changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qlinecontrol.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1779 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qlinecontrol_p.h"
+#include "qabstractitemview.h"
+#include "qclipboard.h"
+#include "qaccessible.h"
+#ifndef QT_NO_IM
+#include "qinputcontext.h"
+#include "qlist.h"
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qgraphicssceneevent.h"
+    \internal
+    Updates the display text based of the current edit text
+    If the text has changed will emit displayTextChanged()
+void QLineControl::updateDisplayText()
+    QString orig = m_textLayout.text();
+    QString str;
+    if (m_echoMode == QLineEdit::NoEcho)
+        str = QString::fromLatin1("");
+    else
+        str = m_text;
+    if (m_echoMode == QLineEdit::Password || (m_echoMode == QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit
+                && !m_passwordEchoEditing))
+        str.fill(m_passwordCharacter);
+    // replace certain non-printable characters with spaces (to avoid
+    // drawing boxes when using fonts that don't have glyphs for such
+    // characters)
+    QChar* uc =;
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int)str.length(); ++i) {
+        if ((uc[i] < 0x20 && uc[i] != 0x09)
+            || uc[i] == QChar::LineSeparator
+            || uc[i] == QChar::ParagraphSeparator
+            || uc[i] == QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter)
+            uc[i] = QChar(0x0020);
+    }
+    m_textLayout.setText(str);
+    QTextOption option;
+    option.setTextDirection(m_layoutDirection);
+    option.setFlags(QTextOption::IncludeTrailingSpaces);
+    m_textLayout.setTextOption(option);
+    m_textLayout.beginLayout();
+    QTextLine l = m_textLayout.createLine();
+    m_textLayout.endLayout();
+    m_ascent = qRound(l.ascent());
+    if (str != orig)
+        emit displayTextChanged(str);
+    \internal
+    Copies the currently selected text into the clipboard using the given
+    \a mode.
+    \note If the echo mode is set to a mode other than Normal then copy
+    will not work.  This is to prevent using copy as a method of bypassing
+    password features of the line control.
+void QLineControl::copy(QClipboard::Mode mode) const
+    QString t = selectedText();
+    if (!t.isEmpty() && m_echoMode == QLineEdit::Normal) {
+        disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, 0);
+        QApplication::clipboard()->setText(t, mode);
+        connect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged()),
+                   this, SLOT(_q_clipboardChanged()));
+    }
+    \internal
+    Inserts the text stored in the application clipboard into the line
+    control.
+    \sa insert()
+void QLineControl::paste()
+    insert(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Clipboard));
+#endif // !QT_NO_CLIPBOARD
+    \internal
+    Handles the behavior for the backspace key or function.
+    Removes the current selection if there is a selection, otherwise
+    removes the character prior to the cursor position.
+    \sa del()
+void QLineControl::backspace()
+    int priorState = m_undoState;
+    if (hasSelectedText()) {
+        removeSelectedText();
+    } else if (m_cursor) {
+            --m_cursor;
+            if (m_maskData)
+                m_cursor = prevMaskBlank(m_cursor);
+            QChar uc =;
+            if (m_cursor > 0 && uc.unicode() >= 0xdc00 && uc.unicode() < 0xe000) {
+                // second half of a surrogate, check if we have the first half as well,
+                // if yes delete both at once
+                uc = - 1);
+                if (uc.unicode() >= 0xd800 && uc.unicode() < 0xdc00) {
+                    internalDelete(true);
+                    --m_cursor;
+                }
+            }
+            internalDelete(true);
+    }
+    finishChange(priorState);
+    \internal
+    Handles the behavior for the delete key or function.
+    Removes the current selection if there is a selection, otherwise
+    removes the character after the cursor position.
+    \sa del()
+void QLineControl::del()
+    int priorState = m_undoState;
+    if (hasSelectedText()) {
+        removeSelectedText();
+    } else {
+        int n = m_textLayout.nextCursorPosition(m_cursor) - m_cursor;
+        while (n--)
+            internalDelete();
+    }
+    finishChange(priorState);
+    \internal
+    Inserts the given \a newText at the current cursor position.
+    If there is any selected text it is removed prior to insertion of
+    the new text.
+void QLineControl::insert(const QString &newText)
+    int priorState = m_undoState;
+    removeSelectedText();
+    internalInsert(newText);
+    finishChange(priorState);
+    \internal
+    Clears the line control text.
+void QLineControl::clear()
+    int priorState = m_undoState;
+    m_selstart = 0;
+    m_selend = m_text.length();
+    removeSelectedText();
+    separate();
+    finishChange(priorState, /*update*/false, /*edited*/false);
+    \internal
+    Sets \a length characters from the given \a start position as selected.
+    The given \a start position must be within the current text for
+    the line control.  If \a length characters cannot be selected, then
+    the selection will extend to the end of the current text.
+void QLineControl::setSelection(int start, int length)
+    if(start < 0 || start > (int)m_text.length()){
+        qWarning("QLineControl::setSelection: Invalid start position");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (length > 0) {
+        if (start == m_selstart && start + length == m_selend)
+            return;
+        m_selstart = start;
+        m_selend = qMin(start + length, (int)m_text.length());
+        m_cursor = m_selend;
+    } else {
+        if (start == m_selend && start + length == m_selstart)
+            return;
+        m_selstart = qMax(start + length, 0);
+        m_selend = start;
+        m_cursor = m_selstart;
+    }
+    emit selectionChanged();
+    emitCursorPositionChanged();
+void QLineControl::_q_clipboardChanged()
+void QLineControl::_q_deleteSelected()
+    if (!hasSelectedText())
+        return;
+    int priorState = m_undoState;
+    emit resetInputContext();
+    removeSelectedText();
+    separate();
+    finishChange(priorState);
+    \internal
+    Initializes the line control with a starting text value of \a txt.
