changeset 33 3e2da88830cd
parent 18 2f34d5167611
child 37 758a864f9613
--- a/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp	Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/network/kernel/qauthenticator.cpp	Wed Aug 18 10:37:55 2010 +0300
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
 #include <qdatastream.h>
 #include <qendian.h>
 #include <qstring.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
@@ -83,6 +85,44 @@
   Note that, in particular, NTLM version 2 is not supported.
+  \section1 Options
+  In addition to the username and password required for authentication, a
+  QAuthenticator object can also contain additional options. The
+  options() function can be used to query incoming options sent by
+  the server; the setOption() function can
+  be used to set outgoing options, to be processed by the authenticator
+  calculation. The options accepted and provided depend on the authentication
+  type (see method()).
+  The following tables list known incoming options as well as accepted
+  outgoing options. The list of incoming options is not exhaustive, since
+  servers may include additional information at any time. The list of
+  outgoing options is exhaustive, however, and no unknown options will be
+  treated or sent back to the server.
+  \section2 Basic
+  \table
+    \header \o Option \o Direction \o Description
+    \row \o \tt{realm} \o Incoming \o Contains the realm of the authentication, the same as realm()
+  \endtable
+  The Basic authentication mechanism supports no outgoing options.
+  \section2 NTLM version 1
+  The NTLM authentication mechanism currently supports no incoming or outgoing options.
+  \section2 Digest-MD5
+  \table
+    \header \o Option \o Direction \o Description
+    \row \o \tt{realm} \o Incoming \o Contains the realm of the authentication, the same as realm()
+  \endtable
+  The Digest-MD5 authentication mechanism supports no outgoing options.
   \sa QSslSocket
@@ -138,7 +178,8 @@
     return d->user == other.d->user
         && d->password == other.d->password
         && d->realm == other.d->realm
-        && d->method == other.d->method;
+        && d->method == other.d->method
+        && d->options == other.d->options;
@@ -162,7 +203,18 @@
 void QAuthenticator::setUser(const QString &user)
-    d->user = user;
+    int separatorPosn = 0;
+    separatorPosn = user.indexOf(QLatin1String("\\"));
+    if (separatorPosn == -1) {
+        //No domain name present
+        d->user = user;
+    } else {
+        //domain name is present
+        d->realm = user.left(separatorPosn);
+        d->user = user.mid(separatorPosn+1);
+    }
@@ -205,9 +257,49 @@
     return d ? d->realm : QString();
+    \since 4.7
+    Returns the value related to option \a opt if it was set by the server.
+    See \l{QAuthenticator#Options} for more information on incoming options.
+    If option \a opt isn't found, an invalid QVariant will be returned.
+    \sa options(), QAuthenticator#Options
+QVariant QAuthenticator::option(const QString &opt) const
+    return d ? d->options.value(opt) : QVariant();
-  returns true if the authenticator is null.
+    \since 4.7
+    Returns all incoming options set in this QAuthenticator object by parsing
+    the server reply. See \l{QAuthenticator#Options} for more information
+    on incoming options.
+    \sa option(), QAuthenticator#Options
+QVariantHash QAuthenticator::options() const
+    return d ? d->options : QVariantHash();
+    \since 4.7
+    Sets the outgoing option \a opt to value \a value.
+    See \l{QAuthenticator#Options} for more information on outgoing options.
+    \sa options(), option(), QAuthenticator#Options
+void QAuthenticator::setOption(const QString &opt, const QVariant &value)
+    detach();
+    d->options.insert(opt, value);
+    Returns true if the authenticator is null.
 bool QAuthenticator::isNull() const
@@ -228,7 +320,20 @@
 #ifndef QT_NO_HTTP
 void QAuthenticatorPrivate::parseHttpResponse(const QHttpResponseHeader &header, bool isProxy)
-    QList<QPair<QString, QString> > values = header.values();
+    const QList<QPair<QString, QString> > values = header.values();
+    QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > rawValues;
+    QList<QPair<QString, QString> >::const_iterator it, end;
+    for (it = values.constBegin(), end = values.constEnd(); it != end; ++it)
+        rawValues.append(qMakePair(it->first.toLatin1(), it->second.toUtf8()));
+    // continue in byte array form
+    parseHttpResponse(rawValues, isProxy);
+void QAuthenticatorPrivate::parseHttpResponse(const QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > &values, bool isProxy)
     const char *search = isProxy ? "proxy-authenticate" : "www-authenticate";
     method = None;
@@ -242,38 +347,40 @@
       authentication parameters.
