove operations with these begin and end
+    functions also enables the model to manage \l{QPersistentModelIndex}
+    {persistent model indexes} correctly. \bold{If you want selections to be
+    handled properly, you must ensure that you call these functions.} If you
+    insert or remove an item with children, you do not need to call these
+    functions for the child items. In other words, the parent item will take
+    care of its child items.
+    To create models that populate incrementally, you can reimplement
+    fetchMore() and canFetchMore(). If the reimplementation of fetchMore() adds
+    rows to the model, \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{beginInsertRows()} and
+    \l{QAbstractItemModel::}{endInsertRows()} must be called.
+    \sa {Model Classes}, {Model Subclassing Reference}, QModelIndex,
+        QAbstractItemView, {Using Drag and Drop with Item Views},
+        {Simple DOM Model Example}, {Simple Tree Model Example},
+        {Editable Tree Model Example}, {Fetch More Example}
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const = 0
+    Returns the index of the item in the model specified by the given \a row,
+    \a column and \a parent index.
+    When reimplementing this function in a subclass, call createIndex() to
+    generate model indexes that other components can use to refer to items in
+    your model.
+    \sa createIndex()
+    \fn bool QAbstractItemModel::insertColumn(int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    Inserts a single column before the given \a column in the child items of
+    the \a parent specified.
+    Returns true if the column is inserted; otherwise returns false.
+    \sa insertColumns() insertRow() removeColumn()
+    \fn bool QAbstractItemModel::insertRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    \note The base class implementation of this function does nothing and
+    returns false.
+    Inserts a single row before the given \a row in the child items of the
+    \a parent specified.
+    Returns true if the row is inserted; otherwise returns false.
+    \sa insertRows() insertColumn() removeRow()
+    \fn QObject *QAbstractItemModel::parent() const
+    \internal
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const = 0
+    Returns the parent of the model item with the given \a index. If the model
+    has no parent, an invalid QModelIndex is returned.
+    A common convention used in models that expose tree data structures is that
+    only items in the first column have children. For that case, when
+    reimplementing this function in a subclass the column of the returned
+    QModelIndex would be 0.
+    When reimplementing this function in a subclass, be careful to avoid
+    calling QModelIndex member functions, such as QModelIndex::parent(), since
+    indexes belonging to your model will simply call your implementation,
+    leading to infinite recursion.
+    \sa createIndex()
+    \fn bool QAbstractItemModel::removeColumn(int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    Removes the given \a column from the child items of the \a parent
+    specified.
+    Returns true if the column is removed; otherwise returns false.
+    \sa removeColumns(), removeRow(), insertColumn()
+    \fn bool QAbstractItemModel::removeRow(int row, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    Removes the given \a row from the child items of the \a parent specified.
+    Returns true if the row is removed; otherwise returns false.
+    This is a convenience function that calls removeRows(). The
+    QAbstractItemModel implementation of removeRows() does nothing.
+    \sa removeRows(), removeColumn(), insertRow()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::headerDataChanged(Qt::Orientation orientation, int first, int last)
+    This signal is emitted whenever a header is changed. The \a orientation
+    indicates whether the horizontal or vertical header has changed. The
+    sections in the header from the \a first to the \a last need to be updated.
+    When reimplementing the setHeaderData() function, this signal must be
+    emitted explicitly.
+    If you are changing the number of columns or rows you do not need to emit
+    this signal, but use the begin/end functions (refer to the section on
+    subclassing in the QAbstractItemModel class description for details).
+    \sa headerData(), setHeaderData(), dataChanged()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::layoutAboutToBeChanged()
+    \since 4.2
+    This signal is emitted just before the layout of a model is changed.
+    Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in the
+    model's layout.
+    Subclasses should update any persistent model indexes after emitting
+    layoutAboutToBeChanged().
+    \sa layoutChanged(), changePersistentIndex()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged()
+    This signal is emitted whenever the layout of items exposed by the model
+    has changed; for example, when the model has been sorted. When this signal
+    is received by a view, it should update the layout of items to reflect this
+    change.
+    When subclassing QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractProxyModel, ensure that you
+    emit layoutAboutToBeChanged() before changing the order of items or
+    altering the structure of the data you expose to views, and emit
+    layoutChanged() after changing the layout.
+    Subclasses should update any persistent model indexes before emitting
+    layoutChanged(). In other words, when the structure changes:
+    \list
+        \o  Call beginLayoutChanged()
+        \o  Remember the QModelIndex that will change
+        \o  Update your internal data
+        \o  Call changePersistentIndex()
+        \o  Call endLayoutChanged()
+    \endlist
+    \sa layoutAboutToBeChanged(), dataChanged(), headerDataChanged(), modelReset(),
+        changePersistentIndex()
+    Constructs an abstract item model with the given \a parent.
+QAbstractItemModel::QAbstractItemModel(QObject *parent)
+    : QObject(*new QAbstractItemModelPrivate, parent)
+  \internal
+QAbstractItemModel::QAbstractItemModel(QAbstractItemModelPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
+    : QObject(dd, parent)
+    Destroys the abstract item model.
+    d_func()->invalidatePersistentIndexes();
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::sibling(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &index) const
+    Returns the sibling at \a row and \a column for the item at \a index, or an
+    invalid QModelIndex if there is no sibling at that location.
+    sibling() is just a convenience function that finds the item's parent, and
+    uses it to retrieve the index of the child item in the specified \a row and
+    \a column.
+    \sa index(), QModelIndex::row(), QModelIndex::column()
+    \fn int QAbstractItemModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Returns the number of rows under the given \a parent. When the parent is
+    valid it means that rowCount is returning the number of children of parent.
+    \note When implementing a table based model, rowCount() should return 0
+    when the parent is valid.
+    \sa columnCount()
+    \fn int QAbstractItemModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Returns the number of columns for the children of the given \a parent.
+    In most subclasses, the number of columns is independent of the \a parent.
+    For example:
+    \snippet examples/itemviews/simpledommodel/dommodel.cpp 2
+    \note When implementing a table based model, columnCount() should return 0
+    when the parent is valid.
+    \sa rowCount()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
+    This signal is emitted whenever the data in an existing item changes.
+    If the items are of the same parent, the affected ones are those between
+    \a topLeft and \a bottomRight inclusive. If the items do not have the same
+    parent, the behavior is undefined.
+    When reimplementing the setData() function, this signal must be emitted
+    explicitly.
+    \sa headerDataChanged(), setData(), layoutChanged()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted after rows have been inserted into the
+    model. The new items are those between \a start and \a end
+    inclusive, under the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in the
+    model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa insertRows(), beginInsertRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted just before rows are inserted into the model. The
+    new items will be positioned between \a start and \a end inclusive, under
+    the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa insertRows(), beginInsertRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted after rows have been removed from the model. The
+    removed items are those between \a start and \a end inclusive, under the
+    given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa removeRows(), beginRemoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted just before rows are removed from the model. The
+    items that will be removed are those between \a start and \a end inclusive,
+    under the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa removeRows(), beginRemoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
+    \since 4.6
+    This signal is emitted after rows have been moved within the
+    model. The items between \a sourceStart and \a sourceEnd
+    inclusive, under the given \a sourceParent item have been moved to \a destinationParent
+    starting at the row \a destinationRow.