+void QLineControl::init(const QString &txt)
+    m_text = txt;
+    updateDisplayText();
+    m_cursor = m_text.length();
+    \internal
+    Sets the password echo editing to \a editing.  If password echo editing
+    is true, then the text of the password is displayed even if the echo
+    mode is set to QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit.  Password echoing editing
+    does not affect other echo modes.
+void QLineControl::updatePasswordEchoEditing(bool editing)
+    m_passwordEchoEditing = editing;
+    updateDisplayText();
+    \internal
+    Returns the cursor position of the given \a x pixel value in relation
+    to the displayed text.  The given \a betweenOrOn specified what kind
+    of cursor position is requested.
+int QLineControl::xToPos(int x, QTextLine::CursorPosition betweenOrOn) const
+    return m_textLayout.lineAt(0).xToCursor(x, betweenOrOn);
+    \internal
+    Returns the bounds of the current cursor, as defined as a
+    between characters cursor.
+QRect QLineControl::cursorRect() const
+    QTextLine l = m_textLayout.lineAt(0);
+    int c = m_cursor;
+    if (m_preeditCursor != -1)
+        c += m_preeditCursor;
+    int cix = qRound(l.cursorToX(c));
+    int w = m_cursorWidth;
+    int ch = l.height() + 1;
+    return QRect(cix-5, 0, w+9, ch);
+    \internal
+    Fixes the current text so that it is valid given any set validators.
+    Returns true if the text was changed.  Otherwise returns false.
+bool QLineControl::fixup() // this function assumes that validate currently returns != Acceptable
+    if (m_validator) {
+        QString textCopy = m_text;
+        int cursorCopy = m_cursor;
+        m_validator->fixup(textCopy);
+        if (m_validator->validate(textCopy, cursorCopy) == QValidator::Acceptable) {
+            if (textCopy != m_text || cursorCopy != m_cursor)
+                internalSetText(textCopy, cursorCopy);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+    \internal
+    Moves the cursor to the given position \a pos.   If \a mark is true will
+    adjust the currently selected text.
+void QLineControl::moveCursor(int pos, bool mark)
+    if (pos != m_cursor) {
+        separate();
+        if (m_maskData)
+            pos = pos > m_cursor ? nextMaskBlank(pos) : prevMaskBlank(pos);
+    }
+    if (mark) {
+        int anchor;
+        if (m_selend > m_selstart && m_cursor == m_selstart)
+            anchor = m_selend;
+        else if (m_selend > m_selstart && m_cursor == m_selend)
+            anchor = m_selstart;
+        else
+            anchor = m_cursor;
+        m_selstart = qMin(anchor, pos);
+        m_selend = qMax(anchor, pos);
+        updateDisplayText();
+    } else {
+        internalDeselect();
+    }
+    m_cursor = pos;
+    if (mark || m_selDirty) {
+        m_selDirty = false;
+        emit selectionChanged();
+    }
+    emitCursorPositionChanged();
+    \internal
+    Applies the given input method event \a event to the text of the line
+    control
+void QLineControl::processInputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event)
+    int priorState = 0;
+    bool isGettingInput = !event->commitString().isEmpty() || !event->preeditString().isEmpty()
+            || event->replacementLength() > 0;
+    bool cursorPositionChanged = false;
+    if (isGettingInput) {
+        // If any text is being input, remove selected text.
+        priorState = m_undoState;
+        removeSelectedText();
+    }
+    int c = m_cursor; // cursor position after insertion of commit string
+    if (event->replacementStart() <= 0)
+        c += event->commitString().length() + qMin(-event->replacementStart(), event->replacementLength());
+    m_cursor += event->replacementStart();
+    // insert commit string
+    if (event->replacementLength()) {
+        m_selstart = m_cursor;
+        m_selend = m_selstart + event->replacementLength();
+        removeSelectedText();
+    }
+    if (!event->commitString().isEmpty()) {
+        insert(event->commitString());
+        cursorPositionChanged = true;
+    }
+    m_cursor = qMin(c, m_text.length());
+    for (int i = 0; i < event->attributes().size(); ++i) {
+        const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &a = event->attributes().at(i);
+        if (a.type == QInputMethodEvent::Selection) {
+            m_cursor = qBound(0, a.start + a.length, m_text.length());
+            if (a.length) {
+                m_selstart = qMax(0, qMin(a.start, m_text.length()));
+                m_selend = m_cursor;
+                if (m_selend < m_selstart) {
+                    qSwap(m_selstart, m_selend);
+                }
+            } else {
+                m_selstart = m_selend = 0;
+            }
+            cursorPositionChanged = true;
+        }
+    }
+    setPreeditArea(m_cursor, event->preeditString());
+    m_preeditCursor = event->preeditString().length();
+    m_hideCursor = false;
+    QList<QTextLayout::FormatRange> formats;
+    for (int i = 0; i < event->attributes().size(); ++i) {
+        const QInputMethodEvent::Attribute &a = event->attributes().at(i);
+        if (a.type == QInputMethodEvent::Cursor) {
+            m_preeditCursor = a.start;
+            m_hideCursor = !a.length;
+        } else if (a.type == QInputMethodEvent::TextFormat) {
+            QTextCharFormat f = qvariant_cast<QTextFormat>(a.value).toCharFormat();
+            if (f.isValid()) {
+                QTextLayout::FormatRange o;
+                o.start = a.start + m_cursor;
+                o.length = a.length;
+                o.format = f;
+                formats.append(o);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    m_textLayout.setAdditionalFormats(formats);
+    updateDisplayText();
+    if (cursorPositionChanged)
+        emitCursorPositionChanged();
+    if (isGettingInput)
+        finishChange(priorState);
+    \internal
+    Draws the display text for the line control using the given 
+    \a painter, \a clip, and \a offset.  Which aspects of the display text
+    are drawn is specified by the given \a flags.
+    If the flags contain DrawSelections, then the selection or input mask
+    backgrounds and foregrounds will be applied before drawing the text.
