--- a/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp Wed Aug 18 10:37:55 2010 +0300
@@ -135,13 +135,13 @@
{SE_TableHeaderItem, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrCaleHeadingCenter},
{SE_ToolTip, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrPopupPreviewCenter},
{SE_ToolBar, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrPopupSubCenter},
- {SE_ToolBarButton, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrSctrlButtonCenter},
- {SE_ToolBarButtonPressed, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrSctrlButtonCenterPressed},
+ {SE_ToolBarButton, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnFrSctrlButtonCenter},
+ {SE_ToolBarButtonPressed, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnFrSctrlButtonCenterPressed},
{SE_PanelBackground, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrSetOptCenter},
{SE_ButtonInactive, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrButtonCenterInactive},
{SE_Editor, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrInputCenter},
{SE_TableItemPressed, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrGridCenterPressed},
- {SE_ListItemPressed, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrListPressed},
+ {SE_ListItemPressed, QS60StyleEnums::SP_QsnFrListCenterPressed},
static const int frameElementsCount =
@@ -1750,45 +1750,56 @@
const bool enabled = optionMenuItem.state & State_Enabled;
const bool checkable = optionMenuItem.checkType != QStyleOptionMenuItem::NotCheckable;
+ bool ignoreCheckMark = false;
+ if (qobject_cast<const QComboBox*>(widget))
+ ignoreCheckMark = true; //ignore the checkmarks provided by the QComboMenuDelegate
uint text_flags = Qt::AlignLeading | Qt::TextShowMnemonic | Qt::TextDontClip
| Qt::TextSingleLine | Qt::AlignVCenter;
if (!styleHint(SH_UnderlineShortcut, menuItem, widget))
text_flags |= Qt::TextHideMnemonic;
- const bool selected = (option->state & State_Selected) && (option->state & State_Enabled);
- if (selected)
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_ListHighlight, painter, option->rect, flags);
QRect iconRect = subElementRect(SE_ItemViewItemDecoration, &optionMenuItem, widget);
QRect textRect = subElementRect(SE_ItemViewItemText, &optionMenuItem, widget);
- //todo: move the vertical spacing stuff into subElementRect
+ QStyleOptionMenuItem optionCheckBox;
+ //Regardless of checkbox visibility, make room for it, this mirrors native implementation,
+ //where text and icon placement is static regardless of content of menu item.
+ optionCheckBox.QStyleOptionMenuItem::operator=(*menuItem);
+ optionCheckBox.rect.setWidth(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorWidth));
+ optionCheckBox.rect.setHeight(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorHeight));
const int vSpacing = QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing);
- if (checkable){
- const int hSpacing = QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing);
- QStyleOptionMenuItem optionCheckBox;
- optionCheckBox.QStyleOptionMenuItem::operator=(*menuItem);
- optionCheckBox.rect.setWidth(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorWidth));
- optionCheckBox.rect.setHeight(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorHeight));
- optionCheckBox.rect.moveCenter(QPoint(
- optionCheckBox.rect.center().x(),
- menuItem->rect.center().y()));
- const int moveByX = optionCheckBox.rect.width() + vSpacing;
- if (optionMenuItem.direction == Qt::LeftToRight) {
- textRect.translate(moveByX, 0);
- iconRect.translate(moveByX, 0);
- iconRect.setWidth(iconRect.width() + vSpacing);
- textRect.setWidth(textRect.width() - moveByX - vSpacing);
- optionCheckBox.rect.translate(vSpacing >> 1, hSpacing >> 1);
- } else {
- textRect.setWidth(textRect.width() - moveByX);
- iconRect.setWidth(iconRect.width() + vSpacing);
- iconRect.translate(-optionCheckBox.rect.width() - vSpacing, 0);
- optionCheckBox.rect.translate(textRect.width() + iconRect.width(), 0);
- }
+ //The vertical spacing is doubled; it needs one spacing to separate checkbox from
+ //highlight and then it needs one to separate it whatever is shown after it (text/icon/both).
+ const int moveByX = optionCheckBox.rect.width() + 2 * vSpacing;
+ optionCheckBox.rect.moveCenter(QPoint(
+ optionCheckBox.rect.center().x() + moveByX >> 1,
+ menuItem->rect.center().y()));
+ if (optionMenuItem.direction != Qt::LeftToRight)
+ optionCheckBox.rect.translate(textRect.width() + iconRect.width(), 0);
+ const bool selected = (option->state & State_Selected) && (option->state & State_Enabled);
+ if (selected) {
+ const int spacing = ignoreCheckMark ? (vSpacing + QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth)) : 0;
+ const int start = optionMenuItem.rect.left() + spacing;
+ const int end = optionMenuItem.rect.right() - spacing;
+ //-1 adjustment to avoid highlight being on top of possible separator item
+ const QRect highlightRect = QRect(
+ QPoint(start, option->rect.top()),
+ QPoint(end, option->rect.bottom() - 1));
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_ListHighlight, painter, highlightRect, flags);
+ }
+ if (checkable && !ignoreCheckMark)
drawPrimitive(PE_IndicatorMenuCheckMark, &optionCheckBox, painter, widget);
- }
//draw icon and/or checkState
QPixmap pix = menuItem->icon.pixmap(pixelMetric(PM_SmallIconSize),
enabled ? QIcon::Normal : QIcon::Disabled);
@@ -1799,7 +1810,7 @@
textRect.translate(vSpacing, 0);
textRect.translate(-vSpacing, 0);
- textRect.setWidth(textRect.width()-vSpacing);
+ textRect.setWidth(textRect.width() - vSpacing);
//draw indicators
@@ -1817,7 +1828,7 @@
QS60StylePrivate::SF_PointNorth : QS60StylePrivate::SF_PointSouth;
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubMenu, painter, arrowOptions.rect,
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubmenu, painter, arrowOptions.rect,
(flags | QS60StylePrivate::SF_ColorSkinned | arrowDirection));
@@ -1837,6 +1848,24 @@
QCommonStyle::drawItemText(painter, textRect, text_flags,
optionMenuItem.palette, enabled,
optionMenuItem.text, QPalette::Text);
+ //In Sym^3, native menu items have "lines" between them
+ if (QS60StylePrivate::isSingleClickUi()) {
+ const QColor lineColorAlpha = QS60StylePrivate::s60Color(QS60StyleEnums::CL_QsnLineColors, 15, 0);
+ const int spacing = QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_FrameCornerWidth);
+ //native platform sets each color byte to same value for "line 16" which just defines alpha for
+ //menuitem lines; lets use first byte "red".
