changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qs60style_simulated.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtGui of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qs60style.h"
+#include "qs60style_p.h"
+#include "qfile.h"
+#include "qhash.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qpainter.h"
+#include "qpicture.h"
+#include "qstyleoption.h"
+#include "qtransform.h"
+#include "qlayout.h"
+#include "qpixmapcache.h"
+#include "qmetaobject.h"
+#include "qdebug.h"
+#include "qbuffer.h"
+#include "qdesktopwidget.h"
+#if !defined(QT_NO_STYLE_S60) || defined(QT_PLUGIN)
+static const quint32 blobVersion = 1;
+static const int pictureSize = 256;
+#if defined(Q_CC_GNU)
+#if __GNUC__ >= 2
+#define __FUNCTION__ __func__
+bool saveThemeToBlob(const QString &themeBlob,
+    const QHash<QString, QPicture> &partPictures,
+    const QHash<QPair<QString, int>, QColor> &colors)
+    QFile blob(themeBlob);
+    if (! {
+        qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Could not create blob: " << themeBlob;
+        return false;
+    }
+    QByteArray data;
+    QBuffer dataBuffer(&data);
+    QDataStream dataOut(&dataBuffer);
+    const int colorsCount = colors.count();
+    dataOut << colorsCount;
+    const QList<QPair<QString, int> > colorKeys = colors.keys();
+    for (int i = 0; i < colorsCount; ++i) {
+        const QPair<QString, int> &key =;
+        dataOut << key;
+        const QColor color = colors.value(key);
+        dataOut << color;
+    }
+    const int picturesCount = partPictures.count();
+    dataOut << picturesCount;
+    foreach (const QString &key, partPictures.keys()) {
+        const QPicture picture = partPictures.value(key);
+        dataOut << key;
+        dataOut << picture;
+    }
+    QDataStream blobOut(&blob);
+    blobOut << blobVersion;
+    blobOut << qCompress(data);
+    return blobOut.status() == QDataStream::Ok;
+bool loadThemeFromBlob(const QString &themeBlob,
+    QHash<QString, QPicture> &partPictures,
+    QHash<QPair<QString, int>, QColor> &colors)
+    QFile blob(themeBlob);
+    if (! {
+        qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Could not read blob: " << themeBlob;
+        return false;
+    }
+    QDataStream blobIn(&blob);
+    quint32 version;
+    blobIn >> version;
+    if (version != blobVersion) {
+        qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Invalid blob version: " << version << " ...expected: " << blobVersion;
+        return false;
+    }
+    QByteArray data;
+    blobIn >> data;
+    data = qUncompress(data);
+    QBuffer dataBuffer(&data);
+    QDataStream dataIn(&dataBuffer);
+    int colorsCount;
+    dataIn >> colorsCount;
+    for (int i = 0; i < colorsCount; ++i) {
+        QPair<QString, int> key;
+        dataIn >> key;
+        QColor value;
+        dataIn >> value;
+        colors.insert(key, value);
+    }
+    int picturesCount;
+    dataIn >> picturesCount;
+    for (int i = 0; i < picturesCount; ++i) {
+        QString key;
+        dataIn >> key;
+        QPicture value;
+        dataIn >> value;
+        value.setBoundingRect(QRect(0, 0, pictureSize, pictureSize)); // Bug? The forced bounding rect was not deserialized.
