changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/qt3support/tools/q3glist.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1270 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt3Support module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "q3glist.h"
+#include "q3gvector.h"
+#include "qdatastream.h"
+#include "q3valuelist.h"
+  \class Q3LNode
+  \reentrant
+  \brief The Q3LNode class is an internal class for the Q3PtrList template collection.
+  \internal
+  Q3LNode is a doubly-linked list node. It has three pointers:
+  \list 1
+  \i Pointer to the previous node.
+  \i Pointer to the next node.
+  \i Pointer to the actual data.
+  \endlist
+  It might sometimes be practical to have direct access to the list nodes
+  in a Q3PtrList, but it is seldom required.
+  Be very careful if you want to access the list nodes. The heap can
+  easily get corrupted if you make a mistake.
+  \sa Q3PtrList::currentNode(), Q3PtrList::removeNode(), Q3PtrList::takeNode()
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3LNode::getData()
+  Returns a pointer (\c void*) to the actual data in the list node.
+  \class Q3GList
+  \reentrant
+  \brief The Q3GList class is an internal class for implementing Qt collection classes.
+  \internal
+  Q3GList is a strictly internal class that acts as a base class for
+  several collection classes; Q3PtrList, Q3PtrQueue and Q3PtrStack.
+  Q3GList has some virtual functions that can be reimplemented to
+  customize the subclasses, namely compareItems(), read() and
+  write. Normally, you do not have to reimplement any of these
+  functions.  If you still want to reimplement them, see the QStrList
+  class (qstrlist.h) for an example.
+/* Internal helper class for Q3GList. Contains some optimization for
+   the typically case where only one iterators is activre on the list.
+ */
+class Q3GListIteratorList
+    Q3GListIteratorList()
+	: list(0), iterator(0) {
+    }
+    ~Q3GListIteratorList() {
+	notifyClear( true );
+	delete list;
+    }
+    void add( Q3GListIterator* i ) {
+	if ( !iterator ) {
+	    iterator = i;
+	} else if ( list ) {
+	    list->push_front( i );
+	} else {
+	    list = new Q3ValueList<Q3GListIterator*>;
+	    list->push_front( i );
+	}
+    }
+    void remove( Q3GListIterator* i ) {
+	if ( iterator == i ) {
+	    iterator = 0;
+	} else if ( list ) {
+	    list->remove( i );
+	    if ( list->isEmpty() ) {
+		delete list;
+		list = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    void notifyClear( bool zeroList ) {
+	if ( iterator ) {
+	    if ( zeroList )
+		iterator->list = 0;
+	    iterator->curNode = 0;
+	}
+	if ( list ) {
+	    for ( Q3ValueList<Q3GListIterator*>::Iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i ) {
+		if ( zeroList )
+		    (*i)->list = 0;
+		(*i)->curNode = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    void notifyRemove( Q3LNode* n, Q3LNode* curNode ) {
+	if ( iterator ) {
+	    if ( iterator->curNode == n )
+		iterator->curNode = curNode;
+	}
+	if ( list ) {
+	    for ( Q3ValueList<Q3GListIterator*>::Iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); ++i ) {
+		if ( (*i)->curNode == n )
+		    (*i)->curNode = curNode;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    Q3ValueList<Q3GListIterator*>* list;
+    Q3GListIterator* iterator;
+  Default implementation of virtual functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  Documented as Q3PtrList::compareItems().
+  Compares \a item1 with \a item2.
+int Q3GList::compareItems( Q3PtrCollection::Item item1, Q3PtrCollection::Item item2 )
+    return item1 != item2;			// compare pointers
+    \overload
+  Reads a collection/list item from the stream \a s and returns a reference
+  to the stream.
+  The default implementation sets \a item to 0.
+  \sa write()
+QDataStream &Q3GList::read( QDataStream &s, Q3PtrCollection::Item &item )
+    item = 0;
+    return s;
+    \overload
+  Writes a collection/list item to the stream \a s and
+  returns a reference to the stream.
+  The default implementation does nothing.
+  \sa read()
+QDataStream &Q3GList::write( QDataStream &s, Q3PtrCollection::Item ) const
+    return s;
+  Q3GList member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  Constructs an empty list.
+    firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
+    numNodes  = 0;
+    curIndex  = -1;
+    iterators = 0;				// initialize iterator list
+  Constructs a copy of \a list.