+    If the flags contain DrawCursor a cursor of the current cursorWidth()
+    will be drawn after drawing the text.
+    The display text will only be drawn if the flags contain DrawText
+void QLineControl::draw(QPainter *painter, const QPoint &offset, const QRect &clip, int flags)
+    QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> selections;
+    if (flags & DrawSelections) {
+        QTextLayout::FormatRange o;
+        if (m_selstart < m_selend) {
+            o.start = m_selstart;
+            o.length = m_selend - m_selstart;
+            o.format.setBackground(m_palette.brush(QPalette::Highlight));
+            o.format.setForeground(m_palette.brush(QPalette::HighlightedText));
+        } else {
+            // mask selection
+            o.start = m_cursor;
+            o.length = 1;
+            o.format.setBackground(m_palette.brush(QPalette::Text));
+            o.format.setForeground(m_palette.brush(QPalette::Window));
+        }
+        selections.append(o);
+    }
+    if (flags & DrawText)
+        m_textLayout.draw(painter, offset, selections, clip);
+    if (flags & DrawCursor){
+        if(!m_blinkPeriod || m_blinkStatus)
+            m_textLayout.drawCursor(painter, offset, m_cursor, m_cursorWidth);
+    }
+    \internal
+    Sets the selection to cover the word at the given cursor position.
+    The word boundries is defined by the behavior of QTextLayout::SkipWords
+    cursor mode.
+void QLineControl::selectWordAtPos(int cursor)
+    int c = m_textLayout.previousCursorPosition(cursor, QTextLayout::SkipWords);
+    moveCursor(c, false);
+    // ## text layout should support end of words.
+    int end = m_textLayout.nextCursorPosition(cursor, QTextLayout::SkipWords);
+    while (end > cursor && m_text[end-1].isSpace())
+        --end;
+    moveCursor(end, true);
+    \internal
+    Completes a change to the line control text.  If the change is not valid
+    will undo the line control state back to the given \a validateFromState.
+    If \a edited is true and the change is valid, will emit textEdited() in
+    addition to textChanged().  Otherwise only emits textChanged() on a valid
+    change.
+    The \a update value is currently unused.
+bool QLineControl::finishChange(int validateFromState, bool update, bool edited)
+    Q_UNUSED(update)
+    bool lineDirty = m_selDirty;
+    if (m_textDirty) {
+        // do validation
+        bool wasValidInput = m_validInput;
+        m_validInput = true;
+        if (m_validator) {
+            m_validInput = false;
+            QString textCopy = m_text;
+            int cursorCopy = m_cursor;
+            m_validInput = (m_validator->validate(textCopy, cursorCopy) != QValidator::Invalid);
+            if (m_validInput) {
+                if (m_text != textCopy) {
+                    internalSetText(textCopy, cursorCopy);
+                    return true;
+                }
+                m_cursor = cursorCopy;
+            }
+        }
+        if (validateFromState >= 0 && wasValidInput && !m_validInput) {
+            if (m_transactions.count())
+                return false;
+            internalUndo(validateFromState);
+            m_history.resize(m_undoState);
+            if (m_modifiedState > m_undoState)
+                m_modifiedState = -1;
+            m_validInput = true;
+            m_textDirty = false;
+        }
+        updateDisplayText();
+        lineDirty |= m_textDirty;
+        if (m_textDirty) {
+            m_textDirty = false;
+            QString actualText = text();
+            if (edited)
+                emit textEdited(actualText);
+            emit textChanged(actualText);
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_selDirty) {
+        m_selDirty = false;
+        emit selectionChanged();
+    }
+    emitCursorPositionChanged();
+    return true;
+    \internal
+    An internal function for setting the text of the line control.
+void QLineControl::internalSetText(const QString &txt, int pos, bool edited)
+    internalDeselect();
+    emit resetInputContext();
+    QString oldText = m_text;
+    if (m_maskData) {
+        m_text = maskString(0, txt, true);
+        m_text += clearString(m_text.length(), m_maxLength - m_text.length());
+    } else {
+        m_text = txt.isEmpty() ? txt : txt.left(m_maxLength);
+    }
+    m_history.clear();
+    m_modifiedState =  m_undoState = 0;
+    m_cursor = (pos < 0 || pos > m_text.length()) ? m_text.length() : pos;
+    m_textDirty = (oldText != m_text);
+    finishChange(-1, true, edited);
+    \internal
+    Adds the given \a command to the undo history
+    of the line control.  Does not apply the command.
+void QLineControl::addCommand(const Command &cmd)
+    if (m_separator && m_undoState && m_history[m_undoState - 1].type != Separator) {
+        m_history.resize(m_undoState + 2);
+        m_history[m_undoState++] = Command(Separator, m_cursor, 0, m_selstart, m_selend);
+    } else {
+        m_history.resize(m_undoState + 1);
+    }
+    m_separator = false;
+    m_history[m_undoState++] = cmd;
+    \internal
+    Inserts the given string \a s into the line
+    control.
+    Also adds the appropriate commands into the undo history.
+    This function does not call finishChange(), and may leave the text
+    in an invalid state.
+void QLineControl::internalInsert(const QString &s)
+    if (hasSelectedText())
+        addCommand(Command(SetSelection, m_cursor, 0, m_selstart, m_selend));
+    if (m_maskData) {
+        QString ms = maskString(m_cursor, s);
+        for (int i = 0; i < (int) ms.length(); ++i) {
+            addCommand (Command(DeleteSelection, m_cursor + i, + i), -1, -1));
+            addCommand(Command(Insert, m_cursor + i,, -1, -1));
+        }
+        m_text.replace(m_cursor, ms.length(), ms);
+        m_cursor += ms.length();
+        m_cursor = nextMaskBlank(m_cursor);
+        m_textDirty = true;
+    } else {
+        int remaining = m_maxLength - m_text.length();
+        if (remaining != 0) {
+            m_text.insert(m_cursor, s.left(remaining));
+            for (int i = 0; i < (int) s.left(remaining).length(); ++i)
+               addCommand(Command(Insert, m_cursor++,, -1, -1));
+            m_textDirty = true;
+        }
+    }
+    \internal
+    deletes a single character from the current text.  If \a wasBackspace,
+    the character prior to the cursor is removed.  Otherwise the character
+    after the cursor is removed.