+        partPictures.insert(key, value);
+    }
+    if (dataIn.status() != QDataStream::Ok) {
+        qWarning() << __FUNCTION__ << ": Invalid data blob: " << themeBlob;
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+class QS60StyleModeSpecifics
+    static QPixmap skinnedGraphics(QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts stylepart,
+        const QSize &size, QS60StylePrivate::SkinElementFlags flags);
+    static QHash<QString, QPicture> m_partPictures;
+    static QHash<QPair<QString , int>, QColor> m_colors;
+QHash<QString, QPicture> QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_partPictures;
+QHash<QPair<QString , int>, QColor> QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_colors;
+    setCurrentLayout(0);
+QColor QS60StylePrivate::s60Color(QS60StyleEnums::ColorLists list,
+    int index, const QStyleOption *option)
+    const QString listKey = QS60Style::colorListKeys().at(list);
+    return QS60StylePrivate::stateColor(
+        QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_colors.value(QPair<QString, int>(listKey, index)),
+        option
+    );
+QPixmap QS60StylePrivate::part(QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts part, const QSize &size,
+                               QS60StylePrivate::SkinElementFlags flags)
+    const QString partKey = QS60Style::partKeys().at(part);
+    const QPicture partPicture = QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_partPictures.value(partKey);
+    QSize partSize(partPicture.boundingRect().size());
+    if (flags & (SF_PointEast | SF_PointWest)) {
+        const int temp = partSize.width();
+        partSize.setWidth(partSize.height());
+        partSize.setHeight(temp);
+    }
+    const qreal scaleX = size.width() / (qreal)partSize.width();
+    const qreal scaleY = size.height() / (qreal)partSize.height();
+    QImage partImage(size, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
+    partImage.fill(Qt::transparent);
+    QPainter resultPainter(&partImage);
+    QTransform t;
+    if (flags & SF_PointEast)
+        t.translate(size.width(), 0);
+    else if (flags & SF_PointSouth)
+        t.translate(size.width(), size.height());
+    else if (flags & SF_PointWest)
+        t.translate(0, size.height());
+    t.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
+    if (flags & SF_PointEast)
+        t.rotate(90);
+    else if (flags & SF_PointSouth)
+        t.rotate(180);
+    else if (flags & SF_PointWest)
+        t.rotate(270);
+    resultPainter.setTransform(t, true);
+    const_cast<QPicture *>(&partPicture)->play(&resultPainter);
+    resultPainter.end();
+    QPixmap result = QPixmap::fromImage(partImage);
+    if (flags & SF_StateDisabled) {
+        QStyleOption opt;
+        QPalette *themePalette = QS60StylePrivate::themePalette();
+        if (themePalette)
+            opt.palette = *themePalette;
+        result = QApplication::style()->generatedIconPixmap(QIcon::Disabled, result, &opt);
+    }
+    return result;
+QPixmap QS60StylePrivate::frame(SkinFrameElements frame, const QSize &size,
+    SkinElementFlags flags)
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts center =        m_frameElementsData[frame].center;
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts topLeft =       QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 8);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts topRight =      QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 7);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts bottomLeft =    QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 6);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts bottomRight =   QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 5);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts top =           QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 4);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts bottom =        QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 3);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts left =          QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 2);
+    const QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts right =         QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts(center - 1);
+    // The size of topLeft defines all other sizes
+    const QSize cornerSize(partSize(topLeft));
+    // if frame is so small that corners would cover it completely, draw only center piece
+    const bool drawOnlyCenter =
+         2 * cornerSize.width() + 1 >= size.width() || 2 * cornerSize.height() + 1 >= size.height();
+    const int cornerWidth = cornerSize.width();
+    const int cornerHeight = cornerSize.height();
+    const int rectWidth = size.width();
+    const int rectHeight = size.height();
+    const QRect rect(QPoint(), size);
+    const QRect topLeftRect = QRect(rect.topLeft(), cornerSize);
+    const QRect topRect = rect.adjusted(cornerWidth, 0, -cornerWidth, -(rectHeight - cornerHeight));
+    const QRect topRightRect = topLeftRect.translated(rectWidth - cornerWidth, 0);
+    const QRect rightRect = rect.adjusted(rectWidth - cornerWidth, cornerHeight, 0, -cornerHeight);
+    const QRect bottomRightRect = topRightRect.translated(0, rectHeight - cornerHeight);
+    const QRect bottomRect = topRect.translated(0, rectHeight - cornerHeight);
+    const QRect bottomLeftRect = topLeftRect.translated(0, rectHeight - cornerHeight);
+    const QRect leftRect = rightRect.translated(cornerWidth - rectWidth, 0);