+Q3GList::Q3GList( const Q3GList & list )
+    : Q3PtrCollection( list )
+    firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
+    numNodes  = 0;
+    curIndex  = -1;
+    iterators = 0;				// initialize iterator list
+    Q3LNode *n = list.firstNode;
+    while ( n ) {				// copy all items from list
+	append( n->data );
+	n = n->next;
+    }
+  Removes all items from the list and destroys the list.
+    clear();
+    delete iterators;
+    // Workaround for GCC 2.7.* bug. Compiler constructs 'static' Q3GList
+    // instances twice on the same address and therefore tries to destruct
+    // twice on the same address! This is insane but let's try not to crash
+    // here.
+    iterators = 0;
+  Assigns \a list to this list.
+Q3GList& Q3GList::operator=( const Q3GList &list )
+    if ( &list == this )
+	return *this;
+    clear();
+    if ( list.count() > 0 ) {
+	Q3LNode *n = list.firstNode;
+	while ( n ) {				// copy all items from list
+	    append( n->data );
+	    n = n->next;
+	}
+	curNode	 = firstNode;
+	curIndex = 0;
+    }
+    return *this;
+  Compares this list with \a list. Returns true if the lists
+  contain the same data, otherwise false.
+bool Q3GList::operator==( const Q3GList &list ) const
+    if ( count() != list.count() )
+	return false;
+    if ( count() == 0 )
+	return true;
+    Q3LNode *n1 = firstNode;
+    Q3LNode *n2 = list.firstNode;
+    while ( n1 && n2 ) {
+	// should be mutable
+	if ( ( (Q3GList*)this )->compareItems( n1->data, n2->data ) != 0 )
+	    return false;
+	n1 = n1->next;
+	n2 = n2->next;
+    }
+    return true;
+  \fn uint Q3GList::count() const
+  Returns the number of items in the list.
+  Returns the node at position \a index.  Sets this node to current.
+Q3LNode *Q3GList::locate( uint index )
+    if ( index == (uint)curIndex )		// current node ?
+	return curNode;
+    if ( !curNode && firstNode ) {		// set current node
+	curNode	 = firstNode;
+	curIndex = 0;
+    }
+    register Q3LNode *node;
+    int	 distance = index - curIndex;		// node distance to cur node
+    bool forward;				// direction to traverse
+    if ( index >= numNodes )
+	return 0;
+    if ( distance < 0 )
+	distance = -distance;
+    if ( (uint)distance < index && (uint)distance < numNodes - index ) {
+	node =	curNode;			// start from current node
+	forward = index > (uint)curIndex;
+    } else if ( index < numNodes - index ) {	// start from first node
+	node = firstNode;
+	distance = index;
+	forward = true;
+    } else {					// start from last node
+	node = lastNode;
+	distance = numNodes - index - 1;
+	if ( distance < 0 )
+	    distance = 0;
+	forward = false;
+    }
+    if ( forward ) {				// now run through nodes
+	while ( distance-- )
+	    node = node->next;
+    } else {
+	while ( distance-- )
+	    node = node->prev;
+    }
+    curIndex = index;				// must update index
+    return curNode = node;
+  Inserts item \a d at its sorted position in the list.
+void Q3GList::inSort( Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    int index = 0;
+    register Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    while ( n && compareItems(n->data,d) < 0 ){ // find position in list
+	n = n->next;
+	index++;
+    }
+    insertAt( index, d );
+  Inserts item \a d at the start of the list.
+void Q3GList::prepend( Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    register Q3LNode *n = new Q3LNode( newItem(d) );
+    Q_CHECK_PTR( n );
+    n->prev = 0;
+    if ( (n->next = firstNode) )		// list is not empty
+	firstNode->prev = n;
+    else					// initialize list
+	lastNode = n;
+    firstNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
+    numNodes++;
+    curIndex = 0;
+  Inserts item \a d at the end of the list.
+void Q3GList::append( Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    register Q3LNode *n = new Q3LNode( newItem(d) );
+    Q_CHECK_PTR( n );
+    n->next = 0;
+    if ( (n->prev = lastNode) )			// list is not empty
+	lastNode->next = n;
+    else					// initialize list
+	firstNode = n;
+    lastNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
+    curIndex = numNodes;
+    numNodes++;
+  Inserts item \a d at position \a index in the list.