+    Also adds the appropriate commands into the undo history.
+    This function does not call finishChange(), and may leave the text
+    in an invalid state.
+void QLineControl::internalDelete(bool wasBackspace)
+    if (m_cursor < (int) m_text.length()) {
+        if (hasSelectedText())
+            addCommand(Command(SetSelection, m_cursor, 0, m_selstart, m_selend));
+        addCommand(Command((CommandType)((m_maskData ? 2 : 0) + (wasBackspace ? Remove : Delete)),
+                   m_cursor,, -1, -1));
+        if (m_maskData) {
+            m_text.replace(m_cursor, 1, clearString(m_cursor, 1));
+            addCommand(Command(Insert, m_cursor,, -1, -1));
+        } else {
+            m_text.remove(m_cursor, 1);
+        }
+        m_textDirty = true;
+    }
+    \internal
+    removes the currently selected text from the line control.
+    Also adds the appropriate commands into the undo history.
+    This function does not call finishChange(), and may leave the text
+    in an invalid state.
+void QLineControl::removeSelectedText()
+    if (m_selstart < m_selend && m_selend <= (int) m_text.length()) {
+        separate();
+        int i ;
+        addCommand(Command(SetSelection, m_cursor, 0, m_selstart, m_selend));
+        if (m_selstart <= m_cursor && m_cursor < m_selend) {
+            // cursor is within the selection. Split up the commands
+            // to be able to restore the correct cursor position
+            for (i = m_cursor; i >= m_selstart; --i)
+                addCommand (Command(DeleteSelection, i,, -1, 1));
+            for (i = m_selend - 1; i > m_cursor; --i)
+                addCommand (Command(DeleteSelection, i - m_cursor + m_selstart - 1,, -1, -1));
+        } else {
+            for (i = m_selend-1; i >= m_selstart; --i)
+                addCommand (Command(RemoveSelection, i,, -1, -1));
+        }
+        if (m_maskData) {
+            m_text.replace(m_selstart, m_selend - m_selstart,  clearString(m_selstart, m_selend - m_selstart));
+            for (int i = 0; i < m_selend - m_selstart; ++i)
+                addCommand(Command(Insert, m_selstart + i, + i), -1, -1));
+        } else {
+            m_text.remove(m_selstart, m_selend - m_selstart);
+        }
+        if (m_cursor > m_selstart)
+            m_cursor -= qMin(m_cursor, m_selend) - m_selstart;
+        internalDeselect();
+        m_textDirty = true;
+    }
+    \internal
+    Parses the input mask specified by \a maskFields to generate
+    the mask data used to handle input masks.
+void QLineControl::parseInputMask(const QString &maskFields)
+    int delimiter = maskFields.indexOf(QLatin1Char(';'));
+    if (maskFields.isEmpty() || delimiter == 0) {
+        if (m_maskData) {
+            delete [] m_maskData;
+            m_maskData = 0;
+            m_maxLength = 32767;
+            internalSetText(QString());
+        }
+        return;
+    }
+    if (delimiter == -1) {
+        m_blank = QLatin1Char(' ');
+        m_inputMask = maskFields;
+    } else {
+        m_inputMask = maskFields.left(delimiter);
+        m_blank = (delimiter + 1 < maskFields.length()) ? maskFields[delimiter + 1] : QLatin1Char(' ');
+    }
+    // calculate m_maxLength / m_maskData length
+    m_maxLength = 0;
+    QChar c = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<m_inputMask.length(); i++) {
+        c =;
+        if (i > 0 && == QLatin1Char('\\')) {
+            m_maxLength++;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (c != QLatin1Char('\\') && c != QLatin1Char('!') &&
+             c != QLatin1Char('<') && c != QLatin1Char('>') &&
+             c != QLatin1Char('{') && c != QLatin1Char('}') &&
+             c != QLatin1Char('[') && c != QLatin1Char(']'))
+            m_maxLength++;
+    }
+    delete [] m_maskData;
+    m_maskData = new MaskInputData[m_maxLength];
+    MaskInputData::Casemode m = MaskInputData::NoCaseMode;
+    c = 0;
+    bool s;
+    bool escape = false;
+    int index = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < m_inputMask.length(); i++) {
+        c =;
+        if (escape) {
+            s = true;
+            m_maskData[index].maskChar = c;
+            m_maskData[index].separator = s;
+            m_maskData[index].caseMode = m;
+            index++;
+            escape = false;
+        } else if (c == QLatin1Char('<')) {
+                m = MaskInputData::Lower;
+        } else if (c == QLatin1Char('>')) {
+            m = MaskInputData::Upper;
+        } else if (c == QLatin1Char('!')) {
+            m = MaskInputData::NoCaseMode;
+        } else if (c != QLatin1Char('{') && c != QLatin1Char('}') && c != QLatin1Char('[') && c != QLatin1Char(']')) {
+            switch (c.unicode()) {
+            case 'A':
+            case 'a':
+            case 'N':
+            case 'n':
+            case 'X':
+            case 'x':
+            case '9':
+            case '0':
+            case 'D':
+            case 'd':
+            case '#':
+            case 'H':
+            case 'h':
+            case 'B':
+            case 'b':
+                s = false;
+                break;
+            case '\\':
+                escape = true;
+            default:
+                s = true;
+                break;
+            }
+            if (!escape) {
+                m_maskData[index].maskChar = c;
+                m_maskData[index].separator = s;
+                m_maskData[index].caseMode = m;
+                index++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    internalSetText(m_text);
+    \internal
+    checks if the key is valid compared to the inputMask
+bool QLineControl::isValidInput(QChar key, QChar mask) const
+    switch (mask.unicode()) {
+    case 'A':
+        if (key.isLetter())
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'a':
+        if (key.isLetter() || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'N':
+        if (key.isLetterOrNumber())
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'n':
+        if (key.isLetterOrNumber() || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'X':
+        if (key.isPrint())
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'x':
+        if (key.isPrint() || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case '9':
+        if (key.isNumber())
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case '0':
+        if (key.isNumber() || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'D':
+        if (key.isNumber() && key.digitValue() > 0)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'd':
+        if ((key.isNumber() && key.digitValue() > 0) || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case '#':
+        if (key.isNumber() || key == QLatin1Char('+') || key == QLatin1Char('-') || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'B':
+        if (key == QLatin1Char('0') || key == QLatin1Char('1'))
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'b':
+        if (key == QLatin1Char('0') || key == QLatin1Char('1') || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'H':
+        if (key.isNumber() || (key >= QLatin1Char('a') && key <= QLatin1Char('f')) || (key >= QLatin1Char('A') && key <= QLatin1Char('F')))
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case 'h':
+        if (key.isNumber() || (key >= QLatin1Char('a') && key <= QLatin1Char('f')) || (key >= QLatin1Char('A') && key <= QLatin1Char('F')) || key == m_blank)
+            return true;
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return false;
+    \internal
+    Returns true if the given text \a str is valid for any
+    validator or input mask set for the line control.
