changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qtcpsocket/tst_qtcpsocket.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2400 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+// Just to get Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+#include <qglobal.h>
+#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+#include <winsock2.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#define SOCKET int
+#define INVALID_SOCKET -1
+#include <qplatformdefs.h>
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QAuthenticator>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QEventLoop>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QHostAddress>
+#include <QHostInfo>
+#include <QMap>
+#ifndef Q_OS_VXWORKS
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include <QPointer>
+#include <QProcess>
+#include <QStringList>
+#include <QTcpServer>
+#include <QTcpSocket>
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+#include <QSslSocket>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QThread>
+#include <QTime>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QDebug>
+// RVCT compiles also unused inline methods
+# include <QNetworkProxy>
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "../network-settings.h"
+class tst_QTcpSocket : public QObject
+    tst_QTcpSocket();
+    virtual ~tst_QTcpSocket();
+    static void enterLoop(int secs)
+    {
+        ++loopLevel;
+        QTestEventLoop::instance().enterLoop(secs);
+        --loopLevel;
+    }
+    static void exitLoop()
+    {
+        // Safe exit - if we aren't in an event loop, don't
+        // exit one.
+        if (loopLevel > 0)
+            QTestEventLoop::instance().exitLoop();
+    }
+    static bool timeout()
+    {
+        return QTestEventLoop::instance().timeout();
+    }
+public slots:
+    void initTestCase_data();
+    void init();
+    void cleanup();
+private slots:
+    void constructing();
+    void setInvalidSocketDescriptor();
+    void setSocketDescriptor();
+    void socketDescriptor();
+    void blockingIMAP();
+    void nonBlockingIMAP();
+    void hostNotFound();
+    void timeoutConnect();
+    void delayedClose();
+    void partialRead();
+    void unget();
+    void readAllAfterClose();
+    void openCloseOpenClose();
+    void connectDisconnectConnectDisconnect();
+    void disconnectWhileConnecting_data();
+    void disconnectWhileConnecting();
+    void disconnectWhileConnectingNoEventLoop_data();
+    void disconnectWhileConnectingNoEventLoop();
+    void disconnectWhileLookingUp_data();
+    void disconnectWhileLookingUp();
+    void downloadBigFile();
+    void readLine();
+    void readLineString();
+    void readChunks();
+    void waitForBytesWritten();
+    void waitForReadyRead();
+    void flush();
+    void synchronousApi();
+    void dontCloseOnTimeout();
+    void recursiveReadyRead();
+    void atEnd();
+    void socketInAThread();
+    void socketsInThreads();
+    void waitForReadyReadInASlot();
+    void remoteCloseError();
+    void openMessageBoxInErrorSlot();
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+    void connectToLocalHostNoService();
+    void waitForConnectedInHostLookupSlot();
+    void waitForConnectedInHostLookupSlot2();
+    void readyReadSignalsAfterWaitForReadyRead();
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+    void linuxKernelBugLocalSocket();
+    void abortiveClose();
+    void localAddressEmptyOnBSD();
+    void zeroAndMinusOneReturns();
+    void connectionRefused();
+    void suddenRemoteDisconnect_data();
+    void suddenRemoteDisconnect();
+    void connectToMultiIP();
+    void moveToThread0();
+    void increaseReadBufferSize();
+    void invalidProxy_data();
+    void invalidProxy();
+    void proxyFactory_data();
+    void proxyFactory();
+protected slots:
+    void nonBlockingIMAP_hostFound();
+    void nonBlockingIMAP_connected();
+    void nonBlockingIMAP_closed();
+    void nonBlockingIMAP_readyRead();
+    void nonBlockingIMAP_bytesWritten(qint64);
+    void readRegularFile_readyRead();
+    void exitLoopSlot();
+    void downloadBigFileSlot();
+    void recursiveReadyReadSlot();
+    void waitForReadyReadInASlotSlot();
+    void messageBoxSlot();
+    void hostLookupSlot();
+    void abortiveClose_abortSlot();
+    void remoteCloseErrorSlot();
+    void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &, QAuthenticator *auth);
+    QTcpSocket *newSocket() const;
+    QTcpSocket *nonBlockingIMAP_socket;
+    QStringList nonBlockingIMAP_data;
+    qint64 nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten;
+    QTcpSocket *tmpSocket;
+    qint64 bytesAvailable;
+    qint64 expectedLength;
+    bool readingBody;
+    QTime timer;
+    mutable int proxyAuthCalled;
+    bool gotClosedSignal;
+    int numConnections;
+    static int loopLevel;
+enum ProxyTests {
+    NoProxy = 0x00,
+    Socks5Proxy = 0x01,
+    HttpProxy = 0x02,
+    TypeMask = 0x0f,
+    NoAuth = 0x00,
+    AuthBasic = 0x10,
+    AuthNtlm = 0x20,
+    AuthMask = 0xf0
+int tst_QTcpSocket::loopLevel = 0;
+    tmpSocket = 0;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::initTestCase_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("setProxy");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("proxyType");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("ssl");
+    qDebug() << QtNetworkSettings::serverName();
+    QTest::newRow("WithoutProxy") << false << 0 << false;
+    QTest::newRow("WithSocks5Proxy") << true << int(Socks5Proxy) << false;
+    QTest::newRow("WithSocks5ProxyAuth") << true << int(Socks5Proxy | AuthBasic) << false;
+    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxy") << true << int(HttpProxy) << false;
+    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxyBasicAuth") << true << int(HttpProxy | AuthBasic) << false;
+//    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxyNtlmAuth") << true << int(HttpProxy | AuthNtlm) << false;
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+    QTest::newRow("WithoutProxy SSL") << false << 0 << true;
+    QTest::newRow("WithSocks5Proxy SSL") << true << int(Socks5Proxy) << true;
+    QTest::newRow("WithSocks5AuthProxy SSL") << true << int(Socks5Proxy | AuthBasic) << true;
+    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxy SSL") << true << int(HttpProxy) << true;
+    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxyBasicAuth SSL") << true << int(HttpProxy | AuthBasic) << true;
+//    QTest::newRow("WithHttpProxyNtlmAuth SSL") << true << int(HttpProxy | AuthNtlm) << true;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::init()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy) {
+        QFETCH_GLOBAL(int, proxyType);
+        QString fluke = QHostInfo::fromName(QtNetworkSettings::serverName()).addresses().first().toString();
+        QNetworkProxy proxy;
+        switch (proxyType) {
+        case Socks5Proxy:
+            proxy = QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, fluke, 1080);
+            break;
+        case Socks5Proxy | AuthBasic:
+            proxy = QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, fluke, 1081);
+            break;
+        case HttpProxy | NoAuth:
+            proxy = QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, fluke, 3128);
+            break;
+        case HttpProxy | AuthBasic:
+            proxy = QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, fluke, 3129);
+            break;
+        case HttpProxy | AuthNtlm:
+            proxy = QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, fluke, 3130);
+            break;
+        }
+        QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(proxy);
+    }
+QTcpSocket *tst_QTcpSocket::newSocket() const
+    QTcpSocket *socket;
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, ssl);
+    socket = ssl ? new QSslSocket : new QTcpSocket;
+    socket = new QTcpSocket;
+    proxyAuthCalled = 0;
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
+            SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
+            Qt::DirectConnection);
+    return socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::cleanup()
+    QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &, QAuthenticator *auth)
+    ++proxyAuthCalled;
+    auth->setUser("qsockstest");
+    auth->setPassword("password");
+void tst_QTcpSocket::constructing()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    // Check the initial state of the QTcpSocket.