+bool Q3GList::insertAt( uint index, Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    if ( index == 0 ) {
+	prepend( d );
+	return true;
+    } else if ( index == numNodes ) {
+	append( d );
+	return true;
+    }
+    Q3LNode *nextNode = locate( index );
+    if ( !nextNode )
+	return false;
+    Q3LNode *prevNode = nextNode->prev;
+    register Q3LNode *n = new Q3LNode( newItem(d) );
+    Q_CHECK_PTR( n );
+    nextNode->prev = n;
+    prevNode->next = n;
+    n->prev = prevNode;				// link new node into list
+    n->next = nextNode;
+    curNode = n;				// curIndex set by locate()
+    numNodes++;
+    return true;
+  Relinks node \a n and makes it the first node in the list.
+void Q3GList::relinkNode( Q3LNode *n )
+    if ( n == firstNode )			// already first
+	return;
+    curNode = n;
+    unlink();
+    n->prev = 0;
+    if ( (n->next = firstNode) )		// list is not empty
+	firstNode->prev = n;
+    else					// initialize list
+	lastNode = n;
+    firstNode = curNode = n;			// curNode affected
+    numNodes++;
+    curIndex = 0;
+  Unlinks the current list node and returns a pointer to this node.
+Q3LNode *Q3GList::unlink()
+    if ( curNode == 0 )				// null current node
+	return 0;
+    register Q3LNode *n = curNode;		// unlink this node
+    if ( n == firstNode ) {			// removing first node ?
+	if ( (firstNode = n->next) ) {
+	    firstNode->prev = 0;
+	} else {
+	    lastNode = curNode = 0;		// list becomes empty
+	    curIndex = -1;
+	}
+    } else {
+	if ( n == lastNode ) {			// removing last node ?
+	    lastNode = n->prev;
+	    lastNode->next = 0;
+	} else {				// neither last nor first node
+	    n->prev->next = n->next;
+	    n->next->prev = n->prev;
+	}
+    }
+    if ( n->next ) {                            // change current node
+        curNode = n->next;
+    } else if ( n->prev ) {
+        curNode = n->prev;
+        curIndex--;
+    }
+    if ( iterators )
+	iterators->notifyRemove( n, curNode );
+    numNodes--;
+    return n;
+  Removes the node \a n from the list.
+bool Q3GList::removeNode( Q3LNode *n )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+    if ( n == 0 || (n->prev && n->prev->next != n) ||
+	 (n->next && n->next->prev != n) ) {
+	qWarning( "Q3GList::removeNode: Corrupted node" );
+	return false;
+    }
+    curNode = n;
+    unlink();					// unlink node
+    deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate this node
+    delete n;
+    curNode  = firstNode;
+    curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
+    return true;
+  Removes the item \a d from the list.	Uses compareItems() to find the item.
+  If \a d is 0, removes the current item.
+bool Q3GList::remove( Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    if ( d && find(d) == -1 )
+	return false;
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();
+    if ( !n )
+	return false;
+    deleteItem( n->data );
+    delete n;
+    return true;
+  Removes the item \a d from the list.
+bool Q3GList::removeRef( Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    if ( findRef(d) == -1 )
+	return false;
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();
+    if ( !n )
+	return false;
+    deleteItem( n->data );
+    delete n;
+    return true;
+  \fn bool Q3GList::removeFirst()
+  Removes the first item in the list.
+  \fn bool Q3GList::removeLast()
+  Removes the last item in the list.
+  Removes the item at position \a index from the list.
+bool Q3GList::removeAt( uint index )
+    if ( !locate(index) )
+	return false;
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();
+    if ( !n )
+	return false;
+    deleteItem( n->data );
+    delete n;
+    return true;
+  Replaces the item at index \a index with \a d.
+bool Q3GList::replaceAt( uint index, Q3PtrCollection::Item d )
+    Q3LNode *n = locate( index );
+    if ( !n )
+	return false;
+    if ( n->data != d ) {
+	deleteItem( n->data );
+	n->data = newItem( d );
+    }
+    return true;
+  Takes the node \a n out of the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::takeNode( Q3LNode *n )
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+    if ( n == 0 || (n->prev && n->prev->next != n) ||
+	 (n->next && n->next->prev != n) ) {
+	qWarning( "Q3GList::takeNode: Corrupted node" );
+	return 0;
+    }
+    curNode = n;
+    unlink();					// unlink node
+    Item d = n->data;
+    delete n;					// delete the node, not data
+    curNode  = firstNode;
+    curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
+    return d;
+  Takes the current item out of the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::take()
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
+    Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
+    delete n;					// delete node, keep contents
+    return d;
+  Takes the item at position \a index out of the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::takeAt( uint index )
+    if ( !locate(index) )
+	return 0;
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
+    Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
+    delete n;					// delete node, keep contents
+    return d;
+  Takes the first item out of the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::takeFirst()
+    first();
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
+    Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
+    delete n;
+    return d;
+  Takes the last item out of the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::takeLast()
+    last();
+    Q3LNode *n = unlink();			// unlink node
+    Item d = n ? n->data : 0;
+    delete n;
+    return d;
+  Removes all items from the list.
+void Q3GList::clear()
+    register Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    firstNode = lastNode = curNode = 0;		// initialize list
+    numNodes = 0;
+    curIndex = -1;
+    if ( iterators )
+	iterators->notifyClear( false );
+    Q3LNode *prevNode;
+    while ( n ) {				// for all nodes ...
+	deleteItem( n->data );			// deallocate data
+	prevNode = n;
+	n = n->next;
+	delete prevNode;			// deallocate node
+    }
+  Finds item \a d in the list. If \a fromStart is true the search
+  begins at the first node; otherwise it begins at the current node.
+int Q3GList::findRef( Q3PtrCollection::Item d, bool fromStart )
+    register Q3LNode *n;
+    int	     index;
+    if ( fromStart ) {				// start from first node
+	n = firstNode;
+	index = 0;
+    } else {					// start from current node
+	n = curNode;
+	index = curIndex;
+    }
+    while ( n && n->data != d ) {		// find exact match
+	n = n->next;
+	index++;
+    }
+    curNode = n;
+    curIndex = n ? index : -1;
+    return curIndex;				// return position of item
+  Finds item \a d in the list using compareItems(). If \a fromStart is
+  true the search begins at the first node; otherwise it begins at the
+  current node.
+int Q3GList::find( Q3PtrCollection::Item d, bool fromStart )
+    register Q3LNode *n;
+    int	     index;
+    if ( fromStart ) {				// start from first node
+	n = firstNode;
+	index = 0;
+    } else {					// start from current node
+	n = curNode;
+	index = curIndex;
+    }
+    while ( n && compareItems(n->data,d) ){	// find equal match
+	n = n->next;
+	index++;
+    }
+    curNode = n;
+    curIndex = n ? index : -1;
+    return curIndex;				// return position of item
+  Counts the number item \a d occurs in the list.
+uint Q3GList::containsRef( Q3PtrCollection::Item d ) const
+    register Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    uint     count = 0;
+    while ( n ) {				// for all nodes...
+	if ( n->data == d )			// count # exact matches
+	    count++;
+	n = n->next;
+    }
+    return count;
+  Counts the number of times item \a d occurs in the list. Uses
+  compareItems().
+uint Q3GList::contains( Q3PtrCollection::Item d ) const
+    register Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    uint     count = 0;
+    Q3GList  *that = (Q3GList*)this;		// mutable for compareItems()
+    while ( n ) {				// for all nodes...
+	if ( !that->compareItems(n->data,d) )	// count # equal matches
+	    count++;
+	n = n->next;
+    }
+    return count;
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::at( uint index )
+  \overload
+  Sets the item at position \a index to the current item.
+  \fn int Q3GList::at() const
+  Returns the current index.
+  \fn Q3LNode *Q3GList::currentNode() const
+  Returns the current node.
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::get() const
+  Returns the current item.
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::cfirst() const
+  Returns the first item in the list.
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::clast() const
+  Returns the last item in the list.
