--- a/tests/auto/qgl/tst_qgl.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:43:10 2010 +0200
+++ b/tests/auto/qgl/tst_qgl.cpp Fri Apr 16 15:50:13 2010 +0300
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
#include <QtOpenGL/private/qgl_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qpixmapdata_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qimage_p.h>
+#include <QtGui/private/qimagepixmapcleanuphooks_p.h>
@@ -91,6 +94,8 @@
void clipTest();
void destroyFBOAfterContext();
void shareRegister();
+ void qglContextDefaultBindTexture();
+ void textureCleanup();
@@ -1824,17 +1829,12 @@
void tst_QGL::shareRegister()
- QGLShareRegister *shareReg = qgl_share_reg();
- QVERIFY(shareReg != 0);
// Create a context.
QGLWidget *glw1 = new QGLWidget();
// Nothing should be sharing with glw1's context yet.
- QList<const QGLContext *> list;
- list = shareReg->shares(glw1->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 0);
+ QVERIFY(!glw1->isSharing());
// Create a guard for the first context.
QGLSharedResourceGuard guard(glw1->context());
@@ -1867,16 +1867,6 @@
QVERIFY(guard.context() == glw1->context());
QVERIFY(guard.id() == 3);
- // Now there are two items in the share lists.
- list = shareReg->shares(glw1->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2);
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw1->context()));
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw2->context()));
- list = shareReg->shares(glw2->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2);
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw1->context()));
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw2->context()));
// Check the sharing relationships.
QVERIFY(QGLContext::areSharing(glw1->context(), glw1->context()));
QVERIFY(QGLContext::areSharing(glw2->context(), glw2->context()));
@@ -1902,18 +1892,6 @@
QVERIFY(qt_shared_test()->value(glw2->context()) == res1);
QVERIFY(qt_shared_test()->value(glw3->context()) == res3);
- // First two should still be sharing, but third is in its own list.
- list = shareReg->shares(glw1->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2);
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw1->context()));
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw2->context()));
- list = shareReg->shares(glw2->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 2);
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw1->context()));
- QVERIFY(list.contains(glw2->context()));
- list = shareReg->shares(glw3->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 0);
// Check the sharing relationships again.
QVERIFY(QGLContext::areSharing(glw1->context(), glw1->context()));
QVERIFY(QGLContext::areSharing(glw2->context(), glw2->context()));
@@ -1951,10 +1929,6 @@
QVERIFY(guard3.context() == glw3->context());
QVERIFY(guard3.id() == 5);
- // Re-check the share list for the second context (should be empty now).
- list = shareReg->shares(glw2->context());
- QCOMPARE(list.size(), 0);
// Clean up and check that the resources are properly deleted.
delete glw2;
QCOMPARE(tst_QGLResource::deletions, 1);
@@ -1969,5 +1943,248 @@
+// Tests QGLContext::bindTexture with default options
+void tst_QGL::qglContextDefaultBindTexture()
+ QGLWidget w;
+ w.makeCurrent();
+ QGLContext *ctx = const_cast<QGLContext*>(w.context());
+ QImage *boundImage = new QImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ boundImage->fill(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ QPixmap *boundPixmap = new QPixmap(256, 256);
+ boundPixmap->fill(Qt::red);
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ GLuint boundImageTextureId = ctx->bindTexture(*boundImage);
+ GLuint boundPixmapTextureId = ctx->bindTexture(*boundPixmap);
+ // Make sure the image & pixmap have been added to the cache:
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ // Make sure the image & pixmap have the is_cached flag set:
+ QVERIFY(QImagePixmapCleanupHooks::isImageCached(*boundImage));
+ QVERIFY(QImagePixmapCleanupHooks::isPixmapCached(*boundPixmap));
+ // Make sure the texture IDs returned are valid:
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundImageTextureId), GL_TRUE);
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundPixmapTextureId), GL_TRUE);
+ // Make sure the textures are still valid after we delete the image/pixmap:
+ // Also check that although the textures are left intact, the cache entries are removed:
+ delete boundImage;
+ boundImage = 0;
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundImageTextureId), GL_TRUE);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ delete boundPixmap;
+ boundPixmap = 0;
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundPixmapTextureId), GL_TRUE);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ // Finally, make sure QGLContext::deleteTexture deletes the texture IDs:
+ ctx->deleteTexture(boundImageTextureId);
+ ctx->deleteTexture(boundPixmapTextureId);
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundImageTextureId), GL_FALSE);
+ QCOMPARE((bool)glIsTexture(boundPixmapTextureId), GL_FALSE);
+void tst_QGL::textureCleanup()
+ QGLWidget w;
+ w.resize(200,200);
+ w.show();
+ w.makeCurrent();
+ // Test pixmaps which have been loaded via QPixmapCache are removed from the texture cache
+ // when the pixmap cache is cleared
+ {
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QPixmap boundPixmap(":designer.png");
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ // Check that the texture doesn't get removed from the cache when the pixmap is cleared
+ // as it should still be in the cache:
+ boundPixmap = QPixmap();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ QPixmapCache::clear();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ }
+ // Test pixmaps which have been loaded via QPixmapCache are removed from the texture cache
+ // when they are explicitly removed from the pixmap cache
+ {
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QPixmap boundPixmap(128, 128);
+ QString cacheKey = QString::fromLatin1("myPixmap");
+ QPixmapCache::insert(cacheKey, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ // Check that the texture doesn't get removed from the cache when the pixmap is cleared
+ // as it should still be in the cache:
+ boundPixmap = QPixmap();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ // Finally, we check that the texture cache entry is removed when we remove the
+ // pixmap cache entry, which should hold the last reference:
+ QPixmapCache::remove(cacheKey);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ }
+ // Check images & pixmaps are removed from the cache when they are deleted
+ {
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QImage *boundImage = new QImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ boundImage->fill(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ QPixmap *boundPixmap = new QPixmap(256, 256);
+ boundPixmap->fill(Qt::red);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawImage(0, 0, *boundImage);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ delete boundImage;
+ boundImage = 0;
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ delete boundPixmap;
+ boundPixmap = 0;
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ }
+ // Check images & pixmaps are removed from the cache when they are assigned to
+ {
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QImage boundImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ boundImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ QPixmap boundPixmap(256, 256);
+ boundPixmap.fill(Qt::red);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawImage(0, 0, boundImage);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ boundImage = QImage(64, 64, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ boundPixmap = QPixmap(64, 64);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ }
+ // Check images & pixmaps are removed from the cache when they are modified (detached)
+ {
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QImage boundImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ boundImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ QPixmap boundPixmap(256, 256);
+ boundPixmap.fill(Qt::red);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawImage(0, 0, boundImage);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ boundImage.fill(0x00000000);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ boundPixmap.fill(Qt::blue);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ }
+ // Check that images/pixmaps aren't removed from the cache if a shallow copy has been made
+ QImage copyOfImage;
+ QPixmap copyOfPixmap;
+ int startCacheItemCount = QGLTextureCache::instance()->size();
+ {
+ QPainter p(&w);
+ QImage boundImage(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
+ boundImage.fill(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ QPixmap boundPixmap(256, 256);
+ boundPixmap.fill(Qt::red);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
+ p.drawImage(0, 0, boundImage);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ p.drawPixmap(0, 0, boundPixmap);
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ // Need to call end for the GL2 paint engine to release references to pixmap if using tfp
+ p.end();
+ copyOfImage = boundImage;
+ copyOfPixmap = boundPixmap;
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ } // boundImage & boundPixmap would have been deleted when they went out of scope
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+2);
+ copyOfImage = QImage();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount+1);
+ copyOfPixmap = QPixmap();
+ QCOMPARE(QGLTextureCache::instance()->size(), startCacheItemCount);
#include "tst_qgl.moc"