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QVERIFY(socket->isSequential());
+    QVERIFY(!socket->isOpen());
+    QVERIFY(!socket->isValid());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketType(), QTcpSocket::TcpSocket);
+    char c;
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QIODevice::getChar: Closed device");
+    QCOMPARE(socket->getChar(&c), false);
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->bytesAvailable(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->canReadLine(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(), QByteArray());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), -1);
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->localPort(), 0);
+    QVERIFY(socket->localAddress() == QHostAddress());
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->peerPort(), 0);
+    QVERIFY(socket->peerAddress() == QHostAddress());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QTcpSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->errorString(), QString("Unknown error"));
+    // Check the state of the socket layer?
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::setInvalidSocketDescriptor()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), -1);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->setSocketDescriptor(-5, QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), -1);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QTcpSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::setSocketDescriptor()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        return;                 // this test doesn't make sense with proxies
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    // need the dummy to ensure winsock is started
+    QTcpSocket *dummy = newSocket();
+    dummy->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(dummy->waitForConnected());
+    if (sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+        qErrnoWarning(WSAGetLastError(), "INVALID_SOCKET");
+    }
+    SOCKET sock = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+    // artificially increase the value of sock
+    SOCKET sock2 = ::fcntl(sock, F_DUPFD, sock + 50);
+    ::close(sock);
+    sock = sock2;
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QVERIFY(socket->setSocketDescriptor(sock, QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), (int)sock);
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::HostLookupState);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), (int)sock);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    // skip this, it has been broken for years, see task 260735
+    // if somebody complains, consider fixing it, but it might break existing applications.
+    QEXPECT_FAIL("", "bug has been around for years, will not fix without need", Continue);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), (int)sock);
+    delete socket;
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    delete dummy;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::socketDescriptor()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), -1);
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY((socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState && socket->socketDescriptor() == -1) ||
+            (socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState && socket->socketDescriptor() != -1));
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);
+    QVERIFY(socket->socketDescriptor() != -1);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::blockingIMAP()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    // Connect
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
+    QVERIFY(socket->isValid());
+    // Read greeting
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    QString s = socket->readLine();
+    // only test if an OK was returned, to make the test compatible between different
+    // IMAP server versions
+    QCOMPARE(s.left(4).toLatin1().constData(), "* OK");
+    // Write NOOP
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("1 NOOP\r\n", 8), 8);
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("2 NOOP\r\n", 8), 8);
+    if (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    // Read response
+    s = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), "1 OK Completed\r\n");
+    // Write a third NOOP to verify that write doesn't clear the read buffer
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("3 NOOP\r\n", 8), 8);
+    // Read second response
+    if (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    s = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), "2 OK Completed\r\n");
+    // Read third response
+    if (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    s = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), "3 OK Completed\r\n");
+    // Write LOGOUT
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("4 LOGOUT\r\n", 10), 10);
+    if (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    // Read two lines of respose
+    s = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), "* BYE LOGOUT received\r\n");
+    if (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    s = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), "4 OK Completed\r\n");
+    // Close the socket
+    socket->close();
+    // Check that it's closed
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::hostNotFound()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost("nosuchserver.troll.no", 80);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForConnected());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(int(socket->error()), int(QTcpSocket::HostNotFoundError));
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::timeoutConnect()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    // Outgoing port 53 is firewalled in the Oslo office.
+    socket->connectToHost("cisco.com", 53);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForConnected(200));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(int(socket->error()), int(QTcpSocket::SocketTimeoutError));
+    socket->connectToHost("cisco.com", 53);
+    QTest::qSleep(50);
+    socket->abort();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->openMode(), QIODevice::NotOpen);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(hostFound()), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_hostFound()));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_connected()));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_closed()));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_bytesWritten(qint64)));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_readyRead()));
+    nonBlockingIMAP_socket = socket;
+    // Connect
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QTcpSocket::HostLookupState ||
+            socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectingState);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    if (socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectingState) {
+        enterLoop(30);
+        if (timeout()) {
+            QFAIL("Timed out");
+        }
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    // Read greeting
+    QVERIFY(!nonBlockingIMAP_data.isEmpty());
+//    QCOMPARE(nonBlockingIMAP_data.at(0).toLatin1().constData(),
+//            "* OK fluke Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12 server ready\r\n");
+    QCOMPARE(nonBlockingIMAP_data.at(0).left(4).toLatin1().constData(), "* OK");
+    nonBlockingIMAP_data.clear();
+    nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten = 0;
+    // Write NOOP
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("1 NOOP\r\n", 8), 8);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    QVERIFY(nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten == 8);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    // Read response
+    QVERIFY(!nonBlockingIMAP_data.isEmpty());
+    QCOMPARE(nonBlockingIMAP_data.at(0).toLatin1().constData(), "1 OK Completed\r\n");
+    nonBlockingIMAP_data.clear();
+    nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten = 0;
+    // Write LOGOUT
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("2 LOGOUT\r\n", 10), 10);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    QVERIFY(nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten == 10);
+    // Wait for greeting
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    }
+    // Read two lines of respose
+    QCOMPARE(nonBlockingIMAP_data.at(0).toLatin1().constData(), "* BYE LOGOUT received\r\n");
+    QCOMPARE(nonBlockingIMAP_data.at(1).toLatin1().constData(), "2 OK Completed\r\n");
+    nonBlockingIMAP_data.clear();
+    // Close the socket
+    socket->close();
+    // Check that it's closed
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP_hostFound()
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP_connected()
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP_readyRead()
+    while (nonBlockingIMAP_socket->canReadLine())
+        nonBlockingIMAP_data.append(nonBlockingIMAP_socket->readLine());
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP_bytesWritten(qint64 written)
+    nonBlockingIMAP_totalWritten += written;
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::nonBlockingIMAP_closed()
+void tst_QTcpSocket::delayedClose()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(nonBlockingIMAP_connected()));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout())
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write("1 LOGOUT\r\n", 10), 10);
+    // Add a huge bulk of data to be written after the logout
+    // command. The server will shut down after receiving the LOGOUT,
+    // so this data will not be read. But our close call should
+    // schedule a delayed close because all the data can not be
+    // written in one go.