+    \bold{Note:} Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa beginMoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::rowsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationRow)
+    \since 4.6
+    This signal is emitted just before rows are moved within the
+    model. The items that will be moved are those between \a sourceStart and \a sourceEnd
+    inclusive, under the given \a sourceParent item. They will be moved to \a destinationParent
+    starting at the row \a destinationRow.
+    \bold{Note:} Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa beginMoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
+    \since 4.6
+    This signal is emitted after columns have been moved within the
+    model. The items between \a sourceStart and \a sourceEnd
+    inclusive, under the given \a sourceParent item have been moved to \a destinationParent
+    starting at the column \a destinationColumn.
+    \bold{Note:} Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa beginMoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsAboutToBeMoved(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationColumn)
+    \since 4.6
+    This signal is emitted just before columns are moved within the
+    model. The items that will be moved are those between \a sourceStart and \a sourceEnd
+    inclusive, under the given \a sourceParent item. They will be moved to \a destinationParent
+    starting at the column \a destinationColumn.
+    \bold{Note:} Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes
+    in the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa beginMoveRows()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted after columns have been inserted into the model. The
+    new items are those between \a start and \a end inclusive, under the given
+    \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in the
+    model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa insertColumns(), beginInsertColumns()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsAboutToBeInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted just before columns are inserted into the model. The
+    new items will be positioned between \a start and \a end inclusive, under
+    the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in the
+    model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa insertColumns(), beginInsertColumns()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted after columns have been removed from the model.
+    The removed items are those between \a start and \a end inclusive,
+    under the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in
+    the model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa removeColumns(), beginRemoveColumns()
+    \fn void QAbstractItemModel::columnsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
+    This signal is emitted just before columns are removed from the model. The
+    items to be removed are those between \a start and \a end inclusive, under
+    the given \a parent item.
+    \note Components connected to this signal use it to adapt to changes in the
+    model's dimensions. It can only be emitted by the QAbstractItemModel
+    implementation, and cannot be explicitly emitted in subclass code.
+    \sa removeColumns(), beginRemoveColumns()
+    Returns true if the model returns a valid QModelIndex for \a row and
+    \a column with \a parent, otherwise returns false.
+bool QAbstractItemModel::hasIndex(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    if (row < 0 || column < 0)
+        return false;
+    return row < rowCount(parent) && column < columnCount(parent);
+    Returns true if \a parent has any children; otherwise returns false.
+    Use rowCount() on the parent to find out the number of children.
+    \sa parent() index()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    return (rowCount(parent) > 0) && (columnCount(parent) > 0);
+    Returns a map with values for all predefined roles in the model for the
+    item at the given \a index.
+    Reimplement this function if you want to extend the default behavior of
+    this function to include custom roles in the map.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, data()
+QMap<int, QVariant> QAbstractItemModel::itemData(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    QMap<int, QVariant> roles;
+    for (int i = 0; i < Qt::UserRole; ++i) {
+        QVariant variantData = data(index, i);
+        if (variantData.isValid())
+            roles.insert(i, variantData);
+    }
+    return roles;
+    Sets the \a role data for the item at \a index to \a value.
+    Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
+    The dataChanged() signal should be emitted if the data was successfully
+    set.
+    The base class implementation returns false. This function and data() must
+    be reimplemented for editable models.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, data(), itemData()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
+    Q_UNUSED(index);
+    Q_UNUSED(value);
+    Q_UNUSED(role);
+    return false;
+    \fn QVariant QAbstractItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const = 0
+    Returns the data stored under the given \a role for the item referred to
+    by the \a index.
+    \note If you do not have a value to return, return an \bold invalid
+    QVariant instead of returning 0.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, setData(), headerData()
+    Sets the role data for the item at \a index to the associated value in
+    \a roles, for every Qt::ItemDataRole.
+    Returns true if successful; otherwise returns false.
+    Roles that are not in \a roles will not be modified.
+    \sa setData() data() itemData()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::setItemData(const QModelIndex &index, const QMap<int, QVariant> &roles)
+    bool b = true;
+    for (QMap<int, QVariant>::ConstIterator it = roles.begin(); it != roles.end(); ++it)
+        b = b && setData(index, it.value(), it.key());
+    return b;
+    Returns a list of MIME types that can be used to describe a list of model
+    indexes.
+    \sa mimeData()
+QStringList QAbstractItemModel::mimeTypes() const
+    QStringList types;
+    types << QLatin1String("application/x-qabstractitemmodeldatalist");
+    return types;
+    Returns an object that contains serialized items of data corresponding to
+    the list of \a indexes specified. The formats used to describe the encoded
+    data is obtained from the mimeTypes() function.
+    If the list of indexes is empty, or there are no supported MIME types, 0 is
+    returned rather than a serialized empty list.
+    \sa mimeTypes(), dropMimeData()
+QMimeData *QAbstractItemModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
+    if (indexes.count() <= 0)
+        return 0;
+    QStringList types = mimeTypes();
+    if (types.isEmpty())
+        return 0;
+    QMimeData *data = new QMimeData();
+    QString format =;
+    QByteArray encoded;
+    QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+    encodeData(indexes, stream);
+    data->setData(format, encoded);
+    return data;
+    Handles the \a data supplied by a drag and drop operation that ended with
+    the given \a action.
+    Returns true if the data and action can be handled by the model; otherwise
+    returns false.
+    Although the specified \a row, \a column and \a parent indicate the
+    location of an item in the model where the operation ended, it is the
+    responsibility of the view to provide a suitable location for where the
+    data should be inserted.
+    For instance, a drop action on an item in a QTreeView can result in new
+    items either being inserted as children of the item specified by \a row,
+    \a column, and \a parent, or as siblings of the item.
+    When row and column are -1 it means that it is up to the model to decide
+    where to place the data. This can occur in a tree when data is dropped on
+    a parent. Models will usually append the data to the parent in this case.
+    \sa supportedDropActions(), {Using Drag and Drop with Item Views}
+bool QAbstractItemModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
+                                      int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    // check if the action is supported
+    if (!data || !(action == Qt::CopyAction || action == Qt::MoveAction))
+        return false;
+    // check if the format is supported
+    QStringList types = mimeTypes();
+    if (types.isEmpty())
+        return false;
+    QString format =;
+    if (!data->hasFormat(format))
+        return false;
+    if (row > rowCount(parent))
+        row = rowCount(parent);
+    if (row == -1)
+        row = rowCount(parent);
+    if (column == -1)
+        column = 0;
+    // decode and insert
+    QByteArray encoded = data->data(format);
+    QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+    return decodeData(row, column, parent, stream);
+    \since 4.2
+    Returns the drop actions supported by this model.