+  Returns the first list item.	Sets this to current.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::first()
+    if ( firstNode ) {
+	curIndex = 0;
+	return (curNode=firstNode)->data;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  Returns the last list item.  Sets this to current.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::last()
+    if ( lastNode ) {
+	curIndex = numNodes-1;
+	return (curNode=lastNode)->data;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  Returns the next list item (after current).  Sets this to current.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::next()
+    if ( curNode ) {
+	if ( curNode->next ) {
+	    curIndex++;
+	    curNode = curNode->next;
+	    return curNode->data;
+	}
+	curIndex = -1;
+	curNode = 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  Returns the previous list item (before current).  Sets this to current.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GList::prev()
+    if ( curNode ) {
+	if ( curNode->prev ) {
+	    curIndex--;
+	    curNode = curNode->prev;
+	    return curNode->data;
+	}
+	curIndex = -1;
+	curNode = 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  Converts the list to a vector, \a vector.
+void Q3GList::toVector( Q3GVector *vector ) const
+    vector->clear();
+    if ( !vector->resize( count() ) )
+	return;
+    register Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    uint i = 0;
+    while ( n ) {
+	vector->insert( i, n->data );
+	n = n->next;
+	i++;
+    }
+void Q3GList::heapSortPushDown( Q3PtrCollection::Item* heap, int first, int last )
+    int r = first;
+    while( r <= last/2 ) {
+	// Node r has only one child ?
+	if ( last == 2*r ) {
+	    // Need for swapping ?
+	    if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r ] ) > 0 ) {
+		Q3PtrCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
+		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r ];
+		heap[ 2*r ] = tmp;
+	    }
+	    // That's it ...
+	    r = last;
+	} else {
+	    // Node has two children
+	    if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r ] ) > 0 &&
+		 compareItems( heap[ 2*r ], heap[ 2*r+1 ] ) <= 0 ) {
+		// Swap with left child
+		Q3PtrCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
+		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r ];
+		heap[ 2*r ] = tmp;
+		r *= 2;
+	    } else if ( compareItems( heap[r], heap[ 2*r+1 ] ) > 0 &&
+			compareItems( heap[ 2*r+1 ], heap[ 2*r ] ) < 0 ) {
+		// Swap with right child
+		Q3PtrCollection::Item tmp = heap[r];
+		heap[ r ] = heap[ 2*r+1 ];
+		heap[ 2*r+1 ] = tmp;
+		r = 2*r+1;
+	    } else {
+		// We are done
+		r = last;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+/*! Sorts the list by the result of the virtual compareItems() function.
+  The Heap-Sort algorithm is used for sorting.  It sorts n items with
+  O(n*log n) compares.  This is the asymptotic optimal solution of the
+  sorting problem.
+void Q3GList::sort()
+    uint n = count();
+    if ( n < 2 )
+	return;
+    // Create the heap
+    Q3PtrCollection::Item* realheap = new Q3PtrCollection::Item[ n ];
+    // Wow, what a fake. But I want the heap to be indexed as 1...n
+    Q3PtrCollection::Item* heap = realheap - 1;
+    int size = 0;
+    Q3LNode* insert = firstNode;
+    for( ; insert != 0; insert = insert->next ) {
+	heap[++size] = insert->data;
+	int i = size;
+	while( i > 1 && compareItems( heap[i], heap[ i / 2 ] ) < 0 ) {
+	    Q3PtrCollection::Item tmp = heap[ i ];
+	    heap[ i ] = heap[ i/2 ];
+	    heap[ i/2 ] = tmp;
+	    i /= 2;
+	}
+    }
+    insert = firstNode;
+    // Now do the sorting
+    for ( int i = n; i > 0; i-- ) {
+	insert->data = heap[1];
+	insert = insert->next;
+	if ( i > 1 ) {
+	    heap[1] = heap[i];
+	    heapSortPushDown( heap, 1, i - 1 );
+	}
+    }
+    delete [] realheap;
+  Q3GList stream functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, Q3GList &list )
+{						// read list
+    return s );
+QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const Q3GList &list )
+{						// write list
+    return list.write( s );
+  Reads a list from the stream \a s.
+QDataStream &Q3GList::read( QDataStream &s )
+    uint num;
+    s >> num;					// read number of items
+    clear();					// clear list
+    while ( num-- ) {				// read all items
+	Item d;
+	read( s, d );
+	Q_CHECK_PTR( d );
+	if ( !d )				// no memory
+	    break;
+	Q3LNode *n = new Q3LNode( d );
+	Q_CHECK_PTR( n );
+	if ( !n )				// no memory
+	    break;
+	n->next = 0;
+	if ( (n->prev = lastNode) )		// list is not empty
+	    lastNode->next = n;
+	else					// initialize list
+	    firstNode = n;
+	lastNode = n;
+	numNodes++;
+    }
+    curNode  = firstNode;
+    curIndex = curNode ? 0 : -1;
+    return s;
+  Writes the list to the stream \a s.