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->write(QByteArray(100000, '\n'), 100000), 100000);
+    socket->close();
+    QCOMPARE((int) socket->state(), (int) QTcpSocket::ClosingState);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    if (timeout())
+        QFAIL("Timed out");
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::partialRead()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
+    char buf[512];
+//    QByteArray greeting = "* OK fluke Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12 server ready";
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
+        while (socket->bytesAvailable() < 2)
+            QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+        QVERIFY(socket->read(buf, 2) == 2);
+        buf[2] = '\0';
+        QCOMPARE((char *)buf, greeting.mid(i, 2).data());
+    }
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::unget()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState);
+    char buf[512];
+//    QByteArray greeting = "* OK fluke Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12 server ready";
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
+        while (socket->bytesAvailable() < 2)
+            QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+        int bA = socket->bytesAvailable();
+        QVERIFY(socket->read(buf, 2) == 2);
+        buf[2] = '\0';
+        QCOMPARE((char *)buf, greeting.mid(i, 2).data());
+        QCOMPARE((int)socket->bytesAvailable(), bA - 2);
+        socket->ungetChar(buf[1]);
+        socket->ungetChar(buf[0]);
+        QCOMPARE((int)socket->bytesAvailable(), bA);
+        QVERIFY(socket->read(buf, 2) == 2);
+        buf[2] = '\0';
+        QCOMPARE((char *)buf, greeting.mid(i, 2).data());
+    }
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readRegularFile_readyRead()
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readAllAfterClose()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readRegularFile_readyRead()));
+    enterLoop(10);
+    if (timeout())
+        QFAIL("Network operation timed out");
+    socket->close();
+    QByteArray array = socket->readAll();
+    QCOMPARE(array.size(), 0);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::openCloseOpenClose()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::NotOpen));
+        QVERIFY(socket->isSequential());
+        QVERIFY(!socket->isOpen());
+        QVERIFY(socket->socketType() == QTcpSocket::TcpSocket);
+        char c;
+        QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QIODevice::getChar: Closed device");
+        QCOMPARE(socket->getChar(&c), false);
+        QCOMPARE((int) socket->bytesAvailable(), 0);
+        QCOMPARE(socket->canReadLine(), false);
+        QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(), QByteArray());
+        QCOMPARE(socket->socketDescriptor(), -1);
+        QCOMPARE((int) socket->localPort(), 0);
+        QVERIFY(socket->localAddress() == QHostAddress());
+        QCOMPARE((int) socket->peerPort(), 0);
+        QVERIFY(socket->peerAddress() == QHostAddress());
+        QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QTcpSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+        QCOMPARE(socket->errorString(), QString("Unknown error"));
+        QVERIFY(socket->state() == QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+        socket->close();
+    }
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::connectDisconnectConnectDisconnect()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+        QVERIFY(socket->socketType() == QTcpSocket::TcpSocket);
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+        QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(socket->read(4)), QString("* OK"));
+        socket->disconnectFromHost();
+        if (socket->state() != QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState)
+            QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected(10000));
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::ReadWrite));
+    }
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileConnecting_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QByteArray>("data");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("closeDirectly");
+    QTest::newRow("without-data") << QByteArray() << false;
+    QTest::newRow("without-data+close") << QByteArray() << true;
+    QTest::newRow("with-data") << QByteArray("Hello, world!") << false;
+    QTest::newRow("with-data+close") << QByteArray("Hello, world!") << true;
+    QByteArray bigData(1024*1024, '@');
+    QTest::newRow("with-big-data") << bigData << false;
+    QTest::newRow("with-big-data+close") << bigData << true;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileConnecting()
+    QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
+    QTcpServer server;
+    QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    // proceed to the connect-write-disconnect
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost("", server.serverPort());
+    if (!data.isEmpty())
+        socket->write(data);
+    if (socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
+        QSKIP("localhost connections are immediate, test case is invalid", SkipSingle);
+    QFETCH(bool, closeDirectly);
+    if (closeDirectly) {
+        socket->close();
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::NotOpen));
+    } else {
+        socket->disconnectFromHost();
+    }
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    enterLoop(10);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    if (!closeDirectly) {
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::ReadWrite));
+        socket->close();
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::NotOpen));
+    // accept the other side and verify that it was sent properly:
+    QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections() || server.waitForNewConnection(0));
+    QTcpSocket *othersocket = server.nextPendingConnection();
+    if (othersocket->state() != QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState)
+        QVERIFY2(othersocket->waitForDisconnected(10000), "Network timeout");
+    QVERIFY(othersocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(othersocket->readAll(), data);
+    delete socket;
+    delete othersocket;
+class ReceiverThread: public QThread
+    QTcpServer *server;
+    int serverPort;
+    bool ok;
+    QByteArray receivedData;
+    volatile bool quit;
+    ReceiverThread()
+        : server(0), ok(false), quit(false)
+    { }
+    ~ReceiverThread() { /*delete server;*/ terminate(); wait();  }
+    bool listen()
+    {
+        server = new QTcpServer;
+        if (!server->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost))
+            return false;
+        serverPort = server->serverPort();
+        server->moveToThread(this);
+        return true;
+    }
+    void run()
+    {
+        bool timedOut = false;
+        while (!quit) {
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+            if (server->waitForNewConnection(500, &timedOut))
+            if (server->waitForNewConnection(5000, &timedOut))
+                break;
+            if (!timedOut)
+                return;
+        }
+        QTcpSocket *socket = server->nextPendingConnection();
+        while (!quit) {
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+            if (socket->waitForDisconnected(500))
+            if (socket->waitForDisconnected(5000))
+                break;
+            if (socket->error() != QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError)
+                return;
+        }
+        if (!quit) {
+            receivedData = socket->readAll();
+            ok = true;
+        }
+        delete socket;
+        delete server;
+        server = 0;
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileConnectingNoEventLoop_data()
+    disconnectWhileConnecting_data();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileConnectingNoEventLoop()
+    QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
+    ReceiverThread thread;
+    QVERIFY(thread.listen());
+    thread.start();
+    // proceed to the connect-write-disconnect
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost("", thread.serverPort);
+    if (!data.isEmpty())
+        socket->write(data);
+    if (socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState) {
+        thread.quit = true;
+        thread.wait();
+        QSKIP("localhost connections are immediate, test case is invalid", SkipSingle);
+    }
+    QFETCH(bool, closeDirectly);
+    if (closeDirectly) {
+        socket->close();
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::NotOpen));
+    } else {
+        socket->disconnectFromHost();
+    }
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    QVERIFY2(socket->waitForDisconnected(10000), "Network timeout");
+    QVERIFY2(socket->waitForDisconnected(30000), "Network timeout");
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    if (!closeDirectly) {
+        QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::ReadWrite));
+        socket->close();