+    Otherwise returns false
+bool QLineControl::hasAcceptableInput(const QString &str) const
+    QString textCopy = str;
+    int cursorCopy = m_cursor;
+    if (m_validator && m_validator->validate(textCopy, cursorCopy)
+        != QValidator::Acceptable)
+        return false;
+    if (!m_maskData)
+        return true;
+    if (str.length() != m_maxLength)
+        return false;
+    for (int i=0; i < m_maxLength; ++i) {
+        if (m_maskData[i].separator) {
+            if ( != m_maskData[i].maskChar)
+                return false;
+        } else {
+            if (!isValidInput(, m_maskData[i].maskChar))
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+    \internal
+    Applies the inputMask on \a str starting from position \a pos in the mask. \a clear
+    specifies from where characters should be gotten when a separator is met in \a str - true means
+    that blanks will be used, false that previous input is used.
+    Calling this when no inputMask is set is undefined.
+QString QLineControl::maskString(uint pos, const QString &str, bool clear) const
+    if (pos >= (uint)m_maxLength)
+        return QString::fromLatin1("");
+    QString fill;
+    fill = clear ? clearString(0, m_maxLength) : m_text;
+    int strIndex = 0;
+    QString s = QString::fromLatin1("");
+    int i = pos;
+    while (i < m_maxLength) {
+        if (strIndex < str.length()) {
+            if (m_maskData[i].separator) {
+                s += m_maskData[i].maskChar;
+                if (str[(int)strIndex] == m_maskData[i].maskChar)
+                    strIndex++;
+                ++i;
+            } else {
+                if (isValidInput(str[(int)strIndex], m_maskData[i].maskChar)) {
+                    switch (m_maskData[i].caseMode) {
+                    case MaskInputData::Upper:
+                        s += str[(int)strIndex].toUpper();
+                        break;
+                    case MaskInputData::Lower:
+                        s += str[(int)strIndex].toLower();
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        s += str[(int)strIndex];
+                    }
+                    ++i;
+                } else {
+                    // search for separator first
+                    int n = findInMask(i, true, true, str[(int)strIndex]);
+                    if (n != -1) {
+                        if (str.length() != 1 || i == 0 || (i > 0 && (!m_maskData[i-1].separator || m_maskData[i-1].maskChar != str[(int)strIndex]))) {
+                            s += fill.mid(i, n-i+1);
+                            i = n + 1; // update i to find + 1
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        // search for valid m_blank if not
+                        n = findInMask(i, true, false, str[(int)strIndex]);
+                        if (n != -1) {
+                            s += fill.mid(i, n-i);
+                            switch (m_maskData[n].caseMode) {
+                            case MaskInputData::Upper:
+                                s += str[(int)strIndex].toUpper();
+                                break;
+                            case MaskInputData::Lower:
+                                s += str[(int)strIndex].toLower();
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                s += str[(int)strIndex];
+                            }
+                            i = n + 1; // updates i to find + 1
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                ++strIndex;
+            }
+        } else
+            break;
+    }
+    return s;
+    \internal
+    Returns a "cleared" string with only separators and blank chars.
+    Calling this when no inputMask is set is undefined.
+QString QLineControl::clearString(uint pos, uint len) const
+    if (pos >= (uint)m_maxLength)
+        return QString();
+    QString s;
+    int end = qMin((uint)m_maxLength, pos + len);
+    for (int i = pos; i < end; ++i)
+        if (m_maskData[i].separator)
+            s += m_maskData[i].maskChar;
+        else
+            s += m_blank;
+    return s;
+    \internal
+    Strips blank parts of the input in a QLineControl when an inputMask is set,
+    separators are still included. Typically "127.0__.0__.1__" becomes "".