+    The default implementation returns Qt::CopyAction. Reimplement this
+    function if you wish to support additional actions. You must also
+    reimplement the dropMimeData() function to handle the additional
+    operations.
+    \sa dropMimeData(), Qt::DropActions, {Using Drag and Drop with Item
+    Views}
+Qt::DropActions QAbstractItemModel::supportedDropActions() const
+    return Qt::CopyAction;
+    Returns the actions supported by the data in this model.
+    The default implementation returns supportedDropActions() unless specific
+    values have been set with setSupportedDragActions().
+    supportedDragActions() is used by QAbstractItemView::startDrag() as the
+    default values when a drag occurs.
+    \sa Qt::DropActions, {Using Drag and Drop with Item Views}
+Qt::DropActions QAbstractItemModel::supportedDragActions() const
+    // ### Qt 5: make this virtual or these properties
+    Q_D(const QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (d->supportedDragActions != -1)
+        return d->supportedDragActions;
+    return supportedDropActions();
+    \since 4.2
+    Sets the supported drag \a actions for the items in the model.
+    \sa supportedDragActions(), {Using Drag and Drop with Item Views}
+void QAbstractItemModel::setSupportedDragActions(Qt::DropActions actions)
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->supportedDragActions = actions;
+    \note The base class implementation of this function does nothing and
+    returns false.
+    On models that support this, inserts \a count rows into the model before
+    the given \a row. Items in the new row will be children of the item
+    represented by the \a parent model index.
+    If \a row is 0, the rows are prepended to any existing rows in the parent.
+    If \a row is rowCount(), the rows are appended to any existing rows in the
+    parent.
+    If \a parent has no children, a single column with \a count rows is
+    inserted.
+    Returns true if the rows were successfully inserted; otherwise returns
+    false.
+    If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you
+    want to support insertions. Alternatively, you can provide your own API for
+    altering the data. In either case, you will need to call
+    beginInsertRows() and endInsertRows() to notify other components that the
+    model has changed.
+    \sa insertColumns(), removeRows(), beginInsertRows(), endInsertRows()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::insertRows(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
+    return false;
+    On models that support this, inserts \a count new columns into the model
+    before the given \a column. The items in each new column will be children
+    of the item represented by the \a parent model index.
+    If \a column is 0, the columns are prepended to any existing columns.
+    If \a column is columnCount(), the columns are appended to any existing
+    columns.
+    If \a parent has no children, a single row with \a count columns is
+    inserted.
+    Returns true if the columns were successfully inserted; otherwise returns
+    false.
+    The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.
+    If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you
+    want to support insertions. Alternatively, you can provide your own API for
+    altering the data.
+    \sa insertRows(), removeColumns(), beginInsertColumns(), endInsertColumns()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::insertColumns(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
+    return false;
+    On models that support this, removes \a count rows starting with the given
+    \a row under parent \a parent from the model.
+    Returns true if the rows were successfully removed; otherwise returns
+    false.
+    The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.
+    If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you
+    want to support removing. Alternatively, you can provide your own API for
+    altering the data.
+    \sa removeRow(), removeColumns(), insertColumns(), beginRemoveRows(),
+        endRemoveRows()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::removeRows(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
+    return false;
+    On models that support this, removes \a count columns starting with the
+    given \a column under parent \a parent from the model.
+    Returns true if the columns were successfully removed; otherwise returns
+    false.
+    The base class implementation does nothing and returns false.
+    If you implement your own model, you can reimplement this function if you
+    want to support removing. Alternatively, you can provide your own API for
+    altering the data.
+    \sa removeColumn(), removeRows(), insertColumns(), beginRemoveColumns(),
+        endRemoveColumns()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::removeColumns(int, int, const QModelIndex &)
+    return false;
+    Fetches any available data for the items with the parent specified by the
+    \a parent index.
+    Reimplement this if you are populating your model incrementally.
+    The default implementation does nothing.
+    \sa canFetchMore()
+void QAbstractItemModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &)
+    // do nothing
+    Returns true if there is more data available for \a parent; otherwise
+    returns false.
+    The default implementation always returns false.
+    If canFetchMore() returns true, QAbstractItemView will call fetchMore().
+    However, the fetchMore() function is only called when the model is being
+    populated incrementally.
+    \sa fetchMore()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &) const
+    return false;
+    Returns the item flags for the given \a index.
+    The base class implementation returns a combination of flags that enables
+    the item (\c ItemIsEnabled) and allows it to be selected
+    (\c ItemIsSelectable).
+    \sa Qt::ItemFlags
+Qt::ItemFlags QAbstractItemModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    Q_D(const QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (!d->indexValid(index))
+        return 0;
+    return Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
+    Sorts the model by \a column in the given \a order.
+    The base class implementation does nothing.
+void QAbstractItemModel::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order)
+    Q_UNUSED(column);
+    Q_UNUSED(order);
+    // do nothing
+    Returns a model index for the buddy of the item represented by \a index.
+    When the user wants to edit an item, the view will call this function to
+    check whether another item in the model should be edited instead. Then, the
+    view will construct a delegate using the model index returned by the buddy
+    item.
+    The default implementation of this function has each item as its own buddy.
+QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::buddy(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    return index;
+    Returns a list of indexes for the items in the column of the \a start index
+    where data stored under the given \a role matches the specified \a value.
+    The way the search is performed is defined by the \a flags given. The list
+    that is returned may be empty.
+    The search begins from the \a start index, and continues until the number
+    of matching data items equals \a hits, the search reaches the last row, or
+    the search reaches \a start again - depending on whether \c MatchWrap is
+    specified in \a flags. If you want to search for all matching items, use
+    \a hits = -1.
+    By default, this function will perform a wrapping, string-based comparison
+    on all items, searching for items that begin with the search term specified
+    by \a value.
+    \note The default implementation of this function only searches columns.
+    Reimplement this function to include a different search behavior.