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(int(socket->openMode()), int(QIODevice::NotOpen));
+    delete socket;
+    // check if the other side received everything ok
+    QVERIFY(thread.wait(30000));
+    QVERIFY(thread.ok);
+    QCOMPARE(thread.receivedData, data);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileLookingUp_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("doClose");
+    QTest::newRow("disconnect") << false;
+    QTest::newRow("close") << true;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::disconnectWhileLookingUp()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        return;                 // we let the proxies do the lookup now
+    // just connect and disconnect, then make sure nothing weird happened
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 21);
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState);
+    QFETCH(bool, doClose);
+    if (doClose) {
+        socket->close();
+        QVERIFY(socket->openMode() == QIODevice::NotOpen);
+    } else {
+        socket->disconnectFromHost();
+        QVERIFY(socket->openMode() == QIODevice::ReadWrite);
+    }
+    // let anything queued happen
+    QEventLoop loop;
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    QTimer::singleShot(50, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    loop.exec();
+    // recheck
+    if (doClose) {
+        QVERIFY(socket->openMode() == QIODevice::NotOpen);
+    } else {
+        QVERIFY(socket->openMode() == QIODevice::ReadWrite);
+    }
+    QVERIFY(socket->state() == QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::downloadBigFile()
+    if (tmpSocket)
+        delete tmpSocket;
+    tmpSocket = newSocket();
+    connect(tmpSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    connect(tmpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(downloadBigFileSlot()));
+    tmpSocket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 80);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        delete tmpSocket;
+        tmpSocket = 0;
+        QFAIL("Network operation timed out");
+    }
+    QByteArray hostName = QtNetworkSettings::serverName().toLatin1();
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->state() == QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->write("GET /mediumfile HTTP/1.0\r\n") > 0);
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->write("HOST: ") > 0);
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->write(hostName.data()) > 0);
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->write("\r\n") > 0);
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->write("\r\n") > 0);
+    bytesAvailable = 0;
+    expectedLength = 0;
+    readingBody = false;
+    QTime stopWatch;
+    stopWatch.start();
+    enterLoop(600);
+    if (timeout()) {
+        delete tmpSocket;
+        tmpSocket = 0;
+        if (bytesAvailable > 0)
+            qDebug("Slow Connection, only downloaded %ld of %d", long(bytesAvailable), 10000281);
+        QFAIL("Network operation timed out");
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(bytesAvailable, expectedLength);
+    qDebug("\t\t%.1fMB/%.1fs: %.1fMB/s",
+           bytesAvailable / (1024.0 * 1024.0),
+           stopWatch.elapsed() / 1024.0,
+           (bytesAvailable / (stopWatch.elapsed() / 1000.0)) / (1024 * 1024));
+    delete tmpSocket;
+    tmpSocket = 0;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::exitLoopSlot()
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::downloadBigFileSlot()
+    if (!readingBody) {
+        while (tmpSocket->canReadLine()) {
+            QByteArray array = tmpSocket->readLine();
+            if (array.startsWith("Content-Length"))
+                expectedLength = array.simplified().split(' ').at(1).toInt();
+            if (array == "\r\n") {
+                readingBody = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (readingBody) {
+        bytesAvailable += tmpSocket->readAll().size();
+        if (bytesAvailable == expectedLength)
+            exitLoop();
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readLine()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(5000));
+    while (!socket->canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    char buffer[1024];
+    int expectedReplySize = QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyIMAP().size();
+    Q_ASSERT(expectedReplySize >= 3);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), qint64(expectedReplySize));
+    QCOMPARE((int) buffer[expectedReplySize-2], (int) '\r');
+    QCOMPARE((int) buffer[expectedReplySize-1], (int) '\n');
+    QCOMPARE((int) buffer[expectedReplySize], (int) '\0');
+    QCOMPARE(socket->write("1 NOOP\r\n"), qint64(8));
+    while (socket->bytesAvailable() < 10)
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(buffer, 11), qint64(10));
+    QCOMPARE((const char *)buffer, "1 OK Compl");
+    while (socket->bytesAvailable() < 6)
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(buffer, 11), qint64(6));
+    QCOMPARE((const char *)buffer, "eted\r\n");
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForReadyRead(100));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), qint64(0));
+    QVERIFY(socket->error() == QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError
+            || socket->error() == QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesAvailable(), qint64(0));
+    socket->close();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(buffer, sizeof(buffer)), qint64(-1));
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readLineString()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+//    QByteArray expected("* OK fluke Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.12 server ready\r\n");
+    QByteArray expected("* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ ID STARTTLS LOGINDISABLED] qt-test-server.qt-test-net Cyrus IMAP4 v2.3.11-Mandriva-RPM-2.3.11-6mdv2008.1 server ready\r\n");
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QByteArray arr = socket->readLine();
+    QCOMPARE(arr, QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyIMAP());
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readChunks()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    char buf[4096];
+    memset(buf, '@', sizeof(buf));
+    qint64 dataLength = socket->read(buf, sizeof(buf));
+    QVERIFY(dataLength > 0);
+    QCOMPARE(buf[dataLength - 2], '\r');
+    QCOMPARE(buf[dataLength - 1], '\n');
+    QCOMPARE(buf[dataLength], '@');
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForBytesWritten()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 22);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+    socket->write(QByteArray(10000, '@'));
+    qint64 toWrite = socket->bytesToWrite();
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForBytesWritten(5000));
+    QVERIFY(toWrite > socket->bytesToWrite());
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForReadyRead()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 22);
+    socket->waitForReadyRead(0);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::flush()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->flush();
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    enterLoop(5000);
+    QVERIFY(socket->isOpen());
+    socket->write("1 LOGOUT\r\n");
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesToWrite(), qint64(10));
+    socket->flush();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesToWrite(), qint64(0));
+    socket->close();
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::synchronousApi()
+    QTcpSocket *ftpSocket = newSocket();
+    ftpSocket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 21);
+    ftpSocket->write("QUIT\r\n");
+    QVERIFY(ftpSocket->waitForDisconnected(10000));
+    QVERIFY(ftpSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0);
+    QByteArray arr = ftpSocket->readAll();
+    QVERIFY(arr.size() > 0);
+    delete ftpSocket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::dontCloseOnTimeout()
+    QTcpServer server;
+    server.setProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy));
+    QVERIFY(server.listen());
+    QHostAddress serverAddress = QHostAddress::LocalHost;
+    if (!(server.serverAddress() == QHostAddress::Any))
+        serverAddress = server.serverAddress();
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(serverAddress, server.serverPort());
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForReadyRead(100));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QTcpSocket::SocketTimeoutError);
+    QVERIFY(socket->isOpen());
+#ifndef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForDisconnected(100));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForDisconnected(5000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QTcpSocket::SocketTimeoutError);
+    QVERIFY(socket->isOpen());
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::recursiveReadyRead()
+    QTcpSocket *smtp = newSocket();