-    QString headerVal;
+    QByteArray headerVal;
     for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
-        const QPair<QString, QString> &current =;
-        if (current.first.toLower() != QLatin1String(search))
+        const QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> &current =;
+        if (current.first.toLower() != search)
-        QString str = current.second;
-        if (method < Basic && str.startsWith(QLatin1String("Basic"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
-            method = Basic; headerVal = str.mid(6);
-        } else if (method < Ntlm && str.startsWith(QLatin1String("NTLM"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+        QByteArray str = current.second.toLower();
+        if (method < Basic && str.startsWith("basic")) {
+            method = Basic;
+            headerVal = current.second.mid(6);
+        } else if (method < Ntlm && str.startsWith("ntlm")) {
             method = Ntlm;
-            headerVal = str.mid(5);
-        } else if (method < DigestMd5 && str.startsWith(QLatin1String("Digest"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
+            headerVal = current.second.mid(5);
+        } else if (method < DigestMd5 && str.startsWith("digest")) {
             method = DigestMd5;
-            headerVal = str.mid(7);
+            headerVal = current.second.mid(7);
-    challenge = headerVal.trimmed().toLatin1();
+    challenge = headerVal.trimmed();
     QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> options = parseDigestAuthenticationChallenge(challenge);
     switch(method) {
     case Basic:
-        realm = QString::fromLatin1(options.value("realm"));
+        if(realm.isEmpty())
+            this->options[QLatin1String("realm")] = realm = QString::fromLatin1(options.value("realm"));
         if (user.isEmpty())
             phase = Done;
     case Ntlm:
         // #### extract from header
-        realm.clear();
     case DigestMd5: {
-        realm = QString::fromLatin1(options.value("realm"));
+        if(realm.isEmpty())
+            this->options[QLatin1String("realm")] = realm = QString::fromLatin1(options.value("realm"));
         if (options.value("stale").toLower() == "true")
             phase = Start;
         if (user.isEmpty())
@@ -286,7 +393,6 @@
         phase = Invalid;
 QByteArray QAuthenticatorPrivate::calculateResponse(const QByteArray &requestMethod, const QByteArray &path)
@@ -661,6 +767,20 @@
 #define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_56 0x80000000
+ * AvId values
+ */
+#define AVTIMESTAMP 7
+//#define NTLMV1_CLIENT
+//************************Global variables***************************
+const int blockSize = 64; //As per RFC2104 Block-size is 512 bits
+const int nDigestLen = 16; //Trunctaion Length of the Hmac-Md5 digest
+const quint8 respversion = 1;
+const quint8 hirespversion = 1;
 /* usage:
    // fill up ctx with what we know.
@@ -803,6 +923,7 @@
     // extracted
     QString targetNameStr, targetInfoStr;
+    QByteArray targetInfoBuff;
@@ -818,6 +939,7 @@
     // extracted
     QByteArray lmResponseBuf, ntlmResponseBuf;
     QString domainStr, userStr, workstationStr, sessionKeyStr;
+    QByteArray v2Hash;
@@ -899,7 +1021,7 @@
     return QString((const QChar *), src.size()/2);
 static QByteArray qEncodeNtlmResponse(const QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx, const QNtlmPhase2Block& ch)
     QCryptographicHash md4(QCryptographicHash::Md4);
@@ -941,7 +1063,232 @@
     return rc;
+* Function Name: qEncodeHmacMd5
+* Params:
+*    key:   Type - QByteArray
+*         - It is the Authentication key
+*    message:   Type - QByteArray
+*         - This is the actual message which will be encoded
+*           using HMacMd5 hash algorithm
+* Return Value:
+*    hmacDigest:   Type - QByteArray
+* Description:
+*    This function will be used to encode the input message using
+*    HMacMd5 hash algorithm.