+    const QRect centerRect = drawOnlyCenter ? rect : rect.adjusted(cornerWidth, cornerWidth, -cornerWidth, -cornerWidth);
+    QPixmap result(size);
+    result.fill(Qt::transparent);
+    QPainter painter(&result);
+#if 0
+    painter.setOpacity(.3);
+    painter.fillRect(topLeftRect, Qt::red);
+    painter.fillRect(topRect, Qt::green);
+    painter.fillRect(topRightRect, Qt::blue);
+    painter.fillRect(rightRect, Qt::green);
+    painter.fillRect(bottomRightRect, Qt::red);
+    painter.fillRect(bottomRect, Qt::blue);
+    painter.fillRect(bottomLeftRect, Qt::green);
+    painter.fillRect(leftRect, Qt::blue);
+    painter.fillRect(centerRect, Qt::red);
+    painter.restore();
+    drawPart(topLeft, &painter, topLeftRect, flags);
+    drawPart(top, &painter, topRect, flags);
+    drawPart(topRight, &painter, topRightRect, flags);
+    drawPart(right, &painter, rightRect, flags);
+    drawPart(bottomRight, &painter, bottomRightRect, flags);
+    drawPart(bottom, &painter, bottomRect, flags);
+    drawPart(bottomLeft, &painter, bottomLeftRect, flags);
+    drawPart(left, &painter, leftRect, flags);
+    drawPart(center, &painter, centerRect, flags);
+    return result;
+void QS60StylePrivate::setStyleProperty_specific(const char *name, const QVariant &value)
+    setStyleProperty(name, value);
+QVariant QS60StylePrivate::styleProperty_specific(const char *name) const
+    return styleProperty(name);
+QPixmap QS60StylePrivate::backgroundTexture()
+    if (!m_background) {
+        const QSize size = QApplication::desktop()->screen()->size();
+        QPixmap background = part(QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnBgScreen, size);
+        m_background = new QPixmap(background);
+    }
+    return *m_background;
+QSize QS60StylePrivate::naviPaneSize()
+    return QSize(0, 0);
+bool QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported()
+    return !QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled();
+    return true;
+bool QS60StylePrivate::isToolBarBackground()
+    return true;
+QFont QS60StylePrivate::s60Font_specific(QS60StyleEnums::FontCategories fontCategory, int pointSize)
+    QFont result;
+    result.setPointSize(pointSize);
+    switch (fontCategory) {
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_Primary:
+            result.setBold(true);
+            break;
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_Secondary:
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_Title:
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_PrimarySmall:
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_Digital:
+        case QS60StyleEnums::FC_Undefined:
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return result;
+  Constructs a QS60Style object.
+    : QCommonStyle(*new QS60StylePrivate)
+    const QString defaultBlob = QString::fromLatin1(":/trolltech/styles/s60style/images/defaults60theme.blob");
+    if (QFile::exists(defaultBlob))
+        loadS60ThemeFromBlob(defaultBlob);
+    const int enumIndex = QS60StyleEnums::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("SkinParts");
+    Q_ASSERT(enumIndex >= 0);
+    const QMetaEnum metaEnum = QS60StyleEnums::staticMetaObject.enumerator(enumIndex);
+    for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); ++i) {
+        const QString enumKey = QString::fromLatin1(metaEnum.key(i));
+        QString partKey;
+        // Following loop does following conversions: "SP_QgnNoteInfo" to "qgn_note_info"...
+        for (int charPosition = 3; charPosition < enumKey.length(); charPosition++) {
+            if (charPosition > 3 && enumKey[charPosition].isUpper())
+                partKey.append(QChar::fromLatin1('_'));
+            partKey.append(enumKey[charPosition].toLower());
+        }
+        x->append(partKey);
+    }
+QStringList QS60Style::partKeys()
+    return *enumPartKeys();
+    const int enumIndex = QS60StyleEnums::staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("ColorLists");
+    Q_ASSERT(enumIndex >= 0);
+    const QMetaEnum metaEnum = QS60StyleEnums::staticMetaObject.enumerator(enumIndex);
+    for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
+        const QString enumKey = QString::fromLatin1(metaEnum.key(i));
+        // Following line does following conversions: CL_QsnTextColors to "text"...
+        x->append(enumKey.mid(6, enumKey.length() - 12).toLower());
+    }
+QStringList QS60Style::colorListKeys()
+    return *enumColorListKeys();
+void QS60Style::setS60Theme(const QHash<QString, QPicture> &parts,
+    const QHash<QPair<QString , int>, QColor> &colors)
+    Q_D(QS60Style);
+    QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_partPictures = parts;
+    QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_colors = colors;
+    d->clearCaches(QS60StylePrivate::CC_ThemeChange);
+    d->setBackgroundTexture(qApp);
+    d->setThemePalette(qApp);
+bool QS60Style::loadS60ThemeFromBlob(const QString &blobFile)
+    QHash<QString, QPicture> partPictures;
+    QHash<QPair<QString, int>, QColor> colors;
+    if (!loadThemeFromBlob(blobFile, partPictures, colors))
+        return false;
+    setS60Theme(partPictures, colors);
+    return true;
+bool QS60Style::saveS60ThemeToBlob(const QString &blobFile) const
+    return saveThemeToBlob(blobFile,
+        QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_partPictures, QS60StyleModeSpecifics::m_colors);
+QPoint qt_s60_fill_background_offset(const QWidget *targetWidget)
+    Q_UNUSED(targetWidget)
+    return QPoint();
+#endif // QT_NO_STYLE_S60 || QT_PLUGIN