+    connect(smtp, SIGNAL(connected()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    connect(smtp, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(recursiveReadyReadSlot()));
+    tmpSocket = smtp;
+    QSignalSpy spy(smtp, SIGNAL(readyRead()));
+    smtp->connectToHost("smtp.trolltech.com", 25);
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(),
+            "Timed out when connecting to smtp.trolltech.com:25");
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(),
+            "Timed out when waiting for the readyRead() signal");
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+    delete smtp;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::recursiveReadyReadSlot()
+    // make sure the server spits out more data
+    tmpSocket->write("NOOP\r\n");
+    tmpSocket->flush();
+    // indiscriminately enter the event loop and start processing
+    // events again. but oops! future socket notifications will cause
+    // undesired recursive behavior. Unless QTcpSocket is smart, which
+    // it of course is. :-)
+    QEventLoop loop;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
+        loop.processEvents();
+    // all we really wanted to do was process some events, then exit
+    // the loop
+    exitLoop();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::atEnd()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 21);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(15000));
+    QTextStream stream(socket);
+    QVERIFY(!stream.atEnd());
+    QString greeting = stream.readLine();
+    QVERIFY(stream.atEnd());
+//    QCOMPARE(greeting, QString("220 (vsFTPd 2.0.4)"));
+    QCOMPARE(greeting, QString("220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)"));
+    delete socket;
+class TestThread : public QThread
+    inline QByteArray data() const
+    {
+        return socketData;
+    }
+    inline void run()
+    {
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+        QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, ssl);
+        if (ssl)
+            socket = new QSslSocket;
+        else
+        socket = new QTcpSocket;
+        connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(getData()), Qt::DirectConnection);
+        connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(closed()), Qt::DirectConnection);
+        connect(socket, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
+                SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)), Qt::DirectConnection);
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 21);
+        socket->write("QUIT\r\n");
+        exec();
+        delete socket;
+    }
+private slots:
+    inline void getData()
+    {
+        socketData += socket->readAll();
+    }
+    inline void closed()
+    {
+        quit();
+    }
+    inline void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &, QAuthenticator *auth)
+    {
+        auth->setUser("qsockstest");
+        auth->setPassword("password");
+    }
+    int exitCode;
+    QTcpSocket *socket;
+    QByteArray socketData;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::socketInAThread()
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        TestThread thread;
+        thread.start();
+        QVERIFY(thread.wait(15000));
+        QCOMPARE(thread.data(), QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyFtp());
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::socketsInThreads()
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        TestThread thread1;
+        TestThread thread2;
+        TestThread thread3;
+        thread1.start();
+        thread2.start();
+        thread3.start();
+        QVERIFY(thread2.wait(15000));
+        QVERIFY(thread3.wait(15000));
+        QVERIFY(thread1.wait(15000));
+        QCOMPARE(thread1.data(),QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyFtp());
+        QCOMPARE(thread2.data(),QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyFtp());
+        QCOMPARE(thread3.data(),QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyFtp());
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForReadyReadInASlot()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    tmpSocket = socket;
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(waitForReadyReadInASlotSlot()));
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 80);
+    socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForReadyReadInASlotSlot()
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    exitLoop();
+class RemoteCloseErrorServer : public QTcpServer
+    RemoteCloseErrorServer()
+    {
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(newConnection()),
+                this, SLOT(getConnection()));
+    }
+private slots:
+    void getConnection()
+    {
+        tst_QTcpSocket::exitLoop();
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::remoteCloseError()
+    RemoteCloseErrorServer server;
+    QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents();
+    QTcpSocket *clientSocket = newSocket();
+    connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    clientSocket->connectToHost(server.serverAddress(), server.serverPort());
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections());
+    QTcpSocket *serverSocket = server.nextPendingConnection();
+    connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    serverSocket->write("Hello");
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    QCOMPARE(clientSocket->bytesAvailable(), qint64(5));
+    qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>("QAbstractSocket::SocketError");
+    QSignalSpy errorSpy(clientSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
+    QSignalSpy disconnectedSpy(clientSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()));
+    clientSocket->write("World");
+    serverSocket->disconnectFromHost();
+    tmpSocket = clientSocket;
+    connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
+            this, SLOT(remoteCloseErrorSlot()));
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    QCOMPARE(disconnectedSpy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(errorSpy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(clientSocket->error(), QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError);
+    delete serverSocket;
+    clientSocket->connectToHost(server.serverAddress(), server.serverPort());
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections());
+    serverSocket = server.nextPendingConnection();
+    serverSocket->disconnectFromHost();
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!timeout());
+    QCOMPARE(clientSocket->state(), QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    delete clientSocket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::remoteCloseErrorSlot()
+    QCOMPARE(tmpSocket->state(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState);
+    static_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender())->close();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::messageBoxSlot()
+#if !defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS) // no gui
+    QTcpSocket *socket = qobject_cast<QTcpSocket *>(sender());
+    socket->deleteLater();
+    QMessageBox box;
+    QTimer::singleShot(100, &box, SLOT(close()));
+    // This should not delete the socket
+    box.exec();
+    // Fire a non-0 singleshot to leave time for the delete
+    QTimer::singleShot(250, this, SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+void tst_QTcpSocket::openMessageBoxInErrorSlot()
+#if defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS) // no gui
+    QSKIP("no default gui available on VxWorks", SkipAll);
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QPointer<QTcpSocket> p(socket);
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)), this, SLOT(messageBoxSlot()));
+    socket->connectToHost("hostnotfoundhostnotfound.troll.no", 9999); // Host not found, fyi
+    enterLoop(30);
+    QVERIFY(!p);
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+void tst_QTcpSocket::connectToLocalHostNoService()
+    // This test was created after we received a report that claimed
+    // QTcpSocket would crash if trying to connect to "localhost" on a random
+    // port with no service listening.
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost("localhost", 31415); // no service running here, one suspects
+    while(socket->state() == QTcpSocket::HostLookupState || socket->state() == QTcpSocket::ConnectingState) {
+        QTest::qWait(100);
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForConnectedInHostLookupSlot()
+    // This test tries to reproduce the problem where waitForConnected() is
+    // called at a point where the host lookup is already done. QTcpSocket
+    // will try to abort the "pending lookup", but since it's already done and
+    // the queued signal is already underway, we will receive the signal after
+    // waitForConnected() has returned, and control goes back to the event
+    // loop. When the signal has been received, the connection is torn down,
+    // then reopened. Yikes. If we reproduce this by calling
+    // waitForConnected() inside hostLookupSlot(), it will even crash.
