changeset 18 2f34d5167611
child 19 fcece45ef507
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qsoftkeymanager_s60.cpp	Fri Apr 16 15:50:13 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "qapplication.h"
+#include "qevent.h"
+#include "qbitmap.h"
+#include "qstyle.h"
+#include "qmenubar.h"
+#include "private/qt_s60_p.h"
+#include "private/qmenu_p.h"
+#include "private/qsoftkeymanager_p.h"
+#include "private/qsoftkeymanager_s60_p.h"
+#include "private/qobject_p.h"
+#include <eiksoftkeyimage.h>
+#include <eikcmbut.h>
+const int S60_COMMAND_START = 6000;
+const int LSK_POSITION = 0;
+const int MSK_POSITION = 3;
+const int RSK_POSITION = 2;
+    cachedCbaIconSize[0] = QSize(0,0);
+    cachedCbaIconSize[1] = QSize(0,0);
+    cachedCbaIconSize[2] = QSize(0,0);
+    cachedCbaIconSize[3] = QSize(0,0);
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::skipCbaUpdate()
+    // Lets not update softkeys if
+    // 1. We don't have application panes, i.e. cba
+    // 2. Our CBA is not active, i.e. S60 native dialog or menu with custom CBA is shown
+    // Note: Cannot use IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog since CBA update can be triggered before
+    // menu/dialog CBA is actually displayed i.e. it is being costructed.
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer *appUiCba = S60->buttonGroupContainer();
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer *currentCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
+    if (QApplication::testAttribute(Qt::AA_S60DontConstructApplicationPanes) || appUiCba != currentCba) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::ensureCbaVisibilityAndResponsiviness(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+    RDrawableWindow *cbaWindow = cba.DrawableWindow();
+    Q_ASSERT_X(cbaWindow, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Native CBA does not have window!");
+    // Make sure CBA is visible, i.e. CBA window is on top
+    cbaWindow->SetOrdinalPosition(0);
+    // Qt shares same CBA instance between top-level widgets,
+    // make sure we are not faded by underlying window.
+    cbaWindow->SetFaded(EFalse, RWindowTreeNode::EFadeIncludeChildren);
+    // Modal dialogs capture pointer events, but shared cba instance
+    // shall stay responsive. Raise pointer capture priority to keep
+    // softkeys responsive in modal dialogs
+    cbaWindow->SetPointerCapturePriority(1);
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::clearSoftkeys(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+        //Using -1 instead of EAknSoftkeyEmpty to avoid flickering.
+        cba.SetCommandL(0, -1, KNullDesC);
+        // TODO: Should we clear also middle SK?
+        cba.SetCommandL(2, -1, KNullDesC);
+    );
+    realSoftKeyActions.clear();
+QString QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::softkeyText(QAction &softkeyAction)
+    // In S60 softkeys and menu items do not support key accelerators (i.e.
+    // CTRL+X). Therefore, removing the accelerator characters from both softkey
+    // and menu item texts.
+    const int underlineShortCut = QApplication::style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_UnderlineShortcut);
+    QString iconText = softkeyAction.iconText();
+    return underlineShortCut ? softkeyAction.text() : iconText;
+QAction *QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::highestPrioritySoftkey(QAction::SoftKeyRole role)
+    QAction *ret = NULL;
+    // Priority look up is two level
+    // 1. First widget with softkeys always has highest priority
+    for (int level = 0; !ret; level++) {
+        // 2. Highest priority action within widget
+        QList<QAction*> actions = requestedSoftKeyActions.values(level);
+        if (actions.isEmpty())
+            break;
+        qSort(actions.begin(), actions.end(), QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::actionPriorityMoreThan);
+        foreach (QAction *action, actions) {
+            if (action->softKeyRole() == role) {
+                ret = action;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::actionPriorityMoreThan(const QAction *firstItem, const QAction *secondItem)
+    return firstItem->priority() > secondItem->priority();
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setNativeSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba,
+                                              TInt position, TInt command, const TDesC &text)
+    // Calling SetCommandL causes CBA redraw
+    QT_TRAP_THROWING(cba.SetCommandL(position, command, text));
+QPoint QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::softkeyIconPosition(int position, QSize sourceSize, QSize targetSize)
+    QPoint iconPosition(0,0);
+    switch( AknLayoutUtils::CbaLocation() )
+        {
+        case AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationBottom:
+            // RSK must be moved to right, LSK in on correct position by default
+            if (position == RSK_POSITION)
+                iconPosition.setX(targetSize.width() - sourceSize.width());
+            break;
+        case AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationRight:
+        case AknLayoutUtils::EAknCbaLocationLeft:
+            // Already in correct position
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    // Align horizontally to center
+    iconPosition.setY((targetSize.height() - sourceSize.height()) >> 1);
+    return iconPosition;
+QPixmap QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::prepareSoftkeyPixmap(QPixmap src, int position, QSize targetSize)
+    QPixmap target(targetSize);
+    target.fill(Qt::transparent);
+    QPainter p;
+    p.begin(&target);
+    p.drawPixmap(softkeyIconPosition(position, src.size(), targetSize), src);
+    p.end();
+    return target;
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::isOrientationLandscape()
+    // Hard to believe that there is no public API in S60 to
+    // get current orientation. This workaround works with currently supported resolutions
+    return  S60->screenHeightInPixels <  S60->screenWidthInPixels;
+QSize QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::cbaIconSize(CEikButtonGroupContainer *cba, int position)
+    int index = position;
+    index += isOrientationLandscape() ? 0 : 1;
+    if(cachedCbaIconSize[index].isNull()) {
+        // Only way I figured out to get CBA icon size without RnD SDK, was
+        // to set some dummy icon to CBA first and then ask CBA button CCoeControl::Size()
+        // The returned value is cached to avoid unnecessary icon setting every time.
