--- a/src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper_neon.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/gui/painting/qdrawhelper_neon.cpp Wed Aug 18 10:37:55 2010 +0300
@@ -579,6 +579,193 @@
+void QT_FASTCALL comp_func_solid_SourceOver_neon(uint *destPixels, int length, uint color, uint const_alpha)
+ if ((const_alpha & qAlpha(color)) == 255) {
+ QT_MEMFILL_UINT(destPixels, length, color);
+ } else {
+ if (const_alpha != 255)
+ color = BYTE_MUL(color, const_alpha);
+ const quint32 minusAlphaOfColor = qAlpha(~color);
+ int x = 0;
+ uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) destPixels;
+ const uint32x4_t colorVector = vdupq_n_u32(color);
+ uint16x8_t half = vdupq_n_u16(0x80);
+ const uint16x8_t minusAlphaOfColorVector = vdupq_n_u16(minusAlphaOfColor);
+ for (; x < length-3; x += 4) {
+ uint32x4_t dstVector = vld1q_u32(&dst[x]);
+ const uint8x16_t dst8 = vreinterpretq_u8_u32(dstVector);
+ const uint8x8_t dst8_low = vget_low_u8(dst8);
+ const uint8x8_t dst8_high = vget_high_u8(dst8);
+ const uint16x8_t dst16_low = vmovl_u8(dst8_low);
+ const uint16x8_t dst16_high = vmovl_u8(dst8_high);
+ const uint16x8_t result16_low = qvbyte_mul_u16(dst16_low, minusAlphaOfColorVector, half);
+ const uint16x8_t result16_high = qvbyte_mul_u16(dst16_high, minusAlphaOfColorVector, half);
+ const uint32x2_t result32_low = vreinterpret_u32_u8(vmovn_u16(result16_low));
+ const uint32x2_t result32_high = vreinterpret_u32_u8(vmovn_u16(result16_high));
+ uint32x4_t blendedPixels = vcombine_u32(result32_low, result32_high);
+ uint32x4_t colorPlusBlendedPixels = vaddq_u32(colorVector, blendedPixels);
+ vst1q_u32(&dst[x], colorPlusBlendedPixels);
+ }
+ for (;x < length; ++x)
+ destPixels[x] = color + BYTE_MUL(destPixels[x], minusAlphaOfColor);
+ }
+static const int tileSize = 32;
+extern "C" void qt_rotate90_16_neon(quint16 *dst, const quint16 *src, int sstride, int dstride, int count);
+void qt_memrotate90_16_neon(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h, int sstride, uchar *destPixels, int dstride)
+ const ushort *src = (const ushort *)srcPixels;
+ ushort *dest = (ushort *)destPixels;
+ sstride /= sizeof(ushort);
+ dstride /= sizeof(ushort);
+ const int pack = sizeof(quint32) / sizeof(ushort);
+ const int unaligned =
+ qMin(uint((quintptr(dest) & (sizeof(quint32)-1)) / sizeof(ushort)), uint(h));
+ const int restX = w % tileSize;
+ const int restY = (h - unaligned) % tileSize;
+ const int unoptimizedY = restY % pack;
+ const int numTilesX = w / tileSize + (restX > 0);
+ const int numTilesY = (h - unaligned) / tileSize + (restY >= pack);
+ for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) {
+ const int startx = w - tx * tileSize - 1;
+ const int stopx = qMax(startx - tileSize, 0);
+ if (unaligned) {
+ for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) {
+ ushort *d = dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride;
+ for (int y = 0; y < unaligned; ++y) {
+ *d++ = src[y * sstride + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) {
+ const int starty = ty * tileSize + unaligned;
+ const int stopy = qMin(starty + tileSize, h - unoptimizedY);
+ int x = startx;
+ // qt_rotate90_16_neon writes to eight rows, four pixels at a time
+ for (; x >= stopx + 7; x -= 8) {
+ ushort *d = dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride + starty;
+ const ushort *s = &src[starty * sstride + x - 7];
+ qt_rotate90_16_neon(d, s, sstride * 2, dstride * 2, stopy - starty);
+ }
+ for (; x >= stopx; --x) {
+ quint32 *d = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride + starty);
+ for (int y = starty; y < stopy; y += pack) {
+ quint32 c = src[y * sstride + x];
+ for (int i = 1; i < pack; ++i) {
+ const int shift = (sizeof(int) * 8 / pack * i);
+ const ushort color = src[(y + i) * sstride + x];
+ c |= color << shift;
+ }
+ *d++ = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (unoptimizedY) {
+ const int starty = h - unoptimizedY;
+ for (int x = startx; x >= stopx; --x) {
+ ushort *d = dest + (w - x - 1) * dstride + starty;
+ for (int y = starty; y < h; ++y) {
+ *d++ = src[y * sstride + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+extern "C" void qt_rotate270_16_neon(quint16 *dst, const quint16 *src, int sstride, int dstride, int count);
+void qt_memrotate270_16_neon(const uchar *srcPixels, int w, int h,
+ int sstride,
+ uchar *destPixels, int dstride)
+ const ushort *src = (const ushort *)srcPixels;
+ ushort *dest = (ushort *)destPixels;
+ sstride /= sizeof(ushort);
+ dstride /= sizeof(ushort);
+ const int pack = sizeof(quint32) / sizeof(ushort);
+ const int unaligned =
+ qMin(uint((long(dest) & (sizeof(quint32)-1)) / sizeof(ushort)), uint(h));
+ const int restX = w % tileSize;
+ const int restY = (h - unaligned) % tileSize;
+ const int unoptimizedY = restY % pack;
+ const int numTilesX = w / tileSize + (restX > 0);
+ const int numTilesY = (h - unaligned) / tileSize + (restY >= pack);
+ for (int tx = 0; tx < numTilesX; ++tx) {
+ const int startx = tx * tileSize;
+ const int stopx = qMin(startx + tileSize, w);
+ if (unaligned) {
+ for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) {
+ ushort *d = dest + x * dstride;
+ for (int y = h - 1; y >= h - unaligned; --y) {
+ *d++ = src[y * sstride + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int ty = 0; ty < numTilesY; ++ty) {
+ const int starty = h - 1 - unaligned - ty * tileSize;
+ const int stopy = qMax(starty - tileSize, unoptimizedY);
+ int x = startx;
+ // qt_rotate90_16_neon writes to eight rows, four pixels at a time
+ for (; x < stopx - 7; x += 8) {
+ ushort *d = dest + x * dstride + h - 1 - starty;
+ const ushort *s = &src[starty * sstride + x];
+ qt_rotate90_16_neon(d + 7 * dstride, s, -sstride * 2, -dstride * 2, starty - stopy);
+ }
+ for (; x < stopx; ++x) {
+ quint32 *d = reinterpret_cast<quint32*>(dest + x * dstride
+ + h - 1 - starty);
+ for (int y = starty; y > stopy; y -= pack) {
+ quint32 c = src[y * sstride + x];
+ for (int i = 1; i < pack; ++i) {
+ const int shift = (sizeof(int) * 8 / pack * i);
+ const ushort color = src[(y - i) * sstride + x];
+ c |= color << shift;
+ }
+ *d++ = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (unoptimizedY) {
+ const int starty = unoptimizedY - 1;
+ for (int x = startx; x < stopx; ++x) {
+ ushort *d = dest + x * dstride + h - 1 - starty;
+ for (int y = starty; y >= 0; --y) {
+ *d++ = src[y * sstride + x];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
#endif // QT_HAVE_NEON