+*    As per the RFC2104 the HMacMd5 algorithm can be specified
+*        ---------------------------------------
+*         MD5(K XOR opad, MD5(K XOR ipad, text))
+*        ---------------------------------------
+QByteArray qEncodeHmacMd5(QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &message)
+    Q_ASSERT_X(!(message.isEmpty()),"qEncodeHmacMd5", "Empty message check");
+    Q_ASSERT_X(!(key.isEmpty()),"qEncodeHmacMd5", "Empty key check");
+    QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
+    QByteArray hMsg;
+    QByteArray iKeyPad(blockSize, 0x36);
+    QByteArray oKeyPad(blockSize, 0x5c);
+    hash.reset();
+    // Adjust the key length to blockSize
+    if(blockSize < key.length()) {
+        hash.addData(key);
+        key = hash.result(); //MD5 will always return 16 bytes length output
+    }
+    //Key will be <= 16 or 20 bytes as hash function (MD5 or SHA hash algorithms)
+    //key size can be max of Block size only
+    key = key.leftJustified(blockSize,0,true);
+    //iKeyPad, oKeyPad and key are all of same size "blockSize"
+    //xor of iKeyPad with Key and store the result into iKeyPad
+    for(int i = 0; i<key.size();i++) {
+        iKeyPad[i] = key[i]^iKeyPad[i];
+    }
+    //xor of oKeyPad with Key and store the result into oKeyPad
+    for(int i = 0; i<key.size();i++) {
+        oKeyPad[i] = key[i]^oKeyPad[i];
+    }
+    iKeyPad.append(message); // (K0 xor ipad) || text
+    hash.reset();
+    hash.addData(iKeyPad);
+    hMsg = hash.result();
+                    //Digest gen after pass-1: H((K0 xor ipad)||text)
+    QByteArray hmacDigest;
+    oKeyPad.append(hMsg);
+    hash.reset();
+    hash.addData(oKeyPad);
+    hmacDigest = hash.result();
+                    // H((K0 xor opad )|| H((K0 xor ipad) || text))
+    /*hmacDigest should not be less than half the length of the HMAC output
+      (to match the birthday attack bound) and not less than 80 bits
+      (a suitable lower bound on the number of bits that need to be
+      predicted by an attacker).
+      Refer RFC 2104 for more details on truncation part */
+    /*MD5 hash always returns 16 byte digest only and HMAC-MD5 spec
+      (RFC 2104) also says digest length should be 16 bytes*/
+    return hmacDigest;
+static QByteArray qCreatev2Hash(const QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx,
+                                QNtlmPhase3Block *phase3)
+    Q_ASSERT(phase3 != 0);
+    // since v2 Hash is need for both NTLMv2 and LMv2 it is calculated
+    // only once and stored and reused
+    if(phase3->v2Hash.size() == 0) {
+        QCryptographicHash md4(QCryptographicHash::Md4);
+        QByteArray passUnicode = qStringAsUcs2Le(ctx->password);
+        md4.addData(, passUnicode.size());
+        QByteArray hashKey = md4.result();
+        Q_ASSERT(hashKey.size() == 16);
+        // Assuming the user and domain is always unicode in challenge
+        QByteArray message =
+                qStringAsUcs2Le(ctx->user.toUpper()) +
+                qStringAsUcs2Le(ctx->realm);
+        phase3->v2Hash = qEncodeHmacMd5(hashKey, message);
+    }
+    return phase3->v2Hash;
+static QByteArray clientChallenge(const QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx)
+    Q_ASSERT(ctx->cnonce.size() >= 8);
+    QByteArray clientCh = ctx->cnonce.right(8);
+    return clientCh;
+// caller has to ensure a valid targetInfoBuff
+static bool qExtractServerTime(const QByteArray& targetInfoBuff,
+                               quint64 *serverTime)
+    Q_ASSERT(serverTime != 0);
+    bool retValue = false;
+    QDataStream ds(targetInfoBuff);
+    ds.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian);
+    quint16 avId;
+    quint16 avLen;
+    ds >> avId;
+    ds >> avLen;
+    while(avId != 0) {
+        if(avId == AVTIMESTAMP) {
+            QByteArray timeArray(avLen, 0);
+            //avLen size of QByteArray is allocated
+            ds.readRawData(, avLen);
+            bool ok;
+            *serverTime = timeArray.toHex().toLongLong(&ok, 16);
+            retValue = true;
+            break;
+        }
+        ds.skipRawData(avLen);
