--- a/tools/linguist/lupdate/cpp.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
+++ b/tools/linguist/lupdate/cpp.cpp Wed Aug 18 10:37:55 2010 +0300
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h> // for isXXX()
@@ -226,6 +228,8 @@
int elseLine;
+ std::ostream &yyMsg(int line = 0);
uint getChar();
uint getToken();
bool getMacroArgs();
@@ -352,6 +356,12 @@
inDefine = false;
+std::ostream &CppParser::yyMsg(int line)
+ return std::cerr << qPrintable(yyFileName) << ':' << (line ? line : yyLineNo) << ": ";
void CppParser::setInput(const QString &in)
yyInStr = in;
@@ -613,9 +623,9 @@
if (yyBracketDepth != is.bracketDepth1st
|| yyBraceDepth != is.braceDepth1st
|| yyParenDepth != is.parenDepth1st)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Parenthesis/bracket/brace mismatch between "
- "#if and #else branches; using #if branch\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), is.elseLine);
+ yyMsg(is.elseLine)
+ << "Parenthesis/bracket/brace mismatch between "
+ "#if and #else branches; using #if branch\n";
} else {
is.bracketDepth1st = yyBracketDepth;
is.braceDepth1st = yyBraceDepth;
@@ -636,9 +646,9 @@
if (yyBracketDepth != is.bracketDepth1st
|| yyBraceDepth != is.braceDepth1st
|| yyParenDepth != is.parenDepth1st)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Parenthesis/brace mismatch between "
- "#if and #else branches; using #if branch\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), is.elseLine);
+ yyMsg(is.elseLine)
+ << "Parenthesis/brace mismatch between "
+ "#if and #else branches; using #if branch\n";
yyBracketDepth = is.bracketDepth1st;
yyBraceDepth = is.braceDepth1st;
yyParenDepth = is.parenDepth1st;
@@ -664,8 +674,7 @@
forever {
yyCh = getChar();
if (yyCh == EOF) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unterminated C++ comment\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unterminated C++ comment\n";
@@ -795,8 +804,7 @@
forever {
yyCh = getChar();
if (yyCh == EOF) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unterminated C++ comment\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unterminated C++ comment\n";
*ptr++ = yyCh;
@@ -829,8 +837,7 @@
yyWord.resize(ptr - (ushort *)yyWord.unicode());
if (yyCh != '"')
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unterminated C++ string\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unterminated C++ string\n";
yyCh = getChar();
return Tok_String;
@@ -867,8 +874,7 @@
forever {
if (yyCh == EOF || yyCh == '\n') {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unterminated C++ character\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unterminated C++ character\n";
yyCh = getChar();
@@ -887,9 +893,9 @@
case '}':
if (yyBraceDepth == yyMinBraceDepth) {
if (!inDefine)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Excess closing brace in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyCurLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyCurLineNo)
+ << "Excess closing brace in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
// Avoid things getting messed up even more
yyCh = getChar();
return Tok_Semicolon;
@@ -905,9 +911,9 @@
return Tok_LeftParen;
case ')':
if (yyParenDepth == 0)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Excess closing parenthesis in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyCurLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyCurLineNo)
+ << "Excess closing parenthesis in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
yyCh = getChar();
@@ -920,9 +926,9 @@
return Tok_LeftBracket;
case ']':
if (yyBracketDepth == 0)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Excess closing bracket in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyCurLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyCurLineNo)
+ << "Excess closing bracket in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
yyCh = getChar();
@@ -1290,8 +1296,7 @@
QString cleanFile = QDir::cleanPath(file);
if (inclusions.contains(cleanFile)) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: circular inclusion of %s\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo, qPrintable(cleanFile));
+ yyMsg() << "circular inclusion of " << qPrintable(cleanFile) << std::endl;
@@ -1315,9 +1320,9 @@
QFile f(cleanFile);
if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Cannot open %s: %s\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo,
- qPrintable(cleanFile), qPrintable(f.errorString()));
+ yyMsg()
+ << "Cannot open " << qPrintable(cleanFile) << ": "
+ << qPrintable(f.errorString()) << std::endl;
@@ -1656,8 +1661,7 @@
// Forward-declared class definitions can be namespaced.