+ QColor lineColor = optionMenuItem.palette.text().color();
+ if (lineColorAlpha.isValid())
+ lineColor.setAlpha(lineColorAlpha.red());
+ painter->save();
+ painter->setPen(lineColor);
+ const int lineStartX = optionMenuItem.rect.left() + (QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_FrameCornerWidth) - 2) + spacing;
+ const int lineEndX = optionMenuItem.rect.right() - (QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_FrameCornerWidth) - 2) - spacing;
+ painter->drawLine(QPoint(lineStartX, optionMenuItem.rect.bottom()), QPoint(lineEndX, optionMenuItem.rect.bottom()));
+ painter->restore();
+ }
if (!enabled)
@@ -2233,6 +2262,8 @@
if (QS60StylePrivate::canDrawThemeBackground(option->palette.base(), widget) &&
option->palette.window().texture().cacheKey() ==
+ //todo: for combobox listviews, the background should include area for menu scrollers,
+ //but this produces drawing issues as we need to turn clipping off.
QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_PopupBackground, painter, option->rect, flags);
commonStyleDraws = true;
@@ -2548,10 +2579,12 @@
sz = QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents( ct, opt, csz, widget);
+ //native items have small empty areas at the beginning and end of menu item
+ sz.setWidth(sz.width() + 2 * pixelMetric(PM_MenuHMargin) + 2 * QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_FrameCornerWidth));
if (QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
//Make itemview easier to use in touch devices
//QCommonStyle does not adjust height with horizontal margin, it only adjusts width
- sz.setHeight(sz.height() + 2 * pixelMetric(PM_FocusFrameVMargin));
+ sz.setHeight(sz.height() + 2 * pixelMetric(PM_FocusFrameVMargin) - 8); //QCommonstyle adds 8 to height that this style handles through PM values
case CT_ComboBox: {
@@ -2816,16 +2849,7 @@
case SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup: {
- const QRect desktopContent = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry();
- // take the size of this and position bottom above available area
- QRect popupRect;
- const int width = desktopContent.width() - pixelMetric(PM_LayoutRightMargin) - pixelMetric(PM_LayoutLeftMargin);
- popupRect.setWidth(width);
- popupRect.setHeight(desktopContent.height()); //combobox resets height anyway based on content
- popupRect.setBottom(desktopContent.bottom());
- popupRect.translate(pixelMetric(PM_LayoutLeftMargin), 0);
- ret = popupRect;
+ ret = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry();
@@ -2980,21 +3004,38 @@
pixelMetric(PM_SmallIconSize, opt, widget);
ret = menuItem->rect;
+ QRect checkBoxRect = checkable ? menuItem->rect : QRect();
+ if (checkable) {
+ checkBoxRect.setWidth(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorWidth));
+ checkBoxRect.setHeight(pixelMetric(PM_IndicatorHeight));
+ }
+ const int vSpacing = QS60StylePrivate::pixelMetric(PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing);
+ //The vertical spacing is doubled; it needs one spacing to separate checkbox from
+ //highlight and then it needs one to separate it whatever is shown after it (text/icon/both).
+ const int moveByX = checkBoxRect.width() + 2 * vSpacing;
if (element == SE_ItemViewItemDecoration) {
if (menuItem->icon.isNull()) {
ret = QRect();
} else {
if (menuItem->direction == Qt::RightToLeft)
- ret.translate(ret.width() - indicatorWidth, 0);
+ ret.translate(ret.width() - indicatorWidth - moveByX, 0);
+ else
+ ret.translate(moveByX, 0);
} else {
- ret = menuItem->rect;
- if (!menuItem->icon.isNull())
+ if (!menuItem->icon.isNull()) {
if (menuItem->direction == Qt::LeftToRight)
ret.adjust(indicatorWidth, 0, 0, 0);
ret.adjust(0, 0, -indicatorWidth, 0);
+ }
+ if (menuItem->direction == Qt::LeftToRight)
+ ret.adjust(moveByX, 0, 0, 0);
+ else
+ ret.adjust(0, 0, -moveByX, 0);
// Make room for submenu indicator
if (menuItem->menuItemType == QStyleOptionMenuItem::SubMenu){
@@ -3072,6 +3113,11 @@
case SE_CheckBoxFocusRect:
ret = opt->rect;
+ case SE_ProgressBarLabel:
+ case SE_ProgressBarContents:
+ case SE_ProgressBarGroove:
+ ret = opt->rect;
+ break;
ret = QCommonStyle::subElementRect(element, opt, widget);
@@ -3321,13 +3367,13 @@
part = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnNoteErased;
case SP_ToolBarHorizontalExtensionButton:
- part = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubMenu;
+ part = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubmenu;
if (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
adjustedFlags |= QS60StylePrivate::SF_PointSouth;
case SP_ToolBarVerticalExtensionButton:
adjustedFlags |= QS60StylePrivate::SF_PointEast;
- part = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubMenu;
+ part = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiSubmenu;