--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/porting/src/rpptreeevaluator.cpp Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Roberto Raggi
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the qt3to4 porting application of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include "rpptreeevaluator.h"
+#include <QChar>
+#include <QtDebug>
+using namespace TokenEngine;
+namespace Rpp {
+ QByteArray text(" ");
+ TokenEngine::Token token;
+ token.start = 0;
+ token.length = 1;
+ QVector<TokenEngine::Token> tokenList;
+ tokenList.append(token);
+ TokenContainer newLineContainer(text, tokenList, new TokenEngine::GeneratedInfo());
+ newlineSection= new TokenSection(newLineContainer, 0, 1);
+ delete newlineSection;
+TokenSectionSequence RppTreeEvaluator::evaluate(const Source *source,
+ DefineMap *activeDefinitions)
+ m_tokenSections.clear();
+ m_activeDefinitions = activeDefinitions;
+ evaluateSource(source);
+ return TokenSectionSequence(m_tokenSections);
+void RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateText(const Text *textLine)
+ const int numTokens = textLine->count();
+ const TokenContainer tokenContainer = textLine->text().tokenContainer(0);
+ int t = 0;
+ int startTokenRun = 0;
+ while(t < numTokens) {
+ const Token *currentToken = textLine->token(t);
+ int currentContainerIndex = currentToken->index();
+ //handle macro replacements
+ if(currentToken->toIdToken()) {
+ const int tokenIndex = currentToken->index();
+ const QByteArray tokenText = tokenContainer.tempText(tokenIndex);
+ if(m_activeDefinitions->contains(tokenText)) {
+ //crate section
+ TokenSection section(tokenContainer, textLine->token(startTokenRun)->index(), t - startTokenRun);
+ m_tokenSections.append(section);
+ //evaluate macro
+ const int oldContainerIndex = currentContainerIndex;
+ TokenContainer evaluatedText = evaluateMacro(tokenContainer, currentContainerIndex);
+ TokenSection evalSection(evaluatedText, 0, evaluatedText.count());
+ m_tokenSections.append(evalSection);
+ t += currentContainerIndex - oldContainerIndex;
+ startTokenRun = t;
+ }
+ ++t;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //handle comments
+ if(currentToken->toLineComment() || currentToken->toMultiLineComment()) {
+ //create section
+ TokenSection section(tokenContainer, textLine->token(startTokenRun)->index(), t - startTokenRun );
+ m_tokenSections.append(section);
+ t++; //skip comment
+ startTokenRun = t;
+ t++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // handle escaped newlines
+ if (currentContainerIndex + 1 < numTokens) {
+ const TokenTempRef tokenRef1 = tokenContainer.tokenTempRef(currentContainerIndex);
+ const TokenTempRef tokenRef2 = tokenContainer.tokenTempRef(currentContainerIndex + 1);
+ // This is i slight hack. We want to check if the next token is a newline token,
+ // but since we don't have any lexical info at this point we just check if it starts
+ // with \r or \n
+ if (tokenRef1.at(0) == '\\' && (tokenRef2.at(0) == '\n' || tokenRef2.at(0) == '\r')) {
+ //create section
+ TokenSection section(tokenContainer, textLine->token(startTokenRun)->index(), t - startTokenRun );
+ m_tokenSections.append(section);
+ t += 2;
+ startTokenRun = t;
+ t++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ t++;
+ }
+ //round up any tokens at the end and put them in a section
+ if(t - startTokenRun > 1) {
+ TokenSection section(tokenContainer, textLine->token(startTokenRun)->index(), t - startTokenRun );
+ m_tokenSections.append(section);
+ }
+ m_tokenSections.append(*newlineSection);
+ Evaluates and ifsection by selecting which one of the if-elif-else
+ groups and then evaling that.
+void RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateIfSection(const IfSection *ifSection)
+ ConditionalDirective *ifGroup = ifSection->ifGroup();
+ if(evaluateCondition(ifGroup)) {
+ evaluateConditionalDirective(ifGroup);
+ return;
+ }
+ QVector<ConditionalDirective *> elifGroups = ifSection->elifGroups();
+ foreach(ConditionalDirective *elifGroup, elifGroups) {
+ if(evaluateCondition(elifGroup)) {
+ evaluateConditionalDirective(elifGroup);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ConditionalDirective *elseGroup = ifSection->elseGroup();
+ if(elseGroup)
+ evaluateConditionalDirective(elseGroup);
+ Evaluate an IncludeDirective by evaluating the Source for the included
+ file. The source is found by emitting the includeCallback signal, which
+ must be handled outside RppTreeEvaluator.