+QModelIndexList QAbstractItemModel::match(const QModelIndex &start, int role,
+                                          const QVariant &value, int hits,
+                                          Qt::MatchFlags flags) const
+    QModelIndexList result;
+    uint matchType = flags & 0x0F;
+    Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = flags & Qt::MatchCaseSensitive ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive;
+    bool recurse = flags & Qt::MatchRecursive;
+    bool wrap = flags & Qt::MatchWrap;
+    bool allHits = (hits == -1);
+    QString text; // only convert to a string if it is needed
+    QModelIndex p = parent(start);
+    int from = start.row();
+    int to = rowCount(p);
+    // iterates twice if wrapping
+    for (int i = 0; (wrap && i < 2) || (!wrap && i < 1); ++i) {
+        for (int r = from; (r < to) && (allHits || result.count() < hits); ++r) {
+            QModelIndex idx = index(r, start.column(), p);
+            if (!idx.isValid())
+                 continue;
+            QVariant v = data(idx, role);
+            // QVariant based matching
+            if (matchType == Qt::MatchExactly) {
+                if (value == v)
+                    result.append(idx);
+            } else { // QString based matching
+                if (text.isEmpty()) // lazy conversion
+                    text = value.toString();
+                QString t = v.toString();
+                switch (matchType) {
+                case Qt::MatchRegExp:
+                    if (QRegExp(text, cs).exactMatch(t))
+                        result.append(idx);
+                    break;
+                case Qt::MatchWildcard:
+                    if (QRegExp(text, cs, QRegExp::Wildcard).exactMatch(t))
+                        result.append(idx);
+                    break;
+                case Qt::MatchStartsWith:
+                    if (t.startsWith(text, cs))
+                        result.append(idx);
+                    break;
+                case Qt::MatchEndsWith:
+                    if (t.endsWith(text, cs))
+                        result.append(idx);
+                    break;
+                case Qt::MatchFixedString:
+                    if (, cs) == 0)
+                        result.append(idx);
+                    break;
+                case Qt::MatchContains:
+                default:
+                    if (t.contains(text, cs))
+                        result.append(idx);
+                }
+            }
+            if (recurse && hasChildren(idx)) { // search the hierarchy
+                result += match(index(0, idx.column(), idx), role,
+                                (text.isEmpty() ? value : text),
+                                (allHits ? -1 : hits - result.count()), flags);
+            }
+        }
+        // prepare for the next iteration
+        from = 0;
+        to = start.row();
+    }
+    return result;
+    Returns the row and column span of the item represented by \a index.
+    \note Currently, span is not used.
+QSize QAbstractItemModel::span(const QModelIndex &) const
+    return QSize(1, 1);
+    \since 4.6
+    Sets the model's role names to \a roleNames.
+    This function allows mapping of role identifiers to role property names in
+    Declarative UI.  This function must be called before the model is used.
+    Modifying the role names after the model has been set may result in
+    undefined behaviour.
+    \sa roleNames()
+void QAbstractItemModel::setRoleNames(const QHash<int,QByteArray> &roleNames)
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->roleNames = roleNames;
+    \since 4.6
+    Returns the model's role names.
+    \sa setRoleNames()
+const QHash<int,QByteArray> &QAbstractItemModel::roleNames() const
+    Q_D(const QAbstractItemModel);
+    return d->roleNames;
+    Lets the model know that it should submit cached information to permanent
+    storage. This function is typically used for row editing.
+    Returns true if there is no error; otherwise returns false.
+    \sa revert()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::submit()
+    return true;
+    Lets the model know that it should discard cached information. This
+    function is typically used for row editing.
+    \sa submit()
+void QAbstractItemModel::revert()
+    // do nothing
+    Returns the data for the given \a role and \a section in the header with
+    the specified \a orientation.
+    For horizontal headers, the section number corresponds to the column
+    number. Similarly, for vertical headers, the section number corresponds to
+    the row number.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, setHeaderData(), QHeaderView
+QVariant QAbstractItemModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
+    Q_UNUSED(orientation);
+    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole)
+        return section + 1;
+    return QVariant();
+    Sets the data for the given \a role and \a section in the header with the
+    specified \a orientation to the \a value supplied.
+    Returns true if the header's data was updated; otherwise returns false.
+    When reimplementing this function, the headerDataChanged() signal must be
+    emitted explicitly.
+    \sa Qt::ItemDataRole, headerData()
+bool QAbstractItemModel::setHeaderData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation,
+                                       const QVariant &value, int role)
+    Q_UNUSED(section);
+    Q_UNUSED(orientation);
+    Q_UNUSED(value);
+    Q_UNUSED(role);
+    return false;
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int row, int column, void *ptr) const
+    Creates a model index for the given \a row and \a column with the internal
+    pointer \a ptr.
+    When using a QSortFilterProxyModel, its indexes have their own internal
+    pointer. It is not advisable to access this internal pointer outside of the
+    model. Use the data() function instead.
+    This function provides a consistent interface that model subclasses must
+    use to create model indexes.
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int row, int column, int id) const
+    \obsolete
+    Use QModelIndex
+    QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int row, int column, quint32 id) instead.
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractItemModel::createIndex(int row, int column, quint32 id) const
+    Creates a model index for the given \a row and \a column with the internal
+    identifier, \a id.
+    This function provides a consistent interface that model subclasses must
+    use to create model indexes.
+    \sa QModelIndex::internalId()
+  \internal
+void QAbstractItemModel::encodeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes, QDataStream &stream) const
+    QModelIndexList::ConstIterator it = indexes.begin();
+    for (; it != indexes.end(); ++it)
+        stream << (*it).row() << (*it).column() << itemData(*it);
+  \internal
+ */
+bool QAbstractItemModel::decodeData(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent,
+                                    QDataStream &stream)
+    int top = INT_MAX;
+    int left = INT_MAX;
+    int bottom = 0;
+    int right = 0;
+    QVector<int> rows, columns;
+    QVector<QMap<int, QVariant> > data;
+    while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+        int r, c;
+        QMap<int, QVariant> v;
+        stream >> r >> c >> v;
+        rows.append(r);
+        columns.append(c);
+        data.append(v);
+        top = qMin(r, top);
+        left = qMin(c, left);
+        bottom = qMax(r, bottom);
+        right = qMax(c, right);
+    }
+    // insert the dragged items into the table, use a bit array to avoid overwriting items,
+    // since items from different tables can have the same row and column
+    int dragRowCount = 0;
+    int dragColumnCount = right - left + 1;
+    // Compute the number of continuous rows upon insertion and modify the rows to match
+    QVector<int> rowsToInsert(bottom + 1);
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows.count(); ++i)
+        rowsToInsert[] = 1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < rowsToInsert.count(); ++i) {
+        if (rowsToInsert[i] == 1){
+            rowsToInsert[i] = dragRowCount;
+            ++dragRowCount;
+        }
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows.count(); ++i)
+        rows[i] = top + rowsToInsert[rows[i]];
+    QBitArray isWrittenTo(dragRowCount * dragColumnCount);
+    // make space in the table for the dropped data
+    int colCount = columnCount(parent);
+    if (colCount == 0) {
+        insertColumns(colCount, dragColumnCount - colCount, parent);
+        colCount = columnCount(parent);
+    }
+    insertRows(row, dragRowCount, parent);
+    row = qMax(0, row);
+    column = qMax(0, column);
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndex> newIndexes(data.size());
+    // set the data in the table
+    for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); ++j) {
+        int relativeRow = - top;
+        int relativeColumn = - left;
+        int destinationRow = relativeRow + row;
+        int destinationColumn = relativeColumn + column;
+        int flat = (relativeRow * dragColumnCount) + relativeColumn;
+        // if the item was already written to, or we just can't fit it in the table, create a new row
+        if (destinationColumn >= colCount || isWrittenTo.testBit(flat)) {
+            destinationColumn = qBound(column, destinationColumn, colCount - 1);
+            destinationRow = row + dragRowCount;
+            insertRows(row + dragRowCount, 1, parent);
+            flat = (dragRowCount * dragColumnCount) + relativeColumn;
+            isWrittenTo.resize(++dragRowCount * dragColumnCount);
+        }
+        if (!isWrittenTo.testBit(flat)) {
+            newIndexes[j] = index(destinationRow, destinationColumn, parent);
+            isWrittenTo.setBit(flat);
+        }
+    }
+    for(int k = 0; k < newIndexes.size(); k++) {
+        if (
+            setItemData(,;
+    }
+    return true;
+    Begins a row insertion operation.
+    When reimplementing insertRows() in a subclass, you must call this function
+    \e before inserting data into the model's underlying data store.
+    The \a parent index corresponds to the parent into which the new rows are
+    inserted; \a first and \a last are the row numbers that the new rows will
+    have after they have been inserted.
+    \table 80%
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-insert-rows.png Inserting rows
+        \o  Specify the first and last row numbers for the span of rows you
+            want to insert into an item in a model.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we insert three rows before
+            row 2, so \a first is 2 and \a last is 4:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 0
+            This inserts the three new rows as rows 2, 3, and 4.
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-append-rows.png Appending rows
+        \o  To append rows, insert them after the last row.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we append two rows to a
+            collection of 4 existing rows (ending in row 3), so \a first is 4
+            and \a last is 5:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 1
+            This appends the two new rows as rows 4 and 5.
+    \endtable
+    \note This function emits the rowsAboutToBeInserted() signal which
+    connected views (or proxies) must handle before the data is inserted.
+    Otherwise, the views may end up in an invalid state.
+    \sa endInsertRows()
+void QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
+    Q_ASSERT(first >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(last >= first);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(parent, first, last));
+    emit rowsAboutToBeInserted(parent, first, last);
+    d->rowsAboutToBeInserted(parent, first, last);
+    Ends a row insertion operation.
+    When reimplementing insertRows() in a subclass, you must call this function
+    \e after inserting data into the model's underlying data store.
+    \sa beginInsertRows()
+void QAbstractItemModel::endInsertRows()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change change = d->changes.pop();
+    d->rowsInserted(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    emit rowsInserted(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    Begins a row removal operation.
+    When reimplementing removeRows() in a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e before removing data from the model's underlying data store.
+    The \a parent index corresponds to the parent from which the new rows are
+    removed; \a first and \a last are the row numbers of the rows to be
+    removed.
+    \table 80%
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-remove-rows.png Removing rows
+        \o  Specify the first and last row numbers for the span of rows you
+            want to remove from an item in a model.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we remove the two rows from
+            row 2 to row 3, so \a first is 2 and \a last is 3:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 2
+    \endtable
+    \note This function emits the rowsAboutToBeRemoved() signal which connected
+    views (or proxies) must handle before the data is removed. Otherwise, the
+    views may end up in an invalid state.
+    \sa endRemoveRows()
+void QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveRows(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
+    Q_ASSERT(first >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(last >= first);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(parent, first, last));
+    emit rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, first, last);
+    d->rowsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, first, last);
+    Ends a row removal operation.
+    When reimplementing removeRows() in a subclass, you must call this function
+    \e after removing data from the model's underlying data store.
+    \sa beginRemoveRows()
+void QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change change = d->changes.pop();
+    d->rowsRemoved(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    emit rowsRemoved(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    Returns whether a move operation is valid.
+    A move operation is not allowed if it moves a continuous range of rows to a destination within
+    itself, or if it attempts to move a row to one of its own descendants.
+    \internal
+bool QAbstractItemModelPrivate::allowMove(const QModelIndex &srcParent, int start, int end, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationStart, Qt::Orientation orientation)
+    // Don't move the range within itself.
+    if ( ( destinationParent == srcParent )
+            && ( destinationStart >= start )
+            && ( destinationStart <= end + 1) )
+        return false;
+    QModelIndex destinationAncestor = destinationParent;
+    int pos = (Qt::Vertical == orientation) ? destinationAncestor.row() : destinationAncestor.column();
+    forever {
+        if (destinationAncestor == srcParent) {
+            if (pos >= start && pos <= end)
+                return false;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (!destinationAncestor.isValid())
+          break;
+        pos = (Qt::Vertical == orientation) ? destinationAncestor.row() : destinationAncestor.column();
+        destinationAncestor = destinationAncestor.parent();
+    }
+    return true;
+    Begins a row move operation.
+    When reimplementing a subclass, this method simplifies moving
+    entities in your model. This method is responsible for moving
+    persistent indexes in the model, which you would otherwise be
+    required to do yourself.
+    Using beginMoveRows and endMoveRows is an alternative to emitting
+    layoutAboutToBeChanged and layoutChanged directly along with
+    changePersistentIndexes.  layoutAboutToBeChanged is emitted by
+    this method for compatibility reasons.
+    The \a sourceParent index corresponds to the parent from which the
+    rows are moved; \a sourceFirst and \a sourceLast are the row
+    numbers of the rows to be moved. The \a destinationParent index
+    corresponds to the parent into which the rows are moved. The \a
+    destinationChild is the row to which the rows will be moved.  That
+    is, the index at row \a sourceFirst in \a sourceParent will become
+    row \a destinationChild in \a destinationParent. Its siblings will
+    be moved correspondingly.
+    Note that \a sourceParent and \a destinationParent may be the
+    same, in which case you must ensure that the \a destinationChild is
+    not within the range of \a sourceFirst and \a sourceLast.  You
+    must also ensure that you do not attempt to move a row to one of
+    its own chilren or ancestors.  This method returns false if either
+    condition is true, in which case you should abort your move
+    operation.
+    \sa endMoveRows()
+    \since 4.6
+bool QAbstractItemModel::beginMoveRows(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
+    Q_ASSERT(sourceFirst >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(sourceLast >= sourceFirst);
+    Q_ASSERT(destinationChild >= 0);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (!d->allowMove(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild, Qt::Vertical)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast));
+    int destinationLast = destinationChild + (sourceLast - sourceFirst);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(destinationParent, destinationChild, destinationLast));
+    d->itemsAboutToBeMoved(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild, Qt::Vertical);
+    emit rowsAboutToBeMoved(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild);
+    emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+    return true;
+    Ends a row move operation.
+    When implementing a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e after moving data within the model's underlying data
+    store.
+    layoutChanged is emitted by this method for compatibility reasons.
+    \sa beginMoveRows()
+    \since 4.6
+void QAbstractItemModel::endMoveRows()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change insertChange = d->changes.pop();
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change removeChange = d->changes.pop();
+    d->itemsMoved(removeChange.parent, removeChange.first, removeChange.last, insertChange.parent, insertChange.first, Qt::Vertical);
+    emit rowsMoved(removeChange.parent, removeChange.first, removeChange.last, insertChange.parent, insertChange.first);
+    emit layoutChanged();
+    Begins a column insertion operation.