+    tmpSocket = newSocket();
+    QEventLoop loop;
+    connect(tmpSocket, SIGNAL(connected()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    QTimer timer;
+    connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    QSignalSpy timerSpy(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()));
+    timer.start(15000);
+    connect(tmpSocket, SIGNAL(hostFound()), this, SLOT(hostLookupSlot()));
+    tmpSocket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    loop.exec();
+    QCOMPARE(timerSpy.count(), 0);
+    delete tmpSocket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::hostLookupSlot()
+    // This will fail to cancel the pending signal
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket->waitForConnected(10000));
+class Foo : public QObject
+    QTcpSocket *sock;
+    bool attemptedToConnect;
+    bool networkTimeout;
+    int count;
+    inline Foo(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent)
+    {
+        attemptedToConnect = false;
+        networkTimeout = false;
+        count = 0;
+#ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
+        QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, ssl);
+        if (ssl)
+            sock = new QSslSocket;
+        else
+        sock = new QTcpSocket;
+        connect(sock, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connectedToIt()));
+        connect(sock, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
+                SLOT(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));
+    }
+    inline ~Foo()
+    {
+        delete sock;
+    }
+public slots:
+    inline void connectedToIt()
+    { count++; }
+    inline void doIt()
+    {
+        attemptedToConnect = true;
+        sock->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 80);
+#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
+        pthread_yield_np();
+#elif defined Q_OS_LINUX
+        pthread_yield();
+        if (!sock->waitForConnected()) {
+            networkTimeout = true;
+        }
+        tst_QTcpSocket::exitLoop();
+    }
+    inline void exitLoop()
+    {
+        tst_QTcpSocket::exitLoop();
+    }
+    inline void proxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy &, QAuthenticator *auth)
+    {
+        auth->setUser("qsockstest");
+        auth->setPassword("password");
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::waitForConnectedInHostLookupSlot2()
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS)
+    QSKIP("waitForConnectedInHostLookupSlot2 is not run on Windows and VxWorks", SkipAll);
+    Foo foo;
+    QPushButton top("Go", 0);
+    top.show();
+    connect(&top, SIGNAL(clicked()), &foo, SLOT(doIt()));
+    QTimer::singleShot(100, &top, SLOT(animateClick()));
+    QTimer::singleShot(5000, &foo, SLOT(exitLoop()));
+    enterLoop(30);
+    if (timeout() || foo.networkTimeout)
+        QFAIL("Network timeout");
+    QVERIFY(foo.attemptedToConnect);
+    QCOMPARE(foo.count, 1);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::readyReadSignalsAfterWaitForReadyRead()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QSignalSpy readyReadSpy(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()));
+    // Connect
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+    // Wait for the read
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(readyReadSpy.count(), 1);
+    QString s = socket->readLine();
+    QNetworkProxy::ProxyType proxyType = QNetworkProxy::applicationProxy().type();
+    QCOMPARE(s.toLatin1().constData(), QtNetworkSettings::expectedReplyIMAP().constData());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesAvailable(), qint64(0));
+    QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesAvailable(), qint64(0));
+    QCOMPARE(readyReadSpy.count(), 1);
+    delete socket;
+class TestThread2 : public QThread
+    void run()
+    {
+        QFile fileWriter("fifo");
+        QVERIFY(fileWriter.open(QFile::WriteOnly));
+        QCOMPARE(fileWriter.write(QByteArray(32, '@')), qint64(32));
+        QCOMPARE(fileWriter.write(QByteArray(32, '@')), qint64(32));
+        QCOMPARE(fileWriter.write(QByteArray(32, '@')), qint64(32));
+        QCOMPARE(fileWriter.write(QByteArray(32, '@')), qint64(32));
+    }
+#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
+void tst_QTcpSocket::linuxKernelBugLocalSocket()
+    QFile::remove("fifo");
+    mkfifo("fifo", 0666);
+    TestThread2 test;
+    test.start();
+    QFile fileReader("fifo");
+    QVERIFY(fileReader.open(QFile::ReadOnly));
+    test.wait();
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->setSocketDescriptor(fileReader.handle());
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(5000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->bytesAvailable(), qint64(128));
+    QFile::remove("fifo");
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::abortiveClose()
+    QTcpServer server;
+    QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    connect(&server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    QTcpSocket *clientSocket = newSocket();
+    clientSocket->connectToHost(server.serverAddress(), server.serverPort());
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY(server.hasPendingConnections());
+    QVERIFY(tmpSocket = server.nextPendingConnection());
+    qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>("QAbstractSocket::SocketError");
+    QSignalSpy readyReadSpy(clientSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()));
+    QSignalSpy errorSpy(clientSocket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
+    connect(clientSocket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(abortiveClose_abortSlot()));
+    enterLoop(5);
+    QCOMPARE(readyReadSpy.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(errorSpy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(*static_cast<const int *>(errorSpy.at(0).at(0).constData()),
+             int(QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError));
+    delete clientSocket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::abortiveClose_abortSlot()
+    tmpSocket->abort();
+void tst_QTcpSocket::localAddressEmptyOnBSD()
+    QTcpServer server;
+    QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    QTcpSocket *tcpSocket = 0;
+    // we try 10 times, but note that this doesn't always provoke the bug
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+        delete tcpSocket;
+        tcpSocket = newSocket();
+        tcpSocket->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, server.serverPort());
+        if (!tcpSocket->waitForConnected(0)) {
+            // to provoke the bug, we need a local socket that connects immediately
+            // --i;
+            tcpSocket->abort();
+            if (tcpSocket->state() != QTcpSocket::UnconnectedState)
+                QVERIFY(tcpSocket->waitForDisconnected(-1));
+            continue;
+        }
+        QCOMPARE(tcpSocket->localAddress(), QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    }
+    delete tcpSocket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::zeroAndMinusOneReturns()
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 80);
+    socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n");
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForReadyRead(15000));
+    char c[16];
+    QVERIFY(socket->getChar(c));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->read(c, 16), qint64(16));
+    QVERIFY(socket->readLine(c, 16) > 0);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->readAll().isEmpty());
+    // the last operation emptied the read buffer
+    // all read operations from this point on should fail
+    // with return 0 because the socket is still open
+    QVERIFY(socket->readAll().isEmpty());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->read(c, 16), qint64(0));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(c, 16), qint64(0));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->getChar(c));
+    socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected(15000));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->write("BLUBBER"), qint64(-1));
+    QVERIFY(socket->getChar(c));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->read(c, 16), qint64(16));
+    QVERIFY(socket->readLine(c, 16) > 0);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->readAll().isEmpty());