NamespaceList nsl;
if (!fullyQualify(namespaces, quali, true, &nsl, 0)) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Ignoring definition of undeclared qualified class\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Ignoring definition of undeclared qualified class\n";
@@ -1682,9 +1686,14 @@
HashString ns = HashString(text);
yyTok = getToken();
if (yyTok == Tok_LeftBrace) {
+ yyTok = getToken();
enterNamespace(&namespaces, ns);
- yyTok = getToken();
+ functionContext = namespaces;
+ functionContextUnresolved.clear();
+ prospectiveContext.clear();
+ pendingContext.clear();
} else if (yyTok == Tok_Equals) {
// e.g. namespace Is = OuterSpace::InnerSpace;
QList<HashString> fullName;
@@ -1757,8 +1766,7 @@
if (!tor)
goto case_default;
if (!sourcetext.isEmpty())
- qWarning("%s:%d: //%% cannot be used with tr() / QT_TR_NOOP(). Ignoring\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "//% cannot be used with tr() / QT_TR_NOOP(). Ignoring\n";
utf8 = (yyTok == Tok_trUtf8);
line = yyLineNo;
yyTok = getToken();
@@ -1779,10 +1787,9 @@
QStringList unresolved;
if (!fullyQualify(namespaces, pendingContext, true, &functionContext, &unresolved)) {
functionContextUnresolved = unresolved.join(strColons);
- qWarning("%s:%d: Qualifying with unknown namespace/class %s::%s\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo,
- qPrintable(stringifyNamespace(functionContext)),
- qPrintable(unresolved.first()));
+ yyMsg() << "Qualifying with unknown namespace/class "
+ << qPrintable(stringifyNamespace(functionContext)) << "::"
+ << qPrintable(unresolved.first()) << std::endl;
@@ -1790,8 +1797,7 @@
if (functionContextUnresolved.isEmpty()) {
int idx = functionContext.length();
if (idx < 2) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: tr() cannot be called without context\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "tr() cannot be called without context\n";
Namespace *fctx;
@@ -1800,9 +1806,8 @@
context = stringifyNamespace(functionContext);
fctx = findNamespace(functionContext)->classDef;
if (!fctx->complained) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo,
- qPrintable(context));
+ yyMsg() << "Class '" << qPrintable(context)
+ << "' lacks Q_OBJECT macro\n";
fctx->complained = true;
goto gotctx;
@@ -1830,9 +1835,8 @@
int last = prefix.lastIndexOf(strColons);
QString className = prefix.mid(last == -1 ? 0 : last + 2);
if (!className.isEmpty() && className == functionName) {
- qWarning("%s::%d: It is not recommended to call tr() from within a constructor '%s::%s' ",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo,
- className.constData(), functionName.constData());
+ yyMsg() << "It is not recommended to call tr() from within a constructor '"
+ << qPrintable(className) << "::" << qPrintable(functionName) << "'\n";
@@ -1847,9 +1851,7 @@
context = fctx->trQualification;
if (!fctx->hasTrFunctions && !fctx->complained) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Class '%s' lacks Q_OBJECT macro\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo,
- qPrintable(context));
+ yyMsg() << "Class '" << qPrintable(context) << "' lacks Q_OBJECT macro\n";
fctx->complained = true;
} else {
@@ -1861,6 +1863,7 @@
recordMessage(line, context, text, comment, extracomment, msgid, extra, utf8, plural);
+ sourcetext.clear(); // Will have warned about that already
@@ -1870,8 +1873,7 @@
if (!tor)
goto case_default;
if (!sourcetext.isEmpty())
- qWarning("%s:%d: //%% cannot be used with translate() / QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(). Ignoring\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "//% cannot be used with translate() / QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(). Ignoring\n";
utf8 = (yyTok == Tok_translateUtf8);
line = yyLineNo;
yyTok = getToken();
@@ -1917,6 +1919,7 @@
recordMessage(line, context, text, comment, extracomment, msgid, extra, utf8, plural);
+ sourcetext.clear(); // Will have warned about that already
@@ -1925,8 +1928,7 @@
if (!tor)
goto case_default;
if (!msgid.isEmpty())
- qWarning("%s:%d: //= cannot be used with qtTrId() / QT_TRID_NOOP(). Ignoring\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "//= cannot be used with qtTrId() / QT_TRID_NOOP(). Ignoring\n";
//utf8 = false; // Maybe use //%% or something like that
line = yyLineNo;
yyTok = getToken();
@@ -1993,15 +1995,13 @@
if (isspace(c))
if (c != '"') {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unexpected character in meta string\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unexpected character in meta string\n";
forever {
if (p >= yyWord.length()) {
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unterminated meta string\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Unterminated meta string\n";
c = yyWord.unicode()[p++].unicode();
@@ -2054,8 +2054,7 @@
case Tok_Arrow:
yyTok = getToken();
if (yyTok == Tok_tr || yyTok == Tok_trUtf8)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Cannot invoke tr() like this\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyLineNo);
+ yyMsg() << "Cannot invoke tr() like this\n";
case Tok_ColonColon:
if (yyBraceDepth == namespaceDepths.count() && yyParenDepth == 0 && !yyTokColonSeen)
@@ -2087,9 +2086,13 @@
case Tok_Semicolon:
- extracomment.clear();
- msgid.clear();
- extra.clear();
+ if (!sourcetext.isEmpty() || !extracomment.isEmpty() || !msgid.isEmpty() || !extra.isEmpty()) {
+ yyMsg() << "Discarding unconsumed meta data\n";
+ sourcetext.clear();
+ extracomment.clear();
+ msgid.clear();
+ extra.clear();
+ }
yyTokColonSeen = false;
yyTok = getToken();
@@ -2123,17 +2126,17 @@
if (yyBraceDepth != 0)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unbalanced opening brace in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyBraceLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyBraceLineNo)
+ << "Unbalanced opening brace in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
else if (yyParenDepth != 0)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unbalanced opening parenthesis in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyParenLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyParenLineNo)
+ << "Unbalanced opening parenthesis in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
else if (yyBracketDepth != 0)
- qWarning("%s:%d: Unbalanced opening bracket in C++ code"
- " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n",
- qPrintable(yyFileName), yyBracketLineNo);
+ yyMsg(yyBracketLineNo)
+ << "Unbalanced opening bracket in C++ code"
+ " (or abuse of the C++ preprocessor)\n";
const ParseResults *CppParser::recordResults(bool isHeader)