+        const bool left = (position == LSK_POSITION);
+        if(position == LSK_POSITION || position == RSK_POSITION) {
+            CEikImage* tmpImage = NULL;
+            QT_TRAP_THROWING(tmpImage = new (ELeave) CEikImage);
+            EikSoftkeyImage::SetImage(cba, *tmpImage, left); // Takes myimage ownership
+            int command = S60_COMMAND_START + position;
+            setNativeSoftkey(*cba, position, command, KNullDesC());
+            cachedCbaIconSize[index] = qt_TSize2QSize(cba->ControlOrNull(command)->Size());
+            EikSoftkeyImage::SetLabel(cba, left);
+            if(cachedCbaIconSize[index] == QSize(138,72)) {
+                // Hack for S60 5.0 (5800) landscape orientation, which return wrong icon size
+                cachedCbaIconSize[index] = QSize(60,60);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return cachedCbaIconSize[index];
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setSoftkeyImage(CEikButtonGroupContainer *cba,
+                                            QAction &action, int position)
+    bool ret = false;
+    const bool left = (position == LSK_POSITION);
+    if(position == LSK_POSITION || position == RSK_POSITION) {
+        QIcon icon = action.icon();
+        if (!icon.isNull()) {
+            // Get size of CBA icon area based on button position and orientation
+            QSize requiredIconSize = cbaIconSize(cba, position);
+            // Get pixmap out of icon based on preferred size, the aspect ratio is kept
+            QPixmap pmWihtAspectRatio = icon.pixmap(requiredIconSize);
+            // Native softkeys require that pixmap size is exactly the same as requiredIconSize
+            // prepareSoftkeyPixmap creates a new pixmap with requiredIconSize and blits the 'pmWihtAspectRatio'
+            // to correct location of it
+            QPixmap softkeyPixmap = prepareSoftkeyPixmap(pmWihtAspectRatio, position, requiredIconSize);
+            QPixmap softkeyAlpha = softkeyPixmap.alphaChannel();
+            // Alpha channel in 5.1 and older devices need to be inverted
+            // TODO: Switch to use toSymbianCFbsBitmap with invert when available
+            if(QSysInfo::s60Version() <= QSysInfo::SV_S60_5_1) {
+                QImage alphaImage = softkeyAlpha.toImage();
+                alphaImage.invertPixels();
+                softkeyAlpha = QPixmap::fromImage(alphaImage);
+            }
+            CFbsBitmap* nBitmap = softkeyPixmap.toSymbianCFbsBitmap();
+            CFbsBitmap* nMask = softkeyAlpha.toSymbianCFbsBitmap();
+            CEikImage* myimage = new (ELeave) CEikImage;
+            myimage->SetPicture( nBitmap, nMask ); // nBitmap and nMask ownership transfered
+            EikSoftkeyImage::SetImage(cba, *myimage, left); // Takes myimage ownership
+            ret = true;
+        } else {
+            // Restore softkey to text based
+            EikSoftkeyImage::SetLabel(cba, left);
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba,
+                                        QAction::SoftKeyRole role, int position)
+    QAction *action = highestPrioritySoftkey(role);
+    if (action) {
+        setSoftkeyImage(&cba, *action, position);
+        QString text = softkeyText(*action);
+        TPtrC nativeText = qt_QString2TPtrC(text);
+        int command = S60_COMMAND_START + position;
+        setNativeSoftkey(cba, position, command, nativeText);
+        cba.DimCommand(command, !action->isEnabled());
+        realSoftKeyActions.insert(command, action);
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setLeftSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+    return setSoftkey(cba, QAction::PositiveSoftKey, LSK_POSITION);
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setMiddleSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+    // Note: In order to get MSK working, application has to have EAknEnableMSK flag set
+    // Currently it is not possible very easily)
+    // For more information see:
+    return setSoftkey(cba, QAction::SelectSoftKey, MSK_POSITION);
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setRightSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+    if (!setSoftkey(cba, QAction::NegativeSoftKey, RSK_POSITION)) {
+        Qt::WindowType windowType = Qt::Window;
+        QAction *action = requestedSoftKeyActions.value(0);
+        if (action) {
+            QWidget *actionParent = action->parentWidget();
+            Q_ASSERT_X(actionParent, Q_FUNC_INFO, "No parent set for softkey action!");
+            QWidget *actionWindow = actionParent->window();
+            Q_ASSERT_X(actionWindow, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Softkey action does not have window!");
+            windowType = actionWindow->windowType();
+        }
+        if (windowType != Qt::Dialog && windowType != Qt::Popup) {
+            QString text(QSoftKeyManager::tr("Exit"));
+            TPtrC nativeText = qt_QString2TPtrC(text);
+            EikSoftkeyImage::SetLabel(&cba, false);
+            setNativeSoftkey(cba, RSK_POSITION, EAknSoftkeyExit, nativeText);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setSoftkeys(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
+    int requestedSoftkeyCount = requestedSoftKeyActions.count();
+    const int maxSoftkeyCount = 2; // TODO: differs based on orientation ans S60 versions (some have MSK)
+    if (requestedSoftkeyCount > maxSoftkeyCount) {
+        // We have more softkeys than available slots
+        // Put highest priority negative action to RSK and Options menu with rest of softkey actions to LSK
+        // TODO: Build menu
+        setLeftSoftkey(cba);
+        if(AknLayoutUtils::MSKEnabled())
+            setMiddleSoftkey(cba);
+        setRightSoftkey(cba);
+    } else {
+        // We have less softkeys than available slots
+        // Put softkeys to request slots based on role
+        setLeftSoftkey(cba);
+        if(AknLayoutUtils::MSKEnabled())
+            setMiddleSoftkey(cba);
+        setRightSoftkey(cba);
+    }
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::updateSoftKeys_sys()
+    if (skipCbaUpdate())
+        return;
+    CEikButtonGroupContainer *nativeContainer = S60->buttonGroupContainer();
+    Q_ASSERT_X(nativeContainer, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Native CBA does not exist!");
+    ensureCbaVisibilityAndResponsiviness(*nativeContainer);
+    clearSoftkeys(*nativeContainer);
+    setSoftkeys(*nativeContainer);
+    nativeContainer->DrawDeferred(); // 3.1 needs an extra invitation
+bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::handleCommand(int command)
+    QAction *action = realSoftKeyActions.value(command);
+    if (action) {
+        QVariant property = action->property(MENU_ACTION_PROPERTY);
+        if (property.isValid() && property.toBool()) {
+            QT_TRAP_THROWING(S60->menuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL());
+        } else if (action->menu()) {
+            // TODO: This is hack, in order to use exising QMenuBar implementation for Symbian
+            // menubar needs to have widget to which it is associated. Since we want to associate
+            // menubar to action (which is inherited from QObejct), we create and associate QWidget
+            // to action and pass that for QMenuBar. This associates the menubar to action, and we
+            // can have own menubar for each action.
+            QWidget *actionContainer = action->property("_q_action_widget").value<QWidget*>();
+            if(!actionContainer) {
+                actionContainer = new QWidget(action->parentWidget());
+                QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar(actionContainer);
+                foreach(QAction *menuAction, action->menu()->actions()) {
+                    QMenu *menu = menuAction->menu();
+                    if(menu)
+                        menuBar->addMenu(action->menu());
+                    else
+                        menuBar->addAction(menuAction);
+                }
+                QVariant v;
+                v.setValue(actionContainer);
+                action->setProperty("_q_action_widget", v);
+            }
+            qt_symbian_next_menu_from_action(actionContainer);
+            QT_TRAP_THROWING(S60->menuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL());
+        } else {
+            Q_ASSERT(action->softKeyRole() != QAction::NoSoftKey);
+            QWidget *actionParent = action->parentWidget();
+            Q_ASSERT_X(actionParent, Q_FUNC_INFO, "No parent set for softkey action!");
+            if (actionParent->isEnabled()) {
+                action->activate(QAction::Trigger);
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return false;