+    When reimplementing insertColumns() in a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e before inserting data into the model's underlying data store.
+    The \a parent index corresponds to the parent into which the new columns
+    are inserted; \a first and \a last are the column numbers of the new
+    columns will have after they have been inserted.
+    \table 80%
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-insert-columns.png Inserting columns
+        \o  Specify the first and last column numbers for the span of columns
+            you want to insert into an item in a model.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we insert three columns
+            before column 4, so \a first is 4 and \a last is 6:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 3
+            This inserts the three new columns as columns 4, 5, and 6.
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-append-columns.png Appending columns
+        \o  To append columns, insert them after the last column.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we append three columns to a
+            collection of six existing columns (ending in column 5), so
+            \a first is 6 and \a last is 8:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 4
+            This appends the two new columns as columns 6, 7, and 8.
+    \endtable
+    \note This function emits the columnsAboutToBeInserted() signal which
+    connected views (or proxies) must handle before the data is inserted.
+    Otherwise, the views may end up in an invalid state.
+    \sa endInsertColumns()
+void QAbstractItemModel::beginInsertColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
+    Q_ASSERT(first >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(last >= first);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(parent, first, last));
+    emit columnsAboutToBeInserted(parent, first, last);
+    d->columnsAboutToBeInserted(parent, first, last);
+    Ends a column insertion operation.
+    When reimplementing insertColumns() in a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e after inserting data into the model's underlying data
+    store.
+    \sa beginInsertColumns()
+void QAbstractItemModel::endInsertColumns()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change change = d->changes.pop();
+    d->columnsInserted(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    emit columnsInserted(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    Begins a column removal operation.
+    When reimplementing removeColumns() in a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e before removing data from the model's underlying data store.
+    The \a parent index corresponds to the parent from which the new columns
+    are removed; \a first and \a last are the column numbers of the first and
+    last columns to be removed.
+    \table 80%
+    \row
+        \o  \inlineimage modelview-begin-remove-columns.png Removing columns
+        \o  Specify the first and last column numbers for the span of columns
+            you want to remove from an item in a model.
+            For example, as shown in the diagram, we remove the three columns
+            from column 4 to column 6, so \a first is 4 and \a last is 6:
+            \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/src_corelib_kernel_qabstractitemmodel.cpp 5
+    \endtable
+    \note This function emits the columnsAboutToBeRemoved() signal which
+    connected views (or proxies) must handle before the data is removed.
+    Otherwise, the views may end up in an invalid state.
+    \sa endRemoveColumns()
+void QAbstractItemModel::beginRemoveColumns(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last)
+    Q_ASSERT(first >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(last >= first);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(parent, first, last));
+    emit columnsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, first, last);
+    d->columnsAboutToBeRemoved(parent, first, last);
+    Ends a column removal operation.
+    When reimplementing removeColumns() in a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e after removing data from the model's underlying data store.
+    \sa beginRemoveColumns()
+void QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveColumns()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change change = d->changes.pop();
+    d->columnsRemoved(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    emit columnsRemoved(change.parent, change.first, change.last);
+    Begins a column move operation.
+    When reimplementing a subclass, this method simplifies moving
+    entities in your model. This method is responsible for moving
+    persistent indexes in the model, which you would otherwise be
+    required to do yourself.
+    Using beginMoveColumns and endMoveColumns is an alternative to
+    emitting layoutAboutToBeChanged and layoutChanged directly along
+    with changePersistentIndexes.  layoutAboutToBeChanged is emitted
+    by this method for compatibility reasons.
+    The \a sourceParent index corresponds to the parent from which the
+    columns are moved; \a sourceFirst and \a sourceLast are the column
+    numbers of the columns to be moved. The \a destinationParent index
+    corresponds to the parent into which the columns are moved. The \a
+    destinationChild is the column to which the columns will be
+    moved.  That is, the index at column \a sourceFirst in \a
+    sourceParent will become column \a destinationChild in \a
+    destinationParent. Its siblings will be moved correspondingly.
+    Note that \a sourceParent and \a destinationParent may be the
+    same, in which case you must ensure that the \a destinationChild
+    is not within the range of \a sourceFirst and \a sourceLast.  You
+    must also ensure that you do not attempt to move a row to one of
+    its own chilren or ancestors.  This method returns false if either
+    condition is true, in which case you should abort your move
+    operation.
+    \sa endMoveColumns()
+    \since 4.6
+bool QAbstractItemModel::beginMoveColumns(const QModelIndex &sourceParent, int sourceFirst, int sourceLast, const QModelIndex &destinationParent, int destinationChild)
+    Q_ASSERT(sourceFirst >= 0);
+    Q_ASSERT(sourceLast >= sourceFirst);
+    Q_ASSERT(destinationChild >= 0);
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (!d->allowMove(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild, Qt::Horizontal)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast));
+    int destinationLast = destinationChild + (sourceLast - sourceFirst);
+    d->changes.push(QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change(destinationParent, destinationChild, destinationLast));
+    d->itemsAboutToBeMoved(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild, Qt::Horizontal);
+    emit columnsAboutToBeMoved(sourceParent, sourceFirst, sourceLast, destinationParent, destinationChild);
+    emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
+    return true;
+    Ends a column move operation.
+    When implementing a subclass, you must call this
+    function \e after moving data within the model's underlying data
+    store.
+    layoutChanged is emitted by this method for compatibility reasons.
+    \sa beginMoveColumns()
+    \since 4.6
+void QAbstractItemModel::endMoveColumns()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change insertChange = d->changes.pop();
+    QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Change removeChange = d->changes.pop();
+    d->itemsMoved(removeChange.parent, removeChange.first, removeChange.last, insertChange.parent, insertChange.first, Qt::Horizontal);
+    emit columnsMoved(removeChange.parent, removeChange.first, removeChange.last, insertChange.parent, insertChange.first);
+    emit layoutChanged();
+    Resets the model to its original state in any attached views.
+    \note Use beginResetModel() and endResetModel() instead whenever possible.
+    Use this method only if there is no way to call beginResetModel() before invalidating the model.
+    Otherwise it could lead to unexcpected behaviour, especially when used with proxy models.
+void QAbstractItemModel::reset()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    emit modelAboutToBeReset();
+    d->invalidatePersistentIndexes();
+    emit modelReset();
+    Begins a model reset operation.
+    A reset operation resets the model to its current state in any attached views.
+    \note Any views attached to this model will be reset as well.
+    When a model is reset it means that any previous data reported from the
+    model is now invalid and has to be queried for again. This also means that
+    the current item and any selected items will become invalid.
+    When a model radically changes its data it can sometimes be easier to just
+    call this function rather than emit dataChanged() to inform other
+    components when the underlying data source, or its structure, has changed.
+    You must call this function before resetting any internal data structures in your model
+    or proxy model.