+void RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateIncludeDirective(const IncludeDirective *directive)
+ Source *currentSource = getParentSource(directive);
+ IncludeType includeType = includeTypeFromDirective(directive);
+ Source *newSource = 0;
+ emit includeCallback(newSource, currentSource, QString::fromLatin1(directive->filename().constData()), includeType);
+ Q_ASSERT(newSource); // If you get an assert here you probably
+ // forgot to connect to the includeCallback signal
+ evaluateSource(newSource);
+void RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateDefineDirective(const DefineDirective *directive)
+ m_tokenSections.append(*newlineSection);
+ m_activeDefinitions->insert(directive->identifier().fullText(), directive);
+void RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateUndefDirective(const UndefDirective *directive)
+ m_tokenSections.append(*newlineSection);
+ const QByteArray text = directive->identifier().fullText();
+ m_activeDefinitions->remove(text);
+ Evaluate the truth-value of an conditionalDirective
+bool RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateCondition(const ConditionalDirective *conditionalDirective)
+ if (IfDirective *ifDirective = conditionalDirective->toIfDirective())
+ return (evaluateExpression(ifDirective->expression()) != 0);
+ if (ElifDirective *elifDirective = conditionalDirective->toElifDirective())
+ return (evaluateExpression(elifDirective->expression()) != 0);
+ if (IfdefDirective *ifdefDirective = conditionalDirective->toIfdefDirective())
+ return m_activeDefinitions->contains(ifdefDirective->identifier().fullText());
+ if (IfndefDirective *ifndefDirective = conditionalDirective->toIfndefDirective())
+ return !m_activeDefinitions->contains(ifndefDirective->identifier().fullText());
+ else
+ return false; //error!
+ Recursively evaluates an Expression
+int RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateExpression(Expression *expression)
+ if (IntLiteral *e = expression->toIntLiteral()) {
+ return e->value();
+ } else if (StringLiteral *e = expression->toStringLiteral()) {
+ return e->value().size();
+ } else if (MacroReference *e = expression->toMacroReference()) {
+ switch(e->type()) {
+ case MacroReference::DefinedRef: {
+ return m_activeDefinitions->contains(e->name().fullText()) ? 1 : 0;
+ } case MacroReference::ValueRef: {
+ const QByteArray identifier = e->name().fullText();
+ if (m_activeDefinitions->contains(identifier)) {
+ int token = e->name().containerIndex(0);
+ TokenContainer value = evaluateMacro(e->name().tokenContainer(token), token);
+ return QString(QLatin1String(value.fullText())).toInt(0, 0);
+ } else {
+ return 0; // error
+ }
+ }
+ default: Q_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ } else if (MacroFunctionReference *e = expression->toMacroFunctionReference()) {
+ Q_UNUSED(e);
+ //TODO handle MacroFunctionReference
+// DefineDirective *def = e->findDefinition(e->name());
+// Q_ASSERT(def->toMacroFunctionDefinition());
+// qWarning("not implemented yet");
+ return 0;
+ } else if (UnaryExpression *e = expression->toUnaryExpression()) {
+ int result = evaluateExpression(e->expression());
+ switch (e->op()) {
+ case '+': return + result;
+ case '-': return - result;
+ case '!': return ! result;
+ case '~': return ~ result;
+ default: Q_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ } else if (BinaryExpression *e = expression->toBinaryExpression()) {
+ int v1 = evaluateExpression(e->leftExpression());
+ int v2 = evaluateExpression(e->rightExpression());
+ switch (e->op()) {
+ case '/': { return v2 ? v1 / v2 : 0; } //avoid division by zero
+ case '*': return v1 * v2;
+ case '%': { return v2 ? v1 % v2 : 0; } //avoid modulus by zero
+ case '+': return v1 + v2;
+ case '-': return v1 - v2;
+ case '<': return v1 < v2;
+ case '>': return v1 > v2;
+ case '&': return v1 & v2;
+ case '^': return v1 ^ v2;
+ case '|': return v1 | v2;
+ case Expression::LtEqOp: return v1 <= v2;
+ case Expression::GtEqOp: return v1 >= v2;
+ case Expression::EqOp: return v1 == v2;
+ case Expression::NotEqOp: return v1 != v2;
+ case Expression::AndOp: return v1 && v2;
+ case Expression::OrOp: return v1 || v2;
+ case Expression::LShiftOp: return v1 << v2;
+ case Expression::RShiftOp: return v1 >> v2;
+ default: Q_ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ } else if ( ConditionalExpression *e = expression->toConditionalExpression()){
+ return e->condition() ? evaluateExpression(e->leftExpression()) : evaluateExpression(e->rightExpression());
+ }
+ return 0;
+ Expands a macro at index identiferTokenIndex in tokenContainer. Returns
+ the expanded macro text, and updates identiferTokenIndex to point after
+ the last token consumed.