+    // the last operation emptied the read buffer
+    // all read operations from this point on should fail
+    // with return -1 because the socket is not connected
+    QVERIFY(socket->readAll().isEmpty());
+    QCOMPARE(socket->read(c, 16), qint64(-1));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(c, 16), qint64(-1));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->getChar(c));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->putChar('a'));
+    socket->close();
+    // now the QIODevice is closed, which means getChar complains
+    QCOMPARE(socket->write("BLUBBER"), qint64(-1));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->read(c, 16), qint64(-1));
+    QCOMPARE(socket->readLine(c, 16), qint64(-1));
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QIODevice::getChar: Closed device");
+    QVERIFY(!socket->getChar(c));
+    QVERIFY(!socket->putChar('a'));
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::connectionRefused()
+    qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>("QAbstractSocket::SocketError");
+    qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketState>("QAbstractSocket::SocketState");
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QSignalSpy stateSpy(socket, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState)));
+    QSignalSpy errorSpy(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)));
+    connect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
+            &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+    socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 144);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    disconnect(socket, SIGNAL(error(QAbstractSocket::SocketError)),
+               &QTestEventLoop::instance(), SLOT(exitLoop()));
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectionRefusedError);
+    QCOMPARE(stateSpy.count(), 3);
+    QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractSocket::SocketState>(stateSpy.at(0).at(0)), QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState);
+    QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractSocket::SocketState>(stateSpy.at(1).at(0)), QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState);
+    QCOMPARE(qVariantValue<QAbstractSocket::SocketState>(stateSpy.at(2).at(0)), QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    QCOMPARE(errorSpy.count(), 1);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::suddenRemoteDisconnect_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("client");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("server");
+#ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
+    QTest::newRow("Qt3 Client <-> Qt3 Server") << QString::fromLatin1("qt3client") << QString::fromLatin1("qt3server");
+    QTest::newRow("Qt3 Client <-> Qt4 Server") << QString::fromLatin1("qt3client") << QString::fromLatin1("qt4server");
+    QTest::newRow("Qt4 Client <-> Qt3 Server") << QString::fromLatin1("qt4client") << QString::fromLatin1("qt3server");
+    QTest::newRow("Qt4 Client <-> Qt4 Server") << QString::fromLatin1("qt4client") << QString::fromLatin1("qt4server");
+void tst_QTcpSocket::suddenRemoteDisconnect()
+#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) || defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS)
+    QSKIP("stressTest subprocess needs Qt3Support", SkipAll);
+#elif defined( Q_OS_SYMBIAN )
+    QSKIP("Symbian: QProcess IO is not yet supported, fix when supported", SkipAll);
+    QFETCH(QString, client);
+    QFETCH(QString, server);
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        return;
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, ssl);
+    if (ssl)
+        return;
+    // Start server
+    QProcess serverProcess;
+    serverProcess.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardError);
+    serverProcess.start(QString::fromLatin1("stressTest/stressTest %1").arg(server),
+                        QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text);
+    while (!serverProcess.canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(serverProcess.waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(serverProcess.readLine().data(), (server.toLatin1() + "\n").data());
+    // Start client
+    QProcess clientProcess;
+    clientProcess.setReadChannel(QProcess::StandardError);
+    clientProcess.start(QString::fromLatin1("stressTest/stressTest %1").arg(client),
+                        QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text);
+    while (!clientProcess.canReadLine())
+        QVERIFY(clientProcess.waitForReadyRead(10000));
+    QCOMPARE(clientProcess.readLine().data(), (client.toLatin1() + "\n").data());
+    // Let them play for a while
+    qDebug("Running stress test for 5 seconds");
+    QEventLoop loop;
+    connect(&serverProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    connect(&clientProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    QTime stopWatch;
+    stopWatch.start();
+    QTimer::singleShot(20000, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+    while ((serverProcess.state() == QProcess::Running
+           || clientProcess.state() == QProcess::Running) && stopWatch.elapsed() < 20000)
+        loop.exec();
+    QVERIFY(stopWatch.elapsed() < 20000);
+    // Check that both exited normally.
+    QCOMPARE(clientProcess.readAll().constData(), "SUCCESS\n");
+    QCOMPARE(serverProcess.readAll().constData(), "SUCCESS\n");
+void tst_QTcpSocket::connectToMultiIP()
+	QSKIP("TODO: setup DNS in the new network", SkipAll);
+#if defined(Q_OS_VXWORKS)
+    QSKIP("VxSim in standard config doesn't even run a DNS resolver", SkipAll);
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, ssl);
+    if (ssl)
+        return;
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        QSKIP("This test takes too long if we also add the proxies.", SkipSingle);
+    qDebug("Please wait, this test can take a while...");
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    // rationale: this domain resolves to 3 A-records, 2 of them are
+    // invalid. QTcpSocket should never spend more than 30 seconds per IP, and
+    // 30s*2 = 60s.
+    QTime stopWatch;
+    stopWatch.start();
+    socket->connectToHost("multi.dev.troll.no", 80);
+    QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(60500));
+    QVERIFY(stopWatch.elapsed() < 70000);
+    socket->abort();
+    stopWatch.restart();
+    socket->connectToHost("multi.dev.troll.no", 81);
+    QVERIFY(!socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+    QVERIFY(stopWatch.elapsed() < 2000);
+    QCOMPARE(socket->error(), QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError);
+    delete socket;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::moveToThread0()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(int, proxyType);
+    if (proxyType & AuthMask)
+        return;
+    {
+        // Case 1: Moved after connecting, before waiting for connection.
+        QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();;
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        socket->moveToThread(0);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+        socket->write("XXX LOGOUT\r\n");
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForBytesWritten(5000));
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected());
+        delete socket;
+    }
+    {
+        // Case 2: Moved before connecting
+        QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+        socket->moveToThread(0);
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+        socket->write("XXX LOGOUT\r\n");
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForBytesWritten(5000));
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected());
+        delete socket;
+    }
+    {
+        // Case 3: Moved after writing, while waiting for bytes to be written.
+        QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+        socket->write("XXX LOGOUT\r\n");
+        socket->moveToThread(0);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForBytesWritten(5000));
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected());
+        delete socket;
+    }
+    {
+        // Case 4: Moved after writing, while waiting for response.