+        ds >> avId;
+        ds >> avLen;
+    }
+    return retValue;
+static QByteArray qEncodeNtlmv2Response(const QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx,
+                                        const QNtlmPhase2Block& ch,
+                                        QNtlmPhase3Block *phase3)
+    Q_ASSERT(phase3 != 0);
+    // return value stored in phase3
+    qCreatev2Hash(ctx, phase3);
+    QByteArray temp;
+    QDataStream ds(&temp, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+    ds.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian);
+    ds << respversion;
+    ds << hirespversion;
+    //Reserved
+    QByteArray reserved1(6, 0);
+    ds.writeRawData(reserved1.constData(), reserved1.size());
+    quint64 time = 0;
+    //if server sends time, use it instead of current time
+    if(!(ch.targetInfo.len && qExtractServerTime(ch.targetInfoBuff, &time))) {
+        QDateTime currentTime(QDate::currentDate(),
+                              QTime::currentTime(), Qt::UTC);
+        // number of seconds between 1601 and epoc(1970)
+        // 369 years, 89 leap years
+        // ((369 * 365) + 89) * 24 * 3600 = 11644473600
+        time = Q_UINT64_C(currentTime.toTime_t() + 11644473600);
+        // represented as 100 nano seconds
+        time = Q_UINT64_C(time * 10000000);
+    }
+    ds << time;
+    //8 byte client challenge
+    QByteArray clientCh = clientChallenge(ctx);
+    ds.writeRawData(clientCh.constData(), clientCh.size());
+    //Reserved
+    QByteArray reserved2(4, 0);
+    ds.writeRawData(reserved2.constData(), reserved2.size());
+    if (ch.targetInfo.len > 0) {
+        ds.writeRawData(ch.targetInfoBuff.constData(),
+                        ch.targetInfoBuff.size());
+    }
+    //Reserved
+    QByteArray reserved3(4, 0);
+    ds.writeRawData(reserved3.constData(), reserved3.size());
+    QByteArray message((const char*)ch.challenge, sizeof(ch.challenge));
+    message.append(temp);
+    QByteArray ntChallengeResp = qEncodeHmacMd5(phase3->v2Hash, message);
+    ntChallengeResp.append(temp);
+    return ntChallengeResp;
+static QByteArray qEncodeLmv2Response(const QAuthenticatorPrivate *ctx,
+                                      const QNtlmPhase2Block& ch,
+                                      QNtlmPhase3Block *phase3)
+    Q_ASSERT(phase3 != 0);
+    // return value stored in phase3
+    qCreatev2Hash(ctx, phase3);
+    QByteArray message((const char*)ch.challenge, sizeof(ch.challenge));
+    QByteArray clientCh = clientChallenge(ctx);
+    message.append(clientCh);
+    QByteArray lmChallengeResp = qEncodeHmacMd5(phase3->v2Hash, message);
+    lmChallengeResp.append(clientCh);
+    return lmChallengeResp;
 static bool qNtlmDecodePhase2(const QByteArray& data, QNtlmPhase2Block& ch)
@@ -976,7 +1323,10 @@
     if (ch.targetInfo.len > 0) {
-        // UNUSED right now
+        if (ch.targetInfo.len + ch.targetInfo.offset > (unsigned)data.size())
+            return false;
+        ch.targetInfoBuff = data.mid(ch.targetInfo.offset, ch.targetInfo.len);
     return true;
@@ -996,7 +1346,8 @@
     bool unicode = ch.flags & NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE;
-    ctx->realm = ch.targetNameStr;
+    if(ctx->realm.isEmpty())
+        ctx->realm = ch.targetNameStr;
     if (unicode)
@@ -1010,6 +1361,7 @@
     offset = qEncodeNtlmString(pb.domain, offset, ctx->realm, unicode);
     pb.domainStr = ctx->realm;
     offset = qEncodeNtlmString(pb.user, offset, ctx->user, unicode);
     pb.userStr = ctx->user;
@@ -1017,11 +1369,23 @@
     pb.workstationStr = ctx->workstation;
     // Get LM response
     pb.lmResponseBuf = qEncodeLmResponse(ctx, ch);
+    if (ch.targetInfo.len > 0) {
+        pb.lmResponseBuf = QByteArray();
+    } else {
+        pb.lmResponseBuf = qEncodeLmv2Response(ctx, ch, &pb);
+    }
     offset = qEncodeNtlmBuffer(pb.lmResponse, offset, pb.lmResponseBuf);
     // Get NTLM response
     pb.ntlmResponseBuf = qEncodeNtlmResponse(ctx, ch);
+    pb.ntlmResponseBuf = qEncodeNtlmv2Response(ctx, ch, &pb);
     offset = qEncodeNtlmBuffer(pb.ntlmResponse, offset, pb.ntlmResponseBuf);