+QString QLineControl::stripString(const QString &str) const
+    if (!m_maskData)
+        return str;
+    QString s;
+    int end = qMin(m_maxLength, (int)str.length());
+    for (int i = 0; i < end; ++i)
+        if (m_maskData[i].separator)
+            s += m_maskData[i].maskChar;
+        else
+            if (str[i] != m_blank)
+                s += str[i];
+    return s;
+    \internal
+    searches forward/backward in m_maskData for either a separator or a m_blank
+int QLineControl::findInMask(int pos, bool forward, bool findSeparator, QChar searchChar) const
+    if (pos >= m_maxLength || pos < 0)
+        return -1;
+    int end = forward ? m_maxLength : -1;
+    int step = forward ? 1 : -1;
+    int i = pos;
+    while (i != end) {
+        if (findSeparator) {
+            if (m_maskData[i].separator && m_maskData[i].maskChar == searchChar)
+                return i;
+        } else {
+            if (!m_maskData[i].separator) {
+                if (searchChar.isNull())
+                    return i;
+                else if (isValidInput(searchChar, m_maskData[i].maskChar))
+                    return i;
+            }
+        }
+        i += step;
+    }
+    return -1;
+void QLineControl::internalUndo(int until)
+    if (!isUndoAvailable())
+        return;
+    internalDeselect();
+    while (m_undoState && m_undoState > until) {
+        Command& cmd = m_history[--m_undoState];
+        switch (cmd.type) {
+        case Insert:
+            m_text.remove(cmd.pos, 1);
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        case SetSelection:
+            m_selstart = cmd.selStart;
+            m_selend = cmd.selEnd;
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        case Remove:
+        case RemoveSelection:
+            m_text.insert(cmd.pos, cmd.uc);
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos + 1;
+            break;
+        case Delete:
+        case DeleteSelection:
+            m_text.insert(cmd.pos, cmd.uc);
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        case Separator:
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (until < 0 && m_undoState) {
+            Command& next = m_history[m_undoState-1];
+            if (next.type != cmd.type && next.type < RemoveSelection
+                 && (cmd.type < RemoveSelection || next.type == Separator))
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    m_textDirty = true;
+    emitCursorPositionChanged();
+void QLineControl::internalRedo()
+    if (!isRedoAvailable())
+        return;
+    internalDeselect();
+    while (m_undoState < (int)m_history.size()) {
+        Command& cmd = m_history[m_undoState++];
+        switch (cmd.type) {
+        case Insert:
+            m_text.insert(cmd.pos, cmd.uc);
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos + 1;
+            break;
+        case SetSelection:
+            m_selstart = cmd.selStart;
+            m_selend = cmd.selEnd;
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        case Remove:
+        case Delete:
+        case RemoveSelection:
+        case DeleteSelection:
+            m_text.remove(cmd.pos, 1);
+            m_selstart = cmd.selStart;
+            m_selend = cmd.selEnd;
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        case Separator:
+            m_selstart = cmd.selStart;
+            m_selend = cmd.selEnd;
+            m_cursor = cmd.pos;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (m_undoState < (int)m_history.size()) {
+            Command& next = m_history[m_undoState];
+            if (next.type != cmd.type && cmd.type < RemoveSelection && next.type != Separator
+                 && (next.type < RemoveSelection || cmd.type == Separator))
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    m_textDirty = true;
+    emitCursorPositionChanged();
+    \internal
+    If the current cursor position differs from the last emited cursor
+    position, emits cursorPositionChanged().
+void QLineControl::emitCursorPositionChanged()
+    if (m_cursor != m_lastCursorPos) {
+        const int oldLast = m_lastCursorPos;
+        m_lastCursorPos = m_cursor;
+        cursorPositionChanged(oldLast, m_cursor);
+    }
+// iterating forward(dir=1)/backward(dir=-1) from the
+// current row based. dir=0 indicates a new completion prefix was set.
+bool QLineControl::advanceToEnabledItem(int dir)
+    int start = m_completer->currentRow();
+    if (start == -1)
+        return false;
+    int i = start + dir;
+    if (dir == 0) dir = 1;
+    do {
+        if (!m_completer->setCurrentRow(i)) {
+            if (!m_completer->wrapAround())
+                break;
+            i = i > 0 ? 0 : m_completer->completionCount() - 1;
+        } else {
+            QModelIndex currentIndex = m_completer->currentIndex();
+            if (m_completer->completionModel()->flags(currentIndex) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled)
+                return true;
+            i += dir;
+        }
+    } while (i != start);
+    m_completer->setCurrentRow(start); // restore
+    return false;
+void QLineControl::complete(int key)
+    if (!m_completer || isReadOnly() || echoMode() != QLineEdit::Normal)
+        return;
+    QString text = this->text();
+    if (m_completer->completionMode() == QCompleter::InlineCompletion) {
+        if (key == Qt::Key_Backspace)
+            return;
+        int n = 0;
+        if (key == Qt::Key_Up || key == Qt::Key_Down) {
+            if (textAfterSelection().length())
+                return;
+            QString prefix = hasSelectedText() ? textBeforeSelection()
+                : text;
+            if (>currentCompletion(), m_completer->caseSensitivity()) != 0
+                ||>completionPrefix(), m_completer->caseSensitivity()) != 0) {
+                m_completer->setCompletionPrefix(prefix);
+            } else {
+                n = (key == Qt::Key_Up) ? -1 : +1;
+            }
+        } else {
+            m_completer->setCompletionPrefix(text);
+        }
+        if (!advanceToEnabledItem(n))
+            return;
+    } else {
+        if (text.isEmpty()) {
+            m_completer->popup()->hide();
+            return;
+        }
+        m_completer->setCompletionPrefix(text);
+    }
+    m_completer->complete();
+void QLineControl::setCursorBlinkPeriod(int msec)
+    if (msec == m_blinkPeriod)
+        return;
+    if (m_blinkTimer) {
+        killTimer(m_blinkTimer);
+    }
+    if (msec) {
+        m_blinkTimer = startTimer(msec / 2);
+        m_blinkStatus = 1;
+    } else {
+        m_blinkTimer = 0;
+        if (m_blinkStatus == 1)
+            emit updateNeeded(inputMask().isEmpty() ? cursorRect() : QRect());
+    }
+    m_blinkPeriod = msec;
+void QLineControl::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
+    if (event->timerId() == m_blinkTimer) {
+        m_blinkStatus = !m_blinkStatus;
+        emit updateNeeded(inputMask().isEmpty() ? cursorRect() : QRect());
+    } else if (event->timerId() == m_deleteAllTimer) {
+        killTimer(m_deleteAllTimer);
+        m_deleteAllTimer = 0;
+        clear();
+    } else if (event->timerId() == m_tripleClickTimer) {
+        killTimer(m_tripleClickTimer);
+        m_tripleClickTimer = 0;
+    }
+bool QLineControl::processEvent(QEvent* ev)
+    if (QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled()) {
+        if ((ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) || (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)) {
+            QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *)ev;
+            if (ke->key() == Qt::Key_Back) {
+                if (ke->isAutoRepeat()) {
+                    // Swallow it. We don't want back keys running amok.