+    \sa modelAboutToBeReset(), modelReset(), endResetModel()
+    \since 4.6
+void QAbstractItemModel::beginResetModel()
+    emit modelAboutToBeReset();
+    Completes a model reset operation.
+    You must call this function after resetting any internal data structure in your model
+    or proxy model.
+    \sa beginResetModel()
+    \since 4.6
+void QAbstractItemModel::endResetModel()
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    d->invalidatePersistentIndexes();
+    emit modelReset();
+    Changes the QPersistentModelIndex that is equal to the given \a from model
+    index to the given \a to model index.
+    If no persistent model index equal to the given \a from model index was
+    found, nothing is changed.
+    \sa persistentIndexList(), changePersistentIndexList()
+void QAbstractItemModel::changePersistentIndex(const QModelIndex &from, const QModelIndex &to)
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (d->persistent.indexes.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    // find the data and reinsert it sorted
+    const QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::iterator it = d->persistent.indexes.find(from);
+    if (it != d->persistent.indexes.end()) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        d->persistent.indexes.erase(it);
+        data->index = to;
+        if (to.isValid())
+            d->persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(to, data);
+        else
+            data->model = 0;
+    }
+    \since 4.1
+    Changes the QPersistentModelIndexes that is equal to the indexes in the
+    given \a from model index list to the given \a to model index list.
+    If no persistent model indexes equal to the indexes in the given \a from
+    model index list was found, nothing is changed.
+    \sa persistentIndexList(), changePersistentIndex()
+void QAbstractItemModel::changePersistentIndexList(const QModelIndexList &from,
+                                                   const QModelIndexList &to)
+    Q_D(QAbstractItemModel);
+    if (d->persistent.indexes.isEmpty())
+        return;
+    QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *> toBeReinserted;
+    toBeReinserted.reserve(to.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i < from.count(); ++i) {
+        if ( ==
+            continue;
+        const QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::iterator it = d->persistent.indexes.find(;
+        if (it != d->persistent.indexes.end()) {
+            QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+            d->persistent.indexes.erase(it);
+            data->index =;
+            if (data->index.isValid())
+                toBeReinserted << data;
+            else
+                data->model = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    for (QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = toBeReinserted.constBegin();
+         it != toBeReinserted.constEnd() ; ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        d->persistent.insertMultiAtEnd(data->index, data);
+    }
+    \since 4.2
+    Returns the list of indexes stored as persistent indexes in the model.
+QModelIndexList QAbstractItemModel::persistentIndexList() const
+    Q_D(const QAbstractItemModel);
+    QModelIndexList result;
+    for (QHash<QModelIndex, QPersistentModelIndexData *>::const_iterator it = d->persistent.indexes.constBegin();
+         it != d->persistent.indexes.constEnd(); ++it) {
+        QPersistentModelIndexData *data = *it;
+        result.append(data->index);
+    }
+    return result;
+    \class QAbstractTableModel
+    \brief The QAbstractTableModel class provides an abstract model that can be
+    subclassed to create table models.
+    \ingroup model-view
+    QAbstractTableModel provides a standard interface for models that represent
+    their data as a two-dimensional array of items. It is not used directly,
+    but must be subclassed.
+    Since the model provides a more specialized interface than
+    QAbstractItemModel, it is not suitable for use with tree views, although it
+    can be used to provide data to a QListView. If you need to represent a
+    simple list of items, and only need a model to contain a single column of
+    data, subclassing the QAbstractListModel may be more appropriate.
+    The rowCount() and columnCount() functions return the dimensions of the
+    table. To retrieve a model index corresponding to an item in the model, use
+    index() and provide only the row and column numbers.
+    \section1 Subclassing
+    When subclassing QAbstractTableModel, you must implement rowCount(),
+    columnCount(), and data(). Default implementations of the index() and
+    parent() functions are provided by QAbstractTableModel.
+    Well behaved models will also implement headerData().
+    Editable models need to implement setData(), and implement flags() to
+    return a value containing
+    \l{Qt::ItemFlags}{Qt::ItemIsEditable}.
+    Models that provide interfaces to resizable data structures can
+    provide implementations of insertRows(), removeRows(), insertColumns(),
+    and removeColumns(). When implementing these functions, it is
+    important to call the appropriate functions so that all connected views
+    are aware of any changes:
+    \list
+    \o An insertRows() implementation must call beginInsertRows()
+       \e before inserting new rows into the data structure, and it must
+       call endInsertRows() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \o An insertColumns() implementation must call beginInsertColumns()
+       \e before inserting new columns into the data structure, and it must
+       call endInsertColumns() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \o A removeRows() implementation must call beginRemoveRows()
+       \e before the rows are removed from the data structure, and it must
+       call endRemoveRows() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \o A removeColumns() implementation must call beginRemoveColumns()
+       \e before the columns are removed from the data structure, and it must
+       call endRemoveColumns() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \endlist
+    \note Some general guidelines for subclassing models are available in the
+    \l{Model Subclassing Reference}.
+    \note
+    \sa {Model Classes}, QAbstractItemModel, QAbstractListModel,
+    {Pixelator Example}
+    Constructs an abstract table model for the given \a parent.
+QAbstractTableModel::QAbstractTableModel(QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(parent)
+    \internal
+    Constructs an abstract table model with \a dd and the given \a parent.
+QAbstractTableModel::QAbstractTableModel(QAbstractItemModelPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(dd, parent)
+    Destroys the abstract table model.
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractTableModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const
+    Returns the index of the data in \a row and \a column with \a parent.
+    \sa parent()
+QModelIndex QAbstractTableModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    return hasIndex(row, column, parent) ? createIndex(row, column, 0) : QModelIndex();
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractTableModel::parent(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    Returns the parent of the model item with the given \a index.
+    \sa index() hasChildren()
+QModelIndex QAbstractTableModel::parent(const QModelIndex &) const
+    return QModelIndex();
+bool QAbstractTableModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    if (parent.model() == this || !parent.isValid())
+        return rowCount(parent) > 0 && columnCount(parent) > 0;
+    return false;
+    \class QAbstractListModel
+    \brief The QAbstractListModel class provides an abstract model that can be
+    subclassed to create one-dimensional list models.
+    \ingroup model-view
+    QAbstractListModel provides a standard interface for models that represent
+    their data as a simple non-hierarchical sequence of items. It is not used
+    directly, but must be subclassed.
+    Since the model provides a more specialized interface than
+    QAbstractItemModel, it is not suitable for use with tree views; you will
+    need to subclass QAbstractItemModel if you want to provide a model for
+    that purpose. If you need to use a number of list models to manage data,
+    it may be more appropriate to subclass QAbstractTableModel class instead.
+    Simple models can be created by subclassing this class and implementing
+    the minimum number of required functions. For example, we could implement
+    a simple read-only QStringList-based model that provides a list of strings
+    to a QListView widget. In such a case, we only need to implement the
+    rowCount() function to return the number of items in the list, and the
+    data() function to retrieve items from the list.
