changeset 0 1918ee327afb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/plugins/phonon/qt7/	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+QT += opengl phonon
+TARGET = phonon_qt7
+DESTDIR = $$QT_BUILD_TREE/plugins/phonon_backend
+# The Quicktime framework is only awailable for 32-bit builds, so we
+# need to check for this before linking against it.
+# QMAKE_MAC_XARCH is not awailable on Tiger, but at the same time,
+# we never build for 64-bit architechtures on Tiger either:
+contains(QMAKE_MAC_XARCH, no) {
+    LIBS += -framework QuickTime
+} else {
+    LIBS += -Xarch_i386 -framework QuickTime -Xarch_ppc -framework QuickTime
+LIBS += -framework AppKit -framework AudioUnit \
+	-framework AudioToolbox -framework CoreAudio \
+	-framework QuartzCore -framework QTKit
+# Input
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/backend.h \
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/videowidget.h \
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/mediaobject.h \
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/quicktimevideoplayer.h \
+	   	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/backendheader.h \
+	   	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/medianodevideopart.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/medianodeevent.h  \
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/quicktimeaudioplayer.h \
+	   	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audionode.h  \
+		$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiograph.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiooutput.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/quicktimemetadata.h \
+	   	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiomixer.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiodevice.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/backendinfo.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audioconnection.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiopartoutput.h \
+	   	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/videoframe.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audiosplitter.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/audioeffects.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/quicktimestreamreader.h \
+	 	$$PHONON_QUICKTIME_DIR/mediaobjectaudionode.h 
+# HEADERS += objc_help.h videoeffect.h
+target.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/phonon_backend
+INSTALLS += target