+                    ke->accept();
+                    return true;
+                }
+                if ((ev->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)
+                    && !isReadOnly()
+                    && m_deleteAllTimer) {
+                    killTimer(m_deleteAllTimer);
+                    m_deleteAllTimer = 0;
+                    backspace();
+                    ke->accept();
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    switch(ev->type()){
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:{
+               QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *gvEv = static_cast<QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent*>(ev);
+               QMouseEvent* mouse = new QMouseEvent(ev->type(),
+                    gvEv->pos().toPoint(), gvEv->button(), gvEv->buttons(), gvEv->modifiers());
+               processMouseEvent(mouse); break;
+        }
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
+        case QEvent::MouseMove:
+            processMouseEvent(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(ev)); break;
+        case QEvent::KeyPress:
+        case QEvent::KeyRelease:
+            processKeyEvent(static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(ev)); break;
+        case QEvent::InputMethod:
+            processInputMethodEvent(static_cast<QInputMethodEvent*>(ev)); break;
+        case QEvent::ShortcutOverride:{
+            QKeyEvent* ke = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(ev);
+            if (ke == QKeySequence::Copy
+                || ke == QKeySequence::Paste
+                || ke == QKeySequence::Cut
+                || ke == QKeySequence::Redo
+                || ke == QKeySequence::Undo
+                || ke == QKeySequence::MoveToNextWord
+                || ke == QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousWord
+                || ke == QKeySequence::MoveToStartOfDocument
+                || ke == QKeySequence::MoveToEndOfDocument
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectNextWord
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectPreviousWord
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectStartOfLine
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectEndOfLine
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectStartOfBlock
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectEndOfBlock
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectStartOfDocument
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectAll
+                || ke == QKeySequence::SelectEndOfDocument) {
+                ke->accept();
+            } else if (ke->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier || ke->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier
+                       || ke->modifiers() == Qt::KeypadModifier) {
+                if (ke->key() < Qt::Key_Escape) {
+                    ke->accept();
+                } else {
+                    switch (ke->key()) {
+                    case Qt::Key_Delete:
+                    case Qt::Key_Home:
+                    case Qt::Key_End:
+                    case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+                    case Qt::Key_Left:
+                    case Qt::Key_Right:
+                        ke->accept();
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        default:
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+void QLineControl::processMouseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
+    switch (ev->type()) {
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress:
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:{
+            if (m_tripleClickTimer
+                && (ev->pos() - m_tripleClick).manhattanLength()
+                    < QApplication::startDragDistance()) {
+                selectAll();
+                return;
+            }
+            if (ev->button() == Qt::RightButton)
+                return;
+            bool mark = ev->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier;
+            int cursor = xToPos(ev->pos().x());
+            moveCursor(cursor, mark);
+            break;
+        }
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick:
+            if (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
+                selectWordAtPos(xToPos(ev->pos().x()));
+                if (m_tripleClickTimer)
+                    killTimer(m_tripleClickTimer);
+                m_tripleClickTimer = startTimer(QApplication::doubleClickInterval());
+                m_tripleClick = ev->pos();
+            }
+            break;
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseRelease:
+        case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
+            if (QApplication::clipboard()->supportsSelection()) {
+                if (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
+                    copy(QClipboard::Selection);
+                } else if (!isReadOnly() && ev->button() == Qt::MidButton) {
+                    deselect();
+                    insert(QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Selection));
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case QEvent::GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
+        case QEvent::MouseMove:
+            if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
+                moveCursor(xToPos(ev->pos().x()), true);
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void QLineControl::processKeyEvent(QKeyEvent* event)
+    bool inlineCompletionAccepted = false;
+    if (m_completer) {
+        QCompleter::CompletionMode completionMode = m_completer->completionMode();
+        if ((completionMode == QCompleter::PopupCompletion
+             || completionMode == QCompleter::UnfilteredPopupCompletion)
+            && m_completer->popup()
+            && m_completer->popup()->isVisible()) {
+            // The following keys are forwarded by the completer to the widget
+            // Ignoring the events lets the completer provide suitable default behavior
+            switch (event->key()) {
+            case Qt::Key_Escape:
+                event->ignore();
+                return;
+            case Qt::Key_Enter:
+            case Qt::Key_Return:
+            case Qt::Key_F4:
+            case Qt::Key_Select:
+                if (!QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled())
+                    break;
+                m_completer->popup()->hide(); // just hide. will end up propagating to parent
+            default:
+                break; // normal key processing
+            }
+        } else if (completionMode == QCompleter::InlineCompletion) {
+            switch (event->key()) {
+            case Qt::Key_Enter:
+            case Qt::Key_Return:
+            case Qt::Key_F4:
+            case Qt::Key_Select:
+                if (!QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled())
+                    break;
+                if (!m_completer->currentCompletion().isEmpty() && hasSelectedText()
+                    && textAfterSelection().isEmpty()) {
+                    setText(m_completer->currentCompletion());
+                    inlineCompletionAccepted = true;
+                }
+            default:
+                break; // normal key processing
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#endif // QT_NO_COMPLETER
+    if (echoMode() == QLineEdit::PasswordEchoOnEdit
+        && !passwordEchoEditing()
+        && !isReadOnly()
+        && !event->text().isEmpty()
+        && event->key() != Qt::Key_Select
+        && event->key() != Qt::Key_Up
+        && event->key() != Qt::Key_Down
+        && event->key() != Qt::Key_Back
+        && !(event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) {
+        // Clear the edit and reset to normal echo mode while editing; the
+        // echo mode switches back when the edit loses focus
+        // ### resets current content.  dubious code; you can
+        // navigate with keys up, down, back, and select(?), but if you press
+        // "left" or "right" it clears?