+ Given the construct 'FN(a)', the '(a)' part will be consumed if FN is
+ defined to be a macro function, but not if it is an ordenary macro.
+TokenContainer RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateMacro(TokenContainer tokenContainer, int &identiferTokenIndex)
+ QByteArray identifierText = tokenContainer.text(identiferTokenIndex);
+ if(!m_activeDefinitions->contains(identifierText))
+ return TokenContainer();
+ const Rpp::DefineDirective *directive = m_activeDefinitions->value(identifierText);
+ Q_ASSERT(directive);
+ // To prevent infinite recursive macro expansions, the skip set contains
+ // a set of identifers already seen.
+ QSet<QByteArray> skip;
+ if(directive->toMacroDefinition()) {
+ ++identiferTokenIndex;
+ QVector<TokenEngine::Token> tokenList;
+ tokenList.append(TokenEngine::Token(0, identifierText.count()));
+ return evaluateMacroInternal(skip, TokenContainer(identifierText, tokenList));
+ } else if (Rpp::MacroFunctionDefinition *macro = directive->toMacroFunctionDefinition()) {
+ MacroFunctionParser macroFunctionParser(tokenContainer, identiferTokenIndex);
+ if (macroFunctionParser.isValid() && macro->parameters().count() == macroFunctionParser.argumentCount()) {
+ TokenContainer macroFunctionContainer =
+ TokenEngine::copy(tokenContainer, identiferTokenIndex, macroFunctionParser.tokenCount());
+ identiferTokenIndex += macroFunctionParser.tokenCount();
+ return evaluateMacroInternal(skip, macroFunctionContainer);
+ } else {
+ // Error case, such as calling a macro function with the wrong number of parameters,
+ // or calling a macro function witout a parameter list.
+ return TokenEngine::copy(tokenContainer, identiferTokenIndex++, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return TokenContainer();
+ Recursively expands all macroes in macroInvokeTokens, returns a
+ TokenContainer with the new tokens.
+TokenEngine::TokenContainer RppTreeEvaluator::evaluateMacroInternal(QSet<QByteArray> skip, TokenEngine::TokenContainer macroInvokeTokens)
+ bool changed = false;
+ QByteArray tokenText;
+ QVector<TokenEngine::Token> tokenList;
+ const int numTokens = macroInvokeTokens.count();
+ for (int t = 0; t < numTokens; ++t) {
+ const QByteArray identifierText = macroInvokeTokens.text(t);
+ // if the current token text is not a part of a macro definition we just copy it.
+ if (!m_activeDefinitions->contains(identifierText)) {
+ tokenList.append(TokenEngine::Token(tokenText.count(), identifierText.count()));
+ tokenText.append(identifierText);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the token text is in the skip list we copy it.
+ if (skip.contains(identifierText)) {
+ tokenList.append(TokenEngine::Token(tokenText.count(), identifierText.count()));
+ tokenText.append(identifierText);
+ continue;
+ }
+ skip.insert(identifierText);
+ changed = true;
+ const Rpp::DefineDirective *directive = m_activeDefinitions->value(identifierText);
+ Q_ASSERT(directive);
+ // if it is a macro, we copy in the replacement list.
+ if (Rpp::MacroDefinition *macro = directive->toMacroDefinition()) {
+ TokenList replacementList = macro->replacementList();
+ TokenEngine::copy(tokenText, tokenList, replacementList, 0, replacementList.count());
+ // To avoid infinite loops, set changed to false if the replacement
+ // text is identical to the identifier text.
+ if (replacementList.fullText().simplified() == identifierText.simplified())
+ changed = false;
+ } else if (Rpp::MacroFunctionDefinition *macro = directive->toMacroFunctionDefinition()) {
+ TokenList replacementList = macro->replacementList();
+ TokenList paramenterList = macro->parameters();
+ MacroFunctionParser macroFunctionParser(macroInvokeTokens, t);
+ if (macroFunctionParser.isValid() && macro->parameters().count() == macroFunctionParser.argumentCount()) {
+ t += macroFunctionParser.tokenCount();
+ // For each token in the replacement list: If the token matches a
+ // token in the parameter list, replace it with the
+ // corresponding argument tokens from the argument list.