+QDataStream &Q3GList::write( QDataStream &s ) const
+    s << count();				// write number of items
+    Q3LNode *n = firstNode;
+    while ( n ) {				// write all items
+	write( s, n->data );
+	n = n->next;
+    }
+    return s;
+/*! \internal
+ */
+Q3LNode* Q3GList::erase( Q3LNode* it )
+    Q3LNode* n = it;
+    it = it->next;
+    removeNode( n );
+    return it;
+  Q3GListIterator member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+  \class Q3GListIterator
+  \reentrant
+  \brief The Q3GListIterator class is an internal class for implementing Q3PtrListIterator.
+  \internal
+  Q3GListIterator is a strictly internal class that does the heavy work for
+  Q3PtrListIterator.
+  \internal
+  Constructs an iterator that operates on the list \a l.
+Q3GListIterator::Q3GListIterator( const Q3GList &l )
+    list = (Q3GList *)&l;			// get reference to list
+    curNode = list->firstNode;			// set to first node
+    if ( !list->iterators ) {
+	list->iterators = new Q3GListIteratorList;		// create iterator list
+	Q_CHECK_PTR( list->iterators );
+    }
+    list->iterators->add( this );		// attach iterator to list
+  \internal
+  Constructs a copy of the iterator \a it.
+Q3GListIterator::Q3GListIterator( const Q3GListIterator &it )
+    list = it.list;
+    curNode = it.curNode;
+    if ( list )
+	list->iterators->add( this );	// attach iterator to list
+  \internal
+  Assigns a copy of the iterator \a it and returns a reference to this
+  iterator.
+Q3GListIterator &Q3GListIterator::operator=( const Q3GListIterator &it )
+    if ( list )					// detach from old list
+	list->iterators->remove( this );
+    list = it.list;
+    curNode = it.curNode;
+    if ( list )
+	list->iterators->add( this );	// attach to new list
+    return *this;
+  \internal
+  Destroys the iterator.
+    if ( list )					// detach iterator from list
+	list->iterators->remove(this);
+  \fn bool Q3GListIterator::atFirst() const
+  \internal
+  Returns true if the iterator points to the first item, otherwise false.
+  \fn bool Q3GListIterator::atLast() const
+  \internal
+  Returns true if the iterator points to the last item, otherwise false.
+  \internal
+  Sets the list iterator to point to the first item in the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::toFirst()
+    if ( !list ) {
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+	qWarning( "Q3GListIterator::toFirst: List has been deleted" );
+	return 0;
+    }
+    return list->firstNode ? (curNode = list->firstNode)->getData() : 0;
+  \internal
+  Sets the list iterator to point to the last item in the list.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::toLast()
+    if ( !list ) {
+#if defined(QT_CHECK_NULL)
+	qWarning( "Q3GListIterator::toLast: List has been deleted" );
+	return 0;
+    }
+    return list->lastNode ? (curNode = list->lastNode)->getData() : 0;
+  \fn Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::get() const
+  \internal
+  Returns the iterator item.
+  \internal
+  Moves to the next item (postfix).
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::operator()()
+    if ( !curNode )
+	return 0;
+    Q3PtrCollection::Item d = curNode->getData();
+    curNode = curNode->next;
+    return  d;
+  \internal
+  Moves to the next item (prefix).
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::operator++()
+    if ( !curNode )
+	return 0;
+    curNode = curNode->next;
+    return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
+  \internal
+  Moves \a jumps positions forward.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::operator+=( uint jumps )
+    while ( curNode && jumps-- )
+	curNode = curNode->next;
+    return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
+  \internal
+  Moves to the previous item (prefix).
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::operator--()
+    if ( !curNode )
+	return 0;
+    curNode = curNode->prev;
+    return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;
+  \internal
+  Moves \a jumps positions backward.
+Q3PtrCollection::Item Q3GListIterator::operator-=( uint jumps )
+    while ( curNode && jumps-- )
+	curNode = curNode->prev;
+    return curNode ? curNode->getData() : 0;