+        QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+        socket->connectToHost(QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 143);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+        socket->write("XXX LOGOUT\r\n");
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForBytesWritten(5000));
+        socket->moveToThread(0);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForDisconnected());
+        delete socket;
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::increaseReadBufferSize()
+    QTcpServer server;
+    QTcpSocket *active = newSocket();
+    connect(active, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(exitLoopSlot()));
+    // connect two sockets to each other:
+    QVERIFY(server.listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost));
+    active->connectToHost("", server.serverPort());
+    QVERIFY(active->waitForConnected(5000));
+    QVERIFY(server.waitForNewConnection(5000));
+    QTcpSocket *passive = server.nextPendingConnection();
+    QVERIFY(passive);
+    // now write 512 bytes of data on one end
+    QByteArray data(512, 'a');
+    passive->write(data);
+    QVERIFY2(passive->waitForBytesWritten(5000), "Network timeout");
+    // set the read buffer size to less than what was written and iterate:
+    active->setReadBufferSize(256);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(active->bytesAvailable(), active->readBufferSize());
+    // increase the buffer size and iterate again:
+    active->setReadBufferSize(384);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(active->bytesAvailable(), active->readBufferSize());
+    // once more, but now it should read everything there was to read
+    active->setReadBufferSize(1024);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(active->bytesAvailable(), qint64(data.size()));
+    // drain it and compare
+    QCOMPARE(active->readAll(), data);
+    // now one more test by setting the buffer size to unlimited:
+    passive->write(data);
+    QVERIFY2(passive->waitForBytesWritten(5000), "Network timeout");
+    active->setReadBufferSize(256);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(active->bytesAvailable(), active->readBufferSize());
+    active->setReadBufferSize(0);
+    enterLoop(10);
+    QVERIFY2(!timeout(), "Network timeout");
+    QCOMPARE(active->bytesAvailable(), qint64(data.size()));
+    QCOMPARE(active->readAll(), data);
+    delete active;
+void tst_QTcpSocket::invalidProxy_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("type");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("host");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("port");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("failsAtConnect");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedError");
+    QString fluke = QHostInfo::fromName(QtNetworkSettings::serverName()).addresses().first().toString();
+    QTest::newRow("ftp-proxy") << int(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy) << fluke << 21 << true
+                               << int(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+    QTest::newRow("http-caching-proxy") << int(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy) << fluke << 3128 << true
+                                        << int(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+    QTest::newRow("no-such-host-socks5") << int(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy)
+                                         << "this-host-will-never-exist.troll.no" << 1080 << false
+                                         << int(QAbstractSocket::ProxyNotFoundError);
+    QTest::newRow("no-such-host-http") << int(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy)
+                                       << "this-host-will-never-exist.troll.no" << 3128 << false
+                                       << int(QAbstractSocket::ProxyNotFoundError);
+#if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QTest::newRow("http-on-socks5") << int(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy) << fluke << 1080 << false
+                                    << int(QAbstractSocket::ProxyConnectionClosedError);
+    QTest::newRow("socks5-on-http") << int(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy) << fluke << 3128 << false
+                                    << int(QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::invalidProxy()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        return;
+    QFETCH(int, type);
+    QFETCH(QString, host);
+    QFETCH(int, port);
+    QFETCH(bool, failsAtConnect);
+    QNetworkProxy::ProxyType proxyType = QNetworkProxy::ProxyType(type);
+    QNetworkProxy proxy(proxyType, host, port);
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    socket->setProxy(proxy);
+    socket->connectToHost(QHostInfo::fromName(QtNetworkSettings::serverName()).addresses().first().toString(), 80);
+    if (failsAtConnect) {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    } else {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState);
+        QVERIFY(!socket->waitForConnected(1000));
+    }
+    QVERIFY(!socket->errorString().isEmpty());
+    // note: the following test is not a hard failure.
+    // Sometimes, error codes change for the better
+    QTEST(int(socket->error()), "expectedError");
+    delete socket;
+// copied from tst_qnetworkreply.cpp
+class MyProxyFactory: public QNetworkProxyFactory
+    int callCount;
+    QList<QNetworkProxy> toReturn;
+    QNetworkProxyQuery lastQuery;
+    inline MyProxyFactory() { clear(); }
+    inline void clear()
+    {
+        callCount = 0;
+        toReturn = QList<QNetworkProxy>() << QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy;
+        lastQuery = QNetworkProxyQuery();
+    }
+    virtual QList<QNetworkProxy> queryProxy(const QNetworkProxyQuery &query)
+    {
+        lastQuery = query;
+        ++callCount;
+        return toReturn;
+    }
+void tst_QTcpSocket::proxyFactory_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QList<QNetworkProxy> >("proxyList");
+    QTest::addColumn<QNetworkProxy>("proxyUsed");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("failsAtConnect");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedError");
+    QList<QNetworkProxy> proxyList;
+    // tests that do connect
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 3129);
+    QTest::newRow("http")
+        << proxyList << proxyList.at(0)
+        << false << int(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 1081);
+    QTest::newRow("socks5")
+        << proxyList << proxyList.at(0)
+        << false << int(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 3129)
+              << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 1081);
+    QTest::newRow("cachinghttp+socks5")
+        << proxyList << proxyList.at(1)
+        << false << int(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 2121)
+              << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 3129)
+              << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 1081);
+    QTest::newRow("ftp+cachinghttp+socks5")
+        << proxyList << proxyList.at(2)
+        << false << int(QAbstractSocket::UnknownSocketError);
+    // tests that fail to connect
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 3129);
+    QTest::newRow("cachinghttp")
+        << proxyList << QNetworkProxy()
+        << true << int(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 2121);
+    QTest::newRow("ftp")
+        << proxyList << QNetworkProxy()
+        << true << int(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+    proxyList.clear();
+    proxyList << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 2121)
+              << QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy, QtNetworkSettings::serverName(), 3129);
+    QTest::newRow("ftp+cachinghttp")
+        << proxyList << QNetworkProxy()
+        << true << int(QAbstractSocket::UnsupportedSocketOperationError);
+void tst_QTcpSocket::proxyFactory()
+    QFETCH_GLOBAL(bool, setProxy);
+    if (setProxy)
+        return;
+    QFETCH(QList<QNetworkProxy>, proxyList);
+    QFETCH(QNetworkProxy, proxyUsed);
+    QFETCH(bool, failsAtConnect);
+    MyProxyFactory *factory = new MyProxyFactory;
+    factory->toReturn = proxyList;
+    QNetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory(factory);
+    QTcpSocket *socket = newSocket();
+    QString host = QtNetworkSettings::serverName();
+    socket->connectToHost(host, 80);
+    // Verify that the factory was called properly
+    QCOMPARE(factory->callCount, 1);
+    QCOMPARE(factory->lastQuery, QNetworkProxyQuery(host, 80));
+    if (failsAtConnect) {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState);
+    } else {
+        QCOMPARE(socket->state(), QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState);
+        QVERIFY(socket->waitForConnected(10000));
+        QCOMPARE(proxyAuthCalled, 1);
+    }
+    QVERIFY(!socket->errorString().isEmpty());
+    // note: the following test is not a hard failure.
+    // Sometimes, error codes change for the better
+    QTEST(int(socket->error()), "expectedError");
+    delete socket;
+#include "tst_qtcpsocket.moc"