+    Since the model represents a one-dimensional structure, the rowCount()
+    function returns the total number of items in the model. The columnCount()
+    function is implemented for interoperability with all kinds of views, but
+    by default informs views that the model contains only one column.
+    \section1 Subclassing
+    When subclassing QAbstractListModel, you must provide implementations
+    of the rowCount() and data() functions. Well behaved models also provide
+    a headerData() implementation.
+    For editable list models, you must also provide an implementation of
+    setData(), implement the flags() function so that it returns a value
+    containing \l{Qt::ItemFlags}{Qt::ItemIsEditable}.
+    Note that QAbstractListModel provides a default implementation of
+    columnCount() that informs views that there is only a single column
+    of items in this model.
+    Models that provide interfaces to resizable list-like data structures
+    can provide implementations of insertRows() and removeRows(). When
+    implementing these functions, it is important to call the appropriate
+    functions so that all connected views are aware of any changes:
+    \list
+    \o An insertRows() implementation must call beginInsertRows()
+       \e before inserting new rows into the data structure, and it must
+       call endInsertRows() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \o A removeRows() implementation must call beginRemoveRows()
+       \e before the rows are removed from the data structure, and it must
+       call endRemoveRows() \e{immediately afterwards}.
+    \endlist
+    \note Some general guidelines for subclassing models are available in the
+    \l{Model Subclassing Reference}.
+    \sa {Model Classes}, {Model Subclassing Reference}, QAbstractItemView,
+        QAbstractTableModel, {Item Views Puzzle Example}
+    Constructs an abstract list model with the given \a parent.
+QAbstractListModel::QAbstractListModel(QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(parent)
+    \internal
+    Constructs an abstract list model with \a dd and the given \a parent.
+QAbstractListModel::QAbstractListModel(QAbstractItemModelPrivate &dd, QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(dd, parent)
+    Destroys the abstract list model.
+    \fn QModelIndex QAbstractListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const
+    Returns the index of the data in \a row and \a column with \a parent.
+    \sa parent()
+QModelIndex QAbstractListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    return hasIndex(row, column, parent) ? createIndex(row, column, 0) : QModelIndex();
+    Returns the parent of the model item with the given \a index.
+    \sa index() hasChildren()
+QModelIndex QAbstractListModel::parent(const QModelIndex & /* index */) const
+    return QModelIndex();
+    \internal
+    Returns the number of columns in the list with the given \a parent.
+    \sa rowCount()
+int QAbstractListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    return parent.isValid() ? 0 : 1;
+bool QAbstractListModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    return parent.isValid() ? false : (rowCount() > 0);
+    \typedef QModelIndexList
+    \relates QModelIndex
+    Synonym for QList<QModelIndex>.
+  \reimp
+bool QAbstractTableModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
+                                       int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    if (!data || !(action == Qt::CopyAction || action == Qt::MoveAction))
+        return false;
+    QStringList types = mimeTypes();
+    if (types.isEmpty())
+        return false;
+    QString format =;
+    if (!data->hasFormat(format))
+        return false;
+    QByteArray encoded = data->data(format);
+    QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+    // if the drop is on an item, replace the data in the items
+    if (parent.isValid() && row == -1 && column == -1) {
+        int top = INT_MAX;
+        int left = INT_MAX;
+        QVector<int> rows, columns;
+        QVector<QMap<int, QVariant> > data;
+        while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+            int r, c;
+            QMap<int, QVariant> v;
+            stream >> r >> c >> v;
+            rows.append(r);
+            columns.append(c);
+            data.append(v);
+            top = qMin(r, top);
+            left = qMin(c, left);
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+            int r = ( - top) + parent.row();
+            int c = ( - left) + parent.column();
+            if (hasIndex(r, c))
+                setItemData(index(r, c),;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    // otherwise insert new rows for the data
+    return decodeData(row, column, parent, stream);
+  \reimp
+bool QAbstractListModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action,
+                                      int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
+    if (!data || !(action == Qt::CopyAction || action == Qt::MoveAction))
+        return false;
+    QStringList types = mimeTypes();
+    if (types.isEmpty())
+        return false;
+    QString format =;
+    if (!data->hasFormat(format))
+        return false;
+    QByteArray encoded = data->data(format);
+    QDataStream stream(&encoded, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+    // if the drop is on an item, replace the data in the items
+    if (parent.isValid() && row == -1 && column == -1) {
+        int top = INT_MAX;
+        int left = INT_MAX;
+        QVector<int> rows, columns;
+        QVector<QMap<int, QVariant> > data;
+        while (!stream.atEnd()) {
+            int r, c;
+            QMap<int, QVariant> v;
+            stream >> r >> c >> v;
+            rows.append(r);
+            columns.append(c);
+            data.append(v);
+            top = qMin(r, top);
+            left = qMin(c, left);
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
+            int r = ( - top) + parent.row();
+            if ( == left && hasIndex(r, 0))
+                setItemData(index(r),;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (row == -1)
+        row = rowCount(parent);
+    // otherwise insert new rows for the data
+    return decodeData(row, column, parent, stream);
+    \fn QAbstractItemModel::modelAboutToBeReset()
+    \since 4.2
+    This signal is emitted when reset() is called, before the model's internal
+    state (e.g. persistent model indexes) has been invalidated.
+    \sa beginResetModel(), modelReset()
+    \fn QAbstractItemModel::modelReset()
+    \since 4.1
+    This signal is emitted when reset() is called, after the model's internal
+    state (e.g. persistent model indexes) has been invalidated.
+    \sa endResetModel(), modelAboutToBeReset()
+    \fn bool QModelIndex::operator<(const QModelIndex &other) const
+    \since 4.1
+    Returns true if this model index is smaller than the \a other
+    model index; otherwise returns false.
+    \fn uint qHash(const QPersistentModelIndex &index)
+    \since 4.5
+    Returns a hash of the QPersistentModelIndex
+ */
+    \internal
+    QHash::insertMulti insert the value before the old value. and find() return the new value.
+    We need insertMultiAtEnd because we don't want to overwrite the old one, which should be removed later
+    There should be only one instance QPersistentModelIndexData per index, but in some intermediate state there may be
+    severals of PersistantModelIndex pointing to the same index, but one is already updated, and the other one is not.
+    This make sure than when updating the first one we don't overwrite the second one in the hash, and the second one
+    will be updated right later.
+ */
+void QAbstractItemModelPrivate::Persistent::insertMultiAtEnd(const QModelIndex& key, QPersistentModelIndexData *data)
+    QHash<QModelIndex,QPersistentModelIndexData *>::iterator newIt =
+            indexes.insertMulti(key, data);
+    QHash<QModelIndex,QPersistentModelIndexData *>::iterator it = newIt + 1;
+    while (it != indexes.end() && it.key() == key) {
+        qSwap(*newIt,*it);
+        newIt = it;
+        ++it;
+    }