+        updatePasswordEchoEditing(true);
+        clear();
+    }
+    if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || event->key() == Qt::Key_Return) {
+        if (hasAcceptableInput() || fixup()) {
+            emit accepted();
+            emit editingFinished();
+        }
+        if (inlineCompletionAccepted)
+            event->accept();
+        else
+            event->ignore();
+        return;
+    }
+    bool unknown = false;
+    if (false) {
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Undo) {
+        if (!isReadOnly())
+            undo();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Redo) {
+        if (!isReadOnly())
+            redo();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectAll) {
+        selectAll();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Copy) {
+        copy();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Paste) {
+        if (!isReadOnly())
+            paste();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Cut) {
+        if (!isReadOnly()) {
+            copy();
+            del();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::DeleteEndOfLine) {
+        if (!isReadOnly()) {
+            setSelection(cursor(), end());
+            copy();
+            del();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToStartOfLine) {
+        home(0);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToEndOfLine) {
+        end(0);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectStartOfLine) {
+        home(1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectEndOfLine) {
+        end(1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToNextChar) {
+#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(QT_NO_COMPLETER)
+        if (hasSelectedText()) {
+        if (hasSelectedText() && m_completer
+            && m_completer->completionMode() == QCompleter::InlineCompletion) {
+            moveCursor(selectionEnd(), false);
+        } else {
+            cursorForward(0, layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? 1 : -1);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectNextChar) {
+        cursorForward(1, layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? 1 : -1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousChar) {
+#if !defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(QT_NO_COMPLETER)
+        if (hasSelectedText()) {
+        if (hasSelectedText() && m_completer
+            && m_completer->completionMode() == QCompleter::InlineCompletion) {
+            moveCursor(selectionStart(), false);
+        } else {
+            cursorForward(0, layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? -1 : 1);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectPreviousChar) {
+        cursorForward(1, layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? -1 : 1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToNextWord) {
+        if (echoMode() == QLineEdit::Normal)
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? cursorWordForward(0) : cursorWordBackward(0);
+        else
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? end(0) : home(0);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousWord) {
+        if (echoMode() == QLineEdit::Normal)
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? cursorWordBackward(0) : cursorWordForward(0);
+        else if (!isReadOnly()) {
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? home(0) : end(0);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectNextWord) {
+        if (echoMode() == QLineEdit::Normal)
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? cursorWordForward(1) : cursorWordBackward(1);
+        else
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? end(1) : home(1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::SelectPreviousWord) {
+        if (echoMode() == QLineEdit::Normal)
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? cursorWordBackward(1) : cursorWordForward(1);
+        else
+            layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight ? home(1) : end(1);
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::Delete) {
+        if (!isReadOnly())
+            del();
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::DeleteEndOfWord) {
+        if (!isReadOnly()) {
+            cursorWordForward(true);
+            del();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (event == QKeySequence::DeleteStartOfWord) {
+        if (!isReadOnly()) {
+            cursorWordBackward(true);
+            del();
+        }
+    }
+#endif // QT_NO_SHORTCUT
+    else {
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+        if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Up || event->key() == Qt::Key_Down) {
+            Qt::KeyboardModifiers myModifiers = (event->modifiers() & ~Qt::KeypadModifier);
+            if (myModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+                if (myModifiers == (Qt::ControlModifier|Qt::ShiftModifier)
+                        || myModifiers == (Qt::AltModifier|Qt::ShiftModifier)
+                        || myModifiers == Qt::ShiftModifier) {
+                    event->key() == Qt::Key_Up ? home(1) : end(1);
+                }
+            } else {
+                if ((myModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier
+                     || myModifiers == Qt::AltModifier
+                     || myModifiers == Qt::NoModifier)) {
+                    event->key() == Qt::Key_Up ? home(0) : end(0);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) {
+            switch (event->key()) {
+            case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+                if (!isReadOnly()) {
+                    cursorWordBackward(true);
+                    del();
+                }
+                break;
+            case Qt::Key_Up:
+            case Qt::Key_Down:
+                complete(event->key());
+                break;
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+            case Qt::Key_E:
+                end(0);
+                break;
+            case Qt::Key_U:
+                if (!isReadOnly()) {
+                    setSelection(0, text().size());
+                    copy();
+                    del();
+                }
+            break;
+            default:
+                unknown = true;
+            }
+        } else { // ### check for *no* modifier
+            switch (event->key()) {
+            case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+                if (!isReadOnly()) {
+                    backspace();
+                    complete(Qt::Key_Backspace);
+                }
+                break;
+            case Qt::Key_Back:
+                if (QApplication::keypadNavigationEnabled() && !event->isAutoRepeat()
+                    && !isReadOnly()) {
+                    if (text().length() == 0) {
+                        setText(m_cancelText);
+                        if (passwordEchoEditing())
+                            updatePasswordEchoEditing(false);
+                        emit editFocusChange(false);
+                    } else if (!m_deleteAllTimer) {
+                        m_deleteAllTimer = startTimer(750);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    unknown = true;
+                }
+                break;
+            default:
+                unknown = true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_L || event->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_R) {
+        setLayoutDirection((event->key() == Qt::Key_Direction_L) ? Qt::LeftToRight : Qt::RightToLeft);
+        unknown = false;
+    }
+    if (unknown && !isReadOnly()) {
+        QString t = event->text();
+        if (!t.isEmpty() && {
+            insert(t);
+            complete(event->key());
+            event->accept();
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if (unknown)
+        event->ignore();
+    else
+        event->accept();