+ for (int replacementToken = 0; replacementToken < replacementList.count(); ++replacementToken) {
+ const QByteArray replacementTokenText = replacementList.text(replacementToken);
+ bool replaced = false;
+ for (int parameterToken = 0; parameterToken < paramenterList.count(); ++parameterToken) {
+ const QByteArray parameterTokenText = paramenterList.text(parameterToken);
+ if (parameterTokenText == replacementTokenText) {
+ TokenSection argumentTokenSection = macroFunctionParser.argument(parameterToken);
+ TokenEngine::copy(tokenText, tokenList, argumentTokenSection, 0, argumentTokenSection.count());
+ replaced = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! replaced) {
+ TokenEngine::copy(tokenText, tokenList, replacementList, replacementToken, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!changed)
+ return macroInvokeTokens;
+ return evaluateMacroInternal(skip, TokenContainer(tokenText, tokenList));
+TokenContainer RppTreeEvaluator::cloneTokenList(const TokenList &list)
+ QByteArray text;
+ QVector<TokenEngine::Token> tokens;
+ int index = 0;
+ for (int t = 0; t<list.count(); ++t) {
+ const QByteArray tokenText = list.text(t);
+ const int textLength = tokenText.count();
+ text += tokenText;
+ TokenEngine::Token token;
+ token.start = index;
+ token.length = textLength;
+ tokens.append(token);
+ index += textLength;
+ }
+ TokenContainer container(text, tokens, new GeneratedInfo());
+ return container;
+ Returns the parent Source for a given item.
+Source *RppTreeEvaluator::getParentSource(const Item *item) const
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ while(item->toSource() == 0) {
+ item = item->parent();
+ Q_ASSERT(item);
+ }
+ return item->toSource();
+ We have two IncludeType enums, one in IncludeDirective and one in
+ RppTreeEvaluator. This function translates between them.
+RppTreeEvaluator::IncludeType RppTreeEvaluator::includeTypeFromDirective(
+ const IncludeDirective *includeDirective) const
+ if(includeDirective->includeType() == IncludeDirective::QuoteInclude)
+ return QuoteInclude;
+ else
+ return AngleBracketInclude;
+ The MacrofunctionParser class is used to parse a macro function call (not
+ a macro function definition.)
+ startToken should give the token index for the identifier token for the macro function.
+MacroFunctionParser::MacroFunctionParser(const TokenEngine::TokenContainer &tokenContainer, int startToken)
+ int tokenIndex = startToken;
+ ++tokenIndex; //skip identifier token
+ int parenthesisCount = 0;
+ int currentArgumentStartToken = tokenIndex;
+ // Parse argument tokens, add arguments to the m_arguments list.
+ // Arguments may consist of multiple tokens. Parenthesis in arguments
+ // are allowed, as long as they match. Inside a pair of argument
+ // parenthesis, ',' no longer signals a new argument. For example,
+ // FN((a,b)) is legal and contains one argument.
+ while(tokenIndex < tokenContainer.count()) {
+ QByteArray currentText = tokenContainer.text(tokenIndex);
+ ++tokenIndex;
+ if (currentText == "(") {
+ ++parenthesisCount;
+ if (parenthesisCount == 1) {
+ // first parenthesis
+ currentArgumentStartToken = tokenIndex;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentText == ")") {
+ --parenthesisCount;
+ if (parenthesisCount == 0) {
+ //end of argument
+ m_arguments.append(TokenSection(tokenContainer, currentArgumentStartToken, tokenIndex - currentArgumentStartToken - 1));
+ currentArgumentStartToken = tokenIndex;
+ //end of argument list
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (currentText == "," && parenthesisCount == 1) {
+ //end of argument
+ m_arguments.append(TokenSection(tokenContainer, currentArgumentStartToken, tokenIndex - currentArgumentStartToken - 1));
+ currentArgumentStartToken = tokenIndex;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (QChar::fromLatin1(currentText.at(0)).isSpace()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If we get here without having seen a paranthesis we have a syntax
+ // error in the macro function call.
+ if (parenthesisCount == 0) {
+ parenthesisCount = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ m_numTokens = tokenIndex - startToken;
+ m_valid = (parenthesisCount == 0);
+ Returns true if the MacroFunctionParser contains a valid macro function
+bool MacroFunctionParser::isValid()
+ return m_valid;
+ Returns the number of tokens in the tokenContainer that is covered by
+ the macro function.
+int MacroFunctionParser::tokenCount()
+ return m_numTokens;
+ Returns the number of arguments for the macro function.
+int MacroFunctionParser::argumentCount()
+ return m_arguments.count();
+ Returns the tokens for the argument given by argumentIndex.
+TokenSection MacroFunctionParser::argument(int argumentIndex)
+ Q_ASSERT(argumentIndex < m_arguments.count());
+ return m_arguments.at(argumentIndex);
+} //namespace Rpp